Newspaper Page Text
*, ifi«* "'41 §?2H *1 COPE PIONEER. 4 ,J3UB»AL 0FSTKKL?COUNTY. 5®S For cabbage plant* and early vegetables call fe^^Aflopegarden. '._ «?S JOHNMOOBES. Iomib meney tor final proof ^better terms than can be secnred elsewhere. »"«r Sale. ,,, £@Ohweqr load of aott ooal for «ale cheap for EL SMITH,HopvD. T. Wanted. Blacksmith must beageod horeeshoer thoroughly understand plows. Apply to D. T. s?*si^. •--. Hotiee. 'B^ jiea^gronnd en abort notice aid »B rea S aoriaWe terms, by K. P. RASKUSSON, on 28, Township 144, Range 57. l!g-:-KQU^ idtt Jartfes are hereby notified not to eat bay *in anytif tbeland owned by the Bed Hirer land Company without my permission. H. D. CABKHTH, I Agent Bed MTW land Company. S^lfeiMtope Sehool TowuUp mtf^eanaMed voters at Hope adml tew* HMp are.requested to meet at the Hop® HMM 'if *n Saturday afternoon, May 18S8, at 3 «?clock p. JB„ for the porpoae of dfeewwiftff fiiattea of *ij»l importance to thetotnHkt^ A. full attendance la desired. Br«rfer«t ©ft fflmri. ttH. msK*,Chafc. ^1?^'''* Settee. There will be a special u*«»&ie«S tftftBWfflfc ofConnty CommigrionNS «t 3as)fo QSWflfts.Stt Sherbrooke, on Satnitoft, fcmft®lli, If^.itftlil Iptfelock a. m., forth* «W»rtWfcJi$fe come before the BeatA Datedat SherfcntKft, lb. 1£,,Ulits23ttti d4«jO&J Hay, A.D. 1886. iL&.&fi.'MttfWi, Q.wtosQit«ik. Have You LamhPin'SMM? I have frequent in«an«&Mr ttaHaJftUfcCdits. If you have any for aatolsSlMdteur aflJrihiWg counties send me themoatara with tUlLlfe ccripUoii'as to soil, UnpwiwmJft, teaa^ipBUft, terms, etc., and state what jeer HO* fet, amttH /will sdl it for you. Don'V correspond with me UNTO® JWE vunit foirtJ, and are willing to, take bottom priiBBS. Address me at Iowa City, Iowa, test Bmr IMS. ft OTisasm. Vor Sale. 160 acres of land in section 12, tp. 142. imp 58, iii Barnes county, D. T., 12 miles sooth ef Hope, on direct line between Tower City aai Hope, 7% miles west of Manitoba railway station at Page. This quarter is in a goad neighborhood, close te school bouse, and moth at the surrounding land is occupied by penna mni settlers and well improved. Good water. Patent has been issaed, and purchaser's title will be secure. Will be sold reiy cheap. For particulars address EDITOR HOPE PIONEEB, Hope, D. T. Notice to Carpenters. Carpenters wanted to build a school house an the southwest corner of sec. 20, town 14$ range 57. Plans and specifications to be seen at the house of the clerk, on sec. 22, town 147, -range 57, up to and including the th day of Jane, and till 4 o'clock p. m., of the same day. The school board will meet in school house No. 2, on the southwest corner of sec. 22, town 117, range 57, from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock p. m., of the Bameday to receive offers and let the contract of building. AIBO there shall be let, the same day, the drawing of the lumber to build the above mentioned achool house. The Board reserves the right toreject any or all bids. JOHN A. Clerk Norman School Township. Jfotiee to the Land Owners in Eager Township. Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the %wnBhip af Enger, that in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An Act to prevent the spread of noxious weeds in the territory, of Dakota," every person, corporation or firm owning land within said township, .. shall, between the 16th day of June, 1886, and the 15th day of July, 1886, destroy, upon any and all lands that he, she or they may own, all weeds of the kind known as wild mustard, cockle burr and Canada thistle. During said period such owners shall destroy such.weeds in the following manner, namely: by pulling and destroying the plants of said weeds, and by keepiug such lands entirely free from the above named weeds .for said period. Parties not implying with this notice will be prosecuted in accordance with the provis ions of said Act By order of the Township Board of Super visors. Dated May 22nd, 1886. -I- L. C. G0PLERUD, Township Clerk. Hope Public School. 'following is the report tor Hope public school for the week ending May 21st, 1888: Bnroiiment for week—boys 16, girls 16, total ®2r»verage attendance—boys 15.4, girls 14.8 total SO.'E per cent, of attendance—boys 96.25 fi^ris 92a5, totalS4.88 cases of tardiness—boys D, girlB$, total 3. Parents and' others are requested to be pres ent at a monthly review of classes, Friday June both forenoon and afternoon. & MES. JJ. D. P. HOGUB, Teacher. bodily pains are Instantly relieved by the use St. Jacobs OD. Dr. B. Butler, Master of Arts, Cambridge University, England, says 'It ^acts likevmagic." j. By tha deatii of her grandfather, CoL John bpli- Folsora, Mise Frankle Folsom, the bride *~plei President Cleveland, falls heir to prop prtyyalued at a million dollaro. fe?-v^1'6 ^.afflage to property and crops in Ohio 'Iby the recent tornadoes is estimated at net less 4han«ight' millions of dollars. This is a terri- View to the agriculturists of the western Her Of wnnties, and without assistance it wil' iuirefyearsfor. them to regain what was them in a few abort hours. p2B is#moanced at Phlladeipela that Keely, !:®a inv®nt°r, last Saturday gave a successful .r. cxbiblilbn of his motor. .Every experiment |^V?jmdertaken was successful and a wonderful If '^xhibitipn of the vibratory power of the motor W given. The exhibition is said to have been iglven lttjjibe presence of twenty-five capitalists |ind scientists, and though many at first de elared the motor a fraud, they were all con vinoeditf Xttewcm before the exhibition was One of the most Important decisions emanat 14 )ng from the interior department Tor mftoy a 4ay has just been rendered Jnar, to^be by Secretary La. effect that the rights of a purchaser er mortgagee of lands held for cancellation jnustlra recognized. That is to say, the pur ^flChasw or morl^agee of land concerning which question of title before patent has m#y appear a pw1y 10 irfrtShtof the entryman to ^bUah the TMHO patent Thta affords proper protectten fa titfit* who np*n tbelanls title -sitionof efni^egt "Ipt is.» to wht*^# receiver's receipt and sustains Jurists, that tbe raceir- CUT* aat Tabe. POMCLAITO, Me., May 24.—There is great ex citement here. This morning the British schooner Staters, from Yarmouth, N. S.j with carg* of 80,000 mackerel, was seized by the oallector of customs. The qaptaln of the sohoener di 1 not have a manifest, and the usu al fineof700 was imposed upon htm. Ashe could not pay it, his vessel with its cargo was seized. Secretary Bayard and the Maine Con. gressmen have been infonaeaof the seizure. Cajpt. JOlis this after^n placed his case in the hands of Vice-Consul Stan, her majesty's rep retfenfative here. He says if the troubles at Bigby had not occurred he would not have been molested. A Toronto special sayB the feelings of the Canadians generally over the seizure of the American fishing vessels Adams and Doughty are those of satisfaction, the universal opinion in the western part of the country atleaBt be ing that the present difficulty will bring about an amicable settlement of the whole question to the mutual advantage of both countries. Canadians, however, are not willing to leave the matter altogether to the United States and Qieat Britain to settle^ and hardly any adjust ment of the dispute that Canadian representa tive* have not had a voice in bringing about, wttl be favorably received in this country. dQBculty that has arisen over thg Adams, ftMytoaald, has caused more ill fueling, or tfttaiaiy as mad), between England and Can adftM between the latter country and the tMfti States. One Canadian newtpaper says: ®twaj l*aw» a«ieid to the British authori. ifil&titfttaifttikflffl motif* an imperial snubbing. frttitewinrtfiduE wrtiaon seed to, and a few 9M3& TwUiunt) Qncttaa, awl WUJ, perhaps, stir QMMtlys'ttiQluUusiiiftttbixaeiit rn lir daimiug the i^tMC&gfttUteWtiitth wmfli Same us from SBSbtfftlUu». Kb nmored hero »aettteinentot 'UttelWtftoftsee fftfrUtsfe «C those dbMHUK wtuvrt«ih tlhfe gaUUtcima at South BWtotttiUftrft) Uwfttiteihdliqg tttamnhtiB seems tto U«W6 ffttosh frwm ttiolr g/taogt. The long wSta&ftBwaaaimflttimifflff a iu thesouth (sniBKrttaJf ttte tttsnibnj- has hem again re OiMilllivtiteaumto ami the occupancy of soft State government The "senators" jutintti capital, hot the mare substantial evi dence of a senatorial election, in the ahapeof a xoraramait check for services rendered, will not rqmse snugly in their pockets. South Da kota will not be admitted, and with its exciu HOO the hopes of hundreds of mm are dashed ruddy to the ground. But justice should be done the territory as a whole. She deserves statehood and she should have it, regardlesBOf the self interested schemes of politicians for division of different kinds. It may be too much to be expected that this Justtoe will be done by the present congress, bnt the favorable agree ment reached by the house committee regarding the Springer enabling act for the whole territo ry Is aetep in the right direction. It will meet with general approval from tbe w^ole people of the territory and should it by any chance be come a law, congress may rely upon one sec tion of tbe conn by regarding its sins of omis sion or commission in a Bplrit of the broadest charity.—St. Paul Globe, Not the Sparks Kind. WASHINGTON, LONG, May 28.—Col. Peyton, of Vir ginia, was sent to Colorado by Commissioner Sparks, some time ago, to investigate land claims of which Sparks said 95 per cent were frauds. Peyton reported that he could find no frauds. Sparks got mad and told Peyton that he was expected to find fraud. Peyton replied that when he discovered any frands he would report them without any hesitation, but he did not consider it consistent with his duty as an official, or his honor as a gentleman, to make false charges against honest settiera. If the commissioner wanted this done he must send some one else to do it Col. Peyton inclosed his resignation with the remark that its accept ance would be considered as an indication that the commissioner did net wish to have the truth reported. Sparks accepted the resigna tion, i:f0 Dakota Odd Fellows. The following grand offices were elected by the Dakota Odd Fellows: H. J. Bice, Huron, grand master Clarke S. Bowe, Chamberlain, deputy B. E. Briggs, Sioux Falls, grand sec retary A. G. Smith, Lead City, grand wardeii M. P. Olilman, Yankton, grand treasurer A. E. Clougb, Sioux Falls, grand representative H. J. Bowe, G. M., H. J. Bice, D. G. M., and B. B. Briggs, trustees for the ensuing year Ralph E. Briggs, Sioux Falls, grand represen tative, one year H. J. Bowe, Casselton, two years Bev. G. W. Freeman, Elk Point, grand chaplain A. G. Smith, Lead City, grand mar shall B. W. Maratta, Bismarck, grand con ductor Charles J. Miller, Madison, grand guar dian 3. B. Martin, Portland, grand herald. Hillsboro Banner: The Hillsboro nine have already received a challenge from the Portland base ball club to play a game at this point May 81st for $25 a side. The boys will posy up the dust and begin active practice at once. Gray will train with a fifty-pound sledge-hammer. Piatt will exercise that right arm on sundry flour sacks, and tbe rest of the nine will walk twenty-five miles daily, diet on beans and raw steak, with four hours sf practice in the after noon. Manager Greene hopes to be nble in this manner to reduce the averdupois of Cap^ tain Hunt and H. Larson down to a fighting weight. 'He is determined to have hisclnb win. Here is a nickle on tbe home nine. Grand Forks telegram: In the snmmer of 18S2 a man was found in a stable in this city in the stall of a vicious stallion with tbe top of his head eaten off and the stall spattered with blood. His name was McKenzie. It was known that the stallion had killed two men previously. There were no suspicions that McKenzie was murdered and thrown into the stall. Developments have now come to light showing that the horse was only an accessory to tbe murder, and a man named May was tbe guilty party. May went to Canada and died a short time ago, leaving a written fnnf«y«|nn that be had killed McKenzie, thrown him into the stall and let the stallion mutilate him, and that McKenzie was the third man so murdered. Boards of Health endorse Bed Star Cough Cure as a speedy and sure remedy for conglts and colds. Scientists pironoiuice It entirely vegetable and free from opiates. Price, twen. ty-five cents a bottle. The llanltoba Mast Reduce. ST. PAUL, 01 con^rt^ the-part ,Bt mm of the patent the' •jj fPWtiJ and products ot forests going Intp tbe coaulfyjii per /sent Blank notes phattel uort^easiorMto ^tthisofflM 8 THE GREAT N OA MSooality suffl- USito®rtcniHwU aft the United 9S«rt8e,ttee autfot&Bfiw shortly dMp aUli{K«eMttn{g& .-qgtiiifdt tito Aaaedcan N' Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia HHM»I Twttwlw, IT DHU VKI CHASLia A. YOttBLHft CO^BALTISORR. VI 1M) DXALBB8. MARK. Absolutely JFVee front QpfatMi JftrwNi SAFE. SURE. Ie» an4 Poison. iaunmjumWBLElt CO*BILTOIORK,SD, Millinery I Call at the MONTGOMERY HOTElff when I toep eonstantly on hand a lull stoo^ of Miilnery Goods. «5,Sfo"1SfflSi»SS?^Kelt OXICE OF CONTEST. 861ec- Mrs. DASlEh W. VAN DB8ES, Hope, 1. T. Furniture! Furniture! It. 1. 8TEWABT has just received a large supply otlUfe New Household Furniture. Call at his furniture warerooms and look it' over. HEB1FP8 SALE. g?1"y oj Dakota, County of Steele.-ss. The First National Bank of Fargo, plaintiff, »T Hozel F. PioJsert, defendant. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an exe eutlon to me directed and delivered ana now in my h^Dds, Issued out of the clerk's office of the third Judicial district court of Dakota In and for the county of Cass, upon a judgment rendei ed In said court In tavor ot the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, 1 have levied upon Uie following described personal prop erty of said defendant, to-wlt: T( wiH have to return, more or to their admiring He be sore they will have the several months' residence at the One Sorrel Hare, one Brown Mare, one Bay Jl8re, one Sorrel Mare, one Brown Horse, ays bushels of wlyat TAnd aiatrshall, on Tuesday, the 8th day of June, 1886, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of Hill's livery stable. InthetownotHor" proceed to sell a, the above named above described property, 1 satisfy said judgment oatiBl/ Bam JUUKUlBUI and costs,amounting to $257.86,together with all accruing costs of Bale, and Interest on the same from the 10th dayol January, 1886, at the rate of 7 per cent per annnm,at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. B. F. WALDEN, Sheriff of Steele County. D. A. Lindsay, plaintiff's attorney. Dated, Sherbrooke, D. T., May 28th, 1886. my281un4 1ST OT1CE Of 1'lSAL PROOF. LAND OFFICE at Fargo, D. T.", May lBth, 1886. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice or his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, viz: Alvln 8. Burrows, H. E. No. 14,018 for the northwest quarter (N lii) of Sec. Four (4), Tp. 148 North, Range 56 West, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: George S. Christian, Winlleid s. Airord, George Cole, Thomas Ward, all of Hope. Steele county, D. T. The testimony to be taken before Hon. William H. Fancls, Judge of the district court, and in his absence before Alex. McConnell, clerk of the dis trict court, at Valley City, Barnes county, D. T., on the 3rd day of July, A. D. 188U, at his offlc* HORACE AUSTIN, Register MoMahon ft HacLaren, attorneys. my28jun4-l t-18-25ily2 C. S. land Office, Fargo, D. T., I May 20th, 1886. Complaint having been entered at this office by Lorlng N. Bugbee against Ferdinand Menslng for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Bnl—*- Aunuouit' XtO| IMUi^C Ui* Ul OICCIQ VUlUlbJ* iU« i,, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: con testant alleging that the said Ferdinand Menslng has failed to break or plow, or to cause to be broken or plowed, five (5) acres ot said tract during the first year after making said entry or at any other time prior te the commencement of this contest, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 80th day ot June, 1886, at 10 o'clock, a. an., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged failure. V. Edwin Washburn, all of Hope, Steele County, D. T. Tbe testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before the judge, or in his absence be fore the clen of the district court of Steele county, D.- T., at Sberbrooke. Steele county, D. T.. on tr 7th day of June, A. D. 1886, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Regleter. C. J. Paul, attorney. apr80my7-i4-21 -281un4 gHKBIKF-^AJUK. Territory of Dakota, County of Steele.--ss. The Red River Land Company, a corporation, plaintiff, VS. James F. Loeslng, defendant. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a spec ial execution tome directed and delivered,and now in my hands, Issued out ot tbe clerk's office of the Sixth Judicial District Court, Territory of Dakota, In and for the count ot-Barnes, upon a judgment rendered in said court in favor or the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, I have levied upon the follow ing described real property of said defendant, to wit: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) In block twenty sgven (27) In the town of Hope. Steele county, Dakota territory, according to the plat thereof on H]e in the office of the register ot deeds in and for said Steele county and territory of Dakota. And that I shall, on Monday,' tbe 5th day of June. A. D. 1886, at the hour of Two o'clock'!), m., of said day, at the front door of the county build ing at Sheibrooke. in said county and territory, proceed to sell ail tbe right, title and Interest of the above named defendant in and to the above described property, to satisfy sald'ludgment and costs, amounting to Three Hundred and Elgbty nine Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents, together with all accruing costs0? sue, and Interest 011 the same fromihe 28th day of April. J88ti, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, at public auction,'to tbe highest bidder for cash. B. F. WALDEN, Sheriff. MeMahoq 4 WasLaren, plaintiff's attorneys. Dated, Hppe, p, %, April C. May 28.—The Minnesota state railroad warehouse commissioners at their meeting to-day decided that the Manitoba road must reduce passenger fare to three cents per pile, and freight rates on products going ont lit 80th, 3. 188H. apr30my7^14-21-2piun4 ^OTICE OF Filial, mvp, U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D, T., 1 May 19th. 1886. Notice is hereby given that tuefoliowlng named settler has filed notice of his Intention To make Baal moot In support of his claim and secure filial eowthsreof, viz: frank D. Carpenter, D. 8. No. 17,883 forthe ui WA Uso?. Paul, attorni ^OTICE OF 2, Tp. 144 n, 57 w, and names the foUpwJng &s h|s witnesses, SLf!"!?/' D5X' Ar°e K. NJW, Jfibh Knutson, Arthur McLaughlin, ull ot Hope, Steele county D. T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before C. H. Ward, clerk of the district court of Steele Co., D. T., at.Sherbrooke, Steele 7. T., on the 7th day of Ju&, A. D. 1886, iofl- IJqji^-l 1-18-25 FlMAli .U.B,I^ffi«o&T.,} Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make w.and names the folloirliig as his witnesses, vlx: William D. Pope, Fred ,T. rc"' h. J. Pope. M. D. flushes, Samuel F. Henry, ail of Hope, Steele county, MINGTON UE3S THB UNEXCELLED BY AKY. Sureto GU)8S«tUtfacU«n. •,CtaMUl OMe* Ilin,:8.*. Sen York Offiee, 888 Broadinr. Agents Wanted. REMINGTON (Doable and Tripto Action) FORCE pump: The REMINGTON PUMP is ahead of all competition in working easily and rapidly. It is secure from freezing and never needs priming. "WE FTNURTBH ATTACHMENTS TO THB FDHP3 FIT TBXU POB CSB WITH WIHD MILL. Bend for Illustrated Circular and Price List, with Testimonials. Address, 1,T CO., Dion, N. Y. Nxw YORK OFFICE: 283 Broadway. AGENTS •WANTSID. j^OTICE OF HOBTAAUE w^Tiia. Default has been made In the conditions of a cer tain mortgage executed and delivered by William f*f3.8er and Charles Davison, mortgagors to fatrlck H. Carney, mortgagee, "dated the 28th day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty two, and ..recorded as a mortgage In the office of theteglster of deeds of the county of Traill In the territory of Dakota, on the third dsy ot March. A. D. 1882. at 4 o'clock p. m., ia^Book F. of mort gages, on pages 800 and 861', and subsequently transcribed in the office of the register of deeds of Steele county, Dakota territory. In Book D. of mortgages, on page 8(19. on which there is claimed to be due at the date of this not ice the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Forty-one Dollars and rifty-fite Cents, and no action or proceedingbas been Instituted at law or In equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Notice is herebyglven, That by virtue ot a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and of the Btatute In such case made and provided, the said „v-w. w. vuwrefi- lster of deeds, in the village of Sherbrooke, In the county of Steele and territory of Dakota, at public the sheriff of said county of Steele or his deputy of the county, on Monday, the 12th day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and elghty-elx, at one o'clock In the aftern6on, to satlsfjjhe amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest tnereon, and costs and expenses-of sale, and fifty dollars attorney's fees, as stipulated In said mortgage In case of foreclosure. The premises described In said mortgage, and so to be sold, are the lot, piece or parcel ot land situated In the county of Steele and territory of Dakota, and known and described as follows, to wlt: AH of section number thirteen (13) In township number one hundred and forty-seven (147) north, of range numer fifty-live (flSrwest. containing 640 acres, more or less, according to the government survey thereof. J. Dated at Portland, Dakota Territory, this Cth day of May, ]886. PATRICK H. CARNEY, Mortgagee. A- White, attorney for mortgagee, Portland. Dakota Territory. my28Junf-l 1-18-25Jly2-9 J^OTICE OF CONTEST, U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T. 1 April 80,1886. Complaint having been entered at this'office by Jacob w. Cubley against hansom D. Cook for abandoning his homestead entry No. 14,8fll, dated August 10,18X4, upon the of section 12, township 146, range 5^, in Steele county, Da kota territory, with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the oth day of June, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. C..J. Paul, attorney.' my7-14-21-2Blun4 OTICE OF FXNAIi PROOF. -c U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T. I May 18th, 1886. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure finai entry thereof, viz: Charles H. Newton, D. S. No. 15,080 for the S E of Sec. 6, Tp. 144 n, 54 w,and ty' names the following as his witnesses, viz: William D. Pope, Robert A. Pope, Barron M. Hervey. Sidney c: Fuller, all of Hope, Steele coun- P',T' The testimony ot claimant and witness es to be taken before c. H. Ward, clerk of the district court of Steele county, at Sherbrooke, Steele coirutT, D. T„ on the 26th day ot June, A D. 1886, at his office. 7 HORACE AUSTIN, Register. my28Jun4-ll-18-25 •^rOTICE OF FISAL PBOOF. 8. Land Office, Fargo, D. T„ 1 April 16th, 1880. Notice 4s hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim and secure final entry thereof, viz: Jefferson M. Gunufey. H. E. No. 14,106, for the N. W of Sec. 84, Tp. 144 N, R. R6 W., and names the followlng as his witness es, viz: John Sussex, Halsey Curry, Thomas Smith, HORACE AUSTIN, Register. C. J. Paul, attorney. msl4-21-28]un4-ll-18 J^OTICE OF FINAL PKUOF. U. 8. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., I Notice Is hereby given that "he Mlowtog'named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof In support of bis claim and secure final entrythereof. viz- William M. Stewart, D. 8. No. l-i'Mo for tbe northwest quarter (n 1A) of sec. 24, tp. 144 north, range 54 west, and names tbe following as his witnesses, viz: John E. Untot, Charles D. Falkenhagen, Thomas McPheraon, and Aberham Jeuicensen, all Of Galesburg, Traill county,D. T. The testimony to betaken before H. ward, clerk, of the distriot court, at sher brooke, Steele county, D. T., on the 12th day of June, A. D. 188(1, at hie office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. HcKahon & MucLaren, attorneys. my7*14-21-28Jun4-ll j^OTICE Of F13VAI, PJteoF. U. S. land Office, Fargo, D. T., I 1 April 24th, 1886. Notice is hereby given that the lollowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make ITcX? TS the foliowing: as his witnesses, via: II. 8. Curry, n„P\,Purr& William King, Andrew King, all of Colgate, Steele comity, p. T. The testimony to SfoM f" before William H. Francis, Judge of the district court at yalley City, Barnes county, D. T., SPl'PJ!1 absence before Alex. McConneli, clerk of the district ctirt, at Valley City, Barnes county. D. T., on the Gth day of June, A. D. 188B, at his HOSACE ADSTIN, Register. McMahon & MacLaren. attorneys. apr80my7-142128Jun4 The BUYERS! QITIDK la Issued March and cantata D, rhe testimony of claimant ana witnesses* to '.be taken before C. H. Ward. clerk of the district mm D,T..atShi •SilWrof A Sept., each year. 816 page*, 18^x11% inche»,wlth over 3.BOO llliutrattons a whole Picture Gallery. GUM Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or &mlly use. Teus hOR to order, and gives exact cost ot every thing you use, eat, hare fan with. BOOK0 drink, wear, or These HTVAI17AIJX.K Information gleaned from the marlxets of the world. We will mall a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing, Let ns hear from you, Bespectttally, MONTOOMEBY WARD eo. 887 dfc 880 Wabash Atmm,Chicago.1IL NERVOU8 DEBILITATED ME Votl flEG PBOOF. Y.II ,'Steele UOHAOE ACST £731-2, BUILDERS Paul Harrow. .. .• E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. S. \t. ... (Mrty ifayt of a Tolt#io Belt witti speedy Of v«2?u nemycnt cure ^rNSrwuI lJ5? &rnSa?»i ^S?6P Complete reetonu HRaUh, Vlgor and Manboocl guaranteed. ftasi .meh. »eni six cents for postr oostly boxuf goods Kbloh will luuner right uwajr 11 cents receive free, A help rou to more .•Cj* receive free" a 1 of either Bex, road to forttye opens before the" woifcets, Kmp the Pioneer Sarclwere and Machinery Depot of Steele County, where can be found a full Une of Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows and Flying Dutchman Gang Pfows' ^Tricycle Sulky Plow and Furst & Badley Sulky Plow. ,•••••. Pumps and Fanning Mills A full line of Wooden Pumps and Fanning Mills, ajid fact all that the farmer wants in the way of first-class farm machinery. Buggies, Wagons and Carriages: OPEN AND TOP BUGKxIES AND PLAT FORM SPRING- WAGONS, THE KRIOK WAG-ON—Farmers' Choice, always Relia ble THE MILBURN WAGON, the Old Stand-by FLYING DUTCHMAN SULKY PLOWS, &c«, &c. We also have a In connection witli our business, where we are prepared to do all kinds ot Job Work-in Tin and Sheet Iron on Short Notice. erriell Bros, Luce. C. N. Nelson Lumber Co., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP ilHiill LUMBER, LATHS. SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. SASH, Doors, Blinds, Building Papers, Etc. A Large and Well Selected Stock Kept Constantly on Hand. !.:Y YARDS WEST OF RAILROAD TRACK. B. R.. "WTaitney, Manager, Kojae, ID. T. W® ARE AGENTS FOR JOHN DEERE GOODS PLOWS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC. FARMERS! JUST LOOK AT THE NEW DEAL mim MMS •. AGKNTS FOR Universal Gasoline Stoves. Most powerful baraen in the market, bavlog tlie latest improvents. ^Also we cany a tall line ot Hardware, G-arland Stoves and Ranges, Eto.' tSS, h. N. WOOD & CO., Hope, D, T. ft TIISTWAEE, CUTLERY, ETG.^^ -j tiiairi in•(• ri ^/L The Best Seeders* Harrrows & Drills: Tlie Tiiixnph Seeder. The Prairie King Seeder. The Hoosier Seeder. The Straw Bridge Seeder. The Tiger Seeder. The Hoos ier Shoe Press Drill. The Kalamazoo Sprini Tooth Harrow. The Boss Harrow. The N E Y. '#H 1" 4 1 S1 v*- j,""r *"V ijtKK ms3n&&tt4»£ni MANITOBA RAILWAY. Wlth-ifcs 1, miles ot road/la the iw. extending through the .ij!'-^r*ark Region of jfinnesottfe c:-!'. te all practical points in BHD RIVER VALLEY, .. NORTHERN MINNESOT. NORTHER and to Derll'g liafce and Turtle Districts. Doflgo.C sell O PIOHEEn PRCM, ST. PAUL. N DAKOTA, accm'dation jm* mm "s&ir Mono tain TIME TABLE. FBOU .. frivv 8t Paul, STATIONS. 12 48 12 58 1 17 1 82 67 2 22 5 00 5 07 5 25 558 6 18 685 6 48 0 56 7 06 720 8 00 0 15 9 20 0 45 10 25 10 65 11 25 To a ST. 7 80 p.m. LT St Paul ......Jj "8 05 Minneapolis....... •12-00 .» .........'Wllmar.... 12 21 .»' .St.John... 12 88 a. m.. Kerkboven.... .... .......Mnrdoek........ ......-De Graff......... Xanl. 8 7 55 8 55 3 U8 8 15 8 05 2 48 2 85 2 21 1-57 1 82 9 SO p. 9 28 9 67 9 08 "4 8 28 8 10 7 48 7 67 7 43 7 88 7 22 6 U) 5 00 4 85 8 55 8 20 •i 50 Benson.. Clentarf.. Hancock......... ...- Morris.......... .... Breatenrld8»,..... .Wahpeton Dwlght........ Colfax. Walcott......:. .Kindred....... Davenport Addison....... r.. Durbln........ Everest Casselton....... Rlpon,: .........Absaraka...: .Ary ....Page City....... Colgate........ ..Hope..... Tralnsj on Hope branch run Tuesdays, Thurs Paul and Cas- days, and Saturdays. Sir leeplne car service between St. selton. 1 Tickets to all points In the United States and Canada can be procured of Arthur Turner, ticket agent at Hope. C. H. WARBEN, Gen. Pass. Agent, t. Paul. ^IMMBSOTA & KOBTllWEBT- EBN BAELWAT COMPANY. Chicago & St. Louis Short Line. MINNCAPOLIB EST.PAUL JVIinaesota W: jlorthtfesterii ^ilro&d, kalo nedrkk Brig ICS BOTHGS CentroV otTcsnn Ores09 SSclthnurff Olenwood Klrksrluo Hacon 0* Moberl 1 Oo&trallft Uozloo on Je. KAN 8, CITY +1:80 p. m. +11:20 a. m. tDaily ex. Sunday Jex. Saturday gex. Mon day. ). RAYMOND DU PUY, Gen. Sup't H. M.LITTELIi, Gen. Pass. MINNEAP0^fLWA^ SM', CoNNBOnOHf* ~-2*£ Wticrloo 1 Indepena&eo *€-$ town Uontcntma ubuque TTc«porE T.LOUI8 The only line in the Northwest running Pull man's elegant BUFFET SLEEPERS AND COMBINATION SLEEPING AND CHAIR CARS. Popular Boute to Chicago and the 1* EaSt. THE SHORT LINE TO St. lionls, ^-g' Kansas City, ." St Joseph, AtehMMl, i* -"w .(,^v4 teavenwortli, J,'4- Galveston.'^ SEW OKLEAKS AHn^LOmDA?1*' Through to all points South, East and West without change of Dopots. Time Table of tht Kinnesota ft North, western Hallway. Leave St. St. Louis midKansnsCit)' Chicago, Waterloo, and Dnbuqne Randolph, Northfieid, A #aI J* 'i -y Arnve St. Paul. Paul. +8:10 a. m. Faribault, Dodge Cen ter, Rochester', and Lyle +7:50 p. m. t7:00p. m. §8:30 a. in. :W' 'ssw- Austin Agt. ST 10118 And the famous Albert Lea Eoute. TWO THROUGH TRAINS 1)ATT.V~ From St. Paul and Minneapolis tol CHICAGO Without change, connecting with the fast trains of all lines for the East and Southeast. The direct and only lino E^"Close connections made in Union Depot with all trains of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Northern Pacific St Paul & Du Iuth railways, from and to all points North and Northwest. REMEMBER the trains of the Minneapolis & ot. Louis railway are composed of COMFORTA BLE DAI COACHES, MAGNIFICENT FULLHAK SLEEPING CABS, andbur-justly celebrated PAL ACE DINING CABS. 1£3T150 For Baking Purposes. Beat intheWarTcL For sale by H. H. $200,000 andbymaU yonwlll 8i running through cars between St. Paul, Minneapolis and C«s* DES MOINES, IOWA. Via Albert Lea and Fort Dodge. Solid through trains between iiijl! St. Paul,Minneapolis & St. Louis, 1,1 And the principal' cities of the Mississippi Val ley, connecting in Union Depot for all points South and South e.iBt. iiany Hours Saved and Ihe only line running two trains daily to Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison, mak ing connections with the Union Pacific and AtchiBon, Topeka & Sante Fe railways. 11)8 of Baggage checked Free. Fare always as low as the lowest. For Time Tables, Through Tickets, etc., call upon the nearest ticket agent, or write to S. F. BOYD, Gen'I T'kt and Pass. Agt, Minneapolis, JUnn. •i A V. WAMSJJU, Hone. Dakotii. presents given ad r- away, andbymall'yoawlll E^freeUa^iacka«eoi gooa« that will start you ln^ thatwiu at onee bring you money tatter than araSiJnji S A"about Way. H.HALutrr*oo„ the 8200,000 bTnmf Stl