Newspaper Page Text
TO® v* AMMW—OleJ. ®s- I'W few 1§*V Vt *X MOPE PIONEER. -FTIBI^AFRJOPBSAL OF STEELE COUNTY. |OfVlciaI Directory. tittUZRPX omonBi Cwoil«skmM»istt4n! H. Nelson, L. & fieplerad. J. X. WOmx,X H.Bnw»dale and John OXtQB. •*,*.' BacMtrvt DMdi-E. & Seymour. Btertet Attorney—T. X. Hulme. Clerk DiiMet Oriat-C. H. Ward, r5" '•^BemuASSi A. Jaettaoa. Cultum. Private Judge—A. T. Drakeley. Comity Superintea«ent~G. W. WlncljflLa. IfmijTfcnmiii CtntrSwrrerer—C a I- ASSEVSGEHKM, %g£.-,: Vor Bhmur. (he iollcltation of many friends I hereby announce myself as a candidate fat the office ol Sheriff ot Steele comity, subject to thede ctaion ot the regular republican convention. Shotald I nominated and elected I pledge :'l#|wif to do my utmost to discharge the duties Ol (he office faithfully and satisfactorily. J. M. BOBJSBTS. w'H^We are authorised to announce Mr. 0. Majors as a candidate for Delegate to the Legislative Assembly from the Eighteenth LegialattTe district, composed of the cohntiee ot Traill, SteelB and Griggs, subject to the de cision of the district legislative convention. G. J. Paul loans money for final proof oil better terms than can be secured elsewhere. ggf|£| Wood for Sale. ffi iBomegoed hard cord wood for sale cheap. Also a few nice binding poles still on hand. Apply to JOB SHAW, at Hill's livery barn. For Sale. Two Crat-clase farm horses, weight about 2,600 pounds.i Will be sold cheap foi cftBh. Apply to ,R-I*, CIBCS SKINNEB, mm Section 28, M5,69. JKstray Notice. (Same to my house, northeast quarter section 80,146, 65, on the iBth of August, a brown ox, ten or eleven years old, white spots on the left side, The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, WB. E. ELLIOTT. Em Wotlee. There will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Steele county at Sher brooke, on Monday, September 6,188% at 10 o'clock a. m., to levy the taxes for the current yew, and to transact any other business that may properly come before the board. & S.. SBMODB, County Clerk. bated at Sherbrooke, August 26,1886. For Sale. 180 acres of land in section 12, tp. 112, range in Barnes county, D. T., 12 miles south of 'ope, on direct line between Tower City and Hope, 7£ miles west of Manitoba railway BtaUon at Page, This quarter Is in a good neighborhoods close tp school house, .and much of the surrounding land is occupied by perma nent Bettlen and Well improved. Good water, latent has been issued, and purchaser's title will be secure. Will be sold very cheap. For particulars address Editok HOPE PIOJCBKB, Hope, D. T. Have You Lands For Sale? I have frequent inquiries for Dakota lands. It you have any for Bale in Steele or adjoining counties send me the numbers with foil-de scription as to soil, Improvements, lowest price, terms, eta., and state what your title is, and Will sell it for you. Don't Correspond with me iniless you want to »eU, and are willing to take bottom prices. Address me at Iowa City, Iowa, lock box 1018. M. CAVAKAQH. Sotlee to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be reoeived atthe office of the clerk of Hope school township up to ~Wclock ji. ni.,"Tue8day, September 6, for the erection and completion of a two-room school house on the south half of block 22, in the town of Hope, according to the plans and specifications on file in' the office of H. L. 8mlth director. -1* Payment will be made In cash as the work progresses, but the school board will held in reserve such amount as they may deem proper to compel the faithful performance of the con tract All material to be used in the construction ot |||8» building shall be strictly fintolass. The school board reserves the right to reject 'Randall bids. H. H. WASEH, Clerk. DISINFECTING RAGS. Jil'.iWie System Adopted at Brooklyn to Pre. fv r* the Introduction of Cholera Germs* The process of disinfection by super treated steam as now practiced at the k,'..Baltic Stores, 'in Brooklyn, is believed V' be the complete solution of a problem •Cr has occasioned so much worri ®||^Bcnt. It iB the practical application of *team of any desired temperature and to bale goods. The apparatus con llMaists of an ordinary engine of sufficient |^»W«r and boiler strength with an at rMstoched superheater. To this is append- a aeries of iron boxes about the ivijflhape and large enough to admit a ^«f|ale of rags pushed in endwise. Each -^S1® ho*es*ha8 penetrating ft1011® ^ronl •'he rear end, five gim'.et bit screws nearly as long as a bale of ijags. enlarged from a point to about |two inches diameter, and at such a apart as to about equally divide the end of a bale. These screws are nollowand perforated in their whole arcnmfereace and length and, more over, each one is the terminus of a escape cock. The screws are %. wpialy revolved by the machinery. On pushing in a bale of rags it no sooner' -^ijconies in contact with the points of the L' ,«cFeW8,^}fln it is drawn with the great rapidity. The box is then closed by aflap^door, hinged at the top, and the turned on—in through the screws.' and wround the bale. In two or three' minntes the temperatuie of the H«V ttronghbut as thus exposed can be 'W1- three hundred and thirty de rJ" (°r more required), and sus- ^?^SWtneafpr any desired length of time.' Ju~practaced at the Baltic Stores the ^«es, axe kept in the boxes about ten ®wWes. But they become so thorough, ^Impenetrated with heat, during that temperature is kept up' yJkiiSS?, hours after they are removes '+?Wf tc*ted by pushing a thermome screw holes. The whole! itu& may be •rected on board*of and boused with increased afloat ssK'-r other. He does S&iiiinHtMtdr. miiiM. auUnt oiyanized nature, and—but that Isaofficlent" ^i tttoviiUid«)n,|bat in the absence of moie nbkULUal caose tot oom{dkint an action WU not lie.'' ,^X«Qggefor tb*t m-&it,j^ti&tSk^s fcjU&SS ^•CgsT 9 SiV •'•&•" gTKKME COBSTY COSTKlTMtOBr. Apportionment mt Delejpktes sul tke FlaeesotHoldlnic Cucnei. The Steele County Bepablican oohvention will be held at Sherbrooke, on Wednesday, the 16th day of September, 188$ at 10 o'docka. m., for the pnrpose^ of .nominating candidates for county officer^ Including one commissioner from each of districts numbers 2,4 and 6, can didates for oommisdonen to beeelected by the delegates from their respective districts present in tne convention. There will apo be chosendtBtrict committees JJhree from each of the Ave commissioner 4Afetri0tB. a Four delegates will be cheeen to the Terri. torial Republican convention to be held at Yankton on September 220. Six delegates will bechoeento the Legisla tive District convention to be held at Mayville on October 2d. Also tor the transaction of each other busi ness as may come before the convention. The caucuses shall be held on Saturday, Sep tember 11, at 8 o'clock p. m., and in the fol lowing school townships, each comprising a congressional township* shall be held at the same places as the last school election prior to this date, and each township is entitled to the number of delegates specified below: Newburgh, 8 delegates. Primrose, 5 delegates. Broadlawn, 4 delegates. Hope, 7 delegates. jfi Riverside, 4 delegates. Sberbrook^ 8 delegates. Enger, 7 delegates. Lake (Edendale), 4 delegates. Colgate, 8 delegates. ?. •Willow Lake, 4 deli Melrose, 3 delegates. No. 17 (township 146, range 66), 4 delegates. In the following congressional townships the delegates and caucoses ftall be as men tioned below: s,"' Township 146, range 66,4 delegates caucus at N. A. Carpenter's, northwest quarter sec tion 22. 1 Township 146, range 67,3 at the house of Stein Nelson. Township'147, range 67,4 at the school-house on sectii s: caucus legates caucus Township 147, range 66^ delegates caucus at Mr. Cocbrane's house, southwest quarter section 14. Township 147, range 65,8 delegates caucus at school-house on section 14. Township 148, range 66,4 delegates caucus at the house ot Janse I Township 148, range 5$ 8 delegates caucus at the school-house. Township 148, range 67,8 delegates caucus at E. G. Erickaon'g, section 24. The apportionment of delegates is made by giving two to each congressional township and one additional for each twent^five^ters re turned by the assessor when the last asiissment was made. By order of the Steele County Republican committee. J. A. GBEY, Chairman. E. D. WALLACE, Secretary pro tem. BOWEL DERANGEMENTS The Danger of the Anictloa and Its Host Natural Treatment. That the worst forms of bowel com' plaints result, and that directly, from eating and drinking, far more than from climate and sudden changes of the temperature, can not admit of a reason 'able doubt. Most ot this indigestion is referable to rapid eating, insufficient chewing, the food, as it roaches the stom ach, being unprepared for the second Stage of the digestive process, from the •use of Improper food, that too taxing to the digestive organs, the use of crude land..unripe, or partially decayed fruits, •to irregularity in eating, excess, etc. And here it may be remarked that it is rare while so many are governed far more by mere taste, than by the judg jment and conscience, in the selection of "their food, to have due regard to the proper proportion of the various kinds of food used, while the majority take far 'more food than the system demands. !This may be particularly true in the iuse of meats and fruits in a country in [which both can bt) had in abundance, iordinarily, if one has the means for the 'purchase Of them. While it is gener [ally admitted—in modern times—that 'ripe and fresh fruits are wholesome, these may be particularly used in ex jcess, often proving a enrse rather than a blessing, in accordance with the:r de sign. This follows, in part, from the. fact that some persons regard them outside the realm of food, to be takeii 1 at any time, in any quantities, as mere sensual indulgence. Instead of being taken as a part of the meals, they' are often taken in large quantities, at the close, in addition to a sufficient, quantity of food, and between meals, severely taxing the digestive organs. Though most of these are easy of di gestion, compared with ordinary foods, there is an added labor, too often crush ing toils, so deranging the stomach that much undigested food nasses into the bowels in an unpreparea state, irritat ing and inflaming them, preparing the way for serious derangeiqgntyr pnd disease. I will here remark that dysentery is usually preceded by constipation, and that, as strange as it may seem, this state, a stoppage, ccsntistros during the 'worst stage of the disease, the improve ment immediately^ following the relief! If physic may ever be given.vthis is the time for its administration, during dys .enlery! It is a^niatter of vital impor tance to avoid having any crude or un digested fotiid pass into the bowels in thjs disease. The disease is continued, af&r&vated and often rendered uncon trollable by such irritants, to avoid which it }s necessary to discard solid food—^ven milk, which solidifies be fore digestion—taking liquids which wffl ig no respect tax digestion, still af fordjsg all needed nourishment Such liquids can be prepared from a thin grflel made of the "crude gluten," strained an4 perfectly ciear, very nour ishing and bland. This JBay be given once in two hours if needed, as it 4°cs not require digestion, being assimilated in the circulatory system. This will fuljpish all needed nourishment, though itay be well to add a little pure and 'Clear juice of such fruits as the peach, ripe and fresh, in its best condition, with that of similar fruits. With such n0 ,9 absolute Sair Ac^lIcant—I desire, sir, an «s^oa|iJ0i|«wbMtan4. i^i|ittorney--CpcBi what 'gnmnd, madam, do iT'iiillTTl A Colored Man'A Sensations While Serving as Alligator Bait. We went out to a Mississippi swamp accompanied by several negroes, and as the Colonel had promised two bits to the first black man who should sight an alligator there was a feeling of rival ry among them. The day was awful hot, and though alligators were as plenty as frogs, we beat around for an hour without getting sight of one. It was their hour for sleep. As we finally gathered on a long spit of saud which projected out into the bayou for two hundred feet, the Colonel called up one of the blacks and said: "Come, Mose3, it you'll swim for it I'll make the prize half a dollar." "Sure I won't be cotched, massaP" "Oh, there's no danger. Here are five rifles to protect you." The negro went half way down the spit, and then had deep, dark water on each side of bim. He closely scanned the surface in all directions, and then speedily disrobed and plunged in with a great splash. "He's baiting 'em!" whispered the 'Colonel. "But suppose one of the reptiles seizes him?" "Then I'll give the money to his widow!" The black swam out about thirty feet, kicking and splashing, and we walked slowly down the spit All of a sudden he screamed out and turned for the shore, and as we looked we saw from ten to fifteen great saurians mak inga bee line for him from as many different directions. Every body opened firjjy^gd the reports of rifles, the yells of the&Njjmmer and the shouts of the other blacks made an exciting scene. Two of us tepk a big alligator which was direotly in the man's wake, and, though we firral ten or twelve shots at his snont at close range, he was within three feetof th&hegro when the swim mer was pullttl out. He ran his fore feet in the bank, opened his mouth like a barn door, and, as he snapped his jaws together, a piece of stick or tooth flew clear-over our heads. The .five of us kept firfbg away, but he turned and sailed off as if the bullets were so many peas. Wben the -battle ended two of the reptiles were floating belly up, and! they were hauled ashore and left to be skinned. How did you fcM?" I asked of the swimmer when he liaajlressed. "Didn't hare no feelings fall, sab," he replied. "It was jistjpke my arms an' legs war' tryin' fo-swim a piece ot ice back yere."—Detnfit Fret Press. J-M. irritants introduced into the bowels, often cleansed by warm water injections, the disease ought soon to yield.—Dr. J. H. Hanaj'ord- in Qold en Rule. Tr sr KjS Wonclertal Cnres- W. B. Hoyt & Co., Wholesalo and Retail Druggists of Bonn, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two rears. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal saljlstSgtion. There have Siten wm0mndert|U«nies eflect ed by these nBHldnes In this city. Several casts of pronounced. Consumptioa have been entirely cured by the use of afew bottle* ot Dr.Klng's New Diseovery, taken In conaecUon with Electric Bltt^i We manatee them al. irar% Sold by tfemjjwy ^. tog- n. H. BALDWIN, cau jjjfound at Dr. Philip's old office, BooimSO, Second floor of Hope House, an until Dr. PblHp'8 return- j^OTICE OF flSAL PROOF. LAND OFFICE at F^go.^RT., I Notice Is hereby given that the following named gettto has filfi POtlce Pf his intentloMomake final proof tn support of his eltunl and peeure ®nal entry thereof, via: Albln S. Burrows, H. E. No. 14,018 for the northwest quarter (N U) of Sec. Four (4), Tp. 148 North, Bange 56 West, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Georj Wlnfle I S. Christian, Wlnfield 8. Alford, Thomas Ward, all of Hope. Steele county, D. t' Thetestlmonr H. lands, Juc ft5SP^S,W^JP Mjopennell, elerjc of the„» 55 W}eJ caty, Bames county, D. T., on the Jlst day of Aagusl A. ».I88«Tat his office «..?0BA':!SD8TIN, Beglster. A. 4V McMahon &"MacLarelt Attorneys and Counselors at Law, HOPE, STEELE CO., ID. Practice in the District and Supreme Ooults f!t- Dakota Territory. Real Estate and Insurance. MONEY TO LOAN. Collections personally attended (to. A* 'ft Paid for non-residents. Settlers Located on Government Land County and School Orders and Bonds Bought and Sold. Final Proof made a Specialty. 01 U. 8. Land Office, Faigo, D. T., I August 18,1888. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler basilled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim and secure final 11^file.r^cI(.vl?: Ahlrapi T. Drftkeley. H. 15, No, 14,002, lor the northeast quarter of section 28, township 146 north, range 56 west, and names tte following as bis witnesses, viz: Fran* L. Hay, Hoberts, T. Anderson, a P. Pattta, all of/Sherbrooke, Steele county, D. T. The testimony to be taken before William H. Francis, Judge of the district court, and In his ab sence More C. H. Ward, clerk of the district court, at Sherbrooke, Steele county, D. T.. on the 18th day of October, A. |). 1886. at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Beglster. McMahon & MacLaren, attorneys. au2H se24 ^"QTICE OF V1HAL PBOOF. LonToSce at Farco, H. T-, I .• August 18tfi, 1886 I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, viz: John Boddy, H. E. No. athwest quarter of north, nuimt the tollowli Coll RAWM' 8,018, for the southwest quarter of section 10, townshipJ.48 north, range 56 west, and names "ieori allot Ellsbury, BarnerconntyriD7'TT"TSe testi mony of John Boddy to be taken before Alex Mo CpnneU, clerk of the district court In and for Barnes eM, D. T., at the residence of said John Boddy, On his land, on the southwest ot section 10, township 148, range 66. county, D. T. Said testimony is ordered so taken for reason of sickness of said John Boddy, on the 6th day of October, 1886, and the testimony of his witnesses to be taken before WlUlam H. Fran cis, Judge of the district court, and In his absence efore Alex HpupnoeU, clerk of the district it valley C^ty, Barnps ppujitaf, on Ing. as his witnesses, viz: George W. sr Perry, Daniel O'Harra, George btory, my uage of the district court, and In McMahon & MacLaren, attorneys. tew days than business. Cap] heme angwent GIFT. royaL toluablesamplebo* of goods that will cut Tjuta tho way ofmaklng more money at onee than anything In America. Both sexes of aU aces gin live at home and work In spare time, or al! the time. Capital not required, we wllf start yoq. Immense naxsura.for those who start at m». Bmuw*&>., fowm,Maiue. T. s^5? Furniture! E. I. STEWART has just received a large supply of New Household Furniture. Call at his furniture warerooms and look it over. J^OTICK PIS AL PKOOF. iparter ¥the'7t] October, A. D. 1886, at his wee, iOBACBADSTIN,Beglster. McMahon & MacLaren. attorneys. au2Qse24 Taxes OT1CK.—Timber Culture. tr. 8. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., I July21st, 1886. Complaint having been entered at this office by Carl G. Carlson: against Laura M. Cummlngs lor failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 6,144, dated September 28th, 1881, upon the N. w. ot Section 22, Township 146, Bange 57, In Steele county, D. T., with a view to the cancellation of said entry contestant alleging that the said Laura M. Cummlngs has failed to Blantor or cause to be planted to nee seeds, seed ngs cuttings five acres of said tract since the expiration ot three years and prior to the expira tion of four years from the date of said entry, viz: during the fourth year. Also'that the said Laura M. Cummlngs has failed to plant or cause to be planted to tree seeds, seedlings or cuttings ten acres of said tract since the date of said entry and prior to the commencement of this contest, or at any other time, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 80th day of August, 18H6, at 10 o'clock a m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. jB. O. GEABEYrfiecelver. C. J. Paul, attorney. Jly80au6-18-20-27 ^p5mOFPKnTpi«5E V. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., I July 12th, 1886. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support ot his claim and secure final entry thereof, viz: Charles H. Williams. H. E. No? 8,lilt! for the northeast quarter (n la) ot sec. 82, Tp. 144 north, Bange 55 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Laor King, J. W. Gray, H. S. Curry, George King, all of Colgate, Steele county, D. T. The testimony to be taken before Hon. William H. Francis, Judge ol the dis trict court, and in his absence before C. H. Ward, clerk of the district court, at Sherbrooke. Steele county, D. T.. on the 1st day of September, A. D. 1886, at his office. HOBACE AUSTIN, Beglster. McMahon & MacLaren, attorneys. Jlyl 6-28-U0au6-18-20 N OT1CJ3 OF CONTEST. U. S. Land Othce, Fargo, D. T., I .. July 28rd, 1886. Complaint having been entered at this office by Andrew Monson agalnBt John W. Garrett for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 9,672. dated February 2nd, 1882, upon the Northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township, E. C. GEABEY, Receiver. Jly30au6-18-20-2 7 OT1CK OF CONTEST. tJ. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., 1 JulylOthT 1886. Complaint having been entered at this office by OleG.Bakke against Herman W. Moss for aban doning his Homestead Entry No. 10,4!58, "dated May 19th, 1882, upon the S. E.'Uof Section coimty. D. T., at Sherbrooke, Steele 18th day of September, A. D. 1886, at his office. au6 seio HOBACE AUSTIN. Bcgi»ly. J^OBTGAGE 8Af,«. p^faidt having been made in the nayme'nt of the Bum oi flfteen hundred &ud ufty-SBv©n &nd 80-100 ($1,557.80) Dollars, which Is claimed lo be du© at the date ot this notice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by T. P. Robinson and Louisa Bobtnson, his wife, to Lu cinda K. Cutting, of Newton, county of Middlesex, and sure of Massachusetts, bearing date the sevento day ot December, A. D, 1880, and duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds In and for the county of Traill and territory of Dakota, & 'ly- 1 Iyl6au20 cents free inthe way of" nuking more money i^a uaKing ?oa ever thought possible jy nof requlfed." ^oiTcanUveat 60 CMto topMslljr eamM ever jOTenln^That all who want work may test the business, we make this racsnUeled offer: To all who are not well pay tor the trouble of writing us. Foll partlculars. directions, etc., sent free, immense WMmldtelv sure for all who Pe^ember, A. D. 1880, at clock p. In book Dot mortgages, on pages 160 and 161. and afterwards transcribed to the mortgage records ef Steele county, Dakota territory. In book of mortgages oh jpages 885, OOU OO I,UIM IW UULIUU OR proceeaing AT JAW or otherwise having been Instituted to recover the thereoieCUred by 881(1 mortgage, or any part Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue ot a power of sale contained in said morfc gage, and pursuant to the' statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described In and covered by said mortgage, viz: All of section eleven (11), In township one hun dred and forty-six (146) north, and range fifty seven (57) west, containing six hundred and forty (640) acres, more or less, according to the United btates government survey thereof, in Steele county, and Territory of Dakota, with the heredi taments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing, will he sold at public auction, to the higg ler for cosh, to p$y said debt and Interest, jjars^atfo§iey^s lee, as''stl^ullSffiin^ant^Sy said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the dis bursements allowed by' law which sale Will be made by the sheriff of said Steele county, or bj his duly acthorized deputy, at the frontdoor of the county building, In the. town of Sher brooke,' in said county and territory, on Saturdav. the 25th day of September, A. D. 1886, at two® dClock p. m.of that day, subject to tedemptlon at anytime within one year from the day ot sale, as provided by law. Dated August 12th, 1886. LUCINDA K. ODTTING/Mortea— H3 MacLaren,attorueysformer BUYERS' GUIDE la fasncd Blarcb and Sept., icacliyear. psgea, 8}$xll}£ b)6bes,H'lUi over 8.BQQ Ui«i«t*atloj»» a wMe Ftotwe Gone*?. GIVES \V aolewle Prices direct to consumer* on all goods for personal or ftmllr use. Tells how to order, and given exact cost of every tblng yon tase,- eat, drink, near, or have fan wlOu Tbese IIFVAX.T ABI,I2 HOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets ot the w«^j W "Ol a C9HP ?BBE to anjr ad dres| upon receipt of 10 eto. to defray expense of mailing, tet as hear tou yon. BeapectAdly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 8flT fc 228Waha«h Avenue- ra,i«.~. ni. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Kicctrlo SuspeiiBory Appliances for the tpeod^ P©"n*nmt cure of h'ervou* A ant* Manhood, and all kindred tronblea. dfneiw*. Complete restcra* Vjgor and Manhood numntoedL ^incuircKl. Xllustrated pampluetliiMQa«3 xuh. Bend BIX cents for poet' _m i. BS6, tintj recel*e free, ft boxof goSjdB wblcb wIU belpyon to more rtj^t away tti^nanrlliliittelee in tills world E'??R SulkypTow 147 Bange 55. in Steele county, D. T., with a view to the can cellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear this office on the 1st day ot September, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond anil lurnlsh testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 4, Township 148 n, Bange 56 w, in Steele county, A. T., with a view to the cancellation ot said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 26th day ot August. 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment: ?,v E. C. GEABEY. Receiver. Stomner & Ames, attorneys, Mayville, D. T. lly28-80auo-l 8-20 -27 OT1CE OF FISAl FBOOF. Land Office at Fargo, D. T., 1 August 2, 1880. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof lu support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, viz: William H. Pease, home stead enti? No. 12,005, lor the south half of the northwest quarter and south half of the north east quarter of section 80, township 146 north, range 56 west, and names the following as his witnesses, vlzrJames Sweetland, B. 1). Boss. Georee B. Gray, Warren Archer, all of PIckert Steele oounty. l). T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to betaken before the Judge, or In his absence before the clerk of the district court NEW :1 M08t MX, sueceed from first Iiour. TTO t0 '2 rrrffV^i fMXmr:d bafore the norkera, wWrew- THOK co. ., 'W ..-.-f-l'-'ir. ^'.-F x-'.V ..'^.'V VM&mnisji ,5* •»(, 't '4 1 JSivtP the Pioneer Hardware and Machinery Depot tf Steele County, where can be found aftlU line of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. A I N E Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows and Flying Dutchman Gang Plows. crrNijuTtpM .IVSvSs WAGON—Farmers' Choice, always Relia ble THE MILBURN WAGON, the Old Stand-by FLYING DUTCHMAN" SULKY PLOWS, &c., &c. We also have a In connection with our business, where we are prepared. to do all kinds of Job Work in Tin and Sheet Iron on Short Notice. erriell Bros, wmmsm Si The. Best Seeders, Harrrows & Drills: The Tiumph Seeder. The Prairie King Seeder. The Hoosier Seeder. The Straw Bridge Seeder. The Tiger Seeder. The Hpos ier Shoe Press DrilL The Kalamazoo Sprini Tooth Harrow. The Boss Harrow. The S Paul Harrow. SulkyPlowandFurst & Pumps and Fanning Mills: Tv/r iT^ »of Wooden Pumps and Fanning Mills, and in fact all that the farmer wants in the way of first-class farm machinery. Buggies, Wagons and Carriages: OPEN AND TOP BUGKHES AND PLAT FORM SPRING- WAGONS, THE KRIOK it C. N. Nelson Lumber .Co., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Building Papers, Etc. A Large and Well Selected Stock Kept Constantly on Hand. VARDS WEST OF RAILROAD TRACE. wSCv B. R. "Wliitn©-'-, Manager Hope, TD. T. "WE ABE AGENTS FOB JOHN DEERE GOODS PLOWS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC. FARMERS! JUST LOOK AT THE AGENTS FOB Universal GasolinelStoves. Powerrql burners In the market, having the latest improventa. Also we cany a full line of Hardware, G*arland Stoves and Rajiges, Etc. L. N. WOOD & CO., Hope, D. T. GANG, •w- CK" BED BIVBR NOB Bew» 7 80 p.m. 05 1 1 a. m. Dod|eO Badley SLLoui8 andKnnsasCity Chicago. Waterloo, and Dubuane Randolph, Northfield, 4* Luce. ~Z I •Tr -Ms Jf WIT. is the otilly. wrongh the Mill mk W or Minnesota, 1 practical points in IJJJSXi MINNESO NOBTHBBN DAKOTA, and to •nd Turtle SooBtmla niHtrlets. 1MB TABLE. FROM Paul. To BT: STATIONS St. Paul.......Ar Minneapolis .wllmar .StJohn.. Kerkhoven.... ..Uurdook 8 80 ». 7 De Graff 1 17 1 82 1 67 2 22 600 6 07 626 558 6 18 685 648 A 66 7 06 7 20 800 16 020 0 45 10 25 10 55 11 25 s-7..... Benson.... ....Clentart.. ..Hancock ..Morris ..Breckenrldge.. .... ....Wahpeton .Dmsht.. 9 80p. Walcott. Kindred Davenport. ..Addison .. ...Durbln. Everest.... ...Casselton. ..Rlpon ....Absaraka Ary.. PagePJty... .Colgate •Hope Trains on" Hope brancb run'Tuesdars, Thurs^ 3* and Saturdays. eeplns car service between St Paul and Cus ee] ton. Tickets to all points in the united States and Canada can be procured of Arthur Tumey, ticket agent at Hope. C. H. WAREKN, Gen. Pass. Agent, t. Paul. I^INIESOTA A XOBTHWEHT EEN RAILWAY COMPANY. Chicago & St. Lonis Short Line joizmesota plorthWeBtern Austin I^ailsoad, Wfttotloo iunjrton areha -town T® buque nclias^Montetmno QlflikaloQ OfTCltOtt Ore(0^ rs KOIKES Centre KcitAsbare KlrkarlUe 3 USOONO. Moberl Otttwlli O KAM8AS y\ OITY PIONEER FftEM, »T. P/AJu. •LOUIS. The only line In the KottMvest running Poll-v BUFFET SLEEPBMfdtM) COMBINATION SLEEPING AND CHAIR CABS. Popular Boute to Chicago ui(l the s?"- East. THE SHORT LINE TO St. I.onl8, Kansas City, St. Joseph, A Atchison, Ieavonworth, Galveston. SEW OMEAK8 AMS^PJMJBIOA!®* Through to all points South, East and West without change of Depots. Time Table of the Iltainesota A Sortl$J western Kniltvay. Leave St. Faul. .'Arrive St PauL s'j.v a & +7:50 p. ni. tS:10 a. m. t7K)5p. m. Faribault, DpdgeCen ter, Boclifester, Austin and Lyle accm'dation S8:80a.m. H:30p. m. Hl:20a.nfe^v. tDaily ex. Sunday Jex. Saturday: ges. Hon day., .. RAYMOND DU PUY, Gen. Sutft. H. M.LITTELL. Gen. Pass. AgL MmBAroM ST And the famous -J Albert Lea Route.- TWO THROUGH TRAINS nATT7v~ From St. Paul and Minneapolis to CHICAGO Without change, connecting with the fast' trains of all lines for the East and ____ Southeast. The direct and only line running through can between St. Pauir MinneapoIis and DES MOINES, IOWA. Via Albert Lea and Fort Dodge. Solid through trains between St. Paul,Minneapolis & St. Loui s, And the principal cities of the Mississippi Vat ley. Union Depot for all points Sonth and South east. -A many Honrs Saved AOB DINING CABS. "J For Baking Purposes. Best in tfieNYorlcI For sale by H. H. WAiSKM, Hope, Dakota $200,000 In 6em ''mun^' k*t3r and Ihe only line running'two trains daily to Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison, wag ing connections with the Union Pacific and Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe railways, ®~Close connections made in Union Depot with all trains of the' St Paul, MinnnnpnH^ & Manitoba Northern Pacific St. Paul &.Dn lath railways, from and to all points North and-^SI^* Northwest. REMEMBER the trains of the Minneapolis St Louis railway are composed of COHFOKU* BIIE DAI COACHES, MAGNIFICENT FCLUUH SLEEPING CABS, and our justly celebrated P»T_ ®"150 lbs of Baggage checked Free. Faro always as low as the lowest For Time Tables. Through Tickets, etc., call upon the nearest ticket agent, or write to S. F. BOH). Gen'l rkt and Pass. Agt, Minneapolis, MImkjK nwajc Md by mall you wliT t&Sl V°£gL ol largevalua, that win startyonlhitSt o,Sjrtlt 8®)0,000 in piet- Mat Whv. Pi S