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IPS 4V i~t I I *k3 THE HOPE PIONEER, R. H. S Editor and HiiMriptioik, per Mix Months,.. IN A l&nEntered at the Bakota, as second-cl ar, *£.00 toffloe In Hope, North ail matter. E E THAT MBERG JACOBSON'S IS THE HEADQUARTERS IN HOPE FOR Lea.d.y MeicLe Olotliing. We have just received our stock of ill and Winter Clothing for Men and Boys, in which you will find SUITS FOR SUNDAY, STYLISH BUSINESS SUITS, HEAVY WOOLEN SUITS FOR FARMERS. FUR AND WOOL O E O A S to suit everybody. Agents for John Wannamaker Order Department for clothing. 4MENTS UNDERWEAR IN ALL STYLES AND AT ALL PRICES. Our Fall and Winter Stock of O O S has been selected with especial regard to the wants of this market, and will be found replete with everything- that a lady may want. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. O E I E S In groceries we have everything new and Iresh, and cannot be undersold. OTXR. TDRXJO- STORE is stocked with PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. Also a lull line ot BOOKS AND STATIONERY. STANDARD GOODS IN EVERY AND SiA^ii Agents for the APPLETON S|®^ o£School Books. Our n. 'otto'-i* W a & a HOPE, D.T. J". P. BROWN. J. D. BROWN. BANK OF HOPE. J. P. BROWN & SON, At their New Banking House, Steele Avenue, HOPE, D.T. Buy and Sell American and Foreign Exchange At Current Rates. Special Attention Given to Collections. Accounts of Merchants, Farmers and Business Men G-enerally Solicited. 2D". J. McMAHON. O. "b/L. IVla,G3Li^K.EKr iMahon & MacLaren,1, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, .HOPE, ISTEELE CO., ID. T. Practice in the District and Supreme Courts of Dakota Territory. Real Estate and Insurance. MOISTEY TO I_.0-A.3Sr. Collections personally attended to. Taxes Paid for non-residents. Settlers Located on Government Land. County and School Orders and Bonds Bought and Sold. Final Proof made a Specialty, VBASCIB BEIDIiEB, President. W. II. BOBMBOS, Sec. and Treasurer. THE BEIDLER &K0BINS0H E O A N HAS JUST RECEIVED 1,000,000 feet of Lumber, .BRIGHT AND NEW, WHICH MOST BE SOLD DURING THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS FOB O S O A S "We •will give you BOTTOM PRICES. Don't buy elsewhere before you have seen our stock ami) srot our prices. We mean business. We have also In Btock fresh 1JME, CEMENT and JMUCK, with a full line of SASH, DOORS, MOLDINGS and PAPER. A N N I O E VOLUME V. HOPE, STEELE GO GERMANREltfbY Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia Batkachc, Ucndnche, ToGlliaehe, Bftraim, BruNes. ctrMcte. For Pain PB1CE, FITTY CKNTB. I AT DRUGGIST AKD DKAI.KRS. THE CHARLES A. VOl.TI.ER CO., It A T,T! vt'TTf. HP. TAR flK. f§P«URE Absolute! Free from Opiates, Emctlcs and Poison, iune- 25^" ako S UUHLK* A. VOUELKU Cf).» DAT.TI7I0HE, ED* MOOERS' DAKOTA SEEDLING! After several trials In forty years, I have found the Potato I had sought. It is now three years sluce it was first crown from a ball taken from a Blue Neslmnic, and is the choicest of nine diilereut varieties. A late variety and has no equal. Light Flesh color on outside and White on inside. Mealy, and noted for its Thin Skin and Shallow eyes. A bountiful yieldor and grows to good size. Planted foity pounds in spring of 1S85, aud harvested seven hundred and twenty pounds. Planted iu 18SG, witli a good yield considering the great drouth, yielding twica the number of pounds ot old varieties with the same care. Propagated aud grown by JOHN MOOEKS, Hope, Stoele County, Dakota Territory. Fer further particulars address JOHN MOOERS, Hppe, Steele Co., P. T. T. K. HULME, ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Lew. A A N S and TOWN LOTS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Money Loaned For Final Proof. S E O O E Steele Co., D, J. I E Sealer in General Mereliiir.dlEe, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Crockery And Glassware, Also a fine line of NOTIONS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, All of which will be sold very cheap. TKIKO ST.. A'ortli or Hope House. THE L. WILPOX Proprretor. Having just secured a three years'lease of this well kuown hotel, I propose to make it strictly first-class in all its appointments. Its rooms are large, airy and handsomely fur nished, with every convenience for hoarders, and is one of the largest and handsomest hotel bpildiugs in the Territory. Every attention will be'paid to the wanta of visitors and board ers. Livery teams'to be. had by applying at the office. TERMS S2.QO oer Day. LIVERY ANO SALE •STABLE. Frank Hill & Son, HOPE, DAKOTA. Good PT-First class In every nay. carriages with careful drlv meat's notldjMkLHfriMiMMWnBIBtlgs and good ruse. Terms reasonable, nays ready to eell or buy a goo 1»• 1 a Come and see us LOCAL ITEMS. Wheat 55 cents. AI Williams aud family have moved back to town. Banker Hanna, of Page, was in town this morning. Bobby Humistou returned from Hillsboro last night Andrew Nybo is painting Wamberg & Jacob son's store. Landlord Wilcox has a fine little colt from his maro Nellie. John Worth has sold most of his stock and leased his farm. John Wain berg and wife go to Fargo to-rnor row on business. W. J. Hawley went to Fargo Saturday and returned Tuesday. There are over forty children now attending the Hope public school. Mrs. John W&mberg gave a progressive eucher party last night. P. H. Smith, of Fargo, came in from the Broadlawn Stock farm yesterday. A dramatic entertainment is on the tapit several ladies and gentlemen in Hope. by Frank Gilmore's cottage looks as bright as a new piu in its new dress of white paint. Gunder Howard, the genial machinery man of Hillsboro, was at Sherbrooke Monday. We have receivod a communication from a subscriber in Riverside which will appear next week. The handsomo Col. W. H. Eobiuson, of May vilie, was among those seen on the avenue yes terday. Mr. L. D. F. Hogue left yesterday for Cas selton, wiiere she goes to take a position in the pnblio schools. John Stine has opened a shop lu Frank Gil more's office where he will do all kinds of re pairing on bouts and shoes. County Clerk Seymour will erect a building in Sherbrooke. C. W. Kuapp has the contract aud will commence work shortly. Born—Last night, to Mr. aud Mrs. L. A. Jacobson, a daughter. Jake now has a "pair" to draw to. The cigars were forthcoming. C. G. Huntley expects to move his family to Sherbrooke iu a short time. Mr. Huntley will be employed in the office of the register of deeds. Thomas M. Page lias sold Ids stock and nu chinejry and leased bis tarm to Wealberhlil & Williams, and took his departure Tuesday or La Salle, Illinois. Mr. and Mra.-P. W.^aymondHeft-on Tues day. Mr. Raymond will stop iu Minneapolis while Mrs. Raymond will spend the winter at Trempealeau, Wisconsin. Contractor Knapp Is availing himself ot tho fine weather to push the new school building. The frame is all lip aud the sheeting will be completed in a bhorttimc. J. M. Roberts has removed from Sherbrooke to Portland, where he will carry on tho livery business. Wo congratulate Portland on the acquisition of a good citizen. N. P. RasmuBson left on Tuesday with three of his children for Kellogg, Miun., where the children will remain with their aunt Mr. Ras musson will visit St. Paul before returning. School was opened in the uew school houso iu Melrose township Monday, Miss Cora White teacher. The building has just been finished by Contractor Rugg, and is the handsomest school building in the county. A neat wire soreen has beeu placed on the counter of tho Bank of Hope, By the way, Mr. Brown seems determined to leavo nothing undone that will make the Bank of Hope one of the neatest aud cosiest places in which to do business in the Northwest. Jonathan Blstliue has beeu engaged in mak ing some important alterations in Frank Hill's livery office. It looks as though Frank has made up his mind to live In a country where ho will not be snowed up all winter aud where the weather never gets too severe for outdoor exercise. Frank knows what's what. Rev. T. W. Thurston, from St. Ansgar, Mitchell county, Iowa, arrived in Hope last Saturday and preached in the Hope, church Suuday evening. Mr. Thurston is the father of Mrs. Turney aud Frank Thurston, and on Tuesday left for Clifford, where he and Mrs Thurston will spend the winter with Frank. Tho train was delayed about two hours yes terday owing to an accident When the loco motive was run on the turn-table it tilted up at one end aud threw the forward truck off the track and it took about two hours to get it on. Frank Hill went down and gave the boys a hand, and his railroad experience of former days enabled him to render valuablo qifl. The many friends of Rev. K. F. Norris in Hope will be glad to learn that he has been ten dered a call to the pastorate of the Open Door Congregational church of Minneapolis, to suc ceed Rev. R. A. Torrey, resigned, and has ac cepted, Rev. Mr. Norris will occupy the pulpit of bis new church for the first time next SunT day. J. W. Wheeler, while returning home from town last Saturday night, was thrown from his buggy and stunned. The horse returned boine, and the family becoming alarmed at the non appearance of Mr. Wheeler, returned to town and procured aid, when a search was made. He was found on the prairie in an insensible condition and almost still from cold and con veyed home. Fred Fuller, who has been confined to-MS bedvwith a stubborn case of typhoid malarial fever, still continues very low, but Dr. Bald win thinks that the disease has about run its course »Rd that there has been a change for the better and lie will be able to pull through, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller have had quite a selge of it this fall, four of their children having lieeu prostrated with malarial fever. Kotice. All farmers interested in building a farmers' warehouse at Colgate are invited to meet at the Colgate school house on Saturday, Novem ber 20th, at 2 o'clock p. m., when an oppor tunity v^ill be given them to join the Warehouse Association just orjjan' By order oUii&lcSitfja! family of Hod. W. B. Hoke, Judge of the Jefferson County, Ky., Court, used St Jftcobe Oil with signal succeee. •Mttl saaaa FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1886. NUMBER 80. THE EtiKCTIOX. Complete Returns by In Preelnet* Steele Oonnty. The following tables show the rote by com missioner districts and by precincts, aud will be found useful for future reference: First Commissioner District. Brsad- Col- Willow lawn. For Congress— 0. 8. Glfford 18 M. H. Day 21 18 11 For Council— J. F. Selby G. A. Harstad For Assembly— D. W. Sprague 11 F. H. Adams 8(1 0. (i. Major all For Register of Deeds— E. S. Seymour a H. W. McGovney as For Treasurer— K. H. Brunsdale io Frank M. Ward 80 For Justices of the Peaco— R. D. boss 14 81 19 2(1 10 in 14 15 14 20 00 28 For Sheriff— B. F.-Walden 31 J. W. Stewart 3 For District Attorney— C.J. Paul 87 County Superintendent— (i. W. Wlnchell 7 W. I. Warrrey 80 Mrs. L. 1). P. Hogue.. a 28 20 For Coroner— Dr. U. H. Baldwin....41 For County Surveyor— For Constables Otis s. Haaselton 80 J. B. Oxton 28 A. Thumm 28 S. Wescott 28 84 II. Frick 40 For Justices of the Peace— R. D. Ross 17 E. D. W'isburn 23 J. A. White 28 Silas Taylor 28 G. H. Stavens 23 28 12 11 10 00 00 10 4 For sale lots Yes 2 No 34 For Liquor License...21 Against License 15 For Assemliy— D. W.Sprague 14 3B 28 20 F. H. Adams 14 85 35 2H O. G. Major 00 00 7 2 For County Commissioner— Jamej Burdeck 7 jo 17 20 Stein H. Nelson 7 2(1 17 Ji For Register of Deeds— E.S.Seymou 8 25 18 H. W. McGovney 11 For Treusurer— K. H. Brunsdalo For Distrlot Attorney— C. J. Paul 14 County Superintendent— (5. W, WmcheU...,,^,. (1 W. I. Warrey an Third Commissioner District. New- Prim- Eden burgh. Enger. rose. dale. For Congress— 0. S. Glflord ,.80 101 SJ. H, Day...... 00 00 10 20 21 1 County Commissioner— Martin Hanson 45 For Register of Deeds— £. S. Seymour 50 H. W. McGovney 2 18 For Treasurer K. H. Brunsdale 80 Frank M. Ward 18 For Sherlff B. F. Walden O. P. Andersdn.: 41 J. W. Stewart.... .... 6 For District Attorney— C. J. Paul 52 County Superintendent— G. W. wlnchell 42 W. I. Warrey 9 Mrs. L. D. F. Hogue. 1 For Assessor Robert 0. Cochrane..82 21 For Judge ofProbate— R. W. Berry.. 52 For Coroner— Dr. H. H. Baldwin...52 For County Surveyor— G. H. Frlck 52 For Justices of the Peace— R. D. Ross 1» O. W. Williams 88 A. J. Long 38 A. K. Johnson 33 E.D.Washbur 00 .... J. A. White 00,*# Silas Taylor 00 ti. H. Stavens,.»»....00 Fifth Commissioner District. 148-59. 147-66. For Congress— 0. S. GlBbrd M. H. Day For Council— J. F. Selby........ (t. A. Harstad.... For Assembly— F.^.A&v.v.v.Jf gate. Hope. Lake. 0. G. Major 00 County Commissioner John Oxton 58 2tS 10 14 17 12 81 20 58 85 88 40 4 For Treasurer— K. H. Brunsdale 18 Frank M. Ward 8 10 85 18 For Sheriff— B. F. Walden 11 72 10 04 4 13 22 28 7 7 13 0 For Assessor Robert B. Cochrane.. .811 For Judge of Probate— R. W. Berry 80 For Justices of lhe R. D. Hoss 0. W. Williams A. J. Long A. K. Johnson .' E. D. Washburn 1 J. A. White Silas Taylor G. H. Stavens........ 84 34 20 84 35 29 84 2 (1 67 67 57 57 85 10 12 12 9 10 00 00 00 00 00 For Constables— OtlsS. Hasselton.....1fl John J. Blrkland....00 J. B. Oxton.. 00 A. Thumm 'v. 00 S. Wescott ,...00 00 00 00 00 57 55 For sale of lots Yes 14 No 0 For Liquor License... IS Against License 4 58 65 0 00 20 25 8 Second Commissioner IMstriet. Itlver 148-57 147-57 140-57 Bide. For Congress— 0-S Glfford 14 80 30 20 M.U.Day 00 00 00 1 lor Council— J.F.SeUy... 14 81 5 18 G. A. Harstad 00 5 10 10 11 iu 2f 11 ii Mrs. L. D. F. Hogue..00 For Assessor Robert B. Cochrane...14 For Judge ot Probate— R. W. Berry li Warrey Mrs. Hogue For liquor license 28 00 22 0. W. Williams 00 00 00 A. J. Long 7 00 00 00 E. I). Washburn 00 00 00 1 For Constables— Otis S. Hasselton....14 85 "00 60 John J. Blrkland 7 1 00 00 For sale »I lots Yes 13 1 15 8 No 00 30 14 14 For Liquor License... A 7 15 10 Against License 7 25 ]g jj 43 4 For Council— J. F. Selby 23 50 G. A. Harstad 07 60 18 20 11 28 0 For Assembly— D. W. Sprague H5 07 F. H. Adams 00 100 0. G. Major 4 8 40 43 52 8 37 15 For Register ot Deeds— E. S. Seymour 88 101 H.W. McGovney...,, 2 00 For Treasurer— K. H. Brunsdale 80 100 Prank M. Ward 0 1 8 31) 80 11 28 47 5 22 00 20 For Sheriff— B. F. Walden 15 15 O.P.Anderson 31 11 J. W. Stewart 44 74 For District Attorney— C.J. Paul HO 101 County Superintendent— G. W. WlnciieU 83 W. I. Warrey rt Mrs.'L. 1). F. Hogue.. 1 4 For Assessor— Robert B. Cochrane..90 101 v" 52 For Judge of Probate— ,f R. W. Berry 88 101 52 For Coroner— Dr. H. H. Baldwin.. .00 101 62 For Count Surveyor- G. H. Frlck (10 101 "'452 For Justices of the Peace— R.D.Ross 45 Oil 18 0. W. Williams 15 54 8 A.J.Long 15 54 7 A. K. Johnson 15 54 8 E D. Washburn 00 00 4 J, A. White..,. 00 00 4 Silas Taylor..:.......00 00 4 S a S 0 0 0 0 4 For Constables Otis S. Hasselton 44 00 23 John J. Blrkland 15 54 8 J. B. Oxton 00 00 4 A. Thumm 00 00 4 S. Wescott 00 00 4 For sale of lots Yes 44 59 2 No 13 00 10 FprLiquor License:.: 17 00 IB Against License 50 00 20 14 25 38 1 00 80 62 8 2(1 17 14 00 14 00 14. 00 mM 2: 00 2 For CwstaUg-T ffllsS.H«®ll011....5l John J. BRkland.. ..32 J. B. Oxton 00 A. Thumm 00 Secretary. 8 Wescott.,.. For sale of lots Yea No For Liquor License. Acauist License.... »t .00 .25 17 .12 wtonm 1 Hel* 17 John P. Pease 2 For Register of Deeds— ?.• S. Seymour 18 H. W. Mctiovuey 3 4 9'n,* i"derson 5 J. W. Stewart 14 Per District Attorney— C. J. Paul 15 81 Count? Superintendent— & W. Wlnchell 0 W. I. Warrer Mrs. L. D. F. Hogue. 6 82 For Assessor— Robert B. For Judge of Probated R. W. Berry .a? 2i 80 8 40 20 85 4 8 For Coroner— Dr. H. H. Baldwin .K20 For Couuty Surreyory G. H. Frlck ..21 22 35 The Canvassing Board. The canvassing hoard, consisting ot Com missioners Wilcox and Qoplerud aud Judge of Probnte Drakeley, met in the office ot the county clerk iu Sherbrooke on Monday and proceeded to canvass the returns of the late election. The returns were all found to be in proper form. The total vote for each of the candidates was found to be as follows: Delegate to Congress— Gifford 607 139 Day Council— Selby Harstad Assembly— Sprague Adams Major 2H 2(1 1-, Frank M. Ward a W? 0 14 For Sheriff— B. F. Walden 2 80 18 lfi 0. P. Anderson I J. W. Stewart 11 Register of Dueds Seyuicr. .... "HWoVifGy v-i ,1 Trttstiror— Brunsdale...,. Stewart 80 For Coroner— Dr. H. H. Baldwin.... 14 go For County Surveyor— G. H. Frlck 14 39 y^tJderwp Superintendent of Schools— Wlnchell 373 413 639 783 189 4RB 820 502 m. t*S7 yh&l .sr.. W £.V«S Against liquor license 861 For sale of i^wn lots 234 Against sale of lots .298 Tho other candidates had no opposition and received nearly the entire vote cast. The total vote of the county was 821, being an increase of about 100 in the past two years. OBASfiK HIiOSSOHB. Warner—Elisbnry. On Sunday, November 7th, 1880, at 12 m., at the residence ot the bride's parents, by the Rev. B. P. Spalding, Mr. James A. Warner and Miss Eva Ellsliury.-hoth of Hope. There was a numerous company present on the occa sion. Tho young couple have a host of friends who wish them a ioug aud happy tife. The presents were numerous and elegant, consist ing of tho followiug: Miss Blanche Ellsbury, Tower City, gilt frame oil paiuting Mr. aad Mrs. H. V. Smith, Tower City, silver cake bas ket Miss Laura Moslirosh, Tower City, silver butter dish Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Paul, carving knife and fork Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Merriell, coffee and tea pot Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Masters, 1 5 28 7 80 30 30 39 12 1 25 25 82 25 30 1 25 25 25 2 31 31 4 Fourth Commissioner District. Sher- Lln Norway. 147-55. brooke.eoln. For Congress— 0. S. Glfford 52 M. H. Day 00 •For Council— JTF. Selby 10 G. A. Harstad 41 21 00 31 8 82 2 33 34 00 31 13 28 2 For Assembly— D. W. Sprague 4!) F. H. Adams 52 0. G. Major 8 11 25 0 311 20 doz. silver knives: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WIiIb uaud, set ot flat irons Win. Dolierty, large French plate mirror Q. A. Luco, silver cake basket F. H. Miller, Tower City, silver castor H. W. McGovney and J. H. McCullom, 1 doz. silver spoons aud 1 doz. silver forks E. H. Thurlow, wash tub, wringer, wash board, mop stick, scrub brusli and soap Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ellsbury, full set dishes aad glassware A. F. Warner and family full bedroom set Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Ellsbury, Tower City, deed of 2 lots in first addition ta Hope Mrs. T. F. Messenger, Tower City, silver butter knife, sugar spoon and pair pillows. Mr. aud Mrs. O. A. Warner, table cloth and pair towols Miss Gri^ce Warner, pair towels Miss Julia Ellsbury, glass water set Miss Minnie Ellsbury, silver castor Miss Nettle Ellsbury, 8 pair tow els Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MUligan, pair blankets Mr. and Mrs. R. 1). Patterson, glass cake stand Miss Millie Ellsbury, Tower City, toilet bottle with silver stand Miss Florence Ellsbury, Tower City, silver butter dish Mr. Theodore and Miss Minnie Whisnand, lamp Mr. H. S. Morris, glass water pitcher Mr. L. A. Roney, coffee pot Mr. Archie Mililgan, toilet bottle of perfume Miss Fannie Chilcote, looted banner Mr, and Mro. Ed Fish, table clotU.and napkins Baby Ellsbury, Maltese cat Morris—Wtalanaa^ Wednesday, November 10th, 1886, at 11 a. m., at the residence of the bride's parents, in Broadlawn township, by Bev. J. H. Baldwin, S. Morris to Minnie A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whisnand. A large nuitiber of the friends of the contracting parties assembled to witness the ceremony, and many Morris, $100) bowl and pltober Willie Roney, eomb and brash Hattte and Stonie Boney, soap dish and soap Era Boney, pair of towels Fred and Eva Pope, pair of towels E. H. Thurlow, lamp Lixrle Shelley, ornamental pickle dish Mr. Molten and wife, table cloth Mrs. Bella Warren, tidy and lamp mat Wlfhtau—Chisholm. Friday morning, at ibe Hope House, hy tbov Bev. A. B. Barlow, Benben Wigbtman to Mrs. Margaret Chlsholm, both of Cats county. "i Isn(-SiBps«i. At Coopentown, Griggs county, Monday, Oo tober 25th, by Bev. 0. D. Partington, Mr. J. A. Long to Miss Jessie Simpson, both of Nor miBtownshlp, Steele coaiitr, D. ,T." j| Attention, Farmers! rose. ft these days of extremely low prices fori nearly all farm products, it is necessary that we fanners should produce and market our grain as cheaply as possible. We baTe learned that we must economize In the expense of pro dugjUbn, are learning how to raise more bush- deal were the congratulations and good wishes showered upon the happy twain for their happiness and prosperity In the years to come. The follow ing were among the numerous present#: Broadlawn Sunday school, $15.65 forchoristei1 R. A. Pope and wife, table cloth Ed Fuller and Ed McCormack, hanging lamp O. H. Newton and wife, glass cake stand H.%. McGovney, set table spoons B. F. Walden, set table spoons W. H. Pope and F. J. Hughes castor W. E. Whisnand and wife, set of cold handled irons J. A. Warner and wife, set of glasa^ sauce and pickle dishes. Bobert Whls pid''pgw Roney, plush-cased clock James Whbman4 and wife, set of chairs Theodore andJSus 'Wtteand, bed-room bureau James Whisnand, Jr^ itfaw-^water pitcher Vn-'WUttam bed clothes, bed Morris, Dora Morris, silver table May Brooks, set of tea bax *of spoons W. carving knife and glass sauce dishes the acre, and now there remains to find a way to lessen the cost of getting our grain to market Although we farmers are not credited with^ being very quick-witted (the head ot one of our elevator companies being reported assay ing that not one fanner in ten knows enough to ship a car load of grain), a have learned that we can ting 8 to good many of us Bafely 4 count on get cents per bushel more than the local market price by shipping our own grain. But as any one knows, who has inquired into the matter, it is next to impossible for farmers to obtain can in the fall, the very time they need them most. So, representative farmers of Colgate and vl cinity met last week and organized the Colgate Warehouse association for the absolutely safe business of handling their own grain, thus se curing to themselves a part of the profit of the middlemen. A warehouse will be built iu the coming spring or early summer, in ample time for handling the crop of next fall. It will be large enough to furnish temporary storage "when cars are scarce," (favorite chestnut of railroad officials) and yet be built at a mode rate cost There are enough who are deter mined to have bonost weights, fair grades and fair dockage, aud all the price there is, to make this organization an assured success. If you are like miuded and would be accommodated by a warehouse at Colgate, come and Join the enterprise. At least come to the Colgate school house Saturday, Nov. 20th, hear the plan and Judge for yourselves. Watson E. Eoise, Secretary. Riverside. As election is over we thought perhaps the Pioneer might have room for another item. Our school closed with usual ceremonies, and we believe tho patrons of the school as well as the scholars, speak very highly of Miss Bradford as teacher during this, her first term. Miss Bradford has retumed to Wisconsin. Robert Wilson and family have been visiting frieuds iu this neighborhood and Cooperstowu during the past woek. Mrs. Auna Christoffsou has returned from her visit to Fargo after having been delayed twojjoy« ilio Oasseltou suiash-up. Since the geese seem to have forsaken us rabbit shootlug soems to be the amusement of the day. Two of the boys went into the timber along the Sheyenne last Monday and brought Wfa 28'Wlilte rabbits. I hope they won't shoot for when my Mler gefr'tWough -f»tott.aT,\we want to go and shoot a $w. I believe goose^nrft -tabbU staffing, toj good more diversion thanftooiS^S^^ wliat glorfous-wsallietL 349 ,VIE, Thanksgiving Proclamation. Territory ot Dakota a Proclamation by the Governor: During the season that has passed, the peo ple of this territory have been abundantly blossed with health and free from distressing calamities. The hand of justice has not been stnyed. The laws liavo been observed. No social disturbance has afflicted us. No angry turmoil has rent communities in twain or called force to maintain order. Though the fullest fruits ot American citi zensliip have not yet been attained, no people are less burdened with legal restrictions and no freer breath is drawn than that enjoyed by the citizens ot this commonwealth. Safe in his home! Safe iu his liberty! Safe in the en joyment of his conscience and his God I For these and for kludred blessings it is be coming that we raise our voices in gratitude to the Almighty. Therefore, in conformity to tho President's proclamation, I commend to the people the observance of Thursday, the 25th day of No vember, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. "With malice toward none, with charity for all," remembering the needy and afflicted, and beseeching the Divine blessing on the future of this land, let us meet in church and home and celebrate this annual festival—a season associated with sacred memories and hallowed by the custom of our fathers. "Under God tho people rule." Witness my hand and tho great seal of the Territory this 4th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. (L. S.) Gilbert A. Pebbce. By the Governor: M. L. McCouuck, Sec. A special train was run up Monday to carry off a part of the wheat which had accumu lated in the elevators. It hauled out twelve car loads, or nearly 8,000 bushels. Cars are very scarce all along the Manitoba line, and elevator men find great difficulty in getting a sufficient number to keep their warehouses from being glutted. Last Saturday the Red River Valley Elevator company had to refuse wheat on account of having no storage room, and the Carglll house barely managed to squeeze through. Preaching at Sherbrooke Sunday, November 14 at half-past ten a. m. at Hope, November 14, at half-past 7 p. in. Sunday, November 21st, at Cocbrane's school house, known by some as Hillsdale, at half-past ten a. m., and at Aneta at half-past seven p. m. Sunday, November 28th, quarterly meeting at Hillsdale* Quarterly conference Saturday night after preaching preaching Sabbath morning, after which the sacramentof the Lord's supper will be administered. The official members of the charge are urged to be present at the quarterly service. All persons are cordially invited to at tend all our services. A. R. Bablow, The Dakota Southern. New Yobk, Nov. 6.—The Milwaukee I Saved His Lire. D. lb. LWilcoxson, Uo was, for William unendurable springs and "Mtinterpane and tea spoons and set of knives and forks Aggie Morris, pair of towels Edith Morris, glass cream and Warrey, fork Mabel Smith, set of L. E. Began and granite wash pan W. wife, H. H. R^nef, wash J. Pastor in Hope charge. SL Paul company has asked the stock exchange to list 11,000,000 first-mortgage bonds of the Da kota & Great Southern railroad company. of Horse Cave, Ky.,say» many Phthisic, years, badly afflicted with also Diabetes the 5? pains were almost would sometimes almoet throw him into convulsons. He tried Electric Bittern and got ter pitcher relief from first bottle, and af taking six bottles, was entirely cured,and bad gained in flesh elghteea pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died bad it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bit tern, Sold at fifty oents a bottle by Wamberg A Jaoobson, Hope, D. T. •. ijfW 1 *..v