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Sp.'S-. HOPE PIOKEER. INOFFICIAL JOURNAL OF STEELE COUNTY. The/Besaion of the Dakota legisla ture will begin on Tuesday, January 31,'and last sixty days, though it is difficult to see what the members will find to occupy their time during so long aperiod, now that special legislation is prohibited. Ah! but we had forgot, Bismarck has a toboggan slide. The Chicago Inter-Ocean mentions that wh^n ex-Senator Conkling made his last campaign in the West he stipulated that he should not be asked to speak out of doors. He was so in sistent on this point, in the interest of J',- his health, that wigwams were built for him at pointB where there were no large- halls. Logan, less careful of his health, spoke often in the rain. When he was last at Quincyhe sat Cor over an hour in the damp, cold air after he had made a speech that left him in a profuse perspiration. Logan is dead and Conkling is in l"! good health. A Minneapolis Journal reader offers the following explanation of the sud den massing of British troops in Canada, which a nervous New Eng land congressman feared meant the introduction of military power into the settlement of the fisheries dis pute. "The concentration of British troops in Canada has been going on quite rapidly of late and the recent developments in Europe, pointing so clearly to war in the spring, seem to justify the belief that the British gov ernment is preparing to make imme diate use for military purposes of the Canadian Pacific railroad, built as a military necessity long before there was any demand for it in a commer cial way." A bill to regulate the citizenship of foreigners has been introduced in the United States senate by Mr. Sauls bury, providing that after an alien shall have resided in the United States five years, he may present his petition for admission to citizenship. This petition shall be accompanied by the affidavit of a citizen stating that during that time he has behaved as a man of good moral character. Upon the presentation of the petition the courts shall grant a certificate stating the facts, whereupon the petitioner Bhall be subject to the duties of citiz enship and have all the rights thereof, except that he shall not be entitled to vote until two years have elapsed from the issuance of his certificate. Minor children of foreign born citi zens shall have the rights of citizen ship, provided they have lived three years within the United States. No person shall be admitted to citizen ship who cannot speak the English language. 'The new Minneapolis & Pacific railroad, which has recently been completed between Minneapolis & Lidgerwood, Dakota, proposes to adopt a new method in handling the wheat of farmers along its line, and one whiGh it would seem will go a long way in reforming the abuses of which we have heard so much, as be tween the farmers and the elevator companies. The new departure is thus stated by Mr. W. D. Washburn, the president of the company, in an interview published in the Minne* apolis Tribune: The railroad company lias gone forward and erected its own elevators and warehouses. I never have been able to see any good reason why a railroad company should not afford fa cilities for receiving wheat and all kinds of grain the same as they afford facilities for re ceiving all other classes of freight. It appears to me the only consistent thing to do. At any rate our company has acted on that idea. We have, as I have before said, built warehouses aud elevators at every station on the line, and we propose to charge the public for receiving and handling this grain what it absolutely costs us, and no more the railroad not pro posing to make a profit as an elevator com pany, but simply to afford facilities for receiv ing grain and charging only the actual cost, adding thiseost in its actual transportation rate. Other parties are, however, allowed and invited to build elevators and warehouses at «very station, and every facility will be afforded them for handling such grain as shall go to their warehouses. The railroad company only issue receipts, or tickets, for grain received. It has nothing whatever te do with purchases— simply issuing its tickets. We invite buyers •at wheat, millers or outside parties to purchase «uoh tickets. In order to give the farmer all the information necessary to determine the •value of the wheat when he takes it to our station, we post in a conspicuous place our rates of transportation. We publish once or twice a day the market reports of the wheat in Minneapolis, so that any one can easily figure the value of his wheat when he takes it to a station. There has been a great deal of com plaint made in the country in the past two or three years against the extortions of the uiil. lets' association and the different elevator •companies. So far as the millers are concern ed I don't see how e?er they have received any benefits from the alleged abuses in handling grain. I am told that the elevator companies have been in the habit of making a large mar gin between the prices paid for the wheat in the country and the markets here and in Du luth sometimes, I understand, they have ope rated on a margin of from 6 to 9 cents a bushel, really getting more for what little they did in connection with the wheat than the railroads got tor hauling it, or the millers for miliiug it. Those who have suffered from this condition ot things are the farmers and the millers. I see no good reason why anybody should get between the producers and consumers of wheat, making a large profit which- becomes a harden to both parties—producer nm) con sumer. It we are to raise wheattor export in this country everything must be brought down to a minimum. This country cannot compete with India and Australia w^eat, except on this kind of basis. I do not know whether this willqptnrtwwuwesftiHrernot atony S rate we propose to cive It a fair trial, and make an honest and determined effort to see the pro* ducer ot wheat reoeive all to which he is en titled. A railroad company cannot make the price of wheat, but it can, to some extent, see to it those producing it are not prevented re ceiving a fair price. nekton's Arnica Salve. The best salve in' the world fer cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wamberg & Jacobson, Hope, D. T. jyj-OBTGAGE hALE. Default having been made In the payment of the sum of tUree hundred sixty-seven and seventy six one hundredths (88H7.76) dollars, which is claimed to be due at the date ot this notice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and de livered by Edwin Banna, C. Banna. L. B. Clough, Louis B. Banna and Samuel K. Dickin son, mortgagors, to the Bed River Land Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a corporation created by and'existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, bearing date the first day of Septem ber. A. D. 1881, and duly recorded as a mortgage In the office of the register of deeds In and for the County ot Traill and Territory of Dakota, on the 11th day of January, A. D. 1883, at 12 o'clock m„ In book of mortgages, on page 618, and duly transcribed to the register of deeds office. Steele county, Dakota territory, and recorded therein In book B, pages 602 aud 503. and no action or pro ceeding at Ian or otherwise having been Instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained In said mort gage, and pursuant to the statute In such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described In and covered by said mortgage, viz: all of section num ber nine (9), township number one hundred anil forty-five (145) north, of range number flfty-flve (55) west, containing six hundred and forty (B40) acres, according to the United states government survey thereof,In Steele county and Territory of Dakota, with the hereditaments and appurte nances, will be sold at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and Interest, and the taxes. If any, on said premises, and fifty dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated In and by said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the disburse ments allowed by law, which sale will be made by the sheriff of said Steele county, or his duly au thorized deputy, at the front door of the county building. In the town of Sherbrooke. in said county and territory* on the 14th day of February, A. D. 1887. at 3 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day ot eMe. as provided by law. THE BED RiyER LAND COMPANY, Dated December 28th, A. D. 1880. E. J. McMahon, attorney for mortgagee, Hone, D.T. deal fell ^yjORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made In the conditions of a certain mortgage made by M. F. Gougbnour, (unmarried) mortgagor, to John H. Van Dyke, mortgagee, dated the 25th day of January. A. D. 1883, and recorded as a mortgage In the office of the Register of Deeds ot the county of Traill In the Territory of Dakota, on the 27th day of Janu ary, A. D. 1883, at 4:35 o'clock p. m„ In book "I" of mortgages, on page 403, and transcribed Into the records ot Steele county In the name of M. F. Goodnow, book "D," page 588, on which there Is claimed to be due at the, date of this notice, the amount of $853.27. and $60.00 attorneys' lees, and $8.25 for taxes paid, and no action or pro ceeding has been Instituted at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a power of sale contained In said mortgage, and of the statute In such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ot the mort- ge aged premises therein described, which sale will made at the tront door of the Register of Deeds' office, In the town of Sherbrooke, In the county of Steele and Territory of Dakota, at public auction, by the sheriff of said county, on Tuesday, the 18th day of January, A. D. 1887, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest there on, and costs and expenses of sale, and sixty dol lars attorneys' fees, as stipulated in said mort gage In case ot foreclosure. Tbe premises described In said mortgage, and so to be sold. Is the lot, piece or parcel of land situated In the county of Steele and Territory of Dakota, and known and described as follows, to wlt: The southwest quarter (s U) of section twenty-eight (28), In township one hundred and forty-six (146) north, range fifty-four (54) west of 5th P- M. JOHN H. VANDYKE, Mortgagee. H. Comfort, Huron, ana Wm. F. Carroll, of counsel, attorneys of mortgagee. Dated Dec. 1,1886. dec3]anl4 ".JV'MJUl'U. -VrOTICE OP MORTGAGE SALE-Whereas, _13( C. O. Francis, on the first day of Jane, A. D. 1882, duly executee, to Francis O. French, his deed of mortgage, bearing date on thatday, mort gaging all the following described parcel of lantL situated in the County of Steele and Territory OT Dakota, that is to say, all of section thirty-five (35), in township one hundred and forty-four (144), in range fifty-four (54), which mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds, in and for said county, in book of mortgages, on page 403 and whereas, the said Francis O, French afterwards assigned the said mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M, Lewis, by an instrument of assignment, bear ing date pn the first day of November, A. D. 1883, -which instrument is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds in book of mortgages, on page 196 and whereas, afterward, the said Edwin M. Lewis assigned the daid mortgage, to- f[enry ether with tiie indebtedness secured thereby, to C. StWup, by an instrument bearing date on the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1884, which assignment is recorded in book E of mortgages, on pago 174 and whereas, afterward the said Henry C. Stroup assigned the said mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to Willie Eushton, by an instrument bearing date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1886, which assignment is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, in book E of mortgages, on page 622 and whereas, there is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, and in default upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-five hundred and ancC, together with the stun of $108.80 hereto^ fore paid by the undersigned, as taxes upon the said premises, and interest upon the said unpaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective defaults in payment thereof, and upon the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the second day of October, A. i. 1885. and $128 attorney's fees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, thai the saia mortgage ^|ll }e fore closed, under and in trarsuanoe pf a ^ofaer of sale therein contained, mr a sale of the said prem ises, to be made by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse, in the village of Sher brooke, in said county, at three (3) o'clock p. m. on the 10thday of February, A. x. 1887. WILLIE BuSHTON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated the 13th day of Deoember, A. D. LHKTF. W. P. Clough, ptt&ney tor Assignee. de24fe4 jyjORXttAGE SALE. Default having been made in the payment of the sum of Five Hundred and Seventy-nine and fifty-four one-hondredths (£579.54) dollars, which is claimed to be due at the date of this no tice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Thomas Ward, mortgagor, to the Bed Hirer I^and Company of Minneapolis, Min nesota, a jcorjKjrtatipn created by and existing under the lawsof the 0ta£o pf Minnesota, bearing tember, A. D. 1881, at 8:10 o'clook a. m., ill book E of mortgages, on page 374, and duly transcrib ed to the register of deeds1 office, Steele County, Dakota Territory, and recorded therein in book of mortgages, on pages, 258 and 259, and no action or proceeding at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said qij?rtgager or any part thereof Now, therefore, notice is hereby given. That by virtue of a pow6r of sate contained ip ptpd mort gage and pursuant to the statute in shult case made and provided, the said mortgage 'will be foreclosed, and the premisee described in and cov ered by said mortgage, viz: The West half (W1/*) of Section eleven (11), township one hundred ana fiorty-five (145) north, of Range fifty-five (55) west, containing three hundred and twenty (320) acres, agQQrding to the TJ. S. Government survey thereof, in Steele Oognty pnd Territory Dakota, with the hereditaments ana appurtei^es, ^ill be sold at public auction, to the Highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and the taxes, if any, on said premises, and seventy-five dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated in end by said mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disburse ments allowed by law which sale will be made by the sheriff pf saidSteele county, or his author ized deputy, at top frontdoor of the county build am 1887, subject to redemption atony time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. THE BED BIVErf LAND COMPANY, Mortgagee. Dated, December 28th, A. D. 1886. E.J. BfpJJahpu, attorney for mortgagee, Hope, D.T. dSlfell N' OTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Anders E.BeJetke, deceased: All persons having claims against said Anders E. Bejerke, deceased, are required to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, to the under signed administrator of said egute, at his reai .deuce in Noma township, Jn the county of Steele, territory of nakota, ana Uyjt four jnonthn bave been limited as tho time for creditors to ["OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. DCOHUC .claims against said estate. -.'r Dated the 0th day of Deoember, A. D. 1884. K. H. BBCNBDALK, Administrator ottte estate of AndersE. Bejerke, Jr*£ ^Vi V,Vr^'-?C' Whereas, G. 0. Francis, on tbe first day of Juno, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis O. French, bis deed of mortgage, bearing data on that day,| mortgaging all the following de scribed parcel of land, situated in the County Of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that is to Bay, 'all of section thirty-three (83), in town ship one hundred and forty-five (146), in range fifty-four (51), which inertgage is recorded In the office of the register of deeds, in and for said county, in book of mortgages, ou page 416 and whereas, the Baid Frauds 0. French afterwards assigned the said mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by an instrument of assignment, bear ing date on the first day of November, A. D. 1883, which instrument is recorded in the office of the Baid register of deeds in book of mortgages, on page 196 aud where as, afterward, the said Edwin M. Lewis as signed the said mortgage, together with the iudebtedness secured thereby, to Henry C. Stroup, by an instrument bearing date ou the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1884, which assignment is recorded in book Eof mortgages, on page 174 ana whereas, afterward, the said Henry C. Stroup assigned the said mortgage, aud the debt secured thereby, to Willie Kush ton, by an instrument bearing date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1886, which assign ment is recorded in the office of the said reg ister of deeds, in book E of mortgages, on page 622 aud whereas, there is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, aud in default upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-five hundred and sixty ($2,560) dellars, as principal, together with interest thereon, at the rate of six (ti) per cent per annum from the first day of June, A. D. 1883, and, togeiher with the sum of $118.45 heretofore paid by the uudersigned, as taxes u{on the said premises, and iuterest upon the said unpaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective defaults in payment thereof, aud upou the amouutso paid for taxes, at the rate often (10) per centperannum from the second day of October, A. D. 1885, and $128 attorney's fees, stipulated in said mort gage to be paid in case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, under aud in pursuauce of a power of sale therein con tained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse, in the village of Sherbrooke, in said county, at three (3) o'clock p. in., on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1887. WILLIE BUSHTON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated the 13th day of December, A.D. 1886. W. P. Clough, attorney for assignee. de24fe4 ^"OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas, C. 0. Frauds, ou the first day of Juue, A. D. 1882 duiy executed, to Francis 0. French, his deed of mortgage, bearing date ou that day, mortgaging all the following de scribed parcel of land, situated iu the Couuty of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that is to say, thewest half (w X) or section twenty seven f27), iu township one hundred aud forty five (145), iu rangeiSTty-four (54), which mort gage is recorded in tbe offico of the register of deeds, in and for said county, iu book of mortgages, ou page 419 aud whereaB, the said Francis O. French afterwards assigned the said mortgage, aud the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by an instrument of assignment, bearing date ou the fust day of Noveuiber, A. D. 188S, whioli instrument is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, in book of mortgages, ou page 196 aud whereas, afterward, the said Edwin M. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, to Henry C. Stroup, byg an instrument bearing date on the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1884, wbicli assigumeut is recorded iu book E of mortgages, ou page 174 aud whureas, af terward, the said Henry C. Stroup assigued the said mortgage, aud the debt secured there by, to Willio Rushton, by au iustrument bear ing date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1886, which assigumeut is recorded in the office of the said register of deedB, in book E of mort gages, on page 622 aud whereas, there is claimed, aud hereby declared, to be due, aud in default upou the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the stun ot twelve liuudred aud eighty ($1,280) dollars, as principal, together with interest .thereon, at the rate of six (6) per cent per aiiuum from the first day of Juue, A. D. 1883, and, together with the sum of $59.70 heretofore paid by the uudersigued, as taxes upon the said premises, aud iuterest upon the said unpaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective defaults iu payment thereof, aud upon the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the second day of October, A. D. 1885, and $64 attorney's fees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid iu cose of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice i6 hereby given, that the aid mortgage will be fore closed, undei and in pursuauce o( a power of sale ihereiu contained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made by the Bher.ff of said county, or his deputy, to the Itigbest bidder, at tlie front door of the courthouse, in the village of Sherbrooke, in said county, at three (3) o'clock p. in., on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1887. WILLIE RUSHTON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated tho 13th day of December, 1886. W. P. Clough, attorney for assignee. de24fe4 •J^OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas, C. 0. Francis on the first day of June, A. D. 1882, duly axecuted, to Frauds 0. French, his deed of mortgage, bearing date on that day, mortgaging all the following describ ed parcel of laud, situated iu the County of Steele aud Territory of Dakota, that is to say, all of section five (5), in towuship one liuudred aud forty-four (144), iu rauge fifty-four (54), which mortgage is recorded iu the office of the register of deeds, in and for said .county, in book of mortgages, on page 356 aud where as, the said Francis 0. French afterwards as signed the said mortgage, and the iudebted ness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by an instfuinent of assignment, bearing date ou the first day of1 November, A. D. 1883 which instrument is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, in book of mortgages, ou page 196 and whereas, afterward, the said Edwin M. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the iudebtedness secured thereby, to Henry C. Stroup, by an instrument bearing date on the tweuty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1884, Which assignment is recorded in' book E of mortgages,'on page 374 aud Whereas, af terward, the said Heury C: Stroup assigned the said mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to Willie Rushton, by an instrument bearing date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1886, which assignment is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, in book E of mortgages, ou page 622 aud whereas, there is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, and iu default upou the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the etmi 'of tweuty-three liuudred and thirty and 72-100 ($2,330.72) dollart,'aii piiuoipal, together with iuterebt thereon, at tbe rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the first day of June, A. D. 1882, and, together with the sum of $111.30 heretofore paid by the uuder signed, as taxes upon the said premises, aud iuterest upou the said unpaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective de faults in payment thereof, aud upon the amount SQ paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per Cent per'ariuuui from tho second day of Octo ber, A. D. 18&5, alid $1'16.§0 :Httorneyis fees, stipulated in snid mortgage to be paid in caso of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, under and in pursuance of a power of sale therein contained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made, by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest, bidder, at t)le front door of the court house, iu the village of Sherbrooke, in said county, at three (3) o'clock i). in., od tlie 10th day of February, A. D. 1SS7. WILLIE RUSHTON, Assiguee of Mortgage. Date the 13tli day of December, A. D. 1886. \V. P. Clough, attorney for assiguee. d24fe4 fOTICE 0F MORTGAGE SAM. Whereas, C. 0. Francis, on tlie first day of June, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francfs 0. French, his deed of mortgage, beariug date ou tliat day, mortgaging all the following de scribed parcel of laud, situated in the County df S^pele aud Territory of Dakota, Unit is to say, all of section three (3), iu towiiBljip one hundred and forty-four (144). iu range fifty .four (54), wbicli mortgage is recorded in tlie office of tbe register ot deeds, in and for said couuty, iu book of mortgages, ou page 373 and whereas, the said Francis 0. French after wards ttssigned the said mortgage, and the iu debtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by an instrumentof assignment bearing date op the 1 day of Wopejpbey.A.D. which instrument is recorded in tlie office of the said register pf deeds, in book 0f mortgagee, on page l'.)6 and whoreas, afterword, tho said Edwin II. Lewis assigued tlie said mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, to Henry C. Stroup, by an iustrument beariug date on the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1J81, Which assignment Is recorded in Book E •aid mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to Willio BtuhtoD, by no lnatromont bearing date on tlie ninth day of July, A. D. 1886, which assignment is recorded iu the offlcw of tbe said register of deeds, iu book E of- mort gages, on page 622 and whereas, there is claimed, aud hereby«declared, to be due, and iu default upou tbe said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-three liuu dred one nud 44-100 ($2,301.4+) dollars, ns principal, together with interest thereon, at the rate of six (6) per ceut per aununi from the first day of June, A. D. 1882, aud together with the sum of one buudred eighteen and 60-100 ($118.60) dollars, heretofore paid by the undersigned, as taxes upou the said premises, aud iuterest upou the said unpaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective de faults iu payment thereor, aud upon tlie amount BO paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per ceut per annum from the second day of Octo ber, A. D. 1885, aud $115.05 attorney's fees, stipulated iu said mortgage to be paid iu case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, under and iu pursuance of a power of sale therein contained, by a sale of the said premises, to he made, by tlie sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court bouse, iu tho village of Sherbrooke, in said couuty, at three (3) o'clock p. m., on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1887. WILLIE RUSHTON, Assiguee of Mortgage. Dated the 18th day or December, A. D. 1886. W. P. Clough, attoruey for assignee. d24f4 fOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas, C. 0. Frauds on the first day of June, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis 0. French, his deed of mortgage, bearing date ou that day, mortgaging all the foliowiug describ ed parcel of laud, tuated iu tbe Couuty of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that is to say, all of section eleven (11), iu towuship oue hundred and forty-five (145), iu rauge fifty four (54), which mortgage is recorded iu the office of the register of deeds, in aud for said couuty, in book of mortgages, on page 412 aud whereas, the said Frauds 0. French af terwards assigned the Baid mortgage, aud the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by anstrument of assignment, beariug date on the first day of November, A. D. 1883, which instrument iB recorded iu the office of the said register of deeds, iu book of mort gages, on page 196 and whereas, afterward, the eaid Edwin M. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the indebtedness se cured thereby, to Heury C. Stroup, by an in strument beariug date on the twenty-firth day ot July, A. D. 1884, which assignment is re corded iu book E of mortgages, on page 174 aud wliereas, afterward, the said Henry C. Stroup assigued the said mortgage, aud the debt secured thereby, to Willie Ku8htou, by au instrument hearing date ou the uiutii day of July, A. D. 1886, wiiich assignment is recorded in tho office or tiie said register of deeds, iu book E of mortgages, on page 622 aud wliere as, there is claimed, aud hereby declared, to be due, and iu default upon the said mortgage, at the date ot this notice, the sum of twenty five hundred and sixty ($2,560) dollars, as principal, together with iuterest thereon, at tlie rate of six (6) per ceut per auuum from the first day ot Juue, A. D. 1883, aud, together with the sum ot $79.75 heretofore paid by the under signed, as taxes upou the said premises, aud interest upou the said unpaid installments of interest, from tlie dates of the respective de faults iu payment thereof, and upon the amount so paid tor taxes, at the rate or ten (10) per ceut per aununi from the second day ot Octo ber, A. D. 1885, aud $128.00 attorney's fees, stipulated iu said mortgage to be paid iu case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby giveu, that the said mortgage will be torecloaeil, under and iu pursuauce of a power of a sale therein coutaiued, by a sale of tlie said premises, to be made, by tlie sheriff of said couuty, or his deputy, to tlie highest bid der, at the front door of the court house, iu the vilage of Sherbrooke, in said couuty, at three (3) o'clock p. in., on the 10th day of February, A. D. 1887. WILLIE RUSHTON, Assiguee of Mortgage. Dated the IStli day of December, A. D. 1886. W. P. Clough, attorney for absiguee. d24fe4 fOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Wliereas, C. 0. Francis on the first day of June, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis 0. French, his deed or mortgage, beariug date ou that day, mortgaging all the foliowiug describ ed parcel of laud, situated iu the Couuty of Steele aud Territory of Dakota, that is to say, all of sectioii. niue (9), iu township one hundred and forty-five (145), iu range fifty-four (54), which mortgage is recorded in tho office of the register of deeds, in aud for said county, iu book Bof mortgages, on page 409 aud whereas, the said Francis 0. French afterwards assigued the said mortgage, aud the iudebtedness se cured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by au iu strument of assignment, beariug date ou the first day of November, A. D. 1883, which in strument is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, iu book of mortgages, ou page 196 aud whereas, afterward, tlie said Edwin M. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured there by, to Henry C. Stroup, by au iustruuieut bearing date on the tweuty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1884, wiiich assigumeut is recorded iu book E of mortgages, ou page 174 aud where as, afterward, the said Henry C. Strpup, as signed tlie said mortgage, ami the debt secured thereby, to Willie Rustiton, by an instrument beariug date on tbe ninth day or July, A. D. 1886, wiiich assignment is recorded iu the office ot the said register or deeds, iu book Eof mort gages, on page 622 and whereas, there is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, and iu default upou the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, tlie sum of twenty-five liuudred and Bixty ($2,560) dollars, as principal, to gether with interest thereon, at the rale of six (6) per ceut per annum from the first day of Juue, A. D. 1883, and, together witli the sum of $79.75 heretofore paid by the uudersigued, as taxes upon the gaid premises, and iuterest upon the said uupaid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective defaits iu pay ment thereof, and upou tlie amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per ceut per annum from the second day ot October, A. D. 1885, and $128.00 attorney's fees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclos ed, tinder find in pursuance of li power of sale tlieiein contained, by a sale of the said premi- brooke, iu said couuty,' at three (3) o'clock p. m., on tbe 10th day or February, A. D.1887. WILLIE RUSHTON, .W 1 Assiguee of Mortgage. Daled llie 13th day of December, A. D. 1886. W. P. Clough, attoruey for assignee, (124fe4 No, OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE—"Whereas, •Francis, pn the first toy of .tune, A. 1). i««2, ^duty executed, lo Fiunffls O.: French, bis VAVVUWH, W XIAUUIB V.- rrcacji. uis deed of mortgage. Bearing date on that day. mort gaging all the following described parcel of land, bltuated In the County of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that Is to say, all of section nineteen (lil). In township one hundred and lorty-four (144), In range fifty-four (54), which mortgage is recoidtd In the office of the leglster of deeos, lu and for said county, In book of mortgages, on pace Sih8: and whereas, the said Francis 0. French after wards assigned the said mortgage, and the In debtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis W of iwnlgnment. beaijng date an thoflrataayof November A I, ln:t,\vhlcSIn strument Is recorded In the office of the said lelr lster of deeds, lu bcok 11 ot moitgaecs oil page UMi and wheieas, afterwards the said Hdwlii M. Lewis assigned the said mort gage, together with the Indebtedness seemed therecy, to Henry c\ Stroup, by uu Instrument bearing date on the twenty-ilftn day of July. A. 1X84, which assignment is recorded In book E of mortgages, on page 174 and whereas, afterward, ..... .Bv IT) uuu rtticiCuO) UltcrWHrtJ. the e»|d Hpiny btipup assigned ths said morr tinge, and the debt secured tiiereay, to'Wllife liihtnn hr «n»» r_ n^yureu uteregj, iq WiUie b£ n, Instrument beariug date 011 the ninth day of July, A. II. 1KKH, which assignment is recorded in the office of the said register ot deedi, in book of mortgages. 011 page tfej: and lhere is claimed, and hcrcBy declared, to be due, and In default upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-four hundred and pigjity-fpuf ljMuil ,^4X4,1(1] UM, jj™- "a principal, together with the Interest thereon, at the nite of six (tl) per cent per annum from the iirst day of June. A. 1). 1882, and, to gether with the sum of SI 08.00 heretofore paid by the undesigned, as taxes upon the said prem ises, and interest upon the said unpaid lustall •nentsof lntei est. from the dates ol the respect ive defaults I11 payment thereof, and upon the Rmom4 so paid for taxes, at the ratV'ot tell (im per cent per annum from tho feeond day of Oo tober, A. D. IKS.), aud S1H4.2U attorney's tees, stipulated in said mortgage to be paid In case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice 1B hereby given, that tbe said mortgage will be fore closed, under and in pursuance of a power of sale therein contained by a sale of the said premisec, to be made by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the cpurthouse, In the village of Hherbrooke, In Mfd eountr, nt three (3)o'eIoSu p. w.Von the loth day of february. A. D. 1887. WILLIE RUSHTON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated the Hihdayof December, A. D. IKXil. w. P. Clough, attorney for aaslgnes. de2-l fei "XTOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE—Wherear, C. X0. Francta, ou the first dar of June, A.D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis O. Krench. his deed of niorteige. bearing date on that day. roort- Dakotu, that ia to sar, all of section fifteen (Ifi), In tnflpliip one hundred and forty-toar(i44), in range fllty-tour (54) which mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds, 111 and for said county, In book of mortgagtss, on page ilUO and whereas, the said Francis (J. French afterwards assigned the sold mortgage, and the Indebtedness secured thereby, lo Edwin M, Lewis, by an instru ment of assignment, bearing date on the first day of November. A. D. ItsKtt, which instrument Is re corded in the office of the Bald register of deeds, in book Hot mortgages,ou page 1 WILLIE HO auu whei eas, afterward, the said Edwin M. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the indebtedness se cured thereby, to llenry Stroup, by an Instru ment bearing date on the twenty-fifth day of July. A. D. 1884. which assignment Is recorded I11 buok E of mortgages, on page 174 and whereas, after wards, the said llenry stroup assigned the said mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to Wlnle Rushton, by an Instrument bearing date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 188H. which assignment Is recorded In the office of the said register of deeds, lu bookE ot mortgages, on page tfeUS ana whereas, there Is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, und In default upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-live hundred and sixty ($2,560) dollars, as principal, together with Interest thereon, at the rate ot six (6) pei cent per annum from the first day of June, A. 1: IK82, and, togetherwith the cum of SlU8.HU heretofore paid by the underslgued, as taxes upon the said premises, aud Interest upon the said un paid installments of interest, from the dates of the respective defaults lu payment thereof, and upon the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10) per cent iter annum from the second day of October, A. D. 1885, and 5S128 attorney's fees, stipulated In said mortgage to be paid In case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, that the said .mortgage will be fore closed, under und In pursuance ot a power of sale therein contained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made bj the slierlll of said couuty, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, ut the tront door of tbe courthouse, in the village of Sherbrooke. In said couuty. at three (3) o'clock p. m., on tbe luth day of February, A. D. 1887. KUSHI'ON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated the iftth day ot .•ceinber, A. V. 1886. W. 1'. Clough, attoruey tor assignee. den4 fe4 NO. OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE—whereas, c. Francis, on the first day of Juue, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis O. French, his deed of mortgage, bearing date on that da), mort gaging all the follow lug described parcel of laud, situated in the County of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that Is to sar, all of section thirteen (i j), in township one hundred and forty-four (144), lu range (54), which mortgage Is recorded lu the office of the register ot deeds. In and for said county, In book a of mortgages, ou page iJOU aud whereas, the said Francis 0. rench arterwards assigued the said mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwlu .\l. Letvls, by au Instru ment of assignment beariug date 011 the llrst uay of November, A. D. 188,'i, which instrument Is recorded In the office of the said register ot deeds In book 11 of mortgages, 011 page luii and where as, afterward, the said ttdwln Jl. Lewis assigueu the said mortgage, together with tbe Indebtedness secured thereby, to Henry c. stroup. by an iustru ment beariug date 011 the twenty-hfth day of July, A.D. 1884,which assigumeut Is recoided In book E of niortguges.on page i74 aitdwheiea!,,afterward, the said ilenry C. stroup assigued the said mort gage. and the dent secured tnereoy, to Willie Kushton, by an instrument beariug date 011 the ninth day of July, A. l. Kviti, which assign ment is recorded In tho office of the said register of deeds lu book E of mortgages, on page H2Z arid whereas, there is claimed, aud hereb declared, to be due, aud iu default upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of tweniy-iive hundred auu sixty (82,5li0) dollars, as principal, together with interest thereon at the rate of six (01 per ceut per annum from the first day of June, A. 1. 1882, and, together wltn the sum of St 11.30, heretofore paid by the undersigned, as taxes upon the said premises, and interest upon the said uiipaid In stallments of Interest, from the dates ot the re spective defaults lu payment thereof, and upon the amouut BO paid lor taxes, at the rate of ten (10) percent per auuum lrom the becond day of October, A. D. 18M5, and Si^8 attorney's lees, stipulated In said mortgage to kc paid In case ot foreclosure. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, under aud In gy ursuance of a power of mle therein coutaiued, a sale of the said premises, to be made by the sheriff ol said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, ut the front door of Ibe courthouse, lu the village of Sherbrooke. lu said county, at three (Sj) o'clock p. m., on the 10th day of February, A. D. WILLIE RUSHTON. Assignee ot Mortgage. Dated the 18thduyot December. A. D. issB. W. JP. Clough, attoruey for assignee, de^-t fe4 "XT OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE-Whereas, C. 0. Francis, on the first day ol Juue, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis o. i'lench, his deed ot mortgage, beariug date 011 that day, mort gaging all the following described parcel of laud, situated Iu the Couutj of Steele and Territory of Dakota, that is to sa. sill of section eleven (in, in township one hundred aud lorty-four (144). in range lltty-four (64), which mortgage Is recorded In the office of the register of deeds, lu aud lor said county, lu book of mortgages, 111 page .3-7 V: and whereas, the said Francis o. French after wards assigned the said mortgage, aud the In debtedness secured thereby, to tdwln M. Lewis, by au Instrument 01 assignment, bearing date 011 the first day of November, A. D. 8«y, which In strument Is recorded In the office of the said reg ister 01 deeds, In book li 01 mortgages, on page 19(3 and whereas, afterward, the eai4 Edwin .5. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, together with the Indebtedness secured thereby, to Henry ti. Stropp, ty an instrument bearing date ou the twenty-fifth day of July A. 1). 1884, which assign ment Is recorded In book E of mortgages, ou page 174 and whereas, ulterward, the said lleury u. Stroup assigned the said mortgage, aud the debt secured thereby, to Willie Kushton, by au Instru ment bearing date on the ninth day 0/ July, A. D. 1880, which assignment Is recorded In the office of the said register of deeds, In book E of mort gages, 011 page &i-> and wheieas, there Is claimed, and hereby declured, to be due, und lu default upon the said mortgage, at tlie date of this notice, the sum of twenty-live hundred aud sixty (Sa.oBui dollars, as principal,together with Interest thereon at the rate of six (0) percept per annum, from the Urst day of June, A. D. 1882, aud, together with the sum of $111.80 heretofore paid oj the uu dersigued, as taxes upon the said premises, aud Interest upon the said unpaid installments of In terest. from the dates ot the respective defaults In payment thereof, and upbn' the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate ot ten (u» per ceut pei an num from the seconi day of October, A. D. 1885, aud $}128 attorney's fees, stipulated lu said mort gage to be paid In case 01 foreclosure thereof wow, therefore, uotlce is hereby given, tnac the said mortgage will be loreclosed. under and 111 pursuance ol a power of sale therein Contained, by a sale ot the said premises, to be made uy the sheriff ot said county, or his deputy, to the high est bidder, ut the front door ol the courthouse in the village of Sherbrooke, in said comity, at three 01) o'clock p. m., 011 the loth day of February, A. D. 1SK7. r, RDSHTON, Assignee ef Mortgage. Dated the l.ithday Of Decembfef, i88t. W. f: dough, attorney for assignee. de24 fe4 NOTICE loo7* OF MORTGAGE SALE.—whereas, anlf5.r.,1a,1' o. O. Francis 011 the first day of June, A 1882. duly executed, to Francis O. French, his deed of mortgage, beaiing date on that day, mort gaging all the following described nuroel ot l'iiid, situated In the County of Steclfc"Ulid Territory ot •Dakota, t^at Is to feay, all of section tweuty-one (217, in township one hundred aud lorty-four (144), In range lifty-four (54), which mortgage Is recorded In the office of the register ot deeds, in and for said county, I11 book 3 of mortgages, on page J87, aud whereas, the said Francis o. trench afterwards assigued the said mortgage, aud the Indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwm M. Lenin, by au Instrument of assignment, bearing date 011 the hrstdnyof November, A.D. 18« 1, which instru mentis recorded iu the office of the said register of deeds, iu book 11 of mortgages, on page litti and wuereas, afterward tbe said Edwlu M. Lewis assigueu the saiu mortgage, together wllh the In debtedness secured thereby, to llenry c. stiou by au instrument bearing date 011 the tuenty-flfth day of July, A. D. 1884. which assigumeut Is re corded In book E or mortgages, 011 pago 1 i4f and "li'f ^,aTtif,vylrMh5V Aern 0. Stroup as signed the said mortgage und the debt secured thereby, to Willie Kushton, by an Instrument beariug date on the ninth day of July, A. D. 18811 which assignment Is recorded in the office of the said register of deeds, In book J£ of mortgages, on page (22 and whereas, there Is claimed, aud hereby declared, to be due, and In default upou the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sumot tweuly-hve hundred und sixty ($2,500) dollars, as prlncipul, together wltn interest there oil, at the rate of six (ti) per ceut per annum from theiUjt day pr Jipie,A.I). 1882,abd,1together with the sum of 1U8.HU twetolore' paid oy the undersigned, as taxes npon thgeaid premises and Interest upon the said unpaid Installments of in terest, from the dates of tbe respective defaults In payment thereof, and upou the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of teu (10) per cent per an num from the second day of October, the sal mortgage, at the date of this notice, the »umvt tweuty-nve hundred aud sixty (»^,otlo) dollars, as principal, togetherwith Interest there on, at the rate 01 six (ti) per cent per annum from the Iirst day of June, A. W. 1*. Clough, attorney for assignee. d24te4 NOTICE A. OF MORTGAGE SALE.-Whereas, C. O. iraucls ou the first day of June, A. N A. D. 1885 and Sli8.00 attorney's tees, stipulated In said mortgage to be paid 111 case of foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, ttal thd said mortgage will bo toreciBseif. ulKterahtf Hi pur sualiBe of ufyower of sale therein contained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made, by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, totlie highest bidder, ut the front door of the court house. In the village ol sherbrooke. I11 said county, at three CD o'clock p. ill., on tlie loth day ot 1-ebruaiy, A. D. OTICK OF MORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, C. rfc5., rands on the first day of June, A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Francis O. French, his deed of mortgage, beailug nate on that dai, mort gaging all the lollowlng described parcel of land, ?!,V^d.Ln.tlie,Couuty of Steele anfl Territory of Dakota, that ig to say.( all of Motion twenty-three township one hundred aud fmtj-four (144). in range Ufty-four (54). which mortgage Is recorded I11 the office of the register of deeds, hi book li of mortgages, on page 8»0 and whereas, the said Frauds O. French afterwards assigned the said mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwlu M. Lewis br un Instrument of assignment, bearing date on hA llNt. fl!lV /tf MAWAmKAi. A li mint V1?«. .. u. ucowd, inluuuisnoj mortgages, on'pagc Hid and whereas. Hitortvurd. Ibe said Edwin ti. Lewis as signed the said mortgage, together with the In debtedness secured thereby to Henry C. Strouu. by an Instrument bearing date 011 the tweuty-iifth i„Ui P'« SH4, wll,cl1 wn'°h assignment is re corded in book E of mortgages, on page 174 and whereas, uftenvard. the said Henry c. stroup, as signed the wild mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to W|ille Rtish^n. hr jnipmstrumeut 6f«ring daw the tilnttf day ot July, A. D. 1 8ti. assignment is recorded In tbe office of the raid register of deeds. In book E of mortgages, on P®#e H22 and whereas, there Is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, aud in default upon I D. 1885, aud Si 28.00 attorney's lees, stipulated lu said mortgage to be paid lu case 01 foreclosure thereof. Now, therefore, uotlce Is hereby given, thut the said mortgdge will Oe fore closed, under aud In puiauuuce oi a power ot sale therein contained, by & sale ot the said premises to be made, by the sheim ot said county, or his deputy, to llie highest bidder, at the trout door ol the court house, 111 the village ot sherbrooke, lu said county, at three (a)o'docap. m.,ou the ruth day of j-'euruary, A. D. 1887. WILLlK KUSHTO.N, Assiguee of Mortgage. Dated the loth day of Decemuer, A. D. 1880. W. t. Clough, attorney for assignee. dz41e4 XJ OTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE.-Whereas, -'-V i".°- rands on the first day of une, A. 1882, duly executed, to Frauds o. I rench. his deed of mortguge, bearing dale ou that day, mort gaging all the tallowing uescrloed parcel ol laud situated lu the county ot oteeie una Territory 01 Dakota, that is to say, all of section twenty-seven (21). lu tovviisuip one hundred and forty-four (144), In range fifty-four (i4.i, whlcn mortgaged recoraed ui the omceof the register of deeuL auu lor said county, Iu book of mortua&es 011 page 34l and whereas, the said irancis o. ?reueh alierwards assigued the wild mortgage, and the lndebedness secured thereby, to Edwin AI. Lewis by au iustrument ot assignment, beariug date oil tne nrst day of xuveinber, a. A ,1B }ate u}s,lx -0J a f.'W, .. .. ,*••. MIHKEAPOUN D. 1888, and, together with the sum or S108.HU heretofore paid by me undersigned, as taxes upon tbe said premises, aud Interest upon the said unpaid Installments of in terest, from the dates of the respective defaults In payment thereof, and upon the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate ot teu (10) per cent per an num from the second day of October, A. D. 1886, and $128.00 attorney's fees, stipulated insalu mortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure thereof. .Now. therefore, notice is hereby given, that the said mortgage will be foreclosed, under and In pursuance of a power ot sale therein contained, by a sale of the said premises, to be made, by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house, In the village of sherbrooke, In said county, at three (8) o'clock p. in., on the loth day of February, A. D. 1887. WILLIE RDSHTON, Assignee of Mortgage. Dated the 18th duy of December, A. D. 18«J- A. D. 1882, duly executed, to Fraucis O. French, his deed ot mortgage, bearing date on that day, mort gaging all the lollowlng described parcel ot laud, situated iu the Couuty ot Steele aud territory of Dakota, that Is to say, all 01 section tweuty-ttve (26), lu township one hundred and forty-lour. (144), In range lift)-four (64), which mortgage Is recorded In the office of the registers! deeus, lu and lor suld county, 111 boon ol mortgages, ou Page 8113 aud whereas, the said Francis U. ircncn afterwards Ussigued the said mortgage, aua the indebtedness secured thereby, to ndwlu M. Lewis, by an Instrument of assignment, bearing date ou the Urst dateof November. A. D. xssa, whlcu in strument Is recorded in the office of the saiu reg ister of deeds, in book li ol mortgages, on page lUfi: and whereas, afterward, the said Edtvlu ,u. Lewis assigned the said mortgage, togeiher with the ludebteduess secured thereby, to Heury c. stroup, by an Instrument bearing date ou the twenty-fifth day of July, A. u. I&84, whlcu as signment is recorded In book E of mortgages, 011 page l"i4 and whereas, afterward, me said Heury 0. stroup assigued the said mortgage, and the debt secured thereby, to Wlule Kushtou, oy an iustrument bearing date 011 the nlutu duy ot duiy, D. lsoo, which assignment Is recorded in the office of tbe said register of deeds, iu book Ivol mortgages, on page H22 aud whereas, there Is claimed, and hereby declared, to be due, aud lu deiault upon the said mortgage, at the date of this notice, tne sum ot twenty-nve hundred aud sixty (82,660) dollars, as principal, togetuer with in terest thereon, at the rate of six id per ceut ner annum from the Urst day of Juue, A. i. ih»2 and, together wltn the sum 013108.UU heretofore paid by the undersigned, as taxes upou the said premises, auu interest upou tne said unpaid in stallments ot Interest, from tlie dates ot the re spective delaults hi payment thereol, and unon the amount so paid lor taxes, at the rale of teu (10) per cent per annum Iroiu tue secund day oi October. February, of A. y'V1' RDSHTON, Assignee ot Mortgage. day of Deeniber, A. D. 1888. W.-t1. ciough, attorney for assignee. d24fe4 N OF MORTGAGE SALE—Whereas, -L^l L. O. cjn the first day ot Jane, A. 100^, duly executed, to Francis O. French, his deed ot mortgage, bearing date ou Unit day, mort gaging au the loliowing described parcel ot land, situated in tne County of tileele,DuKotu Territory uiut is to say, all of section twenty-nine (2»j 111 township one honored and forcy-iour (144)' in range Mty-lour (54J, whicn mortgage is reeortleu in the ouice of the register of deeds, in and for sind county. In booK li of mortgages, on page 1^40 and wnereas, the said Francis u. i'renchat terwarus assigned the said mortgage, and the in debtedness secured thereby, to lulwui M. Lewis by au mtitrumoat of assignment, bearina tfifo ml the first day of November, A JJ, strumeut is reemfdea in UW&fhce of llie said reg ilSbOoKll of mortgages, on page lUUi and-wnereus. afterward, the said Edwin togetherwith j8 recorded buo'k E'of mortgages, on 1/4, and vrtooaS, ulterward, the said Henry signment paira A. i)* ijiwU, whicn •themmkaayqf recurdea in Ui 1 deeds, in book & 7. vv.«-v.* wwwwcu, LU »h ciue, aim in Buia, mortguge, at the date ot twenty-five hundred and dollars, as principal, togetherwith interest thereon, at the rate of six (ti) pef ceni per annuin iroiu the first day of June, A. S.188 and, together with the sum of 9IO8.HO hereto^ tore paid by the imdersigned, as taxes upon the said premises, and interest upon the said unpaid mstallnieno) of interest, from the dates of the respective delaults1 in payment thereof, and upon the amount so paid for taxes, at til? rateoftcil (10) per cent per annum f^uii he" second day ot stipulated in said mortgage to be paid in case of toreclosure thereof. Now, thoi-efSre" noS i£ heieby given, that the 6aid mortgage will be fore closed, under unil in pursuance ot a power of sale therein contained, by a sale o£ the said premises to be inaue by the shenlr of said county, or Ins :&^o^ ^«^Afg)i o817o.ckp-m-' «ta-tiXON, Assigneo of Mortgage. Dat^tho l.jth daytit Deoember,~A."D. 1880. w- WP.Wh, attdrneyior assignee. de24to4 M°KTGAGE er SALE-Whereas, Francis, on the first day of June, \. 1882. duly executed, to Francis O. French, his deed of mortguge, bearing i10 on that day, mort gasing all the following described parcel of land situated in the county of Steele und rerriUOT 01 Dakota, that is to say, all of the HortlStS i£,section onp (1), 'iJTovSiSone hundred «u Jorty^vo (145), in range Wty-fow "lortgage IB recorded in the oilice of the-register of deeds, in and for said county, in book of mortgages on page 4uti and wliereas the said Francis O. French afterwards assiSSi the said mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby, to Edwin M. Lewis, by an mstromenttf assignment bearing date on tiw iiret dwofN^ fn instrument is recorded in the omeo $ tne teid register of book u£ mortgages, on page 19H and whereas, aftor ward, thesaid Edwin M. Lewis assionod tlie said "ortjage, together with the indebtedness secS thereby, to llenry btroup, by un instrument bearing date on the twenty-fiith Say of JUI^TD 1884, which assignment is recorded in book E of mortgages, on page 174 and whereas, aterwSri ^1' HHll1 assigned the Baid moru SP*!®" ap'l tho debt secured thereby, to Willie itosliton,-by an instrument bearing hate on the ninth day ot July A. u, I»stt, whicn assignment is recorded in the office of the said register Sf doeds. in book of __ .¥.tB5er °t thirty-eight and 40-100 (5038.10) doffinE principal, togetherwith interest therSSnStinf rate ofsS per »nt anhoL&om tChm day of Jimo 4. p. I880, and interest mxSi the "a'JuupiLd installments of interest, ftSS? tl« datis of the respective defaults in payment thereof, nt the rate of ten (JO) per centre?TO num, and 531.1)0 attorney's feesT suStad & submortgage to be paid in caseofforSnlS thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hpra£yM$X? that, the said mortgugo will (M {fuooTosetl under and in pursuauce of a power fflt saSethunSn^.^ ifv^l^f lm Af*1'?siud r® *uid premiaos, to be made by tlie $If6mf of oounty, or his deputy, to the [ugliest bidder, at the front door of the cSn£ house, in the village of Bherbrooke in iSd connty, nt three (tt) dock p. m. on the' 10th day of February, A. D.1887. AlOcjiiluw. Assignee of Mori tho lHth day of December, A. n. 1 TWO THROUGH TRAINS TlATT.y—~ From St. Paul and Mlnneapolla'to CHICAGO Without clmngo, connecting with the fut trains of all lines for the East and Southeast. The direct aud only Hue running tlirongh cit between St. Paul. Minneapolis and DES MOINES, IOWA, 1 /mf Via Albert Lea and Fort Dodge. /X&' Solid through trains between St. Paul,Minneapolis & St. Lonis^ And the principal cities of the Mississippi V&W -v ley, connecting in Union Depot for all points South and South east. Many Honrs Saved and tho only line running two trains dally to S Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison, mat ing connections with the Union Pacific and 3 Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe railways. ISf-Close connections made in Union Depot with all trainB of the St Paul, Minneapolis. & Manitoba Northern Pacific St. Paul & Du luth railways, from and to all points North and Northwest. REMEMBER the trains of the Minneapolis St. Louis railway are composed of COMFOBTA BLE DAY COACHES, MAGNIFICENT PUL^XA* SLEEPING CARS, and our justly celebratedTAL~ ACE DINING CABS. JrgTlSO lbs of Baggage checked Free. Farm always as low as the lowest. For Time Tablet, Through Tickets, etc., call npon tlie nearest ticket agent, or write to S. F. BOYD,.. Gen'l T'kt and'PaBs. Agt., Minneapolis, Mmn.. jypX.VESOTA & HOBTHW1MT' ERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Chicago & St. Louis Short Line. jVLinnesota 4 Dodg« Austin Lyle llonft Wanly*"** v. Je. Waterloo lodepaid rfe. su§,,^,,Jwar9ha Ceo. L, stroup, by an Instrument bearing uate on the tweiuy-lilth day ot July, A. D. 18*£ which assign ment is recorded lu boon ij of mortgages, 011 p5ie li4 and whereas, afterward, the said uenri 0 suoup assigued the said mortgage, and the debt secuied thereby, to \v lUie Kushton, by an instru ment bearing date on the uiuth day ot Juu- A 1 sst), wnlcu assignment is recorded lu tne omee' 01 the saiu register of deeds, 111 book li 01 moiv gages, 011 page ti22 and whereas, there Is cniim ed, aud hereuy declared, to be due, and In deiault upon the said mortgage, nt the date of this notice, the sum of tweuty-nve hundred ana sixty (asa 511111 dollars as principal, togetherwTto luiefesft'ne^ Per cent per auuum from K. June, A, D. I882, aud, together with the stun of heretofore paid by the ^deraig^ed. as tuxes upon the said premises, and Interest upon the said unpaid installments of iuterest, Iroin the dates ot the respective defaults in payment thereof, aiid upou the amount so paid for taxes, at the rate of ten (10), per cent per an num from the second day of October, A 1K8.-1 anu $I28.UU attorney's fees, stipulated ill said mortgage to be palu lu caseof foreclosure thereof i\ow. therefore, notice is hereby giveu, that the said mortgage, will be foreclosed under aiid in pursuance ot a power or sale therein contained 1 A116 preuiists, to be made, by tue sheritt of said comity, or his deputy, to the highest », Sfl if® ,lr°ut door of tl\e court house, in tne village of sherbrooke, In eaid couuty, ai three u'usHl*'P m"' Uay ubuque tec -town Montezuma kaloo GtfGncu BES HOIKES Centre V. PIONCKR I. IIMSJ, Established by a People's Convention. I Operates on Business Principles. I Approved by Business Men. Publicly Endorsed by Territorial Farm-1 era' Alliance. Risks Limited in Amount, I Insurance Well Distributed. Collects Assessments Before Loss. I No Liability in Excess of Premium. Does Business Everywhere in Dakota. pelMSMP)} SODA For Baking Purposes. Beat in tfieWnVM. 1) K. H. li. A ti 11», can be found atiPr. PhUlp's old office, **0» Heeond Floor of Hope Home nuww vi we ume, or xor momenta. Business now. Ueht and nrofltabtel Persons of either sex easliy earn from I0 cents to S6.00 per evening, and a proportional sum br de voting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all Kho "ddress. and test the bnsJ tow. we moke tUla offer. To Btioh as are not well Mttttedwe will send one dollar to par lot tte flS?" Full particulars and out-lit free. Address GKOB» Himstw* 0o„ PortlanV mm fvv ~4l r- a ST. KOIfrUk RAILWAY y^Tjr.-'. And the famous Albert Lea Route. IV Railroad, orreitoB Ore|0* fcachtU® OlonTtood Klrkmllc Macon 0 Moberl Centralis kansA? mesa, sr. PAUV. tvuich In stalment is recorded lu the office 01 the saiu reels tei of needs, in book H. of mortgages, on plge itib and whereas, afterward, the said Edwin i.e»ls assigned the said mortgage, together Willi the ludebteduess secureu thereby, to Henry ••.LOUIS The only line in the Northwest run'oiug Pnll. man's elegant BUFFET SLEEPERS AND CO'JJBINATION SLEEPING AND CHAIR CARS Popular Route to Chlev.go and the THE SHORT Iffl'j TO St. lionla, rS& tm '2 Kansas City, St. Joseph. Atchison. l.eaT«nv orth, tislvi'ston. Nan Francisco, ti oithEAAS .AA I FLORIDA Through to all points South. East and'West without change of Depots. Time Table of the Minnesota dt Xorth western llailwav. Leave St. Paul, Faribault, DodgeCen ter, Rochester, Austin and Lyle accic'dntion .Arrive St Paul.. St.Louis andKansasCUy.tS:10 a. m. Chicago, Waterloo, »ittl Duhuque c.. Randolph, Nortfcg'old, t7^0p. m. J7:05 p. m. §8:30 a. m. t4:S0p. in. tll^Oa.c. day0*"11'Sunday Jex. Saturday jjex. Mon- tb. A. HANLEY, Traffic Manager, St. Panl, Minn. •••:,»It. I *Kv £v:' I