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ft if A£ Hunt&Fo 6HOCEB School Matters. The law requires the county treasurer to report to the county superintendent the amount of money available for school purposes on the first Monday of July, when it becomes the superintendent's duty to apportion it among the several township corporations in proportion to the number of children in each of school .age. In view of this fact, this office .urges the clerks of the different townships to take the census of their respective cor porations with as little delay as possible, and the township treasurers to qualify and file their bonds at the county clerk's .office. Uutil this is done no public •money can be apportioned, and a pro tracted delay may result in the forfeiture .of the township's apportionment. The law is very strict, and must be complied .with by this office. J. H. WORST, Now Is the Time. The attention of those of our citizens who have not yet subscribed to the REC 'ORD is called to the fact that this paper is devoted to advancing the interests of the •whole county, and that by neglecting to send in their names they are throwing the support of the county journal on its pres ent subscribers, who are no more inter ested than themselves. Times are hard, •we know, and, if not convenient to pay a full year's subscription at once, the pub lisher will endeavor, by strengthening his trowsers pockets, to provide for the extra weight of a few silver half-dollars or dol lars. At any rate, when you are in town, call and see us. A Mammoth Turtle. Last week Messrs. Derr, Crogan, Simon Kurtz, Fish, Brindle and Snyder went down to Beaver Creek on a fishing excur sion. Besides a goodly number of the finny tribe, they captured an eighteen pound turtle. The latter "insect" was .converted into soup at the residence of Mr. William L. Yeater. With his usual •good luck when any delicacy is to be de voured in the neighborhood, the RECORD man came in for a share of his turtleship, and he here desires to express the hope that more of his kindly-disposed neigh ors will soon visit the classic shores of Beaver creek. Yum-yum 1 Sign the Petition. It is absolutely necessary that the peo pie of the Williamsport neighborhood have proper mail facilities. There is a large and rapidly growing postal business here, and we should have at least a tri weekly service from Bismarck. A petition has been prepared, and every man, woman, boy and girl in the country tribu tary to Williamsport should call at the postofflce and sign it. Trouble Ahead. "The boys" have procured a base-ball outfit, and are now prepared to break their fingers, run their noses in the ground and bark their shins in the highest style of the great American art CITIZENS of Empions County, when in Bismarck, are requested to call at the store of Bushman & Co., where they will find the largest and most complete stock of Groceries, Flour, Feed and Grain in the Northwest. They also handle a full line of Crockery, Lamps, and Chandeliers. They buy and sell for cash, and guarantee satisfaction and the lowest prices for cash. IF you want any Wall Paper, Shades, Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Pocket books, or Sunday-School Supplies, the best place in Bismarck to buy them is J. W. CLARKE'S BOOK STORE, Main street (First National Bank Block). SUBSCRIBE for the RECORD. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, D. T., June 20th, 1884.—Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their respective claims, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the Dnited States Land Office at Bismarck, D. T., on the 4th day of August, 1884, at 11 o'clock a. m. viz.: AUSTIN P. EDICK, Homestead application No. 2,398, for the south east quarter of section 18, township 135 north, range 76 west, and he names the following wit' nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Truman Red ington, Hamilton Lilly, John Hubert, and Charles H. Edick, all of williamsport, D. T. and TRUMAN RBDINOTON, Pre-emption declaratory statement No. 1,437, for the northeast quarter of section 18, township 13S north, range 78 west, and he names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Austin P. Edick, Hamilton Lilly, John Hubert, and Charles H. Edick, all of Williamsport, 0.T. .•• -J*. BMMMWf" i.».. 'fPPfgffl J. A. REA, Register. O. Wnjsoir, Attorney tor Claimants. 4 ster Sixth Street, guarantee all ital City will ELECTION NOTICE. NTHURSDAY, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT ON July 17, there will be a special election held at the office of the County Clerk, in Williamsport, in the Williainsport School Town ship, for the purpose of voting on ihc question of issuing bonds in the sum of three thousand dol lars, to build two School Houses—one in the town of williamsport, and one on or near the west line of Section 30, Township 135, Rpoge 7ti. Bonds to be of the denomination of one?buurired dollars, numbered from "one" to "thirty," redeemable after eight years, and payable at the end of fif teen years from the date of their issue, and to hear seven per cent interest, payable semi-annually. Polls to be opened at eight o'clock in the fore noon, and remain open until four o'clock in the afternoon. W. L. YEATKR, Tmons. County Superintendent. Mather Particular. "Look lieah, boss," said a negro pris oner to the jailer, "I doan think it's right ter put us members ob de church in heah wid dese sinners. Here I is "long side ob a man what neber 'fessed ligion. It ain't right, and dar oughter be a law in force agin it." "You were put in here for stealing a .cow, I believe," said the jailer. "Dat ain't de p'int. It ain't right ter make me 'sociate wid de unrejnbernat ed." "Well, worry along with the sinsars a week or so, and we'll send you to the np!. tentiury, where the society is bet" Aer."—Prison Record. School Township Clerk. [First publication July 11,1884,] PROBATE NOTICE. ERRITORY OF DAKOTA, COUNTY OF KM In Probate Court George Dougherty, Judge. In the matter of the guardianship of Rate Sul livan. Notice is hereby given that Louie Agard has this twenty-seventh day of June, 1884, filed with the Judge of this Court a petition praying that lie (the said Louie Agard) be appointed guardian of said Kate Sullivan, who is four years old, and that Monday, the 4th day of August, 1884, at 3 o'clock p. m., is set aside for the hearing of said petition. QEORGE DOUGHERTY, Probate Judge. Dated Winona, June 27,1884. [First publication July 11, 1884.] PROBATE NOTICE. TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, COUNTY OF EM- mons. In Probate Court. George Dougherty, Judge. In the matter of the estate of Frank Sullivan, de ceased. Notice is hereby given that H. F. Douglas, J. L. Thompson and D. R. Jones have filed with the Judge of this Court a petition praying tlint J. L. Thompson be appointed administrator of the es tate of Frank Sullivan, deceased, and that Mon day, the 4th day of August, 1884, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, being a day of a regular term of this court, to wit: of the August term, 1884, at the office of tlie Judge of Probate, in the town of Will iamsport, county of Emmons, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any per son interested may appear and show cause why the said petition should not be granted. GEORGE DOUGHERTY, Probate Judge. Dated Winona, June 28,1884. VANHOUTEN BROS. & LITTLE, HARVESTERS AND BINDERS, AND MOWERS, Nichols & Shepherd and Aultman & Taylor Vibrating Threshers and Engines, C. Aultman & Co. Thresh ers and Engines. All kinds of Farm Machinery and General Hardware. CENTRAL BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. DAN EISENBERG, DEALER I5ST DRY GOODS AND Fancy Goods, Main Street, next door to Postofflce, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. Goods sold at New York prices. Prompt attention given to all Mail Or ders. JOSEPH HAKE & CO, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. Sole Agents for DEERING TWINE BIND ER and Famous JOHN DEERE PLOWS. BISMARCK, DAKOTA. CAPT. A- M. JOHNSON. E. L. ABRAMS. JOHNSON & ABRAMS, Wholesale and Retail BOOTS, SHOES, AJSTD EUBBERS Jobbere in Harness and Sole Leather, Shoe* makers* Supplies. Orders by Mail promptly at tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. THIRD ST., SIGN OF "BIC BOOT," BISMARCK, DAKOTA. H. D. CONNOR, DBALEB IN GROCERIES, (flood? And FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICES- CORNER RACE AND BROAD STS., WILLIAMSPORT, D. T. House, Sign, Ornamen tal and Carriage Paint ing, Calsomining, Eaper Hanging, and Graining. E. M. HODGKINSON, WILLIAMSPORT, D. T. 17 T. HERRICK, Attorney at Law, WttUamsport, D. T. A. ARMSTRONG, Law aud Beat Estate, and Notary Public, Williamsport, D. T. '^m fx '7*** /jm^r between Main & Meigs, articles sold to be exactly do well to give them a The Town of WILL IAMSPORT, the County Seat of Emmons County, Dakota, is situated in one of the prettiest and most fertile regions of the Ter ritory. The county is being rapidly settled by an energetic and intelli gent class of people, prin cipally Americans but there yet remain thou- A S sands of acres of un entered governent land within a few miles of Williamsport. There are also manybusinessopen ings in town. For infor mation regarding Will iamsport and the sur rounding country write bo McKENZIE & COF FIN, Land Agents, Bis marck, D. T. O W. S. MOORHOUSE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, 48 MAIN STREET, Bismarck, Dakota. C. H. EDICK. —-"—r— ,«$.&*<'*•* & C. D. EDICK. EDICK BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of Choice Imported and Do mestic Cigars and Confectionery, 64 MAIN STREET, BISMARCK, D. 1 ERNEST L. STRAUSS. FRED STRAUSS. E. L. Strauss & Bro., WAT A KER S —AND— E W E E S I S A A O A CAPITAL CITY I S O E Fresh Fruit received daily. Leave your orders with C. L. MARCELAIS & CO., Main St., four doors below Fourth, BISMARCK, D. T. R. MACNIDER & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 6BOOIR8 54 MAIN ST., BISMARCK, D. T. a AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Agents for McCormlck Reapers and Mowers, Pitts' Buffolo Threshers, Studebaker Wagons. 1 y** BISMARCK, D. T., sell as represented, as to qual call. McKenzie & Coffin, BISMARCK, DAKOTA, Agents for the sale of Northern Pacific Railroad Lands. WILLIAMSPORT LOTS FOR SALE. Correspondence f, ,r'S^P*Sf^^W' t^"^xr' GROCERIES at a small ity. Citizens of Emmons Austin Logan, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, Flour aid Peed. 22 North Third St., BISMARCK, D. T. Proprietor Third Street Bakery. Fresh Butter and Eggs a specialty. JOHN P. HOAGLAND, Builder and Contractor, Wholesale Dealer IH" Building Material of All Kinds. LUM—u DOORS & WINDOWS. Yards corner Sixth and Main Sts., BISMARCK, DAKOTA. DUNN & CO. W O E S A E A N E A I Druggists, Main Street, BISMARCK, D. T. Orders from abroad filled promptly. W. B. WATSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS. CARPETS, And NOTIONS, 80 MAIN STREET, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. P. P. Malloy, FLOUR,FEED, 6B A1 BISMARCK, DAKOTA. DIETRICH BROS., MONTANA Meat Market Corner Main and Third Streets, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sau sage, Poultry, Game, Fresh Water, Sea ana Salt Fish, Oysters, Vegetables, Gro ceries, and Provisions. BISMARCK, Solicited aaFmmmSSaWRHIPW! '~""",*^ percentage of profit, and County visiting the Cap- JOHN YEGEN, DEALER IN Groceries -AND— Provisions. CITY BAKERY. Special attention given to Mail Ordws ami Steamboat. Supplies. 1 90 Slain Street, BISMARCK, I). T. Jefferson & Kasson, BISMARCK. DAKOTA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL, Special prices to residents of. Emmons County. PETERSON & VEEDER DEALERS IN Drugs and Medicines, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. Choice Perfumeries, Toilet and Fancy Goods, Preparing Prescriptions a spt" cialty. Headquarters for Glass, Paints, and Oils. H. B. MELLON. G. N. MKLT.UK. n. w. DICKEY, cashier. MELLON BROTHERS, Bankers, BISMARCK, DAKOTA. Transact a General Banking Business. Collections made in all parts of the United States and Canada. Accounts of Merchants and others solicited. CORRESPONDENTS—Bank of America. New York Continental, Chicago Capita) Bank, St. Paul Mellon & Sons' Bank, Pittsburg. MALLOY & STOYELL, I I E Sale and Feed Stables Fourth Street, BISMARCK, D. T. SETTLERS LOCATED Ample room for-Transients, as the Ohl Sta^e Barns on Main Street are in con nection. C. R. WILLIAMS & CO., A BISMARCK, D. T., Sole Wholesale Agents for the Missouri Slope an^ West of the Missouri for the Franz Falk Brewing Co's BLWAVIUB BUB, The finest Beer made on the American Continent. EDWARDS & BRADFORD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER MERCHANTS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, LIME, HAIR, AND CEMENT. Special induce ments to Emmons County people. Branch Yard at Sterling. WEAVER LUMBER CO., Full Stock of LUMBER and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL. Minneapolis Grades and Bismarck Prices. Come and see us before you buy. FOR ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING CIO XO THE— EMMONS COUNTY RECORD" OFFICF SJSM. A DAKOTA. DAKOTA. "A