Newspaper Page Text
v^PSSr i* &•&%& .,•( a •y.'-i- •••. -. .4 :..- .••'wJtSSfe A** A4 3H&1 -wi ouiu fel'./vnlay. J£$P W-** 4?' ,pmf **v 3§?§SS^® ?K !Pfe tj. 4M-4v,f «i •®f-S &*»> it*r- IN TOWN AND OUT. Coroner Bollinger was )n town Sat- Fred Casey was up from Wlnonaj .Wednesday. County Jud je Kraft was over .from Tirsbol, Monday. Wv^--*•'•"• s. John Schncklor made a trjp to Bls jnarck last week. A big party of land-seekers were in Linton yesterday. Sheriff Rooks was in town two or $hreo days this week. Pat Moran was down from the midr way country, Wednesday. John Caritrnan has been appointed jpostmaster at t'ort Yates. John MeCrory was in town Wednes day, en route to Braddock, E. A. ICeebler was down from the jporth country, Wednesday. Sam Wright was down from the jnorth country, Wednesday, Mr. Arnold was down from the Whiteface Ranch, Tuesday. T. U. Stewart and Roy Bryant were pver from Napoleon this week. G. W. Payne and his daughter, Miss .yUta, were iu town Wednesday. Elmer Anderson was up from the Winchester country, Wednesday. Mr. Anderson, the well-drill man, fvas down from Braddock, Tuesday, Mrs. Streeter is visiting relatives find friends in H'^raarck this week. Bridge material for the Soo exten sion is being unloaded at Braddock. James Stewart was up from the Pale country, Thursday of last week. Jim King and Ben Haggard were pver from the river country, Monday. F. II. Dunbar and his son Thomas were oyer from Hampton, Wednesday. The Rev. John Wray, of Williams port, visited friends in Linton, Tues day. Miss B. Curran will soon begin a term of school in the Hull neighbor hood. Attorney Lane and wife visited Jricnds in Braddock a day or two this week. Mr. Levanway, of Bismarck, was in Linton oyer night, Thursday of last -week. Eb. Shepard has purchased the Lin fon-Braddock stage line from M. P. (Chase. Mrs. Grogan was in town from the florae of the family, northeast of town, Monday. Messrs. Irwin and Ellis, of Brad dock, visited Linton Monday, return? ing home next day. John Biddlecomb yeas a visitor from the Glanavon country, Monday, Returning Tuesday. B.orn—Sunday, April 27,1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of Camp pounty, S. D., a son. Miss Stella Smith has rented the Or- Jie Burge residence, in Linton^ and keeps house therein. The two crews of N. P. surveyors are still lost in the mountains between Linton and Billsport. Henry Reamapn, of Williamsport, was in town Wednesday. He brought in a load of fence posts. Mr. and Mrs. David Hinds and Baby "Del" visited friends in Lin ton Friday and Saturday, G. N. and Harry Fiddler were up from Campbell county, remaining in Linton over Sunday night. Ralph Patterson, Charlie Shorman ^nd Miss Genie Patterson left for tlje prand River country last Sunday. The Rev. II. J. Sheridan will preach in the Carley building, Linton, next Sunday, at 10 a, m. and 7:30 p. in. Peter Wollenhaupt came down from Cherry Grove, Tuesday, and is doing some breaking in the Linton country. Born.—April 28, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MeCrory, at Winona, N. 3D., a son. Mother and boy doing well. O. O. Johnson, of Seneca, 111., wljp has purcliasc& considerable land iu Emmons county, is in Linton this week. Mr.Hubbard and daughter, new set tlers in the Williamsport country, were in Linton on Thursday of last, week. A son of John Perry and a brother pf Will Perry has just arrived at his father's place, between Braddock and Williamsport. The father of Cashier Crain, of the Bank of Linton, is visiting his son's .family, here. The visitor's home is £ummit, S. D. Senator Baker was down from Li •yonalast Saturday. He brought in a Xv- -.load of fence posts and returned with St. "some barbed wire, •i. There was A t'&im&SL. a tremendous rain night, accompanied by The ground is Wednesday fluite a bit of Wind. t,horonffhlysoaked. Ed- Savage, of the Braddock neigh Jfip'-'borbood, sold a quarter-section for #1,000, the other day. The land. Is |pear Roop school-house There was a big prairie tire up north, Wednesday nigrbt, The fire ran from southeast to northwest, about five piles this side of Braddock. P. G. Nelson, of Logan, has a calf ^JFith only oneear. As it also has but yne mouth.'thpre is rio danger of the ^nirnal developing into a pop •J E. E. Brown and H. IL Wiggin, .-^Minneapolis horse-dealers, were in f^?|^tatbri »Teral days. Th&y purchased entire herd of horses owned by |Mltotlce. Wegpott. The annuals ore ^peing rounded up. vat. mm* shlpiwrf A car-load will be to market. l4ie 4 V-/ 'rS$? mares and young stock will be taken to a ranch that the purchasers will establish. The geritlemen departed for home yesterday. Born.—Sunday, April 27, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. llorton, of Linton, a daughter. Mrs. Horton and the lit tle girl are getting along all right. W. G. Carley, the portly, good: natured restaurant man, is feeling pretty well after the recent serious op eration that was performed upon him. Register Schweitzer is having his residence painted. George Byington, one of the boys who put in a few years biking softer Filipinos, is doing the work. Somebody hooked 9.. pillow from Frank Zelltner's residence, in Brad dock, the other day. Have you looked in the print-shop foldir.g-bed, yet, Frank? O. O. Johnson has shipped in a cai Joad of marcs, and will pasture them on two sections of tils land, of Braddock, which he has recently had fenced. J. D. Simpson, a prominent busi ness man of Le Mars, Iowa, accom panied Mr. Stewart to Linton, and re mained here a couple of days this week. George Greebert made homestead final proof in Linton last Saturday, with Virgil Parr and Wm. Busby as witnesses. D. R. Streeter wrote the proof. The Twjn City papers state that two companies of the 14th Infantry and $ troop of the 13th Cavalry will shortly go to Fort Yates as a permanent gar rison. The report that the Thistle' Cattle Company, of Logan county, lost 200 head of cattle in the last storm, was incorrect. Mr. Stewart gives the loss at 50 head. Eureka Post, April 25th: Another surveying crew of the Milwaukee sys tem arrived Thursday, and will at once begin cross-sectioning ready for the grading. The three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Tough, of the old Winchester neighborhood, have returned home. The boys have been attending school in Bismarck. The editor of an exchange says that his papey goes to England, Canada, South Africa, and ^ustr^lia, and sometimes he has great trouble in keeping it from going to h—1. Henning Hesselstrom is having a house built on his claim, west of tovi n. Charlie Brandt made a trip to Braddock after lumber for the build ing, which will be put up by him. W. G. Carley and Will Carmichael went to Braddock this week and brought down lumber for the residence which Mr. G. will at once build on his claim about four miles east or Linton. The county commissioners were in session a couple of days this week. Wednesday they went to Winona to investigate matters connected with a petition for a bfidge over Cattail creek. Miss MayGalvin returned to Bis marck, Monday, where she will have another operation performed on her arm. As soon as she is able slie will begin a term of school north of Bis marck. E. L. Hawes, of the Hand Creek country, was in town Monday night. Although Mr. II. recently sold a sec tion of land, he has plenty of It left, and that, with his fine bunch of cat tle, will not be sold. Mr. Crain returned last Friday evening from a trip t» Idaho, where he went to purchase some land. Mr. C. thinks the Idaho country all right in most respects. However, there is plenty of mud and hills. Messrs. Drake, Newcomer and Byam recently brought in §ome fipe Here ford cattle. Among them are two pf the best bulls they could procure. The cattle will be kept on the ranch form erly owned by I. H. Robinson. Chris. Naaden and his son Thoar came up from the Winona country, Monday, with a band of cattle which they had winterd for Mr. Mickley, of Logan county. Mr. Mickley' and his son were in Linton to receive the cat tle. Postmaster Jones has moved the postoflice to his new building, where he has a better light for reading postal-cards. Contrary to general ex pectation and implied' promise, there has been no reduction in the price of stamps. Mannager Pennington, of the S60, in an interv iew, says that the Soo will reach Bismarck by July ls£. Then, why not secure the services' of the Emmons County Band and make a Fourth-of-Jijly excursion to the Capi tal City? r1 Peter Gliem, who was recently teaching school in McPherson county, S, D., was in Linton, Saturday. It is reported that George Gliem, son of'the foregoing^ is getting the Idaho fever, and that himself and his father will move to the Moscow couhtry. Capt. Honstain has received bis new glinker-built boat from Minneapolis, arid now glides over the billows of Lake Honstain as gracefully as a swan. The boat earries its name. "Vernon," neatly painted on one of its sides. The craft is -elghteeln feet long. Bismafclc 'Palladium, April 25th: £kw surveyor&are running a line to the city, Reaving the old grade just eagt of the penitentiary....Harry Procunier, popular Eigmons county boy, who has been living at Gayton for t&e tfaiefe years,- came np on Mon day 's stage, en route to Moscow, Tdntip' .. Dugald Campbell, of Arnistrar is a guest in the city and regiBtere$ at ry the Borthwest,., ,E. A. Crain, cash? ier of the Bank of Linton, wasgjpong the guests in the city yesterday. The surveying party making the per manent location of the Milwaukee line reached Lipjtap Tuesday afternoon, fhe survey goes through M^ajor Pitts' door-yard, through D. R. Streeter's barn-yard, through Mr. Crain's stable, and stops about 150 yards west of Spring creek, on Mr. Hprton's land. O. O. Johnson, of Seneca, Iowa, drove to JWnjjnd Cily, Wednesday, where he bought J. E. Horton's herd Ot Polled-Angus cattle, amopg them being an animal said to be the best bull of that breed in Sputh Dakota. $tr. Horton realized quite a neaf sumof money from the sale, and the are well wortl} the price paid. When thosi£ who a?e now old-timefs came to the country they knew littlje of the destructiveness of prairie fires, and they Were not nearly 90 careful about burning straw piles #nd Art guards as they were fater, New comers %re Jiable to ^rr in the same way, and they should profit by the ex perience of those who came earlier. Parties down fro© gillsport say that the merchant is busier than the proverbial person with the seven-year itch and .the Waterbury watch. IJe is painting, repairing and doing a whole lot pf things to the pioneer hotel building. Be hasn't even time to read the postal-cards, and customers of the postoflice must lick their own stamps or be licked by the P. M. There WQS a lively base-ball game on the grounds in the Drake pasture, the other day. The Linton boys, as sisted by two of the N, P. surveying crew, played a mixed nine composed of N. P. and Milwaukee surveyors. The score stood 6 to 3 in favor of Linton. The winners had six limit]g§ and the losers seven. Those who saw the game say it was the best yet played in Lin ton. Mr. Anderson, of the well-known Arm of yell-drlllers Anderson & Mur ray, with headquarters %t Bradgppk, was in Linton, Tuesday. They are hav ing plenty of work, having sunk four successful wells already thlssprlng. See their advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Murray has had many years' experience in (he well-drilling busi ness, and, if any one can get water for you, lie and bis partner will do it. Tom Kelly was down from the sur veyor's camp, Tuesday. Tom will soon quit the crew to seed his farm! Whether he will go grading work—Hit which he was an expert in days agone we did not hear him say. But, if he does, the Record hopes that he will not have as severe an experience as he had in '87. Just as Tom and his muies had got nicely to work on what is now the Soo grade, he proceeded to get ty phoid and two of three other brands of fever, which took him to Bismarck hospital for a long siege, during which there were mapy periods when. Jt w%s doubtful whether Ije jyould emerge as Tom Kelly or as an angel. Mark Yeater is now in Philadelphia, and, among other points of interest, visited the tomb of Franklin. Whether Mark rpmemberedhowFrank Ijti did—going through the streetg gnawing his loaf of bread, how a dam sel laughed at him, and how he after ward gQt:even by marrying her—and whether Mark gntered the city as the great philosopher did—we do not know. It is certain, however, that no young man pf these parts would bettter ap preciate and more carefully observe the strange sights he se§§. For a youth who has grown to manfy)pd oat here on the ragged edfee of civilisa tion, Mark has seen quite a bit oftj^e world in the last three or four years. wEfipiyp coH|k A woman who has had experience with this disease tells bow to'preyeht any dangerous consequences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being pnly three months old, ana, owing to our giving them Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plumpness and1 came out ib much better health than other child ren whose parents did not"use this remedy. Our oldest little girl Would call lustily for cough syrup between Whoops. chant. ESSIK PLNKKY HAXL, Springville, Ala. This remedy is for sale by W- E. PBTBIK, gin* Mandan Pioneer: Let us take time off from our other duties to remark that the Emmons* County Record con tinues to be one of the newsiest local papers in the state. Streeter can make bricks with straw or without. The bricks that he turns out are' 0^ excellent quality at all times, Sciatic BhnMtlna Cure* After Fourteen Y«ar« mi infhrlBi. V.I have been afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen years," sayb Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. ''1 was able to be around, bilt 'Constantly sdffered. I tried everything I could bear of, and at last "was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I aid, and was immediately relieved, ahd in a short time cured, and I am happy to say It has not since re turned." Why .not use this liniment and get well? -It is for sale by W. E. PBTBXB, General MerCt^TFT.' "•'MM. p?v^ *"1 Jr*^* NOTARY PUBUC. OOHVETANCIHO.. F. B. IRVINE .AGENT FOB JSTHA OT-INSORAHCE Enibaltning Vl and Undertaking. Funeral Supplle* Vi m&'Mifh! 32 head of cattle. 2 farm wagons. 1 spring wagon. .^-0 ,3( wts harness. Farm implements, Also, farm for sAle. [inay2-16j W. •V M«^U wrta. A. HICKS, 3i miles S. W. of Willli^sport. '-rro-/ Beducllan Vricn. Fifteen per cent reduction on all winter goods, such as Dry Goods, Ger man Socks, Duck Coals, etc. WoLFKR, mm, i. Xlntih-^Sp. m. _• fcPWOl HI WWAUIIN Subject, Prayer& necesali p, Church torrlMi. p.m. Leader. Mr. —int. iCMKBT, PMtOr, CO., OFHABTFOBD, CONN. 9WLU6, Term. Endowment, Accident ud Health Insnrunce. Lowest BktCB, Largest Beturaa. LINTON, N. D. COTTAGE HOTEL MEta D. R. STBEETER, Prop'r. LINTON, NOBTH DAKOTA. W Board and lodging. Transients uooinmditfd. Central House, BRADDOCK, NOR. DAK. T. P. LEg, Proprietor table and jqwifort^bjle rooms The patrenage of the public re tRMttalljr solicited. TrareMgf mpn vtJpd^eKlTe me a call. ate in- on hand and at'Lowest PrigfM, Q. M.HOOUB, Steele, N.D. For terms call on SHEPARD, Braddock, N. O. First publication, April 18—Last, May 23. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LARD OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D: April 18, lt03. .. VTOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVKN THAT THE i.^1 followiuR-named settler ban filed notice ef Iter Interims £4 make final proof Jn s»p port of .her claim, and that saidproor wiirbe made before Charles 8. Lane, United States Commissioner, District of North Dakota, at Linton, N. D., on Saturday. May 2t, ldOJ, vl^.t HATTIE DOBNBUSQ, (Formerly Uattie Tammel), Fot Jhe northwest quarter of section?'!}. north, range 76 west of tth M.» •.. She name the following witnesses to prove ber contlnupqs residence upon and cultiva tion of said load. Viz.: Andraw Boschker, of Westflrid. N. D. Arend Husper, of We^tleld N D. Klaus Hulzenea, of Westfield, N.' D.. Heary Gravlnk, of \fest9eld.'N..p. A. (i. MCOILLIVBAT, Eegl^fer. First publication. 4prll 18-Last,. Hay S3. Notice of Timber-Culture Final Proof, UHITED STATES LAND Orricic, 1 P10HABCK, N. D., April 17,1002. NKarlIQagne O E I S E E I E A has filed notlco of latentlon to make final proof before Peter Kraft, Judge and Ex-Oillclo Clerk of the Ca5ftVy Court of Emmons county, at his office in Linton, N. D., on Friday.. May S3, line, on timber-cplture application No. Mil: Forthe east half of northwest quarter and lots 1 and 1 of section SO, township 131 north, range 78 west of tth p.-m. --v.. He nam«i| af ^Jtnessys: Anton Scher, or Tirsbol, N. D. Jakob Baumeartner, of Tirsbol, N. D. Albln Schneider, of Tirsbol, N. D. Ludwlg Walk, of Tirsbol N. f. A. C. McQILLITBAY, Begister. WALTER KBIOK, BLACKSMITH, ^7 WN-rpisr, n. p. Black^aithing, Horse-Shoeing, MVood-^Working. There is a etn-e for Catarrh. Couchs. Cold* Lagrlppe. H. W. Barkei'S Coutb Catarrh, oWsr-'e SEEDS CORK General Mer- BISMARCK, NORTH OAKOTA. Word's'^Wisel JsSu/ficfent 1 Qur famous) :wHNEW: tCAPITOLl SHOE JorJaties I BCSTHAIBIAl HNESTfOROIANSfflP unsrsnui amcrm VAUUB PQOPO&TIOlf:^ Aikfmrlimltrioranlr CGotz^an&Co. Beside# my already large stock of yiBANCTB JAgZKOWIAK, oismarek. H. D.. 'in Goodhue Pumping and Poysr Wind-Hills, Trahern and Austin Pump Sap CritTii J?!?1' d'1"^*° Wina-Hills put upen short netlee. A M.BBITTB. Tp)I»o*IAI. ARXIST TAKD— RO» GMIHW)MI STBAM UXTOV, MOBTH DAKOTA. Walty "**°r aB(* 8,!!ea' CHARLES S. I^ANE, •ttorqey and Counselor at l»w, United States Cominissioner. Contests, Filings, Final Proofs,'» Collections and Heal Estate. LINTON, NOBTH DAKOTA. sufler with Ceugha, Colds and Lung Troubletf H. W. Barker's OonRh-CaUrrh.Con sumption Remedy will cure you. 'At Christ. Wolfer's, Linton. LEGAL NOTICES. State of North Dakota. County of Emmons. In District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff vs. Carl T. Wrch. Bushby, aewnaants- Summons^ The State of North Dakota to the a bore named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serm copy g/JSMritnswer upon the subscribers within thirty dvy? aflcr the service of this sum mons npon you, exclusive of the day of such service and, in case of your failure to an' pear or answer, Judgment will bo taken Htfulnit you by aefuult for the relief de manded In the complaint. bated his gSd day of March. 1902. SHKLLENBEnqiCR, BRTAN & HSUMI, S -& And JOHN b. 1'HILBMCK, Attorneys for Plaintiff,".. Dated this 23d day of March, LFLOI. SUELLtKBEUUKB. BRYAN tit jefttr GROWN IN THE COLO nortswest, 19th Annaal CATALOGUE FREE. All about Northwestern Dent Corn, Tl»» CREAfj EST ot all for the NORTH WEST. New Beok on Corn Culture. OSCAR H. WILL & CO., Furni- tare, I bave added a lime of OolBns and Cas tas, which will be sold at the loweet paeaible P"C®§» y. Picture Frames. sr%?ss& FUBNiTURE, and ceratniijr selected stock, and at reasonable StaiM. |0^|II am* txtfilM thedood*. J, 0. «RpWW, Br|«k|oej5, D, ran Mlb. Old newspapers, |itt & Stute of North In District CL Hackney-Boydt vs. William wife, defehdf The State ol' named defcii. ,* d«PU of NO feet, and You are hord conrplain in tj ofyouranswa thirty-days a njoiisuponwM service^ ahd'^j pear or ah$r against you mundedtu ta Sharpening a ape Datedthlsi SnititiENl And Joa|FiS^an 8tate OfNoi InDlstrli Hackney-Bo. vs. Jesso L.-J The Mlssour pany, Ellz Summons, The State o: -named deft You^rohe complaint in F. W. Dp 1^ton, and J. C. Bismarck, N. D. State of North Dakota. County of Emmons. I" PJstrlct Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. Carl T. Birch, F. W. Duuton. and J. C. Busnby, defendants. Summons. The State. of North Dakota to the above named defendants:. You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within' thirty days after tlie service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the'day of such service"! ana, in case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded. in the complaint. Dated this X2d day.of March, 1008. ipzxpNBERGEit. BayAX & HIOKI, 4)D JOHN F. PUII.BIMCIC, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bjsmarck, N. D. State of Nprth Dakota. County of Emmons, In District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, •s. Georne A. Fatten and l'atton, his wife U. L. Nicholson and Nicholson. his wife: W. tf. Williamson and Will iamson, his wife S. 11. Thompson and Thompson, his wife .William H. William son and—-Williamson, his wife and the Long Lake Lund Association, W. W. Mc Donald, and W L. Woodcock, defendants. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this sum jpons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service and, in case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded in the complaint Dated this Sid day of March. 1003. 8HEI.I.ERBKBOKR. BJSYAN & HBLHU, And JOHN F. PHII.BBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff,' Bismarck. N. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court: sixth Judicial District. Ifackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. Alexander McKenzle. Alexander Mc kenzie and McKenzle, his wife Elijah 'Coffin and Coffin, his wife, defendants. Summons. v: The State of North Dakota to the above= named defendants: Von are hereby, summoned to'answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon jrou, exclusive of the day of such ser vice and, in case of your fuSli}re to appear or answer. Judgment ^ill be 'taken against you by dieficult for the relief demanded lu The complaint. lllI.HES, -C'.: And JOHN F. pBiLBKfpic, Attorney's for-Plaintiff, Bismarck, N. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court: Sixth Judicial. District. Ensiey. Tlie State of Noirth Dakota to the above- nxmed drfentlaiii: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve a copy apitvar upon"the"iUbscrlbefai Within thirty days after the service of this sum mons upon yon, exclusive of th« day of such service and, In case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against YOU by default tor the relief de manded In the complaint. Dated tliis 23d day of March. 1903. SHILLENBBROIB. BRYAN ft HBLHHI, And JOHB F. PHILBRIGK, Attorneys for PlalntlffiMS Bismarck, N. D. ^.akota. County of Emmons. a Hackney-Boyntori Cunf Cobqiahy. plaintiff, vs. John L. Thompson and Thompson, hi* wife John Thompson* defendants. Summona. The State of North Dakota to the .above named defendants. Yon are hereby summoned to .answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclhslVe «f tbfe day of such. ser vice and, In ease of your failure to anpear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you bydefault for the relief demanded In the complaint. :ES-(» Dated this Sd day of March, 1902. SHEI.LENBEBOEB, BRYAN & HBUIM, And JOHNF. PHILBBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, ^lsmarck, N. D. State of North Dakota, Connty Of Emmons in District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-:Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. Joseph .Tape and Tapo, hlg wife and Qulncey E. u. Kendall, Richard L. Tape, Defendants. Summons. The state ot North Dakota to the above amed defendants: You-are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upoif the subscribers within thirty days after-the Service of this sum mons upon you, excluslvo ot the day of-such service ana, in case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded In the complaint. Dated this 22d day of March, 1902. BHILI.ENBIRCIEB, BRYAN HCUAW, And JOHN F. KHILBBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bismarck, N. D. StateofNorthDakota, County OfEinmons. In lilstrict.Court: Sixth Judiewr District. his wife A. P. MacDonald ud—MacDon ald, hit WRe: W. H. Wtlltamson and Williamson, his Wife: B. Thompson and Thompson, hfs wife: and the Long Lake Land Association, defendants. Summons. The State of -Norte Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the eoisplaint In thht action, and to serve a copy your answer upon the subscribers wltlun lfty nays after the service or this sum ohlrupon you. exclusive of the day Of snch Ice? and, In case .of your falltlM to aj or aaswer. judgment wlir be taken against you by 'default fo the rellet der manded the cothpUdnt. Dated thlsUd day of March. 1901. Bawbuapnuin. BBTAN HBLMB*,-%• AWL JOHN F. PHXI.BBICK, JM r.W: AttorneySfor Plaint!#®! of Emmons, lclal District.1 any. plaintiff, Wright,his .the-above- answer' the Serve a copy jibbers within of' this Sum he day or such failure to ap will be taken ,tbo reUcf de 1903. YAN&HEMIKS, •tCK, eys for Plaintiffs Bismarck. N..D. ,, ed to answer tho ,——.-1. and to sefve a Copy- of your-answerUBbn the. subscribers within thirty days nfter the service of this summons: upon you. exclustvo of the day of such ser vice and. In oise of lyatjr failure to anpearor answer, Judgmetf$ \rillle:taken agabiSt you by default for the: relief-demanaed'in the complaifit,. .. Dated thls..2Sd day1 of'March, 1003. SHEI.LENBEBQKR, BBYAN & UELMlia, And JOHN V. PHII.BIUOA, rAttprneysfOT plaintiff, Bismarck, N. D. State of North Oako it. County Sf Emmons. In District Court Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Poynton Luud Company, plaintiff, vs. Augrew J. Laptiam and Lapham. his wifei -WiUl^m G. Nixon trusteerWUl lam F. Balrd, defendants. Summons. The State ot KbrthlDakota to the above named defendants:! You archereby summoned to answer the complaint In: this action, and to serve a cony of your answer utonlthe subscribers within thirty diiys after the {service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such ser vfcs and. in case of jwur fullnro to appear or ahsWer, Judgment [will be taken (tgalust you by default for tlio relief demanded In the complaint. I Dated this22d day o(lMarc1i.'in03. SHXM.ENBEHOKU, llUY-^N & UEI.MI8, And JOHN F. PHILBUICK, Attorneys for Plalitiff, Bismarck, N. D. State of North.Dakota Countytof Emmons. In District Court. tUxtll Jidioii\V District. Hackney-Boynton Lai^d Compiiny, plaintllf, vs. Hulda A. Troniel und Joseph M. Tram el, Mary A. Wilson, Asa T. Patterson, de fendants. Sumpionft. Tho state-of North. Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complafntln this action and to serve a copy of sronr answer iiikm the Subscribers 'within thirty days after, the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service ana, in ciisb of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will le taken against-you by default for the relief de manded in the complaint. Dated this 22d day of March, 1003. SniCLLENBERGEB. BRYAN & HBIiHIS,-4.' And'JOHN F. PHiUIRIOK, Attorneys for Plaintiff^ Bismarck. N. I). State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff,*" vs John J. etubbsand:—=Stubbs, his wife, defendants. Summons. Tlie State of North Dakota to the above named-defendants: You-are hereby summoned to answerthe compiaint ln-thls action,.and to serve a'copy of your answer upon -tqe subscribers within thirty days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclqslvu of the day.of such Service .-ana, In case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment, will be taken against you by default for- the relief de manded In the complaint. Dated this S2d day of March, 1903. SHCIXENBEROER, BRYAN & HELHES, And JOHN F. PBILBBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Blsnaarck, N. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. Iu District Court: Sixth JudiuigJ. District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. Frank H. Elbrldge and Elbridjre, his wife Frank H. Eldridge and- El dridRe.hls wlfe^ and E. G. Holmes, defend ants. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the-above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint In this action, and to serve a Copy ot your answeriupon the subswibeQMWKnin thirty days after' tlie 'service pf 'thU'sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service ana, in case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be. taken against you by default for the relief de manded in this complaint. Dated thli 83d day if March,' 1002.'. SBELI.EKUEBaEB, BRYAN A llELHES, And JOHN F- PHILBRICK, N -''r'-r BUmarok.N.D. North Dakota, CountVot Eprinoq*.' Cbjlrt: SlxthJtr^iSlDlirtrlct. Hafekiey-Boynton Land Companyvplelntiff, vs. Charles Chesrowo and OhesMwn, his wlfei and the unknown heirs of Charles ChMrown.deceased.defendabts. Summons^ be State of Nortta Dakota to the above naiMldefetidanU:' You .ate hereby summoned ts ansWer the mons npon you. exdlUWiYeof ^he service and. in ofeuci m. your failure to ap pear or answer ligalnst you by niandedwtbe compl ent will -be taken for the ~rellet' de 1908, Dated this «8d day fe«4JCNBBMna,'BBYAN HBune,. Attorneys for PIalhtltf. Bismarck, N. D. State of North Dakota. County of Emmons. in District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. George Gutjahr and Ernestine Gutjabr, bis wife, defendants. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer, the complaint la this aciion, and-to serve a copy of your answer upon thp subscribers within thirty days after the servico of this sum mons upon you. exclusive of the day of such service ana, in Case of your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will betaken against you by default for the rellof de OniCifided in the complaint. Dated thU SBd day of March. 1903.. i* SHELLENBEBGEB. BBYAN & liBLMEa, And'JOHN F: PantLhtudK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bismarck, N. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District,Qourt: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs.' Elvira M: Blerce and Blerce, her husband and Stephen J. Bowling. N. A. Blerce. defendants, summons. The State ef. "North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are htiteby summoned to answer the complaint this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this. sum mons upon you, excluslve-of the day of such service ana, in case of your failure to ap pear or answer, judgment will be" taken agalnst you by default for the rellet de manded In the.complaint. inited this 22d day of March, 1902. SHEUIENBEBQKB.11BYAN 4 HEUIEB, SK And JOHN F. PHIUIRICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ....- Bismarck, N: D, State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. wife, defendants. Summons. The.' State of North- Dakota to the above nbmed'defendants: You are'hereby suihmoned to angwer the complaint In this action, and cO Bvr.v tk tuDy of your answer upon the stab prlberb within thlrtydays after the service oft teilummong upon you, exclusive of. the day of such ser vice and, in case of ydur faliure to appear or answer. Judgment will: be taken against you by'default-for the relief demanded :ln the complaint.' ••••.'•- Dated this 23d day of March, 1909. SHELLEMBEBOEB,BRYAN•'* HBLMBKT.-' And JOHN V. PHUANIOK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bismarcic, N. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Conrt: Sixth .Tudlclal District. Hackney-BoyntonXaifd Company, plaintiff: vs. J. W. Colllns and Collins, nis wife The Northern PaclRc Ballroad Company, and: The Northern Pacific Hallway Com-r pany, defendants. Summons. Toe State of North. Dakota tp the above named defendants: You are-hereby summoned to answer the comillaint in thls actloni abd to serve a copy of your answer .'upon the'subscriber* within, thirty days after the service of thla sum mons Upon'you,.exclusive 6f: the day"of such serrtcer and. in imse-of your taUuro tb ap pear or answerr Judgment -.will be taken Sgainst jon by default fqr .the relief de suutdedlnthe complaint. 'Dated this 83d ila^of March, 1902. SHGLUTNBKRQBB, BRYAN HXLJ(X«, And JOHN PHIIARIOK, -r.PJaIntlff, mSrck.N. D. StatoofMorthDakoto, Countyof Ei InDlstrlctCourtrBlxthJwMclnl.. Hackney- Boynton Land Company.f pl aln 1 pany,:TBe NorthernPaclUc-Itallway Com pany, defendants. .Summons.' Tne StaU}of_North_. Dakota: to the aty)ye- -naned letendants: -yon an cbiiplalnt ibthla actlon,and toserve acopy pt your answer ufton the subscribers withih tblny":days after the service: of this: sum lBonsuponypu exclnslveofthedfty^ifsuoh inrvieei anaT ln Cfws. ot your fallure to :ap prar or answer, .Jtldgment will be. takea. to answer tl^ tor th* rallet .de- nplalnt. r-*sy~ ay 6t Mwcb, IBlOBR,B RYAW* HeLMBSK5?» ,:' PHILBBIOK. State of North Dakota County of Emmons, In District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, blalntlff. vs. Theron P. Healy and Mary A. Healy, hlswitei .G. B. Uealy, and Anderson Healy. defoidants. Summons.. The State'of 'North Dakota to the aboVe named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action,-And to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within .thirty days: after the service of this sum monsupou you, exclusive otthe day of such service: and. lh case of your fallure to ap pear or answer, judgment -will .be takea against you by-default for the relief mandod in the complaint. Dated this ^d day of March. 190S. SHELLERBEnOKB, BRYAN & HB'LMM. JOHN F. PlULBRtOK, wm:£ County, of Eminont. xtHJudldal District. 7 company,.niaintliT, L-^r PayiWiJhls'wlfe and Mortgage,Oom H^ne, defendants. o.ta to the abovcr pany, William Ottlnger, North Dakota Title ItiSuratige and^TrOst Company A B. Sun ...tilIt Keccfrer B. 8. Brynjolfson, end H. --Lennan defendants. Summons* The State of- North Dakota to the abov* named.defendants: You are liereby summoned to aniww State of North Dakota, County of Emmons TT„„££l8tiSct ®t ur t: 'W* Attorneys for Plaintlff, 'V Bismarck,1 N. a./'"!: State of North Dakota, bounty of Emmons. In District Qourt: Sixth Judicial District. "Hackuev-BoyntonLand Company^ nlalntiff. vs. John McEqlry, Edwin' D. Wescott, ana Alexan4er Parknurst, defendants. 8u« mons. The State of worth Dakota to'the above named defendants: Youtare hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve copy tit your answer npon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of-this sum mons upon yon, exclusive of the day of such Service ana li case of your failure to ap pear, or answer, judgment will be takea against you by default for the relief d«r mandedlnthe complaint. Dated this 2Sd day of March, 1902. SHELLBNBBRGBB, BRYAN & HBUOW. And JOHN F. PHILBRIGK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Bismarck, tfs Hackney-Boynton Land Colnpanyi-pl alKtlffl vs. Nancy F.Carl 1 the unknown heirs ei Nancy F. Carll, deceased Nathan L. Sbot mun. Blcbard A. Evans, defendants. mons. The State .of North Dakota to the above* named defendants: You -are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after' the servlGe' of thls sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of suck service and. in case ot your failure to ap pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded fn the complaint. Dated this 33d day of March, 1901. SBBELKNBERGER, BRYAN & HEUCBC, And JOHN F. PHIUBRICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff Bismarck, N- Q. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plathtlff. vs. Ann Eliza Baker and Baker,' her husband William H. Bussey and Bus sey, his.wife, defendants. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the above named defendants: You are" hereby summoned to answer the complaint in tbis actlon, and to serye a copy of your answer upon the subscribers wlthlS thrriy days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day ofsuch service and, In case of your failure to an pear or answer. Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief t» manded In the complaint. Dated tills 'StA day of March, 19M. SHKLLENBEBQEB, BBYAN & UAUOFC And JOHN F. PBILBBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff,''"^ Bismarck 41. ]. State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court :81xth Judicial Dlstrlet Hackney-Boynton Land Company: jilatnUfl1. vs. liendrlk Haka Gustava Hakn, hie wife the Missouri valley Land ItOngaM Company, E. A. Crain, Albert O. Boylel and the unknown heirs of Albert O. Boyle, deceased, and Henry Haka, deteBdaak. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the atiQi#' named defendants: You ure hereby spmmoned to S1i'h UCJUUIIJ manded in the complaint. Dated this 22d day of March, 19M. SHELLENBEBGEB, BRYAN & Hnnt And JpHN F. PHILBRICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Bismarck, M. b. First publication, Apr. 4—Last, May I. Notice of Final Homestead Proof, DBPABTMENT or THB INIBBIOB, I LAND ORACI AX BISHABOK, N. D-, ••/W'i'. March 35,1908. jk XrOTIOE IES IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE •,& Ivioljowlng-nained settler has filed nollce fts of his inU nuou t0 nnike final proof in SUD-^ port of his clalfa, and that salff proof will bs made, before the Keglster and Beeelvev at Bismarck, N. D., on Way 10,1903, via.: ALBEBT G. SCHEUEB, l^omestead Appllcatloji No. MM), For. the southwest quarter of h'orthweat qnar ter end the northwest quarter of south west quarter of section 18, and the south east quarter of northeast quarter of ate- Flfth LAND Otncs AX BIBMABCK. N. D., I Aprils, 1908. KROWCE IS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT THB lv*'wing-named i'' D. .. aniwn Me complaint, in this action, and to serve a ten of your answer upon the subscribers Wlthla thirty days after the service of thla Sal mons upon you, exclusive of tho day of emch service and, in case of or answer. Judgment w, you by. default for the the complaint. Dated th]s ?3d day of March. 190& SHBLLENBERQER, BRYAN The & Haucat And JOHN F. PHILBBICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ''S Bismarck, M. D. State of North Dakota, County of Emmone -In,District Court: Sixth Judicial District. Hacknby-Boynton Land Company, Blalntlff'. vs. Simon Schat, Fokeltje Suhat, Ue wife) :¥,?,^F"ge..P?uk &'investment Comi P'JL rJ vuu UK 1B1I ||m* mons upon you, exclusive of the day ot such !& service and. in case of your failure to av *T?? pear or answer, Judgment will be takM against you by default for the reUet rt manded in the complaint. '"X£ Dated this 32d day Of March, 19o£ SHELLENBEROEB, BBYAN 4 UAUee, ^-^5 And JOHN F. 1'HILBBICK, A a Bismarck. N, ft Judicial Dlatrlst. Hackney-Boynton Land Company, plaintiff, vs. James A. By an and the unknown heirs of James A. Byan, deceased, defendanta. Summons. The State of North Dakota to the abov* nam^a aefendftnts* Yott^^heroby-summoned to antfwtv complaint in thU action* and to serro a cobs •MWIUO* YO« tjj a* north' r»n«e W. J. Fralel A.*W. Hewl—. Barney Burbid 7# weat «f -Heliamei the following wltoeasea-to arove his continuous fisidence upon and cultlva tlon of said landi vU, W.-J. Fralelgh, of Gayton, N. D. A.rW Hewitt, of Gavton, N.D. Barney Burbidge, of Gayton. N. D. Peter Shier, of Gayton, N.'D. A. C. MoGILLIVBAY. KegUtir. First publication. April ll-Last, Hay 1«. ^ptice of Commutation Final Home-. stead Proof. settler has filed notice of hU lptentlon to make commutation flnal £.^1 prKl-32i,8URP(?to1 J11*before clalmlwod thai said prtfof wfil 'be made OhAriM H* 1P.ominissioner, Dlstiici THOMPSON A. RIEFFEB, Forrtlw east half ot- aortheast-quarter and :. north half of southeiuit quarter of section ^.towuslUpiaonorth,range7dwestofitS Peter Bjismussen. pf Winona. N. D. .C. O. Putnam.ot.Wlnnnu. Ohrlstlan Na^den. of WlnonaTH. G. W. Tracy, ^f Dale, N. D. 1 A I A W»RTD BO eare like Barker'sCsoah- S,^^s,Ltn'u«. At Christ. FOR BAIE»SHEBr .1 have for sale 650 he«d of sbee or Apply to ., .fe/ C. BowaBOiKX. Wr Hun, re TUB PUBLIC. vThe undersigned liereby ^viM iiotlw that he sri^i be at tDe county-seat OB thefiTst an^ third itondajni of^tteM pimtn, to attend to any buslnesa pear taining to his office. Respectfully, Pnultirf, S.fib*"