Newspaper Page Text
*$ MS* §disi mt *vi"A Jr i-AH* .fcU -KSSSi^K v. v^i. 5rrv t-} A tr w» ykam •ac** *«e ft*.-* 0 f"Sv BACKACHE. Backache Is a forerunner and one of the mopt common symp toms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. READ MISS BOLLMAIfS EXPERIENCE. Some time ago I xst--7The W W '1 (BF1 WM In a very weak'condition, my work made me nervous and my back ached frightfully *11 the time, and I bad terrible bead* strengthen my back and help me at once, and I^ud not get so tired aa before. I continued to take it, and. it brought health and strength to mc, td I want to thank you for the it haa done me."—Miss KATI and JUJliw, 142nd St. A Wales Are., New York City. -$tooo forfeit lferltl*4of MM letter frotlut genuineness eanntt ie produced. Lydla IS. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound cures, because it Is the greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles. Every woman who Is puzzled about her condition should write to Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mass., and tell her aih 7—i The Difference. -VWhat'a the difference between th6 framps' Protective association and a "Well?" "Why, one linkB the tramps and the other tramps the links."—Prlncetoa Tiger. ... pliTi 1 PATENTS. W mmm List of Patents Issued Last Weak ts Northwestern Inventors. Nancy Blackwood, Duluth, Minn., dish washing tray William Pepper ling, Two Harbors, Minn., projectile Enoch E. Ritchie, Howard Lake, Minn., voting machine James. Sandy, Minne apolis, Minn., carpet stretcher Olaf Banoden, Melvin, Minn., .draft equal izer Anson R. Spear, St. Paul, Minn., golf ball Frank Vaydi, Lake Mary, Minn., garden hoe. Iiothrop & Johnson, patent lawyers. 91) Pioneer Press Bids.. St. Pai %nd 912 Pioneer Press Bldjr., St. .ul. No one Is able to discover that rich man. is a fool until after he loses his'money. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As raercunrjrill sorely destroy the tense of sm«l and completely derange the whole system when entering it .throuih the mucous surfaces. Such articleS'sltould never be used except on prescrip tions from .reputable physicians aa the damage •hey will do is tenlold to the good you can possibly derive from them. .Hall's Catarrh/Cure, manu factured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., con tains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous'surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottl* Hall's Family Mils are the best Next to having wisdom yourself Is the ability to profit by the wisdom of others.. I u& sure Plso'sCuefoi Consumption aaTeO *y life three years in.-lta THOS. ROBBUCS. Maple Street. Norwleh. K. Stob. «. uoo. V-fo• irt^When a young man wants to get fid of his best girl he should take her kating and let her slide. RUGS MADE FROM YOUR OLD CARPETS by the Reliable Rug Works, 840 W. 11th St., DM Moines, Iowa. Uti W. E. Ferripgton,Proprietor. I person who Is loyal to the larg est number of personal friends is hap. pleat. Some people give as little as an ex cuse for taking a great deal. JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR makes top ot the market butter. ill Give the devil his due, ot course, but not until he verifies tho account. To Opre a OaM tn One day, Take Laxatire Bromo Qolnlne Tablets. AS druggist* refnnd moDeyifit falls to core. 9Sa It is easy for a man to be straight when he's flush. on. U. BMDUDB, (Saeola Ere, Bsr, Sate ssl Tsrul Vararo, If. D.. FE WAITYWII TMDi You can buy of us at whole saleprices aud^ve mcniey. Our 1,000-pige 'cataldgue. tells .the storjj. We will send it upon ^receipt o£ 15 centib Your neigiS^irv ^trafc with Jis—why-not j*ou CHICAGO The boose u»t teUs the tratfc. The m%yoc o^ Baltimore« who: is 6t years old a&d bachelor, says he will get married If t&fr people will Jglre him awother tera».r Once the-oflloe {lidding habit fastens Itself upon ntan ho wUl do almost anythinc raUier than try to' shake It off. ,** pew cure for tuberculosls conslsU inoculating, children jrltli a sgrum as soon aa'»pwlble %atter. they-Eare born, Is it any wonder that some NORTH DAKOTA #. STATE •tNi NEWS. N Renville Intends to have a hall team. Pallermo seems to be growing rap idly. Minot's gun club is getting in the game. Edmore is having a lot of sidewalks put in. Casselton Is to have a new Jewelry store. Not a druggist in Steele county has a permit A Sanborn lady,' aged eighty-seven, died recently. Otto Wagness of Grafton has re moved to Fargo. The small boys have started to kill off the gophers. The Grand Forkers seem to have a strong ball team. Leonard's new state bank will soon be doing business. Casselton has two hundred tele phone subscribers. York intends to have a fast ball team again this year. Morton county horses seem to be'in good demand everywhere. Many towns are already discussing Fourth of July celebrations. Judge Palda will hold his first term of court at Minot April 27. The proposed Masonic .temple at Lisbon will cost $15,000. 3 •:•/, On account of bad road's" some towns complain of a hay famine. Joe Flannagan, the ball player, will not be in the game this year. Centerville is a new townsite thirty dye miles southwest of Minot.' John Kirk of Minot will have to an swer to the charge of slander. Steam plows are popular this spring in the western part of the state. There is nothing doing at St. Thom as on account of the scarlet fever. Mrs. B. T. Martin of Ellendale fell on a sidewalk and fractured an arm. There is a general demand for less flax, largely because of the low price. team was found at Mlhot that had not been, .watered nor fed In thirty hours. The Lidgerwood school board has decided to employ only normal gradu ates, Cavalier county farmers claim they have exercised great care in seed se lection. Wilton seems to be getting the worst of it on account of the smallpox quar antine. Devils Lake threatens to have a trolley line before any other town'In the state. Two engines smashed into each oth er Th the SOo yards at Portal, but little damage was done. The western part of the state is adding some high grade stock for breeding purposes. Postmasters will not be permitted to rent boxes to minors without the con sent of the parents, Mrs. O. H. Will of Bismarck was badly burned while cleaning some clothing with gasoline. Grand Forks seems to havfe a man who wants to regulate the stuff the newspapers should run. The hotels in the towns in the northern'part of the Btate have been doing a rushing business. There is an increased demand for macaroni seed wheat. The farmers want to get the extra yield. A Sanborn man warns the. public that he will not be responsible for the debts contracted by his wife? 'Telephone franchises at Grand Forks' .were discussed as- much as wooden trolley poles at Fargo. Two hundred tons of'flax straw have been purchased at Lakota for a plant that is to be established thej$.* Great interest is beiqg'taken in the brlquettlng plant to be established on the Missouri by Gen. Washburn. Settlers are going to the Sentinel Butte country and unbroken land is felling from |8 to $12 an acre. Some of the Independent baseball teams in the state have already ar ranged* for games the Fourth of July. A Shipment ofnten barrels of beer for Devils Lake was stolen and detec tives are trying to round up the hop lulce. Some settlers around Ashley left for the Canadla nNorthwest and farmers frdm Iowa are coming in to take their places. Some Ward county people- kick on poisoned grain being put out for go phera because it kills off the chickens. .Lawrence Pierson was the name of the man run over by a tfain at Man' dan. He died the following day from his Injuries, Twenty Swedes have been, brought direct from the old country to Car. rington to work on the Carrlngton Call farm Th) efforts of the Soo to get an ar well at HanklnsOn were aban do^i when quicksand was struck at a d^thoflSOfeetc If the Soo invades the Red irivier vat ley wlth two or three stub lines there will be something doing in "the way of eompetition for freight. The cson of Dr. Potter at Bismarck has received a letter, from a fellow traveler of his father who was present at his death bed in India. R. P. Jennings of Fingal has de cided to remove to Hillsboro. Rube on»' claimedthe distinction of 'being the la^li»t man in the state.v AladynamedBozovsky/ofRlchland eountyr waa sent to the asylum, but Uie .lBSRUfty bjprdj didn't seem to blame ihe trouble ohtb- her-name en tirely. A Norwich ^merchant kept It box of ashes in his store and returned in time to find a big hole .burned In the floor and the .lire just getting under-head way. Unele Ben^Qorbin :^the great wdll. hunter, has «MOtdaied his real estiti' saterprises sliieeM^tf wplt bounty 'iras' ra(Md and returned to hVifomw'pa«-: time.' 5 Kenmare to have a city hall. Leeds Is io have a brick factory. State school lands are being leased. Dunseith has a Taw and order league. Marlon expects a harness shop soon. W. S. Shaw of Minot has the small pox. Minot wants another school build ing. McLean county is settling up rap idly. E. M. Pollock will open a hotel at Alice. Leonard wants a drug store and a doctor. Dunseith wants an armory for Troop A. A lot of freight is shipped into New Rockford. Lltchvllle now has a resident Cath olic priest. The gun club fellows have begun to be active. Big crop predictions are already'be. ing heard. Hope anticipates some good racing this summer. The vag law is likely to catch al most any of us. Orrcmee people want the drunken brails stopped. Ward county is to get a colony from Milbank, S. D. The Jamestown creamery will be running in May. Some Tennessee people have set tied near Mohall. A lot of new settlers are locating around Omemee. Minot has an ox team that attracts a lot of attention. The ice on the Missouri is about the slowest thing ever. The old man's convention at Milton was a huge success. The fartners are among the strenu ous people these days. Bids have been called for at Kindred for the new creamery. Windsor was visited by some crooks who made a little haul. A number of old timers around Buf falo have sold their farms. A settler near Mohall caught a thief trying to get into hlB barn. New Rockford is to put up an acety lene plant to light the city. Minot lays claim to a metropolitan feature—a night lunch wagon. Jamestown claims to be one of the best hog markets tn the state. A,summer school for several coun ties may be held at Grand Forks. The plan to erect another hotel at Enderlin Is still being agitated. Two young bloods at Wlshek want ed to fight It out in the dining room. Oakes officials are reported to have instructed the blind piggers to mov« on. Some of the schibol lands were not in great demand on the leases at La* kota. Minot claims to have the poorest depots of any town of that size on earth. Palermo people are putting up a strenuous-' roar about not having a depot. Mrs. Mary Sinclair of Stutsman county was" badly bruised by an unruly bovine. Complaints are made in some sec tions that township officers failed to qualify. There are some rich odors prevail ing around most North Dakota towns this spring. The "early" closing at Cando is al most a late affair, as it doesn't close till 8 o'clock. The smallpox case at Page is under strict quarantine and no further infec tion Is anticipated. A man Bismarck on the charge of stealing clothing was cap. tiired at Jamestown: G. R. Froling, an early resident of Sheldon, has sold his property there and removed to Fargo. With so many wild g6ese and go phers in sight the people feel that spring is the real thing. Morse dealers who have been down in Iowa and other states claim that good hoises are scarce. There seems to be more than the usual spring talk about railroad ex tension in North Dakota. The Mandan people appear to have traded the Indian school-for the post tradership at Standing Rock. The row over the Syndicate blofek' at Rugby has broken into the courts and an injunction has been issued. The Buxton telephone company has grown so that it has decided to in crease Ihe capital stock to $50,000. The free delivery at Thompson will probably be discontinued,' as ho car. rier will takg..jthe job. unless the salary ls- bocsted^|p. t- -, John Simpson, who formerly Uvea hear Casselton, recently died at Wim bleton, where he had resided a- num ber of years,- It is predicted that North Dakota will have more miles of railway: ex -tension this year than in any other one summer ^n a decade. |g|| Some of the people In the' towni along, the Larimore-Breckenrldge di vision: of the Great Northern wish the old-train, service was restored instead of the coast flyer. Blsmarck wants the brlquet^ng plant located there, but Wilton seems to have the call, aa the coaf will be transferred jllreetly tO-the mines wltb out transportation. Two Biiiinarckers went over to Man dan for some booze and bought' an armful. They.-lai$ It .down on the ground and went back onto the train for'Something, and the. booze y* moosed The local land office at Devils lake haa just handed down a decision In "which tt ls held that stone claim en tries made updn lahd8 on whlch there are larg$r quantities of the-ordinary bOulders and some limestone, are valid and pefmlsssble under the timber and stone act. Several such claims vrere filed last .year some of\ these wire 'cdhtested, ahd tblsls ^he'fifst decision In .this state, ao ter^s we^are'a)bleto I6ana, tthder thl8 law. ^The decision Ui a mjtfffiMrf npch ipterest, both to the litigiuitji and the public. The case will ha aWH9al«l l|» the commissioner of *&« gepentl land ofc«je. •:JLr N- .'»4 His Opening. Chumley—How much have you got In your bank, Johnny? Johnny—I'll have Just a dollar when, you give me a quarter.—New York Sun. A Master Craftsman. Clerlcus (fervently)—Do spair, my dear young Remember there is ho What's the matter was the only Christmas drinks somewhat high are address any complaints not de Christian friend. word like hope. Poetlcus (disdainfully)—is that up to me with a newspaper. ran he fell, and some paper but I refused to his papers. I handed looked up in my face so? with soap dope? Why, in dialect 1 and could in most any word you ring have a mind to name.—New York Sun. Was a Thoroughbred. I was coming from my hotel on Christmas day when a little urchin ran As he other boys got ahead of him and tried to sell me a buy until the little fellow came up, half crying, with him half a dol lar, and when he reached in his pock ets to get the change, I said: "Never mind, sonny. Keep the change." He and said, "Say, mister, you're a tOrobred." Now that present I Had that day, but to tny mind it was the best I could have had.—Capt. Jack Crawford, In the Household. Place for Complaint. In a small cafe close to the Grand place, Brussels, the proprietor has had the following notice posted on the walls: "Customers who flnd the price of requested to they may to make direct to the have minister finance." This is an allusion to of the tax electioneering' device on al cohol imposed by the minister. As an it is worthy copying.—London almost Express. Consults No One. The wonderful organizing ability of Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan wan being dis cussed among a party of bankers, when one asked: "Do you suppose that he originates all his schemes, as a general docs his war maneuvers, and then directs his associates, to put them in execution, or do you think he first consults his part ners and gets their opinions?" "I do not think that Mr. Morgan ever consults any one," replied the one who assumed to know. "His will is dom inant. I am told that even at bridge whist lie never asks his partner's per mission to play."—New York Times. A Veteran's 8tory. Bath, N. Y., April 13th—The fust consideration of the Commandant and Officers in the conduct of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home here is the health of the veterans. Kidney Troubles are the .most common cause of ailment, very few of the old men escaping these In some form or other. Of course the comrades do as much as possible for themselves, and one of the most popular and useful remedies employed is Dodd's Kidney Pills, which seem to be almost infallible In cases of Kidney derangements. Indeed there are among the vteterans several who claim to owe their lives to Dodd's Kidney Pills. For Instance, A. E. Ayers, who came to the home from Minneapolis, Minn., was given up by four doctors in that city. He had Brlght's Disease, and never expected to live through it, but his life was saved and his health re stored by Dodd's Kidney Pills. His experience has made the remedy very popular among the men, and no one Who has used Dodd's Kidney Pills for any KldAey Trouble has been dis appointed.- A dase of Misunderstanding. Two devoted lovers, George and Lizzie, were crossing the fields ap proaching the pretty tpwn of Bethle hem, Pa. The sounds of th«S grass hoppers and the katydids filled the air as they came in sight of a church. It was Sunday morning and the congre gation was Binging He, thinking iBhe referred to the katydids, replied: "Yes and they are doing all that with their hind legs."—-Philadelphia Public Ledger. COOKING CONTE8T. if vFv:...•••iiijJ' t*P CONGRESSMAN WILBER SAYS [To The Pe-rii-iig Medicine Co.. of Columbus. 0,] Mr. Julian Weisslitz, 175 Seneca street, Buffalo, N. Y., is corresponding secre tary of The Sangerlust, of New York is the leading second bass of the Sander lust, the largest German singing society of New York and also tbe oldest. (pie's ©tolisahe Th® Gnat Skin Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It." Congressman D. P. Wilber, of Oneonta, N. Y., writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen—" Persuaded by a Mend I have tried your remedy and have almost fully recovered after the use of a tew bottles. I am fully convinced that Peruna Is all you claim for It, and cheerfully recommend your medicine to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble. "—David P. Wilber. Pe-rn-na Preventive and Care for Colds. Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, N. B., Vice President of The Pastime Boating Club," writes: "Whenever the cold weather sets in I have for years past been very sure to catch a severe cold which was hard to thrjw off, and which would leave after effects on my constitution the most of the winter. '•Last winter 1 was advised to try Peruna, and within five days the cold was broken up, and in five days more I was a well man. 1 recommended It to several of my friends and all speak the highest praise for it. There Is nothing like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions. It Is well nigh infallible as a cure, and I gladly endorse It."—C. F. Oiven. A Prominent Singer Saved From Loss of Voice. Remedy will stop the pain of burns and scalds at once ana there will be no tear. Don't wait until someone gets burned but Keep tax ktsdj. lb and SO cents by all druggists. Health at Home through Hires Rootbeer—a delightful preparation of roots, herbs, barks and berries. Nature's own pre scription. Benefits every member of the family. Hires Rootbeer pertCea the blood, qnenches the thlrat and pleaaet the palate, A he refuses to do & '^v Women and Spoons. Tbe managers of the Athletic club, of this city, taking account of stock after their "Japanese fete," which was the attraction of the regular "ladies' day," found that not only 237 sprigs of artificial apple and chrysanthemum blossoms had disappeared from the decorations, as'well as an unknown number of miniature vases and bits of bric^a-brac. but that in round num bers 200 spoons were lacking. It is significant that this property disapr peared on "ladles' day." It is still more significant tbat men. have ho use for decorative adjuncts, for .vases, for bits of china, for smallbric-a-brac or for spoons. The inference Is una voidable. All this must have b«en feminine plunder perhaps, more po litely speaking, feminine perquisites. Right in the Family Kitehens. The ladies have a champion inter ested In the betterment of fhmily cooks. $7,600.00 in cash has been donated by C. W. Pest, Chairman of the PoS turn Cereal Co., Ltd., to be distributed between now'and July next'in 735 cash prizes to^ stimulate family cooks to better service. Less burned and greasy meat, and potatoes less soggy biscuits, cake, etc., and better coffee, Pctetum and tea to the motto. The girls are to compete In the prep aration of good, eyeryday fishes and In general cookery. Probably Grape Nuts and Postum Coffee will come In for sonic attention incidentally, -but the tests will be-conducted under' the daily direction of (he housewife and 785 cooks- will win varying, cash prices from $200.00 down to. $6.00, no one Is required to pay anything' whatever to ehtfir this contest and each winner will receive a large .certificate or di ploma with the:big Postum seal in gilt Imdgo of distinction much to -be sought after. Particulars can he Had by addressing Cookery D6pt. No. 3ft Of Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle irMek^WbS#:: it ,'L- av package makrt Uvefalto&i. Sold everywhere •r bj oiali,USc, Beware ofimltatiooa. Cktrln E. Blrn C,.. blitn, r*. RESULTS COUNT! There are some things that have to depend on catchy "talking points in order to induce sales. There are other things that are sold solely on their merit and on account of RESULTS I A notable example of this is found in the Wagon a melodious hymn. Lizzie heard it, but George 'did not, and she said: "Oh, George, isn't that beautiful?" New Tlfflr\ which owes its supremacy SOLELY to RESULTS. Its wonderful durability and capacity for carrying enormous loads, and the remarkable ease with which it runs are some of the "results" which have made It famous wherever known. INSIST on your dealer ordering one for you. If so write FOR JALt THC TIFFIN WAGON CO., TIFFIN, OHIO, and they will, tell you who bandies this superior wagon. THE'BEST POMMEL SLICKER IN THE WORLD W/ '///ikf, $wbms® iJjke &II our tvatereroof 'coat), suits And hats for all kinds of wet work, it i» often imitated tut raver equalled. Mode in bl&cR or ellow trAU RELIABLE DEALER). STICK TO THE MCHOf THE PISH. iunSmjaiL iOOD TlflNGJ TO EAT Libby's Natural Flavor food products These delicious preparatkios alliw of all sorts of impnunptu spreads without the impromptu appearancc. and permit »!*e hostess to «nioy rather than slave. 0ar b«(«kJct. "Dow to Make «ond Thing* to Eat.'* free to housekeepers." Libby's At last'! tbe World, containing 32 new maps, published expressly for us by the largest map and atlas publishers in Anicrka, is ready now. Indexed, and five* new maps of China. Booth Africa, thp Philippines, Cuba. Porto Rlas and is of as much prao tical use as any atlas published. We mall it to any address lor 5 two-cent stamps libby. McNeill & Libby. Chicago Ike WNtrtGiUteft Caterers DF.WILBETt. t*°" NEW YORK In 1809 The Sangerlust celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a large cele bration in New York City. The follow ing is his testimony: "About two years ago 1 caught a severe cold while traveling and which settled into catarrh of the bronchial tubes, and so affected my voice that I was obliged to cancel my engagements. In distress I was advised to try l'eruna, and although I had never usettu. patent medicine before, I sent for a bottle. "Words but illy describe my surprise to find that within a few days 1 wag greatly relieved,and within three weeks 1 was entirely recovered. 1 am never without it now, and take an occasional dose when I feel run down."—Julian Weisslitz. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and lie will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbus.O. People who live double lives nre apt to discover in the end that neither of them was profitable. Because W. L. Douglas Is the largest manufacturer lie cun uuy cheaper und nroilucs lila nhoes at a lower cost than other con eenis, which enables lilt" to sell shoes for $3.50 and 83.00 equal In every way to those sold else wlieio for 34 and $5.00. by drag gists ceute. Urge IF Paper.<p></p>ECZEMA Psoriasis, Scalled Head, Milk Crust, Tetter, Ringworm, etc. Speedily, Permanently and when All Else The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin, as in eczema the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis the loss o' hair, and crusting of the scalp, as in scalled head the facial disfigurements, as in pimples and ringworm the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety of worn-out parents as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, —all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope ivith tnem. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute, safety and great economy-^have made them the standard skin curcs, blood purifiers' and humour remedies of the civilized world. Complete External and Internal Treatment Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuti cura Resolvent to cuol and clcanse the blood. This complete treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning, and scaly humours of the skin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all other remedies and the best physicians fail. As evidence of the wonderful curative properties of Cuticura Remedies and of their world wide sale, we quote from Tbe Hon. Mr. Mce Finnore's Letter. Natal, Oct. "I desire to give my voluntary testimony to the beneficial effects of your Cuticura Remedies. I have suffered for some time from an excess of uric acid in the blood and since the middle of last year, from a severe attack of Eczema, chiefly on ihc scalp, face, ears and neck, and on one limb. I was for several months under professional treatment, but the remedies prescribed were of no avail, and I was gradually becoming worse, my face was dreadfully disfigured, and I lost nearly all iny hair. At last, my wife prevailed upon me to try the Cuticura Remedies, and I gave them: a thorough trial with the most satisfactory results. The disease soon began to dissappear, and my hair commenccd to grow again. A fresh growth ol e-\ hair is covering my head, and my limb (although not yet quite cured) isv^^'^ gradually improving. My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that sho^^ has been purchasing them in order "to make "presents to other persons ^, suffering from similar complaints, and, as President of the Bible Women's Society, has told the Bible women to report if any case should come wide* her notice when a poor person is so afflicted, so that your remedies may be resorted to." ROBERT ISAAC FINNEMjORIfe £W.vW. SHOES MAD. WmU (Ns«K thmn *murotf, trid. mmnufaoturBr'itftho $25,000 BEWABD will b« paid to anyone who can dlaprov* Itala auumint. The Doujrlu aeeret pro ceu of tannlntr the bottom soles produces lutely pure loatber more flexible end will lonifor than any other tannnse In the world. The aalea have more than doubled the vaet fbur yearl,j—wJllch Prowee Its superiority. Why not give w. L. Douglas ehoes atrial and save money. Kotlrc Inrrrnap f]8H» Sales: lu Ilualneae 2,OII,HHII,Sl \1U02SAIM: fS.Olt.SiO.SS A lain ot •«,HSO,«Aa.9B In Four Years. W. L. DOUGLAS S4^M OILT EDOK LINK. Worth se.00 Compared with Other Makes. Tht best Imported and American leathers, Heut'a Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets, Railflnn Tbe senulne have W. X* uauuuil BOUQLAS name and price etamped on bottoa^ •Shon by mail, 25c. extra, lllns. Catalog free. W. I.. UOI1ULAS, naoVKTQN, UAH. KILLS LICE Re^io* c° on POULTRYI Cattle, Hrgfl, SbMp. Etc. Kasjr to apply-doit It on. "Bill cilrtt*! UccM—C.D.B. Vou, Arniuur, "Killei iverTloiN la my flock of 2oO)uni"-D. Perry, Monro*, WU, Price, 25 as* 59c Tkg. Br Mill, 41 mi 7fc. Prussian Htook Food and Itemed Co., fit. Paul, HId FREE TO WOMEN! fAXTINE To prove the heahug and cleansing power of 1'axtlna Toilet Antlaeptlo we will mail a large trial pocknea with book of instructions absolutely free. This la not. v. a tiny Rutnple, but a large ,, package, nnough to con* vincc unyono of Its value.' Women all over the countrjr are prulKing Paxtlne for what It has done in local treat ment of feiuale Ills, curing all inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mopth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth, Send today a postal card will do. Sold or sent postpaid bj as, 59 box. Kutlsfuctloa guaranteed* TDK R. I'AXTON CO., Boston, Mas*. 814 Columbus Ave. CLAinANTS FOR DeUfi Mil write to NATHAN "llB HICKFOHI), WuHhltigtori, D. C., thej ... will rocelvequleU replies. B.RthN.H.Vcls. btaff 20ih Corps. Protecutlns Claim. .Inc. 1B7H N N —NO. 16— 1903 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thia Economically Cured, Fails, by (Judge oj tht Natal Sufrimt Ctmri.) K! CUTICURA RKMEDIK8 ar«sold throughout tho clvlllzcd trorld. PRICES: OotltnNHqtl^ ent, BOe. por bottle (In the form of Chocolate Coated PUli, 25a. per rial ot CO) Cutlenr» Ointment, BOe. per box, and Cuticura Sonp.2Sc.pcr tablet, genii for the great work," Bumauri ottheBIOod, Skin, and Scalp, and llow to£urc Thorn,"64 paget,'S00 Disease*, vtth llloatrottona, Teatlmonlali and Direction! in all language*, Including Japanese and Chinese. Brltiuli Dajwl. 27'28CharUrhou*eSq., London, E.C. French Depot,5Buede laPalx, Pari* AnitrsUonDepot, B. Town* C9., Sydncj. POTTER DRUQ AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Sol?*!'* prlttoft. Unatoa, U.S. A. 1 «S8". 4 tags