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wit 1 mT 'IS id «r.*$wtr "VOLUME fe JUl W lfr IP h* & Mm a 8 &•' t- ty V- •W' 20: NUMBER 13. G. M. DfVHL, BISMARCK, N. D. The best stocked and all-around best equipped Clothing House on the Missouri Slope. We are the sole representatives in this section of three of the leading Clothing Man ufacturers in the country, and keep on hand a full tine of their make ef Goods, which at all times insures to our Customers exolusive and high-grade patterns and perfect fits. During the last two years we have Increased our stock and improved our business facil ities so much that we are now folly prepared to meet any prices furnished by eastern cat alogue houses for the same qMffity of Goods. Write ns for prices and description of titoods you may be interested in. We Give Special Attention to Mail Orders. C.M.DAHL, Opposite N. P. Depot, Bismarck, N. D-. Our New Store in the above-uamed City is now ready for pf Business, and the Patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of gif l&j GENERAL-MERCHANDISE. Which we will sell for cash at the LOWEST POSSIBLE) PRICE). 1 W YEATER & CO. Snyder's Drug Store. O. VORLANDER, Pres. EDW'D BRADDOCK, VLce-Prts. JONES Aarv.-„» 1bf PAINTST OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WALL PAPER. ETC., kept In stock. Mail Orders carefully and promptly attended to. uu Your patronage is respectfully solicited. LINTON, NORTH DflKOTsFl A General Banking B'asiriess toEisacled DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. J0ST RECEIVED—One of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Men's and Boys'Clothing ever brought to Emmons county. Also, a large and. well selected stock of SHOES. Before buying, come in and see our Goods, as we know v?e can show you some bargains, We-keep a full line of Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Notions, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. One Price to all.. Give us 9 call. •TBIIIBItmiinHBIWIIIIBWHmHIIItWHIIWIBWIUWtllWWWHnifflfflnHllillHna IF YOU WANT GOODS AT FAIR PRICES, r.V„ -r^-CALL ON ,5W. K. PITRIE?1 DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA. liiuiuii M. •fti. S 11 ttifit i? ©Si Keeps an hand .. a large andiare- (K fully selected stock of W goods. J. F. 8NYDER, WIJ Braddobk* N. D. ffi A. W. SIMS, Cashier. E. E. MAUTIN, Ass't. Gashler. rtw EMMONS COUNTY RECORD. BY D. R. STREBTBR. Lintont North Dakota. Pioneer Journal of the County. The Record Is entorcd at the Linton Pott office as second-class matter. SEEING fOOI^BALt BY PROXY. Blind Enthusiast la Eigliiiil Who XcTtr HtMti Match Wkira H. Can Get Titer#. Blind tribe* be was four years old, a well-known Blackburn (England) man a self-taught musician, playing the piano and other instruments by ear and earning his living by that accomplish ment. Many blind people, however, are musicians, and tha*ia not the curious thing about Mike, says Golden Penny. His penchant Is not only for music, but for football. If .you ask him on a Saturday 'night where he has been in the afternoon, he will invariably tell you he has betfb to '"see" a football match. A blind man going to see a football match—Nonsense! But it is :not nonsense. Mike is so fond of foot ball—especially of his own pet team, •the Blackburn Bovefa^hftt he 'never 'misses a match if he can possibly help it in the season, frequently traveling with the team to matches out of town —not for the purpose of playing music for coppers, as some may suppose no, he goes purely and simply to "sea the game." True, he seee'it'byproxy. He stand* among the crowd, anfla. tie shoutigo up and the remarks and criticisBJS'of those about him are expressed, he cain follow the game aa keenly as any man, and when time called he will tell you more abdlit the details of the match than anyone else. Mike 4B proud of the fact thart he has scarcely miseed seeing a match on a Saturday afternoon for the last 80 year*—toaay nothing of extra games on other days. HOW ERUINES ARK CAPTURED. is Isfwiou Method Is •m»Ior«* tr tha Trsprcr to l»T« tkt fn ron Skta, Perfect fur, of the delicate ermine at least, would be marred 4jy the ordinary snare, so the trapper devises as cun ning a death for the ermine as the ermine devises when it darts up through the snow with ita spear teeth clutched in the throat of a poor rabbit, writes Agnes C. Laut, in Leslie's Month ly. Semaring his hunting knife with grease, he lay sit across the track. The little ermine ctithes trotting in dots and dashes and gallops and dives to the knife. That greasy -a'mell of meat it knows, but that frost-silvered bit of steel is something new. The knife is frosted like ice. Ice, the ermine has licked, so he licks tbfe knife. But alas for the resemblance between ice and steel I Ice turns to water under the warm tongue steel turns to fire that blisters and holds the foolish little stoat by his inquisitive tongue, a hope less prisoner till the trapper comes. And, lest marauding wolverine or lynx should come first and gobble up price less ermine, the trapper comes soon. And that is the end "for the ermine. MISFORTUNE OF AN HEIRESS. Tk* Owsn of Areas Isle Misses Daoal Title Iiwut ah* Was Not Bora iff, The recent visit of Xing Edward to the Island of Arran, on the ooast of Scotland, recalls the extraordinary luck of the present duke of Hamilton, and the misfortune of the owner of Arran in not being born a boy, ob serves the Chicago Kecord-Herald. The present duke succeeded to the title in the most roundabout way. He is de scended from the fourth duke, and his line branched oft TO PRESERVE OUR FORESTS. Clsfewoau o-l Many Itat.s At* la* t.r.stiBB in th. Work •f Isrisf tk* T*».s.. The Maine federation has a commit tee on forest preservation. Maryland ood Delaware arc trying to save their evergreens, of which the states are be ing denuded at C'hristmas time. Now Jersey wants to raise a fund of (100,000 for forestry parks along the palisades. Clubwomen oi Wisconsin have piante hundreds of trees during the last fen years. Minnesota women, Says the De troit Free Tress, have labored unceas ingly to secure a permanent forest .'reservation at the headwaters of the 4S* The L. Lamb Lumber Co. ha: theT only genuine American Stocr Fence In Linton. It is just what you 1 want, especially for bogs and sheep. wmm y, 3 IF' LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, AUGUST 14,1903. haven, tion wi BOATS— Sown in 1743 when Lord Anne Hamilton7{who had beeli named after 'Queen Anne) married. The senior branch of the Hamiltons from the fifth to the. twelfth dukes, after reigning 17.3 years, became extinct in the male line, leaving plain Alfred Douglas Hamilton the dukedom. The late duke, whose mother was a princess of Baden, and whose sister be came princess of Monaca, left an only daughter, who is now 18. She owns almost the whole of Arran, which is one of the most beautiful spots in the Vnited Kingdom and has not become vulgarised by holiday makers. and v. .. Clubwomen ere working In many states lor forest preservation. They, have taken an active part In the agita tion in Pennsylvania, which bas result ed in the preservation of 7b0,000 teres of forest lands, placing tha't state at the head of all in this matter. The Woman's club at Wilkesbarre has been especially interested, securirig-the ap pointment of a forester to care for for ests in the vicinity. ^%^X%f *r ,- 1 tgy Boats will run regularly between Bismarck, Fort Yates? Standing Bock, Winona, Gay ton, Cannon Ball, Coal Harbor, Mann- lancock, Wogotnan's, and Washburn Landing, in connec tion with the Minneapolis, St. Paul &. Sault Ste. Marie Railroad. "Peerless/' "Bismarck" Imelda. Constituting the only line of Boats on the Missouri River. Apply for ThrouKb Bates of Freight or Passage to IUNT0R DRUG STOFES E. L. MILLER, Dealers In HARNESS, HARDWARE. MACHINERY- All kinds of Harness. la terferlnr Boots. Riding Bridles. Saddle Blankets, Collars. Whips, Pads and Seraps. Repairing done neatly and promptly. A full line of Slielf Hardware. Monitor Plows. Harrison Wagons, Evans Disks Bahlen Buggies, manufac tured br S. T. Gay, Minneapolis' Harrows the Malta Corn-Cultivator and Monitor Planter, with Oheckrower. This Machinery Is equal to the best, and the names of the various makers are sufficient recommendation to any ono osted in this line of goods. And the price of each article has been put to bed rock. Call and be convinced of this fact. NEWTOWN 2 STRASBURG Baumgartner, Keller & Feist. The Strasburg Bazar bas all imaginable things for sale. -Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Hardware, Wagons, Buggies, Plows, etc., etc. Give us a call and see fot yourself. THE STRASBURG BAZAR. We invite all our acquaintances, as well as strangers, to call at our store, inspect our goods and find out prices. Up to June 20th. we will hold a Big Clearing Sale. A large assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, Suits, Shoes, Furniture, All Kinds of Paints, Farm Implements, everything usually found in a general store will be sold at a very low price. Everybody is cordially invited. VETTER & SON FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS' "New Rival" "Leader'' "Repeated you are looking for reliable shotgun am munition, the kind that shoots where you point your gun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with Black powder "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no. others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM Benton Trans- S portation Co. BAKER, Manager, BISMARCK. N. I). Proprietor. & Fresh Drug*, Patent Medicines, Stationery,* Toilet Articles, Novelties, Cigars School Supplies, Varnishes. & Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Do You Want I Cross River? If you do, take the Gasoline Ferryboat CANNON BA.XjL. Which at all times carries Passengers, Stoek and Teams between GAYTON AND CANNON BALL. 3fTo Indian Reservations to cross, and you will get Prompt and Reliable Perry Service,. JT. C. LEACH, Proprietor. WAR! WAR! WARJ WESC0TT&W1TTHAYER, LINTON, NOKTH DAKOTA, KORTH DA'lCOTA. ,?v*- RECORD W $ Mr Linton, N. D. E. Write us what you want. N. P. ANDERSON, a. \V. MURRAY. BRNORTHGDflKOTfl. a 9 1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings, NOTIONS^— I All the latest things in wulst and dress patterns and newest trim mings. Another invoice of hats and ilowers just arrived. 'J A large line of muslin and knit underwear for ladies and children 4 at prices that will astonish you. All kinds of hosiery from the 10c grade up to lace and silk em- 3 broidered. DRESSMAKING. I Located one block west of First Bank of Linton. Call and seethe new goods. Stella A. Smith, LINTON HOUSE H. N. TURNER, Prop'r. MMALS AND LODGING. NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT E. SEMLING, -DEALER IN- CLOTHmQ, Gents' Furnishings, Etc. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA. Hail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. A GOOD WELL is nt&essaty to every farm and ranch, tnil there is 'hO -ijiore cle sirabie, no cleaner, nor in ore arable well than a drilled well, fc OUR TUBULAR WELLS, O. E. BURCE, either two inches or three .incl: in diameter, will (five you an abundance of good, pure water.' W a a a W and windmill. SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. Anderson & Murrav. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. BRADDOCK, N. I. Proprietor. First-Class Rigs, Fancy Driving Horses, Rates Reasonable. Prompt Service. Linton, North Dakota. GRAVER HEADERS TO CLOSE OUT THIS S&flSON, $135.00. f\T Send in your order before Jt is too late to FR&D cJUNGB, tJR. MATTHEWS & McCRORY HAZELTON, N. D. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Fair Dealing. Moderate Prices. Your Patronage Solicited. 5 s- I 2 •W