Newspaper Page Text
?i \*3T1 *2? 2sk Ti/yk ti'v« J«W' A" J2tf V\ moth. used ugglng in the Beware of Ointments sf5 that Contains M« mercury wiil »uwlr desWT tt«•' (completely derang* the wbole»rBC« jit tfirougti A~ Kt^t^Toueti [bfi nrecout ittiftcw. V" -vvi Should nl\erbe osed eicept oa PI Sr treputalilo phy»lcl*n«. a» the il»ro»« $ Sea fold to (bo goal jou cnn po«« & $hem 11*11'* Catatrb Cure, m*oui Si Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O.. eopwltt* taken lutemally. acting dlrectl «ndmucous«urface»ot Uioeyntemj, »?.a-Ca'.atrli Cure be »ire you getifc taken Internally awl mule to role I Cheney & I o, Testimonialsifree. Soli by DriiRBl'W- Price per Hall Family fllla are tao beat. Consolation First Poet—1 have sent to the Quarterly, but they 3^*4 back Second 'Poet—That is Write on both sides of th "I took to wilting only oi i'i ^offerings are mvarlabl 7/ \.nderstand that the bacl ^Js utilized by the office -terly That .is better tl ''f*?one's works wholly rej Transcript. J'l »fc r~t •rHp* Ik Much the Same "I want to see the the boy. 'My son," replied tli 5^ Jf\% had evpt'i lenced the usu^ of civic celebrations, "1 *i,-' 'the cider press and you'l sensations with out. gol them —Chicago Evenln rv The Surpris "You find these rather' don't you?. 1 paid 25 cent] fthem." "»m surprised to hear "Why don't you like thi "Oh the cigars are all sui prised that you paid." 4tS JsT ~z I i* wt 1* •m &L r," it 1 I iw .4* No Hurry, Tess—He proposed to -he was eo impatient. H' to marry Uim right away, 1] *o lie hurried. »li 4r Jess—So you P"t him ol 5- Tess—Yes, indeed! I tiave to wait until to-moi eelphla Press. *$!§ ?-.Vf sf? PATENTS, Uist of Patents Issued L« Northwestern Inver James Broughton, flont., boiler compound Driscoll, Minneapolis, Mis rary shoe lacing Frank Hoi City, N. D., advertising env nn McDaniel, St. Paul, 1 oldivig tool Joseph Schutz Minnea^ aiis Minn., dust collector, Henry Stussy Baiestord, S. D-, cream sepa rator Hartson Woodard, Minneapolis, Minn lock for windows. His Way. "That was a mean trick. DB •is SKSt jVfbivM' WW HWtX" •& you ?-l he whiS'. toHght echoed eedwiil ia, wlU "'1st aylng'p8 ^i'^. iu betik— I'll bet Sly to an was at the bottom of jt. But there isn't any evidence to con- I'm sure he's at botSm ot it."-Philadelphia Ledge. Kept Busy. "Sister^1 Answered ^Meandering Mike d® work I've done thinWngup answers to dat Question is somethin terrible "—Washington Star. pise's Curo is thebest medlri^weeveruff ,o, all aflcctlons of the it Vanbuteu.tod..^ W A man who will not listen to reason crlink that cannot be eoon bccomes a msHmm -turned. If yon want~creamery pnc« do as toe creameries do. use JUNE TINT BUTTTR COLOR. If a girl says "No" three consecu tive times it's a hopeless case. OR J. HTRINDLAUD (Specialist), EieV Ear, Noae and Throat, Fargo* N. D- a stifllw^iTtoT^ thing connection with a rigid under jaw. "t ynjt ff V* y,,r ..v ---0 IS Straighten Price M? LeokinE for a rjiwss.'sss-s ^, Wsstern bas been phenomena^ «««lly gccesalM^! Th* ebftwl Iro® E?iSwtittfBCi»i*^ A a jgaaaaga^^gsgS \Ue epo* 0* and ^^S^'rhte ajl wm notappej* i»3 for prici»| Tni«^M» -|-anntna .Co.,. •*"*r* ?*,S r* vv-- VOLUME 20: NUMBER 31. Rennet Musson, whose novel fai ta£ -MaWe and Her Dog Snip Fairyland is just ofi the Harper lK is an actor as well as an au thor. He I own expense*. A.-? THE CHRISTMAS TREE 'THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" UN TON'S BIO ANO LITTLE FOLKS CROWDED THE COURT-ROOM AND OAVE SANTA GLAUS A ROUSING RECEPTION. The Christmas exercises Linton last evening were a perfect success in every way. The court-room was packed, and when the word "packed" Is used it is not as a figure of speech, but the statement or an actual truth Tor, not only was every seat occupied, but standing-room was at a premium. The presence of the big crowd demon strated the fact that Linton met with a severe loss when the town hall burned, and showed conclusively that even the court-room is not of sufficient size to accommodate the crowd that will assemble whenever an entertain ment of more than ordinary interest and merit takes place therein. As for children, there were so many of them in attendance that it was hard to believe that they all belonged in the Linton neighborhood and the sight of their bright, smiling, expect ant faces was sufficient to drive away a case of the blues, were it possible for any one to have the blues at the merry Christmas time. The room was tastefully decorated, 13 au mscya He tells the following at his ^winter he was Eastern cityand a friend of his, wno was watching the pertormanc^ sat he Und two strangers who were study •ng their programs between the acts. 'Tve seen this name, Bennet Mus ton, before," said one of the men "Yes, he's an author, or. I tamer around the corner.-New Yor* I Press/,! It Pleases John. John D. Rockefeller makes it a cus to address his servants at movn. lng and evening prayers. One of the maldar vrts asked by a friend if she appreciated the Siseourses •jl never thought of that, shej plied. And then 9he innke at the old man, and I -thinks TO ^self You .poor, dear gentleman. S% are envying yourself-'-New York .Press. TMK MARK. Nothina but Opportunities.^ "Your play as it now atands said the dramatic critic., "Is. Calculated to -WhTdoyo^fik that?" asked th. acts." replied the d. c.—Chicago Nej ABOUT FEAR, I Often Come* (trentliwa From Uae|c Food, when. Bietift^ron wfeaHneas. Dieting .ow««rvou8 'V' said the oth- "What do you think of Ms "Well, the first speaker replied, -low V. "he may be a good writer.^ Har^ Work, it ««M »p ,ou l" delivery »,b«„gS The Irish driver backed tho team ot horses to the cur the skids, and deliberately slid E ot out thei sKias. a sidewalk. to the servant, asked her I she knew of a strong t" help him carry a lamp wlck^to a^ The program consisted of recitations by the children and music by a choir of volunteers. The small folks had tbeir lines well learned, and there was little of that hesitation and prompting that so often mars juvenile exercises on occasions of this kind. Chorus. he said, The duka looked oacK. "It is absolutely necessary, 'that I have $100 in cash. -Town Topics. i« The Retort Ambiguous. Recitation: Tho Uhristmus Droum"—Fay Marchaat. Eecltation: "The Keason"—Lois Williams. Song: "Christmas Lullaby-Hazel Petrle, Laura Petrle, Ethel 8eeley, Lena Meier. Kecltatlon: "A Christmas Wish"—Mabel Coon. Song: "Prince of Peaces-Children's Chorus. Recitation: "A Careless Boy"-Donald Mc Elroy, Recitation: "One ChristmasGift"-LeeRus sell. Recitation: "The Ohrlstmas Nlghf-Ethel Burge. undertaken by Gre"ek divers Turkish government and the We discovered in the Russian admir al's ship, sunk at Tcherman at the toe ofihe naval battle of mo when the Turkish fleet was completely ae stroyed. The search was striking success. These divers have become rici, Turkish government also has obtal Home large amounts, inasmuch as it has reserved for itself the li«i a The split up into -ve, exhauat stipn an vometing tha lon and I wr flV.k nhysically was a complete wreck physically «^afflsaes sss^ Thig food agreed This w»» about a year ag9. sickneps to ttMltb came until nowj have can.-1 day without being use loofc many jreara really am* wody has beei toor oW^fiWK Kr®'-. '"i he-^^iTlexpect Battle Creek, Mich. ott2&s CHERRY wit EMMONS COUNTY RECORD--SUPPLEMENT. and two large Christmas trees, illu minated with many wax candles, occu pied the middle front of the rostrum. The program was as follows: LOshers: Wlllio Anderson, Harry Petrle. Albert Tough. Clarence Baker, Walter Lynn. Bort Newcomb.l Hymn: -Joy to the World"—Choir. Prayer: Rev. J. E. McKlnney. Address of Welcome: Christmas sprlto (Mil dred McElroy). Anthem: "Song O* Heaven"—Choir. Hecltatlon: "How Does the Earth Know .'Tig Christmas?"—Harry Patterson, TobyPat terson, Randolph Wescott, Frank Meier, George Weinberg, Fred Petrle. Eecltation: "Curing a CoW'-WilUe Ander son. Song: "Glory in the Highest"—Children's continued with fortunate rich, but the The fact is that the Russian vessel. Which sank in a depth of thirty fath oms, abounds in pieces pie the divers obtained for their par aum of 276,000 francs. The daily vfork of the divers amounts Carrying 13. iS. United States mails are carried •here It would be almost a everywhere, Sci impossibility tor a man to giant spider's S1=3S balk at the mere suggestion steamship and rauro« of RiBht „d I C0». routes, .flog-and lady. says: ^0, ^"^.^ ^ere. bistory ol ,=nri -«iifterer from.l wra B__ thou8Bn ds =j^gssr^a£-ss slfed tricks, swift trails" and even 8 cqSrter^d^^runner Denmuon them say, ..kniHiv anos- me,^ 4 tl0^r1l a^^T-these -—v the® Yetj though we ^MWm^T to enjoy it tor lbout"'they." "They, iwoK? |,i tbis worlds wouldnt speak ^111 r.BMinK tliem was accuStomed to say, »W jn tifer LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, DECEMBER 25,1903. $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Song: "Christ, the Good Shepherd"—George Rowerdlnk, Elga Corbln, Curtis Seoluy. Toby Patterson. Recltatlen: •-•The New Baby"—Frank Uavll cek. Recitation: "What the Stockings Hold"— Anna Conn. Leila Kocbler, Leali Mendo lowltz, Clondio Lynn, Jemili* Melur, Laura Corbln. Dramatized Reading: "A Christmas Waif— [This was a recitation, pantocaine and tableau combined. A mother, looking from the window, Christmas eve. sees a poor, ragged boy outside. She brings Iiim Inside and assuages his hunger. He Is bewildered by the scene of happi ness and plenty. Tho three little ones of the household (Gorrlt and Eddie Rooks and Clara Curley) have gone to bed, but are yet awaUu. They hear the slight noise made by the admission of the boy waif. They tumble out of bed and rush Into the room In their night dresses. They are very sorry for the poor boy, and proceed to give him a goodly share of their presents. Miss Maude Stuart read the poetical story In a clear and distinct voice, and Mrs. Weatherby acted well tho part of the mother who helped tho little outcast. At tho conclusion the mother and the four children, at prayer, formed a pleasing picture, the tableau being made more striking by the aid of rod Are, the com bustion of which was engineered by Mr. Grain.] Song: "Santa Claus Is Coming"—Children's Chorus. Additional features, not given in the printed program, were a recita tion by Kate Pfeifle, a recitation by Jessie Burge, and a solo ("At Christ mas Time") by Lavinna Marcliant. divers' l.^'^ various cjher nreclous objects, gold and si^rs.»». o£ J°ld silver. At first the divers paid atten tinn to the former only, of which they SS nssiss to government inspector "clis. it appears- i8 ia strewn sll%el crosses, jewels, images, ^0^sl can oonecially an evangel, of wnicn binding of gold is ornamented with precious stones of ®r®a .^U,^ mary of the innumerable fortunes en Among others an English bark which foundered in 1799 oft the coast of Holland, had on board ingots of gold and silver valued at about thirty millions, of which a very smal, part was recovered. zrs rlefivea fro™ Of Ito T»U* «j*w 8tat,°^^ continually at this point Bach sack drawn from the „water is reK|s*e™^* the pieces counted and a receip en to the divers^ with silver pieces, iXes I relics contained in the cathedral, as weU as to adorn various Religious ob jects belonging to clievaliers^ of thn order and kept by them in their chapel.—Jewelers' Circular. a Uram ter went down near the MoeUram with a cargo worth two raI'l'onK, The greatest fortune engulfed was in the shipwreck ot a French sailing vessel off the coast of Trafalgar. I Malls York and travel northward to Alaska take ship to Manila and toUow th •r-SSKgrM South America, touching Atl tl'c at several Pacific and South Atlantic, islands and thence back to hla starting noint he could travel a distance sev CTai times greater than the circumfer :rnt oTThe globe. he ordered^his mail forwarded to him, and 'eft cor rect address behind at each Place, the letters would dutifully fo1^ ^New finally be- delivered to him in New York a tew days after his own arrival there AU that .he would hate to pay extra' tor this remarkable 1°""^ would be a dollar or twa in which would represent the charges for j,— „«o„tori hv some of the K" a »„-m a story of thrilling iTSM-SS- through a trip of 125,000 mUeH^ Both are marked and baffl™ staml,„vt,„rt flc. any except a ve? expert de- i»t 14?they" has generally, a slightly my»* what say they? J^t ,mIflcance. When? we sajr it we lk„ mys* I seem least understandable. "WheiJ on our lipfl, aii« yet we men speak contemptuoiisly ,.ot lU1 younger thw some «trang« pe^-^ deSSn, Je •TSZ&SF& "iney, „. if the mistress sajra of her ^(mi that are In^the bS&there which are Mt uader-tood Snd It the »iW h«r mistress*, she means the ^iame win. versa—^Lxndon Spectator. 15ti! .•wJSa And now there is a Jingling of bells, and down the chimney comes Santa Claus, provoking exclamations of won der and delight from the children. Santa Claus was arrayed in the con ventional manner, and he came in and went out with tho style of one who had had practice in that line on other occasions. Many of the little ones went up to him and shook hands, but some were too greatly overawed to go forward. The Instrumental music was fur nished by Mrs. J. E. McKinncy, or ganist W. O. Irwin, cornetist Hen ning Hasselstrom. violinist. Tho choir consisted or Mrs. E. A. Crain, Mrs. P. G. Rooks, Miss Maude Stuart, Messrs. W. T. Brooks and W.O. Irwin. Mrs. Crain, Mrs. McKinney and Prof. Mitchell deserve great credit for the manner in which the children had been drilled in their musical and recitative parts. Taken as a whole—the thoroughness with which the pieces had been com mitted to memory, the beauty of the decorations, the excellence of the mu sic, the size of tho crowd, and the thorough enjoyment of those who at tended—the Christmas-eve entertain ment of nineteen-three is ahead of anything of like character we hare ever seen in the county. Subscribe for the Record. cver the oincer asked if he might look at her program. Instead of gtvlug •o him with a radiant smile, she in U* »1« "—Cas- and, turning to the M. C., said. "He won't do trot him back. eell's London Journal. 8UCji This is not the first time that sucn Not Dressed for the Part, Ob re- "One of the incongruities 1 vc served iii this big town of late, rked the Stroller, "was preser in The flunky, who is the doorkccim ot an up town apartment house. The management retires him to^wea^a c^TutT^e'^urt style brown knee breeches and stockings, shoes with big sliver buckles, and a pow dered wig. Wl.en I saw this bewiggetl and knee-breeched flunky a week ag' was reading a 'red fudge' evening The Real Excitement. "No" said the athlete, "there isn enough excitement in the games any more I've played baseball and foot ball and polo and shinny and lacroBS®' but It seems to me they're too gentle. What I would like to get into is some kind of sport that insures a hot time and lots of good fighting." Here his friend suggests, Why don't yon join a labor union and go on strike?"—Judge. Briaht's Disease Cured, Whitall, III., Dec. 7.—A case has been recorded in this place "Gently which upsets the theory of many phy sicians that Bright's Disease Ismcui able It is the case of Mr. Lon Manley. whom the doctors told that he couW never recover. Mr. Manley tells the story of his case and how he was cured in this way*. "I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills after the doctors had given me up. For four or five years I had Kidney, Stomach and Liver Troubles I was a general wreck and at times I wmM get down with my back bo bad Uvat I could not turn myself in bed for three or lour, days at a time. "I had several doctors and at fftst they told wo I had Bright's Disea^, 1 that I could never get well. I commenced lo use Dodd's Kidney Pills andTain now able to do all my work im all right. I most heartily recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills and am very thankful tor the °"re worked In my case. They saved my lite after thJ doctors had given me up." Tnkc of a Kind. -A A letter from another A 1 detest ',S^vS!1S?.?.~.t...lre»m=„ the woman who is constantly talking shopping.—Cassell's London Journal. .£ ML? SPKCIFIO. The Internal Remedy that will cure absolutely any case of Piles. InBlBt on getting it from your Dnlggist Negative Merit. 'How is your boy getting along in hi8purTy8Ugood!" incomprehensible bein* answered Farmer Corntossel. "It Josh makes a mistake it'U be on the safe side. He ain like ly to do enough-work to run any risk ot jumped on fur doln anything •wrong."—Washington Star. j. |j Trying to pick out the'winner at the race track la a one-horse affair. A roiling stone does not make much of an uphill fight. —«ami» a prominent club woman tells how she was entirely troubles by the use of m's Vegetable Compound. I Ucai'tilv recommend IjJ'rtia E. Pink ec°maonths. I was THIS TRADE-MARK TELLS lias listd such a training or such an wmmrn "SHOES are carefully made showing what •woman acxompHshed in her case by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Uixn Mns. Pinkiiam: I am bo grtt«inl to you for the help Lydia E. P»n*bani Vegetable Comi»ouiul has given, mc that 1 docm it but a small return to write jou an expression of my experience. Many years suffering with weaknew. inflammation, and a, broken down Bystem^ made me more anxious to die than 11' T.vdin E. Plnkhani Vegetable Com pound soon restored my lost strength, taking the medicine only two weekHpro duced a radical cliange, and two monthsre- Ktored me to perfect health. I am now changed To be sure you are getting Mayer shoes, the,best shoes for you to wear, look for the trade-mark on the sole. It IS a guarantee of style, fit, comfort and durability. fro'" finest leather that can be. se cured. Buy them If you want good shoes. If your dealer cannot supply you, write to the F. MAYERBOOT & SHOE CO. MILWAVKEE. WIS. So Very Superior. l)e Styft jiggers—Why does that family always refuse custard pie. Waggers—-Because it has no upper crust.—Philadelphia Telegraph. (oles (polisalve IUUDllr ••op*th"P'ln Burns ano ScaW*. AiviiwiK*'""'"10"'!* kcip a aox tuwoif rCtPSlCUH VtSELiacI olher plaster. «|o will ,Javin(( 1" d*s"om»ch«»i I MH, WlMlawH Motblag By"tp •oltena the *um»r JS1*"??! 2Sc»bottl» woman, and my fr ends wonder at the change, is so marvelous, MlBB MAT17B HENBT, anville, Va.w yours Di diSsa^SBwa ua& curaiiY«| a'l'cmce ^ond'rd'icvc'1 stop1,1V°^fcC?\verccom:iieii'l it ns the beM, 0,»AV ?""^U%?ovo'jrtSStw. thB b«t Ot ell^o'tr "nSrtlh" & deal«s.or b8„Bi«ou?lal«l#Totl.«wi«It & •P& by Is not gentune. CHESEBROUdH MPO. CO., 17 Slate Street, Nkw Vow BfTUbWHiD »ST». raw*"*!® **. a 1 andilfMtwrwe' Lino, .V Rv ,• rv.'AV .rJ tWfK $40.00 To Points in Ontario and Quebec West of anri including Montreal, ami return, via Northern Pacific See Jl'crs and call on N. P. R Auenti for full particulars. -1. CHAS. S. FEE. Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agent. v* Vtew« Atlantic City at tt» milled tu anyone «nami uj n»m» and addreii o« twoor mor«trlei4» wlio aro uufferlud frou* C»l»rrtu ,OAY LIFE FREE J. C. RICKEY CO. wit WAi.m'T HT.J_Pnitife1. U. —NO. Write lor our W old.*» glTing r. jSnft a«SCTtrtlOg» glala Faring ot tiJBl .W.**.** ultx, timber, water, .T#« noted forhe Petan