Newspaper Page Text
iv^S? N «*T t^- V'"-$ v- fJ 3 r^l 1 Jpyf J. »£v SB£--.Jfitifil Ii V. Tr 4 %$5 VOLXTM33 20 NTJ^EB'I®'. JONES BBO'S, ^JSSSft DBALKM IH Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. JU8T KECEIVED—One of the Largest and Uost Complete Stocks of Ken's ancl Boys'Clothing over brought to Emmons county. Also, a large and well' selected stock of SHOES. Before buying, como In and" Ma our Goods, as we know we can show"ytra some barealns, we keep a full line of Bats, Caps, Jewelry, Notions, Oonfeotlonerjr, Cigars and Tobacco. One Pric^tpc^JI. Clve us a call. Tot a Lnnch Square Meal on short notice stop at the Lunch Counter Restaurant., :•.. Meals served at all hours, Bay or KigM^m .: GvodBcds in Connection. ¥'t^ 3 [Formerly (be '. 'r ,. YOU WANT FRESH GOODS AT F&lll PRICES, HJ" O. E. 0 1 a S Lirtton, North Dakota, a xmywm/ELL ^ACTOafv MN0wj^?ivalrt Sny43r,^{lfugSforB.| D. L. V. BBOPHY, Proprietor. ^vvi^OOtX^vOCOCOKfOQQOCj^vCiCOOvQOvvOOvOOOvOOOwQOOv A mm W' -jL» W I $ at 'j ,—kJALL ON 3 ——DEALER IN- LmTON, NORTH DAKOTA. 'Proprietor^ v- r'fi. •r 5.,"! J1 *t is necessary to'oTery farrri and rancht and there Is no more de ^*w sirable, no cleaner, nor iqor^urafolc well than a drilled weil. RIY TUBULAR ^Ker two incbesvor «(bree inches in diameter* will Kivejrou utt ablindance of gijocl,- Jure water. I c-ati drill to any ordinary depth. Will furmsb pipe, pump aud windmill. SATISFAQTiON ClUARAntE^D. Write mo wtort you want A- Th. '/•••-'..} .. Anderson, BBADDOCK, N. I». LOADED SHQT&UM jSHELtS "Leader'' "Repeater' —«***«MnsMawMynw w^www6#*s!ww«*aw3wsww»w^ you are looking for reliable shotgun am munition the nd that shoots where you P^^ pgiint your gun, buy Winchester Faet?ry Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded jrith Black powder "Leader" and "Repeater^* loaded^ with Smoke^ss. Ihsfst upon having Winchester Lo&ded Shells, and ^accept no others.7 ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM .A- PAlN-re, OILS. VARNISHES. BHUSSisS, MCWDOW^'C— W Matr*Orderar^-± Tour^ronifW F.,«g|YI|EII^ LJNTO^IOP^-room: AND CIGARS. ,. £U= Tw EMBOSS COOKTY RECORD, BY D,R- Lintonf ^Vilsi STREETER. North Dakota. The Record 1s entered at the Linton Post office as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Of the Board of County. Comtnit- slunera of Emmons County, Jforth Dakota, 4t Present: .uai'V 4, 1904. 2-o'clock p. ui., LINTON, N. 1).V TKe Board met ii purapant t» law, in regular session. Wuj.Cieyerlnguand 5? Baxter, James Frecieriek, Wm. CJ^Veflaga, Wm. Col o. Bowerdink, G-. A. Heruiz, vllle, commiaBlonj county judge,^ county. auditor?' The appointing board organize' by electing Wm. Baxter, of said, board. Nominations being in order, on .motion of Commissioner Cieveringa and seconded by Commissioner Frederick, Jakob Fischer was nomin ated for County Commissioner of the Third Commissioner District, Em mons County, North Dakota. On roll call all members voted aye to the above jbotloh. Motion pre vailed.' •, After signing 4 written appoint ment, pursuant to statute and in ac cordance with the foregoing vote, the appointing board, on motion, adjourned Jakob Fischer having: taken, the' oath of oifflue, *vas seated, as Cpm isaionerot ii ird pis trie t,EinnK)nB County, Nortb:Dakota. The Board organized by electing William Baxter, chairman of the Bbard for the ensuing year. The minutes of the meeting held October ?j, 6 atad 7,* 1903, were read and on motion apprpved. On motion, the Bofipd adjourned unttt? 3fr{». m^ Xre.." ',, -V' evening:SKfiiio:('. The Board met-at.^O p. at.,..'pur suant t» adjournment. All membere piesent. Official reports of the rond super visors for the 5S5 road districts In the jroUutyi tor the year-1908, were re ceived and approved-. 'The following bills. haviiiR been audited and found coriect, were, 011 motion, ordered paid by warrants: loj'W.Gllman,! wolf, asaisrn»d to J: G. •pitts .. Joseph^lark, 2 wolves..-...'... u.... ..*a.. C. w. Whitney, 1 wolf".......... .. J. B. Wittniayer,11 wolf..M........ C. E. Coover, wqlf.. Henry Wittmayer, 1 wolf...... Fred-Pfetrie,Jr., 2 wolj^eS' First Ba^t ot Linton, assigned wolf ac« counts...... lWllde- oil to/H'S eK Wiu. Ooivilie. There bellik no quorum present the Board adjourned to meet at 2 p, in., Tueed'uy, Jnunary S, 1904. TUESDAY. LINTON, N. D., January 5,1904. Hie Board met at 2 o'clocu p. m., pursuant toaUJourunient. Present: Wm. Baxter, James Fre(ierickKWm. Cieveringa and Wm. Colyiiie. A vacancy having occurred In the Board by Teason o( Jukob^Finclier'B term ot office us coniiuiesloner of third district having expired, the folio\v|ug officers met to' constitute an appointingboard to1(ill the' va cancy, vl»i Win $ 2 0 0 4 00 2 00 2 00 John, Road .upervtsor. S 15 U0 Hauling lumber .T 00' Roadsupervisor... "urlombe Labor :1^?.,vt-^.''S'fvAi -2 00 2 01) 1 .4 00 -is oa 29 CO 1 50 road. 3 00 C. A. Carlson, labor on road, .... Anton Hoern«r, road supervisor, $32 CO arununt" allowed... «... Frank Huln»- Road supervisor '.. -V 5* 15 W Material.....................1 ~i. John Stewart, road supervisor.,...™..' .... Benedict Fcisit, road supervisor .*.,........ Schneider, road supervisor...., -M Sautner, W^l^ard^.npei'yisoh HfJ.fHerol*, sUpefcvlsor ......, J. AV. Hcnrter8bn,8Ui«r visor "Stu-Tm Suverlyt'supervisor .•Jaltob Kopp, 8upor\iaor John PeWber— .. 21 00 16 Gb 10,'CO 15 00 12' U0 .15 00, 11 00 10 MJ 1000 12 00 12 00 Bupervlsor 12 00 Baullnir material 7 00 19 00 CA S.'CUapmiM), eupefviaor 15 CO John Weherj'siipAH'lsora^id haulincma a 2 2 0 0 Anton VerlioefK supfivfeor iind hdnlins material... 19 00 Anton Gjruncleldcf'i' 8uperVlsor..v..,. 8 CO. Er-A- Keebfcr. superriaor and additional S.^nyVifghltViiyerv' woric......... ..,.i..„.... 3 25 On motion the Board adjourned to. St bVlock a. in., Wednesday Juu'uary6,1904. "i-r-PB*' WEDNESDAY. ':\r UINTOV, N. r£he Keeps ao band WrMi^-pircar^:. IUIIJ8OIWWI1 p., January C, 1904: The Boa^cl iiaet at 9 o'clock, a." jturenaii to ad)oU£nment. All uieinbeiSl present.' '. Stateriient b(feM of the Clerk- of DlBttlct C^nf for th'e qaarter ending .Deceifibe.r 81, 1903, showing $100.60 tees collected, wiui. xni motion, ap^ jprov« and placed on die. lleglste'r of 0eted«' statement of tlfe quarter ending l)ecember 31.^1903, stio wing.f4Ep.89 feestoll^e ted, iWusotiui'vtion,' approvedandplaced -oil'file.v •-!•:•.•.' ..c follo.wlus bills having been uudlted aud 'found correct were, on xiiotion, ordered 0aid b^r warranta: Uri.Cha8.Barber,«aiec(liln.^J.Um ~lw and chUd"..• $ 20 P. berin 8Uperviaor ahd eztra latwr. :X8 Herman Backhand, snpurlKc^....».u... Loiv'.Xake.Oi$ek 1ridge.w.'.~... «.:.... 90 Sherm 9u ver4y, j^ldlt]onal labor on high way•*...... 1 .fc..'. .1 u™......... 13 War&Wittteji^ergt^aupervuor and ad dltkmal labortlLoo^amaunt alloned.. 16 John Bader, superrlsbr'and addition la^ '. totU.2S,am6imt allawed.-...' a EMMONS ¥i60UNTY RECORD. ,*' msii' j^lteKK?:. VVOSf •i Cate \jfr LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA^ JANUARY 15, 1904. court, April 12, 1900, aga^ib- Parr Bros. i Certain tax judgments dated April 12.1900, entered and docketed agaiimt Pollock Bros., O. N. FidlerSand Wnu Busby, were, on inotlOW'ordered cancelled by the clerk ot wurt, for the reason that the said .JflflSUientH were satisfied by puyment tfiLthe 9th' day of July, 1901, but not •jmnnelled. On motion the Baard adjrornedto meet at 9 o'clock a. in., TOiurfiilay, Jauuary 7.1904. Mr. THURSDAY. LJNTON, N. D., JanuarM?, 1904. The Board met at 9:. a.""jjjfV pnisn ant to adjournment. All members present. The following bills llti^lng been audited and found corrcctj^were, on motion', ordered paid byjwnrraiita: J. G. Pitts, salary,...., J. 6. pitts postage, postal cardejand excbani^..... P. U. Schweitzer,salary P: 13. Schweitzcr, postage .. C. H. Hassclstrom, clcrk register.. office during October and Novcip C. Rowerdink, salary Obas. Coventry, salary... Chas. Coventry, mileage Ohas. Coventry, postage & freight Chas. Coventry, balance quarter P. G. Hooks, salary.... Geo. W. Cynn, salary ~, A. Heroic,- salary....... r. T. W. Welsh, visit to V^pcott, (Board of Health) Linton State Bank, assigned court certi ficate M. Sautner,- laboron highway J. B. Wittmayer, useof plow.'.^...,A^...... Wm. Jones, Dep. Sheriff's fees pnjmbitk Bpckner, pauper ...1%. Brp«tu, Trepcy & Sperry Co., fuj^ituce for court room and'Co. 'Supt. Uu« walker liVoa. A Hardy, rccords, legal blanks and blank section.... Grand ForlcsHeraJd, records. Mandan Pion^jr* official est^ajr: On motion the Board meet at 3 o'clock p. 32^ 54 252 94 63 00 100 01) 250 00 68 04 15 00 150 00 150 00 250 00 ...7. Petfer Shier, jailors salary .. 75 00 Peter Shier, court fees..... "... -12 00 Peter Shier, 2lA mos. janitor 2 00 87 0) .A.. W. B. t«e, grading approaches Emmons hurg bridge and hauling inateriqf. SoronWoUenhaupt, collecting taxe^.'-.... •loo Peterson,' marking scrapers..... E. Forte, material and labor cold air duct for furnace H. A. Armstrong, assigned court 54srtifi- 02 5U 29 00 0') 12 34 65 4 45 MM..... R. M. Tuttle,stenographer St. Alexius Hospital, care of £. B. Doan J-. Lamb Lumber Co., SO lbs spikes Clialruiair jtames Corbin making ctJl room...., John F. Geil, court interpreter.... Chasl Bakgr, hauling water and freight... 6 00 87 00 15 00 2 00 If 0' 4 00 4 50 2 50 1 00 tion lasv— 40 State vs. K. L. Miller...........-^14 Irayage 4 .' ...jar 50 Sta^e ys. Abner Lucas 40 State va. R. A. Evans I W 40 L. Lamb'LumUerCo. (Ha^lt^^QRffi^er Anton Horner, use of^ plow, h'|mliv ld^ I. E. Shepard, supervisor lind 'mtcfcrial for bridge .4 ......... Jerry Cole, 8scrapers F.'M. Loutzenhiscr, merthaikdiserfW. S. 43 70 15 17 5 50 14 50 40 CO 66 02 80 70 176 00 22 5t) 5 00 Ijourned to AFTKKiVOON StWVOX. The Board met ut'2 Qf^ock p. in.,, pursuantjo adJonrnuiRiii Ail memuers present.'1^ The atterioon sesslon^f as devoted to Work cliecklng up tbeeOunty treas urer's ofHee. ', ,- fc On motion tlie Roagi adjourned «ntll-7!80'o'cloc1rpi-nii EVENING SESflTON. The Board met at'7:30-p, ill., pur suaii't to.:adjburnine'nt. All meiubera. present. The Board cbn^ph^tod the work Checking the' cdii•, treasurer's book's and accounts and found $21,. 343.64 due the'uoulit.v.-'.which amcjunt was accounted l'bi^l) iii»ls deposit ed in the county dfti'iKito^ies and balance in treasurer's vault. On motion tiie Board adjourned to mee't at 9 o'clock a. in., Friday. -Jan uary &, 1904. FRIDAY. tixjrffl7'Nf-p., January 8,1904.. .The,lUard met it 9?o*cinck' a. ill pursuant to adjournment .* All inecfirbers present. The. (allowing bills luiving been audited and foiind cinTect, were, on motion, ordered paid by wnrmntb -Emmons County Record, prii-.ting and job work............ $ 30 35 Emmons -(.'ovnty Republican, printing and job work.. 27 69 Emmons County Advocate, printing, loh wurij and publishing tax saio......... J. W. We^iiott, inerchandiKo 5 74 VV. E, Pctrlc, merchandise £3S,4a, ain't, allowed...^ 31 40 LlXamivLumberCQMlumlier: $'34 86 Li LambXiimber^Cr^vfiO tuns coal 1S7 f" 3' 222 36 ",^r.--lif3Ki'IIOEjie-^Trcatinwit lri feciloiis disuhse,' KlinKLftan.and Kohnilig.fkrnllles— 7 2*, Eight calls. £40 00 geveu.doses untl-toxln....— 30 00 Kxtraetof bee^....r DO.— 75 50 l)r. K,. li.Jtojctjc, vital'statisilc fee.,. DM.1 mud ical treatment B. H.Doanf, Tjivuper 50 00 Pr. J. F. Soyopr, medical treatment Aille Glfljden pauper 28 00 UrtrM. l'/^Sifyacr, Insanity board (l)uan) f(jos... 5 00 3 iistlce-t»l-peace report ^5 A, M.. Weller far fclie quarter ending, llecefn B«t-31, 19()3j was approved by the stMo's avV&ey, accepted by tlie bejard ualiowed as follows: •"SiSfte^Spyltester Hurst—' A. M.AVellur,fultlcafees 11-70. IJttt^r Bhter. OsORrOooyer, witness fees.. A. IS supervisor..•."....*w*-•. -. 8* John O'Plynni SUperTlaoT and: addlttonal 1 atxxr.... i.....'.. .•....... ..MM.) hi... ................ '. 38' Shctti Suvbriy, eradlng approaches v' 40 a- J.-B^^to tioalrdel Hkattlr.....^ "Si J'l pdBteV'lMHIM*WM Co. (Lintott merchandUr to quaraii* 1410 Uira» th»' l^oartT adjotiroed clock p. ni. gags.- b^rCmet at 2 o'clock p. di «S£9S .rAll present. Oh ltfbtlbh'tlw/ Mwonal property tfixes the year 1898 on SEMIEDB^RA T^VLED.JIKAINBT^URRBROH., WerB crawyed fbr tlie teaadij of dual' ^ea«ineiit,v- and. oh advite ot the atatM,a|torn^y..tbe dferfc, of dletriex .•.Cpfllx: :^l^|cted tincel t(io fpfoperty taxes collected by'tlie Bberlff otd.ejred byyear 1Q03, anflit dn- r. :T.f' fl On motH)h th^^ard iwottrded'-iin til 2 o'cloclf p.- m. r: kf.v' \£j. jtfrasfeiws^ sufisibSK.... The board met: at ^'clock "m.) pursuant to adiddrnm^t All mem bers present. C. Wagher, justice of peace, ap pointed, baling taken the oatb of of-. flee, presented hi3 bond iii ^be giim of $500, with John Postle and'W. O. Ir win as^ sureties, was approved by the state's att,oriiey as«to form and by the tioard as to suftlclency.. Road supervisors for the year 1904 were,' on motion, ..appointed, with compensation as follows, to-wlt: •Compen Dlsttlpt.' Supervisor. satlon. Wo. I.T....v.. v... .JohnWilde h. a.,«15 00 .....1.....John IfrQod....... 00 '. 9..'.............L.8.Obapman .....". 18 00 4 .............,Hherni. Bu.Verly.... ... vt 00 6 Geo. W. fturge..:...'.: 1*00 7: '.::: 8- .. 9...............Anton Grdhefelder. 6 10............. ii Wm": Ue&rd......,..., ,,lo 11...... Jehn Wray ,^.-. ...... 10 IB.. -...... ...K. A. Keeojer.......... 10 18:.-. i....... Herman 3aclchatts...l500 14, ..Fred KelsSi T£'".,... 15 00 -15 ..O. L. BujikUiler:....... 15.00 1#.. -...vAntoSBels,.......v.... iso* 17......:........BenedictFoisxt....... 15 00 •H. 1. llerotsr. .1. B. Shepard....... ..P.G^I*yln.. 10 00 •Anton Grtibefelder.. 8 00 100 ... .Anton VorEoef ..'. ..Itichucl Klelu.V.. ....Christ. Marijaan IS 00. ..•..Martin'WinferberiV16 Od s» ........John Dekker :,. .w 00 Pursuatit to chapter 134,' S»Bioh Laws of 1903, the board inade settle^ in'ent between the sberifl and treto uter.for the delinquent. taxes collected by'V US mzmi plicate list to the auditor was com-1 pared with the original returns of the sheriff, the board cancelled, pursuant to law, all personal-property taxes on said sheriff's list which, in their best judgment, could not be collected. On motion the board adjourned un tiLO^a'fcLocl^ m. Saturday, January SATURDAY. LINTON", N. I)., January 9.1904. The board met at 9 o'clock a. m., .pursuant to adjournment. All mem bers present. There being a vacancy on the board of health, tne comaiisslo'ners, on' mo tion, appointed C. Rowerdink'vice president and i)r. T. W. Welsh super intendent of the board of health for the year 1904 in and for Emmons couqty, N. 1). Mr. George W, Lynn appeared he fore the board -in reference to the un just valuation placed on the town lots in Ilunter's First Addition to Linton, N. P., by the assessor for the year 1903. After the board had thoroughly investigated the matter and satisfied themselves that the valuation placed on the suiii town lots by the assessor is excessive and unjust compared to the valuation placed on all other real property throughout the county, the bnard, on motion, reduced the valua tion £0 per cent on all town lots in Hunter's First Addition to J^jnton, N. D., for the year 1903, and directed the auditor and treasurer to correct their tax records accordingly. Mr. I'. B. Schweitzer appeared be fore the board and stated that tho work the register of deeds' office would be more than one person could take cure of during the month of Jan uary. After checking up the register of deeds' accounts the board found that the fees paid into the register of deeds',ulllce during the past quarter were $147.00 more than was paid dur ing the quarter 'for salary and clerk hire. The board, on motion, authorized the register of deeds to hire a clerk •foroue month, for a compensation not to exceed $50 per month. 'On 'motion"of- Wm-.Cieveringa, sec onded by Jakob Fischer, the following resolution was offered: That a bounty of one cent be paid for each and every gopher filled with in the county of Emmons, N. D., for a period of four months, beginning March 1,1904. On roll call Commis sioners Cieveringa and Fischer voted "Aye" to the above resolution, and Commissioners Baxter, Colville and Frederick voted "No" to the above resolution. Motion lost. Otwnotion a county bounty of $1.00 was offered to be paid for each and every wolf and coyote killed within the limits of- Emmons county, N. D., on and after January 1, 1904. The laws:governing the state wolf bounty are to be observed strictly by any and all persons} applying to the county auditor for the said #1.00 county batthty, to be paid like all sother claims against the county. Any and all bounties heretofore offered for the killing of wolves and/coyotes within Emmons county, N. !., are rescinded by this act. On motion the board.adjoumed un til 2 o'clock p. m. AFT£itNQOsr siatesioij. The board met at 2 'oie.lSck p. m., Eers ursuaivb- to adjournment.1 All mem present. The following bills, having been audited and found correct, were, on Motion, ordered paid by warrants:-? W. J. Taylor, one wolf, UlUod prior G. A. Herolz— 1 .V'-- to Jan. 1st. $ 2 00 Wallace Kycs.oqer/olf, killed prior to Jan. 1st 2 00 !•'. B. trvloe, one month's work, audit or's office 00 00 Freight and express $22 31 Postage aiul '|fione 3 75— I'eloi' Shier, colTeotlug 1902 personal taxes jjj 89 00 PeterShlur. postage."... 1 82 W. E. Pel.rlc. labor on road...... 150 Following bills were, oh motion, re jected: Peter ilornor, for his Anton Horner, for highway 1 A of' Sunder, for hi, ,,TnriiUach. forlilghway Kred Kelsch. for highway Guv O. 11. Corliss, for attornoy fees, \V6od:l(iw" W. li. liobinson, merchandise for 10 00 10 30 41 40 ao.o 30 0' Cuckuer. On motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That roads be and are hereby laid out and established, and are hereby declared to be public high ways four rods wide, the descriptions following being the* center of said roads: beginning-at,(the S. E. corner of section '36-Tl45-t5, -thBnce north on the township line to the S. E. corner of section-12-136-75, thence West on the section line to the S. W. corner of sec tion. 7-136-75. [^Beginning at the S. W. corner of lection 30-135-75, thence north to the S—W. corner of section 13-135-75, thepqe- west to th,e S.'W. corner of section 15-135-^75, thence north to the N. W. corner of McUon.$-l35-78. Beginning at the S. E. corner of seotion 25-135-75, thence west to the S. W. corner of section.30-135-76. Beginning at the iS. W. corner of section 34-435-75, thence north to,.the S. W. corher of section 15^-135^75," thence west- to the 8. W. corner ofr section 16-135-75, thence south to the S. W. corner of section 33-135-75. Beginning at the. S. W. corher of section 31-135-76, thence east to tbQ S. W. corner of sectloB: 31-1&-75, thence north to the N. W. coriier.of section 30-136-75, thence east to the N. W. corner Of section 28-136-75, thence north to (he N.. W. corner of 8ectibft ^136-75. Beginning at the S. E. cornier of section ^136-75, tbence west to the S. W. corner or section 35-136-75, thence north to the S. W. corner of section 2-136^76, tbence west to the S W. cornerof section0-130-35. Beginning at the S. Wv-corner of sectiod 30-136-75, thence east-16 the S. W: corner of section 26-136-75. Beginning at the 8. E. corner or section ^4-130-75, thence west to the 8. W. corner of section 24-136-75, thence, north to the. 8. W. corner of section 1-136-75, thence west to tlio 8. W. coifner.of section,a-.136-75. ReglpiUifg at the 8. 'E. corner of section Ha5=-7d, thence west .to tile S. W. Cornefo# section 2-135-76, thence south to tfie 8- W. corner of section 35-135-76. .Beglnuing at^ the N. W. comer of section 2-135-76, thence south to "the 8.- W. corner of (iotloii thcuce we6t :W tfie'Si W. corher of scction-3-135-76, theafl€ spiith tb tbe X-t $1.50^PER YEAB, mZBLTON! Our New Store in the above-named City is now ready for Business, and the Patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Which we will sell for cash at the LOWEST POSSIBLE W. L. YEATER & CO. GRAVER HEADERS TO OLOSE OUT THIS SBflSON. f\T $135.00. Sand in your o^der before it is too late to BRflDDOGK, NORTH DflKOTfl, FRBD JUNGE, JR. S. W. corner of section 34-135-76. Beginning at tho S. W. corner oi section 3-135-70, thence west to the S. W. corner of section 4-135-76, thence south to the S. W. corner of section 33-135-70. Beginning at tho N. W. corner of section 4-135-76, thence south to the S. W. corner of section 4.--135-7G, thcnce west to the S. W. corner of section 5 135-76, thence south to the S. W. cor ner of section 32-135-70. Bcginninfj at the S. W. corner of section 5*135-76, thence west to the 8. W. carrier of section 0-135-70, thence ffiuthato the S. W. corner of section .*l£135?rcSL thence east to the S. E. cortflsj bisection 12-135-70. Beginning at the 8. E. corner of section 13-135-76, thence west to the S. W. corner of section 18-135-76, thence south to the S. W. corner of section 19-135-76, tbence east -to„ the S. E. corner of se.cfcfcn.24-135-76. Also, the section lines ''between sec tions 13 and 24-135-75, sections 11 and 24,14 and 23, and 23 and 26-130-75. Also, beginning at a poif.ton the section Hue ninety rods due south of the N. W. corner of section 19-130-75, thence south to the S. W, cordl|r of section 19130-75. Also, beginning at the 8. E. corner of section 22-132-74, thence due south along the section Hoe to the boundary line between the states of North and South Dakota and beginning at the N. E. corner of section 8-131-74, thence due south along the section line to tha N. E. corner of section 8-130-74, thence",5west one mile to the N. E. corner'of, section 7-130-74, thence due south:ito'the'S.'E.,CT)rnfer of section 31 130-74 and the Is'. W. corner of section 6-131-74, thence due Routh along the township line to the S. W. corner ot section 31-129-74. And beginning at tile N. E. corner of section 5-131-74, and thence due west along the town ship line to a point where the said township line crossses the C., M. & It. Paul Railway. And beginning at he N. E. co.rner of section 24-131-74, ce due west along the section line to a point where the said section line crosses the C., M. & St. Paul Rail way. On roll call all members voted "Aye" to thfe above resolution. Mo tion prevailed. Petition for a highway to ho laid out. and {established, beginning at the 'p6int\where Hickory avenue, in Hpnfcr's First Addition to Linton, N. intersects or meets the joint right twtty of the Chicago, Milwaukee & S Paul and the Northern Pacific allways, thence west to Western avenue In the said town. Also begin- eventh street in said town, thence westerly to tbe east line of Fifth Street in the Court House Addition ti the original townalte of Linton, N. D., was received, and upon' inves tigation It was found that Sections 1054 and 1055 Revised Code of 1899 have been compiled with, aud on motion the Board decided to meet at o'clock p. m., Monday, April 4, 1904, Ii) fhe county auditor's office, In Linton, N. I)., for the purpose to give any and all persons an. oppor tunity to make their objections, if any, why tho said petition'Should not be granted. Petition for a bridge across .Mc-. Nell creek on tlie line between scc t!ons32 and 33-136-76 was received,' and. on motion tho hoard greuted ttie'iald^tltiou. -fend Joiin 8teyaitrclHtyin^y The report of Faustln Vetter a^d Sebastian Salill, having appraised tit f20.00 each two estrny horries and one at f^5.00,' token iip and 'adver tised'by .Michael Benjger, was ap proved and ordered (lied. Appraisers to appraise certain es tray animals were, On motlofl, ap poljited as follows: Ohe bay mare taken dp and adver tlsed by L. Baich, appraisera-E. A. j£eebler Wid J. B. Brock. jOnftth^eeTyear old steer taken tip and advertised by J. J. Itv^n, tup pralsers T. P. I^e and A. if. Madm. Tnro horses, taken up and adver tised by:Bil«&st<r: Hiihit, appraisers Jpliu E«j»wood and W^ J. Taylor, On iMtldo tlie: county treasurer whti 'nntliorized and dlrec'tfid to ac eept the amount of uionoy deposited with hln, by Ole Paulson ADVANCE. IN paymcnt for their pornonal property taxes for the year 1903, for the rea son that these p&rtlcH have left default lias ijcen i.„ due on certuiu contract of July. J10J. whcietTi and cn'ry:,tbat ppiiiispd at. f25.00a cert^li^ efijray."ii'orife-- takeif up and advertised by Jhcoh Lonf-" zenlilser, was received, approved ahd placed on.die. The report ot R. J. Dean and Rov Carley, having appraised a $25.00 the e«'cray horse colt taken up and advertised by P. J. Wittmayer, was received, approved and placed, gij file. J. the state. The Jailor's salary for the year 1904, was fixed by the board at #300. Tlie following bills having bewj audited, were on paid by Warrants Wm. Baxter, salary Win. Baxter, iayicir out roads Janies (. Frederick, salary and mileage James O. Frederick, inspecting bridges and mileagu.. JakobFist' age.. ordarc 1W* ^ischur, salary and mile- Wm. Clcvoringa, salary and mileage...., ..... Wm-. Colvillct-saliryand nriic- -V, age 27 00 Wm. Colrillc, inspecting bridge and mileage 40 Wm. Colville, money advanced, fare lor Mrs* umber, insane Ml 30 /V 26 CO' 36 AO 11 2» 8$ 4% 35 00* ^Vu iivcj^iou the board m1)oujrnrdt Attest: 0-. A. HKHOU, Co. Auditor. First publication, Dec. ie—Last, Jan, £1. Cancellation Notice. To Frank W. Or.t'tjjayer. YOU ArUE HEUliCY IT ViOTlFlED THAT »ct'daednthe of July. 1D0J. wiitrelTi and whereby Ad* TO*--.'w&M&fWi" Morrow Land Comtonrv In cOrtnln airrcomenU and conU(tlon»llrst to b& performed by ,you, ugruod to wll ifnd convoy by y* to you folmwfn^-describnd roe! estat^. Bituateu Iti tho county of Kmmons. or North Dakota, to-wit: South •'J'o-hnlf (H. 'O of the southeast quarter (H. 14 of B. E. !J. and southeast !'LU.section Also, tbftt you have muu$ ilefault In thu SJSiwS* t?no, -4- 1 said tract Is not Eettled upo and cultivated by sad phrty as requited bv BlKht fern on the land, but lie nevo/lived In 1 family, and tiiat there ara noothM%provemehts thereon. That «a|n absencersnot and/was not oecaslouedTju reason of serrlc. Wtto tftalted Stateir or navy In time St said parties in' horeby notlfled to Appear, evidence touchlni? sild alIc«atiohs at 18 ", clock a. n». on rabruury w, looi, bufore Peter 9. Kooks, clnfk of district court, atf Linton, Emmons county, North Dakota, and that final hearlnx will lio held at o'cl.)c4 •a. m. on February 17, BXH. bofire tlio itoj* Istor and Reeeivor at the United States lajil Qffleetn Bismarck. N. P. The said contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed DSeombeit 2», 1903, set forth facts which show that,.after due diligence, personal'service of tills notlCo caunat i« muaernotice It Is hereby ordered and directod that such be .Rlveu by due aud pcopvr publication. JOHN BATTBftLUNp. IU^lVbt.'^f Tlrsfe p^bllcatlou, Jan. 8—Last, Jan. O. Statistics. "NQMCS TO Psoesa Omcstls: physlclau is employed, it shall be the ... of the parents to gfye notice to tb». nroi °®c«r within rlMl Ictlon titer ofthe births and dAths Of their cL.....„„ or of the ^presence ofany infectious or con-5' S?lSfr t?w,n**nd villages, as t.) bifths' and death, lufecu curring amon \yiid«ver iuptlee' wit _. hont», or tbre* days if porated limltsof cities, to to births rence otsnch R6ueup/ full' A- Ko»eiip and Gue Kosehp In »ut«ld 'imC ntll W.!«) of section eight («). all In township one twenty-nine ait) north, ranze seventy-four (74) west of tha lit prlncliiulnv.'rlillaii. Vou are further notified that, by resson of. said default lu said payment.*oa the itOth day of January, 1004, salll 'ifontracl will be cunrelled and tcnultialod that all your right, title and lulucestlu and to the land described In said contract shall, after said dntfi. be terminated, cancelled and animlled. 1 hat tliu Hiiid default has been maito bv fall ore on your part to make payment of &ni sum of six nn ml red mid U/t.y ddiurs CI600.i(M) principal uiut thirty-nine dUrs (muO) in terjht. which became dim No-.orubor 1st. 1M2. and which default Mill continues: .\. .^"'''.^AUttrte! E. ,!4.of the southwest quarter. E. M'»f the S. U. \i) of (iVO CE a-itl the northeust quarter (N. IC. H) of northwest, •mut ter (N. tr. of N. iilnnty doll«r«: ($11K).(X)) principal aud cluven and 40*100 !ol« lar»fol1.40) Interest, wliich became due and V10 ot July. MM, and which default still continues. IHtedfchis 14th of l0C'iinU«r, (Signed) ADAMBdayOUHOW -M LAKI OOMPAWT.1903. By A. W. *iiiis, Vlce*l*rt»!le«t 'J —u in .-iJ-iw**., First publication, Jan. (—Last. Fob. (. Notice of Contest—Homestead. DEPARTMENT or TUE INTEBIOB. I UNITED STATES LASD Orrtctv BISMARCK, N. 1)., December 29.1SOO. Ahaying SUFFICIENT CONTEST AFFIDAVIT been died In this office by Max Bsldrlch, contestant, against homestu:id "ntfy.No. 1tssa. miide April 28, 1301, for E 54 of8. K. of section 13 and E. of V. of section 24, township 130 north rana«. W *®*t\ Herman Stermer, contestee.r ft which it Is alleged that Herman SteriaJt has wholly abandoned said tract: that lie. has changed his residence tliprcfrom .foi more than six months sinco faaktnir Said ta ... o»»* tycutj by law." Iated at tlnton. AVD.. this 31 !kv«f .. -::.t Couaty Alitor.