Newspaper Page Text
ii pi -11 !'•§§$ Slaf fer te: •fc ap |f&! Jp 'ifc:j K:^i S^il ""JS"" ^v &2> &ri s$1 &vi fc •1 L'i?.-| 1 fcl $lNj W 3^: EMMONS COUHH RECORD, D. R. Snitra, Publiiher. LINTON, Emmons County, N. Even If Harry Lehr does have brain lag it may not bother him very much. Sir Thomas IJpton is seriously thinking of becoming a gooil loser once more. A celluloid collar saved a man's life Most men would prefer death to tlie wearing of one. Much credit is due to Mr. Fltzslm mons for the "remarkable footwork" displayed by Mr. O'Brien. While Mr. Chamberlain is framing a retaliatory tariff he should not forget to extend It over American athletes. Von Plehve's predecessor was as sasKinated a little over two years ago. They have rotation In that ottlce all right. Mrs. Maybrick has read the American newspapers all these years she must be used to being released by this time. .The gatherings of the believers in universal peace are the finest things In the world, splendid optimism under difficulties. William C. Whitney left only 4.21, tiOO.dtiu. Tliis upsets the theory that litly rich men can live In style in New York. Iioth Kugland and France seem to 1rmd the Idea of touching toes, so to ?peak, through a luniiei under the English channel. The cry lias goi-.e up throughout lite country save Niagara Falls. They are certainly unsurpassed for ':cener,v and suicide. While the automohilist is liable to locomotor ataxia, the man who ven tures to cross the street is liable to sudden uttacl of rigor mortis. Some people will complain of the Panama canal coin mission's extensive pin chase of mosquito netting while New Jersey remains unfortified. Pugilists shake hands before ano atier the tight. Oh that some way could be devised for injecting some of •he chivalry of the ring into politics! I Such are the resources of modern science that the failure of the Span ish olive crop will have no effect what ever upon the supply of pure olive oil. An immense quantity of castor oil has been destroyed by fire in Boston. What a squeal of delight should ema nate from the nurseries all over the laud? Wilson Barrett died from the effects of a surgical operation which was "thoroughly successful." What would have happened if the operation had been a failure? A San Francisco girl has begun suit for divorce on the ground that she! was tricked into marrying. But, hon estly, that is what happens to most girls who marry. Probably more girls would take the advice of Gov. Warfield of Maryland I and delay marriage until they are 26 if they only felt absolutely sure they ?ould get married then. It Is claimed that a new kind of bread has been discovered which is an excellent substitute for beef. There's no use shouting about it, though, if it's as good as they say it is some trust will get it. A Pittsburg man has been fined $8(, In Canada for catching fourteen more black bass than the law allowed. Still, he will probably find It hard lo get people to believe his fish stories. A millionaire prohibitionist In his will cuts off any child who indulges in liquor. This may be an incentive to temperance and then again It may be an incentive to a family blind pig. A New York man,.aged 103, boasts that he has never used soap during his lifetime, but that he drinks lager beer. It seems he prefers his "suds" to be applied internally instead of exter nally. The young queen of Holland, the queer, of Italy and the crown princess of l.uxemberg are all awaiting the expected news from the palace at Peterhof with a special sympathetic interest. Young Mr. Tiffany complains that he cannot live on the $18,000 a year he draws from his father's estate. For $1,000 of it he could hire some good man to show him how to save money on $17,000 a year. The landlord of an Illinois hotel fasted twenty days to cure stomach trouble. He has taken no patent or copyright on his method, and it Is understood that guests at his hostelry will be allowed to use the cure with out extra charge. As King Peter of^Servia puts on his chilled steel nightshirt and then looks under the bed for bombs, prior to re tiring for the night he reflects that there are. after Sll, some disadvan tages in holding a job'as the bene ficiary of ascsssination. _____ Well, if men will sit In automobiles ?fday and night for ninety-six hours or so, torturing themselve's into the be lief that they are doing something Worth while, we suppose It l.s their own affair. But to the averag&gltizen 0 S^s the height of idiocy. lw'Djtiyslcian advances the -.great deal ofthe preva- •lentmUlnisacaused' by- smoking. .We are skjmticalaboutthis. The in dignant wire Of a smoking-husband ^msjr be tempted to jerk him bald- Aed, but she seldom does it. Resume Washington Note* The secretary of the treasury® lias awarded contracts for the erection of the public building at Orand Forks to Butler Bros, of St. Paul, Minn., the orice being $112,550. President Roosevelt has appointed Regis H. Post of New York, secretary of Porto Rico, and Rrastus S. Rock well, District of Columbia, auditor, to '.aire effect Sept. 1 next. His hobby for writiing freak bills to he acted upon by congress lias lost James Selden Cowden a lucrative po sition in the treasury department and landed him In St. Elizabeth's insane usylum. Postmaster General Payne has Amended the postal regulations to per mit the elimination of all weight re striciions on first-class mall matter ad dressed to all countries except Canada, Mexico and Cuba. Secretary Loeb has made It clear that no letter was sent either by the president or by him to the National Association of Stationary Engineers in session at Richmond, declining to re ceive the engineers. Criminal. Fred Knockle. aged twenty-live, a farmer, hanged himself in his barn near Dubuque. He had been suffering from melancholia. The body of Mrs. Ed Doverty, wife .if a llock Island couductor, was found liy the police locked in her room, at l)es Moines. She had been dead six hours. Slate Senator Foye of Egypt. Ga„ lias heen lalten to Savannah, Oa., on a rliarge of holding negroes in bondage.' Foye is one of the wealthiest men in 3»utli Georgia. One burglar was shot in the arm and captured and others escaped with $200 in cash after blowing open the safe of the Windham County Savings "ank at. Newfane, Vt. Six non-commissioned officers of Company D. Twenty-seventh infantry, were tried by summary court-martial at Fort Sheridan and reduced to the ranks on the charge of bringing beer into the reservation. The charges against forty-one privates of the com pany were dismissed. Almost recovered from a bullet hole through the brain, Frederick Beck, who tried to kill himself on July 11, will be discharged from the city hos pital at Newark, N. J., In a few days. The bullet entered the right temple, and, passing through the brain, was found just under the skin an inch and a half below the right temple. From Other Shore*. The case of the British steamer Knight Commander, which was sunk by the Vladivostok squadron, will be reviewed by a special admiralty court. It is announced that Peter Curran, the well-known labor leader, will rep resent England at the international peace conference at Boston in Octo 'jer. M. I.ebaudy's steerable balloon made a quarter of an /hour's flight at a height of 80 meters in Paris, ami re turned to its shed without the slight est hitch. The Zelgler relief expedition arrived at Vardo, Norway, on board the Frith Jof, July 3, on Its return from the North. It did not succeed In reaching 'be America. The Rev. Dr. Nevln, rector of St. Paul's, the American church in Rome, recently underwent an operation as a result of which his eyesight is being restored. The announcement that the British government intends to make a large issue of exchequer bonds which will yield a better rate of interest than con sols caused depression in the latter. At Archaries, Haiti, the populace, after looting three Syrian shops, drove away 100 Syrians, who reached Port in Prince stripped of everything. Trou ble is feared in other cities of the re public. The German bourse is almost In a panic ovef Hibernia coal shares. Rival factions are manipulating the stocks of the mining company, striving to iain control. The company is the 'jiggest trust in Europe. The Canadian senate has passed, the anti-tobacco combine bill. It now awaits the royal assent. The bill is designed to protect the Canadian to bacco manufacturers against the meth ods of the big American concerns, who, it is alleged, have been-trying to force retailers to handle no goods ex cept theirs. Accidental Happenings. Sheets Bros.' grain elevator in Cleveland burned, the loss being $100, ooo. Aid. Lundy of Brooklyn was mortal ly injured in a trolley car accident in Soney Island aevnue. The Colonial distillery at Trebeias, three miles west of Xenia, Ohio, was lestroyed by fire. The loss is $250,000. The freighter City of Berlin, with about 300 tons of iron ore on board, collided with an .unknown boat in the Detroit river. Benny and Clarence Ghysels, aged 10 and 8 years, were drowned In Grand river at Grand Rapids, Mich., while «wimming. "While lying asleep the Infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert of Char ter Oak, Iowa, was accidentally shot by a. boy uncle. Mrs. Victor Moore and her slfftef ln law, Miss Cora A. Moore, both of Bell Station, La., were killed at St. Louis by being struck by a street car. GOPDNOW IS UNDER FIRE. Minnesotan in China a Much Accused' Man. Washington, Aug. 10. The formal presentation of charges against Con sul General John Goodnow at Shang hai was made at the state department yesterday before Assistant Secretary Pelrce by George F. Curtis, an at torney representing interests in the Orient. The hearing yesterday wras lf\| One miner was killed and three oth ers seriously injured at Calumet, Mich., by the cage in No. shaft of the Hecla branch of the Calumet & Hecla mine running away. Champlips Bros.' livery barn at Clin ton. Iowa, "with all contents except horses, burned recently. The loss" is probably $40,000. A tramp sleeping in the hay is suppo'sed to have perished. John Martvok, member of.the Unit ed Mine Workers, was killed at Garri son, Mont., by falling beneath the wheels of a North Coast limited on which he is supposed to have been heutiug his way. $ The Rev. Glenn Gillian was acciden tally and fatally shot by Rev. New' some at Pomeroy, Ohio. These two. ministers were spending their vaca tion with the father ol Rev. Gillian. The tragedy occurrcd while they were shooting at a target. Fire started in the pattern shop of the Albion Iron works at Victoria, B. C., destroying, besides the northern portion of the building together with a quantity of machinery, many resi dences. In all about fifty houses were destroyed,) the majority being homes of working people. The loss exceeds $i no,ooo. Domestic. Dr. O. Eduard Hanslick, the famous musical crlllc, is dead at Vienna. He was horn at Prague In September-, 1825. Carrie Nation has mailed a check for $1,150 to the home for wives of drunkards at Topoka, Kan., as a -per sonal gift. S. F. R. Morre states that a South ern col ton corporation has been' or ganized in New York, with a capita' of $20.0(10,000. Gen. Greeley of the United States army has received the first wireless telegraphic message ever sent direct from Nome, Alaska. The Interstate Sheriffs' association convention adjourned at St. Louis, after deciding upon St. Paul, Mlnn. ?.s the place for the next convention. Jabez Cogswell, a full blooded Indian and the last of his race, once numer ous in Connecticut, died alone in bis hut in a wild part of NewiMldford. The attendance at the world's fail last week was the best in point of at tendance up to the present. For the first time the .000,000 mark was passed. It Is announced at the prison at Joliet, 111., that immediate employment would be provided for 1,000 convicU who have been idle since July 1 and locked in their cells. Former Mayor W. J. Donnelly ot Victor, Col., his decided to remove with his family from the Cripple Creek district, having received warning That his life Is in danger. One of the most important church conventions of the year will be the nineteenth annual meeting of the Brotherhood of- St. Andrew" at Phila delphia from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2. An experience with an automobile sent Andrew Kendall of Bluffton, Ind., to the bankruptcy court.. The ma chine originally cost $600, and more than $2,000 was spent in repairs. Thirty-six lake vessels of the lum ber fleet have thus far been retired from service'in the movement of the Lumber Carriers' association to main tain its schedule of freight rates on lumber. "It is time we outgrew the old adage 'Children should be seen and not heard,'" declared Mrs. M.. Van Vliet before the mothers' meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance union In Chicago. There is great, excitement at Hunt ington, W. Va., over the strike of a gas well at a depth of 900 feet which is producing at a late of 8,000,000 feet dally. The escaping gas can, be. heard for miles. Dr. William Jepson of Sioux City, professor of surgery in the state uni versity at Iowa City, has received a commission from the government of Russia appointing him as a field sur geon in the Russian army. A new $20,000,000 coal combine com posed of twenty-eight independent companies is in process of formation. The principal objects of the ne.W com bination are, it is said, to establish selling agencies and maintain prices. PENSION DISTRICTS .-CHANGED. Parts of St. Paul District Added to St. Cloud and Marikato. The territory of Special Pension Examiner E. W. Young has'been'cur tailed. The nine counties -in*the south ern part of his terrltgrj^ were'annexed to the Mankato division and' several counties in the northern part' of "the' state were annexed to ,the St.'Cloud district. This -new !apportionment leaves' in the St. Paul district the counties of Ramsey, Chisago, Dakota, Scott, Goodhue, Wabasha, rice and Le Sueur. Turtle Doves of Magnitude. "What Is love?" aslced the sweet girl who was looking for a chance to leap: "Love," replied the old bachelor, "Is a kind of Insanity that makes a man call a 200-pound female bis little tur tle dove."—New York Dally News. Trolley Facilities. Strangw (to conductor)—Which end. of jthe car do I get off?. Conductor (politely)—Either you .prefer both ends stop.—New York 'Daily News. Simply preliminary And occupied an hour's time in private'conference be tween the attorney and secretary, In which was presented the documentary evidence, including petitions of Amer rlcanrfesldents ln»the Orient, and oth ers making charges against Mr. Good now. The matter, will be taken up again-later by Assistant -v Secretary Peirce, at whlch -time it may be- de termined whethe'r the department wt]l invite a fuller statement of the. (Charges" and an answer on .the part-of the consul general. ... IRESN ASSAULT ON PORT ARTUR CITIZENS DEMAND SURRENDER BIG BATTLE IN DIRECTION OF AN8HANSHAN IS HOURLY E^PtCTED. POUT ARTHUR FLEET SCATTERED JAP ADMIRAL REPORTS DOINQ MUCH DAMAGE WITHOUT BE ING HURT. London, Aug. 13.—The YInkow cor respondent of the Gazette reports that Ave Japanese divisions Thursday com menced-- a fresh aesaiflton Port Ar thur.-*'-The inhabitants of the town, says the correspondent, are feverishly demanding capitulation. He con cludes: "Anarchy reigns at Port Ar thur" Fighting Day and Night. Chefu, Aug. yj.-f-A junk which has arrived here, having left Port Arthur on Aug. 8, brings confirmation of pre vious reports of severe fighting day and night. One Japanese shell struck the corner of a building In Port Arthur and killed or wounded 200 people. It -is roughly estimated that the Japanese are from Ave to eight 'miles from Port Arthur. To Aid In 8tormlng. Paris, Aug. 13.—A dispatch to tlie Temps from Liao-yang says: "The Japanese outposts are eight miles southward of Hal Chanchwang. The Japanese- ."advance has entirely stopped. The Chinese afflrtri that sev eral regiments have been detached from this army and sent to Port Ar thur." Big Battle Expected. Liao-yang, Aug. 13.—A Russian cor respondent of the Associated Press who has arrived here says: "We are daily expecting a big bat tle in the'direction of' Anshanshan. It has probably been delated by the rains. "The Japanese were checked at Benitzu, twenty-eight miles east of Liao-yaqg, w^tie advancing on the Yantao coal mines. It is reported that there- was -a .panic among the troops, resulting in great loss of life, but this cannot be confirmed." Warship* Still at Tsingchou. Chefu, Aug. 13.—A. late report from Tsingchou says that -the Russian war ships still there are- the battleship Czarevitch, the protected cruisers Pallada and'Npvlk. and |hree torpedo boat destroyers Thf Czarevitch, which is badly damaged, is being re paired with German assistance, it is allege ). A report haB also! been received Jjere to the effect that Admiral Wlt hoff was killed in the naval battle off Round island last Wednesday. A strong detachment of. Japanese warships is -reported to have sailed south for the purpose of intercepting the Vladivostok fleet, whic{i it is be lieved has not yet effected a junction with the vessels reported to have been purchased fjy Russia from' the Argen tine government. Report of Jap Loss. London, Aug. 13. A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram company from St. Petersburg says that'* the Japanese ar n&ored ..cruiser Kasuga (formerly the Argentine" warship Rivadayla) was sunk with all on board during the en gagement off Port ArthUf on Wedne's ,day last. Thinks Czarevitch Is 8unk. Tokio, Aug. 13.—Admiral Togo has reported as follows: "On Aug. 10 our combined fleet at tacked the enemy's fleet near Gugan Rock. The Russian Vessels were ^emerging from Port Arthur, trying 'to go south. We pursued the* enemy to the eastward. Severe- fighting lasted from 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon until sundown, .?-• "Toward the .close the enemy's Are weakened remarkably,, His formation became confused and then his ships 'scattered. "The Russian cruisers Askold and Novlk and several- torpedo boat de stroyers Fled to the.Southward. Others of the enemy's ships retreated separatelytoward Port Arthur. We. pursued'them and- it. appears that we Inflicted considerable'damage. "We found life buoys and other ar ticles belonging to the Russian battle ship Czarevitch floating at sea. The Czarevitch probably waB sunk. We have received no reports from the tor pedo boats and the torpedo boat de stroyers which were engaged In the attack- on- the ships of the" enemy. The Russian vessels, with the exception of the Askold, the Novik^the Czarevitch and.'.thcf cruiser- Pallada, appear to have returned to Port Arthur. Our damage was slight. Our fighting pow er has not been impaired." Totai« casualties of the Japanese force were 170. Formal Protest is Made. St. Petersburg, Aug.. 13.—The Asso ciated Press Is able to announce that Russia has already formally protested to Japan/through France, against the action of the Japanese torpedo boat destroyers in attacking the Russian torpedo boat destroyer'Ryt*hltelnl at Vote to Build New Schools. Fergus Falls, Minn., Aug. 12.—At a special .election held here It was voted to Issue $5,000 Vorth of bonds for tke erection of a new"high school building and a new gf&de school-building to re place the combination building recent ly destroyed by Are. Omaha Fast Freight Wrecked. Cumberland, Wis... Aug. 12. A broken flange' wrecked the fast 'freight oni the Omaha road near Mlnong last night, damaging rolling stock bat Jilting uo one. -v.-:-iMjSse i.V^, s»*3 -f 4* & FIVE JAPANESE DIVISIONS TRY .TO REDUCE THE TOTTERINB FORTRESS. Chefu an'l towing her away Sr'im tlittt port, and that the protest IIBS hoen communicated to tlie powers. This prompt action is based upon the ofllclal report of the Russian con sul at Chefu, which is very explicit on the subject of the dismantling of the Ryeshitelni. saying that not only were the breech blocks of her" guns and all her small arms removed, but the en gines were rendered useless. BIG JEWEL THEFT CHARGED. Though Freed of Hold-Up Accusation Wilson Is Not "free. Chicago, Aug. 13. Arrested four days ago as a suspect in the hold-up of the Diamond, special oft the Illinois Central railway nfcar Harvey,. James Wilson, who could not be Connected with the train robbery, has- been Iden tified as a man wanted at Beaver Falls, Pa., for the theft of fS.OftO worth of jewelry which he is alleged to have Stolen from the residence of James Piper. Wilson was iaken to Pennsyl vania yesterday by a Beaver Falls de tective. POISON IN COFFEE CAN. Murder May Be Found in Death Under Suspicious Conditions. Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 13. Win field Carpenter died at Iowa City yes terjlay under circumstance which gtyes rise to suspicions of possible murder and suicide. According to his own dying statement there was poison in a can of coffee from which he drank while eating his lunch. The coffee will be carefully analyzed by experts. Carpenter recently figured in a lawsuit In which his wife was one of the chief witnesses against him. BRYAN LOSES BEQUEST. Supreme Court of Errors Decides Against Him. New Haven. Conn.. Aug. 13.—A de cision adverse to William J. Bryan in 'his contest.over the will of the late P. S. Bennett of'New York and this city was handed down late, yesterday afternoon by the supreme court-of er rors after an all day session. The de cision virtually denies that Mr. Bryan is entitled to the $50,000 mentioned in -the sealed:letter written by Mr. Ben nett and adefressed to his widow to be read to lWi(|iier'his death. PREFERRED DE^TH Tb sAppearing-in Court asHr Witness Against His Brother. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 13. David Henry, living near Noblestown, took his own life in the family1 orchard yesterday. His brother had, been ar raigned on a' serious, charge and David' was to be the chief witness against blm. David said he would never testi fy against his own flesh and blood. Soon after the subpoena- was served on him he. went out, into the. orchard and ended all with a shot. •MUCH BAD CAShi MADE. Physician Arrested on Charge of Pass ing One' of 5,100 $2 Bills. Boston, Aug. 13.—Ten thousand two hundred dollars in counterfeit J2 bills were found yesterday by secret service agents In the house of Dr. Frank- G. Sanft, a prominent Roxbiiry physician, after Sanft had been arrested by the city police on a charge of having passed a bogus bill upon a street vendor. A Complete outfit, for manu facturing spurious bank notes was also found. MAKING SPURIOUS COIN. Eight Counterfeiters Caught in the Act Are Arrested." Chicago, Aug.v 13.—Eight men who are charged with making spurious 'coin were arrested by federal. authori ties yesterday, in a raid on an alleged counterfeiting, den in a. basement. Seven of the eight men were at work making counterfeit dollars, half-dol lars. quarters and dimes when con fronted with the weapons of the raid ers, and were' taken into custody. METEOR BLOWS UP. Hits Earth, Causing Terrific Explosion and High Wind. Meadville, Pa., Aug. 13.—A meteor or large aerolite, taking a northerly direction, struck the earth somewhere near Concord station! thirty-five miles east of this city on the line of the Erie railroad a few minutes after 1 o'clock yesterday morning. A terrific explosion accompanied the compact with the earth, followed by a high wind lasting thirty seconds. V-& Crowded Trolley Demolished. Defiance, Ohio, Aug. 13.—Three per sons were killed and three badly- in jured in a trolley car. wreck ,at the Baltimore & Ohio crossing in this^city Just before noon yesterday. *The crossing is at a-curve and the motor man did not see a cut-off of the. cars backing down. The trolley car had 8 -trailer. Both were crowded. 4^ Killed While in a Fit. Calumet, Mich., Aug. 13'. John Brlmlucas, aged seventy-four, war taken with an attack of fit? while rid ing on a load of hay on his farm al the .Allouez, and while writhing in the convulsions fell to the ground and was killed. He had been incapacitated from working in the mines by an ac cident twenty years ago. Turk Fllrta With Italy. Paris, Aug. 13.—The Temps corros ppndent at Rome telegraphs that 's mission from the sultan of Turkey, bringing rich presents to King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena, is ex pected shortly. It Is said that the iitls slon also brings a letter from the sul tan Inviting the Italian sovereigns to Tialt ConsUmtlnpplfc Brother Against Brother. Ocean City, MdM Aug. 13. -Former: Gov. Ellhu Jackson was nomlnated by the Democrats of the Fifth district yesterday for congress. His brother, William H. Jackson, is-the Republican Incumbent and was renominated. Revolution IsJFMred. s- Paris, Aug. 13. The foreign office here confirms the. Mport .frc^mviiueno)^ Ayres that a state ot siege: has proclaimed in the /repu^SI&.o^ snay, owlng to fear of retftkuSi outbreak. W*-" Jit leaassasapRW" ONLY HOPE Ofm PEACE LEFT $ r- 'A HARRISON WILL TO TRY AND THE STRIKE. MAYOR MASKED BE END jr NO MORE SYMPA1HETIC STRIKES TEAMSTERS NOW OUT STAND PAT, BUT STRIKE WILL NOT.EXTEND. DAY Of WIDESPREAD VIOLENCE HALF A DOZEN^MEN HURT IN VA •ENCOUNTERS—SHOTS ARE F.IRED. Chicago, Aug. 14.—Mayor Carter H. Harrison will! be asked to-do what he can toward Settling the stock yflTrds strike. .- With all prospects of peace, or even peace conferences, gone, tlie_ retail meat, deaiers and grocers last night decided to ask M-ayor Harrlson to fake apposition In thfe present conflict sim ilar to the position taken by-him in the street car strike last fail.' The 'street railway .strike was settled through his. efforts. a meeting of the retail dealers yesterday afternoon a committee of ten-persoAs was appointed to wait upon-'the mayor tO day. Representa* tives'of tiie strikers were at this meet-' ing and expressed themselves as be ing satisfied with the plan to. ask Mayor Harrison's assistance in the controversy. No More. Sympathetic Strikes. Previousy to'.the decision to request Mayor Harrison to intercede for peace, CorheliusTShea, president of the Inter national Brotherhood of Teamsters, declared in an interview that there would be no more sympathetic strikes of the members of his union. He de clared that all the packing house teamsters now on strike would stand paf, meaning" that' they would remain on'strike. Widespread Violence. Ariot in crowded Fifth avenue witiiin a square of the city hall and- re calling the teamsters' strike two years .ago, when missiles were hurled from tlie. wlAdows of office buildings, yester day capped the climax of disorder in the stock, yards strike...- During the day ..half a dozen men were' hurt in various ancounters and shots were .fire during an attack on a trainload of "Sirikebreakeijs.* All told, yesterday's violence was more widespread than in any previous twelve hours of the strike although No Mob of Great Size .toofc part'in any of the assaults. Even President Golden of the teamsters' union was attacked while trying to rescue Max Fall a union teamster who was driving a wagon loaded with meat. Fourjiiindred persons had pur sue"d Falk", not knowing he was a unionist, and were attacking him when President' Golden' appeared. When Falk produced a union button Golden mounted-the wagon, took, the reins and urged back the mob. Stones and sticks were showered at Golden and'Falk before Golden, who suffered many Injuries,"was recognized.' A E S S S E Ne.W Complication at Tangier Agitates Foreigners. Tangier, Aug. 14. Ham el Jai Ya, principal secretary To El Meiipblti. the Moroccan minister of war, has been arrested and imprisoned here and his goods confiscated under the orders of the sultan. Jal Ya is a British sub ject" and tlie European residents are inhlgnant at his arrest. They say that life and property, especially where British subjects "are concerned, are unsafe.' The British legation has strongly-protested to the Moroccan government, but so far the .protest has been entirely, ignored PORTO R1CANS AT WHITE HOUSE. President Roosevelt Addresses Visit ing Teachers. Washington, Aug. 14. President Roosevelt yesterday' tendered a recep tion and delivered .a brief speech .to about 500 school teachers jit Porto Rico, who have been in this country for several weeks attending various normal schools. The reception took place in the East room of the White House. Killed by Fall From "Cherry Tree. Calumet, Mich., Aug. 14. Arcade DubOrd of Lake Linden, was killed by a fall^ from a cherry tree. While standing In tjhe top of the tree eating cherries he was overcome'by a. faint ing spell and fell On a fence. T^o of his ribs wpre broken, one plerciiog a lung, 4eath resulting. Ex-Congressman Dead.""'- Vi Sheboygan, Wis., Aug. 14.—Ex-Con gressman George H, Brlckner. died suddenly of heart trouble yesterday. WhilO walking outside the office of the Brlckner Woolen Mills cbmpany he fell prostrate and died in half an hour. v.? Bank Robbed. Clr^^Fells, Minn* Aug. 14. State.'Bank of .Hazel ten milei Brick plant yesterday. He leaves wife jand several children. M. Bavon ski, aiaborer, had his leg broken, and a dozen others were caught in the' dirt, but managed to extricate them selves^'- "-C- £1*1? ^8^ejCnventlon! "". Mont., Aug. 14. The Re state nominating convention .eld'-at Billings Sept:"7. A-call rhe only high gratis Baking Powder maris at a moderate prioo. :SS, -SS r"::V:' •t -v*. WILL 41 as effect I Baking Powder J.. v* SPOOK OPENED SAFE. Transmitted Combination From the Other World. After resisting the skill of two ex perts connected with the-'lreasury de partment, a smal}. safe belonging to Col. J. Eldredg^fSntfth, an inventor, 'who died recently in Washington^'J). C„ has been opined, and ndw the only question is whetht er-it was opened in swer to Mrs. Smith's. prayers or 'ugh' .information coming direct from Cdl. Smjthifra^.. Clark Swett, a SpirUualistlc^me^iiMfir but Mrr Swett, "flhder whse direction the safe door swung open, says it was nothjhg else. The little safe contained alt'the val tiable papejs belonglng to Col. Smith, andrhei was (he onfy one who jtn'ew the combination. Experts' gave it tip as ,a had- job.' Then Mr. Swett said he Would try. Sw&t says-he has been a Spiritual ist for forty- years, and has, about twen ty-five "splrif guifles." .One of the guides, he says, is an Indian girl, and she Is the'one he states, who saw Col. the other world from him the combination and. transmitted if. thus enabling (he safe to be open ed.—Detroit Tribune. began coffee again The miles west of here, was looted by burjglars last night und I2.0W taken. The vault and safW were Tilown." No clue to the perpetrators. fcj "Killed'by Cave-In. Sioux City, Iowa, Aug. 14.—George A, "Wedaie was burled in a cave-in of .a cl^ bank at the Sioux City Paving I mi •....«. And Hotel Guests Wanted the Singing 8topped. At her concert at St. James hall the other day Mme. Marches! created something of-a sensation byslnglqg a Norwegian ditty in which the Voice part was written In a different key to the accompaniment. Many years ago Adellna Patti used to' recommend as the best training-the singing aif'a song in one key while the accompaniment was played in another. Fattt .herself '','$}*• sometimes to practice what she preached, only, of- course, in.jpriva.te, -'I and her two-key practice once led to a ^2 somewhat comical incident. The, great singer wasvstaying at a hotel iif Switzerland, and "the suite of ooms' next to her was occupied by an Eng-^ lish family. of musical tastes, The English tourists •wereiqtilte H&iawarO who their «ext door neighbor was, but after hearing Patti one mosnlns the5r|'ri=wi* went to Wife landlord and declared tbal 5 .1' they--must leave the hotel at once |f^ ,'^r that terrible noise in the neit ^rooi^'^'ljite tould not be stopped. "But, rtiadame."^'" said the hotelkeeper, "you know. that is? That Is the great Patti.'N^ "Patti!" said the mater famallas,*_ 'don't dare to tell me any such sto rles. I have never heard Patti, but I know she doesn't •tog':exy»tlBtliig|St*S52y^? •»ut of tune."—London Tatler. '*'1l-A-5-•. JUST ONE DAY Free From the Slugger Brought Out a Fact. '.¥ "During. thjei1 time I ^vas 1^ cottei drinker," says an Iowa woman, "I was nervous, had Spells with my heart smothering spell*, headache, stom^'t-::"'^^-' ach trouble,-liV6r and kidney: trouble: •,* v^S. tt*r"3i 9f W il$!.•« W :rf '4S -i? I fff Voice From Arkansas. 1^3 Cleveland. Ark.,": August 15 (Spji -i clal).—Nearly every newspaper tells, '-X. of some wonderful cure of some form of Kidney Disease by the Mr. A. E. •Carlile, well known anrt highly, respecte.d here, tells pf his,' cure afternearly -a quarter of a cen tury's suffering. Mr. Carlile says: "I w^int to- let the public Jsnow what I think of Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'r: I think hey are 'the best remedy for 'V sick kidneys ever made. "I had.kidney .trouble for 23 year^': and never found anything thai" did me, so much goOd as Dodd's KtOb'^y Pills. I recommend them to all sufferers." There is .no .uncertain' sound about Mr. Carlile'8 statement. He" knows '. that Dodd's Kidney Pills rescu^cl him from a life of suffering and he "wants the public to know it. .Dodd's: KMney Pills cure all Kidney ills from Qack iche to Bright's Disease.. PATTI SANG OUTQF TUNE. jyOr 1 Great American Remedy'. Dodd's Kidney*^ Pills, and:'this part of Arkansas Is/ not without its share of evideifc'e that?'^.^:'^ no case is too deeply- roote^ Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure. '.V Idid not know for years what 'made •'•J me have those ^pells. I would fre quently sink away as though my last hour had come. "For 27 years I suffered thus and ased bottles of medicine- enough to *set up a drug store—capsules and pills and everything I heard of. Spent lots of money but I was sick .nearly all the .time. Sometimes I WM "so''"*' nervous I could not hold a plate In my hands! and other times. I thought I would surely die sitting at the table, "This went on until »bout two yMrs '-^^4 ago when one day did not #se stay coffee and I noticed was fiot so vous and told my huiband: gboutlit. He had befen- telling me that itmi|ht be the coffee, but I said 'No/1 have 43k' been drinking coffee all my life and it Z, cannot be.' But after this I thought would try and do without MUT drink' W'** hot water. I did this for several davs but got tired of the hot water and went to drinking coffee, and as soon I was nervous again. =Thls proved ...that it was the coffee that caused my troubles f"We had'tried-I^stiim but h#d^.n'o¥' made it right »nd did not like it bti & now decidfed" to give it itfother triai' age carefdlty ind iUAHfe It after these direction? and simply, dellcT&il so we quit coffge for good and the snlts are wontfrfuTfe Befq^tsjfc I a sImp sbund^ vtKi not a b|f^ hCTvriS, now, but wbfk hard and can walk miles, Nervous headaches are gone my heart does not bother me am' more like It did and I don'f hive tk the smothering spells Jufc you believe It? Wo,UJ I am getting fat drlnk PoBtum now and nothing Iu»k for the book, "The Pi"B and even, have disappeared We ^^j^g sound and healthy nbw-4itfd blessing."., Najne given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mlctf/ .if 'J&lI 4'A- 0stun'