Newspaper Page Text
$ •a ik« N. it Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAUD OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., I August o, 1904. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THFC J." following-named settler has Sled notice of bis Intention to make flnal proof In sup port of bis claim, and that said-proof will be made before Charles 8. Lane, United States Commissioner, at his ofBce In Linton, N. D., on Saturday, Sept. 24,1904, viz.: ADAM 8CHMIERER. For 'lots 2 and 3, Sec, 3. Twp. 130 N.. Rge. 75 w.. and W. 44of 8. E. M.Sec. 34, Twp. 131 N.. Rge, 75 W. of fitb P. M. He names the following witnesses t« prove nls continuous residence upon and cultlva tion of said land, viz.: John Rleker, of Huue, N. D. Hsj of Hague Martin Van Boest. of Hague, N. D. gust Flegel,of Hague. "-'Jl" N. D. leenderinck, of Hague, N. _D._ M. O. JEWELL, Register. First publication, Aug. it-Last, 1 Dealer in ^General Merchuidise£»- LimOK, MIRTH DAKOTA. Goods sold at the lowest possible percentage of $ profit. Butter and Eggs purchased. mZBLTON! Our New Store in the above-named City Is now ready for Business, and the Patronage of the Public Is respectfully solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Which we will sell for cash at the LOWEST POSSIBLE* PRIOE». W. L. YEATER & CO. JONES BRO's, Sept. It. Notice of Commutation Final Home* stead Proof. LARD OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D., Aug. 6,1804. Nfollowing-named OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE settler has died notice of her Intention to make flnal commutation proof In support of her claim, and that said C'nltedwill roof be made before Charles S. Lane, States Commissioner, at Linton, N. D., on Saturday, September 17, 1804, viz.: MARY LORD, X, For the 8. E. of N. W. 8. W. of N. E. H. N. W. of 8. B. and N. E. H. of 8. W. M. Sec. £8, Twp. 129 N„ Range 78 W. of Stb P.M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Gottlieb Dockter. of Pollock, 8. D. Robert Nelson, of Pollock, 8. D. Lena Nelson, of Pollock, 8. D. Oscar Peterson, of Dale, N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. TUBULAR WELLS. EL SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AGENT FOB .GOODHUE WINDMILLS. W'&t I FRANCIS JABZKOWIAK. "1 .. No 4S Twelfth Street. Bismarck, N. D. O. SMITH. DENTIST, LINTON, NOB. DAK. At the above-nimed warket, on- up. Sotel, ir Broadway, opposite the Linton I keep a stock of Int-clap Meats for aalfcrofehi-lw-eee!, Mutton, Pork, Sausage etc- I afib deal- In freeh Fruits and Vegetables and carry general line v* urooeriea. 1 aleo have a welt-eeleeted stock of Canned CMMl Pricea reasonable. lie vfWR0G&9+ Postofflce Building LINTON, I D. DBALIBS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. JUST RECEIVED-One of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Hen's and Boys' Clothing ever brought to Emmons county. Also, a large and well selected stock of SHOES. Before buying, come In and see our Goods, as we know we can show you some bargains, We keep a full line of Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Notions. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. One Price to all. Give ue a call. Wanted-Sealed Bids. THE lScho 1 SCHOOL BOARD OF STRASBURG School District, No. IS, Emtnons county, N -.O.. desire sealed separate bids for each of "he following: Furnishing lumber for a two-roomed school-house to be built at the town ef Stras bnrg, in above-named school district. 2. Excavating a bksement under above mentioned 8. Building a two-roomed school house in town of Strasburg, In .above-named school district. Material and work tp be according to_plans and specifications to be seen at the Stras buiw Bazar. Strasburg, N. D. The school board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bids will be opened on the 10th day of Sep tember. 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m„ at the Stras burg Basar, Strasburg, N. D. By order of the School Board of Strasburg School District. JDatedat Strasburg this S7th day of July, 1DM. MICHAEL BAUMGART^E&l'cierk? First publication, Aug. M—Last, Sept. 23. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LARD OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D.. Augusts, 19M. I OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i, followlrc-named settler has Sled notice of hls lnUotlon to make commutation flnal proof lu support of his claim, and that said «inlted roof will be made before Charles S. Lane, States Commissioner for the dis trict of North Dakota, at his offlce at Linton. N. D„ on Saturday, September 24.1V04, vis.: H.J. EDINGER, For the 8. W. ii of Sec. 32., Twp. 132 N.. Rge. 78 W. of 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Fred Casey, of Emmonsburg. N. D. Henry Wlttmayer, of Linton, N. D. Cbas. O. Sherman, of Linton N. D. Sherman Smith, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, Ang. IV—Last, Sept. 23. First publication. July K—Last, Sept. 8. Notice of Conawtatloa Final Home* •tead Proof. LAND Orricc A* BISMARCK. N. D.. July a, UM. Nfollowing-named OTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE settler has filed notice oi ner Intention to make commutation flnal proof In support of 8roof will be made VJIr.n -.hub nlted JStates Commissioner, District oi her claim, and that said before Charles 8. Lane, ,k» .. t» iiiitnci or North Dakota, at his oflce In Linton. N. D.. on Saturday, Sept.S, 1804, vis.: KATHEKINE M. McGAUGHEY. the N. and S. W. 4 of 8. E. ii and 8. E. &SX,?7fw? l0,M,,Wp ,w She names the following witnesses to Drove HonCofnsaniduSdreviie-nC® "I"®,*04 euRlva- Scheperslty. of Linton. N. D. John J. Ryan, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register t. First publication, Aug. 5-Last. Sept. Notice ot Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LAM OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D. July S, 1804. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .JPu.owlnR nBmwl Mtter has Sled notice of bis Intention to make commutation flnal SEXf -m1K?rt °i cUlm. and that said «•. before Charles 8. Lane, U. 8. Oommlssloner, at his offlce at Linton, N. D., on September 10, 1804, vis.: PETER OTTERBERG, For the west half of southeast quarter, northeast quarter of southeast quarter and southeast quarter of northeast quar "/wMtoftth'p M",b,p 133 north' na*° J1® °s,™es following witnesses to prove s™,M""»u»je*ldenceupon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Ole Paulson, of Linton. N. D. Will Jones, of Linton, N. D. W. T. Brooks, of Linton, N. D. Walter Kelly, of Linton. N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. First publication, July 20-Last. Sept. 2 Notice of Commutation Final Hoi atoad Proof LARD OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., July SLUM. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT }be following-named settler has tied no fi 8 IntenMon to make flnal com mutation proof in support of his claim, and iJJi ?f°B T,'"4,8made before Charles S. Commissioner, at his oBce at Linton, N. D., on September 3.1904. •$«. 80L0M0N ROSMAN, H. E.2HM, For the N. E. of 8eaion SO, Twp. 120 N., Range 70 W. of 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to nreve «on"? upon Co®|"'e*toner, Anton Volk, cuKR- Peter Boschker, of Westfleld, N. D. Henry de Boer, of Westfleld, N. D. M. JEWELL, Register. First publication. Aug. 5-Last. Sept. #. Notice ef ComnmtaMon Final stead Preof. LARD OFFICE AT RISMABCK, N D., I July 0,1804. KPT,10?18 BEBKBY GIVEN THAT THE jO'ifoHpwIng-named settler has filed notice St^r °?»to make Snal commutation -inuJEP°rt2f her claim, and that said ^w1U ®P ®««le before Charles «. Lane, i, at bis ofltee at Linton! D., on Saturday, September 10, ISM, vls.{ LOUISE TILFOBD, N. F°i'hi«ei»-t^J,t u»r*f.r °f section 17. tovn- shlp lto north, range 74 west of Stb P. M. She names the following wlteesses to move tlon ofnilSd?an/^v}».* M. H. JEWELL. Register. First pnblicatloa, Aug. 5-Last, Sept.* Notice of— LARD OFFICII AT Bui Angnsts,] on SepUmbeTlT^BTvU.: AMIL QUADE, N. D. U.U.U mm--- "-".J. I -HI') Hi Ki 'I I im.j.— .1—.. 'I "I -—ot-—"*T»? /ff\ IOVH Aid) OUT. FredXnutson will return from Iowa oast week. Mis. Havlieek la among the sick ones In Linton thls week. HTNioe, ripe, Jalc^ Watermelons Jnat arrived at LlnMn ^akery. Dr.Muench and Otto were Emmons burgers In town last Saturday. Anne Bakker and John O. Schaap were up from Hull, Friday last. Harry Spalding was down from Gayton the latter part of last week. John Dekker was up from the Hull neighborhood, Friday of last week. Albert Junge, of the Bazar, visited old friends In Eureka the fore-part of the week. Mrs. Tallada left by yesterday's Milwaukee train for a visit at Crooks ton, Minn. Mr. Sims, of the Linton State Bank, left yesterday on a business trip to the Twin Oities. Arthur Pitta was up from Winona the fore part of the week visiting his relatives In Linton. Ernie Melnbergand family depart ed early in the week for Gary, S. D., where they will reside. •Arthur Keebler was in town this week. He expects soon to begin work as a brakeman on the N. P. Mr. W. S. Lee, of Braddock, is vis iting bis relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lee and family, In Linton.* The Linton Cornet Band and other Llntonltes attended the old settlers' reunion in Pollock, yesterday. S. J. Hauge, the well-liked young traveling auditor for the Equity Lum ber Company, is in town this week. Justice Wescott had another severe attack of sickness last Wednesday night. He Is better now, however. Mrs. Bessie Saint, of Sioux City, Iowa, is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hawes. Miss Mae Dornsife, the Broadway milliner, returned Monday from a visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. Jimmy Zitser, the stone-mason, is building a stone dwelling-house for John Public, at the latter's home in the Danbury country. 'Squire Wescott took up a collection and last Friday had a fire-break plowed around the town—something that was urgently needed. Mr. and Mrs. Newman and jamily, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family, left yesterday for their home in California. John Bents, of Fargo, the popular and obliging traveling representative of the J. I. Case people, was in Lin ton the fore part of the week. Careful Investigation throughout the county has shown a great deal more damage by rust to the wheat crop than was at first supposed. It is reported' that a woman was badly cut by a mowing-machine, near Winona, Wednesday. Name and par ticulars not yet known at Linton. A. U. Ostrum, of Winona, was in town last Saturday. He and Mr. Glllman are at work repairing and renovating the Winona school-house. Miss Genie Patterson, Miss Anna Eppler and Miss Frances Patterson came over from the Grand Biver country, the latter part of last week. Alva Burge had a big crowd watch ing him "bust" a broncho, on Broad way, Saturday. The bronk did his best to win, but Alva came out ahead. Comrade Coonen was up from the Winona country this week. His son Richard, who has been laid up with typhoid fever, is again able to get but of doors. Comrade Southwick has not yet re turned from Magnus, Burleigh coun ty, where he went to visit his daugh ter, Mm. Swartz, who is in very poor health. Cad Ltigue left yesterday for the harvest fields farther north. John Bartu will go Monday, and Fred Kyes intends to start some time during the coming week. Orlie Burge is able to be at work again, although not looking as strong as formerly. Everybody here hopes that Mr. Burge will soon be restored to perfect health. Frank Walker and Joe Pudwell, of Winona district, left last Saturday with cattle for the eastern market. The Leonard A Murphy cattle were shipped the same day. Wallace Kyea has bought the Burge livery barn In Linton. It is under stood that Earl and Jay Smith have bought Mr. Kyes' Interest in the Johnson St Kyes ranch. Last Saturday evening a tornado, with the center ot destruction at St. Paul, did millions of dollars of dam age in southern Minnesota. Eighteen people were killed by It. In another column will be found the announcement of Major Pitts' candidacy for auditor. The major has made a good and faithful officer during the four years that he has been county treasurer. Merchaul MepdelowiU, of the Lin. •ton Leader store, returned last Satur day from a trip to Kulm. His daugh ter Leah, who bad been visiting her grandparents at Kulm,-came home with him. Earl Irvine* who nearly two yean ago wdnt to the state of Washington to reside, la visiting }old friends Rk Linton. Be has Just taken In the St. exposition, and also stopped at Chicago tovMt relatives. IBmrnons now has ono.belp that the coBoty didn't hav^ a few years ago In jprulllnft the spread ot prairie fires— tbotrfdwof throe railroads. It would bftva tobf a praUy brWc braes* that would carry the fire across the track, especially won there enough warning (Ivan to enable the settlers to get out and back-fire at the grade. AttorneyB. K.Stevens was down from the Capital City between trains this week. It is understood "Steve'* will be the leading counsel in defend ing Aart Tan de Vorste, now in the Emmons county jail, accused of mur- derJ^,' A special meeting of Linton Camp, M. W. A., will be held to-morrow (Saturday), at 8 p. m., In the Costing building, Just north of Wolfer's store. A full attendance is earnestly desired, as there Is business of importance to be transacted. Mr. Marion Gullck, a brother-in law or George Burge (their wives be ing sisters), is out from Wright coun ty, Iowa, on a visit., Mr. KJ~New Erst Paint, made by Acme Whl Works, for sale by CI Gulick is very favorably impressed with this country, and it is probable that he will settle here. Said a traveling man the other day —a gentleman who is versed in band music: "Linton is getting one of the finest bands in the state. What it needs, however, is a 83t of saxaphones. Nothing helps' out a brass band like the 8axaphone.'V «TFresh stock of Candies just re ceived at Liq£onJBakery. Belnbold Mulslqr, of the Hampton neighborhood, made final proof in Linton last Saturday. Paul Muench and Gustav Beimcr were his wit nesses. Mr. Reimer also made proof, with Messrs. Muench and Mulsky as his witnesses. Eureka Blade, Aug. 18th: Irving Parkhurst left Friday for Llvona, N. D., to-visit, his parents for a short time. He expects to enter school this fall. Irving has always beeh a general favorite with our Eureka people and will be much missed. We wish him success in whatever he undertakes. W* Episcopal Church. Services next Sunday morning and evening at 11a.m. and'8 p. m. Mornlng'subject: "Religion on Business Principles." Evening: Missionary address. Bishop Mann will hold services in Linton next Wednesday evening, Aug. 31st. Everybody cordially invited. Died.—Wednesday, August 24,1904, Josepbi youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Schweitzer. The fatal disease was bowel coinplaiut. The interment took place in the Strasburg cemetery. Little Joseph was fifteen months old. Mr. and Mrs. Schweitzer have the sincere sympathy of. the en tire community in the loss of their only son.. If Linton people are to take any partitular interest in the state fair because "four horseB will go from Lin ton," they will want to know who is to take the four horses, and whether their owner has or has not a reputa tion for square dealiag as a sports man, or whether he is noted for sell ing races .whenever he can make a lit tle moi^y by so doing. People don't care to io very far to see a fake horse race. Auditor Herolz returned the fore part of the week from a visit to the world's fair at St. Louis. He, also, speaks in high terms of the showing made by North Dakota, when the amount of the state's appropriation is considered. The fact is that the state has one of the best agricultural ex hibits on the ground, and this state is one of the three states that are con sidered in the class of possibilities for the first premium in tbis respect. The Corn Crop. People in town this week from va rious parts of the county say that if the frost lets the county alone for ten days, all the corn will ripen. Painting, Paper I will take orders and can furnish the sai I also do Paperhangi: (aul2) ^glng, Etc. 1 WallJPaper, 5w prices, minting ,etc. A.\L. ABEL. lutely gure, people's society of neighborhood ^•"The young the Armstrong Neighborhood will give an ice-cream racial in the Arm strong school-house Saturday evening, Aug. 27th. A jiead glUBtam will be given, consisting of speeches, recita tions, songs, good music, etfc. If you want wrrow money in State Bank on your farm, the will lend it to you. or write. DeUftMfol Slimmer Big Stone Lake is rapidly becoming a famous summer resort. The C., M. ft St. P. By. will sell round-trip ex cursion ticketa toQrtonvllle or Big Stone City during the season at very low rates. Thtety-«lav limit, 99.65 four-day limit, (mayl3-aep30) F. If. BYBNK, Agt. Draying Done Promptly. Tbe undersigned Is prepared to do hauling of any wind with promptness and at reasonable rates. Telephone to Brltt8' barbershop (0-1) if you want draying ^one, and I will prompts ly respond. WM. PAOEL, M. BRITT8, TON8QRIAL ARTIST. .• LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA. 0$ IVOarrles a complete line of Standard Cigars. W. WELSH, M. P.. PHYSICIAN AND 8UHGBON. BRADDOCK, N, D. IVTSpeclal attention paid to diseases of Eye, Ear,.Noee and Throat. NUht-calls an swered from ofloe. Oflce ana Drag Store opposite paistoflce. Notice to Croditors. In the Matter of the Estate of John W Hen- NDundersigned, ORRE El BY GIVEN BY THE Minnie Henderson, admin istratrix of tbe estate of Jobn W. Hender son. late of the district of Winchester, in UM county of Eamont and state of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having .claims against said de- t,ceased, to exhibit them, wltn the necessity vmcbers, within foor months after the' rafiUeatloa ot this notice, to said adminis tratrix at her residence at the postofflce of Wlachester, in said Emmons county, North A, D. fljOL Idmlnlstriatrlx. 19tb day or An- Treasurer,* Report For Eseter School District No. IS, Count* ofBmmons^Btate of North Dakota, tot the RECEIPTS. Cash on hind at beginning of school _year. July 1. U08 Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the state tuition fund Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of tbe county tuition fund Amount received during the year from taxes levied by the District 8chool Board, Including outstand ing warrants redeemed or Indorsed in the collection of taxes Treasurer's Report For Strasburg School District. No. 15, Uounty of Emmons, State of North Dakota, for the year 1903-1904. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand at beginning of school year, July 1,1903 $ S92 41 Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the state tuition fund Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the county tuition fund Amount received during the year from taxes levied by the district scuool board,Including outstand ing warrants redeemed or in dorsed in the collection of taxes. Schutt and Sebastian Werllnger, defend ants. NO I E I S E E I E N A by vlrtuo of a judgment of foreclosure and sale In the above-entitled action entered on the 18th day of August, ArD..1004, and an execution Issued upon said judgment, the subscriber, the sheriff ot Emmons county. North Dakota, for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auction -At the front door of the court-house In the town of Linton, in the county of Emmons, North Dakota, on Saturday, September 81,1904, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises situated In the county ot Emmons, 8tate ot North Dakota, and di rected In said judgment and execution to be sold, and therein described as follows: The nerth half of the southwest quarter and tbe west half of the southeast quarter of Section 28, In Township ISO north, Range 74 west of the rth P. M.,' containing 160 acres, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment and cost?, amounting In all to 160 acres, or so much thereof as may be «ald sufficient to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting in all to one thousand and fortv three dollars and forty-five cents, with In terest thereon from tbe date of said judg ment and all accruing costs of sale. Dated Linton, North Dakota, August 16, 1004. PETER 8HIEB, There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum ot 1558.00. besides tdxes. If any. CATHERINE HOLBROOK, Broof Outing. IIP Mill MS 81 Total receipts for the year. In cluding cash on hand July 1,1903 91,040 02 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid during the year for teachers' wages Amount paid during the year for services and expenses of school officers Amount paid during the year for 860 00 50 00 lit 28 733 307 70 Incidental expenses Total expenditures for the year..."11 Casli on nam! June 30,1904 Grand total, expenditures and cash on hand, to balance aliovo total receipts $1,040 98 WENDELIN LEIBEL. Treasurer of Exeter School District No. I8i Approved this 12tli day of July, A. D. 1904. By order of the District School Board. MICHAEL SCHNEIDER, President. Attest: ROCIIUS DOSCH, District Clerk. 1,876 88 Total receipts for tlio year, In cluding cash on hand July 1,1903 12,871 84 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid during the year for teachers' wages 780 00 Amount paid during the year for services and expenses of school officers 85 85 Amount paid during the year for incidental expenses 330 28 Total expenditures for the year 1,095 51 Cash on hand June 80,1904 1,175 73 Grand total, expenditures and cash on hand, to balance above total receipts.: 9 8,37184 JOHN J. BAUMGARTNER. Treasurer of Strasburg School Dlstrlet.No.15. Approved this 12th day of July, A. D. 1004. By order of the District School Board. FRANZ REHKICH. President. Attest: MICHAEL BAUMGARTNER. Dis trict Clerk. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. Dls- Stateof North Dakota, Sixth Judicial trlct, ss. In the District Court within and for the county of Emmons. Frances W. Cranmer, an Infant, who sues by S. H. Cranmer. her guardian ad litem, plulntltf, vs.. Augustln Schutt, Maria Sheriff of Emmons County, 8. H. CRANMER, Plaintiffs Attorney. First publication, July 88—Last, Aug. 88. Mortgage Sale. Nthatcortaln OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT mortgage executed andde llvered by Jacob J. Lamb, Thomas H. Frood and Andrew W. Frood, mortgagors, to Cath erine Holbrook, mortgagee, dated the 7th day of January, 1901, and filed for record In the offlce of tne register ot deeds of tbe county of Emmons and state of North Dakota on tbe 4th day of March,. 1901, and recorded in book 8 of mortgages, at page 188, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door ot the court-house in the county of Emmons and state ot North Dakota, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. on tbe 81st day of August, satisfy the amount due on such mortgage on tbe day of sale. The premises described In sucn mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy tbe same are described as follows: (H. North halt of southeast quarter Mortgagee. Dated at Bismarck, N. D., July 19,: BOUCHER, PBXLBBIOK & COCHBANE. Attorneys for said Mortgagee. First publication, July 88—Last, Ang. 26. Notice of Commutation Pinal Home stead Proof. LAKD OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D.. I July 11,1904. VJOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1^1 following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make commutation final proof In support of his claim, and that said will be made before Charles 8. Lane, nlted States Commissioner, at his office In Linton, N. D., on Saturday. Aug. 87,1904, viz: EDWARD MA AG, H. E. 19396, For the 8. E. M. Sec. 97. Twn.180 N., Rge. 77 W. of 5th P.M. He uames the following witnesses to provo his continuous resldenco upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: L. C. Shockey, of Pollock, 8. D. F. Frankbauser, of Pollock. 8. D. R. E. Hayes, of Pollock, 8. D. Henry E. Frankhauser, of Glanavon N M. II. JEWELL. Register. First publication, July 28—Last. Aug. St. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Prooft LAND OFFICE AT BISUAKCK, N. D., I July 11,1904. •VFOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make commutation final proof }n support of her claim, and that said E'. roof will be made before Charles S. Lane 8. Commissioner, at his office at Linton, N. D*on Saturday, Aug. 87, 1904, viz.: ANNA MA AG, H. E. 10397, For the E. of N. E. of Sec. of N. W.^jt of Sec. 85, Twp. 120 .and W.j k,R.77V Of 5th P. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: L. C. Shockey, ot Pollock, 8. D. F. Frankhauser, of Pollock. 8.1). R. E Hayes, of Pollock, 8. D.. Henry E. Frankhauser, of pianavon, N. D. M..H. JEWELL, Register, OHARIiBS S. LANE. Attorney at Law, V} Practices in ail courts. United States Commissioner. LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA ROWERDlNK,j WATCHMAKER AND JEWBLBB. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. LINTON, NOR. DAK. I (tmonSns, Jft.Louis. We have about Oall and examine our large and complete line of Waih Goods. We can please you in variety, oolor, quality and price. SHOES. *MOUG*&9 Shies* I upulur wUhmen of good who a/)pi*ci*tom su*. r-f&rstylishsho*. /naj Box-Calf, fWaiMV€ We are daily receiving New Shoes, which are added to our large and complete stock of Fall Footwear. GROCERIES. We have the assortment, and can furnish you with almost anything in the Grocery Line, at right prices. All goods we sell guaranteed satisfactory. If not so, return goods and get your money back. We are here at your service. THE LINTON f\ Sf\FE Pbf\GE TO The Linton House Before you build. W. E. KELLY, Architect. of 8. E. h), northeast quarter of southwest quarter fN. E. of B. W. H, and southeast quarter of northwest quarter (8. E. of N. W. h) of section fourteen (14), In township one hundred and thirty-five (135) north, range seventy-eight (78) west ot fifth (5) P.' M.. Emmons county, North Dakota. 50,000 Mutin & Sins, Snyder's Drug Store. First pnblicatloa, July SS—Last. Aug. tt. Notice of Conowtatlen Final Home stead Proof. LAUD OFFICE AI NOTICE BISMABCK.N. Perfect Fitting. LEE, Proprietor ...Newly Furnished Throughout... RATES REASONABLE Careful attention will be paid to comfort of guests When you ean build eastles reality? Come and see the F.C.GAU, Contractor Farms For Sale! W. S. FuLMER, Sec. and Treas acres land for sale, including some of the best farms In Emmons county. If you wish to buy a farm, for investment or a home, It will pay you to investigate. We are sales solicitors for. the Hackney-Boynton Land Com any and the Northern Pacific Railway Company. All lands shown free of charge, whether you purchase or not. D:, July 15,19M. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler bas filed notice of her Intention to make' flnal commuta tion homestead proof In snpport of her Claim, and that said proof will be made De fine Cbarles 8. Lane, U. 8. Commissioner, at bis OBce at Linton, N. D., on Saturday, Augusts?, UM, Tl«.: CARRIE A. HAMPTOS,|%iM H.E-ttWL For the E. of N. W. and lots 1 and 8, Bee. IS, Twp. ISO N., R.1l W. of Stb P. M. Bbe names the following witnesses!*) prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis.: Chris. Marauart, of Hague, N. D. Frana Wolf, of Hague, N. I). Ephralm K. Kilts, of Hague. 9. Peter Zanders, of Hague, N. O. Mh Vi* M. H. JEWELL. Register. City. Dray Line. If you want light or heavy hauling done, notify!me and I will do the work promptqstti at reasonable rates. Or ders left pel lonally at or given by tel ephone'tos Srophy'a Restaurant will receive prompt attention. Oet your Xdb Work at Becord otBoe. at the Linton State Bank. la PAINTS. OILS. VABNISH88.' BBUSqW WINDOW GLASS, $ W .. ruOTY. WALL PAPISR, ^7kei»Vin etook. jjjjjf vv Mail Orders carefully and promptly atten^sd to.' Tour patronage is respectfully solicited.' J. p. INYDER, First publication, July tt—Last. Aug. 2(. Notice of Final Homestead Proof... LABD OrriCE AT BISIIABCK, N. D„ I NOTICE y~~& ,-*• 'I: HI a "3* -,'K Keeps an hand a lane and care fully selected stock of goods. sasi-ss July 15, UOt. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK followlng-nakned settler has filed notlea of his intention to make final proof in sus port of. his claim, and that said jtrctof *(U be made before Charles 8. Laue.U. 8. Com missioner, at the offlce of W.E. Wells, at Hague, N. D., on Tuesday, August 80, lftHr ANTON VOLK, For the E. of M. E._M of Sec. 8 and N. or Si. P'. S.°f ton, N. loan on yean. lag, fuj work-. wick, CBLA».BAXBB. ]"e N., R. 74 w. St lv :W.i He names the following witnesses to pron bis continuous residence upon at^d cultlva tlon of said land, vis: Thomas fetter, of Hague, N. D. Anton Glatt, of Hague, M. D. Htephan Wenlnger. of Hague, M. D. Peter Schmalts, ot Hague, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register^. Bank of Linton, Ll 1 real-estate moneys to [arm lands, three to low screens, scroll saw* making and carpenter inds apply to Wm. South. N. J). .will buy an Alarm Clock. WHm, the Jeweler, Llaton,». JJ, •& k'