Newspaper Page Text
f. -V •**. V- *s v* $*£&*?!] ~N IfK "f IV /c V™ -*v •n- f* ^'.5^ 3^ &*/ •. :.** t* 1 If you want Public. O. VORLANDER, Pres. EDWD BBADDOCK, Vlco-Pres. Wf .-*«rttwSft- S*-. W «Sf »*. srf VOLUME 21 JN UMBER 16. v1 *. v* THE CORMIOK! a MOWER RAKE, buy the There is none better. For Thrashing Machines, Buy the J. I. CASE. It is reliable, built on honor, sold on merit, and at a legitimate profit. What others attempt to do, the Case does. Sold by LINTON BAZAR. "Good Day, Andy!" "Thank You, Peter, how is it You? Where are You going?" "I'm going to JOHN P. PFEIFLE. He has the feed-store now alone and sells everything eheaper than anybody else in Lin ton, Flour, Feed, Buggies, Wagons, and all kinds of Farm Machinery. He also grinds Feed for every body." "You are right, Andy. From now on I will too buy everything from the LINTON FEED STORE." Linton Bakery Restaurant, X^X«X«X«X«X4X*X«X«X4X«X«X4 READ, CAKES AND PIES IN FACT, ALL KINDS OF PASTRY AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We sell Farms and Ranches. We make First-Mortgage Real-Estate Loans. We make Filings, Final Proofs, Contests, Protests, Etc. We make Abstracts of Title. We write Fire Insurance. ....... We furnish Surety Bonds. -V ". We rent Lands. We write Deeds, Mortgages and all other work requiring a Notary EDWARD BRADDOCK, President, Linton, North Dakota. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. W. KYES, First-Class Bigs, Fancy Driving Horses, Rates Reasonable. Prompt Service. Linton, North Dakota. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Loans Money on approved security In sums wanted. Interest'paid on Time Deposits. Time Loins made on Improved Farms. Taxes paid for Residents and Non-Residents Insurance effected in the best companies. Will also lease your Lands and collect Rents, IF YOil.WANT T"Tl?i FRESH GOODS AT FAIR PRICES, •.'•'TI, WF" 'TF* HI *T —CALL ON- BS^ffiSSS vTTSsR EMMONS HcCormick. Proprietor. _. A. W. SIMS, Cashier. E. E. MAUTXN, Ass't. Cashier. W E I S ,c'- DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, a*.r- LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA. 4 *,,{» KMMOHS CODKTY RECORD. E3Y D. R. STREETER. fyt lit mi, Xiirilt JJn/tohi. PIONEER PAPER OF THE COUNTY. Tli! Ruoordis cu loved iit tlio Linton I'ost oilico as second-class matter. As TO Pill terium's RO ist of Lynn. The fgniKii' supported Hie latter for state's attorney four years a(jo and. two years ayfo. Patterson both years knew of the Mary Green matter of thirteen years ago. As a matter of fact, there was little in the case. Arm strong was state's attorney and Lynn a competing lawyer. A warrant was sworn out against Lynn, and Arm strong prepared an information against him, sending to Bismarck and bring ing down the attorney general of the state to assist him in the prosecution —a proceeding usual only with mur der cases and other actions of magni tude. Well, tiie mountain labored and brought forth a mouse. A jury of his peers acquitted the defendant. And at the next election the people of Em mons county—with a full knowledge of the facts in the matter—elected him their state's attorney. And he has been re elected several times, since. The Record would not condescend to no tice Patterson's tirade only that many newcomers in the county do not un derstand the facts in the case. Scarcely Consistent. We fear that our eminent co-worker in Mie journalistic vineyard, the Hon., Patterson, is scarcely consistent, as the -following parallel columns will show: it'Yom the Advocate. (From the Advocate of Due. 4. IH02.] I'\ H. Irvine is no longer with the Bank of Linton^ jr. B. 11 Ine'Precent acts husLhavc]proved him self be anything but straight or a gentle man, •. 7 Sept. 1.11)04. Among those who arc striving for polit ic ill recognition is Knink B. Irvine, who is seeking therepab lican nomination for register of deeds. Having resided in Emmons county for the past ten years, by honest methods and good principles hu has become favorably known to the major ity of the people. Patterson claimed that Irvine had gotten the better of him in a deal jn volving the sale of some abstract books. Also, that Frank had been fired by the First Bank people. In the Record at the time occurred the following: "F. B. Irvine, having re of E. A. Grain, left the employment of the bank Dec. 1st, after nearly three years of service with that insti tution. Mr. Irvine received from the bank people a recommendation of which he may well be proud." The above proves two things—that Mr. Patterson is somewhat inconsist ent, and that his candidate for regis ter of deeds is of a very forgiving dis position. Bright Attorneys. Eureka has at one time or another been the home of some bright attor neys, three of whom—Messrs. Bouch er, Williamson and Brown—had cases at the recent term of court in Lin ton. Mr. Brown did the chief work in compiling South Dakota's code—a work highly spoken of by members of the bar who have practiced in. that state. Mr. Williamson, who recently located in Aberdeen, has a large prac tice in South Dakota and a rapidly growing clientage in the southern tier of counties of the northern twin The other gentleman named will soon be known, as "Judge Boucher," as he has. the republican nomination for circuit judge in the cirfcuit just across Emmons county's southern line. It is a position identical with that of Judge Winchester, known in this state as "district judge." IN TOWN AND OUT. Commissioner Baxter was in town Tuesday. Miss Ella Over, of Arizona, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Martin, in Linton H. B. Tuttle and William Macnider were Emmonsburgors jn town Satur day. .v-v -VA Jurors and witnesses too numerous to mention were in Linton attending court this week. Judge Winchesterwentout Wednes day an hour or two and picked a mess of prairie-chickens. .* ES'For Rent.—The Mrs. M. A. Dawson dwelling-house, in West Lin ton. Apply to J. G. Pitts. Messrs. S. C. Potter, Martin Van Soest and B. G. Nomarr are up from the Hull neighborhood to-day. 5 G. Biesheuvei, N. Van de Klasiiorst oud John Van Rissen were visitors in town tiie fore part of the week. M. Fai'i ell, for years a merchant sit Napoleon, is putting up a store build ing at Campbell, the first Soo station east of Braddock. Thomas McCrory and John Stiles, of Winona, were in town the fore part of the week, going to Hazel ton and returning home therefrom] Messrs. H. E. and Fred Frankhauser were up from tlje Dale country, Sat urday, as witnesses in the final proofs of Miss Annie Maag and Edward. Maag. ... Mary Green is indignant. She says she never had the least idea of (slop ing with a bald-headed man, even in a rubber-tire buggy and behind a race horte. Vr: V:y vBsk LINTON, NORTH DAK TA, SEPT. 1904. DISTRICT Proceedings of the Reefht Term Held •t Linton Those spectators andjjurymeu who su pposcd that when conrt opened on Tuesday morning the case of the state vs. Van de Vorste wounl begin were disappointed. The in ijrnYation was filed by State's Attorney Lynn on Mon day evening. The pri oner was not required to plea'd till ,he next day, under the law, and a kind statute gave him another day filter pleading to get ready for trial. There was consideral ring on Tursday. In tl defendant was not read cr lie was guilty or no! opened in- the aft$ri Stevens argued a dei legal spar jlrenoon the to say wheth ""iWhen court Attorney lurtrer that he had filfed during the'fmorning. He count in the lists which, if verdict of fyfrthe first and irlljful murder, information be contended that the information stated fj proved, would warraa manslaughter only, wrf second counts charged^ So he asked that the' quashed. The court overruled the de murrer, and the prison^ pleaded not guilty to the information. Then the defendent asked for 24moursin which to get ready, and he £as given that lime. On Wednesday afttifnoon the de fendant's attorneys ca|ae into court with a long affidavit ofjiimlnK that he could not receive a faqr'and impartial trial in this county fi reasons: State's A ttori •due iufiueuce on thj county that he has t: est in the case than take as prosecuting Ethe following By Lynn has un ipeopie of the ten more inter is required to attorney that |e case, and lias abcr of people at Dr. Uogue ias undue intiu lid is very much and has preju lainst tiie de swspapers pub jfone their work influential pu loiiis rk/arding the people $lHy. Van Lynn is a witness in talked to a large concerning the case is a witness, also, and] ence upon the people, interested in this diced the people fendant: that the lished in Linton bav that the Record is per, and its publli this case have prej against tbe defendi Beek and others bi in prosecuting Uiev^have ^rejudlW^g- Me peopte' John Roop, liso, of Hazefton, and John Stiles, of Winona, have talked largely concerning the defendant, and prejudiced the people against him the defendant also feels that he can not have a fair and impartial trial be fore the Hon. W. H. Winchester, and he therefor asks for another judge to try the case, and tbat tbe case be re moved to another county in the Oth judicial district. HK^iry active "ftiit, and toward WTmnr Mr. Williamson opposed the motion to change the place of trial, and claimed that the defendant could have a fair and impartial trial in this county. He insisted tbat, if there is to be a change of' the place of trial, that question should be passed upon by the judge to be called in. Later in the argument, however, Messrs. Williamson and Lynn admit ted that they feared tbat an error would be made if Judge Winchester did not remove the case to another county, and thejudgegranted the mo tion for a change of venue on their suggestion, and moved the case to Mc In tosh county. It will come up at the Ootober term in that county. In the case', of D. R. Slreeter vs. C. A. Patterson, suit for damages for violation of contract, the jury ren dered a verdict for plaintiff iu the sum of $100. This case had been in court for more than a year and a half. The case grew out of the purchase by plaintiff of defendant's newspaper in the spring of 1899, under an agreement that defendant should not be connect ed with the publication of a newspap er in Emmons county during the per iod of five years from the date of the contract. A jury was secured in tbe case of J. I. Case Machine Manufacturing Co. vs. Anton K. Fischer. This was .foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. Mr. Fischer bought a steam threshiug machine of the plaintiffs, and could not make it work. Experts were sent out by the company, but the engine would not make enough steam, and the separator would not separate. The plaintiffs fought tbe case largely on a technicality, the point being that tbe defendant had not lived up to the contract and returned the machine to Wisbek. Instead of doing this, he left it on bis farm and told tbe Case com pany to come and take their machine away After the teatimony was all in, tbe plaintiff's attorney, Mr. Turner, of Fargo, moved tbat the court direct a verdict for 92,771.98, and tbe motion was granted. It is understood that tbe parties are working to compromise the case as It at present stands. A jury was secured in tbe. case of Teresa Malekowskl vs. Weinsteln Bros., to recover money on a check. The parties settled the caae out of court, before any testimony was intro duced. Tbe case of C. A.-Patterson V».J5. L. Miller and Geo. W. Lynn was dis missed. This was an appeal en* from ... .^••qryl|ff,fn the justice court, and tiie appellant, Patterson, dirt ti"L perfect his appeal The case «.-is tiu'refoie thrown out or court. T.nn tiie itcd "thirty dollar case" was mad-.! to "look like thirty cents." The cases or the American Book Co. against the ISakker and Glanavon school distrlc's will ba argued at Bis marck on Oci. 1st.. The following cases were continued over the term by agreement of the parties: Win. II. Brown vs. Henry C. Pratt, et. al. Eureka Bazar vs. D. Grant & Co. The following cases were settled out of court: Braddock vs. .Florence Walpole Gus. A. Daffinrud vs. E. M. Jones. The case of Cora E. Junge vs. Alta White et. al. waB tried by the court and sixty days given the partias in which to submit briefs. The attorneys arirued the case of L. A. Weatherby vs. E. A. Crain, in which the plaintiff seeks to recover damages of the defendant for violat inga contract. Mr. Crain sold his ab stract business and good will to Mr, Weatherby and agreed net to engage in the abstract business for a year, which agreement, it is claimed, he violated. The testimony in the case was taken by the court a yearago and the case was, at the recent term, ar gued by Messrs. Williamson, Arm strong and Brown. Judge Winches ter took the ease under advisement. The Direct-Primary Law. There seems to be a general desire all over the state for the passage of a direct-primary law at the coming ses sion of the legislature. The object lessons showing the imperfections of the caucus-and-convention methods have been many this year. With the direct primary in force, there would not be an opportunity for a state cen tral committee, tied to a combination, to turn down the winners in a county convention, as the committee did in the Kidder-county case. Let us have the direct-primary law—not a make shift thrown as a sop to public opin ion, but a statute that will accom plish the object the people want. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Auditor. IDVXOH, N. D„ Aug. 23. MM. ?THfairTqteiii of Hiia«o«HM3ount hereby announce myself a candl for County Auditor, and respectfully solicit your support for the same. J. G. PITTS. For County Judge. LINTON, N. IX, Aug. 35,10M. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Judge. Respectfully, C. Rowerdink. For Register of Deeds. LINTON, N. D„ Aug. 10,11104. To the Voters of Emmons County: I am a candidate for tiie office of Regis ter of Deeds, and solicit the" support of all Republicans at the county con vention to be held Sept. 22. Respectfully, FRANK B. IHVINK. For Register of Deeds. LlNTf.N, N. D.. Aug. 25,1901. To the Republican Voters of Em mons County: I hereby announce my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds, subject to the will of the Republican county convention. Respectfully, P. J. WITTMAYER. For Sheriff. LINTON, N. D.. Aug. 29,1901. To the .voters of Emmons County: I hereby respectfully anuounce myself a candidate for re-election to the posi tion of sheriff of Emmons county. PETER SHIER. For County Treasurer. LINTON, N. D„ Aug. 31,1»M. To the Voters of 'Emmons county: I am a candidate for the office of coun ty treasurer. If elected I will person ally attend to the duties of this office and shall net ask for a deputy. WILLIAM MUKNCH. For County Treasurer. LINTON. N. D., Sept. 1,1901. To the Republican Voters of Em mons County: I hereby announce my self a candidate for county treasurer, subject to tiie action of tbe Repub lican county convention. Respectfully, H. W. ALLEN. WFresh stock of Candies Just re ceived at Linton Bakery. If you want to borrow money on State on your farm, tbe Linton State Bank will lend it to you. Call or write. Painting, Paperhangtag, Etc. I will take orders for Wall Paper, and can furnish the samcat low prices. I also do Paperhanging, Painting,etc. (aul2) A. L. ABEL. W The First Bank of Linton, Lin ton, N. D., has real-estate money to loan on good farm lands, three to five years. City Dray Line. 4 If you want light or heavy hauling done, notify me and I will do the work promptly and at reasonable rates. Or ders left personally at or given by tel ephone to Brophy's Restaurant will receive prompt attention. w. CHAS. BAKER. FOr Rent. The uderslgned will rent for six months or a year her three-room house in West Linton, opposite Major Pitts' residence. The building is warm, nothing freezing, in it last winter. Has, a good cellar, good stable and good out-houses.... Also, has a fine gar den. Have just bad house painted and many other improvements made. 1 will also sell the household furniture. MRS. M. A. DAWSON, (Mip2) Linton, N. D. _HPScbool Books and Supplies at Trow's Drug and Book Store. -fsg- RECORD. Wouldn't Treasurer,s Report For Burr Oak School District No. .. ?', Grand total, expenditures und cash on hand, to balance aliove total receipts 11.027 j^. V1#. •1.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Well, I'll be^ol durned," said Uncle Silas, as a big snouted porker scooted between his underpin ning, and 'upsot' him, "reckon I'd better stop in it the Equity Lumber Co.'s, get few Boards and put them tarnation hogs where they'll not be causing so much trouble. All right, Uncle SI, we're fixed for you. We have got all kinds of Boards—common and for the Hog Pens, Sheds, etc., and the best that's made for fine work. Best of all, our prices are right DO YOU WANT TO CROSS THE RIVER? If you do, take the Gasoline Ferryboat CANNON BALL, which at all times carries Passengers, Stock and Teams between c. J. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA. of Emmonu, Stale of North Dakota, for the Year 1903-1004. REGG1PTH Cnsli on hand ut beginning of school year. July J, 1903 012 16 Total amount rcculvcd during the year from the apportionment of tlio state tuition fund Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the county tuition fund 129 25 Amount received during tlio year from tuxeti levied IJV the District Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. J, County 132 fi School Hoard, Including outstand ing warrants redeemed or Indorsed In the collection of taxes 1,033 61 Total receipts for the year, In cluding cash on band July 1,1903 fl,927 50 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid during the year for school-houses, sites and furniture S Amount paid during tbe year for teachers' wagos Amount paid during the year for services and expeuses of school otllcers Amount paid during the year for Incidental expenses 547 49 555 00 102 00 27 75 91,854 03 573 53 Total expenditures for tbe year... Cash on band June 30,1904 JAMES BUEBAGE. Treasurer of Burr Oak School District No. 1. Approved this 12tli day of July, THOSE who have not attended tbe world's exposition at St. Louis, and especially those among the stay-at homes who are acquainted with und appreciate Capt. Cushing's efforts to make a good showing, arc pleased to see tbe unanimity with which those from all parts of the state who have visited the fair speak of North Dako ta's exhibit. Earlier In the season there was here and there a growl by some individual who fancied that he had not been made enough of by those in charge of the state's exhibit when he visited St. Louis. This spirit cropped vut |n several Instancesin the way of criticism by editors who were members of the editorial-association excursion last May. If Capt. Cuahlng made as earnest and successful efforts .to secure exhibits in oilier counties as he did iu this county be certainly is entitled to the lion's share of praise for the creditable showing that isbelug made Subscribe for the Becord. Linton, N. D. CANNON No Indian Reservation to cross, and you will get Prompt and Reliable Ferry Service. I have an entirely new boat, better and stronger than the old one. It is 71 feet long, 14 feet wide, and carries 32 tons. It has been Inspected and accepted by the United States Inspector. Gooa landings, chutes and corrals for loading stock. First publication. Aug. 20-Last, Sept. 30. Notice of Pinal Homestead Proof.' LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, h. D., Aug. 22, 19M. VTOTICEI8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Sled nolle* of Ills Intention to make tlnul proof In SUB* port of his claim, and that sua proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at Bismarck, N. on October 6. U04, vl*: WILLIAM G.CARLEY. For the southeast quarterof Sec. 10. TWD. IK N., Rge. .# W. of 6th P. M. Uc names the following witnesses $1,00 A. D. 1004. By order of tbe District School Board. W. J. TAYLOR, President. Attest: DAVID G. SITES. District Clerk. 4 TtATiT/, LEACH, Proprietor. SEMLING, DEALER IN Gents' Furnishings, Etc. to prove nm continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Frederick Kyes, of Linton, N. D. Christ. Wlnterton, of Hazelton, N. D. liomer Stoddard, of Linton, N. D. Ira J. Mandlgo, of Bismarck, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. BTNew Era Paint, absolutely pure, made by Acme White Lead and Color Works, for sale by Christ. Wolfer. t&"Nice, ripe, juicy Watermelon* just arrived at Linton Bakery. CSr*For window screens, scroll saw. ing, furniture making and carpenter work of all kinds apply to Wm. South wick, Linton, N. D. will buy an Alarm Clock. WHITK, the Jeweler, v-4 Linton, N. "jyv Tbe Public Schools. The public schools of Linton will begin next Monday morning. Then will be three rooms or grades, taught respectively by the Misses Emma Sur rlng, Clella McDonnell and Kate Har vey. County Supt. Coventry wlUk ex eicise a general superintendeney over the three schools. Pupils are re-, quested to gather at the old school- •"•Ja house Monday morning, to get aei quainted with their teachers and) certain the location of tbe various rooms. "IMPANEL A JURY," Said the court of public opinion. The Jury was quickly impaneled, the case tried aud the Jury's verdict was that any one wanting a square meal and »3 good bed would better call anA~Mft Brdpby at the R. R. RestaurantfeS^iCS Llntonitca at Loaf Ldn. Messrs. Fulm«r, Bell, Gau, try, Hogue, Hag*, Wm. J^ne*fFred!ivi Petrie, Sr., and WalbeeJtatrieipi^iip. at Long Lake,Juutlq^Keieeeyiii|olB|' chickens, mosquitoes, wet' clous appetites, eta«tB^ UHfi 3