Newspaper Page Text
K" &k y* f* rint publication, MOT.V-Laft,Sw1 ((•tin of Final Homut—4 PiMl. bnOnioM ItfOTICE IB HEBEBY® X^l following-named settler of -si* Intention toniki pioof Inaupport of hi* elk iW, proof will **,m»de before S•A Ms N. at I1U1 office ln Linton, N. D., on Sal uiday, December 10, 1004, Tit.: MABTIN XIPP. For tlx eait half of nortbeut quarter and cut half of soutbeaat quarter of septlon -•. 10, township 131 north, rauRe 77 WMt Of FlfthF.M. Re names the following wltneues to pro*# hla continuous .residence upit ana cultiva tion of aaMland. vlt.: Johannes Zacher. of Linton, N, D. Rasper HurKiid Sr.', oftStrasburic. n. D. Joseph Kelllit. of Strasiium, N. II. Tallin Jakob, of Linton, N. D. Nthe |C M. II. JEWELL, Register. First publication. Nev. 4— Last. Dee. #. Notice of Final tlomMtoatf Proof LAND Orricx AT I followInK' $*- BISMABCK.^. D., Oct. «, MM. VTOTICF, 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE li followlnK-named settler has filed notice proof In su^ of his {mention- to make Anal pr port of his claim, and that said nroof be made beft re O. Kowerdlnk. Judge an' Ex-Officio Clerk of the County Court of Em mons county, N. D.. at his oflco In Linton N. on Dec. 12. lutM. Tic.: KONKAU llllBER, For the E. of 8. W. and 8. of 9. E. of«8ec. *8, Twp. 128 N.,BRe74 W. of 5th P. U. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upor and cultiva tion of.'bald land, viz.: Jacob Kutsclike. of Zeeland, N. D. I'lilllpp'l'felfur, of-Zeeland. N. I. Jacob jnvber, of Z.ii'lund,'N. It. Jacob Oulisncr,ot Zei'lMud.N. M. U. JEWELL. Register. First Publication, Nov. 4—Last, Dec. #. Notice of Commutatlna Float Home stead1 Pruof. LAND OFFICEAT BISMARCK. N. D., I Oct. 27. UM. NfollowlnK-named OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE settler has filed notice of her Intention to make Anal commutation proof In support of her claim, and that said proof twill bo made before Peter G. Books, Clerk of District Court, at Linton, N.D., on December 10. luOi viz.: KATHAUINA THOMAS, formerly Katharlna Senger, For the Bi'K of N.^E. and 8. W. of N. ft a mid N. W. nf S E.(iul Sec. St, Twp. liil N..lige. 73. W. of Sill I'. M. Sliu names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of Mild land, viz.: Kusper Kraft, of Sirnsburg. N. D. Franz .laner. if Slrasburg. N. D. Anton l(els,of StrashurK. N. I. l'eler Keller, of Slrasliurg. N. II. NOTICE M. 11. JEWELL. Register. First publication. Nov. VS.—Last. llec 30. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LAND OFFICK AT BISMARCK. N. D. Nov. IB. MM. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlnK-iiaaiert settler has filed notice of Ills intention to make-commutation Inal proof In support, of Ills claim, mid that said proof will be unide before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Ofliee at llisniitrck. N. D., 8.1U05. viz.: on Tuesday, January HOMER STODDARD. For the nori lieust quarter or Sec 10, Twp. 133 N.. line. 7(1 \V. of 5th P. M. He nutnes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culttva tlon of (mid land, viz.: William Jones, of Linton. N. D. J. 1. Weltsi'of Linton, N. D. A. Weiltherby. of Linton, N. D. Wallace Kyes, of Lluton. N. D. SI. 11. JEWELL. Register First publication. Nov.4—Last, Pec. 0. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BIKMIRCK, N. D., October 1!). 1004. J^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .THAT tire of her Intention to ihake final proof In support of ller claim. and that said proof Will'be made-before C. Kowerdlnk. Judge Snd Kx Oflti'ln Clerk of the County Court of Emmons comity, al his office In Llntou, N D., on Dec. 12. l'.iOl, viz.: I.EOKADU ENGEL, formerly I.eokatllit Braun, For lots I) 2. 3 and 4 of Sec. 4. Twp. 130 N Kge. 77 W. of 5th P. M. She mimes the following witnesses to prove hercoiiilnuous residence upon and cultlva tlon of said land, viz.: Jucob.Kopp, of Slrasliurg, N. D. Mlcbiiet liraun. of tiiratburg. N. D. Anton Kerk-. £irasiurgi,N. D. Engellier Meier, of Strasburg. N. D. M. II. JEWELL.Register. First publication, Nov, 4—Last, Dee, t. itice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ I Oct. 31, l!N)4. OTICE IS a & HEREBY GIVEN THAT followliiK named settler lias filed no. tlceof Ills lnientioii to make Hnal com mutation proof in support of -his claim, and that said proof will be made before Peter G. Bpoks, Clerk of District, Court, at Ills office at Llntou, N. D., on December 10.1001. viz. HARVEY S.COLSON. For the 8. E. f4 of Section SO, Twp. 134 N. Range 76 W. of 5tli P. H. |Ie name? tlie'following witnesses to orave hlx Continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said Ikbd. viz L. H:Koon.Of llazellon. N. D. Frank On limeyer. of llazelton, N. D. •s Lcvl^Clitipiniiii. of llazelton, N. D. Alfred'Mlckelson, of l.inton, N. 1). M. JEWELL, Register, WANTl U—Industrious man or woman as pernianent representative of big manufac turing company. lo'liHik after Its business In tlilHCoiibiy :inl :i(IJoiiilnir territory. Bust nesS ku ri ssfnl anil esMlillshed. fealary •"JO weekly=Hnd expenses. Salaiy paid weekly from In ui'e il ie. Expense money advanced. Experience es-ential. Enclose .self-ad dressed envelope, oeneral Manager. Como Block.. Chicago. decS3 Pint publication, Dec. 0—Last, Jan. is. ^.Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAKD Orricx AT BISMABCK, N. D„) Nor. 11. KM. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH*. XI followlng-nanied settler bat Sled notice of hla Intention to make flnal proof In tnp ort of hla claim, and that said proof will made'tiefore Peter O. Hooks, Cleric of .strict Court of Emmons county. N. D., at hi*: office In Linton, N. D., on Jan. IS, IMS, ANDREAS FEIST, For the W. of N. E. and N. of 8. E. toftBec.13., Twp. ISSN., Kge. 74 W.of 5tk nis coiiMnnous residence upon and cultlra tlda of saldl aud.Tlz.: Aaton^Bellmann, of Hague. N. D. nidasat-Vetier, of Hague, N. D. Jacob'Keller. of Hague. N. fe* Belnrleb Klein, of ifiagoe. N. O. M. U. JEW ELL, Register. L. IplMt^^ilcation Noiv. 11—Last. Dec. t. Notice of Conttat. DCPABTMIKTOFTtlElKTEIIIOm, 0 KITED STACKS LAKU OmCI. I'• HlSMABCK. N.H., Oct. XSi USA. A "8TIFFJCIENT I ONTE8T AFFIDAVIT Ahavltigjibeent oBce tqr Mas homestead en» a iM«. for of iB. E.1 of Sec. b7 u- ln wlilch It Orosan, con- IH alleged on Information belief that said frank D,. Qrogan bad lr ahsndoned.the said lsnd afia failed a I a a [ted l«* und liss changed ma MaUekc* from for more than six tDontbs^aa still continues lu exl*t..'AI U|A ue to je lojrment In.U. ttf appear. l.uw:or. itmeofwar. Kald parties are berebr ofar sfl- 5f touclilng sair allegatton -at N ocloek l)ecemter%llM. be(ore the Register iihow^Satfafter ..1-Service 6f™this J- It Is bereby orderad MM te gtv«gitl)y'^» 5 LK TOWN AMD/ OUT. ®t. Salic Oysun at Coonen'# Meat S- Btal oblaa ftom IS e4nts up at S Smite's. ,(etc„ freshly 9* Fancy cookies, etc. baked, at Obermeler's. .."Austrian cbioaw«ire for sale at iowerdink'g jewelry store. Buytbe old reliable Wilton Coal. Sold by Daootah Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bowse were over from the Hampton country yesterday. Leather collar-boxes, music- baits, card-cases, albums, etc., at Miss Smith's. John McOrory and Andrew Tunt land were up from southern Emmons, Tuesday. A very enjoyable dancing party took place at the Linton House last Satur day evening. Mr. Dunham, of the Dacotah Lum ber Company, was in Linton a day or two last week. Hand- painted buttons, silver smoklng-sets, silver crumb-trays, etc., at Miss Smith's. tr if you want to borrow mn.icy on your farm, the Linton Stute Bunk will lend it to vou. Harry Umber and Simon Fetterle, of Glanuvon. were in town Monday. Harry's broken leg Is getting along nicely. Comrade Southwlck Is spending the winter with his son-ln-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mis. Byron Swaru, in Burleigh county. Comrade C. H. JSdick was in town over night, Wednesday, returning from a visit to his son and danghter in-law in Eureka. J* Books of every kind at Miss Smith's. Five-cent series, children's linen bonks, leather covered, and the latest publications. Edward Braddock went to Bismarck this week to attend the meeting of the penitentiary board. KVE very thing in the line of Christ mas goods at Miss Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. John Dyk, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Uiesheuvel and John Pool were up from the Westtieid neighbor hood, Tuesday. Harry Tallada returned last Mon day from Crookston, Minn., where he has lelatives. and Where be has been slopping since last M&y. State Supt- Stock well reached Lin ton Thursday afternoon of last week, and in the evening, in the court-house, delivered a very interesting lecture. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wescott, formerly of Winona, are in Linlou. Ed, has Just visited Hunter's Hot Springs, in Montana, and is in much better health than, formerly. We publish the conclusion of our herd-law article this week. Better cut out the parts given last week and this week and lay them away for fu ture reference. Dr. Grant returned Wednesday even ing from Haselton, where he had been caring for Dr. Snyder's practice during the tatter's visit to the 'Si. Louis fair. Isaac Honstain, of Minneapolis, son of Capt. E. E. Honstain, is in Linton ona ouhliies8 visit. The captain in tends to make a visit to Minneapolis soon. The M. E. quarterly meeting will be held in the church at Linton, Thursday, Dec. 15tb, at 7:30 p. m. The new presiding elder. Dr. S. A. Dan ford, of Fargo, will preach, at the meeting. Auditor Herolz visited Steele offl cialiy last week. The law makes it the duty of the county auditors or the various counties in each senatorial district of the state to meet at the county seat of the senior county and canvass the vote cast for legislative nominees. In a letter from young Jacob Woll mann, subscribing for the Record, the young man, under date of Fort Wright, Wash., says: '*1 am working at Fort Wright no very good. Thegrass is getting greener every day. There is no rain or cold Just a little foggy in the morning.". The cattle case of Gussner vs. Hawkos, which has been In the courts several years, and which went to the supreme court from this county, has been acted on by the higher court. Judge Winchester's decision was re versed and the case sent back for further proceedings in the lower court. If any one wishes extra copiesof the Record at any time, and will notify us not later than Wednesday even ing, be can always get them. Other wise, it is possible that we will not be able to furnish them. The price is 5c per copy, 25c ror half a dozen copies printed on nice, soft paper. A vile Long pre, of the Hazel ton neighborhood, was bruuifht to Linton one day last week,-charged by his wife with unparliamentary conduct. He agreed to do better, also paid a small sum of money—126, we understand— and promised to keep away from Mrs. Longpre. Billy Irwin started out Wednesday with a paper on which any one who wanted to subscribe for stock in a new town-ball buildipg could put down his name. In ahort time M00 had been subscribed. "It seems that the new ball is "go," as the few hundred dol lars yet needed will undoubtedly be subscribed. 6 Herman Herols Is very well pleased with his, yield of brome grass this year. He liad eight acres of it. It yielded 600 pounds (30 bushels) to the acre. Be sold the seed to Oscar Will, the Jttsmarck seedsman. After the crop wus cut for the seed, Mr. Herolz cut It a second time, getting a toh of Kood bay to the acre One of Bmmnns county's early set tiers, J. A. Robinson, who returned several years siro to reside at bis •former home in Canada, was in town over niKht, Wedoodiy, en route to Glanavon to visit his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.€. O. Putnam. Mr. Boblnson is aistonisbed by the evl deftce of progres* seen every where in Kmmons countr. W. E. WelU, the Hague real-estate boomer, was in Lluton last Friday, aocomponied to. Belmer Dtilve, or Sprliiir VMlley, Wi*-, who has taken a line In Uigan cobaiy. Mr. and Mrs. Wells twvegoce east to spend the winter. JW will ratnrn their home In fliwrMneit MrtiHt. Mr. W. believes UU|0iMMlj$A Just beglnnln* •jfSm tlntes, and that the t/Mrf^two tlme will IMK* WEDDED. Marriage of One of Llnton'e Popu lar Young Couples. On Tuesday, Nov. 29,10M, in Lin ton, Judge Kowerdlnk performed the ceremony that united in marriage Mr. Frederick William Kyes and Miss Mary Marshall Lee, both of Linton. Master Harry Petrie acted as the Srldesmaid. roomsman and Miss Birdie Lee as The groom is a popular young man of this ftmmunlty. Everybody knows the Jolly, kind-hearted Fred, and he hasn't an enemy in the county—that Is, ir such he lias, said enemy has nev er disclosed his identity. Fred is a brother of Mrs. W. E. Petric and of Wallace Kyes. Fred and Wallace are doubly related, their wives belni? sis ters. The bride Is one of Emmons coun ty's best girls. She Is good and kind with every one. Shu is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Lfie,.of the Lln tou Hotel, old and respected settlers of Emmons county. Slic grew to womanhood here. She wad an ailec tlonate and helpful daughter: slio will be a loyal and devoted wife. Every one likes her and every one is her well-wisher. The Reourd voices the sentiments of the entire community whcn lt ex tends to these pleasant young people a wish that they may have a limg and'1 happy life and a prosperous one. B2TA new 'lot of ribbons, waist, and dress goods, trimmings and fancy-work material at MIss Smith's. THE Fargo Forum had so much money in its safe, recently, that the? foundations of the building tfave~"way and had to be repaired. ONE thing Pat Lyons did that's good, but we had forgotten it we looked over some documents thft othei'day. In 1891—before lie reformed —he wasa life insuiance agent., and lie honswoggled us into insuring our valuable life for the sum of $1,000. and in six years Lite policy 'II come due, with a total of about $1,500 to come lo us. If ifhadu't been for the hypRoiic blandishments of l.lie oily-Longued Patrick, we wouldn't. have done it, and the money paid as an annual premium would have gone for.—bread —long ago. Tally one for P. J. AT AWCTION Live Stock, Household Qoods, Bug gies, Harnesses, Etc. Saturday, 2«0'@lQck P. M. At the Residence of Mrs. JOHN F. CEIL LINTON, NOR. DAK. tyfhe very best cigars for the price at Obermeler's. Kid body and dolls at Miss Smith's. indestructible 3 go Ask for numbers on C8~ Christmas goods of all kinds at Miss Smith's. the large doll. School Report. Report of the intermediate depart ment of the. Linton public school for the month ending October 30,1004. Number on roll 25 Average daily attendance. 21 Half-days absent 52 Cases of tard ness 8 Perfect in attendance Eva Schlangen, Leah Menrlelowltz, Anna Coon, Peter V. Shier, i Mabel Coon, ", Georgie Welker, Genevieve Braddock, Ethel Seeley, Clemens Kelseli, N Frank Meier, EMMA STTRKING, Teacher. 19" See the trains that run, climb ing monkeys, millers and brownies, at Miss Smith's. FREE CONCERT .y By the Linton Cornet Band,' at the Court-Hoiuse, Wednesday^ Even Ing, Bee. 14, 1904, at.8 Q'Clock. PROGRAM. CLINT O. SMITH, DIRECTOR. Part I. t. March—"W hoa, Bill" (Characteristic)— Hurry Von Tilzer. S. Medley Overture "Down the Missis sippi' 3. Watzes—"Dsueno Scductor" 4. Marsh—'"Humorist" AROUND THE Laurens, Rosas, Barnliouse. a I I 5. "Smoke Up, Honey" iHag Masty"..., Deivllle. 6. Idyl—"Mill in the Forest"....'.. ... 7. Saxaphone Solo—"Dreams" Dr. Claude O. Smith. 8. "On the Levee" llail. Everybody .(^rdiiilly 11 I ted. THB BAND BOYS. ... Legislative Proceedings. The coining session of the legislature promises to be an exceedingly interest ing one, and, beyond the election of a United Stales senator, the voters will .desire to keep posted regarding all proposed laws or changes in present laws, and how the members stand On nil questions. The Daily Tribune of Bismarck will have special reporters in each house and in the lobby, and readers of that paper-will get all the news--more than can possibly be ob-^ tallied elsewhere. The paper will be sent from now until the end of the session for 91. It costs no more to be gin now than later on. Send orders to The TribUlie, Bismarck, N. D., or to the publisher of the Emmons County Record, Linton. Si4l- COUNTY. Hague. Correspondence of the Record. iDec.3. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hank visited Linton a cou pie of days last week. G. Haak and P. Nieuwsma recently marketed a carload of cattle in St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. John Bake~r spent Thanksgiving with relatives, north of Hague. -r Mrs. Jlohn Mack recently returned from a visit at the old libme in South Dakpta. The young people of Hull enjoyed a party at-the^Kome of P. Jlleiiwsma last Tliufsdiipeveii ng. Wm.'j|<byl arrived recently from Jhe^las^aiid will spend tiie wlnter with hla-brother, Bev. M. Bottbyl. paan Is suffering wltfr a sore arm, the result of a sliver in one of his Angers. Martin and John Van Soest ~pa through-Hull Tuesday with a bunch Of cattle which they arc going to win ter for J. Pollock. B. Mcenderinck add' wife left last week for a sojourn of a mon.'b 'U' six weeks on the Pacific const. and Mrs, Peter Van Soest havec Ct. of Mr. Meenderinck's interests mlI •••lie''* Ing the absence of the former. OOOASIOl:**,. Hazelton. Correspondence of tUo Record. [Dec. 5 Attorney Armstrong returned day from a trip to St. Loulr^and the fair. ., 1 Joe \y|rtb, Braddock's meat-market man, is another Emnjons county resi dent vvho has returned from trtp to St. Louis. Editor Thurston, of the Republican returned Saturday morning from St Louis, where lie has been hobnobbing willi Hie elite of tile Exposition City. John Peterson, I-Iazelton's genial "village blacksmith," who has been visiting for the past few weeks in Chicago and the Twin Cities, has re turned home. He reports a pleasant trip. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Snyder are at home again, and both speak or having thoroughly enjoyed' themselves at the fair in fact, "Joc" and Bert admit that-they "never had such a time in their, life." Fred ^Mitchell's funeral occured Fri day afternoon, A large number of neighbors and friends followed the re mains to their last, resting-place in the new cemetery, adjoining Hazelton 011 the west. Some of our young people enjoyed themselves'- Friday evening at dance practice In Klabunde's hall. Agent l'rayitz's Victor phonograph fur nished the music, which was excel lent. Chits. B. Allen acted as in structor to those who desired to learn how to dance. Thursday morning of last week red den t.s of llazellon were greeted wilh the lirst snow of the season, and, if we are so fori unute as lo be greeted at some time in the near future with a more generous .supply, sleigh-riding, with the customary accompaniment, of .sleigh-bells—and other belles—will be a popular pastime. Emmons county people who have recently returned .from eastern trips say that they have been in many east ern towns with far greater pretensions than iliizellon- which Were not nearly, as' progressive as our little town. Speaking of beir.g up-lo-date, many of them cannot boast, for instance, of an excellent telephone system such as we have at Hazelton. During the coming session of the legislature, in our humble judgment, it. would be advisable for our law makers to pass a law which would have'a tendency to restrict the num ber of careless Nlmrods who now roam through the woods, fields and valleys at will. In the good old state of Maine the requirements of. the 4aw are so severe that hunters look be I ore shoo ting, "instead of doing as hunters in the Northwest are continually do ing: shooting^-and afterward looking —when a probably fatal shot has been tired and a fellovv-iiuiiter, sent to his last resting-place.. Saturday Afternoon funeral services, conducted by Rev. John Lnmau, were held at the Hazelton school-house over the remains of Louis Sieber, who died at St. Alexius hospital, in Bis marck, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1904, at 1 p. 111. The young man came to Em mons county from Zumbrota Falls, Minn.,.about twoyearsagoand settled 011 a claim in Buchanan valley. He was born at Wabasha, Minn., 22 years ago, and up to the tiiiie of his recent illness had never known what it was to he sick in faet. lie had never been sick a day in his life, and was the pic ture or health and strength. Early last week he complained of not feeling well, and 111 Wednesday of the same, week decided to go with Ills brother to Bismarck and. submit to an opera tion for rupture but, after a consulta tion of phys'icians whom he had re quested to ti,ike chiirge of his case, he was informed that they would operate upon him if-such Was his desire, but that, they could not promise favorable results because of his neglecting to consult them sooner. Mr. Sieber was a bright young with a pleasing disposition, and had .made many iriends since coming to Eminons coun ty, who will sympathize with his brothers Henry, Fred, William and Gus. The jasl-nained brother has a claim adjoining that of the deceased in Buchanan valley, and lie, too, has made many i'rieiids since his arrival. DAUBY DOLAN. I3PI1 ighejst cash pr Cocaien's Meat Market. Ice for hides at GiTAI]' Icihdsof fresh and pics at Obermeler's. Eilenberg L3TI am now prepared to do dress making and sewing of all kinds. First door west of the First. Bank (if Linton. novlS] JULIA KNUTSON. IS^The Lintfin elevator, at Liiiton is now lu (Bazar ipi/r.ition, Whoat and other grains purchased. It will htvouraiin to rlo husiiress in.such a way as will Jgiye eijlire sat isfacl ion to oiii patrons LINTOX'BAZAR. COUNTY TREASURERS NOTICE. Rates of Taxation and Time of Pay* menti^ TFIEASIIKE^'S OPPICE, I EMMONS COPKTY. N. D. Tli Tiix I.lsiK fo ilii iir n' W in my hun'1', inv ih- t. foi KaKt ycar aiv^dne and pay able at. the ofl*ce of Couii'y TreHsur ». Tlic -ie-. :of axatiiin for all general- pur poses and the amomns raised for ench spe clllc iiur|]osolaM«» follows: Purpose of Lev^. 87.721)18 State .KevenUo \.-. State Interest... 214 71 State S.-liooM..8147 01 Stutc lioml SliiklnR fund. 1,IU8 XI Stale Wolf Houiity........ 129 38 County General ..... .w. 18,811 40 I Kc hool Histrictj.-.i.... 4W II8 .--- its os htitfsburg t^^ilUiHtrldt. S&B 4S lidcbanan 8cboOl'UI^&l<^ MB 40 Total .V..'.. .V^«5tf,7».87l?f qnent become eQ-jeat--old«on of TonyCoin mm S-sSrvf-.1 ::1 It ls:i£i$t$£c[Chat, onor^lwutNew Year, Me.«r$. ^atters^nabd Schweltfr er will begin tte^bllcatifon of a Ger man paper. During the rush of wofk Just-before election a letter received from our old friend, Pat, now residing at Riviere qui Barrel Alta, Canada, was mislaid, and has just been found. Ip his letter Mr. Kinsella, among other things, says: "Inclosed find $2 to pay for the Record, I have been a very busy man since I came here—making up for lost lime, you know. This, I 1iave no doubt, will, in time, be oneof the finest farming countries on the continent.- At present, 11 ke^all new Countries, it has itsdrawbacks. There is lots of boom. Edmonton is a' very progressive town, and wise-heads say that it will be a rival of Wihnlpeg in the near future. I am mtch interest ed In the result:of your elections tbis fall, as in our own—especially as regards yourself, Charley Coventry, and my good old .friend,^Major Pitts." City Uray Line. If you want light, or heavy hauling done, notify me and I will'do the work promptly andat reasonable rates. Or ders left, personally at or. given by tel ephone to Brophyjs Restaurant will receive prompt att.eiijE.iori. ». BAKER. B3T The First Bank of Lini.'in, Lin ton, N. D., has real-estate money to loan on good farm lands, three to five yeurs. '.. M. B1NTTS, t\. TONSORTAI. ARTIST,- 1\ •••Mi IiTNTON, NORTH DAKOTA. ^"Carries a compliilatJUtae of Standard, Cjitars. W. WELSH, I'll YSIOlAN^VNnSDKflEON. Sfe BKA Dock. N, D, Special attention, paid to diseases of Eye, 'Etr.- Nose and TlirOat. Nlght-cnlls ah swereii from nflioe. OIHco, ana Drug Store opposite postoilice, CHARLES S. IjAJSTE, Attorney at Law, Practices in all courts, United States Commissioner. LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA A GOOD WELL .•Is necessary- to every farm and ranch, and there Is no more desirable, no qlean ,,, er and no more durable welt than drilled well. »l¥ rnitl AK AVi:i.i.S, either two inches or three inches in diameter, will give you an abundance of good, pure water. We can drill to any ordinary depth. Will furnish pipe, pump and wind-mill. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Write me what you want.' NELS B. ANDERSON, cf, Braddock, Nor. Dak. First publication, pec. 2—Last, Jan. 6 -Summons. STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA, Plaintiff's A.ttorney, Linton. N. D. Dated No.v..y. 1904 Klrst publication,' Dec. 9— Liist. Jan. 18. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LA.ND OFFICE AT NOTICE LANU 'ry-'i* )SA COUNTY OT ICMMONS. In Dlstrlufc-Uourt: Sixth Judicial District,. Nellie Smith, plaintiff, vs.' Arthur Smith, defendant -The istate of North Dakota to the above named yauswerdefendant: A KE IlEltfcBY SUMMONED TO the complaint, in the, above-enti tled action, of which it c*py Is filed witll the Clerk ot Di&trict Court at Linton, N. I, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complalnt-on the subscriber at his office in lyinton. N. l) in said county and state, within thirty da.vs after tlie service of this summons nixm yon, exclusive of the day of such service .and, in case'of -your^fallure to. appear or. answer. Judgment wlii be taken auuinst .vou by default for the relief-de mauded iu-tlie complaint: GEO. AV. LYNN. BISMARCK. N. D., IS HEREBY GIVES THA^THB follo\yiii(jr: named settler, has.llled'notlce of his intemlou. to matte homestead Bria proof iu support of Ills claim, and-that mid proof will ue made before Pel er G. Hooks. Clerk of I'isLi-iiit, Court of .Em'mohs county, N. D., at his ollice in Linton, o. D..on Jan 13,1803, viz.:. I'ETEK B. SCHWEITZER, For the S. of N. W. M, 8r\V.H of N. E."« mid N. \V K/ot S. W: of" Sec. 34, Twp 181 N.. UaiiBOTB W. of 5th F.M. He names the following wltnesses to prove bis continuous resiUeiice upon lind cuftlva' tlon of-Kaid laud, viz.: Jos. li". Baumgartuur. of Strasburs^ N. D. AntoiiON. Baumgarluer, of jilrasburK, N. O. tiUdwlK Matliii ii, (if StrasburK,-N. U. Weudellii HiauiisKel, of Stiasburg, N. D. Rl. U. JEWELL. Heiilster. First publication, Dec. 0—Last. Jan. 13. (Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS NOTICE bread, cakes ItiflMAiiCK, N D., I Dec. 2.1904. is KEKEBY-GIVEN THAT TQE fallowliijj -i)umed setUer has filed notice of Ills Intent ion to 111 like Jlnal suppoit of- Ills claim, "and that 'said proof will be uit of- Ills claim, "and that 'said proof E£ be made beloie Kowerdlnk, Judge E: lix Ollirlo Olei'k .of the COunt.v''Court mjioiisC(.unty,Nrl|.at hisoUiceln Lin- J1 and lix of Enimoiis ton, K. I)., on iui..Mf.M05, viz. -a na -c, M.1 C.LL A EL ..SI3 li AF^]E.L^ For' the mirtiienst quarler of. Mectloff £8, toV»iishlpl33 N-.-range W W^of'Sth P. M. He naints tlie fillfwlifg witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: .•: .. Charles Carley, uf Linton. N. !).' Pclor J^ Witr.uiayor. of Llirton N. I) lieim.'in liHCliliaus,.()f Lliiton. N: D. /Wallace E.-l'ctrlo, of Llntou, N. 'D. -M. U. JEWELL. Ueslster. 1'irst publication, l)ecr9—LasW Jan. 13: Notice of Final Homestead Proof. OFKICE AT 3.0 1 1 .6 .8 O.-i Jk* .4 /.4' .7 1.1 4.*1I31)I Coun 8'..lmol...i..f-i .County SinklnK County Interebt f^8D2 County Boad........^ .... 1.5&i<88 Comity Bridge SMtta School Poll. 1.518 00 Koad Poll 1.8x4 00 Gopher Destruction:...-.." i.00g.00 Bnrr Oak Scbool IJlutHcf: LIDS 63 Gaytou Scliofol IMstrlci. ,. 1*103 63 Ayiiioiia Sclidol pliitrlcfc .. 98H 32 .Olaliavon Sdliool iilStrlCt. 7M VVInclieBtSr ScMOoTlJIsir.i. 8.W# WllliumspoA.Schoolllit 4.0U6-4S 7...-•. Cherry GrovfiSchniil Dlst. 1.770 69 I.ojtiin 8Chor| Dhltrlct.^.. iMBM Odemta Sclitfot Ulstrlet. Sgt tt Uakker Schg6IOI»trl6t...'1,03J Se .0 j»:3 is i: 0.8 111 l'LO 15.8, 08 7.9, i&i&t&sSi UISMAUCK, N. U.'I Dec. 1,11104: vr OTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN THAtTHE fol lowiiig-jiametTsettler lias llled notlce of hSr"lji(itiil.iir to fiTake tfftliJtSr's teldow tin at prixifliiSSuIiPott^df'irerclWmiand' that said proof-will*te mude'ibefora .Peier zu G. Uonlcs, Clerk of Disitrlcr Court' of Einmons coUiiiyTiSr l) '. fit lils ofilce ln Rlnton, Nri).i 011' January lii. iitOfl. vlz .SAltAlI.E. BUCK, For tlie northwest quarter qf section 14, townshl lit IN .1 range 78AVi-0r 5th H. M. She numes t.iid follojjrlHgTyltiiesses to provo hercoiitinuous-reiLidon'ce-uttop and cultiva tion of said landi"vlZj L. fi. Wentlii'Vby, oftlnjon. N. l'eler lUassett, of Llnton, N. l. A. W. hlmd. ot Linton, N.. I^ ?-hfS, E. E. Martin, of LlntonV N. -f 1 D. H. .TEWELL. Heglstor, ', First publication Dec: 9—Last,',lalj. 18. Notice of f^inal HOinestead Proof. LAXV OFFICE AT HfsuABOK, N. D., Nov. ll.ltiof. \TOTICE 18 UEBJEBY, GTYJIN THAT^ X^t the -foIlowIug-named soHler has.-nlep uotlce of lila intention to make^: final proof' In- supfiort ^Ofvbls cialmj/SjCA that said proof will be made l^ftaftBJKter O. "voks. cieik of uistriw CoagSpr Etumons nnty,^. 1). at his offlce ln-yUftiton, U., Uooks. Ciei of Ulstrliit Coft^^'Etumons •if county,.^. 1). at Jils offlco ln.aUftiton, ,fj onKrlduy,January. 13, lilOj, viz.! JOSEPH GEFBOH.'U rh B* VSr the S. W. a of ftfc.«, Twp. 181' 8. "7«W.of6tbf. M. Be nspaesjthii follotrlite witnosMe^toproT* bls.CunUnuonsKeiddoneeuponandcamT*- tfiuteL oji^Bxeter, M. Viitemt bohhoaltfe bf Uirateir, II S. I i. ssatf!f •W0 Dealer in -^Gendffftl Korchandise^* I JONES BRO's, a*4# iwa Careful attentioni SEVEN XSABT BZPBBIEMOB. y* BATIWAOTION QtTAmWTMU. rs- DAKOTA. Goods sold at ihe lowest possible percentage of profits Butter and Eggs purchased. Our -New Store in the above-named City is now ready for Business, an#'the Patronage Of the Public is respectfully solicited. We. shall at all times carry a Full stoclc of SWhich we will sell for cash at the LOWEST PRIG W.L. YEATER & CO. and Boys' Clothing ever brought to EmUDn's county. A lio, a large Postoilice Bolldlnr, LINTON, K. CKs- Xfcii .. DEALBB8 IN Clothing, Cents' Fnntishing Goods, Etc. .HIST .ItECEI VED—One of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Men's 5 B9.) Illl/l DlkWU* lllatt llluM AMMM kuiu^Lt" .... il'.. .1 II IB selected slock of SHOES. Before buying.come In aud see 'our Goods, as ive liiiow. we can show you tome bargains, We keep a full line ot Halsr Caps, 81 Cor*"""'1 lcigars "f 1 ... Jewelry, Motions. C'bnfectiouery. aud Tobacco.- One Price to all. a PA 1 NTS. OILS, VARNISHES. BBtSHES, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY WALL PAPEB. ETC., kept in stock. W Mull Orders carefully and promptly attendid to. Your patronase is i^pectfotlysollcited. nOME. VISITORS NORTHERN PACIFIC IOWA, -iw -V? tPg-i E NOVEMBER MISSOURI TIO.KBTS F. Jl. BYRNE, Mat' ^SSS liiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii IliUlillllllli IF YOU WANT FRESH GOODS AT FAIR PRICES^ —^GALLON comfort of griieAte W)B QOO0HOIB ^IflMtlUiif. JTTT II IKII well- Give us a call. ceps ah hand aiarfje and care ful+y select cd stbcl» Of goods. J. F. SNYDER, Hazelton* N. D. S ILLINOIS 'S*' DEOEMBEB ,p 31st N. DAK.- a llilllillilillllll RIm DBALES 1ST GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA. iil| mm?* a 3 5 be" mimm O. BIUTH. DKHTajf. LINTON WMPIdlli jfATgaiugjE