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»!i MM ftffi £*2 yu HsKSI $$ I 0 I fr jMlt-jm.- iMlf-J«lr. Hi. JM,. .Ht- .m. -A. Jtl. y. WWwlWvwW^nPwWTpW*^ BIG STOCK 2 JONES BROS. tJUSTstock PRINCE IMPERIAL W. B. r* prloeat 5 ,v ^K" 4^k. ^^?C",S V-" -JUST RECEIVED AT- CHRIST. WOLFERS STORE !Hf\ZBLTON! Our New Store in the above-named City is now ready for Business, and the Patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of General Merchandise Which we. will sell for cash at the LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICE. W. L. YEATER & CO. GOODS DryGoods, Hats, Shoes, Suits, Etc. I A Fine Stock of Garden Seeds Pf\NORf\MIG YEbLOWSTONE Pf^RK A beautiful picture in colors, showing a panoramic view of the Yellowstone National Park, its mountains a:ul streams and natural wonders. of "Wonderland' ready for mailing, for :J5 cents in stamps. "Wonderland, 1905," for Six Cents. 40: ^Registered Percheron Stallion 'Will stand for the season of 1905 on Mondays and Tuesdays at the farm of Gottlieb Schatz and the remain der of the week- at the barn of Wal lace Kyes in Linton. sf Terms to insure a mare with foal, $10.00. Care will be taken to avoid accidents but we .will not be respons "lbie should such happen. & SIMS, Owners. LEE,AKTIN Manager. 9°I have just recived a large stock of Millinery of all kinds, consisting of ready-to-wear hats, dress hats, flowers, Vails, etc. Please call and exatrtlne my goods ^.before purchasing. No troubleix) Blibw goods. Mrs. R. G. opposite, Methodist Church. The most striking picture ever published. 38x42 inches, packed "Lewis and Clark" Booklet for Four Cents. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Aent, ST. PAUL. c.°- SMITH. the DENTIST LINTON. NOU. DAK. A COOP WELL Is neccssarv to every farm and ranch, and there Is no more desirable, no clean cr and no more durable well than drilled well. MY TVBl'LAII WK 1.1.8, either two inches or three Inches ln'dlameter, will give you an abondanco of gbod, pure water. Wo can drill .to any ordinary depth. Will furnish pipe, pump and wind-mill. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Write me what you want. NELS P. ANDERSON, Braddock Nor. Dak. ROWEBDINK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELELL. 1 LLTEPAIBINO A SPECIALTY.' LINTON. NOB. DAK. TUBULAR WELLS. SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GITA RANTEED. AGENT FOR GOODQCE WINDMILLS. FRANCIS JA8ZKOWIAK. No 421 Twelfth Street, Bismarck. D. N.' Get your job-printing done at the Record office.' New presses, new type, as good a country plant as there is on the Missouri Slope. BST If you want to borrow mnnej on your farm, the Linton State Bant will lend it to you. ~f "Mr office ill Linton,'N: v., viz.: I $ Postofllcc Buildlni,', LINTON, N. DEALERS IN S Clothing, Gents' Furnishing' Goods, Etc. RECEIVED—One of tho Largest and Most Con. pic to Stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing over brought to Emmons county. Also, a largo and well* selected of bUOES. Before buying, come in and see our Goods, AS WO know wo can show you some bargains, We keep a full line of Hats. Caps, U£ Jewelry, Notions, Confectionery. Cigars and Tobacco. Jj W One Price to all. Civeusacall. 41 Ntho .... £k« VS2! S1®1 Si t2w tS'|« && |e Hirer fipaariitr RECEIVED TI1E OLD MEDAL AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION It took twenty-five years to find out that Typeivriters were built upside down. The Oliver Typewriter is built right side up where the writing is in, plain sight of the operator. Handsomely illustrated Art Catalogue mailed free for the ashing. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., No- .'{.'3 Hennepin Avenue, 11 I POL1S, MINN. r"W—T~ Um^iM£aJL on unc Hi, IMS, BALDASER VETTEB. For W. of 8. E. nnd E. of 8. W. M. II. JEWELL, Register. First publication, May 10.-Last, June 23. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ I April 18,1005. O I E I S E E I E N A following-named settler lias filed no tlco of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will ho made beforo Clias. 8. Lane, United States Commissioner, at Ills ofllce in Linton, N. D., on Juue 27. 1005. viz.: KASPER BUBOAD. For N. '/, of N. W. {, 8. W. of -N. W. and N. W. of 8. W. 4 of Sec. 12, Twp. 181 N., ltge. 77 W. of Fifth P. M. 11c names the following witnesses to prove ills continuous rcsldonco upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Jakob Biokcr, of Linton, N. D. Valentino Jakob, Strasburg. N. D. Johannes Zaclier, of Strasburg, N. D. Joseph Burgad, of Strasburg. N. D. NOTICE MICHAEL BURGAD. For S. W. of 8. E. £$8 H, E. of 8. V/. Ho names the following witnesses to prove ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud*, viz.: Charles Renscliler, of Emmonsburg, N. Jamos King, of Emmonsburg, N. D. John Johnson* Sr., of Emmonsburg, N. D. William Macnlder, of Emmonsburg. N. D, Alexam M. II. JEWELL, Register First publication, May 19—Last, Juno 23. Foreclosure Sale. Notico Is hereby given that that certain mado. executed and delivered by cr l'arkhurst, mortgagor, to Edwin D. wescott, mortgagee, dated the 6th April. 1801. and lllea for record In the of tho register of deeds of the county of Emmons aud state of North Dakota, on the 22d day of September, 1894, and recorded In book 5 or mortgages, on page 393, and which mortgage was by the said mortgagee assigned to Geo. W. Lynn on the 13th da' 11105, will bo'foreclosed by" a "safe °of' "tYe premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at tho front door of the court* house In Linton, in the connty of Emmons and state of North Dakota, at the hour of o'clock p. m. on the first day of July, 1005, to satisfy the amount due upou such mortgage on the day of sale. Tho premises described In such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: ihe east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty- oue and the northeast quarter of northwest quater and lot two, of section twenty-eight, all in township one hundred thirty north, of range serenty-nlue west of the Fifth P. M. There will be due on such mortgage at the day of sale the sum of one hundred fifty dollars and seventy-eight cents ($150.78). Dated this 15th day of May, 1U05, GEO. W. LYNN, assignee. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1904, Ocial of the condition and affuirs of the Commer Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of Lon don, organised under the lawn ot Great Britain, m&de to ihe Commissioner of insurance ot (he state of Norili Dakota, in pursuance of the laws oJ.saiil itUCe. Managei«~A. H. Wray. 1'«'.V.0.'I¥"' U. S.—Cor. Pino and Willlams StKrWow York, Y. Attorney lor Service In the Stat* of North Dakota: Name-Commissioner of Iiiaumnoe. Lochtlon—Bismarck, N. l. Organized or Incorporated—September 28,1861. Commenced Business in U. S.—January, 1871. Assets. Value of real estate owned by the company $ 888,148 60 LoHtih on buuds and monicaae*.... 115,000 00 United States stocks and bonds 547.M0 00 Kuilrnud bunds mill stocks S-O^DOO 00 State, city, county a nil other bonds 30(,75iJ 00 Other corporation stocks 1.000 00 Cash on hand uud in bunk 686.020 71 Interim due and accrued .. 1,652 50 Premiums In course of collection and transmission 677,437 84 Bills receivable, not matured, taken for hie and marine 0,560 42 Rents due and accrued 10,774 Si All other sums due the company 10,460 48 Unadmitted Assets..^':.. ... All other liabilities. S 5,336.672 86 14,929 80 4, Total assets Liabilities. 8 5,321,743 10 Gross claims for losses adjusted and unpaid $ 63,004 51 Gross claims for losses upon which no action has been taken...... 347,254 50 Losses resisted by the company 31,100 00 Total gross amount of "claims for losses (440,090 01 Deduct re-insurance and salvage claims thereon 40,730 34 Net amount of unpaid losses.... Auiouiil of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks Due f*r commissions and brok erage Total liabilities. $ 8.7KUSS7 M. Receipts. Premiums received durtug the year In cash... I 4,675,147 88 Interest aud dividends received during the year Renti reeeived during the year.... Amount received from all other "7""""^ W^IP ---wp' W\ T&J o. Sec. 0, In Twp. 129 N. of ltgo. 74 W. of 0th Pf M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon *nd cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Andrelas Fclszt. of Hague, N. D. Jakob Schneider, of Haguo, N. D. Valentino Miller, of Hague, N. D. Ludwlg Schmaltz, of Haguo, N. D. and W-M? H. W. Wuf Soc.12, Twp. 181 N.. ltge. 77 W. of Fifth P. M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Jakob ltiekor. of Linton. N. D. Valentino Jakob, of Strasburg. N~. D. Johannes Zacher, of Strasburg. N. D. Joseph Burgad, of Strasburg, N. D. First publication, May 19—Last, June 23. Notice of Commutation Final Home* stead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N, D„ I April 7, 1905. Nfollowir"?- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE named settler has filed notice of her liitLntlon to make commutation final proof In support of herclalm, and that said proof will be made before I'eter G. Rooks, Clerk of District Court, at his office In Lin ton, N. D., on June 28,1905, viz.: CHRISTINA RIEDLINGER. 1'ormorly CHRISTINA SCHAFFER, For W. of N. E. hi, S. E. of N. W. H, N. E. !i of 8. W. and N. W. '4 of 8. E. of Sec. 24, Twp. 13i N., Rge. 74 W. of Fifth P. M. Sho names the following witnesses to prove her continuous rcsldenco upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Gottlieb Naasz, of Linton, N. D. Gottlieb Bechtle, of Linton, N. D. Charles B. Carley, of Linton, N. D. John Wlttmayer, of Linton, N. D. M. EWELL. Register. First publication. May 10—Last, Juno 23. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LAND OFFICK AT BISMARCK. N. D. I May 6.1905. MOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a.} following-named settler has filed notice of his inteutlon to make commutation final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of tho United States Laud Office at Bismarck. N. L)., on June 27.1005, viz.: CHARLES F,. P1NGREE. Emmonsburg, N. D. (H. E. 25712), For lots S, 3 and 4. SAC. 2, Twp. 132 N., Rge. 79 W. of 5th P.M. A Total risks a TotaiyPro *1'03I,S30 the year. a am of losses rn M. II. JE A'ELL. Begister. First publication, May ID—Last, June23. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. [.AND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., April 18,1905. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT lliu following-named sottler lias filed no tice of Ills Intontlon to make final proof In support of Ills claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo Clias. S Lano, United States CommUsloner, at Ills ofllce In Linton, N. IJ., on June 27, 11105, viz.: Now, Therefore. I, E. C. Cooper, Commis sioner of Insurance of tho state of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named company is fully empowered, through Its authorized ngents, to transact Its appropriate business or fire Insurance In this state according to laws thereof, until the 31st day of December, A. I). 1905. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bismarck, this 9th day of February A. D. 1905. E. U. COOPER, I SEAL! Commissioner of Insurance. By A. ROLLING, Deputy. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending Dec. 31,1904, Otlnental the condition and affairs of tho Con Insurance Company, of New York, organized under the laws of the State of New York, made to the Commis sioner of Insurance of the State ot North Dakota, in pursuance of tho laws of said state. President—Henry Evans. Vice Presidents—E. Lannlng aud E. Kline. Secretaries—J. E. Lopez and E. L. Bal lard. Principal Office—46 Cedar street, New York, N. Y. Attorney for 8erivcc in the State ot Wortli Dakota: Name—Commissioner ot Insurance. Location—Bismarck. Organized or Incorporated—November, 1852. Commenced Uusineps—January, 1853. Capital. Amount of capital BIOUIE paid up In full 1,000,000 00 Assets. Valuo of roal estate owned by the company 1,113.000 P0 Loans on bonds and mortgages 28,900 00 Railroad bonds and stocks 8,611,115 00 State, oily, county and other bonds 035.000 00 Bank stocks 020,500 00 Other corporation stocks 1,208.250 00 Cwh on Hand and In bank 764,442 67 Interest due and accrued 94,495 65 Premiums in course of collection and traiismimion 856,575 05 Bills receivable, not matured. taken for fire risks .... 10,165 08 Rents due and accrued 709 87 Unadmitted assets $ 6,343 88 Total assets 14.543.153 32 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses upon which no ac tion has been takeu.$ 447,265 60 Losses resisted by tho company 51,284 00 Total itro«s amount of claims for loafte»f 498,540 06 Deduct reinsur ance andsulvage claims thereon.. 88,004 61 Net amount or unpaid losses $ 410,545 05 Amount of uneiiriiecfe premiums on all outstanding risks 5,903,813 83 Due tor commissions aud brok erage 153,948 39 fiWs-n. S' T' North Dakota, Buslncssi a 00 ,220'935 mlums re the year. Total loss a I 13,364 03 30 00 18.394 03 aid dur year. 10 00 17,158 53 17,148 63 8TATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. I OFFICE or COMMISSIONER or INSURANCE, I, E. 0. Cooper, Commissioner of Insurance of the stato of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true abstract of tho original statement now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I have herouato set my hand and affixed the seal of this ofllce at Bismarck, this 20th day of April. A. 1905. E C. COOPER, Commissioner of Insurance. ROLLING, Deputy. STATE OF NORTH DA KOTA, I OrriCE or COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE, COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. Whereas. Tho Commercial Union Assur ance Co., Ltd.. of London, a corporation or ganized under tho laws of Great Britain, has filed In this office a sworn statement exhibit ing Its condition and business for the year ending December 81,1904.conformable the requirements of the laws of this stato regu lating the business of Insurance, and. Whereas. The said company has filed In this office a duly certified copy of Its char ter, with certificate of organization. In com pliance with the requirement ot the Insur ance laws aforesaid. S 0,468.806 77 318, la5 02 Total liabilities 6,786,491 79 Receipts. Premiums received during the year In cash S 5,906,807 17 Interest and dividends received during the year. 515,905 33 Bents received during the year 71,02110 Total receipts Disbursements. I 6,507,733 79 Losses paid duriag the year I Dividends paid during the sear Paid for commissions xud broker age Paid for salaries, fees and other charges Paid for taxes Amount of all otiier disbursement* 3,678,868 70 360,075 00 1,298,495 24 450,604 20 16..643 97 370,150 05 Total dleburneinents S 6.315,327 16 North Dakota Business. Total risks taken during the year. $ 1,130,258 00 Total premiums received during the year 83,756 87 Total louses paid during the ear. 14,205 21 Total amount of losses incurred during the year. 12,454 50 STATE OIT NORTH DAKOTA. OrrioB or COMMISSIONER or INSURANCE. .'I, C. Cooper, Commissioner ol Insurance ot the-Sjttte of North Dakota, .do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now. on file in this office. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the seal of thin ufiice at Bismarck, this 29th day of April, A. D. 1905. E C. COOPER, [''iy. ... Commissioner of Insurance. A. ROLLING, Deputy. STATE OK NORTH DAKOTA. OrncE or CoMMitjSl&NaR or INSURANCE, OtMtFANY'S CEHTlflCATE OF AUTHORITY. Whersiius The Continental Insurance Com pany, ot New York,acprporatlou.orgamed un der the laws of New York, hits Uldd HI this office a sworn statement exhibiting, itsjodndilion and business for the year ending December 31,1904, the requirements of the laws of this state' regulating the business of In surance and. ance with the requlremonfof the Insurance a a a Now. Therefore. I, E C.Cooper,Commission er of Insurnnoe of the tlaie 'uf Nortu Dakota, {lereby lursuant to the provisions '.Of said*', .laws do certify that the abov^-riamed company Is fully empowered, through 1U authorised agents, 10 transact Its appropriate business of fire, llgbtnlnf? and tornado lusuranee in this state according to laws thereof, until the81st day ol December. A. II., 1905. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set mt a band and ileal at Bismarck, this 25tb day of Jai uary A .1). 1905. E. C. COOPER. fasALl By A. RO Commissioner of Insurauc.. LLING, Deputy. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending pec. 31, 1904, OInsurance/Company, 8 400,288 67 the condition and affairs of the Citizens of .Missouri, organ ised uuder the laws of the statu of Missouri, u«de to the Commissioner of insurance or the slate of North Dakota, in pursuance.jof the laws of said state. President—8ol. E. Waggoner. SBF 3.346,881 00 Louis'Mo'-" 9I®C.0—Cent 91,817 82 8.1 •'staa 54449 88 68.2SW 86 385,984 84 Total receipts. 5,10,041 81 7 ldent—Given Campbells .: —John H. Oarr. lry BIdg., St. Atlorney-for tiervlce In the State of North Dakotat^.. Name—Commissioner of Insurance. Location—Bismarck. Organicedor Incorporated—1887. Commenced Builnes*—1837.,, Capital. lr,. Amount of Capital Stock paid up rowned 200,000 00 BtS. by tne company. Loans on bonds and iportgsges Railroad bonds and^sto.'kM..„u... Cash on band and In bank............. Premiums in courae of colltctlon .: 244,700 00 -*r» I .-^ ?, orth Da. ubbins D-SUPPLEMI "TR Aggegate 00 31.852,465 00 88,956 25 1,504 02 40,460 27 Premiums received during the Interest* and dividends received the year A. ROLLING, Deputy. wmH 718.6SS69 7,517 44 5,71# 27 Total g. amount of claims for louses. $ 150,405 05 Deduct re-Insurance and salvage claims thereon 110,84* 83 Net amount of unpaid losses 39,563 12 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 332,498 18 WJ Illy Total liabilities Receipts. 372,061 80 year In cash 471,73918 Iterest* A-nri HIvlHonHo nw«I vari during Total Receipts 8 496,762 71 Disbursements. D°fre P*ld during the year $ 385,792 83 raid for commissions and broker 85,575 95 Paid for salaries, fees and other charges 87.826 16 Paid for taxes 16.721" Amountof all other disbursements 87.402 Total disbursements $ 513,818 88 North Dakota Business. Total risks taken during the year 315,439 00 Total |,remtuma received during 'he year 6,503 85 Total losses Incurred during the y«ar. 1,504 58 Total amount of losses paid during the year 1,894 58 8TATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, I OFFICE or COMMISSIONER or INSURANCE I. E.C Cooper. Commissioner of Insurance of the state ot North Dakota, do horeby certify that the foregoing Is a true abstract of the original statement now on file In this office. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this of ?ce at Bismarck, the 29th day ot April, A. D. «*». —Jt. C. COOPER, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. OFFICE or COMMISSIONER or INSURANCE S COMPANIES' CKRTiriCATE Of AUTHORITY. Whereas, the Citizens Insur tnce Company, of Missouri, a corporation organized under the laws of Missouri, has filed In this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and btislness for the year ending December 81.1U04, conform able to the requirements of the laws ot this state regulating the busi ness of Insurance: and Whereas, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its char te with certificate of organization, in com pliance with the requirements of the Insur ance laws aforesaid. Mow. Therefore, I. E. C. Cooper, Commis sioner ot Insurance of the state- of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby, certify that the above named companyJaAOly empowered, through Its authorized agents, to transact Its appro priate business of fire and tornado lnsur ance in this state according to laws thereof, until the 31st day of December, A. D. 1905. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and seal at Bismarck, this «7th day of January A. D. 1905. E. C. COOPER. (SEAI,) Commissioner of Insurance. By. A ROLLING, Deputy. ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1904, Of the condition and affuirs of «tiie North Dakota Mutual Fire Ins. Co.. of Valley City, organized under the laws of the state of North Dakota, mado to the Commissioner of Insurance of the state of North Dakota, In pursuance of the laws of said State. President—0.0. Hougeu. Vice President—K. 8. Ramsett. Secretary—Chas. ES. Berg. Principal Office—Valley City, N. D. A North Dakota-™'00 lc sut0 of Name—Commissioner ot Insurance. Location—Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated—March 10,1903. Commenced business-October 6,1903. I. BALANCE SHEET. Amount of Net or In vested Assets I'RCem ber 31st of previous year $ 6,386 08 II. INCOME DURING YEAR 1901. Gross amount received during the year from business written In 1901, iucluding notes and c»sh. 130,4S2 59 Deduct gross amount of premiums in course of collection at this date.. 2,397 87 Entire premlumscollect ed during the year 28,0.11 72 Deduct reinsurance, re bate, abatement and return premiums 1,126 40 Net amount actual ly re ceived for premiums... Interest on other dis counts, etc 18 86 From all other sources. vlz.:(ltemlse Profit and Loss Account) Com missions. Services, Etc. 820 29 To al Income during the „year.... 27,776 47 Total footings 34,142 50 III. DISBURSEMENTS DURING YEAR. Gross amount paid for losses (lncludlngt617.82 occurring In previous years) Deduct amount received from reinsurance In other companies, 85.26.. Net amount paid during .1 4,785 63 the year for lones... Paid policyholders for luterest or dividends, -84.302.67 for 3 months scrip or certificates of profits Total paid policyholders during tne year, not including amount paid for losses 4,802 67 Commissions or broker age to agents 464 39 Salaries and allowances to agents 3.81S 58 Salaries, fees and all oth er charges, officers, 82,100 clerks. 1663.30.... 2.766 80 Losses on sales or ma turity of ledger assets, other disbursements, vlfe 1,887 81 a during the year........ 18,010 88 Balance... 16,122 62 IV. NON-INVESTED ASSETS. Premiums due 8 2,807 87 .office furniture and fix tures.. Market value ot bonds and (stocks over costs.. Total risks taken during the^ear., 1,203,228 00 TotpCbremlums received dnrtug the .year, in eluding reinsurance, BMfes 80.452 80 TMal losses Incurred .vv" .during the year 4,785 68 Total umouut of IOSSBB paid during the year.. 7,718 00 STATE JOP NORTH DAKOTA. OFFICE OF CQMMISUONEB or INSURANCE. I.E. O.Cooper, Commissioner ot Insurance ot the state of North Dakota, do hereby certify that llie foregoing Is a true sbstraet of Ihe original statement now ou file In this office! Ill testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this otHoe at Bis marck, this xBth day of April, A. D. 1905. £roof 450 00. 2,847 87 Gross Assets......: 18,970 49 V. LEDGER ASSETS. Cash deposited In Amer ican National Bank. Valley City, N. D., 84, 906 98 8 4,906 98 Bills receivable, *2,897.87 2,397 87 Premium Notes 10,889 61 Total 18.194 46 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. E. C. COOPER, [•••y Commissioner of Insurance. A. ROLLING, Deputy. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. OFNCK or COMMISSION za or IMSORAECE. COMPANY'S CEBT1F1CATB OF AUTHORITY. Whereas, The North Dakota Mutual Fire Insurance Company, ot Valley City, a cor poration organized uuder the laws of North Da kota, has filed in this office sworn statement exhibiting its condition and business tor the ear ending December 81. 1904, conformable to the requirement* of the laws of this state regulat ing the business of Insurance, and. Whereas. The said company has filed In this Office a duly certified copy of Its charter, with certificate organisation, III oomplianee with the requirement of the Insurance laws aforesnld.* How, Therefore, J. E. C. Co tper. Commissioner oflnsuntnoa of the state 01 NorthDakota, pur suant to the provision* of sakl laws, do hereby certify that the above-named ooinpany Is tally empowered, through Its authorised agents, to transact its appropriate business of fire insur ance In this state aeoordlog to laws thereof, un til the 81st day of December, A, D. 190}. In testimony wiiereot, I have hereunto set my hand and seal vt Bismarck, this 1st day of Peb rfrtry, A. im? E. G. COOPER, [SKAUJ Commisstoaer of Insurance. By A. SOLLING. Deputy. trrapFgrn »tfWOTWTOtw«tOTm»mHHtTTTrmtT1IHff A y.-j RIGHT NOW! TO-DAY is the time to have u's show you the best quality pf Build ing Materials at the right prices. Because we have five hundred lineal feet of shed 1 room, and can keep nearly all of our complete stock under cover. The place where you will be treated right wheth er you come once a year or forty* eleven times a day is the I zx»zz»xzxx First publication. May 10—Last. June 23. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., PHOENIX LUMBER" @0.' Do Yon Want to Cross the River? If you de, take the Gasoline Ferryboat CANNON BALL Which at all times carries Passengers, Stock and Teams between Gay ton and Cannon Ball ep-No Indian Reservation to crostr, and you will get prompt and Reliable Ferry Service. My boat is new and roomy. It Is 71 feet long, 14 feet wide, and carries 32 tons. Duly Inspected and accepted by the United States Inspector. Good landings, chutes and corrals for loading stock. May 8. 1905. "VroTlCE IS nEREBY GIVEN THAT THE -L^l following-named sottler has filed notice States Commissioner, at his office In Linton, N. D., on June 27,1005. viz.: ALEXANDER KEL5CH, For the S. of 8. W. and 8. a of S. E. W of Sec. 22. Twp. 133 N.. Rge. 74 W. of 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Wendelln Horner, of Dakem, N. D. Ignatz Bosch, of Dakem, N. D. Johannes Goldade. ot Dakem. N. D. Edward Braddock, of Linton. N. D. M, H.JEWELL, Register. First publication, May 19—Last, June 23. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., I May 8,1005. "VTOTICE IS SEREBY GIVEN THAT THE -Li following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make homestead Itnal proof In support of his claim, and that said will be made before Charles 8. ane. United States Commissioner, at his office in Linton, N. D., on Juno 27, 1905, viz.: FRIDRICH J. KOLSCH. For W. of N. W. '4 and W. of S. W. of Sec^ 84, Twp. 133 N.. Rge. 74 W. of Fifth He names the following wltneses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Wendelln Horner, of Dakem. N. D. Ignatz Bosch, of Dakem, N. D. Johannes Goldade, of Dakem, N. D. Edward Braddock, of Linton. N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. Wanted—Sealed Bids. he School Doard of Odessa School District. No. 0. Emmons county, N. D., desire seined, bids from the stato banks of Emmons county 44 years commencing Jttly 1,19i.5. Each bid must be accompanied by a bond for 81,000 signed by three freeholders of the county. 1 Bids to be sont to Joseph Schmaltz, Exeter. N. D., and marked on envelope, "Proposals for School Mouey." The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ^Byorder of the Board ot Odessa School District. Exeter, N. D., April 26,1005. JOSEPH SCHMALTZ, Clerk. First Publication. May 26—Last, June 30. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D„ I NOTICE May 18.1905. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his inteutlon to make final proof In sui nort of his claim, and that said proof wL. made before P. G. Rooks, Clerk of Dls LEACH, Proprietor. iup wfil Dis trict Court'of Emmcns county. N. D., at his office In Linton, N. D., on June 28,1005, viz.: VALENTINE ENGEL. For the W. W of S. W. and W. of N. W. «of Sec. 12, Twp. 131 N., Rge. 76 W. of Fifth P.\M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Sebastian Bauman, of Strasburg, N. D. Adam Kraft, of Strasburg, N. D. Johannes tvenlnger. of Strasburg, N. D. Joseph Laulnger. of Strasburg. N D. M. H. JEWELL.Register. Bargains this week in suits and coats at Miss Smith's. Beiors You Purchase Any Other Wrl{«- NEW hom: sewinq machink commit ORANOC, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to tell regard less of qUa!:ty. but the Voir Home" is mads to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We.make Sewing Msehlnes to suit all condition! of the'fride. The Hew Heme** stands at the bead of d) Ulffta-cmde family sewing maehhM autborla«d dealeiiealy, /on uti WF W. |B. Petrie, Linton, N. D. First publication, May 12—Last, May 26. Citation Hearing Petition Appoint ment of Administrator. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA I COUNTY OF EMMONS. In County Court: Before Hon. 0. Rowerdlnk, Judge. In the Matter ot the Estate ot Elmira Col burn. deceased. Enoch J. Colburn, petitioner, vs. Clara E. Uuss. ll, Frank J. ColUBrn and Ellen E. Patch, respondents Citation hearing petition for appolutment ot administra tor. The state of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons In terested In the estate ot Elmira Colbtirn, aud each of you* are hereby notified tnat hnpch J.Colburn. the petltiouer herela* has filed in this court his petition, praying that letters of administration upon the es tate1 of Elmbra Colburn, 1 of the town of Hoi I Is. in tile county of Hlllsboro and state of New HaiiipsUire, deceased, be granted to Johu F. Philbrick, and that the said petition wil| be heard und duly considered by this court on Friday, the lttth day of June, A. D. 1905. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court-rooms of this court. In the town of Linton, county of Emmons and state of North Dakota and you, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear before this cpurt at said time and place aud answer said petition, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be grituted. By the Court. C. ROWERDINK, LSEAI.I Judge ot the County Court. Dated the 8th day of May, A. D., 1905. LOUIS NAPOLEON Percheron Stallion OTTO DIDSZUNEIT, Owner Will stand during the season of 1905 at Strasburg Fridays and Saturdays all other days at mv farm, seven miles east tif Linton, where I have a large pasture, with plenty of spring water. ID which mares left for service will be kept. Terms—To insure a mare with foal, $10. In case a mare Is removed or is about to be removed from the county the service fee becomes at once due and payable. ,, The weight of this horse May 2, just as he was taken from the car at Strasburg, after a trip from Iowa, was 1837 pounds, LOUIS NAPOLEON is dapple gray In color. Following is a copy of the otQciul record giving his PEDIGREE: The American Pa. aoaiation.—CertlflC certify that the^: NAPOLEON Is Stud-Book Of nav McLaughlin Bros.' ,. that his recorded nfi UJ OB1IWJQDUE WffDM ing to M. Bellesort JOHN PETERSON, Blacksmith and Woodworker, HAZELTON, NORTH DAKOTA. I hereby respectfully inform the public that I am how preparaAto do work in -toy line, and will earnwtly en Ueavor to Batisfy those who glVe me their patronage baked,at I# •vY, OI'-FIL'-'. 1 Hone Breeder*' At 1lgiee.~This to stallion LOU18 Perche iron in tb«i i^he property of nnbas, Ohio, and .s 25884. Color and Pedigree—Foaled VOlnexV. 9668(15702) he he by Bansqnnet belong- n, «•. onnKiun. Dam Nellie Bly 12468. by Augustrt 4406(2340) he by Brilliant (71% he by Brilliant 1890 (766): he by Coco II (7I4i 'he by Vleux-Ohaslin (Jll)!^betoCoS, 'm h™Ky f"5)i iie by Jean le Blanc (780). 8econd dam Brazette (2310), by Madere (1386 he' by brilliant 1— [7141 he by Vleux __ y'Sl he by M|gnon (716l:' ho' bv Tfean le ffari dam Ju:ia, belonglng to frertljf,