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&<£* rr & I is II WW fc3 0 ®s I ffi §jg •la .P- I Fj .0": $• & '••!*-'. r« iK" /A -riVs».. Northern Pacilic to the Northern Pacific to the Northern Pacilic direct to ^t"V9W*S £®SSSS«3 BIG STOCK OF SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT CHRIST. WOLFERS STORE DryGoods, Hats, Shoes, Suits, Etc. I A Fine Stock of Garden Seeds JfejMfejHfciMuMfc Jjflfc -rft, jtffc- -ite- ,#• H'ftt, ,Yfl|rr ,||%r Vfff- **, ,**- -yj*. -Jit- JONES BROS. fif\ZELTON! Our New Store in the above-named City is now ready for Business, and the Patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of General Merchandise YELLOWSTONE PARK Registered Percheron Stallion Will stand for the season of 1005 on Mondays and Tuesdays at the farm of Gottlieb Schatz and the remain der of the week at the. barn of Wal lace Kyes in Linton. Terms to insure a mare with foal, $10.00. Care will be taken to avoid accidents but we will not be respons ible should such happen. PORTLAND EXPOSITION PUGET-SOUND COUNTRY "The Comfort Route." "Every Mile an Education." Very Low Rates West BOOKLETS.—Four cents for Lewis and Clark Booklet "A," six cents for "Wonderland," to A. M. Cleland, G. P. A., St. Paul. F. M. Byrne, Agent, Linton, N. D. IB PRINCE IMPERIAL. c. MARTIN & SIMS, Owners. W. B. LEE, Manager. TMTANTED-BY CHICAGO MANUFACT »r urlng House, person of trustworthiness and somewhat-familiar with local territory as assistant In branch office. Salary $18.00: paid weekly. Permanent position. No In vestment required. Business established. Previous experience not essential to engag ing, Adch-es* Mansger Branches, 828 Dear- very best cigars fo atObermeler's. ""StMwkJs-fe Which we will sell for cash at the jj LOWEST POSSIBLE" PRICE.® W. L. YEATER & CO. O. SMITH. V--, f' PostofflceBu^Wing, DEALERS IN 7 Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. JUST liEOEIVED—Ono of tliu Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Men's und Bovs' Clothing over brought to Emmons county. Also, a 1 urge and well selected stock of SHOES. lleroro buying, como In und sco our Goods, as wo know wo can show you souio bargains, Wo keep a full line of Hats, Cups, Jewelry, Notions, Confcctlonory. Uigurs and Tobacco. One Price to all. Cive us a call. i§ IHnr fjpariter UECEIVEI) THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION It took twenty-five years to find out that Typewriters were built upside doivn. The Oliver Typewriter is built right side up where the writing is in plain sight, of the operator. Handsomely illustrated Art Catalogue mailed free for the asking. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., A'b- -io'l Hennepin Avenue, MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. gcTS DENTIST LINTON. NOB. DAK. A COOP WELL Is nccessarv to every farm and ranch, and there Is no more desirable, no clean' ur and no moro durable well than a drilled well. IV TVBV1.AU WEI.I.S, either two Inches or three Inches in diameter, will give you an abundance of good, pure water. We can drill to any ordinary depth. Will furnish pipe, pump and wind-mill. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Wrlto me what you want. NELS P. ANDERSON, Braddock Nor. Dak. ROWEKDINK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. LINTON. NOR. DAK. TUBULAR WELLS 8EVEN YEARS'EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AGENT FOB GOODHUE WINDMILLS. FRANCIS JABZKOWIAK. No 421 Twelfth Street. Bismarck. D. N. ty Get your job printing done the Becord office. New presses, nc~ type, as good a country plant as there is on the Missouri Slope. OT It you want to borrow mone on your farm, the Linton State Ban! will lend it to you.?: NOW SELLING AT Bitten by a Rattlesnake. Last Saturday the wife of James Zieser, the well-known stone-mason residing near lower Beaver creek, was bitten by a rattler. A couple of weeks ago she had killed a snake of the same species. So, when she saw this one, she went for it with a stick, pounding it severely but the snake made its escape and went into a hole. When her husband came home shortly afterward she told him of her adven ture, and he, taking a spade, went with her to the snake's place of refuge and began digging. After lie bad been at work awhile his wife stooped over to brush away some soil, when the snake, which had been con cealed by the soil, bit her finger. A tourniquet was improvised to keep as much as possible the blood of the finger and hand from going into the circulation, and about a pint of alco hol was given her. The finger was also plunged into water that was al most boiling. The arm swelled a bit, but not much, and Mrs. Zieser is now all right. Some say that the snake had exhausted most of its virulent secre tion while biting at the stick with which she had attacked him, this being the reason consequences were not more serious. We neglected to state that the snake was killed. Eureka. From the Blade, June 22,1905. Mrs. F. W. Boettcher, of Linton, was a passenger Boutli Saturday, en route to Aberdeen to visit with Miss Bert Mulvey a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hagg, of Linton, were in Eureka a few hours Tuesday, en route to their old home at Flan dreau, for a short visit. Mrs. Albert Junge and children, of Linton, were in Eureka, Tuesday the guest of Mrs. Adolph Koch. She was en route to Orton.ville, to visit rela tives. Mrs. E. F. Klitz came from Aber deen Saturday and was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and other. Eureka friends until Tuesday, when she went to her home at Hague. Miss Lillian Soper accompanied her and will be her guest for several days. John Is Out of Politics. Born,—Monday, June, 26, 1905, to Mr. and Mr&. John Postle. of Winona district, a daughter. Mother and daughter doing nicely. With five boys and no girls In the family, there is no doubt that the newcomer was cordially welcomed in the Postle fam ily. We are glad, also, that the spell has Qt length been broken. Zt was beginning to look as though the re publican majority in the county would be endangered—with five pros pective democratic voters in one family and further unlimited possi bilities. But then, perhaps, before the lads are old enough to vote, their mother will successfully strive to lead them from the error of their ways in a political sense. Shorthorn 1 Vf BOLL 1 LADIES' LOW=CUT KID BLUCHER TIE, NO TIP, CUBAN HEEL. REGULAR PRICE, $2.50. NOW SELLING AT 1.98 KID OXFORDS, PATENT TIP. REGULAR PRICE, 81.75. NOW SELLING AT ONE-STRAP SANDAL. REGULAR PRICE, 81.25. MISSES' KID TURN, THREE-STRAP SANDAL. REGULAR PRICE, 11.50. NOW SELLING AT.. CHILDREN'S "VICI" TWO'STRAP SANDAL, 75c. NOW SELLING AT 10 Per Cent Discount Bring Us Your Farm Produce for Sal*. Three year old red 15-16ths Dur ham. He is a choice animal and of my own breeding, B. J. Snots, Oun-23-30] plntoo, 9 p. Special Sale of Low-Cut Shoes Commencing July 1- July 6 A Whole Litter. LA MOURE, N. D., June 27.—This town was thrown into a panic when it became known that Mrs. Eugene E. Reiily had presented her husband with four babies—three girls and a boy—all of whom were alive and cry ing lustily at last accounts. The little' ones were perfectly formed and normal in every particu lar, and there is no reason to suppose that their chance of reaching matur ity is not equal to that of any young ster. It is confidently asserted that this record—four healthy babies at one birth—has never- been equaled hi North Dakota and has seldom been duplicated anywhere. Mrs. Reiily is 34 and is now the mother of ten children. For Sale—Bull. At the Bringhurst ranch, four miles west of Braddock, one registered shorthorn bull. If you want a good bull it will p«y you to come and-see him. Price, $75. D. H. YEATER. Notice of Inspection of N. P. Railway Notiice is hereby given that the Board of Railroad Commissioners of North Dakota will Inspect the line of the Northern Pact tic Rail way through Emmons county on the 15th day of July, 1905. The hour of arrival of the commis sioners' train can be learned of the station agent. All persons having petitions or com-1 plaints are requested to submit same I in duplicate. I C. S. DEISEM (President), C. C. HAMMOND, Secretary. Notice of Dissolution. '•m 1.28 90 1.13 .49 No Goods Charged at This Sale Except at Replar Price THE LINTON LEADER .v On All Other Lines of Shoes We Will Make a Discount of Ten Per Cent A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE 1 J. CHRISTIANSON, ERIC A. STAFNE. Commissioners. The undersigned hereby give notice that the copartnership heretofore ex isting between them under the name of "The Linton Construction Com pany" has been dissolved by mutual consent W E. Kelly retiring and his place being taken by Fay Harding. Notice is also hereby given that the new firm will collect all bills owing to and pay all indebtedness of the old firm. Linton, N. D., June 22,1905. W. E. KELLY. W. S. FULMER. Copartnership Notice. We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we* have formed a copart nership under Mie firm name or "The Linton Construction Company," W. E. Kelly disposimj^pfliis partnership interest to EajrHtfarding, and that said firm wUk^Tontinue to do business as contractors und\builders, with headquarters at Lintoo^N. D. Linton, N. D., June 22,1905. Uun23-']ul 14] W. S. FULMER. FAY HARDING. Estrayed—Horses—$35 Reward. One black mare 7 years old brand ed with a hat brand low downon lrlthi^vir^d l_ cut on front legs. One gray mare 98k 2 years old. One bay gelding colt: 2 years old. One bay maravolt yearling. One bay mrie colt yearling legs all white nearly whole front of bead white. $25 Reward, will be paid for in formation leading to tlieir recovery, or a proportionate amount for each animal. Apply to or address {JunSO-Jul 14] JOHN HAAK, Hull, N. D. Of"All kinds of fresh meatB m®. The NEWESTFASHIONS IN OXPORDS.DES.SANDALS We INVITE INSPECTION First publication June SO—Last Aug. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS BISMARCK, N. D., J, Nthe June 6,1905. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, following-named' settler has filed no tice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said Droof will be made before Chas. S. Lane, United States Commissioner, at his office In Linton, N. D., on August 17,1905. viz.: JACOB H. WITTMAYER, For lot 2, section 6, township 131 N., range I 77 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultlva tlon of said land, viz.: Gottlieb Naasz. of Linton, John JOHANNES WOHL. For the southeast quarter of section township 129 N., range 71 W. of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Christian Hirnlng. of Haguo, N. D. John Klepke, of Hague, N. D. Jakob Pfeifer. of Hague, N. D. Henry Wagner, of Hague, N. D. F* N. B. D. Wlttmayer, of Linton, N. D. Alexander Walter, of Linton. N. D. Johannes Naasz, of Linton. N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. First publication June 80—Last Aug. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAUD OFFICE AX BISMARCK, N. D., I Ke June 81,1905. \TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBI!. •Li followltig-named settler has llled notice of his intention to make final proof In sup- ort of his claim, and that1said proof will made before P. G. Rooks, Clerk of District Court of Emmons county. N. D, at his office in Linton, N. D., on August 16, 1905, vis.: M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication June 80—Last Aug. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS BISMARCK. N. D. Summons. for atrDlok Coonen's meat-miarket. sale OrttSKU* 1 June 14,1905. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of _intention to make homestead final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made befoie O. Rowerdlnk, Judge and Ex Officio Clerk of the County Court of Emmons County, N. D.. at his office in Lin ton, N. D., on August 16.1905, viz: KATHABINA WIPj'. For the S. of N. E. and the E. V% 7E8^Oof8kmhV0,Mtowri8lllp of S. 130 N'raQge She names the following witnesses to nreve herconttauous residence upon and cultiva' Sarah Wollmann, of Winona, N. D. Adeila Bachmeier, of Winona. N. D. Kelman Hendricks, of Winona, N: D. Jakob Volk, of Winona, N. D. M. JEWELL, Register. First publication June 30—Last Aug. 4, Summons. State of North Dakota, I County of Emmons, L. Lamb Lumber Company-(a Corporation), plaintiff, vs. A. O. Lewis, defendant. In District Court, Sixth Judicial District, The State of North Dakota to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to auswer the complaint in this action, herewith served, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclu ST.? 2 ?4' of service and. in case of ZXR .£4 "L1® "MJP011* or answer, judgment U.l.L5extoke"?«!4,,,,t sou by default forthe relief demanded In said complaint. Dated this 18th day of Mai^h, 1905. NELBLARSEN. V. SHERMAN, J~Plaintiff Attorneys, Kulm. fa. Dl To the above-namod defendant: pl***0 *»ke notice that the verl- Joseph Schwalllg, of Dale, N. D. fled complaint in the above-entitled action Egldl Muller. of Dale, N. D. ®}ea In the oiBse of the clerk uf the dls- I Joseph Bachmeler, of Dale, N. D. afe •i ptWWOTWW«1»HtOT«»»t»»TOt»«WtmWH» Sfcx z~£ What! Where! RIGHT NOW! TO-DAY is the time to have show you the best quality of Build- .,• ing Materials at the right prices. Because we have five hundred lineal feet of shed room, and can keep nearly alt of our complete stock under cover. The place where you will be treated right wheth eryou come once a year or- forty-. eleven times a day is the PHOENIX LUMBER 00, Do YonWanttoCrosstheRiver? If you do, takte the Gasoline Ferryboat First publication, June 28—Last, July 28 Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AX BISMARCK N. D., I 1 --imons county. North Da orth Dakota, tin the 20th NBLS [aABSEN, Church Annpuncements. Ereacblng at ii. E. church every Sunday at 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 11 a.' m. .Epworth League every Sunday at .7:15 p. «. Prayer meetlnge very Thursdayat 7:30 p. m. Bev. J. E. McKlnney, Pastor. Services at Episcopal church in' Lin* toO every first and third Wednesday After the first Sunday in each month. 1 V.O. SHERMAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Kulm, N. 1). May 27 1905 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has ttted notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Ohas. 3. Lane, United States Commis sioner, at his office in Linton, N. D., on July 31,1905, viz.: ELI AS NAGEL. For the E. hi of N. E. and E£ of S. E. of Sec. 12, Twp. 130 N., Rge. 78 W. of Fifth P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reshjence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Joseph Schwalllg, of Dale. N. D. Egidl Muller, of Dale. N. D. Joseph Bachmeler. of Dale. N. D. Jacob Wollmann, of Winona, N. D. M. H. WELL, Register. First publication, June 23—Last, July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., I May 27.1905. l\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE l.~ following-named settler has filed notlcc of his luientien to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said Droof will bo made before Chas. S. Lane, United 8tates Commissioner, at his offce In Linton N. on July 31,1905, viz.: :i-D., JAKOB HUTSCHKE. X, .. Forthe S. E. Mof CANNON BALL I May SO, 1905. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will oe made be fore be Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at Bismarck, N. D., on July 11, 1005, viz.: RAPHAEL VOLK, For the S. W. of N. E. H. Sec. 23, Twp. 129 N., Rge. -74 W. of Fifth P. M. I He names the following witnesses to prove 111 continuous residence upon und cultiva tion of salfl land. viz.: Johan Weber, of Zeeland, N. D. Johan Ochsner, of Zeeland, N. D. Phllipp Pfeifer. of Zeeland, N. D. Christian liirning, of Zeeland, N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, June 23—Last, July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D.,» May. 27,1905. Notice is hereby given thattbo following named settler has Bled notice of her lnten' tlon to make final .proof In claim, and that sail tore Chas. 8. Lane. sioner. at his office in Linton, N. D., on July 81,1905, viz. tal proof In support of her saldproof will be made be ine. United States Cominls- KATHARINA NAGEL. (Widow of Joseph Nagel, Deceased), For the W. of N.'E. and W. of 8. E. of Sec. 12, Twp. 130 N., Rge. 78 W. of 5th P. M. She names tho following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land. viz.: Jacob Wollmann, of Wluona,N. D. M. U. JEWELL, Register. Notice to Creditors, In-tbo matter of the estate of Elmlra Col burn, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, John F. PbllbrlcK. administrator of the es tate of Elmlra Colburn, late of the town of Hollls, In the coubty of Hlllsboroand state ir Hampshln deceased, to the credit ins having claims against of New ors of and al] said depM88_. .. necessary vouch Mbltthem, with the jrs, wltnin four months after the first put lcation of this notice, to said admlblstrat^. at his office In the city of Bismarcki-Nocni Dakota. Dated June IDTA. D. 1905. JOHN PU1LBR1CK, Administrator. AFlrsUubllcaUonon Which at all times carries Passengers, xX Stock and_ Teams between WM Gay ton and CannonBall§ tS^No Indian Reservation to cross, and you will get prompt and Reliable Ferry Service. My boat Is new and roomy. It is 71 feet long, 14 feet wide, and carries 33 tons. Duly Inspected and accepted uuf by the United States Inspector. Good landings, chutes and corrals £h\ for loading stock. 0(|^ J. C. LEACH, Proprietor. First Publication, June 8—Last, July 7. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LARD OFFICE AS BISMARCK, N. D., I 8. of N. W. George Nold, of Winona. N. D. FranK Volk. of Winona. N. D. Karl Wutschlck. of Winona. N. D. Jakob Volk, of Winona, N. D. 1 li and Lot 4, Sec. 4, Twp. 130 N.. Ego, 78 W. of 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: M. II. JEWELL, Register. First Publication, June 33—Last, July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS BISMIRCK, N. D., I May 27,1905. Notice is hereby given that the following uamed settler has filed notice of her inten tion to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Chus. S. Lane. United States Commis sioner. at his office In Linton, N. D., on July 31, 1905, viz: HELENA BIETZ, (Formerly Helena Kolsch), For the W. 'A of N. E. and W. V4 of S. E. Sec. 28, Twp. 132 N., Rge. 75 W. of 5th P. M. She names the following witnesses to prote her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: John Tumbach, of Dakem. N. D. Anton Horner, of Dakem. N. D, Rochus Vetsch, of Dakem. N. D. .1 akob Jangula, of Linton, N. D. thelSddayof June, June 14,1905. Notice is lioreby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore P. G. Rooks, Clerk of District Court of Emmons county, N. D., at Linton, N. D„ on July 30.1905. viz.: W1LHELM NAGEL, For the W. 'A of N. W. and W. of 8. W. li of Section 14, Township 131 N., Range 79 W. of Fifth P. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Jakob Munsch, of Winona. N. D. Jerry Conley. of Winona. N. D. Wllhelmlna Klaudt, of Winona, N. D. Georg Wolfer, of Winona, N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, June 23—Last. July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., Juno 13. 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his lnten-": tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Charles S. Lane. United States-Com missioner, at his office in Linton, N. D., on July 31,1905, viz.: JOSEPH E. MAHANEY, For the S. M. H. JEWELL, Register. 'A of N. E. ii li and the N. V4 of S. E. of 8cction 34. Towuship 132 N., Rango 78 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resld nee upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Roy Cur ley. of Linton, N. D. Gottlieb Nasz, of Linton. N. D. John T. Ramey.of Emmonsburg, N D. William Jones, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, June S3—Last, July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ I June. 14,1905. Notic -is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her inten tion to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore P. G. Rooks, Clerk of District Court of Emmons county, N. D.. at his office In Lin ton N. D„ on July 30.1905, viz.: WILHELMINA KLAUDT. For (he N. ys of N E. and N.'/» of N. W. of Sec. 10, Twp. 131 N., Rge. 79 W.of Fifth P. M. She names the following wltnessess to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Jakob Munich, of Winona, N. D. Jerry Conley, of Winona. N. D. Wlhelm Nagel, of Wl-ona. N. D. Johan Jenner, of Winona. N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, June 23—Last, July 28. .. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS BISMARCK, N. D„ May 80,1905 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Chas. S. Lane, U. S, Commissioner, at his office in Linton, N. D„ on July 29,1905. viz: GOTTLIEB LITTAIJ, For the 8. E. of Sec. 18, Twp. 133 N., Rge.i 76 W.of Fifth P.M. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tRn of said land, viz.: John Wenuiug, Linton. N. D. Johan Mostr. of Linton. N. D. Gabriel Richter, of Linton, N. D. Phllipp Pfeiffer, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. First publication, June «3—Last. July 28, .. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AS BISMARCK, N. D., I May 27,1905. Nfollowing-named OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before P. G. Rooks, Clerk of District Court of Emmons County. N. D.. at hisoffic viz.: Ice In Linton, N. IX, on July 30, 1905, .: STEFFAN WENINGER, For'the E. V% of S. W. M, N. W. of S. W. und°N. W. of S. E. of Section 15, Twp. 121)»., Rge. 74 W.of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Jakob Rutschke. of Hague, N. D. William Horning, of Hague, N. D. Sebastian Schmaltz of Hague, N. D. First publication. Juno 9—Last June 80. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of" Jed£H*ah Wescott, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Chas. Coventry, administrator of the estate of Jededlah W. Wescott, jate of the village of Linton, in the county- of Emmons and state of, Norbb Dakota, deceased, to the .creditors of. and all persons having claims against said deceased to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said: administrator, at the office of county superintendent of schools^ in the eoartV house, in the village of Linton, In said £m- Ju'ne 8, A. 1006. & j'-. V' §&£ A 1 tr*- $ •A us 4b is -"•V 4. WW First publication, .Tuue 23—Last, July 28. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D„ 1 his continuous residence upin and cuftlvA-. tlon of said land, viz.: Anton Volk, of Hague. N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. iSif S OHAS. OOVENTBY, Adminlstratorwlth Will Annexed, m. •••'•'. ••'•-...