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4 4 mm *&£* &% wt f' -. •asm kQ $v£ jfy'&fg!£ •y. "Hf JlS™* II ROWERDINK, «P*' jf ^v•vw *"v ts^v WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING TSBEOIALTY. LINTON. NOR. DAK. TUBULARWELLS. SEVEN YEARS1 EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AGENT FOR GOODHUE WINDMILLS. FRANCIS JASZKOWIAK. No 421 Twelfth Street. Bismarck. D. N: A COOP WELL Is necessary to every farm and rancli, and there is no more desirable, no clcan er and no more durable vrell than a drilled well. 1»Y TIIBUI..AU WE 1.1,8, either two Inches or three inches in diameter, will give you an abundance of good, pure water. We can drill to any ordinary depth. Will furnish pipe, pump and wind-mill. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Write me what you want. -JUST RECEIVED AT- CHRIST. WOLFERS STORE Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Suits, Etc. A Fine Stock of Garden Seeds JONES BROS. kMw \ro^an^how y^s'ome bargt3ns?e^VeD|feop a" fu1?0llncToP ITnlfi Jewelry, Nofons, OonfectloneryVglgars and TobaccS. W. YEATER & CO VISIB» •'It took twenty-five years to find out that Typewriters mere built upside down. The Oliver Typewriter is built right side up where the writing is in plain sight of the operator. Handsomely illustrated Art Catalogue mailed free fot the -askina. ., THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 332 Hennepin Avenue, ~L.'.' JOIN PETERSON, Blacksmith and Woodworker, HAZELTON' NORTH DAKOTA. 3 S I hereby respectfully inform the public that I am now prepared to do work in my line, and will earnestly en deavor* to satisfy those who give me their patronage. NELS P. ANDERSON, Braddock Nor. Dak. Treasurer's Report For Strasbure School District. No.iu, County of Emmons. State of North Dakota, for tlio year.l90t-1903. RECEIPTS. CMhon hand at beglnnlngof school ye»r, July 1.10M....M"5 7® Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the state tuition fund. Total amount received during the year from the apportionment of the county tuition fund 584 B8 Amountvrecelved during the year from taxes levied by the district school board, including outstand ing warrants redeemed or Indorsed In the collections taxes -Amount received during the year from sale of bonds.. '. 320 50 2,000 00 Total receipts for the year, lnclud lngcash on hand'July 1, lOOf.....? 4.703 73 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid during tho year for, school-nouscs. sltea and furniture} 8,49 90 Amount pald durlng the year for teachers' wages... ,.......• Amount paid durlng the year for senrices -and expenses of school offlcerSf.:.'....•••, :...... Amount, paid during the, year for incidental expenses t'ZBpn Vn rw^ OF SPRING GOODS Postofflce Building, LINTON, N. D. DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. 6ne Price to all. Cive us a call £& #eeeseee^eseeeeeees#^ee##l Our New Store in the above-named City is now readv Business, and the Patronage of the Public is respcctfulh' solicited. We shall at all times carry a Full stock of Which we will sell for cash at the LOWEST POSSIBLE) PRICE. 1 atSl Notice is hereby given that the following lias filed notlco of his inten- named settlor 1 tlon to make final proof in support of his claim^and that said proof will to made be fore P. G.Rooks. Clerk of District Court of EmmKaACo"l^ N. at lAs ornco In Lin ton, N. D., on Sept. 5,1003, via.: "WILLIAM J. MARfflHANT, For the E. W of. N. w. CnB~K. of Sescribed, 712 76 i* A. Caps' for Merchandise •11 rM §3w Ml IH-:CI-:IV F.nvrnr. OOLD MEDAL AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. c. O. SMITH. To JIfiirilir DENTIST w./ LINTON, NOU. DAK. First Publication, July 88-Last, Sept. 1. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ I .July 15,1005. S. W of Sec. 8, Twp. 132 N„ HgiyTfl \y. of 5th P. U. He names the following wltuosses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Albert H. Irvine, of Linton, N. D. Gustave A. Hcrolz. of Linton, N. D.v: S Ben Johnson, of Linton. N. D. '1 Darwin R. Streeter. of Linton. N. D. M. H.JEWELL, Register. First Publication, July 7—Last, Aug. 11. Foreclosure Sale. Notice is hereby given that that cortaln mortgage executed and delivered bv Fred erick Argast, mortgagor, to Fred Strauss, mortgagee, dated the 25d day of May, 1801, and filed for record in the office of the regis tor of deeds of Emmons county aud state of North Dakota on the 27th day of May, 1891, and recorded in book 4 of mortgages,on pacro 841, which mortgage was duly assigned by. the said mortgagee on t!ie 23d day of Febru ary, 190o, to Geo. W4 Lynn, the present own er thereof, will bo foreclosed by a sale of the' remlsos in sala mortgage and hereinafter at the frontVdoor .of the court house in Linton, in said Emmons county and state of North DatajliL at the fiour of a? o'clock^ p. m. on the 26thHay of August, 1905, to satisfy the' amount duo on such mortgage on the day of sale. Tho premises.described Tu such mortgage and which-will he sold to sat isfy the same are described as follows: The southwest quarter of section four, in town ship one hundred thirty-six north, of range seventy-five west of tlio Fifth Principal Me ridian. •_ Thera will be due on such mortgage at the date of salo the sum of five hundred fifty three dollars and eighty-seven cents ($553.87). Dated May 1£. 1905. GKO. W. I.YNH, Assignee. Treasurer's Repoft For Glanavon School District No. 4, Countyot Emmons, State of North Dakota, for the year 1904-1005 RECEIPTS. Cash on liaud at "beginning of- school year,.July 1,1904. ..- $ 535 77 Total amount, received during the yearfron the apportionment 'of the state tuition fund.. Total amount received during tlu year from the apportionment of, the county tuition fund Amount received during the yen from taxes loviedby tno district school board, Including outstaiul Ing warrantsredeem'dorimlors'(L in the collection of taxes.... Amount received'during tho year from other sources—money 5 turned by W. B. Andrus... 005 00 101 00 295 00 Total exMndltu^sfor-the year .- 3,750 90 Cwh onTHlMlJunoaO, 1905.......... 1,04277 ^liud'ioHSil, expenditures, aild cash oaTnand, to balance abovc^&fc toUlre»!pt,.j i.. iX^^^ ,i Treasurer ofStraSburg School Dlst.. No. 13 VTEMENT OF INDBBTHD I OF DISTRICT. dlstrlct^une 2,0001 ,1905. 0# 4'1 03 828 83 1 Jl Total receipts forthe year, Includ ing cash on hand July 1,1904... .$ 1.SU0- 42 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid during the year for teachers' wages. 410 00 Amount paid during the'year for-" A services and expenses of school.., ?a ottccrs... ,..,',-jiM00 Amount paid duringtlia yoat- for ln cldental expenses 116 71 Total expenditures for the year 1,134 71 Cash on hand June 30,1905 "»t '1 Graud total, expenditures. and s-tcasli ohhmd. to balance above Igtotal recelpts .^^ Treasurer Of G1 anavon School Dlstriftt, No. 4, Approved tlilsllthiday of Jnly. A. 1} By order of thedlstrict school board: Approved thls llth day of jaly. A. 11.1903. "strict school bjard: W. L. BALE3, President. Attesti.W. B. ANDRUS,.Clerfo.' J. *lf'. 1\ .~"0 Af or The First BanKof Linton, Lin tOo, Jf. D., has real-estjitc money to fban on good tapfe,lands,'ttirce to live m£m ,v* Northern Pacific to the Northern Pacific to the Northern Pacific direct to FRAUD ON LIFE COMPANIES. Scheme Worked Successfully by a Girl Who Counterfeited A compensate for such did the company paid YELLOWSTONE PARK Comes of Fighting Race. Baron' Fersen, captain of the Rus sian cruiser Izumrud—who reported to the czar having blown up his vessel rather than have her fall into the hands of the Japanese—has just that sort of blood in his veins. For he is one of that family of Highland Mac phersons who settled in Sweden, where they dropped the "Mac," called themselves Fersen, and afterward overflowed into Russia, where they lose to high position. The most illus trious of the line was that Field Mar shal Count von Fersen, who entered the French service and played- a con siderable role in the life of Marie An toinette. It was he who, disguised as a coachman, drove the French royal couple in the flight to Varenne. He was afterward murdered by a Stock holm mob on suspicion of having poi eened the crown prince of Sweden. PORTLAND EXPOSITION PUGET-SOUND COUNTRY "The Comfort Route." "Every Mile an Education." Very Low Bates West BOOKLETS.—Four cents for Lewis and Clark Booklet "A," six cents for "Wonderland," to A. M. Cleland, G. P. A., St. Paul. F. M. Byrne, Agent, Linton, N. D. Dsath. fraud scheme at the expense oi life insurance companies was carried out three times s)]ccef t'iilly as long ago as 1730. A young woman with an extraordinary power of simulating death had for a confederate an elder ly man, who iiassnj for her uncle. Twice'in different :\1s of England she insured her !ife !n her uncle's fa vor, went into convulsions and to all appearances dis !. Tlio third time the game was villi an ingenious variation. The uncle went to a life insurance company, explained that he was in financial straits and wished to borrow money on his niece's estate. a loan would have to insure her this insurance heeomc S nown, would expose liis financial joined his niece on the coiiiinc'iit a Very impressive fortune. he life for it3 value, but could not afford to have as it condition and ruin his credit. Tlio company, therefore, agreed to write the insur ance under a bond of secrecy. usual, tho young woman As went into convulsions and died. Before her funeral she"lay in state for all world to see. Her uncle was the pros trated. He did not try to collect the insur ance for some months and when he Lim in full with expressions of real sympathy. So did nine other companies, which lie had silenced by the^same ruse, and he with Amusement 300 Years Ago. Just 300 years ago King James 1. of England visited the liens then kept in London tower—the show from which is derived "the lions" in the sense of the sights of a place. The king had* an arena built on to their cages for fights with bears, dogs and bulls but the two lions that entered it on this day simply stood blinking. Two "racks of mutton" and "a lusty live cock" were successively thrown to them and devoured. "After this the king caused a live lamb to be easily let down unto them by a rope, and being come to the ground the lamb lay upon his knees and both the lions stood in their former places and only beheld the lamb but presently the lamu rose up and went unto the lions, which very gently looked upon him and smelled on him, without sign of any further hurt." However, a lion and-mastiff fight that followed was better "sport." Japanese Idea of Beauty. Prof. Okakura Yoshisaburo, author ot "The Japanese Spirit," thus de scribes the Japanese ideal of womanly beauty: "She is. to possess a body not much -exceeding .five feet in height, with comparatively fair skin and proportionately well-developed iimbs _a head covered with long, thick and jet-black hair an oval face with a straight nose, high and nar row rather large eyes, with large deep-brown pupils and thick eye lashes a small mouth, hiding behind its red, but not thin, lips even.rows of small white teeth ears not alto gether small, and long and thick eye brows forming two horizontal, but slightly curved fines, with a space left between them and the eyes Little Coal in Ireland. There which l-eiiny, are only two districts In there are of coal in important deposits Ireland—County Tyrone in Oie north, and the counties of Kll- Queens and south. In valuable drowned, a Caiiow.. (n the Tyrone tliore are coal several seadis, gate with an .aggre thickness of about thirty. feet, near the.-western .shore of .Lough Noagh.-'.A seam four feet thjck at ilnrrglass was worked formerly, but an influx/of water, from .old workings out the mine. There i8..b&t cup rcine now operated- ajid that is by pottery company .to -obtain -.ftfel-.fer lift works. 'V £5fMeals at all hours at the Ball* tad ro ^Restaurant fr' mjiM.jja.^jjair4j!.jsMyt! "IS**-*- '. COLOR FREAK8 OF FASHION. Women Who Would Be in Style Must Sacrifice Much. "I'm glad I'm not my wife," said the dyspeptic as he settled down to his hygienic luncheon of rare roast beef, creamed onions and boiled rice "I'd be dead if I were. I have trouble enough keeping alive as it is. Fancy the shape I'd be In if I had to change my spots—I mean my color—as often as fickle fashion dictates. Why, I've forgotten what color my wife origi nally was, she's undergone so many beauty transformations. And now she's got to do it again. A friend Just back from 'the other side has told her that though red hair con tinues to be the proper caper it must now be backed up by green eyes and a dead white skin. The hair and skin are easy enough, but even ray wife is a little afraid of the beauty specialist who is willing to undertake to make her eyes look green. There's just ono grain of comfort in it all for me— though she achieve the pallid skin, the green eyes and the red hair It will not give her a temperament to corre spond: I shall yet enjoy the modicum of peace it is in her capricious nature to allow me.''—Philadelphia Record. Avoirdupois. Le Matin of Paris records the discovery of the Oldest love letter In the world. It was written on a brick about 2,200 B. C. by a Babylonian. Nor slate nor parchment held the screed The Bayionian lover wrought Sollrjlty, flc deemed hls jieed, When ne would fain tttiitiM his thought. He did the trick Upon a brick Which has survived the flight of year*, The tolls of time, tho drip of tears. The modern wooer, with his page _Scented and tinted for the "quest. Would stand poor chance, did he engage This ancient lover from tho West, Whose words outweigh A poet's lay Or lengthiest burst of minstrelsy That er petitioned maid's decree. A foolish fancy then it Is That bids one choose a crested sheet Which easily may go amiss Among the perils of the- street. Give me the ways Of olden days, And if a brick can win me Her, A brick I'll make my messenger. —James Owen Tryon In New York Times. SORRY HC SAW HER FIRST.» Qama of Hide-and-8eek at a House Party and Its Sad Ending. It was not so very long ago that a jolly party of young men and women from the capital went on a week-end visit to Miss Dash, whose father has a country house not a day's journey away, says the Washington Post. It was not the sort of house p&rty you read about in "smart" novels. They didn't play bridge nor hunt they romped like a lot of children. Mr. and Mrs. Dash were away one evening and If the house had not been very solidly built it would have been torn down. Nobody ever beard such rol licking laughter, such mad scamper ings as went on. Somebody suggest ed hide and seek. The young people hid in the attack and the cellar and in every possible place between. A normally sedate young man was the seeker. He galloped about madly, shouting and. searching. He opened erery door he saw and in one room hia keen eyes espied somebody trying to hide in a bed. He pounced forward and seised the figure. "Get out of that!' he cried.. "I've got you. You can't hide from me." Wild shrieks and the noise of com bat rent the air. Furious invective and stammered expostulation brought the rest.of the party in no time at all. The usually sedate young man had found the cook and nothing he could say hijtd any weight with her. She came ol fighting-stock. She blacked hi* eye and—well, that's why the Dash country house is now minus a cook.. Living Without Nourishment. How long is it possible for man to maintain life without food of any des cription. liquid,or solid. Two "hun.qrrr artists." Sig". Succi and M. Tlexandre Jacques,, some years ago tied for pre mier* honors in England by abstaining from food for forty-two days, and in the eighties a man named Merlattl maintained health and spirits for fifty days on a Spartan diet slpa of water. $&*• —. :U'.,r tljitt -3 Starving. During my boyhood I resided in the district In which Daniel Webster made his home in summer, or when through, with his dtitles at Washing •pn, says a writer in the Boston H«r il T. ",Once a butcher sued him for a .-r.cai bill.' He was frequently negli gent about paying small bills.. The. biticlier refused to deliver any more meal -until his bill was settled. Meet ing id» several days later, Webster ««.!! to him: "Sue me as many tlmA %t jropj like. Vat don't starve me." CT.American Hog Fence and Union Poqltiy Netting at the Dacotah Lum ber Company yard. First publication June SO^Last Aag. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAN» Ornce AT BiiWAKCK, N. D„ June 6,1906. "VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 tlie folloving-namea settler has filed no tice of his .Intention to make Unsl'proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Chas. S. Lane, United States Commissioner, at his offlcc in Linton, N. D., on August 17,1905. viz.: JACOB H. WltTMAYER, For lot S, section 0, township 131 N., range 77 Fifth P. M. lie names the follovrltlirwltufissus Ills continuous residence upon and tlon of said land, vl*.: Nfollowing-named Nfollowlrg-named to provo I cultlva-it Gottlieb Naasz, of Linton, N. U. John B. Wittmayer, of Linton, N, l. Alexander Walter, of Lluton. S. I). Johannes Naasz, of Linton, N. I). M. II. JEWELL, Hcgister. Firgl publication June 30—Last Aug. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFricu AT BISMARCK. N.!)., June 21,1905. I OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THU. sottlcr has filed notlco of his intention to make final proof in sup- Ko ortof his claim, and that suid proof will made before P. G. Hoofs. Clerk of District Court of Emmons county. N. 1), at his offlcc ill Linton, N. D., An August l»(, 1005, viz.: OH A N NES WOJH l„ For the southeast quarter of section 32. township 129 N., range 74 W. of 5th P. At. He names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land. viz.: Christian filming, of Hague, N. I. John Klepke, of Hague, N. D. Jakob Pfelfcr. of Uaguo, N. D. Ilenry Wagner, of Hague, N. 1). At. It. JEWELL, Register. First publication June 30—Last Aug. 4. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D. I June 14,1003. "VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i-~ following-named settlor has filed notice of her intention to make homestead flnal proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will bo mado before C. Rowerdink, Judge and Ex Officio Clerk of the County Court of Emmons County, N. D.. at Ills office in Lin ton, N. D., on August 10,1909, viz: KATHARINA W1P.\ For the S. '/t of N, E. aud tho-E. 'A of S. E. of section 10, township 130 N., rango 78 W. of Fifth P. M. She name: the following witnesses to ureve her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Sarah Wollmann, of Winona, N. D. Adeiia Baclimeier, of Winona, N. D. Relman Hendricks, of Winona, N. D. Jakob Volk, of Winona, N. D. Al JEWELL, Register. First publication June 30—Last Aug. 4. Summons. State of North Dakota,) County of Emmons. L. Lamb Lumber Company (a Corporation), plaintiff, vs. A. O. Lewis, defendant. In District Court, Sixth Judicial District, Summons. Tho State of North Dakota to the above named defendant: Youaro hereby summoned to answer the complaint In -this action, herewith served, and to servo a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclu sive of the day of service and. In case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment will lie taken against you by default for the relief demanded in said complaint. Dated this 18tli day of Alarch, 1905. NELS LARSEN. V. SilKltAlAN. I'laintlfl's Attorneys, Kulin, N. I). To the above-named defendant: You will please take notice that tlie veri fied complaint in tho above-entitled action was filed in the office of the clerk of the dis trict court for Emmons county. North Da kota, at Linton, North Dakota, on the 20th day of April. 1005." NICLS LARSEN. -1 V. C. SHERMAN, Notice to Creditors, In the matter of the estate of F.lmii-a C'ol burn. deceased. Notlco is hereby.givon bytlie undersigned, John F. PhllbrlcK. administrator of the es tute of Eimlra Oolburn, lato of the town of Hollls, in the cohnty of llillsboro and state of New Hampshire, deceased, to tho credit ors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator, at his offico In the city of Bismarck, North Dakota. Dated June IS. A. D. 1905. JOHN F. l'HlLBRICK, Administrator. lirst publication on the 23d day of June, A. D. 1905. First Publication', July 28—Last, Sept. 1. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAN» OFFICE AT BISMABCK, N. D., I July 18,1905. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE N.!)., on Sept. 5,1905, viz.: F.H,.SCOTT, For the N. W. of Sec. 29. Twp. 130 N., Rge. 77 W. of 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land.'viz.: H. P. Tracy, of Dale, N. FRANCI3~BBB^Y A1ANNIN, For lot 1, E. 54 of NC W. and N. W. of N. E. of Sec. 18. Twp. 131 N.. Itge. 74 W. of 5th P. Al. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reslaencc upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: John F. Larson, of Strasburg, N. D Thomas Austin, of Strasburg, N. D. Theodore Olson, of 8trasburg. N. I. Ellas Olson, of Strasburg, N. D. NOTICE Sudgc •*t'i.'-A jy.i '.if-y1"-^1', W *S**, W Mi PlalutllTo A'tomeys. Kulro, N. 1. 0 First publication, July A settler has filed notice of his intention to make homestead final proof in support of hii claim, and that said proof will bo made before l'etvr G. ltooks, Clerk of District Court, at Ills office in Lin ton, N. I). Peter Knudsen, of Dale, N. I). Louts Lutze, of Dale, D. W. C. Atorrls. of Dale, N. D. Af. H. JEWELL. Register. First publication. July 28—Last. Sept. 1. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMABCK, N. NOTICE D., I July 15,1905. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT- the following-named settler has filed no tlco of his intention to make final proof in support of his clabn, and that said proof will bo mado befone Chas. S. Lane, United States Commissioned, at his office In Linton, N. D.. on Sept. 4,100$, viz: Al. H. JEWELL, Register First publication, July 28— Last, Sept. 1. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D.. I July 18,1905. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his. intention to make homestead final proof in support of his claim, and that said roof will be mado before U. Kowerdlnk, and Ex-Onlclo Clerk of the County Court of EmmonsJCounty. N. N. Vt D„ at his office 111 Linton, N. 1).. Sept. IS, 1905. viz.: •"TTTRUERICK W. KYES, For of S: E. H. N. E. 'I 8.E. of N. Jay Smith, of Linton, day July sot' the J. \VT Wr or 8. W. and W. of 8ec. 32. Twp. 133 Rge. 75 W. of Fifth P. Al. He names tlie following witneses to bis continuous residence upon and tlon of said land, viz.: N.. prove cnltlva- William H. Johnson, of Linton, N. D. N. D. Earle Smith, of Linton, N. D. Wallace Kyes, of Linton. N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register Notice of Sale—Personal Property, Notlco Is hereby that In pursuance of an order of the county court of the county of Emmons, state of-North Dakota, made on the 13th day of July. ^dedli the estate of Jei ... village of Linton, county of 1905.1k the matter ol lahW. Wescott, late ol Emmoi of North Dakota, deceased, the undersigned Chas. Coventry, administrator with will an nexed of said deceased, will sell at privato sale to tho highest bidder for cash, on Satur —J5, DBV UIUUL'I ivr ViWU| 1905, at two o'clock, p. m. Vescott hardware store in Lint J. w. we .. the fo _. at Ulnton N. D., the following personal property to lt. All of the stock of hardware, lianiess aud mrchinery, including wagons, buggies, plows, wire, nallf.fulL llpe of hardware ant harness, etc., being In the store above named or In warehouses or on lots adjoining same. wit: Stock can be inspected by application to the undersigned on any Saturday before sate. Inventory with appraised value can be at office of County Judge at Linton. N. D. Stock will be sold in one lot. Bids must bo In writlngand signed by bidder. Nobli ot less thanw per cent or appraised value wlllbe considered. Linton. N. D., July Utb. M0. CHAS. COVENTRY, Administrators With Will AntwxM^. SUFFICIENT CONTEST AFFIDAVIT having been tiled in tliis-otilce by Lydla Rose, contestant, against homestead en try No. 10,327, made March 21, IIN)-.', for N. V of 8, W. and W.'/. of S. E. of section 28, township 190 N.. range 78 W.of Fifth I'. M., by At. V. Ott, contestec, In which II, Is alleged that said N. V. Ott has wholly abiuuloucd said tract that he has changed his resi dence therefrom for more than six months slncc making said entry that said tract Is not settled upon aud cultivated by said party as required by law/that said alleged absence ot At. V. Ott is not iluu to employ ment in the army, navj/or marine corps of the United States iu tltirio of war said par ties are hereby not ltled to appear, respond und offer evidence torching said allegation, at 10o'clock a. ni. oil August 19,1905, before Chas. 8. Lane. U. p. Commissioner, at Lln» ton. North Dakota: and tliul final hearing will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on t-cpteinbcr 8, 1905, before the register and receiver at theUnited States land oil ice at Bismarck, North Dakota. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, filed June 28,1905, '$'$" set forth facts which show that, after due diligence, personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby erdered and directed that such no tice be given by due and proper publication. (Signed) JOHN SATTKKWJNU, 'A""' When! Why What! Where! RIGHT NOW! TO-DAY is the time to have show you the best quality of Build ing Materials at the right prices. Because we have five hundred lineal feet of shed room, and can keep nearly all of complete stock under our cover. The place where you will be treated right whe+.h er you come once a year or forty eleven times a day is the PHOENIX LUMBER 00. You Can't Live Out ol Doors! All of the Time. So, of course, You Will Want a House Or, if You Are a Business or Professional Man, A Store or Office If you Want a Building of CONCRETE or LUMBER and Want the Work Weil Done, Call on the Linton Construction Company I Do You Want to Cross the River? If you (let. lake tin* 'iasnlinc l'Vrryh:) ti CANNON BALL Which ut nl 11ni!•.- :irrit I'jtssi'ii^ijrs. Htofk itii'l T«- ijiis lid .vfi'tt ..... Gay tou and Cannon Ball HT"No Indian Ueservation to cross, and you will 14—Lust. Contest Notice—Homeste a DKI'AUTMKNT OF IM 1 NTKKIOH, I UNITED STATUS LAND OFFICK. BISMAHCK, N. 1).. June Itecclvcr. First Publication, July 28—Last, Sept. 1. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMAHCK, N. t., July 18,1905. S VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make flnal proof In sup his claim, and lliut said proof will before P.O. Roblts. Clerk of District Court of Emmons county, N. 0., at iilsofllce In Linton, N. D., on Scptt5, 1905. viz.: JAKOB PFpi FEU. For tlie southeast Jiof Cecllon 31, Townslilii 120 N., Range 7yW. of 5th P. Al. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence ii|or will cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Johannes Wolil, of Hague, N. I John Klepke, of Hague, N. P. Henry Wagner, of Hague. N. I). Karl Lang, of Hague, N. D. At. It. JEWELL. Register First Publication, line 30-Last. Aug. 4. Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Notice Is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Hcn drick liaka und Gustnva Haka, his wife, mortgagors, to the Alissouri Valley Land Alortgago Compauy, mortgagee, dated the 30th day ot October. 1880, and fltod for rec ord in the office of Register of Deeds of tho county of Emmpns.ltliuii territory of Dako ta, and now etala of North Dakota, on the 10th duy of Novcniwr. 1880, and recorded in book one of MorUpipcs, on pages 393.394,395, 3B0 and 397. and assigned by the said mort gagee to I. W. Hucklns, tflll lie foreclosed by a sale of the premises In siild mortgage and hereinafterdescribed, at the-front door of the court-house Iu the county of Emmous and state of North Dakota, at the hour of S 2 o'clock p. m. on tho 30th day ot August. 1909, to satisfy tbcsumount due upon said mortgage at tlie $ty ot sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will mortg be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: Tho southwest quarter of section twelve, In township oue huudred thirty north, of range seventy-nine west of the Fifth Prin cipal Merldlun, There will be due on tsuch mortgage the day of sale the sum of ten hundred eighty-four dollars und sixty-five cents (11084.65), besides the costs of this foreclosure. Dated at Linton tills 29tli day of June, 1905. 1. W. IiUCKIKS, Assignee of Said Alortgagee. Geo. W. LVMK, Attorney for Said Mortgagee. Wuring ANTED-BY CHICAGO A1ANUFACT House, person of trustworthiness and somewhat familiar with' local territory as assistant In branch .office. Salary S18.00 paid weekly. Permanent position. No in vestment required. Business established. Previous experience not essential to engag ing. Address Manager Branches, 323 Dear born Btteet, Chicago, 111.. L'I-I Reliable Ferry Service. }ly boat Is new and rnnmy. It Is il feet, long, 14 feet wide, and carries 32 tons. Huly insii. ei,d by the United States Inspector. Good landing. Iitn^s and corrals for loading stock. -wroinyt and IU id accented J. C. LEACH, Proprietor. Aug. I. 12.11K)5. l-'lrsl publication. July 7—Last, Aug. II. Foreclosure Sale. Notlco Is hereby given that that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by Alexander I'arkliurnt, mortgagor, to Edwin I). Wescott., mortgagee, dated the nth day of April, 1801, and tilled for record in the otTire or the register of deeds of the county of Liiinions and slate of-North Oaltota. on th« 22d day of September. 1N91, and recorded In book 5 of mortgages/on page 393, and which mortgage was by the said mortgagee assigned to Geo. \\. Lynn on the 13th day of May, 1905, will be foreclosed by a salo of the premises In such mortgage and hereinafter described, at, the ftont, door of tho court house iu Linton, in lie county of Emmons and state of Xurlli, llnkola, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. oiri-Uu 311 li day of August, 1905, to satisfy tho ainomH due upon such mort gage on the day of sale. The premises de scribed In such moi'Iirrige and which will be sold to satisfy Hie saute are described as follows: The east half of the suothwest quarter of section twenty-one aud the northeast quarter ot' northwest quarter and lot two of section twenty-eight, all in township one hundred thirty north, of range seventy-nine west, oftiie Fifth P. Al. There will be duo on such mortgage al. the day of sale the sum ot one hundred fifty dollars and seventy-eight cents (1150.78). Dated tills 15th day ot May, 1905. GKO. W. LYNN. Assignee. First publication, Aug. 4—Last, Sept. 8. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ I July 27,1905. Nfollowing-named OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TilK settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof iu support of her claim, and that said proof wlllbe made lie fore P. G. Rooks, Clerk of Olstrict Court of Emmons County. N. I)., at Iilsofllce In Lluton, N. I)., on Sept. 12,1905. viz.: MAGDALEXA SENGEll, 111. K. 1221(7. datec' Jan. 30,1900.1' For the E. 'A of N. W. and Lots 1 and 2, of Sec. 7, Twp. 130 N. Kge. 74 W. of I*. yufHyi*" 1 /jjtg v$ 1 •3 -h US 1 At. She names the following wltnosses to prove her continuous residence iipm and cultiva tion of said land, vl/..: Franz. Wolf, of Hague, N. I). Frank F. Volk, of Hague, -N. 1). Michael Gabriel, of Hague. N. I. Maurilz. Van Soesl, of Flull, N. D. Al. H.JEWELL, Register. First "publication, Aug, 4 -Last, Sept. 8. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LANI OFFICE AT BISMAHCK, N. D., July 27,1005. Notice is hereby given that the following uamed settler has filed notice ot her inten tion to make comimitut loir final proof in sup port ot her claim, and that said proof will be made before P. G. Hooks, Clerk of Dis trict Court of Emmons County, N. D., at his offlcc In Linton, N. D., on Sept. 12,.I903.Ai»,. ANNA NELSON.'— III. K. 27408, dated April H, 1904.] For the N. W. of Sec.-17, Twp.439 N Rge. 75 W. of Fifth P. ill. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot said land, viz.: John Jacob Havemau, of Hull, N. D. John C. Baker, of Hull, N. II. Sam Boles, of Hull, N. D. Anna Ammonsuu. of Hull, N. D. Al. H. JEWELL, Register. A NEW ATLAS of the Northwestern, Western and Middle Western States, with maps of -, the Island possessions, Japan, China, United States, and the world, lias just been issued by the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY jointly with the Burlington Route und the Great Northern Railway. It treats of boundaries, history, population, sta tistics, school population, state insti tutions, families, farms, manufacture, railway mileage, postofflces, minerals, and state governments of each com monwealth traversed by the railways ihentloned. A mine of valuable In-" formation for $1.00: A. M. Clbla^p^ General Passenger Agent, Northern Pacific Railway, $t. Paul, Minn. .H ~,s m*r?r