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IPS' IK :. i'-"5 A? 'tk- £1 •:,'-5:: v, ?. •V*. AROUND THE STATt A thrashing machine manufactured at Wahpcton gave excellent satisfac tion in the Held. The banks of the state are getting In so much money that they all find it necessary to buy new safes. Some one entered a house in Wah peton which had long been vacant, and found the city water running full force. Oakes has completed a three«inch artesian well, with a big llow of water at 900 feet. It will furnish water for the city. Land near Ilichardton, Stark coun ty, is selling fur $lGan acre. The same land was held two or three years ago at $2 an acre. The mild weather lias started up a ot of plowing again, as the frost came out of ilie ground and left it in good condition. The mild weather seems to have deceived the birds into the belief that winter is over and spring here, as some of the little feathered creatures are busy building nests. The Valley City Patriot wants the town to quit fighting the Northern Pacific and get together on a harmon izing basis that will help both the town and the company. What's the matter with Jewell, of the Bismarck Tribune? Has he still another foot lie wants to get into the trough? In other words, is Jewell five-footed?—Devils Lake Inter Ocean. A couple more elevators are to be built at G'ooperstown and, while the Courier is willing that this should he done, it says that what the com munity is really suffering for is not more elevators, but more cars. Frank Sherwood, the man who took the pains to visit the jail at Minot and give his pal a pint of whisky, pleaded guilty and the judge fixed his punishment at a fine of $15 or seven and one-half days in the county jail. He took the jail sentence. Coroner Bent ley, of Burleigh coun ty, received a telegram from Mc Ken/.ie saying that Allen and Reif stock had found the dead body of Pat McGraw lying on the prairie near his shack. The coroner and sheriff went to McKenzie at once to investigate. McGraw is well known in Bismarck. He owned a ranch a few miles from McKenzie. A practical Hallowe'en joker at St. Thomas took a sack of oats and a single harness from the barn of Pat Kelly, a bungy and robe in the yard of Rev. Richmond and belonging to that gentleman, and then got a fire year-old bay mare from the stable of Stephen llanna. And nobody knows where the joker and the property have gone. According to the last state report, there were eight births and no deaths in Cavalier county during the pre ceding month. Cavalier is the ban ner county of the report. Kidder and Benson counties come next with "three to nothing," and "two to nothing" respectively. It was a tie in Walsh county—fourteen to four teen—nip and tuck in Stutsman with fifteen to fourteen, and in Wellsdeath won out fourteen to thirteen. Em mons county sent no report. We will offer for sale at public auction Thursday, November 23, 1905, 100 head of heifers and cows and some horses, at our ranch, located on section 8-132-74, Emmons county, North Dakota, 10 miles east of Linton. Most of the cattle are Herefords and some of them are Durhams. We are not selling out the poorest and keeping the best. Every heifer over one year old will be sold. If you want to (jet some good heifers or cows here is an opportunity that certainly does not come your way often. Don't forget the date of this bip cattle-sale. NOVEMBER 23, 1905. TERMS OF SALE: All sales #20 or under, CASH. All sales over $20 CASH or on TIME to suit purchaser. All notes must be well secured and draw 8 per cent interest. Notes paid on or before January 1st, 1900 will not draw interest. A smootli fraud is working a swin dle on farmers and loan agents in various parts of the state. He repre sents that he wants to buy land, calls at the farmer's house, gets hira to let the abstract of title be taken to town to be examined, gets a loan agent busy, negotiates a loan on the land which the crook claims to have bought, forges the farmer's name to the mortgage and skips. The man is about 50 years old, 5 ft. 10 in height, weighs about ISO pounds, smooth face. The police are urged to notify all parties to look out for a swindler of that kind. Letter from Comrade Wescott. Comrade Ed Westcott is now an inmate of the North Dakota Soldiers' Home, at Lisbon. In a recent letter he says, among other things: "I in tended to winter out on Cedar Greek but my health was so bad that I thought I would be better 0ft here. I feel much better than I did when I came here. The Soldiers' Home is situated very nicely, being surround ed by timber, so that the sweep of the winds is broken. We have steam heat, and bath tubs with hot and cold water. The table is good. The Home keeps cows and raises hogs, turkeys, ducks and chick-,. ens, and the finest vegetables I ever /saw. Capt. Gleason and bis wife are inhere, he being sergeant in charge of ^quartere.'^.,^, BOETTCHER & VORLANDER Pollock Items. Progress, Nov. 10th:—L. B. Sey mour, upon whose honest face the people of Pollock have not been al lowed to gaze for many moons, was doing a little unfinished business in town yesterday A great maliy peo ple in this section of country do not know that celery can be very success fully raised here. Geo. N. Fiddler has made a practice of raising a small patch Tor several years, and this year he raised larger and bettor celery than has ever been shipped in here. It is simply immense Mrs. Robert Nelson died at her home eight miles north of this town, Sunday night, Nov. 5,1905. She had been sick for about two weeks with pneumonia, following child-birth. She leaves a husband and four little children to mourn her sad death Fred Sey mour has been in town this week wrestling boards at the North Star lumber yards. Freddie is not quite as fast at this as at playing base ball. "5hambo" Furnishes More Dog. Mr. H. A. Archambault, of Bull head Station, and three or four of his sons, were in Pollock Saturday and Sunday, havnig brought a drove or cattle over from the reservation. While here they camped at the creek, and Sunday Mr. "Shambo" invited several of the prominent citizens of the town to a special feast which he had carefully prepared^ "Shambo" is an adept in preparing these feasts. In the early nineties lie entertained Col. Streeter and several noted Em mons county politicians at his house near the point where Beaver creek joins the Missouri. On this recent occasion he extended an invitation to Mr. Streeter over the 'phone but it was not accepted. Well, Shambo got his "beef" as the boys believed it was —all prepared for the crowd, among whom were Dr. Shockey, Jack Brown, Chas. Brown, John Ling. August Rambow, Carl Smith and Henry Bloom. They partook heartily of the food and pronounced it good. They and many more are anxiously await ing Shambo's next trip."—Pollock Progress. If it tasted like beef, the Pollock boys probably got beef. As nearly as the Record man can remember—and he doesn't want to remember too much about it—the boiled dorg that the horrible French Kan tick fed to a big bunch of Emmons county folks that balmy summer night in '89, tasted a great deal like a venerable wether that hadn't been overcooked. However there is a test: If the Pro gress man will watch Doc Shockey and the rest of 'em awhile, and they chase a jackrabbit or a gopher whenever they see one, it may be taken for granted that the grub given them at Shambo's recent "feec" was not beef. But the subject is painful. We'll say no more. Census of 1905. The secretary of state has just com pleted the compilation of the census of the state, and it shows a good gain, the population now being 487,070, as against 317,938 in 1900 and 180,538 in 1890. Following are figures of the population by counties for the three census years above mentioned: County- 1905 1900 1890 Barnes .16,726 13,159 1,045 Benson 9,363 8,310 3,460 BillliiKS.... 2,685 975 170 Bottineau. .15,174 7,532 2,893 Burleigh... .. 9,875 0,081 4,247 Cass .31,955 28,625 19,613 Cavalier .15,761 12.580 6,471 5,573 Dickey 7,412 6,061 6,471 5,573 Eddy 3,906 3,330 1,377 Emmons.. 0,418 4,349 1,871 Foster 4,743 3,770 1,210 Grand Forks.26,494 24,459 18,359 GriRKS .. 5,993 4,744 2,817 Kidder. .. 2,307 1,754 1,211 LaMoure 7,715 6,048 3,187 Logan 4,116 1,625 597 McHenry.. ..15,231 5,253 1,584 Mcintosh. 6,088 '4.818 3,184 McLean .. ..15,245 4,791 960 Mercer 2,191 1,778 428 Morton ,13,363 8,069 4,828 Nelson 9,501 7,316 4,293 Oliver 2,445 990 464 Pembina.. ..16,412 17,869 14,334 Pierce 7,643 4,765 905 Bamsey .11,979 9,198 4,418 Ransom... 8,634 6,919 5,393 Richland.. .10,379 17,387 10,751 Rolette.... .. 6,842 7,995 2,427 Sargent Tj474 6,039 5,076 Stark ." 11,335 7,621 2,304 Steele .. 6,893 5,888 3,777 Stutsman. .14,580 9,143 5,266 Towner... 7,905 6,491 1,450 Traill ..12,812 13,107 10,217 Walsh .20,265 20,288 16,587 Ward..... .33,468 7,961 1,681 Wells 8,482 8,310 1,212 Williams.. .. 7,952 1,530 MeKenzie. 1,368 eV«.f Total.....437,070. 317,938 180,538 JL -w r'T Looking for Location. Ole Golackson, late of Ashley, was in town a part of Monday and Tuesday. Mr. G. was looking up a Rood location for a barber-shop. He had been up north, but had not found what he wanted, and was on his way to South Dakota to look over the opportunities there. He is a brother of Miss Gena Golackson, of Linton. An Old-Timer's Visit. Lust week there was in Linton for a day or so a gentleman who years ago was a resident in Emmons county, being employed for a time as a clerk in Henry Van Beek's store at West field. We refer to Mr. Edward Pe Mots. Mr. DeMots liked the country then but his health was not of the best, so he went back to Orange City, Iowa, being chosen and re-elected to the position of auditor of Sioux coun ty. Of late he has been out in Cali fornia, finding the temperate climate of the Pacifid Slope best suited to him in the matter of health, but was on his way to Iowa when he was here last week. To this intelligent, thoughtful man his visit back here was a revelation. When he went away there were not more than a couple of thousand people in the county. One could make a day's drive without seeing a fenced field or pasture, and such things as railroads, telegraphs and telephones, elevators and busy little towns were dreams which it was hoped might come true in the dim and distant future. Dur ing his visit in the county last week Mr. DeMots said that it hardly seemed possible that it was the same country now that it was then. Mr. De Mots regrets that his health ren ders it necessary for him to make a milder climate his home, as he re gards this as an ideal section in which a young man may find a profitable field for his activity. A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE We wish to announce that we have an exceptionally large and well-selected stock of merchandise. We cannot begin to tell you all about it here but we will be pleased to have you call at our store and see for yourself. It doesn't take a fat purse to trade here—just the average one will do. It's not our purpose to take all your ma 3 y—we're satisfied with a small profit. Remember the place—east side Broadway. E3F"The Linton Concert Band will giveadanee at the opera house on Thanksgiving night, Thursday, Nov 30lh. No pains will be spared to make this the best dance of the sea son. Supper will be served at the hotels. Everybody invited. Hired Qlrl, Hired Man. St. Paul News: Considerable fuss is being made because an Eastern mil lionaire has "stooped" to marry a hired girl living in Iowa. Why? The girl must have graces and per sonal points or the millionaire would not have chosen her. And It is sare to say that morally she is his equal, if not his superior. There is no stooping about it. They were on a level, or if anything the hired girl was just a little above the millionaire. All of us in America who amount to anything are hired people. No doubt this millionaire is a hired man in charge of some big corpora tion. Roosevelt is a hired man. And so are all our senators and con gressmen and diplomats—servants in the pay of the people. And, fellow citizens One of the things that is the mat ter with this country is the growing tendency to look down on the man who works with his hands, or the woman who works with her hands. The tendency is dangerous. Hands that are scarred by honest toil bear wounds as honorable as those received 1» battle. The overalls and the gingham apron of Labor are as honorable—and vastly more useful— than all the martial trappings and uniforms of War. The doctrine of the dignity of labor is fundamental to the republie. And so, hurrah for the hired girl and the hired man—these two—who loved each other for what they were, and paid no attention to the acci dents of fortune. Taken Up—Mare. By the undersigned, a brown mare, with three white feet, about fourteen years old, with indistinct brand on left shoulder weight about 800 pounds. Owner please call, pay charges and take the amimai away. [*novl0-24]R. A. EVANS, Winona, N. D. USTThe Linton Bazar Elevator will pay the 'highest market price for wheat aria other grain. If you want to borrow money on your farm, the Linton State Bank will lend It to you. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Susan J. Pitts, deceased. Notice 1s hereby given by the undersigned, James O. Pitts, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Susan J. Pitts, late of Winona, in the county of Emmons, and state of North Dakota, deceased, totbecred Itors of, aad all persons bavins claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after tne first publication of this notice, to said administrator at the office of county auditor la the town of Linton, in said Em mons county., Dated November l.'A. D. IMS. bJFIrst gtfjSteation oiiThftdV^of'SSiini- Klrst publication, Oct. 13—Last, NOT. 17. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LARD Orricc AT BISMARCK N. D., I Aug. 26,1S05. Notice is hereby given that tlie following named settler has tiled notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Chas. S. Lane, United States Commis sioner. at his office In Linton, N. D., on No vember 21,11103. viz.: ANDREAS KELSCH, For the S. E. of N. K. n, N. of S. E. and N. E. of S. W. of Sec. 3i. Twp. 132 N.. Rge. 75 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: John Tumbach. of Linton, N. D. Rochus Vetscli, of Linton. N. D. Anton Senger, of Linton, N. D. Peter Horner, of Linton, N. D. c. DENTIST LINTON. NOK. DAK. M. BRITTS, TONSORIAL ARTIST, LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA. SWOarrlos a complete line of Standard Cigars. ROWERDINK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. LINTON. NOR. DAK. T. W. WELSH, M. D„ PHYSICIAN "AND SURGEON. BRADDOCK, N, D. 0T" Special attention paid to diseases of Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Night-calls an swered from office. Office and Drug Store opposite postofflce. TUBULAR WELLS. SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AGENT FOR GOODHUE WINDMILLS. FRANCIS JASZKOWIAK. No 121 Twelfth Street. Bismarck. D. N. JOHN PETERSON, Blacksmith and Woodworker, IIAZELTON NORTH DAKOTA. I hereby respectfully inform the public that I am now prepared to do work in my line, and will earnestly en deavor to satisfy those who give me their patronage. A COOP WELL Is necessary to every farm and ranch, and there is no more desirable, no clean' er and no more durable well than drilled well. mv TI7BVI.A1I WEI.LS, either two Inches or three Inches in diameter, will give you an abundance of good, pure water. We can drill to any ordinary depth. Will furnish pipe, pump and wind-mill. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Write me what you want. NELS P. ANDERSON, Braddock Nor. Dak. First publication, Oct. 13—Last, Nov. 17. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D., Aug. 25,1005. Notice is hereby given that the following' named settler has filed notice of bis Inten tion to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Charles S. Lane. United States Com missioner, at his office in Linton, N. D., on November 21, 1U05, viz.: ANDREAS KELSCH, Sr., For the S. W. of N. E. H. 8. of N. W. and N. W. 'A of S. W. of Sec. 34, Twp. 132 N., Rge. 75 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: John Tumbach, of Linton, N. D. Rochus Vetsch, of Linton. N. D. Anton Senger, of Llntun, N. D. Peter Homer, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. First publication. Nov. 10—Last. Dec. 15. Notice of Commutation Final Home* stead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D„ Nov. 3,1005. \rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE aI following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make commutation flnal proof in support of his claim, and that said Broof will be made before Charles 8. Lane, S. Commissioner at Linton, N.i D., on December 10,1005, viz.: HENRY A. ERNST, (Hague, N. D.) H. E. 28,594, dated July 13,1904, for N. E. W of Sec. 19. Twp. 130 N.. Rge. 74 W.of 5th P. B. He names the folllowlng witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Franz Hulm. of Hague, N. D. John Eberle. of Hague, N. D. David H. Morrow, of Hague. N. D. Anton Hulm, of Hague, N. D. M. il.JEWELL. Register. First Publication, Nov. 10—Last, Dec. 16. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., Ke Oct. 27,1905. VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE XI following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in sup- ort of bis claim, and that said proof will made before Charles 8. Lane. United States Commissioner, at his office in Linton. N. D., on Dec. 19.1905. viz.: PETER MASSETT For the N. E Sec. 14. T. 181 N. Rge. 78 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Kasper Scherr. of Linton. N. D. Jakob Brockel of Linton. N. D.- Andreas Burgad, of Lluton. N. D. Andreas Rlchter, of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWLLL. Register. The First Bank of Linton, Lin ton, N. D.. has real-estate money ,to loan on good farm lands, three to five years. fitlt publication, Oct. la-Last. Nor. If. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. Lllrt OWICB At BISMARCK, 5. D., I Sept. 27,1905. V°.*JOE IS HEREBY. OIVEN THAT XI tncfollowing-named settler has filed no tice ornls intention to make final proof In ot hit claim, uqd that said proof made before Choy. S. Lane, United ommluloner, at his office in Linton, November SI, 1905 vU: KASPER B. FfclSZT. For N. of N. W. X, S. W. of N. \V. and N. W.Jt of S. W. J* of Sec. 28, Twp. 131 N., Rge 76 W. of Fifth P. M. He name! the following witnesses to prove Bit'continuous resloence upon and cultiva tion of laid land, viz.: Michael Scherr, of Sirasburg. N. D. Joseph felszt, of Strasburg, N. 1). Damlan Felszt. of Strasburg, N. ft. Ludwlg Wellt, of Strasburg. N. D. M. B. JEWELL. Register. First publication Oct. 13—Last Nov. 17. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N. D., I Oct. 4,1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bin Inten tion to make commutation final proof In sup xrtof his claim, and that suid proof will made before Ohaa. S. Lane. United States Commissioner, at his office In Linton, N. D., on November 21,1005, viz.: UICHAEL GILLIS. For N. E. of N. E. of Sec. 30, Twp. 132 N., Rge. 74 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot said land, viz.: John Dockter, of Dakem, N. D. K. J. Whltlock. of Dakem, N. D. Fred Kelsch. of Dakem, N. Wm. Maxwell, of Dakem, N. I). NOTICE M. H. JEWELL. Register. O. SMITH. M.H.JEWELL. Register. First Publication, Oct. 13—Last, Nov. 17. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. D.,! Oct. 4, 11)05. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make tlnul proof In sup irt of his claim, and that said nroof will made before Cbas. S. Lane, United States Commissioner at his office In Linton, N. D., on Novembet 21. 1905. viz.: PETER 1HLI. For the S. W. of Sec. 17, Twp. 130 N., Rge. 77 W. of Fifth P. M. He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: Karl Schrelner, of Dale, N. D. Benedlkt Blgler. of Dale. N. D. Jakob Hoffart, of Dale, N. D. Heronimus Bruckner, of Dale N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, Oct. 13—Last. Nov. 17. Notice of Commutation Final Home stead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK, N. D., J. Oct. 4,1905. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notl of his intention to make commu'atlou Hi In support ot Ills claim, and that si Broof root will be made before Charles S. Lane, nlted States Commissioner, at his office In Linton, N. D.. on November, 21, 1U05, viz.: HERMAN LANGE. For lots 1 and 2 and E. W of N. W. of Sec. 19, Twp. 129 N., Rge. 74 W. of Fifth M. He names the following witnesses to prove Is continuous residence upon and culth tlon of said land, viz.: August Back, of Hague, N. D. Andreas Larsen, of Hague, N. D. Fred Wahl. of Hague, D. Carl Hoernlng, of Hague. N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, Oct. 6—Last. Nov. 10 Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAND OFFICE AT BISMARCK. N, D. Sept. 21,1905. Notice is hereby given that the fdllowlng' named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make flnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Chas. S. Lane, U.S. Commissioner, at his office in Linton, N. IX, on November, 21,1905. viz: RICHARD A. EVANS. ForE. W of N. E. and E. 'A of S. E. of Sec. 2&TWp. 180 N.. Rge. 79 W. of Fifth P. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and icultiva tlon of said land, viz.: Jacob Hauswh of Winona, N. D. Christian Naaden, of Winona, N. D. John McCrory, of Winona, N. 1). Thomas Klefer, of Dale. N. D. M. H. JEWELL, Register. First publication, Oct. 27—Last, Dec. 1. Notice of Sheriff's Sale by Action. 4 State of North Dakota, County of Emmons. In District Court. Sixth udlcial District. L. Lamb Lumber Company (a Corporation) Plaintiff, vs. W.L. Yeater, M. Yeater, John I. Roop and Ida M. Roop, Defendants, Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a judgmentand decree in foreclosure rendered and given by the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in and for the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, and entered and docketed in the office of tlie clerk of said court In and for said county, on the ltth day of October. 1905. in an action wherein L. Lamb Lumber Company was Siihn lalnttff aud W. L. Yeater. M. R. Yeater. I. Roop and Ida M. Roop were defend ants, in »vor of the said plaintiff and agi Ye«ter, for the sum of one thousand two hundred thirty-five dollars and twenty-six cents (11.235.2''') which Judgment and decree, among other things, directed the Rule by me of the real estate hereinafter described, to satisfy the amount of said judgment, with Interest thereon and costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the pro ceeds of such sale applicable thereto will satisfy. And by vlrue of a writ to me is sued out of the office of the clerk of said courtin and for said county of Emmons and under the-seal of said court, directing me to sell said real property pursuant to said judgment and decree, I, Peter Shier, sheriff of said county and person appointed by said court to make said sale, will sell the herein after described real estate to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the front door of the Court House, in the village of Linton, in the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, on the 2d day of De cember, IMS. at o'clock p. m. that day. to satisfy said Judgment, with interest aud cost* thereon aud the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the pro ceed*- of auch sale applicable thereto will satisfy. The premises to be sold as afore said, pursuant to said Judgment and decree and to said writ and to this notiue. are de scribed in *aid judgment decree and writ as follows, to-wit: All of lots oue (1) and (two), (S), with buildings situated thereon. In block faur (4) ot the town of Uaselton. according to thebiat thereof on file and of record In the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota and all the southwest quarter of section twelve (IS), in township one hundred thirtyrslx (IM) north of range seventy-six (76) west of the 6th principal meridian, con taining M0 acres, more or less, according to the United States survey thereof, together with all the hereditaments and appurte nances thereunt* belonging. Dated this 23d day of October, 1905. PETER SHIER, Sheriff of Emmons County, N. D. By WILLIAM JONES, Deputy. NILS LAMM and V. c. SHERMAN. Plaintiff's Attorneys, Kulm. N. D. BUY THE Before You Purchase Any Other Write ~"E ME* HBM: SEWliB MACHINE COMPANY oHanoi, Maaa. Hear Sawing Machines are made to sell rsgard Isss of opalgr, but the "New Home" I» mads to wear. Our. guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all cenditlens e( Hie trad* The Jfew Home" standsatthe head all HIffe-(Trawl* family sewing machines •eM kysalkMstd dealers oaiy, rON *AbK B9 W. B. PBTRie, Linton, N. D. M. *W LINTON BAZAR A (tOOT) TWTNft TO Every sale we make we are trying io get a customer,—nctfmnne sale only, but as a steady vatrm of mr YARD, as we intend to live and be a 'long time ivith you. We want you to tie to us. DACOTAH LUMBER CO., LINTON. NOfem DAKOTA W. LINTON. NORTH DAKOTA —DKAUatm-r- 9MBOB ft!') Inoluding somepf iTie bestf.fmtsnt inrJknmons eounty. •^asa »v OF RECEIVEDJ.THE Kt.UT 5 AT. THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION It took twenty-five Typewriters were built upside down* The Oliver TypeUriter it -built right side up where the writing:is in plain tightof the operator. Handsomely illustrated Art (^talogu^mathd' free for this asking. THKrOliiyqgp TYPEWRITER CO., 'j, No. 382 Hennepin Avenue, mijweapolis. mim. FARMS SALE! you wish to bmyjuf form for investment or a home it will pay yvu to investigate-. We are sales soUoitor^fyrrthe.tHa^oney Land Com pany, also the Hackney latud»4a lmUfer-hay. ossiHe •M 9 If theLlnton State Bank. Baking Perfection only with an A1 Flour. •'SUnee, to "get test and certain r&- tuUt^ntAke^use^ of^phejmd^N, WHITE brand of Flour. Its pu rtfVnGfij*. eJOtmUence I rf -''I in every re- t$er:been proven so _3 -I many w.fift so^ntany ways, that you J* IfTiW oamimgs yourself by .always •„A- J. nill -ii' Mt