Newspaper Page Text
A Linton Hardware r:I n.i. VtH' AN ILLINOIS Crcani Separator N ii'Avl I I'Ol'NPS I'KK MOl'k iic -sr •Vh. ivs* trial will l»tvirlW'u"*rr» K. «i 0 0 0 0 I payment required ,i,iirr!y sulNtird 11m ..•*] as tin I •«•«•!. ami none },lea»ed to set ma.-hint- up the!' t:.ake TINSHOI' IN CONNECTION THE The FARMERS' STORE- BROFY, N. D. L. W. BROPHY, Prop'r. "The Place Where You Get Your Money's Worth" \K\\ U()YAli SK\MN(i MA( MINKS KMl'lKK CHKAM SKPAKATOUS IIAKNKSS KK1WIKS FOK Sl»KINi WORK (JKOCKHIES, SKKhS. KTC. NKW STOCK OK l»KY (JOODS I I A W A Our prices are the lowest. Come and look our stock over and be convinced. No old shelf, worn goods to dispose of. GOODGOODS.CHEAPPRICES ll: YOU WANT TO BUY Groceries, Clothing, Shoes -AT THE LOWEST LIVING PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT Call at the Store of CHRIS. WOLFER- Linton, N. D. jj^ All mm & Of. ir fA Store or ••A-'-'iumodalions First Class. Rales Si.SO and $5.00 P»r Da v.<p></p>Arlington FP?E 'BUS'~70 ALL TRAINS, J. B. CROWELL, Proprietor LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA !You Can't Live Out of Doors5 Ail (if tin? Time. So. of course,: I iin'*. ow, ui You Will Want a House# Vou Arc a Business or Professional Man. $ yi'ii Want a Huililini: "f CONCRETE LUMBER ft $ and Want the Work Well Hone. Call on Mie 0 Linton Construction Company The Linton MRS. E. D. WESCOTT, Prop. jg ..Newly Furnished Throughout...^ RATES REASONABLE Careful attention will be paid to the O comfort of guests tmmons County Land Company. sell Kannsaiid Ranches. make Kit'st-Mort gage Real-Estate Loans. make Eilings. Final Proofs. Coiilests. I'rotests Etc "lake Abstracts of Title. write Eire insurance. 1 urnish Suret Ronds. fent Lands. write Deeds, Mortgages and all other work iei|uiring a Notai 1'iihlie. ,:1w ARl BKAUDOCK. President. Linton. North Dakota. ft ^•oo NORTHERN OAROFMNG. ^iJ $ W Trunkenmiller. of Devils Lake, in Farm. Stock and Home. 1 a a .. ,i the house aUuit the iast of March, ami transplanted into the gar den at lei danger if is over, will ripen as far iinith a mit iha. K.irly Mitchell is anoihei excellent Kimi. with tine. huge liuit. and \eiy irly. Tr 'ph\ is the hot li.a\y vieldct tor given pickles. Of the ca'Oi.lges. Ki''. ningsteadt isniieof theliest 1 a seasons.. It is eail., sweet, soliil. a good kce|«'i, .mil will make a crop where all other vaneties fail. Sow seed in a Ui\ in the house smne time hi Apiil. ami tiansplant early in June. Sow union seed the garden as soon as* you titi11 that the frost is out of the ground aWiut one font, for winter use Weatl ers tielil ami Karlv Red ate the besi: they ripen well, aie heavv yielders and good keepers The White l^ueen .catalogued also as New »A'ueen is a tine early onion, of niilil tlavnr. one of the best tor table use in the raw state. I.KTTI'( K. KAlUsll. KI'C. one of my favorite vegetables is lettuce, and I think the Hanson the tiest. It is a good cutting lettuce, and latei. when it has made a larger growth, it forms a large. tirm head. It thrives in all sorts of weather, and withstands heat and drought to a rt markable debtee. Plant the tirst seed when onions are planted, and there ifter plant a lit tie row every two or three weeks until the tirst of .Inly, for succession. The White Ladylinger radish, the Shepherd and Lone Sear let for summer use with French Hroakfast. or any one of the round turnip radishes for spring, and White 'hina tor winter, will supply this tine vegetable all the yar around, liegm sowing seed as soon as frost is out ot the ground. and sow a lew seeds every two weeks until about the middle ot August. Ileels are one ot the easiest of all vegetables to grow. The turnip va iet ies are the most satisfactory: ot these, Kgyptian and liastion's are two gi i(ii I eai iv sorts, while entv. is the 1 test, for fall and wintei use. The objection I have to the last is that .sometimes it grows too large Plant about the tirst of May for main •rop. ('arrots are very easy to grow. The Ov Heart is a line variety, and. besides being easy to harvest, will thn\e anj where and is of good quality. Plant it the same time as beets. I'l-.AS N i» (I:N. peas can be sown about the lirst of May. or earlier. Ivirly Alaska, Mc Lain's AdvauciT and Chainpioti of Kngland. if sown at the same time, ill eive peas all summer. I »o not, he lid of net ins,' more than you eati use: it is surprising how many a fam ily can use in a season. When I came to North lakota. ten years auo, I was told that, could noiyrow sweet corn, and. in fact, most of the settlers claimed it. was useless to plant a gar den of any kind. liu! I found sweet, corn very easy to ^row. and it, ields a tine crop. Plant, the White Cory lor tirst early, and the Karly Minnesota to succeed it, and one will have plenty of as jfoorl corn as evcrnrew "hack east. I About May loth is the proper time to plant, •mil when the steaming ears •ome on the. dinner table jfive thanks toilotl for so delicious a vegetable. II'I IIKI: Ki KTA IH.Ks. Plant cueiimbers about June 1. Short (ireen and LOII (i reeii are the best varieties. of squash, plant Summer ('rook Seek ami Iiunlays (rant Marrow: the latter is a fall and winter sort, and a ttond tiaker. It can he depended upon to ripen as far north as Manitoba. Citron does well, and every garden should have a few hills. Plant plenty of bi-ans. Karlv N'aleut ine is a eood ^reeii pod. and Yosemite the liest yellow pod for summer use. For shell beans, for winter baking, the While Wonder is, I think, the best: it is a heavy yielder horseradish in I lie garden. II you do not have hem. order the plants at once from the nearest place and have hem sent as soon as frost is out ot the ground. Then plant and tal»e care of :hem and you will never re uri't it. Bucolic Bert. Kditor Thurston, of lla/ellon. has! a eood claim out in the liraddoek neighborhood. Niilurally lie doesn t. want to lose said claim. No he has made a move hat will insure his ob taining this fill)- piece of I nele Sam I tier, hired a printer to assist, and has II MTVI ISHWoiicos parsnips: Hollow Crown is ifuod. Some turnips: White luilch is nice. »f A .. .. rutaiiiiuMs 1 prefer Mine's. Andab ive iZ Postoff.ce Building. mi.n ho wish to contract, for his crop of vv I lea t. Mie il.) jeCt ol f. !'l 11 lis I on »p«T. iti« »rt subscrilie for the Record. SEE BEN CORBIN For Choice Land Bargains 1 have for .piick sale, all or h.'ilt cash, remainder .it or 8 (*-r ml. ith your own time. ood land in .nut around Ha.-elttm. I h.i\e trom :('.00ii to .teres at trom *..'0 to Jts.iHi |.«-r ,cre. It must t.- sold .inside ot trom thirty to sixty da\s. lou.i has no N-tter land. 1 h\ed in that state torty years. 1 lived at (. ory.lon, \V avnt- vo»u\tv. tlurts \vnrs. tivo itiul ^oo«i ^•'Wanted Ten men in each stale to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary, iCi per month. per day for «x penses. lioYAt. SriTLV Ci iK'pt. W :t."i Randolph Street. Chicago. III. SJTLig nite coal. HocUing alley. $w.^o. See lirophy at (iodkin. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. !,/% N I' "I'KIIK XT ItlSMMUK. N. I) Notic.' is lM-f-1'V tri• thai the fnllnwini: iciiiierl «-n h-r tins Hied soil. He has turned over lie editorial etnlm. aiul I leu snlit^ iii-'^if^wU1 ne_Mmiill|^»I inanai einent to A. I., tieil, his pa 11- KM S'»ionrii amid rural scenes is lot the vri-»t»f 1 •••*«i-s of th«- c-iinity "f Kniniori purpose of obtaining a more practical ul^'^.Vreeo':! -.!'''.V'u,,nkh,f^ knowledge .if the details ot the llgri- iMilt ural business, so that at id of the statut'iiy period lie mav be able to write a bonk on "Fannin' As She Is and As Slip »rt To lie." Any poli ticians who may happen to .stray out. into the Thiiiston neighborhood are kindlv invited lo bring their grub and blankets along and partake of the Fanners' hospitality. IIM!i-*.- I I I N gone to tnaki! permanent residence i- lim-. .inmi—i on hi^ homestead. So. gent ie reader, I.i tlo• N .,.,x'yf should you at any lit luring the H. mi i.. coming .season pass along the road out iimye .•..mioih'ius r-— ioi'i in the Cherry (trove country, and si iii you see a rather good-looking vi'tith. with a winning smile, a i-'ome 'of thought partly lhatched. a pair of overalls and one siispeii'ler that's him. Already it is reported that he is l.eiug illter\iewed hy elevator in tt»' !ou a Infaiitry thn*** \t-.trs. our month ami S O MU I -if his Ht 1 insike !l it ii I pi ill SU|)l»'»rl of hi- mv.'s ai liis ntttee in Mniun. ,A"r"x: s'f''|. |,ll11: v:i 1 «»:i il r« tul, W K. I '-t lie. if I ,l li W N'fn thn-o ycar. I jMi'kt-ti out this latul uliih- olt hunting. I h.tvi- ktllr.l morr thaii sevrntron hutnlrrii olvcs. GET A HOME OF YOUR OWN How Can I Oo This? Simply hy calling on the undersigned or h\ writing (inelosinn stamp. What 1 don't know about land e.m't tie told ty the other fellow. 1 can save you from one to two dollars (ier acre. 1 have lived on the Missouri Slo)ie since its earliest settlement, and am ttior oughly familiar with every section ot it. It you ant ttie hest there is in a Harm, Ranch or Homestead, call on or write to till- nndersiened. HOME I SWEET HOME I THERE'S NO l»l. ACE I.IKE HOME." I I O S A S O A I I will lor.'ttt* srttlrrs t»n honwstt'.tils lon^j as thr hom»-stf.tiis last. I know ot si'V^ral l»om«'.st» a«is, hut thoy «tr' tit only tor ^ra/m^ pur post s. .*all on IVn. l\imsrlt. 1 akr no suhstjtutr. ottn in Yfatfr's Mott'l, Ha/i*lton, North Pakota. Some Land Men Are Wolves But I am not. I «lo just what I say. NVithrr on*- of th*- animals in th« pii,tur« is intended to represent yourlriu'le Ben. I hey are photo en^ravin^s of a rertain class of land dealers who show you a good piece of land that isn't for sale and then sell you a poorer tract you never saw. Some say the pictures represent Kmmons County politicians pulling for the office*. But that isn't so. I hese wolves were caught hy me thirteen years ago on the wolves' play ground at Coal Butte, in the western part ot Kmmons County. 1 he hooks shown in the picture were halted with fresh gophers. As To I show that I'm all right I r«-f*-r t«» Hie following named old timers, who know me well. Most of 'em are running for office this year, and will he pleased to say a good word for an elderly party who votes early and often. Hut, any way, they will tell you that they have known me inure than twenty years that I am honest and a good wolf hunter that am recogtii/ed as one of the enterprising citi/ens of this county that I have done my full share for the advancement of the county, and that for integ rity and fair dealing I statu! among the foremost of the county. 1 hese are the people that I refer to: William L. Yeater. hotel man Warwin K. Streeter. Kditor of tin- Kmmons County Record: Henry A. Armstrong, attorney: C.ustave A. Ilerol/. County treasurer: .'ames ('.. i'itts, County Auditor: Alexander Macdonald, state senator and hank president. COItlSIN. BKN l:"' I I I I I I I S Notice of Foreclosure Sale. Nut i-*»' in lieri'ii.v ^iv«'ii th:it r.Ttnln iin»rtira'-'e ifnl «h*Iiv»-n-»l hv lieuiire »vis. wi«hiw»*r. nn»rtv'H'."»r. t«i Huhlii *jr:» MuHlmiiis. «J «i» 11n- li »l "f .1 1 y, .. .. J-u'l. an«t for in h«- «Mic«- of I he "(I Iiunr I'.M.therein will lie fine.'lovit hy .. ..f the po-niNe-, (J»-M*rihef1 h- ft on I lo-ir »f he c. MI rt :M Lint on I in he .• Hint of l-'tn in' 'U^ itn«l st :i te «if North |»:«ivoi :t\ he linn uf :i u'ciu.-k p. nti h»» :ih iUv ..f \pri). to «tUfy the iiiinmiit *1 lie upi»n *n'h ftir:«tr»* f» tie- 'lay uf sale. The ,rem!«.••«,IIHi|»-scri N such I I Jt'nl wtiieli will he oi«! ift h«*rr turnt\ Vi\\v l)silinr IIazixton, MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! ro tiii: I E A A E HKKI» KKLS( II. I'KOI' K'. If fou Want to Save Money One Price to all. Cive us a call JONKS liKOS. KKAI.KUS IN Clothing, Gents' Fttrnishin^ (ioods, Ktc N. I). Linton, D. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. I.AMlOKKK'K AT lilSM UICK. I lu-i, i: Not ire is hereby t'i ven that I lie following *fned settler has tiled llotlc'e (if his Ini n- N Horned se Ion to make hntiiestead Una I nruof in sup uort of hK .inim. and I hat said proof will he made In-fore J' Monks. ierk uf I'lstfict ('mi rt of Kmmons county, I' at hiv otfh'e in Linton N. |L. on I'nesday. ^4. I'.^h viz I(r N A 17. no-I ll ii. Iv H') dated Inly I" Kur I he s. •, of -ec. •. T-.vp IT N :i W of FXfi I' M. He names the following witnesses to ni'uVe his continuous reshlem'e tipofi arid .vjltivu I on if said land. vi iteurv's«'htnidl. of |iak»-m. N KHdrich .1 Kelsdi. of Dakem. N l» Joliannes iohliifli'. of 1 »akein. N 1», Kdward Htaddo-U.of hintofj N t» .1 KWI".M. |{.-ist.r Notice of Final Homestead Proof. I.A Ml KKi« VI lilSVIA IK I IVh. :M ot N 1 .htcuh S'hule. of Lilil'tfi. N ic r'l'ifdrich Ki'U.'li. .if lanton, N" 1111111 Is ••Nc Ii, "f 1,1 I I I nt. N 1) I 1C4* is hefrhy *i vt'ii that the fulinwln'/ I: I med s»-t l«r iia's ti led not ice of Is ten in to make honiest» id tina! proof in support of his claim, and that *aid proof will he made before 11 kooks i' |e rk of histrict I 'nil uf Kmtnons countv N h. .»f iii^ "'ti *e i' I .in ton N I on 'I'tu-sd.iy. A pn 1 -I. i/ I 1 A 1 A N II n«".V,t dated A Ii: 1 For the W »•'*. •, I wp IJ'i N l.u'e W of ift IV M. He names the fu 1 A" 1 W 'I e^ JlfoV' his continuous residency npni fid cu I tiy,i ion if said a ud. i/ l»anhd liecfitU-. of l.mtnn, N i» John Kamey. of mons'u N A le\ander Wa"h!ter, of Kinton N 1» l.eroy I'aTley. of l.ifiton S" I» I E 1 I :ILWFY the UI|e oe th»* s. W. '4 uf ect|on I in t«vvn*hij* u.f'.li, tf ruti'.'f Tl west uf the I'i I I' I n«'i put Meridian There will he due mi tid murtjr:ii.'e at date 'if sale he mi in uf hre»* huIM'Ired !lf mil- and hirly-hufidredths dollar* ($15! -W5). I»ated thN 14th day uf Mareli. liri.hA SH'KK. I 1. W I.VNS, Murtifau'ee. Al I'lrmy fur Mor! irairee If .IKUJ-.I.I. lieiTlster C. H. I'MBI.MS, UUmarck, is aKent for the great Edison Phonograph. When in Bismarck do not fall to come and hear one. I and For Sale. For Sale lie N. W. of See. JO 'J'wp. ia* l{«e. T(i, ar if W at per acre. Address Box luy. Atx-rdeen. S I». you want to borrow money on vour farm, the Linton State Hunk will lend it to yon. »*»«!«»,«!»!« VVVyW'lVYYVYywVVVVVVKAAAA.r U. 8. CREAMI DE LAVAL llf'li h'tfi Iftit inc// ti s/'/ttt i''t t)r lllilKi I,!, ',/ rtVi, V'' II JCM tlh m.i, I,. I A I S IK Lily White Washers Wash White Royal Patent Flour None Better VAN BRUNT DISC DRILL W A }'h h,n I I/, I tku if X-Rf\Y SULKY -R A N A I W A l«: I I N I I A N 1 FRUIT. CIGARS AND TOBACCO f-( IN'l'l N I A ,1 ,Y I tM STI ICK Extensive Stock of Candies---The Best JOHN P. PFEIFLE, Proprietor Newly Ftirnished A Short Walk from Depot LINTON. NOIM'll IIAUOTA THE NEW MEAT MARKET R. F. TEGGE, Proprietor And All Other Butcher's Products EVERYTHING KEPT FRESH AND CLEAN Remember the Place: The J. W. Wescott Build ing, abou* a Block northeast of Union Depot. 9 Blue is Telephone Number. LAVAL .1/ I A I N I S If, ,! Cii'il mrifr H'ttit fin I •//,, I N O N Linton Bakery I Confectionery FRESH BREAD. PIES and W. E. PETRIE I.INTON. VOW I'll IIAKOTA l»l \l.l'U IN General Merchandise Fresh Goods at Fair Prices _'.t' 'V. --c: i' -c 7 -X -ir: ,, Ki eps an hand large and care Snyder's Drug Store. 1 Vr. l'A I NTS OILS \'AU.\ llll- l{RI'IIK, WIN I W i-I.A" IM'TTV H'.M.I. I'Al'KI: KTc .li Mail Orders carefully and promptly attend 1 i.. 'i'-ii1 Vour patronage is respeei I I I CAKKS HVIiHS Si HKIN, Prop'rs Linton. North Dakota 111 a lil ^il J'lics 111) LUMBER AND COAL Hotel Dakota I'll 11V selected stock of .1 Sfs goods. t»S /u•1 1 kept in stock. !y sol iei ted. J. f, SNYDER. Hazelton. N. 0. Hi1