Newspaper Page Text
IVORS CODHTY RECORD IV D. R.STREETER Linton, North Dakota. PIONEER PAPER OF THE COUNTY. The Record I* entered at Hie I.into,i 1'ust oSce aecoDd-cl&M matter. TllBagircultural experiment .station at Fargo has just issued a pamphlet with the title, "Rust I'loblems: Pacts, Observations and Tlieoi lev P(«slble Means of Control." Tins pamphlet should l»j in the 1IIIKI» of every fanner. It will In sent free to any one in the state who sends his address lo "Atfiiciilun .il College Experiment Station, I'aifc", N. U." Buy a postal card and fiend your address. You will not onl le ceive the anti-rust pamphlet, but oui address will Ije listed and you will ie ceive all pamphlets that may subse quently be issued bv the experiment station people. TiiKKts is one tiling that people com Inn into North Dakota to buy land should look out for. That is, that they do not fall into the hands of some swindler who will hold them up for a much larger sum plus the agent's com mission than the land is offered for by the owner. This week a Finlander came to Linton and was negotiating with one dealer for a quarter-section. The price the dealer asked him was •14 an acre. The land belongs to a non-resident gentleman who owns a considerable area of acre property in this county. It happened that the land-seeker happened to get away from the land-dealer Ion# enough to talk witii other residents of the town. He then ascertained that the land was listed with several other deal era that the price asked by the owner wist?. 50, with a commission of a dol lar per acre, making a total of **.". In other words, the dealer was alxut to skin the newcomer out of per acre, or the respectable sum ot •"•w. OfK contemporary down the street Is hereby kindly informed that in our judgment he cannot expect to have bis political enemies who aspire to office opposed by the people because of the allegations -by himself and others about as reputable as himself as to the looting of Alaska. How lie expects to defeat Streeter. Jones ct al. because of the Booklovers mess ot slush we do not see. streeter is cer tain that he has never looted Alaska. William Jones, Es|.. candidate fur sheriff, claims that he lias never, to his knowledge, looted Alaska. Aleck Macdonald lives away off in the other end of the county, and no one down this way can say just what lie lias been doing. But as lie lias always been busy with sheep, it is highly im probable that the tall senator lias ever looted Alaska. And the highly intel lectual, honorable and square-dealmg Boss of the Batcave may rest assured that among those who may lie so bold as to run for office without asking his permission it is not likely that any one of them lias ever looted Alaska. It is also highly probilile that the dele gation from tins county to the state convention will be composed ol well- known, honorable, upright, citizens regardless of past factionalism -who have never looted Alaska. What more can the Baldheaded and Bombastic Belligerent Boss Backcappcr of the Batcave ask fotv CHURCH SERVICES. Methodist Episcopal. Sunday's services as follows: I'reach ing at 11 a. in. Subject: "Moses at the Burning Bush, or .Seeing oil in Common Things." Sunday school at 12 in. At 7:.t0 in the evening a patri otic service: "Lee's Surrender at A p pomattox." The dramatic closing scenes of the last days of the southern confederacy. 1'atrioiic music. A most interesting occasion. Come everv one. You are invited. F. M. HAYKS. I'astor. Straaburg Ball •Game. A correspondent sends us Hie fal lowing account of a ball gauieat stras burg last Sunday between the Mer chants and the Rowdies: Following are thenamesof the mem bers of the contesting nines and the number of runs they made: Merchants-B. Wald: M. liaumgart ner, 1 run in *th inning: M. Borick, 1 run in nth: J. Baumgartner: Volk. 1 iun in 1st and 1 in nth: A. Kraft: Fischer: A. Batimgartner. 1 run if, 8lh: Henry Foutli. 1 run in nth. To tal. runs. Rowdies--Matt Lipp, run in tit li and 1 in htli, l'eler Lipp. nin «th: Ed Mayland. 1 run in 2d. 1 in it 1. 1 in 7th audi in stir. Felix li.ichineyei Ben Blissenbach: Lawrence Mas'tel John Sherr Francis Wlialen. in nth and I in Nth: Jacob l-outh. ijiii Total, 10 runs. To the work ot their luseuun the winners owe a large share of their success, although all the hovs did verv good playing in their respective ulaees. Arbor-Day Proclamation. I'nder date ot March 2Mh tin Sarles issued the tollowmg proclama tion: "Agreeably to long established cus tom and because it is especially wise and necessary that the people of these prairie states should set apart a day for the planting of trees and shrubs and the beautifying of homes and pub lic places. 1 do designate Friday, April 27, 190», as Arbor Day for the state of North Dakota. On that day I rec ommend that ail citizens join in the work of setting out trees and shrubs. Let our schools and public institutions be further adorned with the forest growtlis that shall bring comfort and delight to tills and future generations. Let appropriate exercises be held in the public schools, that our childu-n may be taught the wisdom otCuiiMuon labor for the civic good and join with intelligence and affection in the work ot beautilying the state. Let the love of nature enter into and brighten the hearts ol the whole people, and let them signifv their gratitude for leaf and shade bv bringing forth these groves that were the tirst temples of od." Biscuits baked rn/ht HI HI three min utes. every day next week, at our store. S. J. Ilagg. THE LINTON SCHOOLS. Cirammar Room. L. E. OSHM»I. TKACIIKK. Sarah Lee started to school Mon day. Isabel Tough returned t" school last Monday. John Itowerdmk is absent from school on account of sickness. The eighth grade took final exam inations last Thursday and Friday. Frieda Backhausaud Bessie Tal lada are absent from school this week on account of mumps. Intermediate Room. BKI I.AII SIMS. TKACIIKK Willie ?eil entered school this week. Lois Williams is now attending school regularly. The pupils are preparing for an Arbor Hay program this month. Frank Meier has left school to work for his fattier in the blacksmith shop. The intermediate department ren dered a short program last Friday afternoon. Miss McDonnell and pupils were visitors. Primary Room. CLKI.I.A MI DONNKM.. TKAC IIKK. Edward Books won the prize for best wiiting this week. Margrel Macnider entered the pri mary department Monday. Lucy Schmidt entered school Tues day. We now have thirty-five pupils in tegulai attendance. Ctf l'he Bowdle Creamery Company is paying cash for cream. One door south of the Dakota House, on lower Broadway. THE PRIMARY LAW. Ai the time of the passing of the primary law the Record published the text of it in full. But busy readers haven't time to study out its provis ions. We therefore in this article give a synopsis and explanation as to the number of signers required by candidates for the different offices who aspire to places on the two party tickets, and also as to other matters of interest connected with the new pri mary system. Most of the provisions of the primary election law specify the duties of the county auditor and of the judges and clerks of election. But this article is an explanation of the duties of candidates and voters. There is nothing complicated about it. The manner of conducting the election is along the same lines as that of the regular November election. In fact, more than fifty sections of the regular election law are cited by the new law as governing the primaries. Instruc tions will due time be issued by the proper authorities as to the duties of the inspectors, judges and clerks ot election, which arc practically the same as at the regular election. In the matter of voting there is also but little dillerence in the manner ot procedure at the pri mary and at the regular election. There aie two ballot boxes provided— one for the democrats and one' for the republicans. The voter enters the present. He goes to the judges' table and asks for the party ticket he wishes to vote. In case he asks for a ballot ol the party which he lias antagonized in the past he can be challenged and sworn to the effect that the ticket lie asks for is the tick et of the party with which he alii 1 i ate. He must then sign the atlidavit lle goes in the bowth and votes for the candidates that lie favors as the nomi nees of his party. In case lie wishes assistance in marking his ballot, two election otlicers of different political paities shall accompany him into the booth for that purpose. Neither at the pinnu\ noi attlieregularelection shall a voter take but one election otluei into the booth with him He •mist ha\e two of different parties if he wishes assistance in marking his ballot. The election will be held on Tues da. June t'.Mh, between the hours of i. in. and 4 p. :n., and the polls must not lie closed during those hours. I'etitions must be circulated by th's. disiuiig to have their names IJimteii un tin- primary ticket of th"ir pait. Foi the legislature ten per cent of the votes cast for the highest candidate of his party at the last gen election must be obtained For a county otliee tive per cent of the votes cast at the general election for the of tice to which he aspires must Ijes-.'cured. The IVe fo, 1 eandidate for t" state sena- ,'11 11 NN bet bet tins must hi count\. wheic there urc two or iu.,re counties a district, will have to sittled bv an opinion trom th- attit ney general's otliee The fee for county commissi,mors is W: loi county surveyor and coroner. *.1 for justices ami constables aj i, egates to stale conveniioini,, ,lnt to pay a fee, but must have on their petition the names ot voters emml ten per cent ot the vote cast for their party candidate lor governor at the election ot ivu4. As the public admin. istutor in this county has never quai-1 —. itiui, the bond being lar^e mid the in- getting on the ticket, and it will prob ably go by default. In obtaining signatures to a petition) a candidate must see to it that bis petition contains the names only of tnemliersof his own party. The number of petitioners required by candidates of both parties, and the fees of different classes of candidates, are as follows: No. on No. on Amt. Offices Petition. Petition. to Offices Rep. Dcm. Pay. Senator .. 1'. W 00 Ke|n*senlatlve. 100 :,7 10 00 Iuk*Kat« .. .. •a •jn Auditor «i 'V Sfi HO Tr«* asu re -'1 to tw Site riff Zi ou ICl'tflst^r of I»eeii"S 2\ 1)0 Clerk of District ('ourt •Ai 10 00 County .ludtfe :C Assessors 14 14 00 yjehool Superlntfinlenl Xt UVJ 1) state Atiorni'y ^'1 oo surveyor .... .... a."» ". too oroner hi oo Just h'es ..... :rj 31 I 00 onst ahle«i ..,.. .. i: 1 00 'orntnl.s?ilonfr*~ Fir?it IMslrii't a 0 oo Veoinl llistrh't ..... ii 4 uo 1 Iflii IMstrhM too First District ,.... 5 4 oo .V'cond District :i .j 00 Third District 5 7 oo ourtli District O«J 1- If!ii District .4 4 5 00 Candidates for delegate to the statu conventions must obtain on their peti tion ten per cent of the vote of their party for governor at the last election. No fee is required of delegates. The names ot as many persons as there are delegates ot a party to be chosen may appear in one petition. No person must sign a petition for more than one aspirant tor the same office. But where there are two or more offices of the same class, such as justices, constables, etc.. he may sign as many petitions for aspirants as there are offices in that class. Ill other words, he may sign fourdifferent petitions tor candidates for justice or constable. I'ntil the republican and democratic state committees make the apportion ment of delegates from the various counties to the state will not be known how many delegates are to Ije chosen. But the number of delegates for each county must be certified to the county auditor of each county, by the chairman of the two state committees, previous to the tirst of May. A voter may use a sticker or write in a name of any one whose name is not printed on tlie ballot. If a voter of one party votes for a candidate whose name appears on the ticket ot the other party, lie virtually throws away ins vote, as such a vote will not be added to the votes for the same person taken from the ballot box of the party on whose ticket the candidate name is printed. For instance. John Doe is running for sheriff on the democratic ticket: Richard Roe for the same office on the republican ticket. A republican wants to vote for John Doe. If he does so. Ins vote will not be added to those cast for John Doe in the democratic box, and vice versa. If a candidate on one ticket should receive the most votes not only on his own ticket, but on the other party ticket, he would be the nominee of both parties. But. as lie could have his name in but one column on the regular ticket at the November elec tion. he would have to choose the col umn in which his name would appear. Il will thus lie seen that should the unlikely event happen of a candidate receiving a majority of the vote on the opposite ticket, it simply means that the opposition party has indorsed him and desires the place left blank on their ticket. But. even then, un der the provision of law which allows county central committee to till va cancies caused "bv resignation, death or otherwise.' it is likely the county central committee of the party would have the right to name another per son for a place on their ticket. It will thus be seen that the candi dates of an entire party may dodge the fees required of candidates by tailing to circulate petitions, thus having no ticket in the iield at the primary, and then have the party cen tral cjinmittee till the vacancies of the entire ticket by appointment. But at that stage ut the game it is likely that the tax-paying voters—and all voters are taxpayers in these parts —would have something to say about the matter, as every candidate who failed to put up ins fee and then ran for office against a man who had paid his fee would put the entire amount of such lost lee upon the taxpayers. In other words, such a scheme would enable the candidates of an entire party to run for office at the expense of the taxpayers: for it, should be Inriie in mind that the fees provided by law are tor the purpose of making the men who want to run for office stand a good share of the Cost of hold ing the election. It is not likely that a confidence game of that kind would win out in the case of a single candi date. It is reasonable to suppose that the voters would lielieve that any man who wanted to ike part in the political dance should help to pay the tiddler. In preparing his ballot the voter piesentative flu. will, ut course, have the right to vnt-. paid in each t"i miiv as many of those on his ticket for only as there are otlices to be tilled. I'll lis, il there were several names on the ticket lor auditor or treasurer, but one could ho voted for. But, as four justices or constables are to lie elected, the voter may vote for four names on his ticket in each of tiiese groups. l'he newsprint millinery is ready f"i inspection at M. iKirnsife's. t"iiie and Ham:. A come nothing, there are neither tecs a nor salary on which t,. tasetbe fee f,„ 1 PHELPS see the great cooking wonder at our store all next week. See •idveitiseineiit in this paper, h. J. Line of Kdlaoa Pbonocrapta 1clnl8 keP* continually on band, Hismarck. POLLOCKPICKUPS. Progress, March Jkl.) Win. Grover was down from his place near Winona. Wednesday. Mr. Oirover is an expert mason and has contracts already for a large amount of stone work this summer. Peter Linderman. a young German farmer of the Dale neighborhood died in I'ollock yesterdav morning, March 2!». ltMi, at the home of Ludwig Meier. His affliction was pneu monia. The funeral will be held to day at the German Catholic church at Dale. Geo. N. Fiddler drove from here to Artas Saturday morning. There he was joined by his brother Harry and sister Elizabeth and together they journeyed to Wisconsin to be at the bedside of their aged mother, who is suffering with paralysis and is not ex pected 11 live. She is *7 years old and Uer husband is til. Miss Elizatjelh Webster passed away Friday, March 23. IJHHi, at the home of J. Loutzenhiser in this city. The funeral services were held in the Pres byterian church, Sunday. Elder U. Y. I'ollock preached the sermon and was assisted by Rev. Clnttick. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Dale. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. W. s. Fulmer spent Sunday with his family in Linton. Carpenter F. C. Gau went to Minne apolis Saturday for a few days' visit. G. W. Gilman, who has been sick for some time, is again able to be around. Don't fail to read carefully S. J. Iiagg's advertisement in this paper. See tirst page. Mrs. L. D. Ferguson, ol Hazelion, came to Linton by N. P. Monday, re turning home the next day. C. C. McGee, of Hague, ho was in Linton a few days, returned home by Saturday Milwaukee passenger. Will Rumhali, ol the north country, was in Linton Friday. He came here to meet his lather, who arrived on Friday's passenger. The man who was promised tifty dollars for sneaking a land-buyer away from another dealer says he hasn't got his titty--filready yet. President Cram, of the First Bank of Linton, is having an addition built to the Schweitzer building in old Linton. When finished it will make a roomy residence building. I'pon the request of the draymen, Uoadmaster Ashton. of the Milwaukee, had a crossing constructed just north ot the depot. Teams can now drive up to load or unload on either side of the depot. Miss Marie Spear, wno has been teaching school in the Naaden neigh borhood, near Winona, came to Lin ton Saturday, l/pon her arrival here she learned that a married sister at Madison, S. D.. was very sick. She left for that place Monday. It is strange that such a mighty land dealer as Patterson says he is should condescend to inform the pub lic that he has been doing a dab of job work recently. It is hardly possible that the few dollars he may pick up in this way will make much difference to a wealthy nabob like himself who utis a tree-list newspaper for the pur pose of advertising Ins land business. R. A. Evans, upon the receipt of a telegram stating that his mother was very sick at her home, Yates Center, Kansas, parted tor that place Thurs day of last week. A telegram recent ly received in Linton from Mr. Evans states that Ills mother is no better. M. B. Morford, who went to the hos pital al Aberdeen week before last, came home last Thursday. He says that the doctors told him they could do nothing for him unless they oper ated on him. However, they thought that it was not imperative to do so at present. Said a Linton business man the oth er day: "It makes me tired to listen to that man Patterson's blowing. You never hear him speaking about any thing else but his own business. He seems to think that everybody else's business is ot no consequence in com parison with his. He converses on no subjects but those pertaining to what he has done, is doing or is going to do: what he has sold and what he is going tosell: how many quarters he's bought and how many he's going to sell. Everybody else is a second fiddle to him, in his judgment. He is the worst bore I ever came across." Public Land Sale. Hasi.*d upon Yliu application of F. A. t'ratn.] 1 MTFCP hTATKS LAN'I Ol'rit'K. Itisfnarck. N. Ii. Mitrrh il. liWfi, Notirv is hon-!y k'iven tliat in pursuari,« inmru«'tions from tho oiumU*iomr of tlic ln-iH'ia! Land Office, asooutaim-d in lot t«r of May ^. und«T authority vostrd in 111 tii l»y e!t,ion LI. Ht'vised Matures, as amended by ttio art of conffross approved ebruary 2U, we will proceed to offer at public sale at 10 fltM.'k. a. tn. on thelMhdayof May. at tliU olTice. the following of land, to-wit K. l/t B. *4 JN'C. Twp. I ti V. Ktfe. TH A of Fifth I'. M. Any and all person* clainilni: adversely Hie above-descriiied land, or auv part there «»f-:«re advUed to tile their claims in this «ttic«' on or hefure the time above designated for the commencement of the said sale otherwise their right* will lie forfeited. JKWK1X. Kegister SA'ITKKI.IMI. JOHN Keceiver. Public Land Sale. 1 Kust'd iiixin tlie upplic.-iUiiii of II. Miillli.) NaluU's. a« Httiended liy he net of ctniKress ii|ipriivt'd i't-lirunry *JI, Is!ft. v,v will prot-eed to tifTer at |Mlfli! suit- ut III ti ItieU ii. 111. on tlie Mill (lav Miiv. I'HHt. fdlidwinir iJ'K^.t. nf ctJtBtM«*iit*i.'tnent The Way of It. Our steamed contemporary down in is pie, situated as state line. columns items each week from a paper in an- ,, .. a other state—meaning the I'ollock Pro- Kress. For the benefit of said steamed contemporary we will av mons that a big county. by different railway systems that tain neighborhoods witli the happenings borhoods. I'ollock is the Tor a great many short, ci lating to Subscribe for the Record. Vliy buy a cat a sack? At our exhibit next week we will show von a Majestic in actual operation, s. ,i. Ilagg. iar5ordon Hats never look ••weath er-beaten." That's because thev're made to wear and hold their shape and color in all sorts of weather. A Gordon Hat wouldn't lie a Gordon Hat if it wasn't perfect. The price—*J.on is the Cordon price tor best hats. We sell them. The Linton Leader. Public Land Sale. llliisvU upon the application nf 1 ranU nil, KITKI STATKS I. I KK III'. I llisiniiri'k. II.. Mai.'li^:! I'.kh Notice is hereby uiveil "C" that In pursuant of instructions from the a ter approved eliruary *'ouiniissiancr of of May ^'0. IMC., Public Land Sale. I liased upon the upplicat ion of John llos. li I MTKIl STATKS I, A N 11 I IKK 11' I:, I Ulstnarck. N. D.. March u':i. I'.HHi. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the General I.and OHice. as contained in letter of May M. lwiii. under ant horn vested In lilm by sect ion Jl.'ij. 1 s. Uevlsetl Statutes, as amended by lie act of congress approved 1'ebruary -il. ls'.i'i. wu will proceed to offer at public sale al lu clocl, a. 111 mi the 'Jth day of May. I'.rnti, at this olttce. the following tract of lan.i. to-wit: K. 't "f s. of sec. :#i, 'I wp. V. Uge. T.'i \V. of I'lftii I*. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described land.ttr anv part there of. are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the time above designated for the commencement of the said sale' otherwise, their rights wilt be forfeited M. II. .IKWKU,. Kegister JOHN SATIKUM.NIi. It, Public Land Sale. tliased upon the application ol Clinton 1. |tlllOllgll the 1 W aglier 1 XITKII STATUS fj.Wll (iri'lCK. I ttismarck, N. H., March ^1, Iio. 1 Notice is hereby given that in pursuance tif instructions from the ommissioner ot the General Land office as contained letter (,* of May J7. I'.'O't. under autliontv vested In him by section :-l.t.. I s. lievisetl Matlites. as amendd by the act of ctxnrress approved ebruary id. ls.i.-t. we will proced to offer at public sale at ID o'clock a. in. on the Wtli day of May. I'.iHi. at this office, the following tract of land, to-witt: IhMi't worry your correspondent. Don't write him anything bv hand takes his time to make out that may leave him in doubt that he can not easily read. And don til I out legal papersor card memos or make out accounts or ho tel menus, etc.. in ourown handwrlt- It looks had. retlccts on your ntaioiini makes people think vou can atloid .1 stenographer, and is somet itnes atnlig^ou. Yo* can write out your letters make out an abstract tii I in* an insurance pohi-v enter your card memos -make out your accounts, or a hotel menu- or «J« any Kind of writing von need, on any kind, si/.e or thickness of paper, atid SIMCK :IIIV \V:IV yon want on ,!V The Standard Visible Writer \ou ran write auv of tlu-sr iliiti-rs v'i r Miif If you do not happen to MOlih fit I SIl'KII M'ATKS I.AKll UKH« t: llisintirck. N. I*.. Murdi Jll. l'JUit. Ntiticc is liereby Kiven tlial in pursuance of inslructions from the L(iiiitnissioner of tlir (icnt ral l.iintl office, os ciititainetl In letter «»f Muy i!'. 1 '.«•. under authority v.'slvil in liiu hy Sect inn have raplirr for «il can ea?»llv learn, with a ntth* practice, to write just rapidlv. and as! perfectly. a«» atl expert opnator on tin-! M.l\ KU. ItcruuM' the Ol.lN |'. li i*. typewriter. And vou HA III.I machines (»t tills (itlice. the hintl. tti-wn X. K. Unf S. K. tun I W ttf \\. t, T«rp 132 N-- Use. W of I'lfth. I'. 1. Any uurf all persons clainilinr ntlversely tin- alttivf tlt^t-riiH-d laml. or iiuy pitrt tiiere of an-ndviwd in tile then claims in this tiOIv on or hufure thctime almre desii iiale(l fttr thr ,-an see every woni you write. Ali-»ut* so per cent han any utiier vpew rit ••r. beeanse it has about Ml per cent I.K^S ut IX. I*4H than most other pew rite rs Klghty Per cent KASIKU to write with than tlieM* oilier MI»I.K'ATI:II. I.XTIUI'ATK CHINKS that require "humoring" -technical know ledge—long pract ic«' and special Uiil to operate. I Than whtch to -T.VI. I'. s. lievisetl to ONAHI.K I- or he of the salti salt', iilh. rulsf. tlM'Jr rltslits will tx' forfeited li .1 KVVI.I.I.. IJeulster. J(i II AT I'l lfl.l Mi It d»ctor. the iio cannot he adjusted I any special space with which is im po.ssibie rile abstracts, insurain'i* poll 4'les. or odd-si/.ed ioeuinents except vou huv expensive SI'KOIAI. attachinent.s re(|uiriug I e.x^rts to onerate. I ou can aulust the DM I-.U t.i auv !ti \-l M'A4 h-you eau write on MOUND THE STATE. the bowels of the earth points the Napoleon mm me-v ), ,• been linger of scorn at we ulis because we'uns have the audacitvto reprint .. A Lisbon biind-pii/iier was oiK.-ratin" Em-1 Lckstrom. -l Shold.n. goS.»• It. is so divided liesii it ,i iisp c'.ihli m.i, n-l a,m, ivr- I JU 111 are not in touch! The f:\rmcis around l,': V-u-- of other neigh- over the arrest of a man wh has'We market many Emmons county town stealing things hat sect inn. pc n,,. plan it is just, across isp „t the We get from the Piogie-*' is carried .ut. the lake on-ht ti items ix- popui ir sort Emmons county ptoplc. '1 he connecting SpiritAVoi, Lake with Jamestown by el-ctric iv:. Clerk of ('oiui same is true ol the Braddock and lla-| M'tn n. tiaillv ir.nneii ..he ,ii his-.m-i zelton papers. Very lew people in the ,» I a l-\. weeks ago. and the -t her nv upper half ot the county ever go to the towns in the southern halt, and very tew down south go up ii"iih. But everybody likes to know what his fcllow-citi/.cns and fellow-taxpayers in other parts of the county are doing. \nd it is entirely appropriate and customary for a newspaper centrally located in a county to reprint items ot county interest copied trom papers ill other partsot the countv. Our highly steamed friend, the Boss ol the iiat cave, generally follows the lead ot tin Record in making purchases, whether lie needs ein or not. lie should tol low our example in this respect, let ter tire your patent innards. Charles. and print the bright, up-to-date things that near-by newspapeis say about Emmons countv people and happen ings. nidi, of nod !-1 1 i[ and Lhj. ut.hc.i .an!-. Was spi.lined iikewise A Ward c..iiniy man h:i.s a log \V lie-, pedigree name i-ccupics h.tii imcc ct a a 1 1 every day name of 'i'ige. jiist.'' ordinary animal would. The Moitoii •:ri: fair'-it^s• c:-f( having obtained ino! e\ enough to Oil ItS 11' 11 1 't t'li I le.'ss. is ptopjiin^ a good fair Ins stiinme:. and i's'" ex pect vd that it will he a m.i'isn. The stock inei] l' a I la vtf)'(): iut a protective association ai in e(. ing their stock -f ca' tie and in i:: tact. The prcvalcnc ol' hoiso-stea inn lias mad" -.oniet. liinu or: tie" so:. imperative. I icspi! the I ,i re uf :l a lions" in ('liiea": •. which cai:i: ji'. lar^e 111111e't'' N "O'i's :i'i j\. ti country, a lot people -i id send iw their ood mole to oilier caUllo^ insi itut ions.-- I'fi 11m. When oiie looks "Yt, .r..Jdie:: si,lit'' hilll bv ™7. I'.m."). uniier autiiorilv vested in him liy section u'4.Vi. I Miit.utes. us aiuvntieil lv lhe we ti Kcvist tl were paiiil'u will pi-oct-rd a a I a n- the !Mh (lay of Mav. I'.mii. at tliii otlin. 111 following tract of land, to wn N. N. W. '4 of sec. I wp. V. Ic.-f. 7* W. of I'iftII I*. M. Any and all persons rlaitniiiLr adversely tile liliove-tlfst-rUtetl land, or iinvpait there of. are advised to tile their claims In Ihl oHIee on or before the time above desig nated for the comiuenivtiifut of the said sale otherwlsie.their rights will be forfeited. M. II. .IKWKU,. ItcL'Istei loll N SATTI'.UM N 11. I Notices .sijiiiod by hltir ado/.en of tie leading ei!i/.e:i of Walij.0:1 h:i\ been sent out. olVeinie leuard 1 *HK for tin.' r. ,• -very ho iy 1 Uev. T. M. Kdwaids. who disappear! tI'oin there on the e\ 111 in^. til I com ber Hist and lias not. been heard since. It is I that ic trhd to cross the I! I lliv. and iirnke ('OUtiiiis-i. lie: (iiihreitffi. \v!) is p:, paring some liieiat.ui'i N. K. *4 of \V. and l,ot I. of sec. au, Twp. l:ll N.. Hge. 7H W. of IMftli 1». M. Any and nil persons claiming adversely I prepared. I uasilllicit as tJit1 president thu alx)v«*-aesrrihL'(J land, or any part Mini-- .. of. urii advised to lilt heir la! ins in tins dS 1 1 iiu-1, ,i I it-i it I .\ office «n or In-fore the tune above tlesig- nated for the commencement of he said sale otherwise, their rights will be forfeited. 1 lj|t M. II. JKWKI.I,. Kegister. JOHN SATTKItUINII. I.'eceivel- You Can Easily Op erate This Type writer Yourself j, W! is desiie.i lo pi, K-/ 1 wiil cai rv a .iii.- iiiiiiinei hreu^li Ibis s'Hsi ti. 'i'here will 1 .c S''Hie lie Iffi in chil'^e .stuck if I am absent St iic il».us p.-n ^i lif I reasonahle si/.e and tliu-Uiiess of pup.-r right out to the very edge, wiihuit the aid. Of A'V KXHKN'SilVK ATTAt HMKS or special 1 skill, and your work will be neat appearing. legible and clear 1 Ol-1 KK i» he pc lit er for the lawyer, the Insurance agent the merchant, the hotel proprietor or any man does ins own writing. Write us now for our booklet on JlliM.lft'lKp features «i I lie HiiMIK FREE BRAND COLUMN Ill tills Cttjll Alien. II. W :tt|t|..,'i I .'alt ti W ittttun. l.s Hid was di'i -Ailed 1 'i I igelit sea IT!i was made a! the time ot his ppea a nee. I tii he ic e: I'cred with 11,,? work. in the interes' of iniinigration work In the slat", cently wrote a letter t- J'resident Roosevelt. re(|iiest ing his phojoei-aph for Use in lie literature that is to be 1 hat I'.u-t witli the pielurc. Ileceiiily Mr. (ti.. breulli reeei vctl ,i:n-. .1" laic,: Itraphs ol L11' 1 j:e-• itii•:i:, with liis sig nature and tin- daie. Th" t.itI-• [:t has evidently nol 1011401 !cn tin ye irs lie spent un lhe cui^cs nf Nijith 1 )a kota. A rciii.ii liable limine well' fes 'lii-'i struck liy he N. I', '•tiinp-my, at the .1 aini'stin\ 11 in ie!-lIOIISC, Mipplvinu watei at the ratenl ."III.IIIMI a I It .lis 1 nillr. and thus relieving a very pltss iii^' Ii'.-t•(i ,jt the f.iinpmy. wliieh f'li'ei.'d in draw water i' its nyint from the eity nyiiiants tin- a tim.-. The new well was drilled I'mm the hntt'illl nf the old i!t-• ii..r^Vi :"LL I I _-T. JFIL l) l.a-.t. I .'fiilm. "ii i-ft vrna. •r half li rt t:m|, OUT I'aUkcr. iii-r, iip. Tin: iadV iojuri.. 1 :ici ot congress though not iui. Last \ea. o\v: ."too .steam piows .-' used in Ins state. i':i war ti. number will be ^I'oal.y .is-'d. a the pi act it'a! ti I sit a :n p.o It been abundantly dcmoii.s: iat•.-il, ai modern appliances have made il ot the est lot hods •iiiinin, a a a b-." cu! I va 'lhe it .! No:! I h.'IIi a road pn poses ft] .-plant hnu". jSiuiitit ies yowiH' ii'tcs ai'.n^ i:s \aii :s lin which ii in a fft wars HHMMI ti tles lor lie system. While 1 111 11.. they would set Heel w!y silo telic'.sand save the in pa ny a lo' expense and W'oriy ilii: liar lhe win'n months:.' 7 A It it' II nil. |:i '.iit-rj tin ritiht 11,|, ':al,i ''."n"' 'li,/.-!, in'! '*r:ibi!ii'd on N f? |{'iur,u' ,l.«hii thn 3 I -f ^*o,ii• S(m 11,.t. i,'i.i':lJ Illk: I i- eft. 1 iiV, 11" t-i. 111'. 1 CN changes and es hiv yne ceiffkrati its An a un V"i tiy and an l,,.! -5th he liei onus impressed with tii a a a W 0 1 rand I' ork•, 11 era Id. 1 At Asli'e.v a saiaU I'my .iS l/ii !i by a dot in .i |ccuiiar tnanm-'. I! was sitting witii he head ol I lie ai.. uial in his lap. and he eh ii.cei! make a sudden ihoyi iie n!, wh t:. (lor, sta11 icil. sniaitif at him aiiCsei/c tbi iv:r. .I:te,»b- W :in-il on il ihe.l. hi toil. |t- il.-rs. olz, H"rv s:,, •"If ,f r«^i, I t'CKn. riirh .. Itip. •JO -S 11 t.i it rli'ii'icS 1 •»M II.US •r tmu tvu.,-, I'iil 0 I'u^ii, Id SI,,-. eal i- u.,1 . 'ba piiirui. Is 11 un |J, '-ri} light ribs'..: »n lc?Vi rk. "i'|.ii I)ah-. 'n! w. .i\ ^*oiM:s. ame brand on npaau. Ai.-el tiebi. i'-ft 7 at! I on i-},t hip. «ielMM).V ",lM y, »|j I- li-.i-,-. on u-f! NII.miller. vis Uros. lii'itvi-r *r• U* Mm.-K I.'.p t-.-ij. at le '•u rib* and h«!-s.^. ii-fl ht a i,i| 7 f[ !IMU ider. i' rtui.t DX 0- LD -ICX'.u*r **. ••nine mi 1 II /.e "a. ei 33 -lohii 1 hi 1\ II 1 li'l") Mil l» f| rY* 'I i. 'jllll I'll'fl,'. 1 .111.. •'l.i'j'.'lcei, ii,,,. In liV'i'i H. ^"f-lliel.i. I.'\,.llll. 11,11'-•s• 'k r« iii ii11, a" M. "i u-r, i,t,. J-J..II -f,.|,.„I il'f ft -h.,„!,|,r "I'fV,. ,^ Hi I'.-HuT .• W ft 1 A. -l.'.MllH, ih.rol bin IKl.l '.iiu. 11 is A 11 azi 1 tin 'U ll'iuuard, Hen -I-'umnin^innu I ft bin: 1 I 'I'M'*, I •11 E his. 7 3 I I Oil. ii fiL"l« 11ij». isjin .it ii_-ii ii- idi-r. I't-oni u-o Wi Mia rit left ^ide ie ui.ii I•«# a. r-illlr 11 111111 J. aini tp. nil! it! ••ac Ml' r.t, A. —1 !'i t-ii I I -1 1 III tW'i 11 Il-'t Ka'vi-ii. if ft hip oil- I- li '.'.I'Vt H7 mi li KX !•'. IV I I I ". I I .I/S I Oil. a eu it-fl liij, -f. I. -I.ii ion.. A s. lb-i-s. -I' .• iiat II,i. w. .1. I'liidrr, :'attb 0 0 Ji- HI if l\ i-fr.rd.. M. i: a iatu I .mtnoli-hiit «.it »M W I'1 I'V.t'S 14 l/l M«ie ne'/ix. Win. -Kn hip, 11..,— N.i.iib ii, V' open f'.riiei s) V...-'' brand (-mall) 01 I'.d/fi-, M. II '.'! In- ma )liOMl '«V' pi he l'e. likf, bead. •••y par Uir juk'Im ur an s' linai-Mlf-'d '»ii h'f'. !-i .-•U.-r 11 r- a .- :t»f 1'« ie. A I,. I. t\ Cut! le. on Icr-ori. A. I' AnnM i.iii. i'ttllt li. II. poll i' 1 ^h 1 hip. i'i!sliJohn-Wmona. Ib.i :KS :'RI'. 'A 11 aini A .P: *fl MiHUt rt »t li lUl'J B*. 4-4 ON IF I "'l 'ti idef. .. Tntimin. 1 :!n»na. 'rttt DC ribs. Il, on lfl'1 iv at ill 1 o: i. biped till left shoulder. brand on left hip. Ken-k.-rs Ib'l 76 ii. W -Wcstlieid ('alt •, i^iil inp. Kii-h. II/*• Hon 'all I". lbis". -1 I on iffi bo-iM. :iiith. I 1. lla/eilon. ''all'iV:? on ri iii :la k. N1WI iv. (if o. A C.ayton. A'nllb! atn.i?.h. II li,Wt M' A '-'i I'i -bi Iii'). Tod-i. liaylon 11- :hi .sboi.iIder. 'tVitioiiH. Caltlt'. iart'i* ^l^^e1 Hoi m-ssinull J-,.)- "ii j'OV. hole in it-1*1 ear. 1'i.uirh. Mi-, -I. W n»-iie-lt-r 11M'.se». l'oreiroin-r bratni on ri^iit liil at 11f. aua- bra nd on !fl hip. •III 11 l.i 'loin. .1. U. Wesilieid faltrn. ii.n a il hip llor-e. VH hair ieft hip. ^-. Iiu,1. I' a S I'III wnt"1. •ill ie. S t, fl M. ,,d I li I. Cult 'U't ~dit hip Vflh-r. A. -M Hip. ei if r. 10. C. -11 a li riuht shoulder i, II ampton. at Ii*. "r i( A e-ei'ti. •!. Linton ireie on left hip I well. The bitf well has tilled to three feet from the top and supplies more waiter than ean be used, the water 'inu of a .1 quality and uniniuri-'iis to the engine boilers, allle tiirh nt ci.nipioie te' has been made by the eni!ipaii\ e\ pertsasyet. The supply is ,-o m'i'at that no water will he taken from t'c I'lpestein. as lieietol'iire, ,e Hampton. lb'rse- 0 1 |e, lite il'.-i rattle. 74*' llor»e^. VT r5«'|T hon ider .b»hn bivona ilor*e*. rtiim Z-Z. I -in Hiidr r. CatHe, li« ZZ "Leader" and "Repeater" SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best com binations of powder, shot and waddingt loade 1 which give invariable rest-Us are responsible lor the superiority of Wincht--,ur "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. ^1 here is r.o guesswork in loading them. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetra* tion are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. them If not. why not i,? 5 1: W iiiiinai'.n, A m'ob— \S nopa. 1 '1st—. TT l^t't hip. W ray. Jolm lla/elton. rat if. :J.. •orubined on rurht hip. eater. 1». 11. II a z»d 1 on. I 'at tie c./ I or Sale A New Home llrop liead x'nm^'Machiiie. Applj Record Otliee. I'rice, Si^. Jl The First Hunk nf Lint' ton, N. I lias real-estate ni' I- .a 11 MI L"n(i lain) lands, three vt-ais i: re mil call at "iir S. .1. Ila-c. WINCHESTER a I Do you THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT shoot They are