Newspaper Page Text
YEAH: MTMBKK 1t». 1 rs. I .est IT At limine .. I 'l K\ Mi!' .. '.April il'ii h. l-I\ ITS I "l '"Mir. At 11 ousi •. IN TOWN (iND Advocate. N. Van laasli'i assi-ss ir "I tlii' l'\mrtli tlist rii- :i visiinr in Linton last Sal unla\. lliivi* yuu si't'ii tin- tuinli'i'ii 'i11tf wonder at S. J. 11 a^rti's I iu nl a r* »ti ire.' 'nine in any day tins week. jt l.incoln ray and W ill* ruin imiiiu up from the Winonarount ry Tuesdiiy. The hitter will wiikin l.iut ma while, Von hi iy s'.io -t du.-« an I i" wlt'K'al manner until Ma 1 si al\va. providi'd you 1 la\ a items vr so il"- nik'- I'lie I»ow11i• j'a'u. .uis paying eali f"r eream. iie •••'.••south' of tlie l"alol:i 11 oils •. i'tt lower Hmadway. VV. |{. A ml run was a I a'e mnt ^visitor in Lniton last 1"ri lay. II" met here his wife's -llier. Mr.-- I', l'.irrell. of llazelton. |.iy,a:i: •!ii,|, in,' .l. iiiui t" home. The Packard welI-1 mfiiijj !"!ks are putting down a well fr 1'rof. mi!h. -Oil the tear of his Itrna-lw iy l»t. 1 tiaok •..•smith Clayton and Law\"i 1 'in ne also interested in the mi lerliikiin.'. (iustavus Adnlplius Ih'.mian is hav- !V. it in a roomy ri inir-l IOUS.- luiiit "ii I ii li'ts on Ninth st iret I vv: 11 ifk 11 ail'l Maple avenues. "I' a- tluamh the pi.pillar 1 man 11 il 1 rll I 1 »i. Will Vrl t11 has ivntrd over .lolili llaf«"s ha :U\ thi-same will lie »vu piedt li' tor and his wiir ii- •.inn as 11 .l atl'iVrs SIh- will I' here in ten davs. Mis UVn "ii a u-iue-d nursr. having j^ailoiird ii' in !hr EMMONS *uucoe »t» ntW*o IS gallons 01 OUT. A little ruin Suiukiy inoiiiinif. Anton H. \'iill was up t'r-m Winona i'riilay. •I. I!. Iti ni-U wa.s duu nj oiu ii .: f.i .'i .Ll cuiint ry Sat unlay. II. Snpvr was a KuivUa iHistii- s-mati I last Tliitrsl:i- ('has. I! il er wasduv. from liiscl liiii in the lla/.'.'itou an! ii'la. f: Miss Lura Sponr. ani'Mly ciii|l"»'i Dii tin' Ut'i'iuil. is ii"« wiirliiii^ mi I lu: water heated to the point ot boiling, while breakfast :r jl I Mrs. I.aur wen! t'.i Alieideru Tue a day. ret iirninn Monda\. I Harry MeMillian came over from Ins Ii line ill Ashley, Silt ill dii I .1. Smith, the well-known Habile land-dealer, was in Linton try Sal urday Iteiid S .1- Ham advertlsnueiil in I his paper and you will not wonder 11 they have siich crowds everv dii.v. I Charley Cmtoii. of l»ell Kapids. S. I .mil .1. i. Meldi urn. of Fllendale. this state, were in Linton Tlnirsd last. c=/V See the pretty line of ready-to I wear hats and pattern hats. They 1 art- very preity. Conic and mi vince.l. M. lionisile. doc- 1 a ij. 11L t'nisrlsily of low i. I'-r 'in which sri,. o., the din.'tiir iudu.ile as a pli\sH'! At the last meeting of the comm's si 'liers April Jlid Wiisthe dale m'! tor the holding an election t" decide whether or not I 'Come :ni I inc a poiated village. I 1 Aijliur We.soott and famiiy, accoiu panic Ku-jrii" a Ur i- a ill Sunday ui^lit. Tlicy came hy tail from lioit ineau i" /ic a tn Linton. I The Packard we ll-horil |e ill lit a week pill down a well tor li. I I o!i he iatter's town lot on lie ,-a -i side oi Uroiidway opposite K. iv- trie's store. Mr. TW 1 build a me it-market there. The liev. A. .1. (iarry. wh »:is l-.m n,oiis eoiint v's only M«!thodi minis l,i' the pioneer days, iii 'ived in Linton hv yesterday's noon tiain. H" on a "id ,,-ds. 'I' I it" years lie as been si itioiieii in,.! he H"i bel li p.'l I V?£Sil 'Ml I Where pressure water is used this malleable iron pin-extension water tront, .which has more is cooking. When water heating surface than any cki? b^moved'awayf f|h.e' ^S0,,,Unl,W:e """IS* SSrSS® the leavers S. J. fiflGG house It takes the place ot reservoir. Monda\. \\. s. Freeman and Mrs. i.eoiue AclieMin were uplrnm the I'iile coun Mrs. Kuwerdink returned 1\ ester- day's noon train li"in a wsit to her relatives at Hull. Horn To i. and s. ill It* Mi- I no. of Linton. Sunday, April *t!i. ii in. Mother and hoy all riylib. Well. N-O-W G-OING li I 1 *yj Sfc 'j ••.kJ.ijWO Al ikalson was down troin lla/.cl- ton Friday. .:,-•• I Karle Atlia went lo llerreid Satur- Miss ilirdie Lee was up from F. iii- inoiisburu' Thursday last. Mrs. li. li. Mobile returned I'ridav loin ner I rip to lie Twin 'it ies. Attorurv Liine returned Thursday last trom 4 husiness trip to Kureka. A. .1. Nathan, ot Ihsmarck. passed through Linton last week on a busi ness 1 rip to /.ecland. (iet a liandsotiir set ot ware worth N otitic Walter (indi, who had been employed tor some tune at, the Arling ton. left last week for Montana. Aithur Kceblci^came trom Mandan Iiv Monday's tram, called here by the sickness of his son. A rt bur is looking The liev. Fr. Sellwei/.er will hold Catholic service in the old school- boiisc in Linton on Saturday. April ^Ist. iit lo o'clock a. in. The church iu tin Kxeter neighli ir bo 'ii hat was burned last t.ill is l*»- h-- t:.r Speciai A^ell! II. I,'. I'.enid' eo\ e,'unieii! land -1 lisped i'm ei-nt iV lesi^oed all I 'liiicle'l iiership with Attorney .1. T. ot iishi'iiro. Mi I'.'Tnil! will !eiuain at r.ismarek and at tend to the bu inrs, of tile tinil h-l"lc tl," land niiV.'* bi!" Mr. 'ull cb .ii .duct the Wilsl 11 I I end "f the »u-i- lirs. re\ in" i-eihii11. and is imw attain under its dimensions are sixty by thirty feet. Mr. ami Mrs. C. K. Hrooks. ot the 1 llaiuiiton nelyhbothoid. wele in town siturdiiy. icmainiiiK overiuu'lit. Ml. Stoddard returned home with them I, i- lie pin pose ot tunint,' their piano. :r I'he liev. Matt. W iiik will lec ture :i! the opera-house Friday eum 111. April l.'itli. on "The I 'liilosopby I n't fa 11 to call al llaifK's Hard-] uiiie store this week and see the Ma irst ic lianire iii full tilast. A cup of eolfee and '|uirkly-baked biscuits tur nislied toall comers. The Majestic is indeed ii wonder, and it deseives all be "ood things that are said about it ah \rr the country. lialdy of the liatcave vouches for ,i.iiisr11 its heiny nice, clean and hon orab'e in bis business methods. He ils i, unable to see that Streeter 1 M.-i 'u!- has accused him ot anylhintf direct- with. lv in the contrary, we have accused i11111 ot beini dishonest in many of bis deaiimfs and have averred that bis word is of no value whatever that his written contract, even, is of no unless entorced by a jury. All of MAJESTIC BASING DEMONSTRATION 1 1 1 1 1 77/A' .!/./-//•. a I I W a 1 a I I I I I S S I 11 any Tal lad a ret rued •.('i "Ohs!.' ai. a a I with relat \es it. Lint on. lienew jour iic .|nain! in (k :w "Little Miss Mullet at I h' ranch "u. tree. See llanu's advertisement List. »ei in this paper lor particulars. cli*#l.i a he opera-huil'si• Wednesday "I last week a pi.nrie liiv a neiir S a a lo a so: O .th" 1 It I'M. Ivlst'ill. il I'esl de 111 o| no:! !iw est em Kmmons. ndiniird 'I Inirsda) I from ii rip toj.hi I'oiairT home in South I lalo 'l a. The new aniinuuceuieoIs !l:i( :liee I ot'd this week ire: .1. 1 i. 1 'It ts I'll- an I- I itor: i. A. Het"l/. for treasiirrf and .P .1. Witt ill ay cr register deiKI's, Ifl will carry a liii" "i iiiillim-ry through this season. Tiieie wib in some one left in charje "I si ^ck il I am absent. .^Ujie^iUvyiiys: .,:peu. .M. llornsife. Uii-K F.\ aus et in ned est erda I mni his visit to Yates Ceii'ci. !\:ni.-a. whither lie Wits Cilllr I II', the -crioiis sickness ot Ids mothrr. Tie' I a I is not much hettI I. Laud 'ompam. Ilappiuess. Mu.sic will I pro ideil. Kvery body invited. A col lee ion 11 be taken to pay the expenses »re.iill and milk lectuiei. tables, anrl Landlord a o| lie A !iiiet"ii. made a trip to the li.ik' io neighbor hood one day last week |oee! a llili''il lie pu'cused. I is intended that the cow sli.ilI pifi'.iide f.,r th" A rlinjj-t 'ii whicii w.- stand prepared to prove at except .is lie do"s .M-.ioii.iily to, •un nine. newcomers who miudit be iiniuced t" COUNTY RECORD. LINTON, NOHTII DAKOTA. Ill ClisDAN I'li11. I!#. I !MM». *i.r»o i• i:i yi:AI:. IN \I»V.\N I /77V'vV. /'./// A.'-///'/ s7# I All 1 1 1 1 1 A A .1 en 111 1:1: a' I Lit! lew ..ill i- Attorney Clias fortably d' tiii' iled in the I'an.'i.s.a: corner, opposite the :aw-oniee hui d inn of W. Lynn. 11 is undri stood that Mr. Lane has I n-i aim to act as attorney !"r the I 'at ei'son "I I. I .irk iy I hii' any of his boaideis inay hiue be pri- Hereof tiikinii a little 'in:^ ryer (dse in plllllpillu' out :!.'• white i'lild. However, lie "Ifeis h" su.v sl!"!i that tliosi! desirin" to Ik" .I I' i-'" of said otfer set Ir up t.hrii riixh.y af fairs -especially il hey on" aiiy lioanl: The Advoriitr says that streeter. sent sample copies cont.1110111: ronsf^ of I'atterson into Kiddei uni' ".m'|l:. all whom be could n't he ii ami's- "t that the writei was d"inn luisine^ ("hai !"s. in Ins in-1 aiice. ye'.tv ities old say that A science needeth no iiceuser, II"-' publishr 1 ot th'' lire, id has -s' li' il single extra c"P.v of bat «.lr'.n-ny ot h(«i issue into Kiddrr county. .Veal he did not send an »-\t ia »py ii wtiei-i, I I I a New Majestic Malleable and Char coal Iron Ranges I a I I I I a a I I a I W a I I a l.hiiei Alideisoii .11 rI\t'lI by M'slri I 's I I I llkrr I l.l 111 III* had been I llli.e I |,"l is si! his hi ot liel id. ,d lor I 1 voll lioe, I lie wel I- 11 11 I 1 is' 1 1111 a 11 o! Ko 1"ka. as iii l.inloii Monday on business and to visit his many friends in these pints. I',-.t iiiastei Wcllrr, of Hampton, re turned last, eek from trip t" the I'acdie cast. lie was absent st-MTal months. This was the old-timer's tirst. ••picnic' in 111 any years. L. I i. Sey ill' 'II1 has been appointed inspect III' of rlecl loll ill t'llioll pre cinct. The u* I eat. Cleverill^'il neirr in i-s .111 opp'.il unit lo "do jjond" f.01 he '11 vei in^a -1 'aI t'-rs' 111-Slid wood T. li. yiohtvoinerylind .1. II. .leii of I ted Wink-. Minn with four ens of pris-liii 1 property arrived in Lint' 11 oil il Milwaukee special last, sundae. Th'i 111 ma their•home on iiieli iillld I I I the liel^hbol hoirtl "f Miii'ie* poslolllce. •. i.iis 11. in and liPpliew. II J. I»ean. arii\ed last week Iroin Mendota. III.. here Willis had I stopping most .'! !„. line ill l.'l lie left Ills count IV. III.-, uepli'-w Went home by the next Wl ia:iW«t. Willis will remain here a -J *.\ wVeS-.s, N e! !e Jlp Ills lillsiliess iilViiii s. Then he ili ret inn I ld ii-.iis. t:/i: in 11-e his home. The writer was in liisiniick owl Sini'liU. and while I here wits shown Ihpiinh III" new huiidliik.' I' cent Iy eivi-twl |.\ «. I'.it tiTvii. 'I'll** 1 m-a in fi'\ iv. In* I (,1 j, I (t/ I 1111* 1 Ul'Upf Jlll'l -i'Mlt iH'r lj-. I 1.11 i's l! I ri lit* N a h.ili thai 'I"' pit'!** I'.I'l ii.-ilhUI 1\ *o 1 i'' 'I ll* dlHll''! Iii 1 'l,jiUli has a suite ,.t nicriy di i.rii,!sl,a^ .r-iiiliis tie' secoiel s'• 'I'l.• h'ecold hils lepeilledK slillell I |,a! It ''Olll'l piovc I'll telsOli to lie .I 'l.liai and a s.\indler, and has otleied to p: -i,' Id'ii 1 la'va! b, main reliabl" cl!.i/."!is .' S his aint inosl of h»-111 ill 'li wit 1 1 W lloiii lie ills dole* business, AiiH \e! 1: 11(iy putfs up and teds bat. §-he W -ilild dit W oil id I I I -N .S 1 1 a a //, /. /. /. I 1 1 r-/ I I •HOT COFFEE f\ND BISCUITS FREE, •HANDSOME SET OF W-RRE FREE I COME IN ANY DAY. YOU ARE WELCOME WHETHER YOU RUY OR NOT siibsci it ic. 1 a 11 mi ltd I .1 In tiiiee ill ii while |iisl oner I I I a whll,t ffe I I I I Ies'/ INTON HARDWARE Tom I'o'i|e. depuly pn 'i.ic e\ n:.I• I. came down I lla/e|lon by \l• aeI 1 yIs.: I I a 1 1 1 I I S 1 1 I I I I I ot exitminini lie- bank ill thai pl.e e. The liev. .1. A. Lemciy Id! I.inl',11 Mondav. lie will 1 si! ill Anlo'.'i and I'dlliiiin and then "o lo 1,1,ilid Forks t.o resume Ins si irlie.s, :iii 1 lie stilt,"' lllll wisit lilW school, (ieorye \'et,t,er was broiijjbt. in by lleputy Slientl Jones las' I' 1 .day, charged with assault in" his biotln-i ISarney with 11 fence-pn.,i lb- ple:iII guilty brtol'e .1 list ic-' llntt.s iind was lined •.'• and costs. Miss Frances i'all.eisoir TMtirncd Saturday from Minneapolis, wb"i" she has lieeii at tend school. A cousin "d her and I S I a son's steiioifraphei I'atterson talks evety cellat.ion of lie st a ill 1 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I I I A It /. 1 A 1 rs I a a a I -w I I I I S I I lead. And. il lie v\ili i-.oi.. o\ei io-. tiles. In* will lind hilt he is inii'l.' :i f"W cbillL'es 11 111 si I 2IZZ3EZE I laid llial a II e| hi-, sec aid I pp'U I al io I ii d.r.. Mr. II. was b"iir(l I I I I I I a I 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1••,.- II W a I a Sa le.s a iit ei I fame ird a Tiieie was a bl|/ plilll iedili- Up Vl! last Siituiday ft .ran ovci a lnu. l.l rill, were des! oyed: Wouldn't I a a been' a I I 1 1 I I 1 1 .1 o| a W illl ii• -1.1e111 wha'h 111ihI easily have pl'oy, 1 1 I loiii While eU/il^6d I dil'. InU c:i' I le Ins hoi's slipp" I and I I- 1 1 W 1 a I a I a a I Mis In I I a a I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -i a W O I I I' I! I a 11 1 I wilh I iliu I No 111. 11 a ko! :i ii ie 1 si re 1 a a 11 -1 1 \11 1 i- i.i"i.- ina WlMie! a I a period of two 01 three \e.iis lie senf his mail out. of I r.isebn.' 'men or any ot.h'r old way, I hat. Ue I ton postmaster wouldn't lie an- I'ollock 1*1 I is A da I ijh •.! jw.isi I III t" ^11 and Mis l.'odye.Ks: Friday. Match '.o. I'»». I a.njew, healthy child, and I Icy say tha I has commenced to wi-ai 1 t.ii heiiv look already. And by tie- wai. ,l his is the tirst child by the name Wd'.: lock that has b*'eii loin in his ifetio ...w here I he falniiv atf -Id s. Is.. ike duces ,'ha:s.'es a_-ii 11 ist. him. It the (.ten! I'cai in iu't !iud inv "direct c'b,ir.*es"' in ii- li-crd ilia m»! tie- last 11 ni..|i! lis. Iae ci.'i.t'aiidy, is 1.11 1 be I I a v\ es I 'sldll .^ III tie sob II I lls I Is a .11 ye li lie subject ot iltis-'ll! il.m !•",!:ies- 1 I a I I sola for a lsit at Itie I .i raijcii. a i- I a [ml a I -r lehei :H| Sh" IjUiitfy a Willi I mothei '!I"H' I I I I I I I W that I "111 I lie is ha 1 ire!! '".I looked, and mothei trip townys.^ iii"cess 11 liicil a.vouIt's :!oi./foe 1 1 1 I a ,|S I I I I- a a a ill a I I S 1 1 1 a a a I I 1 1 1 A -a 1 1 a a I -a I 1 1 a a I a O a 1 O I a 1 area of roun! ry. t.'-oiv |ies::efi, bain was burm-d: Ait a icy A 1 in: ci/ 'linehav: a a a a! tin- I Ventel filllll Ileal W Il llisp'H I Wi'lil lip 111 sliioke. and I h" bi'n id ion. "O tl"'? J. II- Wotst place. Ileal the V'itlec I a a n- -l 1 1 1 I a A I 1 1 A a I Miss. •.,Sadie- Ia• s) ti ac'if fi'stdu..' in I" o! Il Is ColiUl v. his': I i" tai do 11 iri ahih? •¥]. a -l a a W -K A s- a be!' .sidio -mile id 1st a 11! j.ei'- A iis-simw .oil ti-bfc .j, I II.d lie'-'"-Wind was wiliriiiu 11 i:,!: 111 o. i'a .. .! 11| ill II"!', ,M ISS. •i-'.'IPHe's-'t hoiuhi!'«*t,hr p: lb,a! 'dliiirt-: inu !o.i\ a tiva'die is a hays'arK, .ilid il: sid,,.f litiiiji. 1 I I d' ,'ijais down t.o the iic. ,' c'.. iii t:o I':' pi-' lift" a ml !i is-i. re at was fchMi' sts! .-liish iie-n'..- one .1 iy las! week, •Ai.eii. pass in-.' 111 a the saui" toad. 11." sU 'W ha'.iiie disappeared, she '!oi5 tt.i the ni.' y. it. iiiid iieen folded ...iih"!ii?Si"t ,rr whiid. sic was a bout to iVfiii ii ir I the white paper attracted !irl l! tell'ion 'I lie W.l.sJll ils"ljod 11 •.! 11. I'l, .Is i: Was when she i' st If. Faster I Jail. :,,.,r|'he Linto:. iic-• I•» nid ami adr stiii wi'i ^i\e Faster liiill at the *if( ei a-h-'Use ii M.iil iy ewnititf. Apia! liiin. I a11•-111!1 1• iii :5o t,i 1 o'clock. ,._N [.pel wii he, seiM'd,. l'i\rrybody I a I