Newspaper Page Text
VEWS CONDENSATIONS Wednesday. May 16. james A. Cove, one of the moat -i-ominent Republican politicians in jl'ii'liigun and collector of customs at Grand Haplds. Is dead of apoplexy. The Standard Oil company has de clared a quarterly dividend of |9 a share. This compares with a $15 divi ii.'nd in the last previous quarter and rae .if $9 a year ago. One luindred and fifty delegates fr»m fifteen states are attending the eighth biennial convention of the Cath ,.]i'c Knights and Ladies of America, session at Detroit, Mich. Majn Barak G. Thomas, the "nes- !or of Kentucky racing, breeder of Domino ami Himyar and founder of •he famous Dlxiana stud, is dead at U-vington. Ky., aged eighty years. jusepli Constantlne, a prospector, wi,o lias just returned from a trip into Pimtii valley, Nevada, reports the finding of the bodies of two young Eastern prospectors at the foot of funeral range. Thursday, May 17. The Illinois legislature has passed primary election bill. ltiKhi Rev. Edward Henry Bicker rtetli, h. It, bishop of Exeter, Eng., is dead. The Standard Oil company has an nounnil an additional advance in the selling price on all high grades of gasoline. General John McCarthy, former postmaster of Chicago and a major general timing the Civil war, is dead, iigiil seventy-one. Arrangements are being made by the »ays and means committee of the Chiiagi) Commercial association to hold a big corn festival in Chicago in the fall. Jimmy Hrltt and Terry McGovern have signed articles for a ten-round bout, at catch weights, to be held at .Madison Square Garden, New York, on the innlit of May 28. Friday, May 18. The Roone cereal mills at Boone, la. have been totally destroyed by Are with a loss of $1f0,0U0. Michael imvltt, who was operated ud Wednesday tor the second time for tiliiud poisoning. Is reported to be much Improved. The world's International commerce will aggregate fully $25,UU0,000.000 in On' year lauii, says a bulletin issued by the department of commerce and labor. The national fete day, the flrst since the dissolution of the union between Sweden and Norway, was celebrated throughout Norway Thursday with extraordinary enthusiasm. I'r. Thomas S. Latimer, widely ktiunn as a physician, as professor of medicine at the College of Physicians ainl Surgeons and a prominent ex Confederate soldier, Is dead at Balti nwe. aged sixty-seven years. Saturday, May 19. The pope has suspended his audi ences owing to the fact that he is snBering from a slight attack of gout. Fanny Herring, once a theatrical favorite in New York, Is dead at Slms '"ii'S. Conn. She was seventy-four years old. •seven thousand New York painters and paj.erhangers will, it Is announced, strike on .Monday, tying up all work of this kind in that city. James Theodore Walker, a young clubman and repuuted millionaire of bonis, is dead at his country limne near Clarksville, Mo., from burns "weive.l in an explosion. Tlii' Masons and Builders' associa tion hi .San Francisco has raised the »aKes of bricklayers and bricklayers' wipers Commencing May 21 brick avers will receive $7 per day of eight and helpers $4 a day. This is an a'h'anee of fl a day for bricklayers and r.ii coins for helpers. Monday, May 21. Charles Albert lxipez, the sculptor, 8 dead at a New York hospital where l"'(l'i\vent an operation a week aso. Mrs Jefferson lavis' condition is reiiurted greatly improved. The fam is now hopeful of a complete re ''Very. Torrential rains recently have ashed ashes and cinders down the '0l'(*s of Mount Vesuvius and have xiiH'i the country around the vol cano. t'olonei i.amira, Mexican minister (liitta and former military attach'* t'li- .Mexican legation at Washing «s injured during a recent "'""'ii, is (lead at Peking. olonei Charles George Wilson, the '"'-s'dent of the New York Con inft0li S'ock Exchange and a for bo-.'.H' •Sident t'le a,f. New York health is dead, aged sixty-three years. Tuesday, May 22. |!rtIlli Sargent has been reap- 1 t'd commissioner general of im ""Krai ion Almost the entire business section 'iv ti eV'"f'' Ala 'las f:lsr been /V,! 1 w'i)ed tf' Aljbevill3 Uf Wo|,| out has a population of Cross authorities in San FYan 'he' 7" '"eI)ar'nK to take over all of t,! upon the withdrawal army Mas'''"-1 f°t' forty years a Pre.!"\!(. ',""vr a,,l an authority on ««pii aso"r-v' ls dead at Kansas City, seventy-three. 'fcndpr'k'f'1 ^a'° ,lav»£ 1' 'njiin-'i declined the shi,, "Ie Japanese ambassador "ns... ""ton- Baron Komura has ^-'"ed to taue the post. W|"r'"'en were killed and two -syIvji'i- fa"'nK rocks in the Penn Hudso,,J 1 Hill'oad tunnel under the "ver at New York city. WAR ON THE PULAJANES. American Regular* to Subdue Trouble* I some Natives. Manila, May 19.—The Philippine ooiumission has authorized Governor George Curry to begin a campaign With regular troops having for its ob ject the absolute subjugation of the Pulajanes on the island of Saniar. The scouts and constabulary, who will be withdrawn from the pursuit, of the insurgents, will garrison the present army stations while the regular troop-?, with Curry in command, will scour tho islands. The general campaign has been planned to begin immediately, accord ing to orders issued after a confer ence between Acting Governor Gen eral Ide, General Wood and Governor Curry. Stubborn resistance is ex pected to the expedition, which in cludes fourteen companies of infantry. MANY PERSONS HOMELESS. Plre Destroys Large Portion of Stan ley, Wis. Stanley, Wis.. May 1».—A spark, from the Northwestern mill started a Are resulting in a loss or about $20. 000. About 100 houses burned and a dozen business places, including tho Northwestern Lumber company's large department store, nothing of the contents being saved. Damage to tile residence portion Will reach $100,000, every house being burned from the Northwestern store to Franklin street. Very little was saved from any of the icsidencos on account of the fearful high wind. One thousand people are homeless. TO PREVENT IflOTlMi MORE THAN SIX HUNDRED UNIT ED STATES MARINES MAY BE LANDED AT PANAMA. Washington, May 22.—More than COO murines will confront l.iberul UNDER ANTI-TRUST LAW. Officials of Cleveland lee Combine Indicted. Cleveland. May IS.—The grand jury has returned indictments against Pres ident Harry Norvell and thirteen di rectors of the City Ice Delivery com pany, known locally as the ice trust, on the charge of violating the Valen tine anti-trust law. Those indicted are all well known business men and the most of them were the owners of the ice companies which were merged into the alleged trust several years ago. The men are charged with creating restriction In the ice business, increas ing the price of ice and preventing competition in its manufacture, pur chase and sale. •ANK PRESIDENT SUICIDES. •hoots Himself When Placed Under Arrest for Embezzlement. Norfolk, Va., May 19.—Irwin Tuc ker, president of the Savings bank of Newport News, Ya., committed sui clde in his room over the bank it. Newport News just as Chief of Police Reynolds of that city opened his door to arrest him upon a warrant charg ing him with defaulting in the sura of $10,000. Tucker shot himself through the right temple as the iloor was thrown open. The Savings bank has bed closed pending an investigation bv the boaid of directors. One report is to the cffect that the shortage mav am.unit to $20,000. FOR SURRENDERING TC JAPS. General Stoessel and Admiral Neboga toff Condemned to Derth. St. Petersburg, May 22.—I is r.i mored that the military cou whieh has been investigating the irrend.-v of Port Arthur and the batt of the Sea of Japan has condemned death Lieutenant General Stoes:- I, who Commanded the Russian -rces at Port Arthur, and Rear Admi a! N -!. gatoff. who commanded one- ui Ad miral Rojestvensky's squadi -ns and who surrendered during the i. r.'-il it tie to lite Japanese. SEVERELY WOUNDED BV B0M3. Russian Officer Prominent in Sup pressing Disturbances. Kallszk. Russian Poland. May -l.-f Count Keller, a colonel ut di a moons', was severely wounded by the explo 1 slon of a bomb which was thrown at the officer while he was r^Miniim from a review. His hoise was killed umi orderly was injured. EMMONS COUNTY lead ers on the Isthmus of Panama in case they attempt to promote riots and revolution ut the time of tiie election la Panama ou June 2o. Although the canal zone is under the secretary of war there is no indication that the war department will have any troops near the isthmus at the time of the approaching election and Secretary Taft must rely upon the marine corps to protect the canal zone. Only 200 marines are ou tho Isth mus at present. These are in com mand of Major C. J. Long. More than 400 marines are on tlia Columbia, which is ou its way to Guantunaiuo and will be within easy call in case the politics become stormy in Panama. This large detachment of marines is In command o£ Major Jojeune. The Marblchead, which is now sailing southward down the Mexican coast: and is only a few days from the Isthmus, carries only a small detach ment of marines and cannot add much Strength to any land expedition which Is so threatening. WORK OF C0NGRE8S. Wednesday. May 16. Senate—Practically the entire day devoted to the consideration of the unti-pass amendment, which was adopted after making so many excep tions as to arouse laughter every time the provision was read. House—Naval appropriation bill passed, the effort to strike out the provision for the largest battleship lu the world having failed. Thursday, May 17. Senate—Mr. Bailey reiterated his charges in regard to the alleged un derstanding hetweeu the Democratic senators and the president and again arraigned his critics in sharp lan guage. House—Consideration of the so called naturalization bill resumed, but no great headway made. Friday, May 18. Senate—Railroad rate bill passed by a vote of 71 to 3, Messrs. Foraker (Rep.i and Morgan and Pettus (Denis voting against the measure. House—Democrats under Mr. Will iams spent the day in tiiibustering to prevent passage of a bill paying au old claim in favor of a Southern uegro. The bill finally passed. Saturday, May 19. House—My a vote of 107 to 66 tho house refused, because the conferees had recommended that members of congress be included within the scope of the bill, to pass the anti-graft bill, so-called, dealing with cotton leaks and other matters of a confidential na ture. which, should thev become pub licly know n, might have a tendency to affect markets. Senate—Not in session. Monday, May 21. Senate—Executive, legislative and Judicial appropriation bill passed after three hours' consideration. It carries $2!»,Sl'.2r!t. House—Notwithstanding that the leader of the minority insisted upon the presence of a quorum throughout the day twenty-two bills were passed. AMERICAN IS KILLED W. H. STUART, UNITED STATES VICE CONSUL AT BATUM, RUS SIA, ASSASSINATED. Batoum, Kussia, May 21.—W. H. Stuart, tht* American vine consul, was shot and killed at his country place. The assassin escaped. Sir Stuart was a lirltish subject and one of the largest ship brokers and exporters of llatoiiui. During the revolutionary troubles of last fall liis life was many times threatened by longshoremen and at Christmas a deputation visited Mr. Stuart's office and piactically compelled him to give them $1,500 under the guise of a holi day gratuity for dock laborers. Washington. May 21.—Vice Consul Stuart, who was killed at Hatoum, was an Kngllshman, forty-nine years old and had filled the position for about two years. At the time of his death he was acting consul. MANY BUILDINGS WRECKED. Forest Fire Ignites Storehouse Con taining Dynamite. Cobalt, Ont., May 1!'.—Several tons of dynamite exploded in the north western section of the town, wreck ing twenty-five houses and throwing the residents into a panic. A number were more or less injured by flying debris, but none seriously. The ex plosion was caused by a forest lire igniting the building in which the dynamite was stored. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Minneapolis Wheat. Minneapolis, May 21.—Wheat—May, 83V|c: July, 83'is®S.:1/ic Sept., 80%g) S11,c On track No. 1 hard, 85-%c: No Northern. S4'f,c No. 2 North ern. W-Jc. Duluth Wheat and Flax. Diiluth. May .'1.—Wheat—To arrive and on track—No. 1 Northern. SI So Northern, 827«c May. SlVjc July. K-J•"»: Sept., 81 Flax—To arrive, on track and May, $1.15% July, $1.1 7'h Sept., $1.17 Oct., 15V $1.- St. Paul Union Stack Yards. St Paul, May 21. Cattle—Good to choice steers. $4.uO#ii.50 common to f.iir. $:i.fii"?f 2*,: good to choice cows :uu! heifers $.'i nfifft 1,5u veals, $1.50@ 4 2.". Ho«s--$'!.0.",8«.2|. 1 Sheep—Weth ers. 4 "T,'a ."i 7.j good to choice lambs, $ .o-efi a. uood to primp spring lanths. $7 5nf( POX'. Chicago Union Stock Yards. Chicago. May 21 —Cattle—Beevea, $4 l-f S 1" "ows and heifers, $1.75'5 f. i*.. stock'-rs and feeders, $2.75fr Ti/xans. $ I oijfi 4 ij calves, $4 oo i'i. Hogs Mixed and butchers, good heavy, $0 "u®»5.40: jouuh heavy. Ivl'ifi light. $«.M pi«s- $1.25® C.ln. Sheep, $4 7o'fi ."0 shorn lambs. $f S5@6.8* Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. May 21—Wheat May. Sf.i4c: July, 8344c. Corn—May, 4,.'1c: July. 4iit(&4KV4c Oats—May, July. 34c. Pork—May, $15. July, S15.72 Ms- Plax—Cash, Northwestern. $1.1": Southwestern, *1'U May. $5.n Uutter—Creamer i-'? ".U'-jJi lx'ac. Kggs—lt'£& 15c. Poultry--Turkeys, loc chickens, ll'ac LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, MAY 24. UHHi. UNION LAM* SANK OPENS. Chicago institution Has Authorised Capital of Chicago, May If.—The Commuu wealth Trust and flsvioft bask, Chi cago's flrst union tabor banking Insti tution, has opened Its doors. The bank la organized uuder the lava of Arl •ona and has an authorised oapital of 12,000,000, divided into shares of $! each. This capitalization has been reduced to $500,000. half of which has fteen subscribed for. The managing officers of the bank are practical bankers and USD of long experience. The board of directors Is composed of men who are prominent In the labor world. Pipe's Condition Improved. Rome. May 19.—When Dr. Lappoaf visited the pope during the morning he found his patient in an- Improved condition, although he had a Some what restless night at the result of his attack of gout. Owing to a alight rise in his temporature Dr. l^pponl ordered the pope to remain is bod tor several day*. KATE BILL 18 PASSED MEASURE QOCt THROUGH THE SENATE BV PRACTICALLY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. Seventy-one Members Pavor Paaaago en Final Lineup, Senators Ferafcer, Morgan and Pettuo Casting Ike Only Negative Votes—•ill Under Consid eration in the Upper Mevee for More Than Two Mentha. Washington, May It.—The railway rate bill passed the senate by a vote of 71 to 3. The only votes cast against It were thoao of Sosattra For aker of Ohio and Morgan and Pettus Of Alabama. The bill now goes t» conference be tween the committees of the two houses. The general opinion la that the agreement of the coa^renee com mittee will sustain the bill ta prac tically the form that it passed the aenate. Foraker of Ohio, the Republican who voted against the bill, has been consistent In his attitude on the meas ure. He has been against It since It was Introduced. Ho contendo that It was unconstitutional and worthless. In season and out of season, and re fused to compromise. Senators Morgau and Pettus of Ala bama, both more than eighty years of age, voted no because the Confederate legislature proclaimed the doctrine of atates' rights and they think the bill Is tiol in consonatic* with that doc trine. It was after seveuty days of almost continuous deliberation that the sen ate passed the bill. It was reported to the senate Feb. and was made the unfinished busluess March 12. Krom tbat date to May 4 the bill was under general discussion without lim itation on the duration of speeches, iifty-etglit of which were delivered. Mauy of these were prepared with great care and two of them consumed more than a day's time In delivery. Senator l.a Koliette spoke for throe days and Senator Daniel of Virginia for two days. Senators Bailey, For aker, Lodge, Hayner, Dolllver and oth ers each sioke for an entire day. OPPOSES SENATE AMENDMENTS. Rate Bill Not Satiafactory to House Committee. Washington, May 22.—The railroad rate bill was considered for three hours at night by the house commit tee on Interstate and foreign com merce and the decision reached to recommend disagreement to all of the aenate amendments and to send the measure to conference. Th: commit tee will not ask that Instructions of any character lie given to the house conferees. RUPTURE IS AVERTED RUSSIAN LOWER HOUSE IGNORES CZAR'S REFUSAL TO RECEIVE ITS DELEGATION. Bt. Petersburg, May 21.—The threat ened storm over the emperor's refusal to receive the delegation from tho lower house of parliament, appointed to present to him its reply to the speech from the throne, has been averted. The house during the after noon adopted a resolution to proceed I with the regular order of business and the discussion of the agrarian I question began. The moderate leaders of the Conati tutional Democrats, atter laboring with the hotheads until the early morning hours, succeeded in convinc ing them that it would be a fatal blun der to precipitate a conflict upon a false issue and a resolution was pre pared pointing out that tho Impor tance of the addreas consisted In its contents and not in the form In which it is transmitted to the emperor. Some of the Constitutional Democrats frank ly expressed the opinion that the house itself committed an error in ap pointing the deputation when the law specifically provided that communica tions from the home should go through the urosldent. IN TOWN 0ND OUT. More rain this week. Millinery cheap at Miss Smith's. Mrs. A. W. Situs is visit Aber deen. tius. Hrouian went to Minneapolis Monday. Mrs. Marion Coon went to Minneap olis Monday. Arthur Seney was down from llrad dock Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Kowse were over from Hampton yesterday. liobert t'asile was down from tiie north country Saturday. The Linton lia/.ar people are alxuit to hrinif in an automobile. WHrin* your feed to Paul Muencli'* feed store and «et it ground. Mr. ami Mrs. McLain were in 'from the Sand Creek country yesteiday. Mrs. Lottie Wescott took in the ex cursion on the Milwaukee Monday. HrSeed Flax—the itest. *l.2."i p*r bushel. See L. W. liropliy. IJrofy, Miss Leltie ICspesetli left by Mil waukee train Mondat for Minneap olis. Albert Tough is a^ain holding down a clerical position with the Linton Bazar. John Schaap and Tone Verhoef were up from the Hull neighborhood yes terday. ISTMiilet seed and Dakota Sun shine seed corn for sale. Paul uetieli. (J. C. McOec, Frank Arnold and Phillip Holler were up from Hague Tuesday. {&"l>r. T. M. MacLachlau (Special ist) eye, ear, nose and Tluoat, Bis marck. D. Will Mahaney took advantattcof tiie low rates on the Milwaukee to visit the Twin Cities. Henry Van Ueek or West Held and P. Hooks of Linton were recent vis itors in liisiuarck. Mrs. Andrew Wolfei relumed Mon day from a fortnight's visit with friends at/.eeland. tr ir you want to Isurow money on your farm, the Linton Stale bank will lend it to you. Attorney Lynn went to liismarck Tuesday on professional business, re turning Wednesday. S. A. Fischer, president of ilie Se curity State Bank of Straslmrtf. was a visitor in Lintoii Monday. Commissioner Slierwood. of the Fifth district, was a visitor in Linton a couple or days this week. A cheap-excursion train four dol lars tor the round trip left Kureka Monday for the Twin Cit ies. The family of Mr. F. W. Paul ac companied liiiu to Liuton from his re cent trip to southern Minnesota. Mrs. F.J. Smith and her son, Mil lard, were passengers on Moudaj's south-bound Milwaukee passenger. Hats 91 and up. At Miss Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sclilaiigeuare the happy parents of a brand-new boy that arrived a few daysago. All well. Horn—-Friday, May IS. l«o«j, to Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Junge, of Linton, a daughter. Mother and little miss all right. OT The First Bank of Linton, Liu ton, N. D., has real-estate money to loan on good farm lands, three to live years. Tracey Campbell, the Dakota Cen tral Telephone Company's switchboard expert, was in Linton a couple of days last week. The new concrete sidewalk and steps in front of Attorney Lynn's office building are a great improvement of the corner. C. N. PHELPS, Bismarck, is agent for tke great Edison Phonograph. When la Bismarck do not fail to come and hear one. Mr. Chas. Pulling and bis sister, Mrs. Harvey Walter, of .southern Kiii mons, were visitors in Linton the lore part of the week. Mr. Howe, a business man ot Uud cliffe. Iowa, who owns some real es tate in this county, was in Linton le tween trains last Ft idav. W. J. Marchant. who went Iowa to be with liis brother. Frank, who was very ill, sends word that his broth er has since passed away. Tom Kielfer, of Hie Dale country, was in town Saturday, returning I'loin Iowa, whither lie was called by the fatal sickness of his father. Miss Priscilla Pecore. "f Karroo county. Wisconsin, arrive:! Linton last week and has taken a cienral po sition in Attorney Lynn's office. Waists and skirts at Miss Smith s. Mrs. A. j. Atlia, accompanied hy her daughter Ada, of Ortonvilie. Minn., is visiting her .son, Mr Karl At ha. and daughter, Mrs. A. N. Junge, in Lin ton. Miss Juanita liuggles, who formerly helped her parents in the Yeater ho tel at Ha/.elton, ariived in Linton Fri day to accept a position in the Linton House. Paul Muench and family. S. J. Ilagg and J. C. Me Murray visited l»r. Wui. Muench over Sunday, and did a bit of tishing- Saturday afternoon and Mon day forenoon. Tliey brought in sev eral big all right. RECORD. St Mt. Krause. issue agent at 1 it Yates, was in Linton Tuesdav. let inn ing troiu a up to .south I ,ikot,i. Horn. Monday. May Jl. i-mm Mts. Minnie Keebler. ot the Linton neighborhood, a sun. MoU,,., Doll't toiget that the talented a' tiess, Kill Craven. ill appear at the opeia-hoiise Juno 4tlr. The pl.u i» "Last Lyniio." Miss KluaU-th Wet nor, the nurse Who has been attending Mis. A. Pattcison tor soeial weeks, de parted for the south iiv Tuesday's a I will eairy a line of millinery tlllough I Ills season. Tlieio will hi some one loll III ehatge of stock if I aill absent, .stoie always open hornsife, Miss l.uia Speai, who was recently called to Madison, H,| |,e sen oils illness ot a sister, leturned to Lin ton I' Id ay to resume her work in the Advocate office. Mr.aiul Mis. ('In 1st lanson. of the Linton iieiglilHii hood, are also the parents of a new I my, who came a week ago Monday. Colli I lie young man and his mother are doing well. M. ilogue, of Steele, was in Lin ton last week soliciting liieiulieislilp for the 'out liieut.,i11 'asuatt ('ompany. au accident-insurance company of Chicago, lie met with good .success. A very enjoyable dancing parly was given at. the Arlington last. Fnd.iy night. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddaid, Char lie Westerlierg and Charlie Kat/.en berger furnished the music, which was excellent. Joe Stember expects to go ovel to Neiui. S. I»., before long, to start up a paper for Mr. Pattcison. Joe lias many Irieiids in Liuton, who will re gret, to see him lea ye. And the base ball fans will smely miss him. Messrs. lieu, ttohlig ami (J. A. Iteed, respectively agent and piaiio-tunei ror Stone's Music House, have been in Lilitoli the past week tuning the pi anos which had formerly Iwn sold by Mr. Bohllg and taking orders forother hist ruments. The teachers' institute which will Itegin in Linton Monday, June 1th, will l»e conducted by Prof. Schmidt, principal of the Jamestown schools, one of the leading educators of the state. He will he assisted by Miss Al ice J. fisher. The llev. Matt. Wing will lectinc in the opera-house Thursday evening, May L'lth. Subject: ''The I'niiid States in tiie Light of Modern Proph ecy." He will also preach at his home Sunday at, 11 a. m. All are cordially invited to attend. John Storey, one ot the Kidder county candidates for the /epubllean nomination for a place on the repub lican legislative ticket at the coming election, was lu Liuton yesterday. Mr. Storey, while here, tiled his petiiion with the county auditor. Messrs. Hidden and Sijuires catii" up from Fort Yates Friday, remaining over night here. Maj. Beldeu left next morning by the N. P. for a visit at liis old iiome in Kidder county, and Mr. Squires took the afternoon Milwaukee train for a trip to Milo. Jackets at Miss Smith's. Mrs. Adah Wallace Cnruh, who is a National W. C. T. I', worker, will lecture at the M. K. church Monday evening. May ^'Mth. at *t o'clock. Mis. I.'nruh is recommended as a brilliant, earnest, and entertaining speaker. A II are cordially invited to attend. While speeding out Broadway. Mon day night,Col. Patterson sdevil wagon met with a mishap. The hulgine ran into a bull, breaking one ot the bul gine's lamps and damaging the radi ator. A bad scare was all the injury apparent, so fai as the bull was con cerned. The damage done Thursday of hist week by the heavy rain, through the Hooding of the Patterson and »boi nteiei basements, is estimated at •/•no and VMt respectively. The damage to Dick Kvans'new stole- building was less than at lirsl supposed amounting to about 1 In a few davs tin Linton l',a/ ir peo ple will have a lirst-class simple of the J. I Case separat'.r ou the va cant I it. Iioitll the Jieeoid office. It will lie run bv a regular thrasher engine, and will enable any one look jug foi an engine and s'-paiatoi t.o see Ijolh in opeiation. There is a brave bunch of baseball ersdownat. Pol look on -the- o. Tlie have actually consented to ,me to Linton and buck up agin the Ainolii lators on Memorial 1'ay Pity the poor, self-sacriticing " hope'" We'll eat 'ein alive' We'I! eat cm alive! Yum' Vum! Married. At Be'lilahd Ceiite'r'.' \V"is.'. May l'itli, l'.'OCi. by the Kov. Mood, of Mu.secoda, Wis.. Mr. ISert Chase, of Linton, and Miss Itutli N. Logue. of Richland Center. The In ide comes as a stranger to us. but. with .the lepu tation of Icing a -ery yv.ilhv i»niiii *1.50 I'KII Yi: \|{. IS AI»\ rings of JinI,. The lUvord acknowledges the girt or nice, lug ule.vs o| be 4ine. :ln 'I"a tin-,I ,| |„,v h"iuo lor lictse, I and hei bus ha rid. 'lie k* 11M L' 1 11, 511,11 I |!,»[],, I l-'atal Li 101 lv ill )11 ji -vi uiiij highly l, 11 ile I l,y T.! -,v|j,.. 'K I, -,v hini I lie I IC 11| extends y* is'II S to th. »MUlV,' ttpic, .y ho l.lle I'-'ilU" hol|s.-k.op'lllg lie- HtH'uie stea.I iieai Linton. Mastei 1- -I ,y Pali, ivii iiict i\i!ji a scyeie accident unl while p. tying' ul 1 Banker Sims went, east by the Mil waukee yesterday. It is reported that while absent he will purch.isea two-seated automobile fin (lie hank. oi I,, it I.:,, iihaps n, i|„- u.i".el 11d- ||, |,.|i fiV:-|i, a \Mi. breaking on,-o| hiyyiists. In Woi- V*'' l"ll 11 Veil up he Injnictl l|ll'!oi,e. and istei Ii. g.'ning, :iio„ as Weil as coiuii •. (i. e,| Nu. Mi,eiiei-b0»r.epubiicaii .^tiiV' Ida lo, OUIIII Issloliel l,| he I I I I district, yy as in vesleidav mie. here he tiled Ins pi iiiiar-y -law ,.,-t ii i-n *1111 I he count.v auditor'. iie peti tion contains up.y aid of hit im|I .l wlli.'h is a el I show mg l,.i a couiiiiissioiiei dist i.-t pet in n. TwIlls weie horn to Mi md \il,, HI Llsll o| he West lieid oel,dil.o| llooil. lec.'Ul |y W bethel iiovsoi i'ir«,J oi a gill an.I a b..\. ohi infonn ,oi ,i iV' 11II a I ile say lie son he 11 pa I he Count see ins I .. lie SI i| ny |,e nil Hi igI at ion pi oblein That In- M-c-ml set of twins 111 a month down tbeie. I WO hoys o( altoijl eighteen 1,1 nuii teen yeais came in I1..111 \lieideen the other day. bidden uudei a ase^ Ii I asl dug ii 11.- consigned lo 1 he Linton lla/.ar. and yy Inch o.-cupn .1 pai of a Hat c,| l»|ie ot I le III yyiole ,1': IKistal caid and dropped it in the post office: bill, as lie I I to addless It,:' the I'llld is posted III the |. .I' 'V, .IWail Ilie he addl ess. 'Ih.- b.y gives'-.' an account ot I us 11 ij 1.1 I I o\ 1 '.-a 1 Sister Anna: .lust .1 11y, I it l.iiit"iia! .'.u p. a11e 1 111, miles ot 1 iding un der a ('ase In,ishing 111a. lime. This: is a swell biiig. We weie out and heard the hiind play. It was line II ie lei el is sig lied. .N 01 I I 1 lo.t a '1 I'll. III.' boy .lie Ml »posei I to Ii 11, gone out, ol I ovv 11 I iv I he N 011 hei 11 I'.i cl tic. Miss Craven in Soulli llakoln. Ilia let ei t' 1 a lie.i 111.- I 1 .11111a I II. I. Walker, manager of I he I'.iooU illgs opet.l-house, says of the I ocel 11, engagement of Miss llutb 'laveii. I lie talented ui ot oi 1 11 actress, and hei. able company who ill appeal a! Lin ton June lib "Played Last l.yni.o lie ,",t 11 I a la 1 ge and a pprecial and 1 -7 ence. and I must.say that Miss 1 '1.1 yen's interpretation ot th.- 1111I011 uuat e. Lady Isalsille, yvas the best ever seen hei e. The work ol I!i.'hiinl: Valentine as Aiehibald 'ai lysle vsa-i almye pa 1. and 111 chaiaet.ers of tbsff nature lie will certainly please any ulni are so lorfunato as to hear him Miss Tlielnia I ie I le 'i it liirbaia llaie did e\eel|ent ly. as did ills.. loiel, Hall as 'a uielia. lalo- tin- company as a whole, our people consider Me'iu one of the best balan.vd I it has played here foi yeais. Miss 1'iaveii and 11'-1 company have found a yvaiiil spot, 11 11 ie bea 11 of I ! and, will be aeeoided a beaity yv.-ic.ui.' when 11 ley appeal Icrc n.-vt s-asoii iu: 11*• The Stale l-'air. Il weather per 11111 aie* lup.J.s h"l.l OIM, the sc 11 11 |e for- th" ileal ion of: (lower beds and rowsol sweet peasoti aii sides ol l-'aigo ale an grounds ou: lis o|MMiing days will greet the people of I he state as a p.nails'' almost. A scheme that n"|uiies I ilnu most ly ret uol uf the very exp.-nsive kind -has been (.'onsidet ed by tie- .issocm Lion to beautify the grounds in eviy way possible. plants ot a:l kin Is: glow quickly on vall''V sul: so it, is proposed to stall, at oil"'' so to lay out Ilower beds lie-11 buildings lining, walks and di 1 ve-ways, an I especialn. to train swe"t peas along Hi.- l.-ices about lie grounds and raee-t,ra.."i:,vTn.-: effect will be beautiful. 'lllis tlllie of real. .lul.y j:: to J', i-y t..11 h.o uning season for out-'if-dooi plants: so, il a.l is favorable, a novel sight wi gict State l-airgoeis. Tiie premium list of tie- l-'aig .ta:e ,111 association is puoiislied, and gives a list I aw aids I .1 almost eviy thing that '-an done, ui id- -.i gio.v in North |iikot.a I-/, .-i one nil e, ,st. ed may send t.o 1 lv W s.-.-i• tarv. toi one, and eiiiei an e\.libit in the events in 0111 line ot '.vo'k speeidlfy. for it. is sii eiy uc-oli lii'-d therein loi voiireno .urageiueiil. '.leal, interest is l*'ing taken in ie I ii-'\ ,iir ijy people ai. oei .the si.:t is ell as I-ai go.::-Ii 1 lug is .goitu on a lapid rate. lie- Far."- stict railway is Ienonig !(ejgt.t, ens lined-: ith lumber an otle.'i uia'ena loi grounds '.in tli'- different ran .ads, l!y this nieins. exhibits yvill .11 ill-. 1 lei .lirectjy at the groin.d-. sivin uui'-h labor, tune and daugei 'o jeecious exhibits Irotu iiandiing. The 1 a ii 1V ('. "tie' aiuuseinent laiifa is :i 'nil -1' led. Send -V) cents to esideic A S'-'dt. with your sug s' 011". lb- w.ll s" ud ,11 a tieket of admission t" the grounds for each .Vi cents, and. if .ur siugeaion is lb. one decided upon, will lec-ive tlic, flo rewaid otTcled by the a.sso- ini .n. 'oiiimuincated. A ull Line of lidison Phonograph Records kept continually on hand. Send for catalogue. C. 11. I'ttlilJ'i Agent Bismarck.