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2 iD TEAS: NUMBEB 46 FACTS Regarding the Hustling Busine« Men of Em mons and North ern Campbell. Two of the Best Coun ties to Be Found in the "Land of the Dakotas." These People Will Give You a Square Deal If You Do Business With Them. In calling we attention in this Issue to the liberal and progressive business and professional men of Emmons and northern Campbell counties, we desire to emphasize the desirability of patronising local people Taking everything into considera tion, they can do as well as the cata logue house, and it should not be for gotten that for every dollar spent at home practically three-fourths of it remains in the community. Taxes, rent, clerk hire, building im provements, lighting, etc., must in la rue part be paid by the home mer chant. Our schools and churches look mainly to them, and their prosperity means the growth of the town. Shoddy and trash form a large part of the mail-order house stocks, and quality is in many cases sacrificed to price, as they are well aware that the ordinary individual is not Judge of the value of goods. Official analysis of their paints, food products and other lines show that they are very often not what they are represented to be, and therefore the farmers and others are being bilked outrageously every way. When you buy from your local mer chant you see the goods before you purchase. He cannot afford to deal unfairly with you, and nowadays com petition is so keen that prices are ex tremely reasonable. The fanner should remember that in crowding out the local man he will in the long run re duce the value of his farm lands and deprive his growing sons and daugh ters of business opportunities as well. Kven supposing that in a few things a slight saving is effected, is it worth while to destroy hundreds and hun dreds of small towns throughout the country in order to economize a few dollars? The home merchant stands for a do nation to help every legitimate enter prise projected by the city and coun try but the mall-order house contrib utes in no way to our interests. Credit is never given by them, and the draining of our rural districts of ready money in order to enrich a few in dividuals who foist Inferior goods on is nothing less than a calamity. Should this continue, millions and millions of dollars' worth of town and adjacent farm property will be de preciated, and the fanner will suffer along with all others interested in the growth and prosperity of the small towns. •'ay your cash to the local dealer and order in as large quantities from liitn as you do from the catalogue house in Chicago and he will make y°u figures that will satisfy you and here note that moreover It is hardly fair to ask for accommodation from the town merchant when times are dull, and when times are good send the ready cash to the outsider. Think it well over and you will come to the conclusion that all are bene fited by the growth and advancement °f the home town, and, everything considered, the home merchant is en titled to the patronage of home people. LINTON FIRST BANK OF LINTON. Capital $10,000. E- A. Crain, President w. E. Petrie. Vice President W. O. Irwin, Cashier. This institution is so thoroughly identified with our section s'nake 8!®cial not that agement of this bank could hardly be improved on, and it is always ready do what it properly can to advance best interests. It is conservative, every way but all undertakings that safe, honorable banking may foster will be" sure of due considera tion from this institution. It is in creasing its business rapidly, and it a matter tor congratulation that our county possesses such a strong, well directed financial concern. Affable service to all 1s a feature of the bank well worth dwelling on. Messrs. Craln and Petrie are gentlemen of large means and excellent business judg ment, and Mr. W. O. Irwin, the cash ier, knows the^aaldng business thor oughly and is a courteous, capable gentleman who commands the full confidence of our people. to oar In LINTON STATE BANK. Capital $10,000 C. Verlandtr, Prtsidsnt E. E- Martin. Viet PmMtnfe A. W. Sims, Cashier.' If we did inot refer in high praise to this bank in our description of the city and surrounding country, we would be remlas Indeed, as it is a well-patronized, solid, progressive in stitution. It amply and satisfactor ily meets the needs of our community In the way of a first-class, ^'ell managed bank, and these gentlemen will attend promptly and thoroughly to any business you may have in the banking line. They are well equipped with strong safes and vaults and the funds are fully protected against Are, burglary, defalcation or other contin gencies. A good bank does a great deal for a town, as it aids consider ably in the development of the town's resources, and this Institution does its full share in this way.. AH accounts, whether large or small, are received with due appreciation, and there is nothing lacking that an up-to-date, successful bank should have. The rec ord of this institution is gilt-edged in every respect, and it is a great credit to our town. Messrs. Vorlander and Martin are well known as gentlemen of financial responsibility and the highest personal character, and Mr. A. W. Sims, the cashier, is well up in banking matters and one of the in fluential men of the community. PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY, J- A- Lang, Local Manager. In perusing this series of write-ups the reader will notice that the above-named company has yards at several points in the county. And these yards are all do inga good business. It is the policy of the Phoenix Company to treat customers in such a way that they will be retained. Agents are instructed to see that no mis takes are made as to statements regard ing the quality or grade of the stock sold, and when you buy from a Phoenix yard you know you are getting what you pay for. One of the busiest of the com pany's yards is the Linton yard, of which Mr. J. A. Lang is manager. At this yard you will always find a large and well selected stock of lumber and. other pro ducts in that line, and buyers may rest assured that they will be met in a liberal spirit and dealt with in a prompt and courteous manner. Mr. Lang has had several years' experience in the lumber business, and the firm that has employed him has never had cause to complain that it has not received at least its share of the trade. Mr. Lang will be pleased to have calls from those who contem plate the erection of buildings, and is al ways ready and willing to make esti mates as to the wood-work required in •structures of any kind. we mention of it in this special edition. Its career ,J*ry successful, and a bank "ind reflects credit upon us. A progressive concern, its standing silt-edged in every respect. As !he important part played by has been of this strong is a rule, banks people as money, of of man- appreciated by all •'any persons regard them simply a ,)lace «f safe keeping for Jnd have no adequate conception Part they play in the a success The legitimate enterprises CHRIST. WOLFER. General Merchandise. A general merchandise store that is up to the mark in every respect, sells at reasonable prices and in which all have confidence is hard to find but this establishment gives thorough sat isfaction, and it is a pleasure to note that it is favored with a flourishing trade. A reputation has been built up for fair and square dealing, and when you step in here you may be positive you will receive all that is coming to you. Customers are kept by giving the very best service, meeting the strongest competition, and carrying a line of goods that suits our people exactly. Integrity, push and enter prise are the foundation stones of this house, and the store has a neat, lively appearance which impresses the stranger very favorably. It is one of our prosperous enterprises, and price, goods, and business policy are right therefore, trade is expanding rapidly. Mr. Wolfer is a merchant of the right kind, always looking after busi ness, giving all comers everything that is coming to them, and being ab o lutely reliable. C. ROWERDINK. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Repairing. Desiring to include the responsi ble and honorable stores in these pages as we touch on our business interests, we feel that this establish ment deserves favorable mention at our lands. Our people are well Sir* served here, and Mr. Rowerdlnk en joys the best of reputations. He has won the confidence of the conimunity by fair treatment of patrons, and you need have no fear but that you have received a good return for your money when you trade with him. An up-to date, reliable, artistic stock of jewelry, diamonds, watches, silver and plated ware is kept, and prices are very reasonable. The exact truth is told regarding every article, and the busi ness has been built up on honor. A large repairing trade is done, and all departments of the business are in good shape. Mr. Rowerdink is fully trusted by our people, and when you do business with him you are in safe hands, as he is always on the square and an expert in his line of business. MISS MAE DORNSIFE. Millinery Parlors, Dressmaking. This is a millinery establishment which is doing well, and our ladies are well served here. The latest hats and bonnets are here displayed, and great pains are taken to please pa trons. The trimming is well done and the stock is bought from the leading bouses in the trade, so that customers may be sure they are getting stylish and fashionable headgear. Parlors like this attract trade that want the best for a moderate price, and we wish to make special mention of the fact that, no matter how fastidious you are. yon can be suited here. We are safe in saying that those who patronize these parlors recommend them to their friends, and it is a pleasure to note the well deserved success of this lady. She is assisted by Miss Alice Dorn sife, who has had long experience in this line. She also does dressmaking, and has a large trade in this line, too. Miss Dornsife is a refined, business like lady who is well thought of here by all. THE NEW MARKET. Paul R. Muench. Also, Flour, Feed and Grain. Here is a market that we should not forget to say a good word for, as it is well worthy of recommendation. It is a tip-top establishment in every respect for short weight is unknown here, and it is run in just the right way. All meats are first-class, and customers who have traded here ever since it first opened its doors are loud in its praises. The market enjoys a very good name, and pains are taken to please patrons-and give thorough satisfaction. Markets like this de serve a brisk patronage, and this one is numbered among our solid and growing establishments. We have never heard a complaint of any kind regarding this place, and everybody likes to see it do such a lively busi ness, as it enjoys the confidence of the community. Mr. Muench is always on hand looking after business closely, and is honest to the cent and a first-class citizen. He is also, in the feed, flour and grain business. H. HAUGSE. Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing, Repair ing. If we were asked to name a place where good, honest bTaeksmithing. horseshoeing and repairing are done at fair prices, we would certainly point out this establishment, and we think our readers would agree with us. Here the sound of the anvlt tias been heard for some time, and the job done here is first-class in every respect. The facilities here are excellent and the service offered patrons equals the best to be found anywhere. An up to-date, properly-conducted blacksmith ing, horseshoeing and repairing estab lishment is one of the most necessary features in the mercantile interests of any town, and we can congratulate ourselves of having such a success ful and thoroughly satisfactory shop of the kind here. Long experience, exceptional skill and honest methods mark this establishment, and our peo ple appreciate that fact, as is shown by the heavy patronage given the shop. Mr. Haugse is always busy, and he deals fairly and squarely with one and all. His reputation here is O. H. N. TURNER. Restaurant. The hotels and restaurants of Emmons county should be given a prominent place in these pages, and this establish ment is a very creditable enterprise. Business is in good shape, and all pa trons are properly looked after. Fruits, fish, oysters, and in fact anything sea sonable in the market, can be had here, and the place is kept clean and inviting. The service is O. K., and a better meal for the money would be hard to get. The kitchen is kept very neat, and the trade is steadily growing. We like to see a restaurant like this win out. as people receive proper attention and a square deal there, and no one can ask more than that. It is one of the prosperous estab lishments of Linton, and all departments of the business are properly looked after. Though not open long, Mr. Turner has shown that the people of l.inton and LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, M'AUC'tl lis. 11 07. vicinity appreciate a restaurant of the right kind. Mr. Turner is an industrious gentleman and a good citizen, and in conducting his restaurant he is ably as sisted by Mrs. Turner. THE LIN'rON BAKERY. August ©Sermeier. Prop. Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Etc. A home industry such as this gentle man operates is a considerable benefit to a town. Here Mr. Obermcycr turns out bread, cakes, pastry, etc., which are a credit to him. and which we may say are just as "mother used to make." The flour used is the best, the ingredients pure and unadulterated, and the bakc room is kept in a very clean condition. Mr. Obermeier also wholesales, supply ing the nearby towns, and he has built up a large trade by square dealing and progressive ways. He also handles fruits, cigars, confectionery, etc., and his stock is fresh and well-selected. Mr. Obermeier is a man you can hank on al ways, and he runs his store in a way that gives complete satisfaction to his patrons. This getleman is always busy, and he is a fixture here Vho "makes good" always. MRS. L. S. CARLEY. Restaurant. Mrs. Carley should not be passed by as we note our business establishments, for her restaurant is well patronized and she conducts her enterprise in a very creditable manner. Here you get home cooking that is home cooking, and her place is neat and inviting, The service is all right, too. and Mrs. Carley looks after business very closely. Her restau rant is conveniently located, being near the union depot, and she gets consider able patronage from the trainmen also, from the traveling public generally. You cannot get ajjetter meal in the county for the money, and Mrs. Carley therefore holds her trade right along. This lady owns several lots in Linton, and also has a good claim. She is industrious and accommodating, and enjoys the re spect of the entire community. HOTEL DAKOTA. John P. Ffeifle, Prop. The hotels of the county should not he passed by as we note the various fea tures of this section, and the Dakota is doing very well indeed. It has been newly furnished when you stop here you will be looked after inevery respect, It is but a short walk from the depot, and transients as well as local trade are given obliging attention. Mr. Pfeifle sets a verv good meal, and nothing is put on the table that is not the very best. The service likewise is good, and the hotel from top to bottom is kept as neat as a pin. A hotel like the Dakota is a credit to any town, and we are pleased to see that it is'doing such a fine busi ness. Mr. Pfeifle is a pleasant, go-ahead gentleman who is well adapted to the hotel business, and he has many friends and a large business connection. FRED KELSCH. Market. A first-class, well-managed meat mar ket is an important feature of a city, and this establishment does a large business. Here you get the proper weight always, and Mr. Kelsn keeps his place in just the right condition. This gentleman is one of the best butchers in this part of the state, and you will have no criticism to make should you do business here. He holds his trade first-rate, and he is honest to the nickel in dealing with his patrons. Mr. Kelsch is a man that you can always have confidence in and his market is run in the right way. It takes a bright, live man to operate an establishment of this kind and make it win but this gentle man is one of our prosperous business men and he is going ahead fast. DACOTAH LUMBER COMPANY. F. J. Haas, Local Manager. Lumber and Coal. Among Linton's important enterprises sliould be pointed ont this lumber yard, as it does a brisk trade, and the lumber and coal sold here give complete satis faction. The yard is run in a liberal, enterprising manner, and every effort is made to cater to people in a way that will leave no cause for complaint. Mr. Haas, the local manager, knows his line well, and you can bank on him always, as he looks sharply after trade and gets his share of it "and then some." HAZELTON HAZELTON LAND AGENCY. L. H. Briggle, Manager. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. Mr. Hriggle should not be passed by as we refer to the prosperous and up right business men of this section, as he does a large business and his sales are increasing rapidly. He is one of our pushers, understande the land business fully, and when you do busi ness with him you can count every time on a square deal. His list of city and country property is very attractive, and there is no better man to see should you contemplate invest ment of any kind. Real-estate men of his stamp are what, 'his section needs. COUNTY RECORD. as all our people are interested in the growth and development of this part of the state, and land men are firm be lievers in keeping the addvantages of a district before the public. In fact. It is not too much to say that our state would not advance as fast as it does were it not for our realty men, who are always foremost in pushing ahead and bringing newcomers here. Mr. Ilrlggle has a large list of lands for sale, pays taxes for non-residents, rents land, sells and exchanges real estate of any kind, lie has excellent bargains in farm property ranging Ironi ten to twenty-live dollars an acre Mr. Hriggle bears a very good name in real estate circles, and he is a pleasant, broad-gauge gentleman who "makes good" in every respect. A. E. KLABUNDE. General Merchandise The above-mentioned establishment deserves on its merits a leading place in our columns, as we dwell on the commercial interests in this part of the state, for it has built up a rep utation for square dealing which is recognized by all. and nowhere can better goods or lower prices be had. A stock of general merchandise is carried which is clean, fresh, and up to-date, and when you buy here you will be well pleased. Prices attract saving people, and the stock is well adapted for the needs of this commun ity. The store is commodious, fitted up very conveniently, and all cus tomers are given the very best atten tion. Clerk service is likewise ). K., and. briefly, this is tin establishment in which all customers can feel they are receiving good goods, reasonable prices and excellent treatment in every way. A store of this kind re flects credit on our business world, and trade is in a very satisfactory condition. Mr. Klabunde is one of the best merchants in the country, and a gentleman of push and sound business judgment who is one of the winners in mercantile life. THE BANK OF HAZELTON. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. George H. Niles. President M. E. Niles. Vice President H. O. Batzer, Cashier. In referring to this bank we wish to draw particular attention to the fact, that it makes a speciality of farm loans and insurance, doing a large business in these lines. There is no firm or institution in the county that can serve the public lietter in this way, as terms and rates are always eminently fair and the proprietors can refer to all with whom they have ever done business. They also do a general real-estate business, and they are authorities on this section of the country. We personally vouch for these gentlemen, though their record is such they require no endorsement from us. Their bank is well managed, also, and they are open for any and all legitimate banking that comes their way. The policy of the bank is conservative, the funds are secure ly guarded and every reasonable effort is made to please patrons. Ilazelton is greatly benefited by a bank of this kind. Mr. (ieorge II. Niles, the president, is an agreeable, go-ahead gentleman who is making a decided success of. the institution, and we would note that he is also a lawyer in excellent standing. Mrs. M. K. Niles, the vice president, is a pleasant and popular lady of great refinement, and Mr. II. O. Itatzer, the cashier, is a weighty factor in the prosperity of the bank. DACOTAH LUMBER COMPANY. L. Lewis, Local Manager. As wo mention the various lumber companies in this part of the state we feel we should not pass the Dacotah by, as it is one of the reliable and up-to-date kind, and they have -i reputation for dealing with their cus tomers in the right manner. All lumber and building material carried by them is tip-top, and prices are never unreasonable. Ilazelton always gets the proper deal from this yard, and Mr. Lewis, the local manager, is we|l liked and a gentleman who fiiK the bill in every respect. A lumber yard like this would get business any where. J. O. OTTERSON. Pool Room, Lunch Counter, Confec tionery. First-Class Equipment. We must not forget to iy a good word for this gentleman, as bis busi ness is ill good shape, and when you patronize bis establishment you will be well treated. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,'' the good old proverb says, and we con sider that, a well-managed, up-to-date pool and billiard room is an important feature of a city. This is a well-run resor:, and it is a very pleasant place to spend an hour in and enjoy a game. Kxci-llcnt order is alssass maintained, and son will have no fault to find when you step in lu re Mr Otterson also operates a lunch counter and you can get am thing 011 like there for the right price This gentle man keeps his place clean and tnvit ing, and his business cross's from sear to year. We must not fail out. also, that he keeps a Hue stock of confectionery Mr oit.rson is a good man to have in a town, as lie Is on the square. always a bus'lei and he gets along well with pie Here is an emporium which can supply anything in the line of general merchandise, hardware, etc. and prices are figured awus down You will have 110 reason to change once you begin trading with them, as they will deal with you in a perfectly straight manner ami 011 can depend on every bill ol goods sold you being what you asked for Misrepreseuta tion or overcharging does not go hen', and complaints of any kind regarding this establishment are not often heard. Trashy or unreliable goods find no room here and. no matter where you go. you cannot net a lower price for the same made of goods Messrs. Matthews. Healy ami Mikal son have a spotless record, and every dollar lliey ha\e has been hon estly earned. This is the best that can be said of any firm Im! it Is well deserved in this case HAGUE HAGUE STATE BANK. F. W. Boettcher, President C. Vr r lander, Vice Presiddent R. M. Volk, Cashier T. A. Kuehn, Assistant Cashier. Here is a bank which Is a good one in every way, as the capital is ample, management conservative, ami ser vice all that it should be. Its business is developing fast, and sour funds arc absolutely sale when sou deposit with these gentlemen. They have built up a very creditable institution, and it Is a pleasure to nolo its prosperity. Mr. Itoettcher is one of the leading men of the Dakotas. bis headquarters being at Aberdeen, and Mr. Vorlailder. of Kureka. is interested iu several banks and has a high fi nancial standing. Mr. It. .M. Volk, the cashier, is one of the best merchants ill the county, and Mr. F. A. Kuehn, the assistant cashier, who is the ac tive manager, is just the right man for the position, as be is alert and possessed of an excellent knowledge of the banking business, ami is a man of unquestioned integrity. THE HAGUE BAZAAR. Fischer & Miller, Props. 1.50 I'KIt YKAII, to point the pio HAZELTON MERCANTILE COM PANY. (Two Stores.) W. M. Matthews, President S. A. Mikalson, Secretary: Joseph Healy, Treasurer and Manager. General Merchandise. We desire to make special mention of the up-to-date and reliable general merchandise establishments of 'bi section, and here is a store wiii.ji thoroughly satisfies the people When you trade at this place you may In- certain you are gelling the right price and light quality, all btiMie being done mi honorable, progressive lines. The stock is clean, fresh, a up to the mark, and no effort spared to attract trade one and a,i being given the square deal Tie goods are bought from llrst.-c.lass houses. A guarantee goes with eveiv thing sold, and von may have full con fidence that all purchases will prov exactly as represented. The store is one of the most trustworthy in 1 county, and there is no better genenl merchandise sold anywhere. I'nu 1 eous and obliging service to all is the policy pursued, ami trade Is growiig constantly, as our people realize that all competition is met. whether from outside or other local houses. Messrs. Fischer Ar Miller are gentlemen who enjoy an excellent reputation, ami their record is first-class in every respect, as they ileal fairly and hon.i: ably with one and all. You can get. p.i belter goods or lower prices anywher.- L. SCHON. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. A well-managed livery ih.o giv good service and is low iu price -jot always found, but this establishment is one of the kind, and, it, deserves cordial mention from u.». ADVANCE IS purpose, and no barn iu tills part of thi' couutrs tries harder to give per fect satisfaction The rigs, too, are all right, and the bustlers and drivers are good, reliable tnen Liveries like (his would do well an* where, and we are glad this one is succeeding so nicely. Mr S hon is the right kind of a man for this business, as lie knows the drives sscll. deals with the trade in a polite manner and is reliable In cscrs respect NORTH STAR LUMBER COMPANY. Konrad Kraft Local Manager. In mentionini: the lumber coinpan ics in this section we wish to state that there is none svlth a better rep utation then the above-named firm I lies have a Hue record, and when sou trade wiili tliem you may feel tbut your dollar will go as far as any other concern in the state The lumber and building material sold by them stand the sescresi tests, and prices' and terms are The yards of this company are run 011 a fine system, and you are perfectly safe In giving these gentlemen sou patronage Mi. Conrad Kraft, the manager, knows this country well and is popular with the farmers and business men lie looks after trade very closely and Is a good man for his position levers-. bods knows lie Is on the square MITCHELL LUMBER COMPANY. Fred W. Hohmeyer. Local Manager. There are lumber companies and lumber companies but this one tills the hill in every respect, and when you deal with them you will be well served. Their lumber and other build ing materials prove exactly as repre sented. and customers are treated in the way 1 hey would like to be—that is, frankly and honorably. The yard keeps up with the times, and it is run on a fine system. Mr. Hohmeyer Is a very good man for his position, and lie is always busy looking up cus tomers and doing his utmost to push the company's trade. PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY. L. Weber, Local Manager. A lumber company like this would prove a winner anywhere, as price.* and goods are right and patrons re ceive proper service. Kindness in creases right along, and customers a' ceive their full due every time. The business done here is done on the square, ami Mr. Weber, the manager, is an excellent man In Ills line—open and ahoveboard and is well worthy 1 if trust Tiie lumber and building material sold here are guaranteed POLLOCK POLLOCK STATE BANK. Loans. Collections. Insurance. President. J. H. Wishek Vice Presi dent. James Pollock Cashier, J. J. Fenelon. The above mentioned bank is one of the sound and progressive institu tions in the northern part of our sis ter state, and depositors may feel con fident that their interests could not be belter looked after. All that a properly- conducted, well equip|ed bank can offer is found at this bank, •mil Its business shows a gratifying growth from year to year. Hanks like this help a town verv much, and Messrs. Wishek, I'ollock and Fene lon are gentlemen of large acquaint ance and good business acumen, who have built up an institution which holds a very creditable place among the banks of South Dakota PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY. W. C. Gilbert, Local Manager. A lumber company such as the above-mentioned establishment would come to the front anywhere, as the wants of patrons are catered to very closely. The .Square Deal" prevails every day iu the year, and the lumber and building material sold he-re are up to the best standards. A full sup ply is kept, and fanners, contractors and others having business with them may feel assured that they are receiv ing very good value always. Mr. W. Cilhert, the local manager, has a 'borough grasp o.f this business, and lie is a highly intelligent, agreeable gentleman, who exerts himself to the utmost for the interests of the com pany, and at the same time always sees lhat patrons get what is coming to them HANNING Here pa trons are taken can of in the rig' way, and when vou do your own driving from this establishment you will surely call again, as you are given fair and courteous treatment at all times. The livery business is h-1 conducted iu an up-to-date manner. The horses are well, .adapted for the «. PULLING. Livery. We do not think that we exagger ate when we say that this is one of the best liveries in South Dakota, as rigs, horses, and service are right every time, and the barn is equipped with all the necessary facilities that should be found in a high-class, suc cessful. popular livery stable. Cus- [Vontinued on I'nge 4.1