Newspaper Page Text
ti# llyju^etables in Sea»on Oysters and Fish THE CENTRAL MARKET PA PL R. MPESCFI. Proprietor .IN'TOX,, xonrn DAKOTA Cash Paid for Hides Irtiaice Meats Sausage a Specialty -ffWfWW»WWWWW»WWWWtWWWWW»WWW Wo ltavo HELENA, MONTANA An ideal health ami pleasure resort. I.eoponril and refurnished. Largest inclosed natatoriuin in iIn- world. Private batli rooms, plunu'e and vapor I tall is. Large grounds, beautiful drivos. pleasant walks, ^oort hunting and fishing within easy reach. Hales, $.'».00 per day and upward. l-'or railway fares call on or write to local agent, of NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY I-'.t booklets and information address Helena Hot Springs Co., Helena, Mont. on— A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul. Minn. Sr fe fe W? W?• ?s' Stage leaves Linbon at in daily for Ha zeltoii and Hraddock Carries passengers be tween Linton, Ila/.elton •iii'l lltaddock. Beturn '"Hi reaches Linton at ii:30 o'lnck p. in. Fresh Goods at vw^ *%t &'' v- -v Just n.'ceivotl a ship ment, el' Ann and Sewint.r Uockers. Diners, Inm Hods. Etc. Wo can save yon money mi furniture. We still (Id pictuie-ffiiminj.'. I Tndertat akinc and embalmim. -. Edison phonographs and records. Smith&Irvine Linton, N. D. SPSS THE BROADWATER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Wni. Carmicheal, ivop'r- First- Class liigs, (Smut J)r icing $$ Horses, Reasonable Rales, Prompt Service Also Runs a Stage Line Between Linton and a Braddock, Through Hazelton. W. E. PETRIE 1 IN'TOX. NORTH DAKOTA -DF.AL.KR IN- General Merchandise :j & Tt 7 & •a* Leade•/ r, Repealer" 3MOKFLESS POWDER SHELLS ^nrftfully ir.r.pcctcd shells, the best com biuv.ionr, of powder, shot and wadding :-'.u.ed by machines which give invariable rcs-jlir. are responsible for the superiority oi Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells, There is no guesswork in loading them. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetra tion are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. Do you shoot them If not, why not They are the SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS ShOOT EMMONS COUNTY r4TII YEAlt: NUMBEK LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, Till' I1SDAY, .IINK JO. 110T. 5- A1OS 'xk! OY $0 fhi 'JjU ^6 •:& 'v fe'' LINTON WINS AGAIN. Thursday of Last Week the Hazclton Team Came to Linton and Were Defeated. The keds tio to Pollock and Win Their Fifth Straight liame of the Season. I.INTuS-llA/.l-XToN. Iuriny the past week the home lc%l' has added two more base-ball s®pps in iis girdle. Last, week the defeated Ila/.elti'H by a 'ore of 1- ... 1. and Sundav tliev repeated the performance with Pollock —s to n. Nuthwithstanding the fact that there were occasional light showers during the game. and that the dia mond at, and around first base was quite mmldy, the locals and the II,i zeltons last Sunday crossed bats at the Linton ball park. Until teams were in rather poor condition for the cime, 'Hie Keds had three men out of posi tion and ila/.elton was shy two or three of their regular players. How ever. Kugetie Kilmer assisted them at first base, and Mr. Mooncy. deputy state hank examiner, whose duties had brought him to Kmmons county, assisted them in right field. I la/clton was first at bat, but failed to score. The l!eds made a couple by the time they were retired. In the second neither side scored, but the next lime at bat the I la/elf on boys became aggressive and succeeded in scoring their only run of the game. However, as two fo one was entirely close a score for com fort, the locals iniliis inning added four more runs to their ciedit. The game was too one sided lo he interesting to specta tors: but the Ila/.elton boys showed I heir spunk by lighting lo the last. I'oi nier Count Commissioner iiaxfer. of (haddock, did the umpiring, and all agieed that lie did well, l-'ollowim: is a summary of',,tbe game: I.INTON ei'It'l', J'f K'ull. F1 itn.Uriti. II :i :I, :{lj Sh'inbrr. of L.-tf- :.'l. i'J iyti»n. 1!) Lv:(ii. if l'» iiir. s* .Mi It iill I'u Tniw'vv: ll.v/r.t/mN -..... A. Mu rkr. ss. !(:«t /.»•»% v.v Wt'i-iiIi. Jli -.-iv, I'lowmiin. p. ss Kiliiifj-. II) Iji-isi'i", :iii li KM 1 iT .Monm-.v. S\v nl!i*n^. IturUis If I'd :il 0 1 1 ii 10 ti it 1 li ii 0 I i) ii lit ly huiiii^ l.iiil.iij lla/t'M'u it ii ti I.INTON' All li I'M 1'" A i: Hat /\•!•. a..*. 17 1 Koil, :a, I Fair Prices I-Oil Ie •J t) I .. l-'ian.'iL'un. ... (1 1 lisia?,. hs...' I ii 1 ii SO-rnlier. e|' II it tl ii Pan-. 21) a i) (i 1 Clay lun. 11' ... ...... a a 11 ii Slr-ei'l'-r. rf ... :i ti Pauir-.on. If 1 0 ii. ii Tuiai ....... M." :.M 7 isaioi'ic-- Ah It IIM ei A i. ii«ist*N'lahl. e. &: 4 (1 II •J (*reiiM'l. If 1 1) II Morwel a II tl v.: I provid. .s I I1.1t all 1 a iii LTown within tli" utifl hi-M lliuroin in"'Ii'vators. I wutflX'iP^ of ^i' iiiariu^ sliajl he taxed ULa ii\rd I'atc ws Io!lo\\^ Max' the ra to t-i oiii-hall »-f one ri-ht per hi:nh l: iwljrat at the rale of I hu-e-ei^h! hs a |eei pel im^hei: ami "at. l#a!' e'. '-orn. it ii'i 1 t' 1 ai'h at. iheiu'e oi tine 1,11 1 (. 1 1 i'« i-t pel hllMirl. a a madi- viiltrt. m(l u!i thai ii hiis 1 11'( t-' ii 1 al (jut i« I- 1. ii in 1m oi I ache's each kind ot If eai l' the pnt,v as-e»rd. |H" hal i! «'i"'i lilt 1 hat is niisi' tight to express disapproval. The logic is shallow- and rulii nlntis. It might as well be haul Ilia because a man may rutbfully eomp. neiH a lady by telling In.-r that she has pretty bands, it would be goml iiinnneiN and permissible to ull lier a!? thai she lias blackheads in her la,.- or is the possessor of a red nose. i- that Iv cause an admirer nf an actress sends her a bouquet of roses, one who does not admire her is justified throw-im: a dead cat at her. S". abuse "f umpires and players has no legal riyht to existence. ft must stand or fall upon its nienl as a suit of salutary lynch law thai. it were liot for it. the players would not do so well. Lynch law is veiy well in lis way. but il is not as cruel as "root ing."' In the old days we were ait to pilloiy (jib'odeis. whipth 'oia! caif tails. Hog and ciip iheircai in pulihc 15ut so il ,ss as tii: teat rt» of put die degradation that, though we still iiu prisou and hang offenders, ne hive the common Ohristiandecenev to do it all in private. We do not pander to out meanest and basest attribute I In- sire to see human brings sillier. I/a-. stopped whipping euIpri cause tlicv disliked it or punishment was excessive, but-because we wanted to lie deccnl. Wr punish them more cruelly now. Solitary c-ei liiiemeul is a thousand times \v ese than public whipping, as far as ihe offenders are concerned, bntatleist it has Hie advantage of dcpiiving a mob of degrading sport. ago we not because I he Judges of to-day pass sentences which the culprits would gladly ex change for whippings and lime in the stocks, branding or eai'-clipning We have not made punishment ornate to plea-e the offenders, but to discipline the vile, inhuman lusts which our grandfathers were wont to giat il'v un der the hypocritical cloak of justice. Hence it is that an ball player should not be hooted an abu-od. Such practice i- nothing more or less hail a survival of die de spised pillory. ABOUND THE STATE. 1 lakota physicians are treatment for I. iibercu- Some North testing a ii'-w losis. Hismaickcrs S'cm to have a I'aculU of gel ting all I he I nil advertising pos sible out of heir family brawls. There were fourteen criminal eases on the calendar at Washburn when .ludge Winchester opened court there recent 1 v. i: II II II II II- llasc tn ha I Is: I 11* flu i-Uc. I. nil' l-'la n:e„ :i 11. I. Struck nut: Ity riainigiiu. 11: by Hnrlic. liy I'low man. II il. by pitchi'i-: 'Knll. Ilils: 11" f-'la11 j1:ni.S I oil 'lowtnan (four innings). l:i: ulf llurUc (live innings), Karncil runs: I.I 11 Ion. a I' ni|)ilv: lia.Mll-. of I! block. IJNTON'-i'OLt.oCK. Sunday last the lieds went- to l'ol lock to play a gam, with the nine, of our neighboring town. The Unions weie successful, as usual. 1'olloek has a good team, but they did not use the required amount of bead-work in run ning the bases, Although it was soon seen thai the lleds could take care of themselves, the beginning of the. game was ii fa vol able, 'l'he diamond was covered with grass, and so errors were easily made. Asa result a bunch of Holding mistakes in the first, inning by Linton allowed 1'olloek to secure a run. Although the South lakota nine did not. again score until the tiltli. the North Dakotans made no runs until the fourth inning, when they went in lo redeem themselves. They got right down to business, and. by the aid of "the squeeze play." fa*t base-running, and errors by I'olioek. they made their total I. The I'ollock ites got, one score in litis inning, but failed to again cross the pan. Linton scored twice in the sixth, once in the seventh, and once in the eighth. This made them a total of eight. I'ollock IiasanAl pitcher, htii the hoys have been unlucky, having lost every game so far this season. rensel, Pollock's left fielder, had his hand badly hurl while sliding: Flanagan, who put him out. accidentally stepping on il and one of his spikes cutting it severely. Following is record of the game: The I»cviis Lake Journal is author ity for the statement that the linal exercises at the state deaf-and-dumb school weie of -a 11uief. nature". The I.inion Advocate did any of the nice notices ah speech Kditor Streeter, of tlje made at Vallev ('ft.v. Faigo •I -I'.v Ihe fee 'III, •oruiu. Adams has a onc-aiined bav-h.n! player .1. II. Ols- o. nigh"- onef.uoi for the S'-o Kailroad. He p!as centei field, a nd is one I lie best men in the aggregation. Ills good, arm .is Ins .Jell one. John Frobagli was aires lliold and lined for driving Ins an mobile tluough the village streets an illegal rate of speefi. Ileg mail after his release and again raced his machine through the sheets, lie was again ariestt and lined. He went 'Hie •'•si to the bad and sore. The benedicts feat'-d Hie bicii eloi.s at Ashley in a game id' base ball, and Frank fhyaut'.s Homestead 1 iievis il w,is because the foi mer had had more lighting experience. 'I'll L'C jrd would suggest I perhaps the lleetness of loo! in-ccssai lo escape I he bi oom-sLick hid made the hi belter ise-i uniiers. BRADDOCK BREVITIES. [I'Iomi III" Mis. Mamie Koisv lie, of Hen wood, Minn., arrived to-day for a visit wit,li her parents. Mr and Mrs. bush, of Wiliianisp rL. I-Milor (). 1-'. Ifnan! a campani'-d the Napoleon lull team lo llraddoc.l Sunday and showed thai be could play some hall, as we!l,vus publish a yo newspa|)er. -, The woik of makiiie I oe ceiie-nt blocks for Iir. Welsh's new building fjeeau Monday, and ontuietor l-'ul ruer and his men are uoiu^ some line work ill this respect. When complet ed this building will "really audio help beautify the a pp-a I -nice "lour town. 0 Aelieson. lh (1 II Spy rnoin*. 4 0 0 i"'i!ti. il .. tl (1 0 0 llrnkfl I. f. *f 0 I) it Khuit. rf. If a 11 tl it ii l't»^inn. .\M» ... ... 'i 1 1 1 ^tiji iii-r. l" 1 (1 1 (i I'oi.-ii :i7 il HAZELTON HAPPENINGS. I oiu Kf ii I .-hiiPei- in plrie.-.... of lin I -hiii. S'l.h' liy limiN'J I I (i it 1 ii !J:I I t» oiT I' 1 it11u•'111. oil' Muf- ruck out: I'litnairMM. Mnr/-ir, lin !y jmcliri: ^tn-cti llit^r'OlV I I: «lV M1 a«-I I. •". ,i«Ti fi«v i' :i nu. I Mdltii l»:it/.rr. Li c!'. I .«• 11 "li 1i I,m l.lhtu,,. I'liltoclv a .- n- I inpin-: 1 i-into!.. A New Law. in ia\v :i lut taxation of lias ntlv •IP ri) i) into L'tlV-ct. whirh !ienn, ,Juml- I Miss l-jlua A riusi rone is hom" fr -in iiismarck. ub"t'esla' lias lieen attend ing- ,-chool. ». II. Nil' airivcd from Minlieapo .1 is, Tuesdn. and will remain hen- inr some ni 'iitle.. Miss 1,-vinna Man-h int. of Linton, was the iruest of l/.'-itoii friends 'i'hiir.sday and l-'rida i. A. liineer. of liro|( n. S. I .. speiil a few dajs wilh the family id' A. 10. Klabuilde last week, lb was accom panied by l.i/./.ie Klafjiiod'-. who 1 vi.Mi In-re a few weeks. 1!. ('. Taibo', Le\ Wiicld, .lolin S'hni(l"i and i. W Iliace wi-i" par ty of Kmmniis county farm' r.s ,\lio returned Hie tirst of the week from Canada. The) aii like Ihe counl ry. and li !I have in st'-d I hen-. Al. Mikalson. who i.-. west -I the livei lakioij orders for I lie 1'ak'La willdl'ower. sends llollle ail older t,, I one liiiii'id of them, sold al .nm indan. is last heaid from as I'u w,st ive. :M"nf... and had mad sac--, :a,one ne ihi". I lie "Rooter." M-. aiai is. W. V- aler are iia --vp" l,"uN i" |.-:i -Ji j- «.\er li'e re-'eipt oi a .• ,or- •vor-M-iiis-./I'ls-ix.ri-. Tin. i" ii 11 r" he now hauoii .vhi Marl:. Ahoiil tw« iv.n. iti tvjvinty pas.sin.e- —has no riei.t to hom or i,i,\ the yom inau w.., a-- wa, ,. A,aska. N-.i. eii' ahii'-e iitiip-ires s' si p- and il h« to .» («•«•,-ayi-a. ,,, 1 tn era unmannerly and ofl-nsive and unmai.-j be,. 3 Mile ired^ ii il- hi *-irv |.'or 1 lor aie man abuse a iiot h• I »wiei: ^a if' wui luu oni 11!.n. «in I ,,} is o* in posit ion to replv iv«-s and friends he^au to l«»at* mou*. .\.»rth i:,', 1- out of kind. hat he mi«ht have yae way of .y -ty ,V. Kl:^ M''-outse Uu ivale p-jHpie Who ar*rU(i inuov a poi fellow who Ciiel t, tisat ^pante as a e.orojlutT. the th'* h! t" applaud -usually St an 1 lie ha I dships and e\pOMire 111- Kirsl jiuftlieat P'li Oil cid« nl to tuivel in tip' fro/en north. The letter recci\cd this week-reports him in Tacoma. Wash., sound and happy, and li is !:i- :i,iv iii' l.e.i to again hear from him 1'ist master and Mrs, i!e aie in ie Ceipt of an invitatioii to attend the graduation evcercises of Iiwseigh! grade of Websler M-lfol. 1 e- roit, Midi igan. which will he led hat. .-i •111 lie 1 ~st 11. Their lauguler. Anna, is me ot the '.-lass \|r. ileii l'a\«.s-: this weoU to lie piesent, at lier mailni at ion. MARIE MUSlNUiS. Weaie pleased to hear that l-'rallk' Mc'ioiigb. formerly of this vii-iniiv, who has been very ill a' the hospital Kochesler. Minn., lias recovered 111 siillicie Iowa f' I'e to ifif \pw1 .1 lint |. Hoiii to Mr. and Mrs. H. L.,iuist. of Tell, a son, last Tuesday iiioruine. The Hraddock half team was defeat ed last. Sunday on l.lie home ^namd In Napoleon by a score of U.', I 7. A»i icui nral 'olle^r [for many years c. unity superiniendeni, of schools of Lmmons county, senator from the Me I ntosh-Is iddei-Loi/a disLrici. and lieul.enanl eovein |. in par: as I lollows: You ask me lor mv \ieAs'iu the political principle involved in the liefereiidum. Mypoiilical creed has always been "The People's Wili.'*' Any doctrine or de\.ee thai wi i:h courane I lie people I think, and hilt w'lll enable Lln-m u.oie accura' eiy L:, leoister ihcir liii-ctij |. e, jn jYti I harmoii.\ wilh l.lie spirit ol American ins! il ut The leasioiiil an pl'.ici icabiiity of any ceilain Keler euduiii law nia.t he a debat i'oIi sub ject. I)iif th" Ipd'etidum pniicipl" So I absolutely accords with the ,.ery (••, 'I:c,, i,f iepubd'-aoisin that no man cut tics I if.. T,- I ,'e!ere:i I niii is noLaninnovati .il. I:, is a sure and .-.iir" ''UL to a-c -it-am wlnl the pe.,p,ii Want, and wii,-,i t'.e) aithus calied on lo itykler I heir dcsii'-.s. t.hev *vii take m,ue in public all'an's, and not niy have i,p.moiis. have a des11 t-o jia11 icii af in Lie- aflaiis of sovei nmeut. and in this way expi frss their opinion.-. They wiii iiavc .a wholesome tecard for ma ion1i -s, and will know how t'i create I hem. Lvr-ry •Ili/.-'ii will consider himself an inte,' era I actor ol he eo\ ei men t. a u-i v, O/VMUI \M t\tnr. In. SCI H^s.l i'c|oek at i-spuiiiit'iK'c »f I h' 1 n"! lift-get I he |.rcachi e\erv other Sundav at I'oiti lie Jennings residence 1 lie largest pelnlicd stinup ,Mcr seen in Ins vieniit was found on il bam Mel 'ormick's I'.imii list week. :-.v.-| I'.rv ie Llowl has tinishi dtlllirg his well. A line How in water was b lamed at a depth of lifly-three le t.. Miss Clara Kiel'er. :who had li, eii at tending institute al Linton, rclaiiied Friday and will resume her school duties in tile l)a.»en Iicighboriio d.?® loim i: POLLOCK ITEMS. I'nuMv.v. Iiitic II John af/enberecr. the landlord, expects to leave in a few davs I'-r an extended trip into cential. Norfh I'a kola. J. W. Monis, formerly of liale. N. I ., bill lor lie past, In ee eai a resi dent, nf /.ion I'it,v. an vrd in last night and will visit friends vicinity for se vera I weeks. Frank Shciwiod wen: lo Wishek, Saturday, wheie he had galb'-od about, Too head of caltle which ar, being taken to his range west of the river. The cattle will he diiven through the Linton ncighborliood and will eioss Hie rner at Winona. Resolutions. X:. pri The following res-'lut ions pared and adopted In a appointed by the teachers preseiii al t.lie ills! il ute held in l.iutou ivct nt l: "We. as a commit in behalf ol the liaehers of Emmons counly, do hereby wish lo extend to the linn. W. L. StockWldl, Stale 11 pc |'i 111 11' I ell of public instruction, ourheai I l'i:ll thanks for, and appiecial i"ii of. he iforts lie is putting forth in Hie cause of educa tion. "We also wish Lo I cud air hanks Lo Miss Saiidulge. county superintend en I lOmmolis ci,iu11 y, lor I lie eon scieut ious ellol ls put I'ofth bv her I' make i,ur iosl i! Ute I he most, silccekSH-. I ill ever held ill Fm moils cunnl y. "We wish to express i-ur appre' ia. t.lon id' I lie .veil' id woi done i,y I'lol. Macdouild in the work' for high er adi s. Miss Miller w, wish to express I I our deepest ra ti Hide I. ii I he nispi I a i! lit I- tifiii given us for primary work. "To the people of Union we ext.elid "Ur siiicrc thanks lor lie-ir kind hos pitably,.,. "J.i'l I--K :,t L. STI I r. •'Ann A. lb. \... "l. 1 *i: i: i. 11 i-.n.^r "1 .i,/i i'. ('n uisti.k, "M A I:I-. I, MIIKT'i.N. -i: '•-Law i, I i(i\. :c'M a Mi- Ma i:s.'? .: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. President Worst l.i.vpresses a l-avor able Opinion of I'/iis (ireut rtle diuni for Placing the Power to Directly Make or Defeat Laws in the Hands of tlie Voteis. I Hon. I.. A ela ml. a ufbor of l.lie rlicu I leni resolution I' ,i men,I lie cousLil ill ion and est. ib! isli lie- Inil.ia tive and l.'eferendiim. s-n Is oui a -t, 1 ti to lie state press. I'b risolulion passed fiot.h houses at, ill'- i-isl session a I a a inemiieis favorable it should be elected to l.lie next, session. Ui propo sit.ion wiil hen snhmitt -d lo t.«i«* I people, and, if adopt by a m.ijoiily of the volurs. will nee une a law of lie stale. Following is Mr. I laud's icl jt"i: 1 loll .1. iI. Wor.s'. nresideiii ol I lie Apply 1 be ui"it.- iie-iined Lo xpres 11is powets (as such, l-'or ibis and oilier r'-aso-i-s I a.iu iu favor of Id lin/ a i, "|i,e ifliV c" :i iy le.sponsible for. every i'.v wiiicii a' !ficls heir libertii s"-.'and i.hei: pt-p ri v.' '. ^'3:.. Notice to Ci L'ditin s. ill,-! -if! lie --ale of .1: IT Ie- r\iuP.ii.' wli ft! fvair !A fi Fort Yates YJ -•f Ami-, t: i'ir N»^ vuiu .tii'- (A «»MiiV-» «rii von.-itcrs. about a v.-ar ..ft •a in in sn,}j^ j, j(i i,• »ii riin it «f Kjh N N t» P^I 6 .."» i- I A IN A A Ml I.IHTON STATS MM or l-lMUN. N. p. Solicils Your Account mem, (lie is,-m, tlicilllies. tho 1 1 1 Consistent wi»l i.j^nd ml,in,' FRESH BREAD. PIES and CAKES A I ,W A -H I: let "f 1ISJ II A fsj FRUIT, CIGARS AND Cl JN'i' I N A I .1 ,Y I fst Extensive Slock oi Candies-—The Best 4, ,- n, il on Aie a I'.u.silK'ss in I'lotesstoiial Man,: _. S\ -"v.. 1 I A Store or Office Building If you Wan! a I'.iiifdn./ of CONCRETE "I LUMBER and Waid Ihe Worl-. \Y I i.*•. 'a!! on Me Linlon (,'onslriiclion ('onip.-inv LIN'I ON- MflZtfLTON LAND COMPANY /jl 'I'M l.i Ii hut (Ctt'l II'I.i Hull /."/o'e t'f 1111 in/ii 11 a nil I 111 in jji" ml l.'imls. .11.mi. iir ,.si I'ii III i: ll'i lirltr.s. i'jjtj I" I' iVf'il's: a (if IL I-, fore-- iftuv-ifHi n»ktiiWi l.nml xlunvii ficr nf i'l"irh-, irlhlliri erf" mil 'fan Im il to 11 iJtl Iwillliu: H' .' ...... I iiul J'roof. j,. /--Hi r::.'- r. i'a :1 j,, tl Jir' -.i -1 5', f.^r. :i. i". -tV p« ..!•{ e? v. -S ':C.'t•v.-1,1-:.»{\'-ui i:veeiiin\ Itr liiu li :it iy of A I 'V ../ *4 ,.\s'v-v. TOBACCO V*, A A A !i t»T he I'liuei So. of eoijr^.e lYoa Will Want a House* till/ i, nil I'M lh n'" in I'l'ii/ ri\M myjV hin In-n. jiinri in nn 1/ n.'i !•:i-:i ,v s'j\\ i-: nio a Li avis I ,1 Yates al 'I ThuMajs and atnr 'i davs Am at I. i.l .' 1.' .1 1 p. m. •j a' 1 Vif a Olii.WMI', \otsce sf CoiiiimitaJion inal 1'rooi. "Xoti.i. '1 thjnicr.lead inal I'roof. Apr. 1 hni 1)1/ ii'iii/n, llml I/IIII a^i ii^ili'ii ii /yiiir i/nii ri/ hi/ uitrti i/s afiM'Ttii£^Ai urn-' 11-! inona-Linton I ft /. Ut fiH i. AI I'KH' K. in- vjii/K !'.. Ajail !'*'T. •. I I, I Ji 11«if- fni 1-r.v i«/r '.,i:a .,v-t-^t' a a ui {•fir *r *t -,t li t,i, 'I'lc il \CC!!I| dat loiv 4k liinloii, N. D. Kiikinir I VrlcH ion I:, jint. ihlr i./i/ii uilii ,in ,11 l-'lmi r. litm In ijl I ii in' 11 lain ///'/•,. in a I' Ita I In- whitl: SNOW liiyi ii il i'j, I: fa I 11 liii'-.. fM| .'i.-.: •,r, i- -v lilt iiit nir 1 Uh-i |)i "'f in Mip--.i -ii'tVf'i I S'i i'l pi,M,f will \S 1 III il' fitV. t' M-ll 5 -i P' Oil. A i':.i V- S AN l- P- .i :-,N !•'. ,t*tit:i', .faiiiiiti s'.,i i" *.' -«f- -.v -:i. T".\p. l:w I..' o- ...»i .. :.. a .' n» provi ,--.r i-. .- eiptivu- i* 1 it N U. I' v": :v. », N I' 'V-r I I. }p"./S'ier oi llomcMead I inal Proof. 1 ri', i:. i. %. •.. Api P«C. /.-.a i. th\ir .• fn, |nV\ l»l^ :J 1 !, "f l»is 1 III ••II-' m: ifi sup i.'i'.i i. a .• y-'i.ipn-*»r wiil -.1 -I' I H11' •. 1 ..ititif^ n\ rrr/.Ki:. a si j- Aii:atil!^. A li I '.: ..«'••••? j- .. \V. un-l .»f i\*i i.• sI:.-*-. i,,. i... ,-'j'.a-aeAiUijf' it i. w-. a I ... "N. -»'L' '-v- n-'M 'vhm, i:.-^ 5*1pii»ve• 1 'Ml! N lu :, r. •-'.• .enaa-o .N. b. --"a .ra -. a- rAPo !•-. l». -}. IP LiVriv'i.I.. 1 il '_'i-ai-r. II S |il