Newspaper Page Text
LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA IN TOWN AND OUT. •fMore lilts *t Miss Smith's. gyTrr some of Turner's Ice-cream. Ass Britts went to Aberdeen Tues day. gf Pretty china and books clieap at Mbs Smftli's. jerry Cole came down from Hazel ton yesterday. Tom Kelly was down from Hazel ton last Thursday. Banker Yorlauder, of Eureka, was in town Tuesday. grLadies' and children's furnish ings at Miss Smith's. ^Bargains in hats, waists and skirts at Miss Smith's. Robert Petrie is up from the Wi nona country this week. Oil Stoves for sale at 14.50. Haak & Son, Hull, N. D. Village Marshal Paget took hi the Bismarck carnival this week. orBuy your Fourth-oMuly dresses, ready uiade, at Miss Smith's. The building for the bowling alley is rapidly nearing completion. Linton and Wishek will cross bats at the latter town nest Sunday. Attorney Armstrong was absent in Bismarck a couple of days this week. grVie are selling meal tickets at 13160 for twenty-one meals. Hotel KII mer. Marion Morford and Albert Peter son were Hartrordites in town Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boschker, of Stras burg, were visitors in Linton last Sat urday. orif you like good coffee, try our Diamond Brand. Sold at the Linton Leader. Dandelions are crowding the grass on the lawns of many of the cities of the state. The Misses Jennie and Anna Talbot w«re north-country visitors in Linton .vcsteiday. It Is reported that both of the Lin ton bands will furnish music here 011 the Fourth. WA car-ioad of barb-wire and nails just received at Wolfer's store. Call and get prices. Jakob Fischer, former county com missioner, was in Liuton between trains, Monday. VCall at the Leader store and see the line of children's wash suits. Prices: tl, *1.23, $1.50. Knut Knudtsou and Adolpii Lee were down from the Tell country yes terday mi land business. O. O. Johnson, the Morris (Illinois) owner of Emmons county land, was in Linton a few days last week. Cyrene Mikalsen and Billy Matthews re down from Hazelton as witnesses 'he Dewey-Snyder contest.. "If you need batteries, inner tubes, gasoline engineorauto supplies, see F. B. Irvine, Linton, N. D. Merchants Andrew Boscber and John Baumgartner, of Strasburg, vis ited Linton with the St. Paul jobbers' excursion Tuesday of last week. Billy Baxter and AdolphStaakcame down from the Braddock neighborhood Thursday to take in the ball game. H. O. Batzer came down from Hazel* ton Saturday night and went to Pol lock Sunday to catch for the Beds. Frank Kuehn, the genial young as slstaat cashier of the bank at Hague, was in Linton Monday and Tuesday. l!re?lnan' accompa nied by his brother, P. H. Freeman, was in Linton Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Sims, Mrs. Potwin and Master Henry Sims returned Tuesday from a visit to the Bismarck carnivai. jy ft** ttt there will be celebratlga at Ua 1* program ^urtz and Levi Chapman came lrotfl ®»*®lton yesterday to ap witnesses in the Dewey-Snyder contest case. --"'I ""m mi lions last Sunday. i»SfS? T1?8 the Hotel Kilmer oi!«.^entl,y be®11 "ew'y calcimined, SrSti? renovated, and placed in Oratrclass condition. un fr,!i!lc,.i*®re. ,Steven Huizenga were dfv ti yVestUeld country Tues JnVir came one to have some work done by Dentist Smith. W,eller' (,t the Hartford •fvSli i1 was a visitor in Linton 28! .J?81 week-seeing the »nd visiting old friends. the L'wTKUrnJerJ!0,,ected »bout $40 for huVk'd nd' Tuesday. The boys will rowfei ». rePlace J2" the bor- tl»ey have been using. rc"*^ "l b,„8, Williamsand Mr. cofcp^ofw«^lr1tn ""HfJ"" locsGnn «'utfl Kl|wer is centrally tafrw™1B ^'ness section of Lin n'hami»^iercW tr»velers will find a nandy place at whicii to stop. da» wUcil,e Crain came home Tues •BnSl ,^Un'?y Hall, Minneapolis, to Ifcnd iaJS« i*"en("n* school, fjend vacation witli her parents. down hvTB&rn(lt'of Bismarck, came to aL£yr trai» Monday evening the ffnrt fl™*' fw contestee in Snyder of Dd*ey this weew^rtSf0^"' many lame thesvsim ff8 ",nton* P»trons him o®r. wou,d ,ike 10 A,?nde.r»,^lf!.of the u'n,Wt,|nJa°^i!ld ,ore Methodist A TnJi'eir «»*•, Children, de ®"tlier at J? v,sit the lady's "«*of ttorXaiijl?0*'' Pe"n" l,,e0ld the HazelSIn Etcher Plowman, of '"*t Frida. f.*")' i'i LinUtu zeltoo, wner» hi* ,ne*tday for ftwttlS "lHa "d Blacksmith Clay part of tw" •nouthof Beavl? da**, the at the Dewey-Snyder case, and his father will go down to Emmonsburg to visit his son, W. B., and family, awhile. E. C. Campbell came down from Haselton Monday forenoon and took tiie Milwaukee train for Mina. S. I) where he is in charge of a grain ele vator. A 'aige number of witnesses from the north country reached town yes terday, having been called in the homestead-contest case of Dewev vs. Snyder. Master Eugene, the young son of Attorney C. H. Stanley, of Steele, arrived in Linton last evening, en route tojrisit his uncle, Major Belden, at Fort Yates. A game of base ball at Ilazelton last Sunday, between the Hazelton team and a mne from Cherry Grove school district, resulted in favor of Hazelton by a score or 21 to 10. P.P. Wernli, the Hazelton green elevator man, was in Linton over night Thursday, and took the Mil waukee train Friday en route to Le Mars, Iowa, for a visit. the ~«most-WM *tat»e«nan'8 luck wTb result. "Id-time .,li* son, T. P., the from the [}?»tf '".{"'lord, are down h«e as one of ?h„the 8o°- T- Assessor Wollenhaupt has been a visitor in Linton occasionally during the past week, his work in the south ern part of his district bringing him within a few miles of town. -Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Roop, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yeater, Chris. Winterton, Norman Roop and Mascot Charlie Gel! came from Hazelton last Thurs day to see the base-ball game. %Capt. Honstain and his daughter, Mrs. Marion Burge, are out from Min neapolis on a visit. The captain re cently returned from a fishing trip to the vicinity of Alexandria, Minn. The last trip of the mail-carrier be tween Linton and Hartford will be June 30th. The mail route will be continued between Linton and Win chester, with Ed Brown, of Linton, as carrier. W. II. Johnson, who worked for At torney Armstrong, in the Williams port neighborhood, during the winter of '97-98, was in Linton last week, lie was on lus way to the northern part of the state, where he has a claim. John Dobler and Christian Mertz, of Mcintosh county, who are visiting relatives at the ranch formerly belong ing to Fred Boettcher, in the eastern part of the county, were in Linton Tuesday. The Linton Juvenile Band gave a concert on Broadwav, between the postoffice and the Record building, Tuesday. The boysare thoroughly In terested in their work and are making good progress. E. L. ilawes and wife came down from Brofy yesterday to appear as wit nesses in the Dewey-Snyder land contest case. Ed was called by the Dewey interest and Mrs. Ilawes in the interest of Dr. Snyder. Postmaster Geil, or Hazelton, left by Friday's Milwaukee train for De troit, Mich., where he went to be present at the graduation of his daughter from the eighth grade of the public schools at that place. Landlord Yeater, of Hazelton, was in Linton Thursday on business and to visit old friends. He was sort of under the weather with "some lame ness," caused by wrestling with a big chunk of ice, and was walking with a cane. Some nineteen witnesses were sum moned by C. S. Lane, attorney for con testant in the Dewey-Snyder home stead contest case. And those who have been present at the hearing say that every one of them is friendly to Dr. Snyder and hopes that he will win out. ty'Ladies' and children's furnish ings at Miss Smith's. Before Justice Clint. Wagher, last week, Jakob Tuclischerer brought suit for 25 damages against Mathias Weiszbeck. The claim was for a colt, alleged to have been killed by defend ant's horse. A large number of wit nesses were heard. The justice dis missed the case. Lynn for plaintiff, Armstrong for defendant. Charles Coventry returned last week from Grand Forks, where he recently graduated from the state university law-school and then passed the exami nation for admission to the bar. He expects to start In a few days to visit his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, in Morton county. Mrs. Coventry, who lias been visiting there 9ome time, will return with him. Walter Wittmayer, seven years old (son of Register Wittmayer), who lias been visiting his grandfather and other relatives in Eureka since Lin ton schools closed, writes to his father asking him to send to him the copy of the Record containing the last school report. Probably no class of readers of the town papers was more interest ed in any feature of news than the school-children were in the school notes. Born—Wednesday, June 14, 1!«7, to Mr,- and. Mrs. Ben Johnson, of the Lin ton neighborhood, a daughter. Motlx and girl doing nicely. Ben was walk ing on air for a few days, but is grad ually coming back to earth and practi cal matters as it occurs to him that in the not distant future there will be many calls on "dad" for furbelows and gewgaws that are found in th dry goods stores, and for the purchase it which it is necessary for "the old man'' to get a move on himself. A kind and neighborly act vs. ,,neman 'Phone* w*s up uP.the W S Prof. McDonald, who conducUd the recent institute at Linton, speaks highly of Prof. Henry H. Hanson, wim has been secured for the position ot principal of the Linton schools. In a recent letter to Director Mat in. the school board, dated Mayviil •, N. D., June 8th, Mr. Hanson n: I lie normal school has been sending out requests for the names of eiflii li-uiade graduates. I have asked them ii'itt write to you people in Lini'.oo, as I am anxious to have as many pupils as pos sible take the high-school work. I hope that you can induce the ys and girls near Linton to come into town to school. Thelligh wduiol io this citv was built up largely through such ef ls the many witnesses in *rrrrrr»yyyyYYvvv\aAAAJUW" forts. You can count on me as willing to spend any amount of time toward this end." W This is the time to insure your crops against luil. E. E. MARTIN, Linton State Bank. The Hon. R. N. Stevens, of His marck, will deliver the oration at Lin ton on the Fourth. MF~Thc Leader store gives trading stamps equal to live per cent of your cash purchase. When your purchases reach a total of $10, whether bought at one Lime or not* you get for the stamps ."io cents in cash or goods. llow many sections or the "effete east" would you tind where more than forty people of a village would make a round trip of sixty miles by team to see their home nine play a game of base ball? But here it is different, however. Some fortv-tive people went from this village to Pollock last Sun day to see the game between the Lin ton Keds and the Pollock team. Fol lowing is a list, and it is probable that we have overlooked a few who attend ed: Mr. and Mrs II. X. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. ('.A. Patterson, Mrs. J. A. Lang, Mrs. J. A. Stem be and daugh ter Dorothy (Messrs. Lang and Stein ber being members of the team): the Misses Mamie Shier, Lucy Shier, Marv K. O'Reilly, Frances Patterson, Mina Thorwaldson: Messrs. Paul Muench. Wm. Muench, Oscar Johnson, D. R. Streeter, Wm. Carmicheal, Albert Junge. Karl Atlia, Bert Irvine, Earle Smith. W.S. Williams, Joe Kndren, («. B. Pritchajd, Ilenning Hasselstrom, Thos. Jones, Chas. Car ley, Floyd Atlia, II. O. Ilaugse, Albert Tough, Will Tough, Oliver Scott. Also, L. A. Weatherby, manager of the Reds: Harry Lynn, substitute: (ilen Turner and Clayton Carmicheal, mascots These, in addition to the members of the team, make a total of forty-live people who made the sixty-mile round trip to Pollock to see the game. Sale of State Hay Permits. Permits to cut grass on unleased school and institution lands for the season of 1907 will be sold at public auction by the county treasurer at the court house in Linton at 10 o'clock a. ni. on Saturday, June -J'.t, 190". Mo bid will be entertained for less than $5.00 per quarter-section or fraction thereof. Done by order of Hoard of University and School Lands. (). I. II O O Laud Commissioner. Taken Up- Mare. Came to my place, thirteen miles northwest of Linton. Sec. :tO-l.'U-77, June i, lti07, a blark mare about eight years old: was lame on all legs when taken up, but is now able to get around: has wire-cut marl oil left fore foot white spot on forehead: shod oil all four feet. Owner please call, pay charges and take animal away. [tjunJo-jly4| CmtisToKF CHANGED OWNERS. List of Emmons County Property Transferred During the Two Weeks Beginning June jd and Ending June sth. 1907. In the following table of real-estate transfers, copied from the records of the register of deeds, we have used reference marks as follows: a Patent, Receiver's Final Receipt, Quit claim Deed. Special Warranty Deed The descriptions without a reference mark are by Warranty Deed. I'nited States to J. Kaelil er, cjr of qr 10-i:t0 74 United States to Karl Rcnschler. 1 if of 11 qr and hf of qr 12-I.'fci 79 United States to Frank A. Sherwood, hf of qr l.j and hf of 11 qr 22-l.'t0-78 United States to Joseph Volk, qr of qr, hf of qr and qr of qr 0-i:w 78 a United States to Benjamin C. Talbot, hf of qr 14-134 -77 a United States to Benjamin C. Talbot, hf of qr 14 134-77 a United States to Frank A. Gossman, qr 2:t 129 77. a United States to M'ary Cor coran. qr 22 1X1 7." George Zerbes toCarmicheal & Malonev, lot 9, block Hunter's tirst addition to Liuton Edgar E. Draper and wife to .... *1,000 00 Joseph Weigel, qr I 129 74 Sherman Smith to J. K. Da vis, qr 22 1.12 78 Mary Corcoran to William 2,9Kl 00 1,050 00 Baxter, qr 22-1 75 Coia E. Junge and husband to W. L. Yeater, lot 9, blk 8. town of Hazelton II. O. Hatzer to Emil O. Bes foiii, qr of 12--J:t4 7»i.. I'e'er Boschker and wife to 2,000 00 W. O. Boschker, hf of qr -129-77 IS. (. Nelson and wife to Ki ller Stavig, 11 qr 14-1:55- per formed the other day up in the llrofy neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Mast in arc elderly people of hat section, the husband being so badly crippled that lie cannot perforin manual lai»r Levi Chapman, David Colquhouu, I'M Hawes, James Grittin, F. \V. Ortli meyer and Ed Larvick took their teams and breaking-plows and went over to the Mastin place, where they broke seven acres of sod for the old folks and sowed it to flax. A. Ilcrolz. 11 qr 10 l.iO 79 L. Payne to Sarah A. Mc- Col mm*, qr of qr, 11 qr of qr, qr of qr and qr of qr i:il 74 Peter II. Ilauck and wife to Jiuvb Guudert, 11 qr 19 iii(l 11 hf of 11 hf of 20 i:S2 II. F. Hunter and wife to II. Stoddard, pan of se qr 7 I.Ti 7ti II. I-'. Hunter ami wife to Ni'i by ami B. L. Nerby, n. qr 27 i:i2 77 County Auditor J. i. Pitts to I-: A. Crain (auditor's tax deetl), lots 1 and 2 and Iif of 11 qr 19 130-70... II. I'. Hunter and wife to Christian Marthaller, lot l*i, blk 21. Hunter's first addition to Linton SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW FOR DISPLAY OF THE NEW LINTON POST CARDS. 4 VIEWS AT 2 FOR 5 CENTS. Notice of Commutation Pinal Proof. HNIXKII STATKS I.AMI I'Kl'IOK. I IllSVAUi k. !.. .1 line II. 11HI7. Notie*» is hert-liy nivrn thai tin' following named settler lias UUM mitir,'. nf litr iuti-n tion to muku eomniutiition linn! tiroiif in support of lur rhtlui, iinil ihut sititl proof will bo uiurie iK-fori! t'liarlcs ll.t'urloy. jixlu• and cx-ottielo iMerl* of tlui rumity court, of Emmons rmoitv. N.l'., at liis nttl,v In I,in tou, N. I.. on .Inly £". 11107. vi/..: CRCKf.tA SCIIMAl.r/,. II.K. No. dati'.l s,-|ii. ::i. nm:i. r.,r 11 S. W. I, Iif S,',\ UV. Tn |, ll N KM,. W. of Fifth I'. M. Sh,' nu!m'i llic following l.i |rovi' iu'r ,'onlinuous rrshh-inv ,11 |jmi^ ami I'u111vul Ion iif saiil land, vi/..: IVl,-r Munsi'h of l.inton. N. I l.udwii: Mtiller, of Miiton. S ii IVter .loi-liiin. of SIlaslinri!. N. |i. Vim1,'tis MolTurl. of Slrasliurc N. I •0 I 00 ion 00 William l'aj.'-!. lot l, blk l.'i, Hunter's lirst addition to Linton Knut J. Midi*) to O. E. 00 2,400 00 II. .' I'.W I'll,I., KeuiMer. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. t'KITKK STATKS t.ASH Ol'm'i:. UlSMAHi K. N It., .lion- It. IHI7. I Notli'e Is hereby irlv, that tin* followini natni'ii settler has tiled not lee of his Inten tion to make live-year litial nronf in support of his claim, and that said proof will In' mado before Charles It. farIry. juii^e ami eg-oflicio clerk of the county court of Em mons county, II., at. Ills otiice in l.inton. N. I)., on July £, 11107, viz.: .. WILLIAM II. .loHNSii.Y I I E N a I a I I I the E. •/, of N. \V. i4 and S. of N. 10. '.i of Se.\ is. Twp i:n N. ,•. w. ,,f riftii lie names tin following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and rultiva tion of said land, viz.: Ered Kyes, of Omio, X. I. Kar! Woman, of Omio, N. Ii Edward I'itcher. of Omio, N. |i W illace Kyes, of Linton. N. It. M. II. JEWELL. Ueulsler. Notice of Homestead Final Prjof. t'NITKK STATKS I.ANII UH'IIIK, I I I I S A N i.. N E it. nmr. Notice ls hereby (riven Unit the followim named settler lias tiled notice of Ids inten tion to make live-year tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will IKI made before Imries It. arley, judnc and ex -officio clerk of lliit eountv court of Em mons county, N. I'., at his oilice in l.inton. N. I., on July i4, l!t07. viz.: IIKItMAN MATT I Si i\ II. 10. No. 271S2. dated March t. I'.nil, for lie S. W. !.i of Sec. £!. Twti. 12.1 N.. It 'e. Tii W. of I'ifth I'. M. tie names the following witnesses to his continuous residence prove upon and cultiva tion of said land. vi*. Harold Nelson, of Hull, N. 11. Hans Nelson, of Hull. N. 11 Andrew Olson, of Pollock. S It. Ilaus P. Vikso. of I'ollocl,. s. |i. M. II. JEW EL I Ii. lister Notice of Homestead Final Proof. I'NITHI* STATES IM N I OfricK. HISMAIICK, N. P.. Jmic II. liiur. I Notice is hereby given thal Uic .iiowSim numed settler has tileil notice nf n» inicii tion to make tive-yt«ur Hnal |jnn»r in sti(i port of her claim, ami hut said proof will hi* made liefore riiarles It t'ariev. Jinlge and ex-of!lcio clerk of the county court of Kni motis county, N. I at his nflliv In l-intnn. N. O., on Julv 11HI7, vi/..: rUANUKS TIITTLK. II. K. No. dated Oct. I». I'.hh. for I ii. S. 'i «f N. K. and N. ls of S. K. of Src\ IS, Twp. i:tt N., Kge. 7H W. of I'iftli I'. M. She iiaines the following witnesses lopinvr lier coutinuouH resideuci* upon ami riili 1 ,-i lion of said laud. viz. •lauies Kin-, of ICmiuousliur^. N. l. W. It. I«ee. of Kmmonsiiuri N.M. i). 1*1. Ilur^t*. of Linton, N. i». Wiiliuin Lee, of Ktmnoushiir^. M. II. JKWKM.. Kriml.•«. Notice of Uiitsolution. Notici* is herelty uiven thsit thrutiliT slgned, who have been !oin£ a ^rnrr:tl tuerchandise business under HM* linn toimr of liosch Kl»erle, in the town of Linton. Emmons county. North lakii:t. ii.tvr tmi tuaily dissolved copartnership ihr ii'l Rberle retiring from saiii tirrn. Tiie said liosch hereby assumes :i 11 iiabilit ies of said tirm, aud will collect :tll dtdiis dm- t" said firm. Dated at J/mton. N. I)., this 1st tl ty of June. 11*07. )o||N IJUII«-S7|. .lUSKI'll EltKKKK. Notice to Creditors. In the mattcrof he est-it of Miunh1 Hen derson. deceased: Notice is hereby given that the under signed. *. A. flerul/. aduiinist atoi-of the estaU of Minnie Henderson. I:ti«• of the di^ trict of Winchester, in I he county of Ktn inolis and state of North Oakota. tle^'eased. to the creditins of. and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to expihh tliein with the {uece.v*«ry voucbers. within six montiis .tft«'i'«thc tii-st puldicaiion of this notice, to said administ rattr. at iiis oMi'e in I he court-house, in l(ic village of IJnton. hi said Kinmons county. Halted June 12. A. I». I'.•r. (». A. Ad tn ini-sl ral or. Kirst publicatioti*on the |:ithday of .inne. A. I. 1W7. Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure. Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by lie Lin ton Oiera House Company, mortgagor, io I'hoenix Lumber Company, mortgagee, dat ed the first day of August, and lih-d for record in the otlice of the register of deeds of the comity of Kmmous aud state of North Dakota on the riftii day of ep tcmler. I'.Mm. and in bodc IU of inottgage^, at page will be tor« ch)sed by the sale of the premises in such mortgage ami here luafter described, at the front .door of tin court house in the county of Kinmons ami state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. the Mth day of July, IW7. to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sule. The premise* described ill such mortgage, and which will IH* sold to satisfy the same, ate described as fol lows: lot«4 ten (Id) ami eleven (II). in block five (,'», in Hunter's first addition to the townsite of Linton, D. There will le due on such mortgage al the .dale of sale the sum of .^1 be sides the cost and expenses of foreclosure. Dated tills day of May, l'.i»7. I'llOENIX 1.1 MHEli aiMI'AXi:. GK O W, LY N N Attorney for Mottgagee. Contest Notice. DKCAKTMKNT OK TIIK lNT»:nni|{. I'.MTKIi STATKS LANM OKKM K. Itismarck. N. May ^4. l!«)7. A sullicient. content alli lavit having been tiled in thisot!l«*e by John M.der, contestant against homestead entry No. made Nov. 'SI. KJtti. for W. 2.000 00 W. II Van l)usen and wife to Joseph Weigel, qr 1 129 74 Lester Patterson to Patter son Land Co., 11 qr 25 1:1:1 75 C. A. Patterson and wife to 2,000 00 1 I 'HI I 00 $1,500 00 of S W. J4. N. 4 of S. W. '4 aud N. W. of S. W. of Section 10, Township l:it N., Uange W. t»f l-'ifth I*. M.. by Johannes Jahis. contestee. in which ii N alleged that Johannes a las has not estab Hshed a residence (in iid entry and has wholly abandoned the same for more than six months litis last pa.»t. which default stiil exists, and that said ab.ence from the said entry was not due t.. hi *mpl mcnt in le United States army or navy in time of war said parlies are hen by notified Io appear, respond and otTer evidence touching said a I legation at 10 oVIm-k a in on July !•». Itefore L. A W«at her by, Com mis si«n-er. at hlsoliice in Linton. N. 1 and Jh it iiearilig wili he heid al I0o''lock III. 'in July S). 1W7, before tie- iiegist er a liti l'eeej v.-r at the I'nited Sta.tes Land oilice 1.1 It marck. N. D. Tile said contest int. having in a proper aUbliivit. tiled Mav IV l'.»n7. set. forth ft* whicii show hat after due diligem-e ii -rnn service of this not ice cannot be made, ii lie re by ordered and uirect ed iiat such notice IM» given by due aud proper publication JO N SATI Kitr.t N I». Receiver. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. N I A S A tifr'UCK, HLISMAKCK.^ N. D., May |u, I'.uT. Not ice is hereby gi v« mat 1 he fol low iug named settler lias Hied noticeof his int-n tion to make five-year final ptoof in sup port of Ids claim, ami that said proof will be made liefore L. A. Weatherby, I nit ed Stales Commissioner, at Linton. N. I. on June IW7. viz.: JAcolt STKKN'SLAND. Who made II. K. No. tstr^.i, dated .,*eii(emi*er i:». Ittt!. for the N ii of S. W. of Sec. 1 and K. V% of S. K. «»f Sec II, 1'vvp. I N., Kge. 7H W. of 5th I 00 V. M. lie flames the following witnesses to nrove Ids continuous residence upon aud cuiiiva tlon of said land, viz l«\ A. Sherwood, of Dale. N. D. Willis I*. Kieeman. of Dale, N. D. Andrew SleistMig. of Dale, N. FhiJllp liachmeier. of Dale. N. D. 12 5 00 M. 1L JEWELL. Kegister. -nnrnnnnr» j.TTT"^ Notice of Homestead Final Proof. r.MTKi* STATUS I.AM oirit i. IliSMAUCK. N. I)., May t», UV7. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hi* Inten tion to make live-year tlnal proof in sup port of Ids claim, and that s?iid proof will he made before K- A. Weatheihv. I'nited States ommisStsoner. al l.inton, N ItHil. fur lot ii. and K. t, nf \V W. l4t»r I .1 tine ^7. I'.HC. viz.: AI.EX ANhKli WALTHr:iC. Wln» made II.K. N.i l:ii*7:t dated March Is Ion of said laud, vi/.: Herman Mattlson. of Wcsttieid, N. I. Andrew Olson, of Westti»d«i. N. I. I MIMI N* S. K. »4 of ec. li. T«p. l\\ N Hue w. O :»ii» i\ He names he follow luu wi\uesses t.i pi ..s his cont innous residence poll und »'II 111 a lmi of said laud, vi/.: Johannes Naas/., of l.inton. |i ilottlieb Naas/, of Kiulon. N l» lohn It. Witt ma\er. of l.inton. Daniel ttet'hi le. t.f Kinloti. N l» M. H. JKWKLL. li.«lstei Notice of Commutation Final Proof. STAT»:s I.A N I Oirit K, UtSMAltOK. N. I.. May 14. I!*)7. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler lias tiled noticeof Ids Inten tion to maUc commutation tinal proof in support of Ids claim, aud thai said proof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, I'nited States «'ommissioncr. at l.inton, N h.t on .1 utie I HHI7. I A STKI KF.N ANhKKSoN, \N ho made U.K. No. dated March JW. for tlie N. l* of S. W. aud N l» t»f S. K. 'i t»f Sec. 10, Twp. i:u N.. Kge 7 W. of .Mh I*. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and culiiva ion of said land. vi/..: Christ. Klpps. of Linton, N. I' iJeorge Neiiniitler. of Liuton. N l». Andrew llanstut. of Liuton, N Martin Itrue. of Linton, N. Ii. M. II. JKWKLL, Kt gls'Ci Notice of Hinal homestead Proof. CM I I STATKS LA N I ornt i.- ItisMAKCK, N. I., June 10. H*)7. Notice is hereby given that the following-t named settler lias tiled notice of Ills inten. tion to make live-year linal nroof in sup port of his claim, and that aahf proof will be made tiefore Charles II. t'arley. judge and e.x-otlicio clerk «»f the county court of Kin mons county. N• l. at his otlice in Liuton. N. !., ou July IW7, viz IIAKULI» NKLSt IN. U.K. No. dated Julv IllKt. for the N. K. t»f See. Twp. I^.t N., Kge. 7» W of I'ifth I1. M. lie names the folllowiug witnesses to prove his routInuous residence Tipon ami ciifilva- Hans VlUse. of I'ollock. S. I*. Wieger Kodeiihurg.of Westtield, N. I. M. H.JKWKLL, Hegistvr. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. I'MTKI) STATKS LAND Ufr'lH'K. UisMAiti K. N. !., May lo. iW,. Notice is hereby given ttiat the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make comtnutat ion final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before L. A We at herhy, i' lilted states '(Mumissioner, at f.iutou, N. I». on June^». I*.*i»7. vi/..: ADAM MIT/.KL. Wiio made II. K. No. *^84(^7. dated June^H. ItNM. for the N. W. 'i of N. W «4, K. of N. W. 'i and N. K. of S. W. «»f See. Twp. 1(1 N.. Kge.W. cif .Hh IV M. lie names the following wituessesto move his «*4nit Inuous residence U|HIII aud cult I va ion of said iami. viz .loseplt Schneider, of Slra.shurg. N. D. t'eter Keller, of St rasburg. N. D. AmlreaM Mit/.el. of Strasburg, N. D. I'eter '/.Jicher, of Strasburg. N. D. M. II. KWKLL. Itegister Notice of Commutation Final Proof. NIIl ll STATKS I.ANII OrriC'K. I IIISMAIICK. N. I„ May I. 11*17. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of her Inten tion to make commutation final proof in support of tier claim, and that said proof will IK* made before L. A. Weatherby, United States Commissioner, a( Linton. N D..«»n line ^'7. IW7, vi/..: tlKACK li. »STINf». Who mail** II. K. No. 'JU.ViIK dated Novemher 1:!. imtt, for lie S '.'a of N W '4 ami Lots :t ami 4, S«m'. Twp. lilt N., Kge. 7« W. of riftii v. She names the following witnesses to nrove her cont Unions residence upon and cultiva tion of said laml. vi/..: Michael itaumgart r. of Strasburg, N D. Michael Thomas, of Strasbiiri N. D. Slepiien Lipp, of Strasburg, N. D. I'eter Wlkeniieiser, of Strasburg, N- D. M. H. KWKLL. Itegister Notice of Commutation Final Proof. rxiTKIl STATUS LA N I N N HISMAHCK. I N. D., April 147. l!J07. Notice Is hereby given that tint following named settler has filed noticeof herinten tion to inakt cornmutatioii final proof in support of herclalm. ami that, said proof will be made liefore I.. A. Wcalherhy, 1'uited Mates Commissioner-. al Linton. D., on June -..'li. 1'.MI7, vi/..: KATK I'AVNK, oHMKHl.V i\ATK ItOSSI.V, Who made II. K. No. daled January :t. 1**01. for the S. of N. I!. '4 and K. of N. W. of Sec. 'J?. Twp im N Kge. 7a W of Kiftii IV M. She na lues lie fol low iug II uesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva ion of said land, vi/. tieorge McGee. of Hague, N Martin Van Soest, of Hague. N D. Klemens iein, of Hague, N. D. tieorge Volk, of Hague, N. I) M. II. KWKLL. Kegister. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. I' I !*TATKS I. A N I I O I 4 ItiSMAluiK, N. D.. April-*7, IUU7. Notice is hereby given that thv fdiowing naiueil settler has tiled not Ice of his Inten tion to make commutation filial proof in support of ids claim, and dhat said pi oof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, I nit ed States Coinmissiom-»'. at l.lnt^ui. N. I*.K)4. for the S. «»f N K. and N. of S. K. '1 of Sec. a, Twp. l:i:| N Kge. 7s W of Kiftii l». M. He names the following wit uesses to orove his continuous residence upon and culllva ion of said laud, vi/..: Samuel #. it 11 shy. of W Inchest er, N. D. William Kowse. of II artford N. D. Thomas K. Lawler. of Hartford. NV D. I'aiil Maiisenhuml. of Hartford. N SOO HOTEL E1 wd. G. Patterson. Owner and Proprietor FIFTH STREET BISMARCK, N. O. Aiiiericaii I'lair, il.tKJ to 1 0 1 1 nit' I'.iu7, vi/.: TUKOIIOKK VKTTKK. Who made II. K. No. ailltf. dated October M. II. JKWKLL. Kegister. $ 1 •lutely fire-proof. Hot and cold -fi,*,, Klectric lighted and strain heated throughout, positively the liest srculid class liotel in the state. water In every room. I'liblio and private baths on every tlu Mr. Patterson is also proprietor of the liotel Northwest, whicii has been recent ly renovated and remodeled throughout. Rates at the Northwest, $2 a day and up. I .Stj I'.iy. S|e ii k.'itcs to MiJhlbiy I'ni.irders. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYBODY vi LINTON HARDWARE STORE Wails $2.90 Per Kef II A I! 1 V\ II I. I: 1: 1: it. II A Ii 1 I. S 11 1 1. 1: 1.1 1 1: 1 I 11 1» 8-ft Windmill S2S 30-ft Steel Tower S29 A. S. HKKHK Sin'i't'shur tu Tit A IS KI.I.IOTT, l.iiii'ii. N. THE LINTON LEADER A SAI'i: l-I.AeK 'I'll TliA I'ls Wei/airy tt. :i 11 tlnirs I'oiniili'U' Hue uf Itry I I Is. (Jliitliln^, llit-, liiiuls, Sinn's, iiii'C«'iifs, 11 1 il ii «•, I', lints, anil cvt'iy tliiiiK nsualy luiiiiil in a strictly up to ilntr (ii'iKM'iil Sioiv. unlrr makes ii coiiliiiuiiiisciisliiiiicr, It'sa raiII Tstr1114 assi'il Ion ti make, I nit, it iitMilv always holds k'KMl. 1 iv»' us a rial am! mt in' 111 iiv ami i|iialitv don't. |ilrasi' you. I. MENDELOWITZ, Propr LINTON, N. D. NOW IS THE TIME WIIUII Kininoiis county fanners "iliink it, nver and make up tlieir inilid tliat, it. is tliiit! for tliein to build that barn or lliat house. And, hrfou! tlm.v l.e^ln the actual work, it would he a kooiI idea for them Io Hi to I he DAC0TAH LUMBER COMPANY'S Yard In l.inton and talk over the matter with Manager Haas, lie will help you to select the stick yon need tor I mi Id Inc. and will ailtee to satisfy you as to i|tiallly and pric.They have a laiye nuin of yards on the Missouri Slope, and, as they handle stock inlaw i|uantities, they yet jfooil rates and can thus llual lheir customeis riiiht. They are also dealers In the various kinds of COAL. FARMS FOB SALE! hicluithig some of tlir best fnrms in /'.in imnis rutinti/. If i/iiu wish Io bill/ tt, ftirm, for iiii'fstmt'itl or ti /tome, if trill fmif !(»h to inmnt.igti.le. 1 He ore stiles solicitors for the llntkitr 1/ hniiil Com 1 fittni/ also, the llne.kiieij hi nils to letise for hn //. Martin & Sims Hotel Dakota JOHN P. PFEIFLE. Proprietor Newly Furnished—A Short Walk from Depot LINTON. NOKTII DAKOTA Nvtice ol Homestead Final Proof. I I A I O I hiMAit 'irr, N I' Mav N"l|fe In P'liy ifl\e|i th i! (lie follovtin/ lliillieij r»el 1 |er h:t«» ti t» liol |ee of Ji1111 *?Ji lion to umUe ti\»- y.:ir fSnnl In sup i»ort of liN claiin. iiii'l 11 «t j» iid proof will in tnu'ie iH'forc l» A Weal he* i»V. I 1 I I roiijuiUsloie-r. it Linton. .% I». on .lune: 7 p«iT. vi/.: III UUHKI (I|..M»N CI |iV. Who mitile .So, IV, :o, I »„l.ei l.i, Hill, for the N.'i of K. '4 ami N of W of »(•.• «. I*p pj N w. of .Mil lie hUliif* 1 he follow mi wil m-ws t.» |irov»' hi* roiitlnuous r»'!»l«l»-iir»- U|)"fi and «'iiiti\ I Ion of KiiUJ land, vl/. A Olwin Kiuty. of Whnoia. N. I» |VJ»*r H. llrlvi'iM's. of Winona. N l» ('lirUt lull XiiJtdi'M, of Wjtjona. N I) A. |iwilU*r. »f Winona, \. |i. •5 1 A the Linton Slate Hank. Notice of Homestead Pinal Proof. I MTUt M'ATH I.AM lirfK K, I ltis\iAi« l». .May N« je»» henl»y u'lvm ti if Ma followiutf-I{7. )s n. tin et 1 i- ii 1 '"I not |v uf h«?r In ten 11 on to tnaio' ti y»itr final nroof in support of iter elaim. ami that said proof will te made iiefnre I. »HI iviii or nade iiefnre I. A W «'Ul heriiy. I'niteU Stilton 'ornrnlssloner. at l.inton. M. on Juiir* **»r. \i I: I. iio ln ii|.- II. diltcd AtitfUJvt ^7. I««H. tin- of .s. K. '4 ami S. «»f W of e. Twp. liBN., iCfcfe. 78 \V. ofMhlVM. MM 1 E I S E Iuttiie lie following WitltOSStH t^ prov»* ht-r eoniinuoii* resident'** upon and cultlvu ion (if said land, viz: William Mm-m'h. of Krnrimrifthurtr. \. i). .rtirtfe Iturtre. of Liuton. N. |. A. Ih-rol/. 11 Linton, N. 1». Ki.y ar'ey of l.inton, h. .U li IKUELh. Ktegister.