Newspaper Page Text
^J,rv \V* -Wl?^be.-pk^™to AND OUT. 01 TOWN stime Of Turner's Ice-cream. jrWaistsami skirtsatMissSmith's. JrSpecial. sale of chin* at Miss week at the Bitll'S. 0-Board by the day or Ulington tr Lunoh served at all times at fleLinttm l'.al ery. Bert Irvine made a short visit to IlisBiarck this week. The Linton House has again been loaned to the public. Mr.and Mrs. RiyCoonen are visit finLintcti tliis week. Surveyor John Harold, of Bismarck, jtn Liuton this week on business. George Nels WAS a visitor in. Lin- from Fort Yates last Monday. George Buseh is building a residence |it Linton next t- tlie Wolfer place. Editor Streeter and L. A. Weather- visite(i at l'ort Yates last evening. George Puts was over from Fort Yates Tliursilay and Friday of last (Met. If yuu liki- good coffee, try our llNimond Brand. Sold at the Linton sader. Attorney l'hilbriek, of Bismarck, is odintf the week in Linton on busl and pleasure. «t3all at the Leader store and see 'be line of children's wash suits. Wees: *1, *1.25, $1.50. Meiimi de liuer, of Pollock, was in Linton last Tuesday. He made the rip in his automobile. Tlie Misses Marguerite Baker and noie Ford, of Wahpeton, are visit [friends in Linton. The c'liinty commissioners met in da I session this week. They lin |bhe(t up yesterday afternoon. For Sale—Several good teams of ItorkinK and driving horses. Call at |Wm. Carmieheal's livery barn. HTThe flies are here— likewise, the Idoor and window screens—the screens |forsale by Dacntali Lumber Company. Mr. C. E. Wolverton, father of Dr. IW.l'. Wolverton, of Linton, arrived Ifroui Iowa yesterday for a visit with Ibis sun. HT Spring Creek i'-e for sale in large Ismail quantities. Tlie ice-house is •open during Sunday forenoons. Paget |t firuman. Mr. E. C. Witzleben was in Linton iMunday on his way to Bismarck to [Met his wife who lias Iteen visiting I it Fort Totten. The Misses Abbie and Irene Surring, 1(1 White Rock, S. D., arrived last Fri li»y for a few weeks' visit witli their |jister, Mrs. George Dexter. Mrs. Sam Bowles, Mrs. Henry Doe ludthe latter's two daughters, Mabel land Hazel, visited in Linton from the |finona country last week- John Morton, of Fort Scott, Kansas, |*!i» lias been visiting at the home of jMr.and Mrs. George Dexter, in the iLtaton neighborhood, returned home |friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis L. Morgan, of •toe Braddock country, were in Linton last Friday. Mr. Morgan is foreman Mthe Ryan ranch, one of the largest Jin the county. |. Joseph 11 use, of Fort Yates, is in 1 Linton awaiting the arrival of his sk lto, the Yen. Sister Walburga, O. S. I 'w'10 has been spending her vacation I«t Pierre, S. I). Freddie Wrapp, infant son of Mr. I *'rs- w"i- Wrapp, of tliellazelton lleigUborhood, died Monday afternoon I' a sickness of eight days. The I 1 disease was cholera infantum. Mrs 11 Goodrich and Mrs. To- iy° Slierry passed through Linton I -unday on heir way from their tomes at Fort Yates to Bismarck, •here tluy win visit with Mrs. Clias. ""pit/.. [1 fai"ter and decorator S ft" P^ting. Your patroii l*« respeettully solicited. Lj a"d Mrs Inun-6 1 iitoir Fred pfaff have taken ll,e Arl'ngton lehiPC°°k A?"a DltM hotel and I ling but praise is heard on all sides ll 'eSerViw- Mrs. Pfaff is an excl- s,le is I herself taking department. tie of, wl0 Itinw ISS hom»PaS|.ln *cnn'ni has been visit- 'nna Maichant for some Linlon wT \1 turned to her el,on la,it Saturday. Mrs. lmnt l,l,«e awtmpanied her for "wvWt ,n the ,atur 10^rS|^ieVv'll^t'.'?-n-?,'8ac,,.e''between 7':, Bakery and Wolfer's I doi i-• ,*? between two and ^et booki!" rlVer a.nd bwo FLAHERTY'S PHARMACY 8mall •wilts bear* h' the pocket I tr»ill name "Kaven." Find- I tase leave at Record office. .unstn!ne,'Ceme,a exercisesof ^Idin 'n "V- the Ein PU'jllc 80,100,9 win "i take a pie mat,, ^"Underwear at a discount at Miss Smiths. JHT If you want a square meal go the Arlington. _— Oil Stoves for sale at #4.50. Haak & Son, Hull, N. D. Canaries for sale. Apply to the Kaven,Sisters, Linton, N. D. W-To lease—hay land. N. of 35 !34-j76. L. A. Weatlierby, Linton, —"Ju»t arrived—a consignment of door and window screens. Dacotah Lumber Company. The Arlington Hotel has been re-opened under new management and first-class meals are guaranteed. How much better natured one feels after a good, square meal. That is the style of meals served at tlie Ar lington. Ed Campbell came up from Mina, D., where he has had charge of an elevator. He is visiting with home folks near Hazelton. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet came over from the Livona country Tuesday. While on their way one of their driving horses took sick and died. Master Clayton Carmicheal was kicked in the stomach by a horse in his father's livery bam last Sunday. Although not dangerous the kick caused a painful wound. Robert Petrie was up from his Wi nona district ranch yesterday. This Rob's llrst appearance in Linton since his marriage and was suitably greeted by Linton friends. CSfF. W. Soule, the eyesight spe cialist, will be at Linton notel Tues day, Aug. 13, one day only, prepared to examine defective eyes and fit glasses when needed. Don't miss this chance. Ex-Senator Wesley Baker, Ueorge C'oibin, David Sites, L'has. Clark, Christ. Mills, Michael Hefner, O. F. Letncr and Martin llinsvark were down from the Livona country the fore part of the week. Marion Morrord was over from the Hartford country this week, lie brought along some turnips which he planted on the second day of June. They are now in about as fine con dition as any we ever saw. Resolution*. To every one there is a season, a time for every purpose, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to weep and a time to laugh. Man shall be brought to the grave his hours are numbered the clods of the valley shall be sweet unto him and every man shall draw after him, as there are innumerable before him. The grave excuses no one, nor does its messenger aunounce his coming. Such was our sad experience on July 31,1907, when, in submission to our Great Commander, God, the death angel called from our circle Vice Chancellor Clint O. Smith. Therefore, be it resolved by Linton Lodge No. 71, Knights of Pythias, in convention assembled: First. That in Knight -Ciint O. Smith's departure we have lost a brother of sterling character, of up right and noble qualities one who ex emplified the friendship of Damon and Pythias, and of whom may be justly said, "He lived to bless man kind." Second. That we extend our heart felt sympathy to his bereaved son and family. Third. That our Castle Hall be draped for thirty days. Fourth. That these resolutions be spread upon our castle minutes, a copy thereof be sent to the family of the son of our departed knight, and pub lished in the local press. Dated at Linton, N. !., August I, JstOT. (I. A. IIEUOL/.. E. T. A be "labuiifiJvl"pera-house and at mt], t|, ,s. 1 iM Hazelton on Aug- the lir'! nt'! respi-ctlvely. This merit in Pu,JNc-scliuol coinnience toLl m"ns c"unty. import^1 is 10 P^nt of the most 'n* Business has ac seat *hile Linton peo- ®e«t 'or the tourna-. TteHa»pitJ l*B,ns tlllg they 1*1! afternoon. SS artiVea ,a8t n,Kht win w'nners. ""viiii The other arm .e t0 .d have y0U make this store Lunch served at all times at the Linton Bakery. IVSpecial bargains in hats and dresses at Miss Smith's. I.INTON Streeter. rf Koll, 3b Klaiiugun, Haas, ss St. Johns, 3b Uliodes, Stember, cf Clayton, lb Lynn. If Petrie, If TIT A, II. X. Tuknkk. Committee on Resolutions. Making a Qood Record. In speaking of Alfred Blaisdell, the present secretary of state, the Grand Forks Times says: "In these days of grand stand spec tacular officials, it is gratifying to note that tlie quiet, systematic man ner in which Mr. Blaisdell Is conduct ing his office is being appreciated by the conservative business element of the state. "He is the youngest state official ever elected in North Dakota, but during his incumbency he lias made an excellent public servant, retiring from tlie active management of his large business interests at Minot in order to devote his time to the duties of his office. "When asked if he could afford to neglect his personal affairs, and as to whether the salaries paid the state orticers were large enough, lie charac teristically replied that while lie thought the acceptance of a public office certainly did generally involve a personal sacrifice, vet no one was com pelled to make this sacrilice and that he was satisfied. "Mr. Blaisdell is more widely known in the western hilf ef the state—pop ularly kuown ias the "Slope"—but if lie keeps up rf?present record in office he will not lack for friends in any sec tion of the state. y°ur Urton Loses One. The Eureka ball-tossers arrived in Linton last Friday for a return game with the locals. The visitors were not very hopeful of winning and Lin ton people looked for an easy victory. As a result there was little interest manifested, while the Reds played as though in a dream. As a result the game dragged along until third in ning when a pass, three hits and a wild throw by Stember scored three runs for Eureka. In Linton's half Streeter was passed and scored on Koll's drive to center. In the fifth jjtnd seventh innings Eureka scored on errors and passed bails by the Linton catcher. In the sixth inning Flanagan hit for two bases and scored on a single by Haas. Streeter reached first on a single in the ninth, stole second and crossed the pan on a single by Flanagan. Besides being off on field ing the locals were dopey when run ning bases. Taken altogether the Reds showed that they had not re xovered from the effects of the Pollock tournament., even Flanagan being quite wild. Following is the score: HII HO A a *J I I I a I a 1 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 4 0 a la 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 3 9 10 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 Total :(4 a it 37 3 EITHERA— AB HII IM A Hoffman, 3b 5 1 3 0 4 0 Williamson, a 3 I 13 3 1 Bronatad, sis 5 3 3 0 1 1 Otlle, S 0 1 3 3 0 Davis, If 4 0 0 3 0 0 J.Uulitn, Ub 4 0 0 0 1 0 Hchenkenbcrger, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Hoop, cf a 0 0 0 0 0 W. Uuhin, lb 3 0 0 II 0 0 Total it! 5 0 *33 10 2 •Streeter hit by foul lull on tlilrd strike. •Clayton hit. Iy batted ball. Score by Innings: Eureka a 1 I o- 5 Linton 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 1-11 Struck out: By Flanagan, la by Otlle, 0. Base on balls: Odle. Streeter. Williamson. W. tiubiii (3. lilt by pltcliur: Williamson, (Mile, ttoop. Koll (3). Haas. lilt: Flan agan. Three-base lilt: Koll. Iuft on bases: Linton. II Eureka, tt. Earned runs: l.lnion. 3. Eureka, 3. Sacrilice lilts: Streeter. Uliodes. Stolen bases: h'lanaitau. Streeter. J. Uuhlii, Williamson (.1). Hronstad. Double pliy: Streeter to Clayton. Umpire. Lang. Better Mail Service. The following letters explain them selves: Detroit, Minn., July 2!*, 1007. Hon. D. R. Streeter, Linton, N. D.: My Dear Streeter, I am enclosing here with letter from the department rel ative to mail service in which you are interested, stating that railway mail service will probably be established between Linton and Bismarck, which the department thinks will answer the purpose desired. I would be glad to hear from you farther in the mat ter, and if you think this will not give adequate service, or if you have any other suggestions, I shall be very glaa to endeavor to carry them out. It strikes me, however, that the estab lishment of railway mail service would be of great benefit, and if you think advisable I shall be very glad to urge upon the department that this action be taken. Very truly yours, Tnos. F. MARSHA1.1.. Postotice Department, Office of Sec ond Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Contracts, Washington, July 24, 1907.—IIo». Thomas F. Mar shall, Oakes, N. D.: Sir—Your letter of the 17th inst., inclosing an extract from a communication received by you from the Hon. D. R. Streeter, of Linton, N. D., in which the recom mendation is made that railway mail service be established between Linton and Bismarck, or, in case this be not considered advisable, that the former service between Hartford and Linton be restored, lias been given careful at tention. In reply I have the honor to inform you that the question of estab lishing railway mail service between Linton and McKenzie, which would provide the direct means of communi cation between Linton and Bismarck desired by your correspondent, is now under consideration by the depart ment. If such service should be auth orized, the proposed star service be tween Hartford and Linton would be unnecessary, and it is thought advis able to take no action with respect to the star service until the question of authorizing tlie railway mail service between Linton and McKenzie, men tioned above shall have been decided. If it be decided not to establish such railway mail service, further consider ation will be given to the question of providing improved mail facilities be tween Linton and pcKtoftlces on the Winona-Bismarck route by star-route service, and your recommendations in the matter will be given careful atten tion, it being evident to the depart ment that the existing arrangements for lite exchange of mails between Linton and Bismarck, also between Linton and postotlices on the route from Bismarck to Winona, are not adequate. Very respectfully. JOHN W. IIOLLYDAY, Acting Second Assistant Postmaster General. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartrelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness during tlie recent sickness and after the death of our father, I'rof. Clint. O. Smith. Dn. AND MKS. C. O. SMITH. Auction Sale. Tuesday, August 20, 1M07, I will sell at auction at the stock yards in Lin ton, to the highest bidder for cash or bankable paper, a car-load of horses. Some of them are heavy draft horses three are 1500-pound mares, some drivers, and a pair of young mules. These horses must alid will be sold to he highest bidder. So. if you want a bargain in horses, don't miss this sale. C. B. INGHAM. or if you need batteries, inner tubes, gasoline engine or auto supplies, see F. 15. Irvine, Linton, N. D. «r This if the time to Inure your crops agalMt kail. E. E. MARTIN, Linton Stat* Bank. games played over. Watch the percentage column. We will have it all where it can be seen. drain Prizes. The agricultural department of the state of North Dakota offers three Cash prizes for tlie largest and best collection of grains and grasses raised in any one i-ountv during the year 1«J07, viz.: First prize .$100.00 Second prize tio.oo Third prize 40 00 All entries must be made and ex hibit received on or before August Is. 1907. The quantity of each sample of grain sent should not be less than otic half the size of the ordinary bundle of grain and should be carefnilv tied so as to prevent it getting damaged. There should be a full bundle of llax. alfalfa and clover. These grains and grasses .should bj carefully packed in large boxes with sufficient openings to permit plenty of air to circulate through so as to "pre vent the grain from becoming heated or mold while in transit. The larger the variety, the more value is attached to it. Kxtieme care should be used in selecting, arranging and packing each exhibit. The department will simply take the exhibit from the boxes and dis play it, concealing from the judges the name of the contestants and the counties in which the exhibit was gathered. While it is not absolutely necessary, it may prove advantageous to the ex hibitor to have the wheat, oats, bar ley, rye, spelt and other grains stripped. This will make the straw brighter and more attractive. All grains and grasses should be shipped by express so as to prevent the exhibit being kept in the boxes too long and thus avoid it having a moldy appearance. The department will pay express charges. Consign all shipments to W. C. GILUKKATII, Commissioner of Agriculture. Bismarck, N. 1. Notice of Hearing Petition for Li cense to Sell Real Estate. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, S5 County of Emmons, in County Court. Before Hon. Charles B. Carley, Judge. In the mattter of the estate of Kli/abctb Webster, deceased. Chas. Coventry, petitioner, vs. i'hoelu M. Clark, William Webster, I'hoelu- Stanton, Heirs of Fanny Gillett, Heirs of George Webster", Heirs of John Webster, Heirs of Harry Webster, re spondents. Notice of Hearing Petition for License to Sell Real Estate. The State of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons in terested in the estate of Elizabeth Webster, deceased: You are hereby notified that the peti tion of Chas, Coventry, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Webster, late of the village of Dale, in the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, de ceased, has been filed in this court, therein petitioning that he be authorized, empowered and directed to sell real es tate belonging to said decedent's estate, described as follows, to-wit: North one-half (N. i) of the northeast quarter (N. E. i) and the southwest quar ter (S. W. i) r^' of the northeast quarter (N. E. i), in Section eighteen (18), Township one hundred twenty-nine (129) north of Range seventy-seven (77) west of the Fifth P. M. That said petition will be heard by this court on Friday, the 23d day of August, A. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court-rooms of this court, in the court-house, in the village of Ltnton, county of Emmons and state of North Dakota. And you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this court and show cause, if any you have, why this peti tion should not be granted. Dated the 20thday of July, A. IX 1907. By the Court: CHAS. B. CARLEY, [SEAL] Judge of the County Court. Notice of Chattel-Mortgage Sale. Whereas, G. li. Pritchard, of Lin ton, county of Emmons and stale or North Dakota, mortgagor, did on the Oth day of December, 1905, make his certain chattel mortgage to the Cher okee Manufacturing Co., of Cheokee, county of Cherokee and state of Iowa, mortgagee, dated the 'ibh day of De cember, 1905, to secure the following Indebtedness, to-wit: One promissory note dated December u, 1905, for one hundred and forty-two dollars, and due January 1,1900, with interest at the rate of 7 per ccnt per annum from date until maturity and 10 per cent per annum after maturity until paid, and which mortgage WHS duly tiled in the office of the register of deeds of Emmons county, stale of Da kota, on the Otli day of December, 1905, at 12:10 o'clock in and Whereas, default, has been made in the conditions contained in said mort gage, as follows, to-wii: Failure to i\ said note, or any part thereof, at ma turity or at any Uiii'j pi ior hereto. Whereas, there is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the ue of this notice the sum of one hundred and sixty-live and 5o-looths dollais for principal and interest, besides costs and statutory attorney's fees. Xow, therefoie, i.otiee is hereby given that, by virtu" of said moitg.i^e and by order of the Cherokee Manu facturing Company, tlie present own er thereof, 1 will oiler for sale at pub lic auction, agreeably to the statutes in such case made and provided, at the front door of the court-house, in the village of Linton, in the eouoty of Emmons, state of North I .ikot i, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on Sat urday, lite 17th day of August, lliOT, the following describe chattels. wit: One sorrel horse, 5 years old. weight about 95o pounds. One black horse, I years old. The same being the description given iu said mortgage. Dated Aug. ti, 190". WII.I.IAM JONKS. Sheriff of Emmons County, N. I. 11. A. Armstrong, Attorney for Mor tgagee, Linton, North Dakota. •TThe First Bank of Linton, Lin ton, N. D., has real-estate money to loan on good farmlands, three to live yews. CjfMendelowitz and Wittmayer are agents for the Minneapolis and liull'alo PittsThrashing Machines. A full line of repairs alwayaon hand. headquarters during base-ball tournament this week. Come in and hear the Noah Under Suapiclen. Tlio last copy of the Ararat Journal, pnMtshod tluvo days hofore the flood, has recently been excavated from the top drawer of MII oriental magnate's desk. It says editorially: "The radical utterances of old man Nonli are to be strongly deprecated by all conservative citizens. Especially do \vi deplore his unwarranted attacks on the sin trust and Its worthy Itoard cf directors. "Aside from the fact that these gen tlemen stand very high In the commu nity, such wild denunciation and pre dictions of our people listened to last evening are likely to produce an unset tled conditions of affairs and damage business. "It is generally believed that his mo tives are not above suspicion. Iu fact, those who are well Informed hint that the old man has some watered and un digested stock of his own which he expects to float as soon ns the sin trust is swamped."— Puck. Gentle Persuasion Many stories are told of the eccentric doings and sayings of an old clergyman who IIveil in Maine some years ago. At one time there had been a. tight among some men, one of whom was seriously hurt. A trial took place, aud the old minister, who had seen the af fray, was summoned ns a witness. "What was Salson doing?" was the first question. "Ob, ho was slashing around." "Well, sir. Just what do you tneau by that?" "Why, he was knocking about hiui here and there." "Now, sir, kindly tell us plainly what Salson did to this man." "Why, he—ho enticed him," said tho old minister slowly. "Enticed him! IIow?" "He enticed tilm with a crowbar. He used the crowbar to persuado tho man —to entice him—and by a series of pokes and blows be succeeded In doing it," said the minister mildly.—Youth's Companion. Mother Had the Failing Too. The visitor had dropped In "Just for a minute," but she remained about three hours after the minute was up. Little Freddie had formed several plans, the execution of which must be postponed till the departure of his mother's guest. So he sat quietly thinking things. "Dear little man!" gushed tho visitor. "And what Is he thinking about so deeply?" "I wus wondering If It wasn't time for you to l*e going," said Freddie. "llush!" said his mother. Then, turn ing to her guest: "You mustn't be of fended, Mrs. Smith. Children will go blurting out the truth without think ing. But they don't mean anything by It." Strangely enough. It was just then that Mrs. Smith recollected that she had only three minutes In which to catch the last ear home.—London Tele graph. Try to Do Thla. Take a light chair and place It with Its back to tlie wall. Stand in front of It, facing the wall, with the toes about a foot from the front feet of the chair, and, placing one hand on each side of the chair, lean forward until the top of your head touches the wall. The prolfc lem Is to lift the chair from the floor nnd, without moving the feet, to take the head away from the wall and stand upright. Simple as this appears, It Is impossible. Very few people, as you will find, would anticipate any dif ficulty iu doing this. Get them to try. This trick is, of course, very llko the old one of standing against a wall sidewise, with the shoulder and one foot touching the wall. It Is then Im possible to ralso the outside foot with* out losing one's balance and falling away from the wall. Russian Ritual. The christening of a Russian prince Is a ceremony of a most ritualistic na ture. The Infant Is first of all undress ed and immersed three times In the font. The hair Is then cut In the form of a cross, and the shorn locks, having been rolled In wax, are next dropped into the water. According as the ball sinks or floats In tho font, so, says Russian superstition, does good or evil attend the child through life. The next Incident in this elaborate ritual Is the robing of the child in gorgeous garments, after which It Is carried three times round the church, the god fathers of the imperial infant walking bv lis. side iu stately procession. Coal Combustion. There is enough explosive energy In a grateful of coal. If it could lie liber ated and controlled, to hurl a 1,000 pound projectile through a foot of solid steel. Hut there Ix no explosion without oxy^i'si. the coal In the grate will not I": ter than the sup ply of air wiii 'i 11 -iei.:.s it will permit. If the coal iil I furnished nil at once with em ^!i air to effect its com plete combustion, it would explode with as great violence as If It were so much dynamite. Her Perversity. "Come out iliis evening," said Sub bubs, "and I'm sure you'll get a good dinner." "I thought you had no cook now," re plied Citlman. "She doesn't leave until tomorrow. She'll do her best tills evening Just to make us realize how much we'll miss her when she's gone."—Exchange. To Mid* Them. "Why Is Jones growing a beard?" "Oh, I believe his wife made him a present of some ties."—Punch. Whetv ttiere Is no good within no goat comes out.- Dutch Prftvertt. BASE-BALL 1 fr mi Ai (.'I HEADQUARTERS REMOVAL SALE A FOR 30 DAYS $68.50 Garland Range for $59.00 60.00 Majestic Range for 52.00 47.00 Real Estate Range for 11.50 42.50 Crown Coral Range for 50 16.00 Queen Coral Range for 13.00 20.00 Cook Stove for 17.00 23.50 Cook Stove for 20.50 12.00 Cook'Stove for 10.50 Also, Heaters at Same Rate 20d Nails Per Keg lOd Nails Per Keg ttd Nails Per Keg 10 Per Cent Oft' on Balance of Hard ware, Harness and Paints, Ex cept White Lead $ UNION HARDWARE STORE A. S. BEEBE, Prop. Linton, N. D. ft*** NOW IS THE TIME When Km inons county farmers "think il. over" anil make up their mind that it. is time foi I iii'in to lunld that barn or hat house. And, before they begin the aciua.l uoik. il would he a good idea tor them to go to be DACOTAty LUMBER COMPANY'S Yard ill Linton and tall, '.\er t.le- malt."r with Manager Haas. lb will help you to seleel the stock you need tor building, and will glial ailtcc to satisfy you as to qu ilit aud price. They have a large Dum ber of yards on the Missouri Slope, aud. a* ihcy handle stock in large quantities, they get good rates and can thus treat their customers right. They are also ilea!, in tlie various kinds of COAL. FARMS FOB SALE! Includir.g some of Ihr hrsl funnK in Honnons cini.nli/. If you wish to Imy n, farm, for i// WAY men! or hoinr, il irilt I pay yvtl to ili rrsl rfn fr. We tire suit's so/iri/orn for (hit Hnrkhnj l.nixl O I I I /tuny also, the //tirAnri/ hi mis to leiisr for h(nj. Martin & Sims WATERTITE BUV "WATERTITE" BCCMW— I. Cia kentM by my lusty Z. lnimrulCMli tcwtliii AI S HATH K.-.-M CITY HAItllKIt Slior A. M. HklTTS l'HM\ Lttuodry B&bkc-i Leuvea on Moudjya. $2.75 2.HO 2.85 At the Liuton State Hank. ANY MAN CAN MAKI MAKE A URABLE WATERTIGHT ROOT WIT"WATERTITE ftUBBEftftOOriNQ LOOK roR THE TRADE MAKKON EACH ROLL IT is DON'T LET ANYBODY FOOL YOU v/lth the "personally written" and "legally binding guarantees", or make you believe it possible to sell you "direct" any fiOOD ROOFIMi at half what dealers charge you. Tho claim Is Insult to your intelligence. Ask any lumber dealer for a "WA« TERTITE" booklet, which v/ill tcil you what the "flint" on the "flint-coat ed" Roofing really 13, Slid why the actual manufacturers of the Roofing advise putting the "lire-proof" side down. Get a pood Roofing and pay a reasonable price for il and HOLD YOUR DEALER RESPONSIBLE for anything that is not right. HIS GUARANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING, ta ta't wvt pt NI ie« fMf tvtry ftw years. It I* (tl tte let "Watsrtils" is tbl 1M. ffl A GUARANTEE O' aiJALITV ablnrlci or tin. J. Never riuU aor For Sale and Guaranteed by PHOENIX LUMBER COMPANY. an. rati. 4. Caelcai*IMIaMe.UiithtketlniiMlLCstaputoiiililiigln. 5. Caaaat atll aa raa la bot weather. 6. Ceaaal IreeitaM crack In wlatef. 7. WafcftHa I* Of lit an will alike yoor haute or kara warn la wtater aa taalnMl la aaaMr. Bay Watertite aow tad alter aitny yean of bonot wear you will uk tor II ifila, It eua4ithetettatllae. When You Buy Lumber Buy "WATERTITE." Emmons County Abstract Company A. »N kATHKitnv. Official Al/str&iUi MiMI'l.hTK AII.nTK.UTP A I.ANUS AMI TOWN MTl* IN KMMONri COUNT If I A KM AM) KANCll LANDS I'Oli SAKE N rA itv rriti*h *. A^-M fur MFUICAN ItKTt «•«.. f»f tfork 1 Ifi' *f 1 jgf. 5 II k'i i.-', l! .il 4 A 5