Newspaper Page Text
5,1 *h* Uv 1 1 Tl ,"l 3 'J I I 1H i'ls' G1 "i iU- ar :i- i: o. nita. c. PEnnw LtlTOI. MOIL DAS. -CIOARS BATH BOOK CITY BABBER SHOP A. K. BMTT*. P»or. U»dr/ ItikM Learn on Vocdtft. 0 BOWCKOISK. WATCHMAKER AND JRWKLKK BEFAtBISG A SPKCIALTV LINTON. ROB. OAK CITTDRAT LINE G. A. BROS!AX, Prop'r Light and Heavy Hauling Spring Creek Ice in Season SW Leave orders at Brills' Barber Shop. DR. W. C. WOLVERTON PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON LINTON. NORTH DAKOTA Diseases of tbe Eye (riven Special Attention oma FUUKTI PBIUUCT. Phone*: OOce. Bed Residence, t9 Blue JIM PETBRSON, Blacksiitb and Votdiorker, HAZKLTON NORTH DAKOTA. I hereby respectfully inform tbe public that I am now prepared to do work in my line, and will earnestly en deavor to satisfy those who give me their patronage. TUBULAR WELL8. NINE YEAK8' EXPERIENCE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AGENT FOB GADY AIR-COO I.F.I) OA SO LINE ENGINES. FRANCIS JA6ZKOWIAK. No 421 Twelfth Street. Bismarck. I). N. F. B. IRVINE Linton, N. D. BieyclM and Autos Repaired Supplies: Batteries, Inner Tubes, Ete. WEUS! WELLS! WELLS! 1 drill wells all the way from two ten inches in diameter and up to 700 fe-t in depth. Work promptly done. I guarantee satisfaction. Call on or address me at Linton, N. E. O. MICKEL, The Well-Driller 800 HOTEL Edwd. G. Patterson, Owner and Proprietor FIFTH STREET BISMARCK, N. D. American Plan $1.00 to $1.50 per Day Special Rates to Monthly Boarders. Absolutely fire-proof. ||Ot and —T,r "",v W« vvviy floor. Electric lighted and steam heated throughout. Positively the best second class hotel in the state. ii .* ^aters°n is also proprietor of the Hotel Northwest, which has been recent, ly renovated and remodeled throughout Rates at the Northwest, $2 a day and up. GRAYBEM. a SWEET WELL DRILLERS LlVON.\, NORTH DAKOTA We Drill Deep or Shallow Wells. Gasoline Power Used for Drilling. WORK PROMPTLY DONE UIIIMMMk LOCAL BEPBE8ENTA HaHTED (or Linton and vlcln W |t to look a (ter renewal* •Mid lncrerw) aubecrlptlon list of promi nent monthly man Vine, on wwnr and commtsaton basis. Experience l» desirable, but not neceaaarv. uood opportunity for right person. Aadress Publisher, Box W, tiU« O. New York. A PLATFORM. CmwiiMM Toes Marshall (Mm His views aa Several of the Mat* ttri km WUck the I*esplc al the statu af North MnU Are later* csted- In response to a strong licited sentiment and unso throughout tbe state. 1 offer myself to tbe republican electors as a candidate at tbe June primaries for tbe nomination of Unit ed Stales senator. Ifaving lived here and been actively engaged in various lines of industry for thirty-Ave years, I know tbe needs of the people and am in fall sympathy with them. I will bare bad eight years' experi ence in tbe bouse of representatives, and a consequent acquaintance with public men and affairs, and a knowl edge of tbe machinery of the govern ment and its workings that no new man can bring to the service of the people. Many slates promote their bouse members to tbe senate, and I am a candidate for such promotion, relyiog on my record. I am in complete sympathy with tbe policies of President Roosevelt and most decidedly favor his re election, and. in tbe event of his per sistent refusal to accept the nomina tion. I am for tbe candidate wbom be believes would most successfully carry out his policies. Briefly &ated: I stand for prompt revision of tbe tariff, and for tbe removal of all tariff on lumber. I favor tbe removal of the tariff on wood pulp, or such legis lation as will bring relief from tbe ex tortions of tbe paper trust. -1 am squarely for complet^and rigid control by the strong arm of tbe na tional government, through national charters or licenses, of all railroads, express and telegraph companies, and all other corporations doing an inter state commerce business, and jr tbe broadest publicity of their affairs. The business of corporations must be brougbt down to the common level of honesty, fair dealing and fair compe tition of other lines of business. Our railroads ought to be appraised at their actual value as a basis for de termining equitable freight and pass enger tariffs and for the purposes of taxation. I want to see a public building erect ed by the government for postoffices and courts in all our small cities, and favor some concerted action of the government and state for improve ment of our wagon roads. I favor such national legislation as will supplement and strengthen our state prohibition and pure-food laws and make their execution more cer tain aud effective, and shall do my utmost to secure the passage of my pure-paint bill introduced in the last congress. A decided betterment of our polit ical conditions in the state has set in, wiih which I am in full sympathy. I want to see the movement go forward and keep apace with our splendid in dustrial progress. Under exivting conditions the peo ple, for the first time, can and will name a senator free from dictation of corporate influence and bossism. To the people 1 make my appeal and, if elccted, to them I shall give my sole allegiance. The domjnation of our politics by corporations and bosses is a menace to good government, and I want to see their influence eliminated, in or der that our government, state and national, may be what its founders intended: purely representative. At all times 1 am a republican—' standing with the party of progress and of action, the party that meets every new condition successfully and promptly. Respectfully, Tnos. F. MAitsnALL. A Fine Street. The appearance of Broadway as a street has been greatly improved this year. The wide thoroughfare now looks like a city street. First the grade for at least a block was raised by putting thereon tbe dirt from the basements of the two Linton State Bank uew buildings. This soil was then covered with gravel. This week a stone cross-walk has been built be tween the Lynn and the bank build ings. Lawyer Lane has also had a plank sidewalk built in front of bis two vacant lot north of the Leader store. There is now a continuous sidewalk between the opera-house'and the Record building, and it will prob ably be continued next spring to the Carmicheal livery-barn on the south and the Linton Hotel on the north. A Tearful Appeal. We arise to respectfully request subscribers who call to pay ihelr bills when the office is closed not to shove money under the floor. It sometimes weilms the door ko that ii will not open. People, Uo. frequently twist a ti\c or ten dollar bill and poke it in the keyholo, disarranging and dis cumbobotatiiig the mechanism of tbe lock so that ii will not work. Last Saturday, returning from our midday repast, we found that the door could not be opened on account of u)(. |arfc.e amount of mwicy that liad been shoved under it while we wore absent It was found lucessary to break the lock In order to Kel into the office Because of the accumulation of monev —the safe, the coal-scuttles and the editor old shoes all being full—we would also request that until tho present financial Hurry is over-say fifteen days-or minutes-those owimr "s kindly ,orP„o the pleasure of pa ing. Vie dislike to make rules and regulations of this klnd-tbu, com pelllnu delinquent subscribers to carry around money i„ uu-ir jeam they're almost dying to transfer to us. But self-preservation is tbe first law of nature, and it can't be helped. Meaejr tor Mavlag the Craps. [Fargo Forum of Tateday Uncle Sam is to aid tbe farmers of North Dakota in moving their crops. Money will be plentiful in this state Inside of tbe next few days, according to a dispatch received in this city late to-day by a prominent local finsncier, rrom a big St. Paul banking bouse. The telegram announced that tbe Twin City banks bad been informed to-day that Secretary Cortelyou had authorised tbe shipment of a large amount of money to Twin City banks to be used in moving tbe grain. Tbe foregoing will be welcome news to North Dakotans. as it means that tbe banks of Fargo will be able to se cure a slice of tbe financial melon for the benefit of North Dakota farmers. Netlce to Coatractars. Sealed bids will be received by tbe school board of Marie School District, No. 17, in the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, up to 2 o'clock p. m. of Friday, the 13th day of De cember, 1907, for tbe erection of two school-bouses in said Marie School District- Envelopes containing bids must be marked "Bids for School-houses," and must be addressed to W. T. McOuire, clerk of said Marie School District, No. 17, Marie, N. D. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe residence of the clerk, on tbe N. E. of Sec. 24, Twp. 133, Rge. 75. Tbe successful bidder will be re quired to furnish a bond for tbe faith ful performance of bis contract. Tbe board reserves tbe right to re ject any or all bids. By order of the board of directors of Marie Scbool District, No. 17. Dated November 5,1907. [nov 7-decl2] W. T. MCGCTBE, District Clerk. Notice to Caatractors. Sealed bids will be received by tbe school board of Dakem School Dis trict, No. 14, in tbe county of Emmons and state of Nortb Dakota, up to 2 o'clock p. m. of Friday, the 22d day of November, 1907, for tbe furnishing of material and tbe erection of a school-bouse in said scbool district. Envelopes containing bids must be marked "Bids for Schoolhouse," and must be addressed to August Ehr mann, clerk of said Dakem Scbool District, No. 14, Lioton, N. D. Plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of the clerk, on the S. E. of Sec. 4, Twp. 132, Rge. 75. The successful bidder will be re- ?[Hired to furnish a bond for the faitb ul performance of his contract. The board reserves tbe right to re ject any or all bids. By order of tbe board of directors of Dakem School District, No. 14. Dated October 15,1907. AUGUST EHRMANN, District Clerk. Notice af Hairing Petitkx HshtMrsMp. Petitloa toEstab- STATB or NORTH DAKOTA, «... COD JIT or EMMONS, In County Court: Before Hon. Charles B. Carley, Judge. In tbe matter of the estate of Fred C. Knutson, Deceased. Matilda Knutson, petitioner, vs. Thomas Knutson, Randie Knutson, Julia Knutson, Georgie Knutson, Johnnie Knutson, Gilbert Knutson and Harry Knutson, respondents. Notice of hearing petition to establish heirship. The State of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons interested in the estate of Fred G. Knutson, deceased: Notice is hereby given that Matilda Knutson has filed in the county court of said county of Emmons a duly verified petition praying for a decree establish ing the right of succession to the estate of Fred G. Knutson, deceased, and that Monday, the 16th day of December, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, being a day of a regular term of this court, at the county court-room in the village of Linton, county of Emmons, state of North Dakota, has been set by order of this court as the time ana place for hearing said petition. At which said time and place any and all persons interested may appear-and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Linton, North Dakota, this 6th day of November, 1907. By the Court. [SEAL] CHABLES B. CARLKY, Judge of the County Court. Notice af CoamaUUoa Flaal Proof. DBPABTMBBT or THE IKTBBIOR, I LAUD orrns AT BISMABCK. N. D., September 13,1907, I Notice la hereby given that MABY C. LARSON. Of Strasburg. N. I)., baa filed notice of her Intention to make commutation final proof In aupport of her claim, viz.: Ilomeatead Entry No. 34733. made May 22. UOS, for tbe If. E. of S. E. and 8. E. of N E W of Sec.SJ, Twp. 131 N.. Rge. 75 W. of Fifth P. M.. And that said proof will be made before P. O. Hooka, clerk of the district court of Emmona county. N. D., at Linton. N. D. on November 13.1907. She namea tbe following wltneaaeato prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, via.: Thomas Austin, of Straaburg. N. D. Theodore Olaon, of Straaburg. N. D. Ellaa Olaon. of Straaburg. N. D. John Laraen, ot Straaburg. N. 0. M. U. JEWELL. Register. NatMa at Coosaiatatlea Flaal Proaf. W'S DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR, I LAMDOrrioe at BISMARCK. N. D.. September 13.1907. I Notice la hereby given that JACOB HEIMBUCH, Ot Straaburg, N. D., haa filed notice of hla Intention to make commutation Anal proof in aupport of hla claim, via.: Homestead Entry No. 88004. made .luly 14. 1904. for the N. of N. E. of Sec. 84, Twp. 1S1 N.. Bge. 78 W. ot Fifth P. M., And that said proof will be made before I*. U. Hooks, clerk of the district court of Emmona county. N. D., at Linton. N. I)., on November 13,1907. He names tbe following witnesses to prove hla contlnuoua residence upon aud cultiva tion of tbe land, via.: Adam Paul, of Linton, N. D. llelnricb Stelnhauer. of Linton, N. I). KaaperScberr, of Straaburg. N. Ii. I'eter Munach.of Linton. N. U. 11. H. JEWELL. Register. Notice of Five-Year Flaal Praaf. DEPARTMENT or TBB IXTERIOR, I LAUDOrriCE AT BISMABCK. N. U., October 96,1907. Notice la hereby given that JESSIE A SANDIDGE, Of Linton, N. D., baa Sled notice of bar In tention to make Sve-year final proof In support of her claim, via.: II oniestead Entry No.S04VS, made November '.It?*, for tbe S. E. of Sec. 18. Twp. 138 N.. Bge. »W. of Fifth P.M.. AIM! tliat said preof will be made before Car'«lr' Judge and ex-oMcIo i. county courtof Emmons county, at Llutou. N. D., on December 16,1Hi. ttle following wltneaaea to prove residence upon aud cultiva tion of the land, vis.. ii1'Li,atMl.zu,gl«r1 of Linton. N. I). '"hnaon, of Llulon, N. It. —, K.f iM. 5 KywV 11 ton. N. I». 11 "Itclior, of Oiulo, Nji. M. U. JEWELL. Register. SCHOOL NOTES. Far Week FrMay, Nav. ist. Considerably more school spirit is shown. Our material for physical culture lias arrived. Tbe algebra class has just started "Factoring.'' Our new histories and arithmetics have arrived. The arithmetic class is now taking up "Partnership." The history class Is studying about "Tbe Mexican War." Tbe Latin and bookkeeping classes are getting along in good shape. Tbe grammar class has been taking up analysis of sentences this week. The fact that pupils must be up In their lessons in order to take part in basket-ball has tended to improve our work somewhat The teachers' reading-circle met In tbe school-bouse Saturday. There was an attendance of thirteen. We listened with pleasure to a paper on "Tbe Personality of the Teacher," by Miss Hoag, and to a talk bf the Bev. Matt. Wing on "The Preparation and Responsibility of the Teacher.*' Tbe boys' team of Linton went to Eureka Friday to play a game of basket-ball. Tbe score at the end of tbe first half was 7 to 6 In favor of Linton. At the end of the game the score stood 11 to 11. The game was then called on account of darkness, and another game was arranged for the next morhlng. At the end of the first half tbe score was 6 to 5 In favor of Eureka. The final score was 12 to 12. We then arranged to play five minutes more to settle the tie. This resulted In a score of 14 to 13 in Eu reka's favor. The boys put up a good game and are well pleased with the result. Although they did not win, they are in hopes of doing better next time. The two teams were very even ly matched, as far as scoring is con cerned. The score did not vary more than two points at any one time. Sometimes one was abead and some times tbe other. Friday evening the boys were air Invited over to Mr. Hoff man's room and there spent a pleas ant evening in playing games and ID conversation. On. the whole, we are all well pleased with the courtesies shown us by Prof. Wright, his boys, and the people of Eureka generally. Let us return tbe compliment wben the Eureka club comes to Linton. One of the sixth grade and two of the seventh grade pupils sent stories to the Journal Junior this week. Tbe seventh-grade arithmetic class Is progressing nicely In their study of measurements, having finished cubic measure. One case of tardiness and two cases of absence spoiled our otherwise per fect record in attendance and punctu ality for this week. Tbe new exchange books in history and arithmetic have come. We be lieve tbese new texts will add much to tbe interest ot the work In these subjects. We bave established rest periods be tween classes, which we plan to fill with exercises In physical culture. Tbe object of these periods is two fold: to develop us physically and to traiu us in promptness and uniform' Ity of action. Ida Fabrenwold enrolled In tbe fifth grade Monday. .We enjoyed a visit from Mrs. O. E. Burge Friday afternoon. We are indebted to Malin Mohn for a fine collectioiiof cocoons. Our new arithmetics have come, and we like them very mucb. Marc Schlangen bad another story published In the Journal Junior. The earnestness of tbe high-school students In taking up their work In music is worthy of tbe highest praise. In Friday's spelling-contest Jessie Burge won first place In tbe fourth grade and Marc Schlangen In the fifth grade. We enjoyed a visit to the third grade musle-class this week. Tbey are an enthusiastic lot of little people, and are doing fine work. Iu last month's work in tbe fifth grade Mildred Lynn ranked first, Marc aud Lester Schlangen second, and Norman Dafflnrud third. In the fourtb grade Walter Wittmayer was first, Albert Shier second and Mabel McCulley third. Pupils who were neither absent nor tardy during October were: Alberta Bredberg, Florence Culbertson, Clara Carley, Mildred Lynn, Roy Lucas, Malin Mobn, Edna Mohn, Mabel Mc Culley, Gerrit Books, Edward Books, Willie Bowerdink, Albert Shier, Les ter Schlangen, Marc schlangen, Wal ter Wittmayer, Jessie Burge, William Loan, llaztn Loan. Priawry. Several pupils are abaent'witb the booplng-cougb. We bave a collection of twenty co coons to keep during the winter. The scene presented on tbe sand' table for November la an Indian vll lage. Several new pupils enrolled last week: Llssie Farweld in the third grade, Ethel Fogle in the second and Clyde Barrow In the first. Tbose having, perfect records for the month of October an: Mildred Ka ven, Vera Prlns, Oscar Mobn, Doro thy Petrie, Johnnie McCrory, Joseph Boscli, Walter Kaven, Bennle Meier, Mary Eberle. Walter Mohn, Wilber McCrory and Newton Dafllnrud. Tbe third grade received a visit from Miss Stuart last Monday durlnc music period, and were pleased with her opinion of their work. They are now learning tbe kinds of notes.' CHANGED OWNERS. of Baiiaas Csaaty Transferred Dariag the Week Bsglaalag October iStk aad Eai lag Naveaiber ad. 1907. In tbe following table of real-estate transfers, copied from the records of the register of deeds, we have used reference marks as follows: a Patent, Receiver's Final Beceipt. Quit claim Deed. Special Warranty Deed The descriptions without a reference mark are by Warranty Deed. United States to Cbrlstof Krug, hf of qr and hf of qr 14-133-77 United States to Johan Bieg ler, hf of qr, qr of qr and qr of neqr Of 8-131-76 United States to Magdalena Tirk, lots 3 and 4, qr of qr and qr of qr of 2-130-78 „.. United States to Louis II. Koon, qr of 28-134-77 United States to George II. Naramore, hf of wqr andwhfofseqrof8-134-75 .... United States to Cbarley Da Witt, qr of 10-133-76 United States to Harmon W. Allen, hf of qr of 20-136-75 a United States to Jennie E. Talbot, qr of 8-133-76 a United States to Anna L. Talbot, qr or 14-134-77.. a United States to Wilber E. ... Wells, qr of qr of 14-130-76..... a United States to Elmer A. Anderson, eqr of neqr Of 32-133-77 a United States to John J. Renschler, hf of qr and hf of qr of 32-133 78 a United States to John J. Ryan, hf of qr and hf of qr of 20-136-75 a United States to Johannes Mattern, qr of qr of 14-130-76... ... a United States to Johannes Mattern, bf of qr, qr of qr and qr of wqr of 14-130-76 Johannes Biegler and wife to Joseph Biegler, hf of qr, seqrof nwqrandsw qr of qr of 8-131-76 11200 00 Bacbel C. Andrews and hus band et al. to Dugald Camp bell, qr of 25130-76 2900 00 Louisa E. Klngsley to Peter F. Schmidt, 8 hf of 8 qr and Shf of seqrof 28-134-76.... 1 00 Orpbena Anderson to Elmer A. Anderson, qr of 32 133-77 1 00 Martin Ohlhauser and wife to Martin Ohlhauser, Jr., et al., qr of 27-133-78 1 00 Andrew Craig and wife to Jo seph Jeli, lot 2, block 20, Hunter's first addition to Linton so 00 A. W. Sims and wife et al. to Cbrlstof Krug, qr of 7 133-76 2400 00 Herman W. Backbaus and wife to Hermann Backbaus, qr of 28-132-76 1 00 Oswell Z. Wellman and wife to Frederick Kelscb, lot 15, block 14, Hunter's first ad dition to Linton 300 00 OttoHellwIg and wife toJo hann H. Mettler, qr of 32-131-74 2500 00 H. F. Hunter and wife to Her bert Galley, lot* l, 2 and 3, block 1, Hunter's first ad dition to Linton 10 00 H. F. Hunter and wife to Her bert Galley, lots 4 and 5, block 1, Hunter's first addi tion to Linton 40 00 Joseph M. Hackney aud wife to Martin Ohlhauser, Jr., et al., qr of 35-133-78... 1200 00 Milwaukee Land Company to Valentine Feldman, lot 4, block 1, town of Strasburg. 58 00 Milwaukee Land Company to Notice at CemnMtatlea Flaal Proof. DEPARTMEKT or TBB IBTBBIOB, 1 LAUD Orrice AT BISMARCK. N. D„ I She names the followlngwltnesaeato prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, vU.: J.E. 1'ltcber. of Omio, S. I). Mae Oornalfe, or Dakem, N. D. Jessie B. Sandldge. of Linton, N. I. W. E. Petrie, of Linton, N. D. iiiiiiiiiia 1 a 1 a O. VORLANDEB. PRAS. B. B. MABTIN. TIM-PNS. Consistent with Good Banking. tsW* 10 $ $ $ Matthias Moszer, lots 5 and 6, block 10, and lots 11 and 12, block 12, Milwaukee Land Company's first addi tion to Strasburg 243 00 itji September 13,1007.- Notice la hereby given that KATE HARVEY. Of Linton, N. D.. haa filed notice of her In tention to make commutation final proof In support of her claim, via.: Homestead Eutry No. 23115, made Ma* is 1903, for the 8. of 8.*E. andloU and 8. Sec. S, Twp. las N„ Ug£ 75 W. of Fifth 1 And that said proof will be made before L.A. Weatlierby, United States commission er, at Linton, N. D.,on November 13,1907. $ M. 11, JEWELL. Register Notice at Hamestead Flaal Praaf. DEPARTMENT or TUB IBTBBIOB, LAKH OrriCE AT BISMABCK. N. D.. September 13, |U07. Notice is liereby given that JOHANNA GAIT. Of Linton. N. D.. lias filed notice of her Intention to make five-year final proof In aupport of her claim, via.: Homestead Entry No. 18300. made August a She namea tbe followlug wltueaaes to prove her contlnuoua residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: George II Dexter, of Llntuii, N. U, James A. Bluwltt, of Llntuii, N. I» ». 8. Sullivan, of Wiiton, N. b. Ferdinand Unit, of Llutou, N. D. $ $ W02, for the E of N.WTh.8. ft of W E. W and N. K.« of 8. E. of Sec. s! Two 133 N..Bge r. W. of Fifth P. P' Si'd'Strtrcoii??0.? II..JKWELL. ICtagister. Announcement Men's and Boys' Clothing. Vlf ABE PLEASED to announce that our tell and yintir lines are now complete and we feel fully justified in making the bold state ment that wa are better prepared this season than ever befote to supply your every want in our lines and to quote you prices which will surprise you. We can show you the largest assortment of Fur and Plush LinedOvercoatsever brought to Hisman kv Will you give us an opportunity aasertiooa? to prove our We allow fare one way on purchases of 95.00 or over. 0. M. DAHL, Dahl Building on Main St. Opposite N. P. Depot Biamarek, North Dakota A* W. SIMS, Of LINTON D. Solicits Your Account. ment, the Best Facilities, and the Most Baking speet have been will advantage ordering WOLFER'S GENERAL We Carry at All Times a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Clothing, Cloaks, Caps, Mittens, Gloves, Etc. Etc. SHOES We carry a complete line of Smith & Wallace Shoes shoes, Woolen Shoes, Leggins, Etc. HABDWARE We carry a complete line of Universal Heating Stoves, Stoves, Guns, and everything usually found in a strictly GENEBAL STORE. GROCERIES We always carry an ample supply fresh, clean and Give us a trial and see If the price and quality don't please you- CHRIST. WOLFER LINTON, N. D. I I I I .. Cashier. JOHN J. KAUFMAN. AsVi LI8T0N STATE BANK WeOIIer Courteous Treat- Liberal Accomodating Is possible only with an ,11 Hence, to get best if J£ f: 1 Tfc Perfection Flour. and certain rc- tults, make use the SNOW WHITE brand of Flour. Its rity and excellence pu in every re- proven so Many timet, in so many ays, that you yourself by always SNOW WHITE FLOUR. STORE A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE. MIHI OU up-to clnu w: MP of" 1jflj TSti' $'