Newspaper Page Text
TOWN AND OUT. ^-Ward's bread at Turner's. flrGet a nicc oyster stew at Tur «rs Restaurant. if Lunch served at all times at ttoTLinton Bakery. The Rev. S. W. Hover is now located it Cogswell, this state. «The StoughtxAwagon lias grease ucarrnirs Oil hS S. reservoirs on rtrOysters: uysiers. it Turner's Restaurant «The Stoughton Wagon Company itll direct to Oysters: Fresh oysters dealers only# B-Found-A pair of spectacles and asf Apply at Record office. Edward lloil and Jobn Maier, of finona, were in town Monday. •rOali mi Charles A. Carley, coun tjjudtrc. fur rtnal proors and Mings. The barber-shop will be after. Anton open during the dinner and supper hours here- Naaden was up from the Winona country a day or two last week. Dr. Muench and his daughter Marie departed Monday on muy. a trip to Ger- if-The front hounds on lie Stough ton wagon are on edge—not flat—over tbe axles. Wm. Van de Vorate and John Dyk were up from the Westfleld country list Thursday. Major Belden and John Carignan were over from Fort \ates the fore part of the week. if If you want to borrow money on your farm, the Linton State Bank •ill lend it to you. Gus. Broman is buildiug an ice bouse about a hundred yards nortli east of his dwelling. WDon't forget to stop in at Turn er's Restaurant and get a meal or a lunch when in town. Will Cunningham, who has been working at Oukes for several months, is in Linton this week. Ben White was here Sunday and Monday. He iiad been to'Mandan lad was on his way home to Yates. WThe First Hank of Linton, Lin ton, N. 1).. lias real-estate money to loan on good farm lands, three to five inn. John Kaufman, a St. Paul harness maker, arrived Monday and is running tbe harness-repairing room at Daffin rud's store. Daniel Harrei ther, formerly a coun ty commissioner of Mcintosh county, was in Linton, Friday, en route to Medina on a visit. Surveyor John Harold, of Bismarck, came down Thursday by N. P. train. He is in Emmons county to survey tbe Brofy towrsite. The Stoughton Wagon Company has nade wagons and sleighs for forty four years. They make the oscillating »Bfl the Maine-ite styles.. Mrs. Fred Pfaff, Jr., visited her prents and brothers and sisters in the Baldwin neighborhood, Burleigh coun ty, last week and part of this week. United States Commissioner Weath erby went 10 Hazelton yesterday and took testimony in the final proofs of McGinnis and Edna F. Daggett. Miss Clara Kirkpatrick, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Marchant, returned Fri •V with Mr. Marchant from Hum' toldt, Iowa. She will teach the Brofy school. Anton Larson brought in a bunch M-cattle from tho north country, Friday but. as the market was de ttoralized, lie drove them back home next day. In addition to the losses reported rjweelc bJ' Eisenbartli and the Har- W, Charles Schweigart lost his bam Cantield a stack of hay, in the Mine fire of a week ago Saturday. Co. Supt. Jessie Sandidge and Mrs, Rooks attended the Hallowe'en Wty given by the ladles of Hazelton 'OKlabunde's hall. The Linton visit- sa-' l'le party was a great success. Preachin« SH M. E. church Sunday v3' m' Subiect: "The Man Who totl Care." Song service in the "Ming from 7:15 to 7:30. Preaching «:30p. °f Christ." Subject "The Divinity B!L^' ^'ckel finished a well for St°ddard JJJl on a lot recently rch»sed by him, north of the First Mr. Stoddard will put up Cr.lmn^ on ll'c lot and will start 'Purchasing business. 8*eTyL?u.,,seen any of those is nim1 the SyJ out at lets in before the cold weather Tuesday evening «Miv named eor,»e "ho wItfT6'1 tbat have had considerable to do with the change of mind of the Hague farmers. Attorney Armstrong made a profes sional visit to Bismarck the fore part of the week. Attorney Lynn was in the Capital City this week, attending to some land business. The Stoughton wagon has four teen spokes in the front wheels and sixteen spokes in the rear wheels. The prize scores at the bowling al ley last month were: Adam Mitzel. 230 Frank Haas, 210 Mike Hipfner, 208. D. Gillespie, who has been down in South Dakota several months raising crop on bis land there, was an arrival by Tuesday's Milwaukee train. Mike Bush has purchased the west half of 11-135-76—as pretty a piece of land as there is in the Williams pert country. Consideration, 15,000. John Pounds, J. H. Procunier and Frank Letner were down from Gay ton Monday to get a traction engine belonging to D. W. Casey and shipped from Groton, S. D., last summer. The machine has been standing near the union depot. At the home of John Drayton, in the Omio neighborhood, a chicken pie supper will be given Friday, Nov. 15th, for the benefit of the Omio Sunday-school. Mr. Clias. S. Lane will deliver a lecture on his recent European trip. The admission fee will be ten cents. B. L. Parker, of Sioux Kapids, Iowa, is in Linton this week, the guest Alex. Smith, of Glencoe, and August Jaszkowiak, of Bismarck, have formed partnership in the well-drilling bu ness. August certainly ought to be an expert at this class of work, as lie has served an apprenticeship with his brother Frank, who is hard to beat at any kind of labor requiring mechan ical ingenuity. Wm. Took, a young man living near Westfield, while in Strasburg Tuesday met with a peculiar accident. While running a foot-race with another young man be jumped from a side walk and fell on his right knee. The knee was uninjured, but the point of the hip-bone was broken off. Dr. Wol verton attended him. It is reported that tbe man who was principal of the Hazelton school was found to have a wife and children that are in poor circumstances. Whereupon the pedagogue, without a formal res ignation, came to Linton and took a train for the region toward the rising gun where they keep tbe western banks' currency for their own use. S.O. Downs, of Fargo, general agent for the south half of North Dakota of the old-reliable Stoughton wagon, was in Linton last Friday in tbe in terest of his company. The Stough ton wagons are said to be the strong est wagons made, and have been on tbe market nearly half a century The company sells direct to dealers. Jacob Aldinger, of Eureka, son-in law of George Kalinzki, formerly of Eureka, was in Linton Tuesday on his way to Bismarck, where Kalinzki died Tuesday in the penitentiary, to which he was sentenced a dozen years ago from Bottineau county, this state, for killing his wife. Tbe prisoner was seventy-five years old when he died. Anton Denholm, of Andover, S. I)., —an uncle of B. C. A. Denholm, li v ing fifteen miles east of Linton, on the place formerly owned by Fred Kelsch departed Saturday for his home, after a fortnight's visit with his nephew. While here the visitor, with Ud Death to help catch 'em and B. C. A. to bait the hooks and take off the catch, caught four pailfulsof fish In a few hours, in Beaver A letter received by Smith's Gal anyoneL ,lnvit?. comparison with to mli" f|UalllJ'. anc| we guaran- Pieture i0rU' Have the neighbor of last week Christ. Schumac.. inn I" tlle l'ivona Sorbin's saw-mill. He Dr. %der A, "azelton, where will not l!!lSecl the woutlfl- most of the party **®ktomaiLStan fron Ha*ue country A ,, '••olvear.rt f.ta' 0 •iddli uf 1 Christof from John Moser, who went Krug from Em mons county to Saskatchewan, Can., a year ago last January, asks Krug to find him an Emmons county farm for rent. He is coming back. The he has ascertained Photogra unusuafbccurrence. baby's wheat up there was all spoiled by frost, and from those who have been there longer than himself that the frosting of wheat is not an Gottlieb Lilian, who also went from the Linton coun try to Saskatchewan, and who is a of Mr. Moser. writes to John Schaefer that he is to Emmons county. M. T. Freer, the speedy country, had ZS hadly cut by u* circular 4., racer and ball-player who The hand be permanently crippled summer, met with a severe accident, recently, that may spoil him time, if not permanently, base-runner. Asa member last mes ln the land Park(Des Moines) LeUbridge reconsldered ball ie%m, he was playing in their fled reBl,r, ?i(l at home. The verl "Sunn., l,iree feet of snow Southern in Alberta" in the lst game between that team and an eleven representing versltr, of Omaha. In a mix bones of September is said to one of his knees out of joint. the accident comes in a letter from young Freer to Wallie Eliert. Billy Matthews, the Hazelton mer chant, was in Linton over night Tues day. tW For proofs, tilings, etc., apply to L. A. Weatherby, United States Com missioner, Linton. The E. L. 11 awes auction sale, last Saturday, up in the Brofy neighbor hood, was well attended. Albert Junge and Hermann Back haus have completed their contract for putting up the Bazar machinery building. CTFor Sale—Several good teams of working and driving horses. Call at Wm. Carmicheal's livery barn. Last night was ladies' night at the bowling alley. The best scores were 115 byMissSliafT and 100 by Mrs. F. B. Irvine. figr If you want job printing of anv kind in both English and German on the same sheet, or separately in either language, apply at Record office. Christ. Cliristianson fiuished a well this week for .1. A. St ember, Miss Lorna Aiton, who came here a couple of weeks ago to succeed Miss Marchant at the telephone exchange, grew homesick soon, and has gone to Crookston to spend the winter with relatives. August, a brother of Louis Malo ney, is visiting the latter in Linton. He resides in Spring Valley, Mibn., where he is In the real-estate business. Withliira on his visit to Linton is J. B. Rood, of Sun Prairie, Wis. also an old friend of Louis Maloney. of his old friend, G. A. Broman. Gus —when he was a young and innocent boy just out from the old country, and was in the habit of sleeping with photograph of King Oscar under his pillow—was employed by Mr. Parker five years. Leonard Sclian, Michael Schmidt and John W. Ell, of Hague, were in Linton over night, Monday, en route tosunny-southern-some-place-or-other up toward the north pole, where they will probably remain until their first crop of wheat is frosted. Born—Oct. 28, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilollaar, of Hull, a son. Mother and boy are all right. Also, ou Nov. 2,1907, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Groen, of Iluli, a daughter. Everybody, Includ ing Jake, O. K. This last draw gives Jacob a pair of kings and a pair of queens, and his neighbors say that he will never rest content until the hand is full Since the last i&ue of the Record two shows have held forth at the opera-house. Saturday Mrs. Ertz Bowden, with her "Pictorial Story of Hiawatha," appeared, and Monday and Tuesday nights of this week a very fair moving-picture show, engineered by a man and wife who advertise themselves as "The Wandering Min strels," held the boards. There was a very good attendance at all of the per formances. Three dogs were poisoned in Linton Tuesday night. This is bad business. True, there are many vagrant curs in town that render night hideous and cause sleepless people to use unparlia mentary language. But there are al so a large number of valuable hunting dogs in town, and the lives of these are endangered equally with the worthless and ownerless vagrants. There is a severe penalty provided bylaw for anv one convicted of put ting out poison. Before JucticeClint. Wagher, Satur day, John Lovell pleaded guilty to stealing Jimmy Zieser's stone-mason tools. lie was fined $50 and costs, the latter amounting to 921.30. He also paid Mr. Zieser $30 for the several weeks' time the latter was deprived of the use of the tools. The total finan cial outlay 011 creek, not far from the Denholm residence Some of the fisli were of good size larger than the fish usually caught in Beaver creek in the Linton neighbor hood. The also coming back the part of Mr. Lovell foots up $101.40. All of which tends to show that the old-time copy-book makers knew what they were about when accross the top of one of their pages they put, "Honesty is the best policy." CST Lunch served at all times at the Linton Bakery. Somebody sent us a check for $1.50 yesterday, to which the drawer forgot to si^n his name. It is 011 the Hazel ton bank and tbe envelope bears a Ll vona 1 ust-mark. The check is dated 11-4." There was no letter with It, so that we could "identify it." As we gaze upon this check, and think of the happiness it would bring were a name signed to it. we sighingly rccall the line of the old song: "Thou art so near, and yet sofar,"' or words to that effect Will the person who drew the check kindly send his name, so that we can return the paper and have it signed? We want to blow it. rx- Auction Blllspriated in Herman and English at the Record Office. grandfather about 1 move played a few games with the Linton and grandmother of the Murau children—whose died recently, just as young f'*ot- old—was as a ileet 011 WE HAVE JUST BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY OUR NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPER FOR SPRING DE LIVERY. NEXT TEAR THE LINE WILL BE BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT. mother the family were farther west—came up from Webster. club last S. D., to ly. and took Hague, recent home with them the three youngest of the for some twelve children. One of the youngsters—Henry, years FLAHERTY, THE RKAU.Y TRULY DRIHKHST. nine the victim of a serious accident the other of High day. While play ing wit li some other College foot the head. Creigliton I ni- little chaps, one of them threw a stone a match and struck him He did not recover full consciousness for three up the finally came through were thrown Information Murau has retarding days, but all right. Mr. started a butcher-shop in Ilas-'iie, and is doing Notice of Sale of School and Insti* tution Lands. The following-descrlbetl soliool and insti tution lands, (situated In Kmnions county and state of North lukot:i, will be offered for sale at public auction to tlio highest Mil der, at the court-house In the town of l.ln ton, county of Emmons, stalo of Nortli Da kota, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 5 o'clock p. 111. 011 TIII'KSOAS'. the 14-TH DAY Of NOVEM1IKK. A. 1. I.Kir said sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. rn. ami to continue from day to day until all lands herein described have been sold or oHoml for sale. All lands will be offered in tracts as here inafter designated, and U|M,II the following conditions: No tract will be sold for loss than its ap- }Ifth r:iised value. The terms of sale are: On, of tho time of sale. Hfth In ten years onc-ilftli in lifteeii years and ono-tiftli In twenty years, will. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, pay able annually in advance. 'I'll,- purchaser will also be required to pay at time of sale a fee of |5 for Issuing each o,mt raci. t'pon approval or sale by Itoardof I'nlver sity and School Lands, the purchaser shall pay Interest from thedateof sale to January 1, ft**, on Ihe deferred payments, at the rate fifth of tho purchase price to lie paid at the one-tifill in tive years ono- of six ner cent per annum. Tho Hoard of University and reserves the right to reject Description• "r 011 upper Broadway. The well is fifty-six feet deep, with twenty-six feet of water. lioul I.anils inv orall Mds. A:,Sec. Tp. R.A civs. Per Acre. Valuation NEX .. l(i IZ 71 I0U *11 00 8 EX ltl 12!l 71 HW 11 00 NEX *i 1211 71 nu» 1^ 00 NWX :iti 1211 71 1 r, 00 SEX ... :M 1211 7! J00 11 00 swx 1211 UiO 4H NEX .... Hi 12li 7t» lt» I S 00 NWX in 1211 7ti lt r* iiu SEX Hi 1-11 swx ltf 1211 100 IS IK NEX .... an 1211 loo v: oo swx .... 7ii ion 15 NEX 10 1211 77 100 11 00 NJVx .... 1C 1211 7? IttU VI 00 SWX .... i(i 120 77 !0) V-i 00 swx »i 121' 7 l(K) 10 410 NWX io 1211 7s 100 10 4)0 NEX ltl ion 10 00 NWX 10 130 100 10 00 NEX IW SWX 1(1 130 75 154t.05 11 00 NEX .... aci 130 7* 150.00 10 00 NWX a« 130 75 100 10 00 SEX i« 130 75 O 10 00 SWx 130 75 100 10 00 NEX .... 10 130 70 NWX KIU \:i 50 HI 130 7t ]00 1:2 50 SEX io 130 7«j 100 00 swx .... to 130 7ti NM NEX 130 7*5 iliO lii oo SEX no 130 70 100 HI 130 EH of SK.'i and SW HofSE 1 otSWH NE!4 NEX NW! NEX 7H 100 10 lt 10 3(1 130 7 190 130 8E!4 130 40 Kit) 100 1CU 100 100 I0U 100 100 100 100 100 100 153 13 100 100 100 100 ltl ltl NW.U SEX SWX NWX NEX NWX NEX SEX SWX SEX NEX SEX NEX NWX SEX 8WX NWX SWX NEX NWX SWX NEX NWX 8WX NEX NWX.. SEX SWX SEX Hi HI 1M »i iu an :«s iu mi 131 lit mi tat 131 i:*i 131 131 131 131 131 13! 131 :«l in, :u ion 100 100 loo Hi li us i« 1( :us i:« rn too 100 100 ltio It'rO 133 lit', iMi x, SWX NWX SWX NEX NWX NWX SWX NEX NWX NEX NWX SEX SWX NWX NEX NWX NEX SEX NEX NWX NEX NWX SEX SWX NEX NWX SEX 100 100 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 mi mi iu loo 100 100 100 100 Ji0 100 ioo Hio 100 100 100 Hi :m to i:« 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 *3 10 in Hi Hi Hi lti IOO too 100 100 100 100 loo 100 Hio too 100 ltw 100 100 100 ion 100 100 •Hi IU) :ni :w Hi Wi 133 133 133 Jtt 133 133 133 133 3 133 133 •m lii Hi W :iti Hi Hi Hi ll IKS ltio |(0 !33 133 SWX NEX SEX NEX NwX SEX SwX SWX NEX NwX SWX NWX SwX NEX SEX NEX NwX SEX SwX NEX NwX SEX SWX NwX SWX Nwx Swx Swx SwX 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 H0 100 100 10».» 100 100 100 1»J0 153.00 100 153.30 100 loo •KS :ei 1 133 134 131 134 131 131 134 Ji4 131 134 134 131 134 134 134 134 134 131 134 t34 134 34 134 134 134 131 131 135 Hi Hi II 00 10 00 10 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 JO 00 10 oo 10 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 13 oo 13 00 13 0T) 13 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 11 00 II 00 10 00 JO 00 :10 00 ,10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 .10 00 10 00 10 00 10 (XI 10 00 10 00 11 00 11 00 oo 14 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 •Hi :»i K» 11) HJ Hi i'l :ei Hi Hi 10 Hi :«i Wi of lou 100 100 100 !0o ltio I •J0 im 00 40 NwX '•Wi It NEX NwX SEX SWX NEX NWX SwX NEX SEX NEX Nwx SEX Swx swx Nwx Swx swx SEX SwX NEX NwX SEX SWX NH of Swx SEX SwX SEX SEX SwX SEX SwX NEX NwX NEX NWX SW of SEX SH of Swx hi loo 100 100 100 13:") 135 I3* 135 135 135 135 35 133 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 130 i3 J* IOO loo 100 ioo fit) I'. 1'i 100 100 I'M) 1V 101) 10f.» 104J 1« i! :j»» IOO JO 00 ll ou 15 00 II 00 15 00 1 It) 00 10 Ot) It) oo 10 00 13 00 1 I 13 00 13 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 III (M) 13 00 13 OU 13 00 13 0») 10 oo 13 00 13 IX) II 00 00 14 00 13 50 10 00 10 00 11 00 11 ou 10 00 10 00 PV) It?) I»0 im/ lOf ioo lf)0 I'Kj 10) l»so 10() 1t» 100 100 I 13* i.V'j 13fi 130 130 NE 4 Nw& W SE* 130 130 130 bv iw in gwii i'» NwJi W 130 NEU Nw* 8EH l-» lt# 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 10O W Wr 1W 1(30 lO\ 1'iU 10i l«j» V«f4 W NwU W swk W SWHi NwH NEK 1*0 130 to 130 130 100 PW lrt« Lots 3 und 4 atid N EFCOFBEU T'J IU.*0 HI 00 Dated at Bismarck, N. £., this day August. A. D. l'.07. a good business. County Abstract Conp&nj I. A. WKATHEKBV. Official Nutive 7II 100 is tw Abstracter CUMIM.KTE ABsTHACTS Of A 1.1. I.AMOS AM TOWN LOTS IN KMMOKS COITNTY l''A KM ANIt KAN CI I I.AN'ilS K(.»K SALE NOTAKV I'JJUI.K'. Agent for MERIOAN !-l' KE1Y CO.. of New York Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. 1 .1,",K'n.t. ,,f u'° Interior, l.and Office at Itlsmarclc. N. I September 2:1. ismr. Notice is liorehy given that I'KANZ SCIIMEUEli. Of Hague, N. i„ has tiled notice of his in tention to make linal tire-year proof In sup port of his claim, vli ,ry !i'" ir4 ^. "a,le May £1. HW., for lots ,1 ami 4 and S. W. of N W of Sec. an4 lot one of Sec. S. Twn' 130 NKge. T5 W. of t'ifth I'. M.. D"Hf will be made before harles IU 1 arloy, judge and ex-offlcio clerk of tho county court of Emmons county, N I»., at Linton, x. i»., ou November 13, liwf. lie names the following wltnossoslo nrovo hisconUouous resldenci' UIKMI and cultiva tion or the land. viz.: August KICKCU of tftrasburii, N. I .loscpli fceist,of Strasburg, N. I». .lyhn I ranclN, of StrasburK, s. i». •lU.ntlu Dosch. of StraMbur^, N. u. 1! JEWELL. UegUter of 71 liiO 10 00 SEX .... 130 71 100 10 00 NWX HI 130 7, 152.51 11 00 Commutation Final PrKf. lH'.l'AliTMKNT OK TIIK INTKHIOII, I LANK omen AT IIISMAKCK. l».. SeptemlKT XI. I«IV. Not lee Is hereby given hat. NELLIE NIII'EN, or Linton, N. II., lias llled notice of her intention to in a lie eoiinnutatlon tlual proof In support of her claim, vli.: '.r' '1. K»t.ry No. aoioit. made August o*"', for the northeast (i uarter of Sec. -II. I wp. Hill N., Kge. 75 W. of Klfth I'. M„ And that said proof will be mado before A. Weatherby, United States commission er, at Linton, N. l).,ou November 13,1IWT. Mie names the following witnesses to prove ner continuous residence upon and ciiltlva Hon of the land, viz.: Isoru T. Chauey, of Llutou. N. I). I titer lleubner, of Linton, N. 1. Klnar SuRdwIck, of Linton. N. I). •lohn liruseth, t)f Linton, N, D. 1: no :i X) swx 30 130 70 100 00 NWx ... Hi 130 77 100 1^ 50 SEX ltl 130 100 11 00 swx ltl 130 77 100 12 50 NEX 130 77 100 10 00 NWX 30 130 77 100 Hi 00 SEX 3ti 130 77 104) 15 00 swx 130 too 15 no NEX M. II. JEWELL. IteglHtor. Notice ot Commutation Final Proof. Deuurtnient of tho Interior, I Lund Ollloe at lllsiuarck, N. U.. September SI, I!KI7. Notice is hereby given that 10 oo 10 oo 10 W) 10 00 10 IK) 11 00 00 11 00 14 00 10 0D 10 00 10 00 11 00 I I 00 II 00 It 00 10 oo 13 (K) 15 00 13 50 13 50 15 00 10 W 10 00 to ou 10 00 11 oo 13 00 IS 00 13 00 10 oo 10 oo 10 00 13 00 11 00 11 00 10 00 10 oo 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 13 (HJ JO 00 13 00 13 00 13 00 11 00 JO 00 13 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 00 10 00 10 00 JO oo 13 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 IJ0 10 ot) 10 00 11 00 IAOOU LIEUIIO, uf HI i:n i:n ui 1,1 Hague, N. I)„ has tiled notice of his intention to make commutation tinal proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. Sltm". made June 17. ',r 1,10 'N- of N. E. X. N. E. of J*' "•lot l.Sec. 31, i'wp. liW N.t Kgc. 71 W. of Klfth I*. M., And that said proof will Ixi made i»efore L. A. Weatherby, United States commission er, at Linton, N. lJ.,on November 13,1007. lie names the following witnesses tu prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: Joseph Eheiie, of Hague, •. p. A. E. Moore, of Hague, N. I. Joseph (ioidaile, of liugue, N. II I'. A. Kuelin, of Hague, N. l. M. II. JEWELL. Register. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. l*eiAltTMEKT OK TUB INTCHIOH. 1 I.ANP Orrica AT HISMAHCK, N. H.. October 23, 1907. Notice is hereby given that ANTON J. IIAUMOAKTNEK. Of strasburg, N. I)., has filed notice of his intention to make five-year final proof In support of his claim, viz..: Homestead Entry No. 210(17, made December », 1«W, for the E. '/, of N. W. and W. of N. E. .X of Sec. 17, Twp. 131 N„ Hge. 7ti \V. of Klfth I'. M., And that said proof will bo made before I*. O. Itooks, clerk of the district court of Em mons county, N. I' at Linton, N. 11.. on le ceinber 10, 1!H)7. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the laud, viz.: Joseph Kautngartner, of Strasburg, N. I. I ran/. Hohrleh, of Strasburg, N. I. Jacob llaumgartner, of .Strasburg. N. Anton Klsclier, of Strasburg, N. II. ot ijFoGE Land Commissioner. M. II. JEWELL. Uegister. TOWN LOT SALES BOWMAN, NORTH liowman will Ijc Notice ot FiveYear Final Proof. IlKPAKTMKXT OR TIIK 1NTKIIIOH I I.ANiiOrrn'K AT HISMAHI'K, N. !. October .", 1U07. I Notice Is hereby given that OS W A l.ll N A KM ANN. Of Linton, N". has tiled notice of hw in tentloti to make live-year tinal proet In support of his claim. vU.: Homestead Entry No iri.v,. nntile 1903. for the south half of northwest quarter and north half of southwest ,,nar ter of S'C. 2S, Twp. l:U north. Itue west of Klfth I'. And that said proof will be made before I harles It. Carley. Judge and ev-otllclo clerk of the county court of Emmons county. II at Linton. N. II., on Novem ber HUT. Ill, names ilie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land. vl«.: Anton Larson, of Linton, N. I lvarl Llndhurg, of Linton. N. I) John Wolil. of Linton, N. Il Oeorge leter. of Linton, N'. II JEWELL, Uegister Notice of Homestead Final Proof. DKI'AHTMKNT or TIIK INTKHIOII. I LANII OKVICK AT HISMAHCK. N. H.. Septeuitwr III. 1IKI7 Notice Is hereby given that JOIIANN I' WilliL, Of Linton. N. I)., has llled notice of his In tention to make tlvo-yoar tinal proof In support of Ills claim, vi/..: Homestead Entry No. I72W7. mado May ill 1H02, for the E. of N. E. X. S. W of N. E. and N. K. or !. K. of Sec H. Twp. 133 N.. Kge. 75 W. of Klfth I*. M.. And that said proof will IN, made Ijerore I.. A. Weutherby, United States commissioner, at Linton,,ou November HI. I'.sir. lie names the following witnesses to prove Illscotitluuous residence upon anil cultiva lion of the laud, viz.: Ilelnrlch Natliau, of Llutou, N. I). Wllhelm Neumlller, of Llnlou, N. II. Ueorge Neumlller, of LlnUin, N. II. Christian Loebs, of Llutou, N. H. M. II. JEWELL. Hegistei. Notice ot Commutation Final Proof. IKIMKTMKNT or TIIK INTKHIOII, 1 LAMMirt-ice AT HISMAHCK, N. 1» September 13,111)7. Nolle# is hereby given that MATIII AS LI I'l'. Of Strasburg, N. II., has llled uoileeof his Intention to make commutation Una 1 proof In support uf his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. .'KttOti, made April 7, IMS, for tbe E. of N. W. and lots 1 and 2. Sec. IB, Twp. 131 N., Kge. T1 W. of Klfth I'. M., And that said proof will lie made lie fore I*. G. Itooks, clerk of the district court of Emmonscouuly. N. I„ at Linton. N. II., on November 13, lit07. He names the following witnesses u» prove Ills continuous resldeuce upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: John Keist, of Strasburg, N. II. Michael llurgad, of Strasburg, N. Il Joseph Lipu. of Strasburg, N. II. Anton Sclierr, of Strasburg, N. II. M. II. JEWELL. Kegister. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. OKPAIITMENT or TIIK INTKHIOII. I I.AMlOrriCB AT UlHMAItCK, N. II., September IH, 11107. Not lee is hereby given that KKANCISKA MASTIC I. Of Hague, N. II., has tiled notice of her In tention to make commutation linal proof in support of lier claim, vl/..: Homestead Entry No. Itt.l7ti, made April She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the laud, viz.: Joseph Klsclier, of Hague, N. II. Johannes Welk, of Hague. N. I Jacob Klsclier, of Hague. N. II. Kmcra Klsclier, of Strasburg, N. I. M. II. JEWELL. Kegister. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Laud llepartment of the Interior. 1 Of] III L/ SI II at Itlsmarck, N. September It!. 1HU7. I Notice Is hereby given that OLE I'AirLHON, Of Linton. N. I' has filed notice of bis intention to make live-year final priMif In support of ills claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. I!«J2J, mat i'litenihur )e otic red from Aberdeen. South Dakutii, for this sale placed on the lots and the choice will be by auction. F. A. MILLER General Passenger Agent CHICAGO AT DAKOTA The opening sale of lots in the new town^uf Uowman, North lake place 011 Thursday, November 21, IHOT. This town i* 2«to miles wesi of Aberdeen, South Dakota, oil the I'acilic C' Intension of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL RAILWAY the counly seat of Mo'Aiiian (.'jiinly, Noif^li Iiakotii. aiul bids fair to be one of the best towns on the Pacific Coast Extension. Special train service, including sleeping cars, tliiiiny: cars ami coaches. Further informal ion fmin the undersigned. '.1», l!M2. for the S. E. of See 1,1. Two 1« N.. Itge. 7ii W. of Mil I' And that said proof will tie made before L. A. Weatherby, United Slates commis sioner, at Linton. IV. on November hi. 11(07. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and rnltlv , tlon of the laud, vl.' Charley IVWitt. of Linton. N. II. William T. Ilrooks, of Linton. N l. A. Mtickier, of LlnU)n. N II. NNilllam Carmlchael. of Linton. N Itw, for Ihe s. E. of s*', of Klfth I'. I) II. JEWELL, Uegister. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. IlKI' tltTMKNT or TUB ISTKSIOH. I.AND ClrriCK AT IIIRMAHCK, N. !.. September 13. IW7. I Notiie Is hereby given that HKINUU'II STEINIIAl?Ell. i.'f Linton, N. I. has tiled noUce of bis In tenlion to make tlve-ye»r Dual prKif in support of Ills claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. IH.W0. made August 11' 1 and V' of S. W. N„ Kge s, Twp. 131 of w. And thai said proof will be made before I. U. ItiNiks. clerk of'the district court of Kmnions county. N. Ii .at Linton, N. Il -in November IJ, 1U07. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: I'clcr Munscli, of Linton, N il Vincent Meier, of Linton, N. Il John llossert, of l.luton. N. John llarreth. of Linton, N. II M. ||. JEWELL. Keg I it er Notice of Commutation Final Proof. IIKI'AIITMKN'r or TIIK InTKIIIOK I.AMI Orril'K AT HlMMAKCK. N il. Septemlier is, imrr I Notice Is hereby given that MAKUAKETIIA KISCIIEK, of Strasburg, N. II., has Sled notice of her Intention to make commutation Dual proof In support of her claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 3SML made Decern lie IU, 1UII5, for the H. W. of N. W. of Sec. 22, Twp. 131 N„ Kge. 7« W. of Klfth I'. M., And that aald proof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, United States commis sioner, at Llntou, N. II., on November 7, IWT She namrstlie following wltnetaes to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva Hon of tho laud, vlt. Johknuea Welle, of.. Ueorge Schmaltz, of Ifague, N. ^). Johknuea Welle, of Hague, N. 11. Ueorge Schmal tz, of lla Johannes Nenser. of Ha rhomas Mantel, of Hague, N. I*. of Hague. Hague. N M. II. JEWELL. Uegister. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. IIEI'AHTMBNT OR TRK IMTBHIOH, I LANII orrica at BISMAUCK, N. I) November I, 11107. I Notice Is hereby given that JOHN E. JOHNSON, Of Euimousburg, N. 1).. has Bled notice of Ids intention to make live-year linal proof In support of Ida claim, vlt.: Homestead Entry No. SBUM, made OctolMjr II, ltllW, for the S. E. of Sec. 30, Twp. 13:.' N., Kge. 7H W.of Klftli I'. M.. And that said proof will be made Is:fore A. Weatherby. United States commission er, at Llutou, N. II., on Heccmlier ltl, IH07. He uames the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva Hon of the land, viz.: .laseph Maliansy, of Llutou, N. I. U', 11(02, for the W. '/, of s. E. X, Si- K. of S. E. and S. fc. of S. W. of Sec. Is. Twp. 131 N., Kge. 74 W. of Klfth l». M„ And that said proof will lie. made liefore L. A. Weatherby, United Stales commission er, at Llutou, N. li., 011 November 7, I!IU7. John Kamey, of Kmmousburg, N. James K. Nelson, of Emmonsburg, N. I Iteiijamiii Haggard, of Emmonsburg, N. I*. M. II. JEWELL, Uegister. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. ILKI'AKTMCHT OR TUB IBTMIOII, I I.ANII ttrrii.'E at BISMABCB, N. It.. October », IW7. Notice Is hereby given that IIElNKICIi UALLIET, Of Linton, N. II., has Sled notice of Ills In tention to make commutation Hnal proof Iu support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 3M74, made November 12,1003, for lot* 1 and 2 and S. 'A of N. K. of Sec. II, Twp. 11CI N.. Kite. 74 W. of Klfth I'. M., And that said proof will lie made before I'. U. Itooks, clerk of the district court of Em ruoiis county. N. II., at Linton, N. II.. on l cember 1#, 1007. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon ami cultiva tion of the land, viz.: lleinrich Nathan, of Linton, N. 11 A. W. Hlins, of Linton, N. II. Jakob Schaefer, of Linton, N. I llelnrlc'li Schaefer, of Llntou, N- I'. M. II. JEWELL. Uegister lukota, will will Fixed prices will be C. A. PADLEY, General Land Agent MILWAUKEE