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i: I IS,.:: II^Im nMH* riwuBp iw n«w* Dmntotot UMUOR LATOomci SmuacK ft. D„ Octobers. no:. Koilet fa bartb} gim that STANISLAUS MASSET, Of Linton. H.D.i kaa iied MIIM of bit In leatlonto mtki In-jetr fnal proof ID sup port of his claim, vie.: HoDMtml Entry'No. 13T7I. made Jwmrj & HOI. tor the S. of 8. W. and 8. of 8.1. of Sec. 14. Twp. 131 N.. Bge. 78 W. of Fifth P. M.. And that said proof will be made before P. G. Book*, clerk of the district court of Kcnmotii count*, N. !.. at Linton. N. P.. on Novembers!. IW7. He name* the following witnesses lu prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, vis.: Andreas Ricbter. of Linton. S. D. John Bcbamacher. of Linton. N. U. Kasper Bnrcad, Jr.. of Linton. N. I. Jakob Broekel, of Linton. N. D. M. n. JEWELL. Heglt*r- NKIH of Hwwtirt FIMU Of WestSeld, N- D., has filed notice of Ills Intention to make Sve-year final proof In support of hu claim, viz.: Homestead Entry So. 13761. made January W. IDOI, for the N. E.S« of Sec. St. Twp. L'» N.. H*e. W. of 5tb I. M.. And that said proof will lie made before I'. O. Books, clerk of the district court of Kfamous county, N. !., at Linton. N- I' on November if, 1U07. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, vit.: Karl Bchrelner, of WestBeld. N. D. Men Blecler. of Pollock. 8. I). Anton Belnbold. of Strasburg. N. D. Thomas Wagner, of Strasburg, N. I' ll. H. JEWELL. Register. Notice of FIve-Yeer Flaal Proof. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. r., September 26, J1W7. Notice is hereby Riven that FRANK C. BELL, Of Linton, N. D., has tiled notice of his Intention to make Hve-year final proof In support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 10483, made Oc tober 9, 1902, for the S. £. of Sec. 12, Twp. 133 N., Rge. 77 W. of Fifth P. M., And tliat said proof will be made be fore L. A. Weatherby, United States commissioner, at Linton, N. D., on November 15,1907. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz.: Johann Wenning, of Linton, N. IJ. Frederick PfatT, Sr., of Linton, N. 1). John A. Bartu, of Linton, N. I). Phillip Pfelfer, of Linton, N. I). M. II. JEWELL, IleKlstcr. Notice of Flvo-Voar PIMI M. H. JEWELL, Register. Notice of Pitm— Licoaae Soli Proof. DnAT*auror TUB IXTERIOH, L.JIAD orrica at BISMARCK. N. IJ.. September 13. 1MT. Notice Is hereby given that JOSEPH BEINBOLD, Proof. Department of Ibe Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. October 2,1907. Notice Is hereby Riven that KONUAD BOLLINOKU, Of Linton, N. D., has tiled notice of his Intention to make tive-year Una I proof In support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 13902, made March 0,1901 for tbe N. of S. E. i, 8. E. of 8. E. and N. E. of S W. of Sec. 26, Twp. 133 N Rge. 7(i W. of Fifth P. M„ And that said proof will be made be fore Charles B. Carley, judge and ex olllcio clerk of the couuty couri of Emmons county, N. D., at Linton, N. D., on November 20,1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuousesldence upon and cultivation of the land, viz.: Dan Bollinger, of Linton, N. D. John Quashnick, of Linton, N. D. Jacob Beck, of Linton, N. O. John P. Wohl, of Linton, N. I). RHI STATE or NORTB DAKOTA. Vocmr or EJIHOXS. In County Court: Before Charles B. Carley, Judge. In I lie matter of tbe guardianship of Martin Bunce. Belma Bunge. Dorothea B_.Bunge, Hannah Bunge. Louis Bunge and Benja min Bunge. minors. Dorothea Bunge. petitioner, vs. Martin Ituugo.!k lui* BuiiKe. Dorothea A. Bunge. Ilaunab llunge. I/uls Bunge. Benjamin itunge. George Bunge. William H. Bunge, Anna l»e«er*. E. J. Bunge. Bertha Bunge. Albeit C. Bunge. Martha Bunge and Amanda Itunge. respondents. Whereas. Dorothea Bunge was appointed guardian of the persons and estate of Mar tha Bunge, Belma Bunge. Dorothea A.Bunge, Hannah Bunge. Louis Bunge and Benjamin Bunge. minors, by an order of the county court In and for tbe county of Emmons ana state of North Dakota, made on tbe tth day of July. 1907. And whereas, the said guard Ian has filed In the above-named court a pe tition for license to sell the Lpterest of tbe above-named minors In the real estate here inafter described. In which It Is alleged that the said real estate is largely unproductive tliat the Income from tbe said real estate Is not adequate or sufficient to educate and maintain the said minors in a proper and reasonable manner, befitting their station in life, and that, if the said minors hold their interests in the hereinafter-described premises any longer, the same will occasion great expense to tbe minors and petitioner. The said Interest which petitioner prays license to sell being a e-21»t Interest In and to the following-described lands, to-wlt: Sections thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (3«). in Twp. one hundred thirty-two (UZ) north, of Kge. seventy-seven (77) west of 5th I' M.. In the county of Emmons, state of North Dakota: the east half (E. H) of tbe southwest (juarter (8. \V. H). the west half W.'4 of the southeast quarter (8. E. }»). the north hair (N. of the northeast quar ter N. E !4), and the east half (E. H) of the northwest quarter (N. W. H), In section fourteen (14), township one hundred forty sight (1«) north, of range sixty-three west of the Fifth I*. M.. In the county of Eddy and state of North Dakota. Now. therefore, you, the above-named re. suondents, and each of you, are hereby no tified that the hearing in the above men tioned petition for license to sell real estate will lie heard in the court-rooms of this court, In the court-house in the town of Lin ton, county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, on the 5th day of December. A. D. 1U07, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m„ at which time and place any and all persons Inter ested may appear and file their objections tosaid petition In writing, if any the* have. Given under my hand and seal tills lUth day of October, A. D. 1W7. By the Court. ISKAI.1 CHARLES B. CAKLEY. Judge of tbe County Court. Notice of Commutation Flaal Proof. DKPAIITMENT or TBE IHTBRIOR, 1 I.AMI OrricK AT BIBMABCK, N. D., October 13,1907. Notice Is hereby given that GEO KGE HORNING, Of Linton, N. I)., has filed notice of his In tention to make commutation final proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. IIG'Xi, made October HI. IWtt. for the N. Uof N- W. and W. ofN. E. 14 of Sec. H. Twp. 131 N„ Kge. 77 W. of Fifth V. And that said proof will be made before Charles II. Carley, Judge and ex-offlclo clerk of tlio county court of Emmons county, N. II., at Linton, N. D„ on December 15. 1107. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz.: ilelnrlcli Stelnhauer, of Linton, N. D. Johannes Bosaert. of Linton, N. I). John Bnrretli, of Linton, It. I). Kasper Schorr, of Linton, N. D. S. M. IL JEWELL. Register. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. DKI'AIII.MENT or THE INTERIOR, LAND orrics AT BISMARCK, N. I)., October 12,1007. Notlco Is hereby given that OSOAK L. LAASTAI), Of Htrasburg, N. I)., has Hied notice of bis intention to make live-year final proof In support of Ills claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 18024, made September MB, for the northeast quarter of Sec. 23, Twp. 131 north, Kge. 7 west of Fifth I'.M., And that said proof will be made before I'. i. Hooks, clerk of the district court of Emmons county. N. I.. at Linton, N. .on November :W, 1110". lie names tlio following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: Johann Kaclier, of Strasburg, N. D. Joseph Keller, of Strasburg, N. D. Vaiuln Jakob, of Slrasburg, N. D. Italda.ser Wagner, of Strasburg. N. D. M. II. JEWELL. Register. WE SIMPLY WISH TO STATE -THAT- WE ARE GETTING IN OUR FALL GOODS By local as well as car lots. We have in a good-sized car of STOVES Cooks, Heaters and Oil Stoves. Our ''Columbus" No. 240 Base-Burner is one of the Best, and its beauty cannot be ex celled. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction every minute. Harness, Collars, Halters and Blankets. Furniture ot All Kinds. A fine line of Ladies' Coats, Jackets, and Fur Scarfs ten feet l°ng. We get them from the East, just like the city stores, and our prices are better. In fact, we have ordered Fur Jackets for parties in the city. -Judge us in the future by the past and we will be satisfied. THE LINTON BAZAR LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA The Cwtnini Actw. A specialist in dipsomania was talk* lag about the canning with which dip somaniacs In confinement trill obtain liquor. "A certain noted but intemperate ac tor," said Dr. Gresbam James, once locked up by his manager in or der that he might not spoil the even ing performance by overdrinking. His confinement was clo««e. Windows, goors—everything was locked and bar red. "But the actor beckoned to a man in tbe street, showed a greenback and bawled to him through the closed win flow to go and buy a bottle of brandy and a clay pipe. "When tbe man returned with these purchases tbe actor called: 'Stick tbe pipe stem tn through the keyhole.' "This was done. "'Now,' said the actor, 'pour tbe brandy carefully into the bowl.' "As the fluid fell into the bowl the actor sucked it up, and when his man ager came to release him that even ing he lay in a corner quite glorious ly drunk.'Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele graph. The Way It Read. Tbe editor of a little paper was In the habit of cheering up his subscrib ers dally with a column of short perti nent comments on their town, their habits and themselves. The depart ment was tbe most popular thing in the paper. The editor, as be saw It growing in favor, gradually allowed himself a wider latitude In bis remarks until the town passed much of Its time conjec turing "what he'd das't to say next" On a hot day when tbe simoom whis tled gayly up the street of the town, depositing everywhere its burden of sand, the editor brought forth this gem of thought: "All the windows along Main street need washing badly." Tbe next morning be was waited on by a platoon of Indignant citizens, who confronted him with tbe paragraph In question fresh from the bands of the compositor and Informed blm fiercely that he had gone too far. After a hasty and horrified glance be admitted that be bad. It now read: "All the widows along Main street need washing badly."—Everybody's. Hia Mother's Ruse Failed. A Kansas City professional than, who Is prominently identified with Mis souri politics,-tells the following story on himself: "My folks moved from Indiana to Johnson county, Mo., when I was six years of age. We settled on a farm near Holden. Tbe first Sunday we were there and while tbe family was preparing for Sunday school it was discovered that I did not haVe any shoes. My mother, realizing that 'folks would talk' If one of her children made his first public appearance barefooted, suggested that I hare a cloth tied around one foot to create the Impres sion that I was unable to wear shoes because of a sore foot. So the rag was tied on me. Everything went along smoothly, and I learned all about bears eating the bad children up wben I heard a snicker from a boy I after ward licked. He was pointing to my right foot. I glanced downward. "The rag had slipped off, and my mother's ruse was exposed."—Kansas City Star. ••tli Wore Collectors.* A local newspaper artist got a letter one day from a man over In Indiana who said he was making a collection of sketches. "I have drawings from well known newspaper artists In near ly every state ta the Vales," the In diana man wrote, "bat I have none from Ohio. I have seen some of your work, and I think It Is good. If you will send me some little sketch for my collection I shall have It framed." Tbe artist noticed from tbe letter feead that the Indiana man was con nected with a hank In one ot the small towns over in the state of literature. That gave blm a hunch, and he wrote back as follows: I am making a collection of ten dollar bills. I haven't secured specl nens from every state In the Union, but I have several tens and a few twenties, and I am particularly anx ious to have a ten dollar bill from In diana. I notice that yon are employed In a place where tea dollar bills are kept, and If you send me one for my collection I shall be glad to have It framed."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Proeenee ef Mind. Although it Is not given to every body to know exactly what to do at the right moment, one woman at least can lay claim to a presence of mind which may, without undue exaggera tion. be considered phenomenal. This woman's little boy was ailing with some trivial chlldlah complaint, and the doctor ordered him some medicine. He had Just taken his dally dose when his mother said, with some ex citement: "I quite forgot to shake that bottle afore, gieln ye't, Johnnie. Come here." Johnnie obeyed, and, much to his as tonishment and disgust, was subject ed to a vigorous shaking from tbe strong arms of tbe parent, at the conclusion of which be was laid dowu with the remark: There, my laddie, that'll dae. It should be gey weel mixed up noo, I'm thlnkln', but don't let me forget again." Johnnie promised.—Pearson's Week ir ... A Wardrobe In a~Hat Grandfather De Toe Is an artist who appreciates fine millinery. His young married daughter, however, was prac ticing domestic economy wben a hat a beautiful creation in real lace, ar rived for little Ellse from her devoted grandparent, whose eye had sur rendered to this bit of baby apparel the moment he saw It In a department store. "That bat Is entirely too extravagant for this family,'' remarked the young mother. 'Til take It back and see what I can do." A few days later the grandfather called to see the baby In tbe new bat. "Do let me see how she looks In If be said. "And how did yon like It?" "Very much, father, thank you. They gave me two hats, two dresses, a sweater and 30 cents in change for It." —'Tooth's Companion. II|H} of Long Life. In view of tbe diversified testimony of present day centenarians on the sub ject of longevity and its causes. It Is Interesting to get a little light on the subject from Queen Elizabeth's time. Bacon took a deep Interest In lon gevity and its earmarks," says a phy sician, "and Bacon's signs of long life and of short life are as true today is they ever were. Tou won't live long, Bacon pointed out, if you have soft, fine balr, a fine skin, quick growth, large head, early corpulence, short neck, small mouth, brittle and separat ed teeth and fat ears. Tonr life, bar ring accidents, will be very lengthy If you have slow growth, coarse hair, a rough skin, deep wrinkles In the fore head, firm flesh, a large mouth, wide nostrils, strong teeth set close together and bard, grisly ear." The Claw of the Devil- In the middle ages people recognised witches and possessed persons by seek lag on their bodies for what was called the claws of the devil. It wu a more or less extensive part of the skin In which the subject was Insensible to any touch or prick. Tbe expert Intrust ed wltb this work would close the eyes of the subject and, armed with a sharp needle, prick liere and there the differ ent parts of the body. Hie sufferer was to answer with a cry to each prick, and tbe claw of tbe devil on a certain spot was recognised from' the fact that he did not cry wben this spot was examined. From "The Major Symptoms of Hysteria," by Pierre Janet. The Stage Doorkeeper. It is one of the traditions of tbe pro fession that every actor and actress on entering tbe theater ehall say "Good evening" and on leaving "Good night" to tbe stage doorkeeper. Dur ing the many dreary hours I faave been permitted to stand in tbe stuffy hallways of many stage doorkeepers I have never known an actor, from the haughtiest Shakespearean star to the lowliest chorus gtrl, fall to greet the stage doorkeeper with enthusiasm and I can remember bnt few instances of the greeting ever having been re turned.—Charles Belmont Davis In Outing Magaslne. Learn t* Do Venial. There are many people who excuse themselves from the little familiarities and kindnesses of life on the ground that they are not natural to them, These people aay they are reserved by disposition snd cannot be free and easy In meeting other people. But "we can loarn to row a boat or to write shorthand or to speak a new language. That unaffected simplicity of address which made Ituskln so approachable to child or man was the work of long life's discipline. The Unveiling. Great occasions do not make heroea or cowanla, they simply unveil them to the eyes of men. Silently snd lui perceptibly, as we wake or sleep, we grow and wax strong, we grow and wax weak, and at last some crisis shows us what we have become. Canon Westcott. A Modern Heart. "Do you see that lady over there? She broke my cousin's liesrt." "Was she so cruel?" "No, but the day before he broke off Ms eugagemeut to her she Inherited marks."—Vllegeode Blatter. DRY GOODS. We are headquarters for dry goods. Our stock has been carcfuly select ed and we can show yon an elegant line. We like to have you look over our new line of sam ples. Hundreds of appropriate fabrics from which to select. SHOES. We simply ask you to let us show you through our line. WE WANT your trade. Our prices are such as will justify you in buying from UP. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck. N. I„ September 16,11W7. Notice Is hereby Riven that JACOB BBUNMEIEIi, Of Linton, N. D., has filed notice of his In tention to make five-yenr (I mi I proof in support of bis claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 1830!l, niudu August 14, IflOB, for the N. E. '.4 of Sec. 14. Twp. 132 N., Kge. 75 W. of Fifth l\ M., And that said proof will lie made before P. G. ltooks, clerk of the district court of Emmons county, N. I) ift l.inton, N. li on November 15.19U7. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the lundt viz: Otto Dldszuuelt. of Linton. N. I). John Dockter. of Dakcm, N. 1). Martin Dockter, of Dakcm, N. I. Charles W. Weils, of Linton, N. D. M. 11. JEWELL, ltczlster. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. IE INTERIOlt, BCK, N. I)., 12, 11)07. DEPARTMENT or TBE INTEBIOII, LAND OFFICE AT BIBMABCK, October Notice is hereby given that JOHN M. LAASTAD, Of Strasburg, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make Ove-year llnal proof iu support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No.. 18055. made Septem ber S, 1902, for the southeast quarter of Sec. 82 Twp. I'll north, Kge. ,7 west of Fifth F. M., And that said proof will be made before P. O. Rooks, clerk of the district court of Emmons county, N. D., at Linton. N. D., on November 30, l'J07. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot the land. viz.: Johann Zacher,of Staasburg. N. 1). Joseph Keller, of Strasburg, N. I). Valaln Jakob, of Strasburg, N. D. Ilaldaser Wagner, of Strasburg, N. D. M. 11. JEWELL. Register. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTKHIOH, LAND Orncc AT BISMARCK, N. I)., October 'Zi, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that ABRAHAM OLA UK, Of Linton, N. 1)., has filed notice of liis in tention to make commutation tinal proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 32484, made December 6, 1905, for the S. W. of Sec. 4, Twp. I:H M., Rge. 77 W. of Fifth P.M., And that said proof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, United States commissioner, at Linton, N. D., on Deq^mber 2,1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culMva tlon of the land, viz.: VernleC. Hardy, of Linton, N. D. William Rowse, of Linton, N. I). Raymond E. Little, of Brofv, N. I). Fred rich PfalT, Sr., of Linton, N. D. M. H. JEWELL. Register. Notice of Commutation Final Proof. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, I LAND OFFICE at BISMARCK. N. D. November 1.1!*)7. I Notice is hereby given that "FRED BRAUN, Of Hague, N. D.. has filed notice of liis In tention to make commutation llnal proof In. support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 34:1X1. made May a. 1WIB, for the S. '/, of X. W. and N. Yi of S. 14 of Sec. IS, Twp. I0 N., Kge. 74 W. of Fifth P. M.. And that said proof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, United States cOmmlss'onur, at Linton. N. I)., on December 14,11107. lie names tlio following witnesses to prove Ills continuous rcsidenc upon anil culti vation of the land, viz.: KmII Quaile, of lla^ue, I. Tliomas Shea, of Hague, X. I). Victor Johnson, of liague, X. I. Bailey Puge, of Hague, N. I. K. 11. JEWELL, Register. Those wishing to have auction bills printed are hereby notified that the Record Job Department is prepared to print the same in both English and German on the same sheet. It is only a little more expensive to have your bills printed in both l^n^uages than in one. Our German settlers are usually larite buyers at auctions in the county, wben they know that such auctions are to be held. The many who have tried the plan of having their ale bills printed in both lan^ua^es have been well satisfied with it. All other kinds of Job printing done promptly in either Entfllsh or German, or both. complete. The Linton Leader Department Store I. MENPELOWITZ, Proprietor. Sole of Usd. Notice is hereby given thai In pursuance of an order made on tbe tth day of August, A D. 1907. by tha HOB. Charles B. Carley., judge of the county court In and for tfie county of Emmons, state ot North Dakota, the undersigned, the administrator of the estate ef Minnie Hendenon, late of the dis trict of Winchester, in tbe county of Em mons and state .of North Dakota, deceased, will on Saturday, tbe second day of Novem ber, A. D. 1907, at S o'clock In the afternoon of that day. at the front door of the court house, in the village of Linton, county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, offer for sale and sell at public auction .to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirma tion by the Judge of said county court, all of that certain lot, niece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county of Emmons and state of Nortb Dakota, and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: The northeast quarter (N. E. !i) of section thirty-three (33). in township one bundted and thirty-three (133) north, of range seven rfdSttVen we8totthePrincipal Notice of Commutation Pinal Proof. DEPARTMENT or in INTERIOR, I LAND Orrica AT BISMARCK, N. D., October 12,1907. Notice is hereby given that DOLLIE BRADLEY, Of Linton, N. D., has filed notice of her intention to make commutation final proof in support of her claim, viz.: Homestead EntryNo. 24402, made July 9. 1903, for the N. W. of Sec. 32, Twp. 133 N., Rge. 74 W. of Fifth P. M., And that said proof will be made before L. A. Weatherby, United States commis sioner, at I.inton, N. D., on November 30,1907. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz.: John H. Reamer, of Linton, N. D. John Lovell, of Marie, N. D. William Schwab, of Linton, N. D. Elgie Doolittle, of Marie, N. D. M.'H. JBWBLL, Register. Notice of Flve-Yenr Final Proof. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., LADIES (oats. We have i„.ge mcntand a-k ih,]arties to call in inspect our lints. If you order a v-: .-•• •••-. suit of us it must fit you or else tlio suit ours. is GROCERIES. Our grocery line is always OUR GOODS are rijjht and our prices I are low. imn't luil tol call and inspect our lines. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof DEPARTMENT or Tin: tentlon to L. A. Weatherby, October 2,' 1907. I Notice is hereby given that THOMAS J. RICHARDSON, Of Winchester, N. D., has filed notice of his intention to make five-year final proof in support of his claim, vie.: Homestead Entry No. 19347, made September 23,1902, for tbe E, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz.: Elmer Anderson, of Linton. N. D. Samuel G. Busby,of Winchester, N. D. William Rowse,of Winchester, N. D. Clarence E. McLain, of Linton, N. D. M. II. JEWELL, Register. LINTON. INTCIIIOK.) LANDOI'KICE AT KJSMAIHK,N. I. Octobvr I »C, Notice Is hereby given liai VERX1E C. MAKltV Of Linton, N. D.. is liU'il n*iti.v of hiw -L make live-year port of his Sec. final .inf iu v.ip.1 claim, v|/..: Homestead Entry No. l'.wicrr. n,aK' Sepii'm-I ber2», 1«B, for the smithraM i|U irU'r i)f| 4. Twp. l:K north. T7 wim nil Fifth P.M., And that said proof wiii i.r«| rniled Slates er, at Linton, X. I• Kar E. Little, ironnuission-l on N'ovi.'mbt'r He names the (oliowin^ wilnc.-si i• bis continuous tlon of the land, proveI residence up..n awl ii!siva- viz.: of Brofy. Me- Dated October S. A. D. 1907. [SBALl G. A. HKROLZ, Administrator of tbe Estate of Minnie Hen derson, Deceased. [oct 10-81] N. William Bowse, of Linton, George N. I. Elmer D. Kogle. of Linion. N I Huber, of Linton. N. M. 11. JEWELL, llrdsitr Notice of Commutation Final Pro«f.| Department of the Interior./ Land office at Bismarck. In support of H. September lti. l'.ur. Notice is hereby given that ROMANUS lililk'KNDK. Of Strasburg, N. D., lias filed notice if liisl intention to make comimitai ion tinal proof] bis claim, vl/..: Homestead Entry No. 2Wi i. made IVhruarjl 85. IMS, for the E. of S. W. and Msf 3 and 4. Sec. 18. Twp. l»i X.. Use. *.| of Fifth P.M.. And that said proof will he made lu-fure! P.O. Books, clerk of the dislri.-i court Emmons county, X. I) l.inion, N I' .Iof|" November 15,1907. He names the following wimesses iopr'" his continuous resilience upon and cit!ln:e| tlon of the land, viz: Adolph Kabusreiter. of Daic. N !. Max Heldrlch, of Dale. X. 1' Karl Schreiner, of Dale. N. I' Joseph Deichert. of Dale. X. D- M. 11. JEWKI.L. l.'etfWr Notice of Commutation Final Proof.| DEPARTMENT or TIIK ISTFHIOII.I LAKDOrriCE AT BlSMAHCK. l- October a. MI. Notice Is hereby given that EMIL A of his 1" I proof: I'M A X.N. Of Linton, N. D., has filed notice tentlon.tomake commutation tin: support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry Xo. made 1W6, for the north half of sont la'asniii'1 I ter Of Sec. 28, Twp. l:u north. hi.-". of Fifth P. M.. And that said proof will be laa'ie I Cbarles B.Carley, juilfio ami c\-oitici' tie I of the county court of Einnions couiii• D., at Linton, N. D..011 Xoveinher April He names the following wline-, bis continuous residence upon tlon of the land, viz.: Anton Larson, of Linton, N. Karl Llndburg. of Linton, J. John Wohl. of Linton. N. P. Oswald Naumann, of Linton, N ot N. E and E. of S. E. of Sec. 24, Twp. 133 N., Rge. 78 W. of Fifth M.t And that said proof will be made be fore L. A. Weatherby, United States commissioner, at Linton, N. D., on November 20,1907. M. 11. JEWEI.I. IMisti'f. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of 1 -lociiin.. I deceased: Notice is hereby given that the I ST ned. Margaretlia Locart. ailn i"',u-. ,|ie| the estate of Peter Jocliinj. -aii county of Emmons and state oi kota, deceased, to tbe creditors of persons having claims against s.uii it' to exhibit them, with the ncces-m ers, within four months after, the ni llcatlon of this notice, to said a'l'"11 ,|lf I tor, at the office of George I y|l! town of Linton, In said Kminon- ••oum Dated October 14, A. 1). i!"1' .. ,. MAlMiAltlOTI!A nulilicat D. 1907. tier. A W. E. PETRIE NORTH General Merchandise Fresh] Goods at Fair i" DAKOTA DBAUB EN Prices