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Dialieh Anticipating a big business IN TOWN AND ODT. (^-Ward's bread at Turner's. 0- A few liats left, cheap, at Miss Smitli's. •g-Get a nice oyster stew at Tur ner's Kestaurant. at Luncli served at sill times at the Linton Bakery. The sioughton wagon has grease reservoirs on its skeins. ja-Oystcrs! Oysters! Fresh oysters at Turner's Kestaurant. g^'TlieSi mghton Wagon Company sell direct to dealers only. Lvman Clayton is improving, but is si ill con lined to the house. rarWe arc now prepared to do har ness repairing Gus. Dafflnrud. Mrs. s. .1. llagg is the guest of Mrs. Win. Muenel). at Emmonsburg. A dance was given by the new social club last evening in the opera house. (g-Call "ii Charles A. Carley, coun ty judge. for tinal proofs and filings. A. E. I'revig, of the Tell neighbor hood, was a visit mi- in Linton yester day. E. O. Mickel last week sold to L. T. Brio's a ear-load of the Ingham horses. ••Hilly" IJadger. the old-time Mor ton coiinty stockman, was in Linton Monday. Former 'jinny Commissioner Jakob Fischer was a visitor in Linton last Thursday. jyTlie front hounds on the Uf'Don't forget to stop in at Turn er's Restaurant and get a meal or a lunch when in town. Major liolden arrived by N. train Saturday evening, and went over to Fort Yates next day. Marion and Klwood Morfoid and .1. Peterson were llartfordites in Linton a day or two this week. Severin Miehaelson, of llazelton. took the Milwaukee train last Thurs day on his way to Aberdeen. ®TTlie St mghton wagon lias four teen spokes iii the front wheels and sixteen spokes in the rear wheels. Frank Kuehn and Jake Werre, of Hague. made a business rip to Lin ton yesterdav in the former's auto mobile. Mrs. 11. A. i.vans leaves to-day for Chicago to spend the winter with her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Farley. Andreas and George Pfeiile, Eu reka, were in town Monday on their way to visit their relative, John Pfei tle, at llazelton. Another substantial stone cross walk was laid this week by Gus Bro man and .lolui Print z—across Broad way alony lie north line of Hickory avenue. Oscar Johnson, the druggist, will leave to-inoi row lor St Paul, where lie will take a course in,chemistry at I he state ive rsi tv. Everybody wishes him well. An N. I1, special loaded with snow fence material came down the line Sunday. This looks as though an eilort in good faith would be made to Keep the line open this winter. «TG. \V. Burge will take up to 100 head o| eat tie to winter (fn his place, \. W Larson ()n waivoH the riu, whie, wntcu was their small from t^Aly* theean-vi, 'J er .i. P- 132, Itge. 78, ten miles »est ot Lmton. Good shelter and Kood hay and water. (omrade Stephen H. Pulling, of i-'ale. was in Linton Thursday of last week. Comrade Pulling in the civil «ar was a me inter of Company E, lath ork Heavy Artillery. if?,1,? '!uv- y*''• Hover, formerly of 1,as iuit trul-i aft Stough- ton wagon are on edge—not tlat—over the axles. If vmi want your harness repaired call at Daflinrud's hardware and har ness store. I'l Sale.—A sheplicrd dog, a year and a half old. Inquire at Rec ord otlice. If inn want to borrow money on your farm, the Linton State Bank will lend it to you preaching. lie has a l1,osit.i0!1 as a commercial sHn .i" witl1 ,lis famil}'- will re- Mae at Jamestown, this state. J»esday. while August Obermeier iroo,„ 0:1 ln^' himseir and two live wt i?i 'x l)U W either the gander the shin or he stepped on 'ii^n ne and ,, ur ned" his ankle. «'_un) rate, August's mighty lame. oM^!!V"i lcs went 0l,t t0 tLle ^rm Stfa«h V,arso|]! seven miles east of arrest wi'^t "v ay of last week and a charge of lllK,tln a cow. She xainiliation and was held to v'K:'given. oun on a bonrl of llle Llie *300, could not sell .,. a an llax, except in a lla,s ke nejirhi!',,11' Pt farmers away t,lis oow th^ ", has made local ews hard t0 et inc elevators are again buy- «n in g!io? e° Linton won bably S m0Ve Northern Pacific elween Bismarck and which onday, Nov. 25th, Linton ii Ile ws ,0 t,ie etTun's r" ''I, people of aze ltoti. Perhaps, toe, lnu wi folks n,.' cause strong- tl.1? snowdrirhf!, the railway 1 line °P UI_'its en in case into the cuts. Whood" Ti!^ro u,e SLK ,rr Hartford neigh- I'onsKk! '..of last week, Bid lost J. 15. Hanev _v v."* Haney cJt Tiic .,,,"' nt *aud a barn. lay was lost at tlie of liay laniag'n u-.i!! .,p!au most severe tione lo 1'1"- Ed. Lawler'his liav. "it ''(-'tween 200 and 2.V) tons of starteti bv ls sa t0 •sl»ockev,,,r'pene have been a thrasher engine, 'honv ,J,, "year-old son an h7,rsp '-V,nu!nain of All l|U some horses. !!r l,ull)e fell,.ft -V and the lit- nv'ed fast that he -tfikiiurpony's Iliad hoofs "ictiiw •, of le lad's head, in- !?e:llP and are' P'°ving blood. were montii wound. Dr. lllJCk ,was at once called the Abel is im- ln is weak from loss of vid Married Mr. and oicinhoun. of Brofy, who w,,IV m," ,he Hrst r»shionen day of this ,.'i I '1? recipients of an old- •"it eii in ti.'."var! a crow of their men-folks ONLY during neighbors, who were hospitably enter tained by the young husband and wife. The ladies of he neighborhood to the number of a baker's dozen also called and spent a pleasant evening. a light repast, departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun a happy voyage through life. E. O. Mickel has sold his well-drill to Karl Winterberg, who lives close t& the state line in Campbell county. Thursday of last week Mr. Mickel, to make the new owner familiar wit the machine, drilled into the ground on the latter's farm. They hadn't much hopes of accomplishing any thing, for the reason that Karl had spent about $1,500 digging for water. But luck came his way this time, for a plentiful supply of water was ob tained at a depth of thirty feet. Anton Betsch and his partner, Mr. atolz, were up from Zeeland Monday. The former told the Record of a severe accident that happened to his father. Matthias Betsch, several weeks ago. The latter was riding on a thrasher engine and fell off. the water tank that was following it running over one of his legs, breaking the member. Anton says that his father's condition is worse than immediately after his injury, and that the leg will have to be amputated if the old man is to be given a chance for life. Tony Plagetnan, a well and favor ably known Campbell county 'bach'' over whose head thirty-five winters have passed, returned last week from a trip to Holland, Mich., where, as he alleged, he was going to visit rela tives. And he told the truth for he brought a relative back with him in the person of a better half. Tony is well known and well liked by the settlers in southern Emmons. He is a hard worker, and as honest as a dol lar. He has a tine, well-improved farm of 300 acres eight miles south of Hull, where he has resided for the Inst ten years. Big Advance In Price of WHEAT And FLAX THE ELEVATORS OF I N O N arc now prepared to buy anyamountof grain, paying for same with grain checks, which the banks and merchants of Linton will honor. LINTON COMMERCIAL CLUB. F. D. Smith, formerly of Buchanan Valley, this county, writes as follows to the editor of the Record from his new home, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to which place he went recently: "We like this country, as far as we have seen it. It is warm and pleasant here now [Nov. 2d]. This town is certainly a rusher. Wages are high, and there Is lots of work. Living, no better than in North Dakota, is twice as high here as there. This is not the place for a poor mau witii a family, as it takes all of his big wages to support his family. Land is held at from K-. to $200 per acre. About the only thing that is cheap is water, and that is very good. Wood is from $4 to $" per cord. Clothing is 50 per cent higher than in North Dakota Fruit is just us high here as there. Tame hay is per ton: oat hay. $14: wheat hay. $10. Butter. 50c per pound. There are live big saw-mills here, and no end of lum ber. Last Saturday, while Past master Jones and Dr. Wolverton were hunt ing geese up in the Fred (Jau neigh borhood. an accident happened whi'-li might have been serious. As the ih tor discharged his gun the weapon ex ploded, tearing the barrel, about mid way of the muzzle and breach, into many pieces, aud hurling sundry ol said'pieces swiftly through the at :iios phere. The doctor had hold of h- barrel with his left hand nearer than usual to the muzzle, or lie would un doubtedly have lost the hand. As it was, a linger was broken by a strip ot steel that "lapped over" by the explo sion. There are two or three thei ri' as to the cause of the eruption, the most plausible one being that the doe tor loaded his shells with some of bl own cathartic pills, and put an over dose in the one that exploded. How ever. it is said that the doctor learned bK.experience that the smoke and gases from the tiny spheres have the same medicinal effect, as whu tin remedy is swallowed. At was cither the medicine or he M'uro. £»'Christmas goods at Miss Smith's. Fur-lined and plush-lined coats at Miss Smith's. Banker Martin returned yesterdav from a business trip to Marcus, Iowa." ®".For Sale—Several good teams of working and driving Uorses. Call at m. 'Jarmicheal's livery barn. Kd. McConville was up from the Dale country yesterday. Mrs. McCon ville is in much better health than for some time. Owing to the fact that the state land authorities at Bismarck believed that they could not, in justice to their trust, offer the school lands for sale in the midst of a linancial depression, word was sent to the county auditor a few days ago that the sale had been postponed until some time in the fu ture—next spring, or perhaps not until fall. As the recent money plethora in the Record office has been somewhat re lieved by the use of several bundles of five and ten dollar bills for lighting the tire, we are agin prepared to re ceive a few dollars on delinquent sub scriptions. And, should any one hap pen to be passing the office in Linton, and drop in. we will, if not too busv. receive his money and give him a re ceipt therefor. Or. if you should be in he postotlice of your home town, and you tind you can't carry all your money home in your pockets, and you buy a money order and send to us. we will obligingly sign for and receive same when it arrives, in case we'have a little leisure at that time. But, if you don't feel like sending the money, just send along your photograph. We prefer that to money, as during the present linancial stringency there's no chance for us to spend it. Don't im agine this refers to any one in particu lar—as sometimes is imagined—for there's two hundred and forty-seven of 'em •lerry Hart and ('apt. John Smith (what an unfamiliar name) are up from Winona this week. With them came two young men: J. M. Rochester and .1. N. Talbot, of Butte, Montana. The tirst named is a druggist and the latter with the Miners'Bank of that city. Along in the summer they had. with a friend, formulated a plan for an extended outing—a trip by gasoline launch from Foit Benton to the Mexi can gulf. But a friend who was to be a member of the party delayed them about a month, and then couldn't go. Tills resulted in such a late start that when they got to Winona the cold weather partially changed their plans. So they sold the launch and other stuff—all costing about $800—to Mer chant St ijes. for a consideration of about $17*. and accepted the hospit able Jerry's invitation to be his guest. They were here to take the train to continue the trip, Botli men are Ken tuckians by birth Mr. Rochester from Bowling Green and Mr. Talbot from Louisville. They will visit their old homes a nd then goto Florida and pursue the fish as originally intended. It is reported that Capt. Stiles will convert the rakish-looking craft into a pirate ship and plow the raging Cat tail. The Record made an error last week in announcing the marriage of Mr. David Colquhoun and Miss Anna An derson, of lirof£. it read'-Nov. 2d." instead of "Nov. 1st," as it should have read. As the young couple be gan housekeeping on the day they were married, the error is of more im portance, and its correction more nec essary, than it would otherwise have been. But—like George Washington —we can't tell a lie. and will confess that—Jedg Carley is responsible for the mistake. He gave us the wrong tigure. But there are extenuating circumstances. From boyhood hiz zonner iias been noted for his bashful ness.and he gets terribly rattled when as an official duty lie is required to do tlie hitch act. Clerk of Court Rooks "otlices" wit the jedg, and lie used to get the poitly clerk to act as "best man'' for the groom. But. a while ago, while splicing a couple, the jedg eame near marrying the 1 best man" to the bride. Since which time Peter lias declined to help him out. The only remedy that we know of—when the jegd misleads the newspapers into dating the license a year or so after the ceremony—is for tiie brides of he county to scratcli hizzonner's eyes out and the grooms to vote against him when he comes up for re-election. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. IIKl'AKTMKNT OF TUB IITKItrOR, I,AND Office Hi 1JISMAKCK, N. I) November 1, 190*. I Nutk'i' is licrcliy given that .IOIIN" E. JOHNSON', Of Kriuiionslmr I).. ltas llleil notice ot Ills intention to make live-year final proof in support of his cliiini. viz.: Homestead Entry N'o. riV.Wl. made October Ii. I'j0:j. for tlie K. of Sim.\ o. N.. K«e. W. of fifth I'. M.. And that said proof will he made before b. A. VVeatherliy. I'nited Slatescommisslon er, at Linton, l., on December Hi, l'-WT. lie names the following witnesses to prove liis continuous! residenev upon and cultiva tion of the land, viz.: Jaseph Mahaney. of l.inton. N. I). •lotiii liiitnev, of Knitnunsbur^, X. I. .I:iii •:K. Nelson, of Ktntnonsburs, X. I). ll.'njatnin llanjrat-d, of Knimo nsburc, N. I'. M. II. JEWELL, Register. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Department of tho Interior, 1 i11i oilii.v at Kisrmirck, X. !.. yM.'ptember 1'». IW7. Noti•«.' is h« f'by «tven that oLE I'.U'LSOX. of Linton. N. I.« has tiled notice of his inteiili'm lu make live-year final proof in support (f his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. maiJe September l'.»0:J. for the S. E. of £ec. 10, Twp N.. IJu'e. Ttj W. of )l.h I*. M. An*! ii:tt said proof will I* wade before I.. A. Wu.-iilierby, t.'nited States coinuiis at N. !».. on November h, Hi- iines the following witnesses to prove hi* continuous n-sideti'.'e upon aud ruitiva nf the land. viz.: hurley UeWitt. of Lintoo, N. I). William T. lirooks. of Liuton. N. I. F. A. Murkier, of Linton. X. I. William annh'hael, of Linton. N. l. M, Ji. JEWELL. UejfUter. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof IIK INTKKIOK, utCK. X. !. iKPAKTMhNT OF Til I.AM) Ui ril i: AT ItJSMA: October #, JfOl Ni.ti* hi-rehv siven that VEIJXIE C. IIAKD Of Linton* N. 1-. has tiled notice of iiU iu tent ion to make livu-year final proof in sup port of his claim, vi/..: ilo/jiejst.ead Entry Xo. in ado Septem* iMTiiJ'. f»r the southeast ouarter of S» c. 4. Twji. Wi north, ce. »7 west of I'iftli IV M.. \jiri iliat jaid proof will be made lefore A. Weatherhy. I'niled States commission er. at Liiiton. X- I' on Xovember U), 1107. il«' uaines the following witnesses to prove hi* cntinu"us residence upon and »'iutlva tion of the land, viz.: Usiv E. Little. of Hrofy. .s. it. William K'i'.vs**, of Linton. N i». EIm»«-r Eo^le. of Liuton, l. i.. vi !I »•••»•. of Linton, X. II. JEWELL. KeRiitor SIX WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. the holidays, I bought heavily while in the cities, so that my line would be or« than now arriving daUy and in the next week will be on display on our tables. Remember th^tto^ari'bXr wtette £tek FLAHERTY, THE HOLIDAY GOODS MAN. WE TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ANY MAGAZINE AND MEET ANY PRICE .....» .... Notice of Commutation Final Proof. Hkpakt.mknt of tiii: Intkkioii. Lam* Ofkht. at Hismaiu k, X. I).. October a, t!V7. S Xotlce is hor«%by Klvon that IlKlXKH li ILVLLIET, Of Linton. X. IV. has tiled notice of hN in tention to make rommutatlon final proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestead Entry Xo. 347L made Xovember r~, I'XKk for lots and? aud S. of N. of Sec. 0, Twp. la? X.. Hue. 7t W. of ifth r. M.. A!,Sl s:ihl proof will be malo before I*. (•. Hooks, clerk of the district, court of l\in utons county, X. p., at Liuton, X. 1 on De cember 10, UK)7. He nanies the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud rultlva tlon of he land. viz.: lleinilch Nathan, of Linton, X. D. A. W. Sims, of Linton, X. D. Jakob Schaofer, of Linton, X. D. Heinrich Schaefer, of Linton, X. I*. M. II. JEWELL. Kejjister 'Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. Department or tiik Intehiok. I..1SH Off ICE AT ItlSMAHCK. N. I., Xovember ii, l!"C. I Notice is hereby given that i.oi:F.Xi masskt, Of Milton, N. 1)., lias tiled notice of his Intention to make tlve-jear dual proof in support of Ids claim, viz.: Homestead Kniry No lliTil. made January as. 1001. for tin- X. 1 .. I i:. and N. of S. W. '4 of S-c. ll.Twj). X.. Up*. TH w. of rmii r. m., And that said proof will lw made beforo Charles H. t'arley. jiulfje and ex-uMiMo clerk of the county court of Kniiiions t-ouniv, X. D.. at Linton. X'. D., oit December LM, I'.Htr. He names tile following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenc.- upon iinii culllva 1 ion of said land, viz: •lolin Schumacher, of T.iuton. N. I) Andreas Itichter. of l.lnion. N. I) l.orenz Mussel, of Linton. X. I liasper lluruad, of Linton. N. D. M. U. JEWELL. lteislsUT. Notice of Five-Year Final Proof. l)i:i»AUTMENT OF Till: IXTF.ItlDU. Lam orricis at Hismahck. Anton Larson. of Linton. X. lb Karl Llndburtf. of Linton, I) John Wolil. of Linton, X. Ii. tienrge Dexter, of Linton, N. D. M. II. JEWELL, Kegister Notice of Commutation Final Proof. Dbpaiitment ok tiik Inteiiioii. I.AM) OfriCK AT B18MAIICK. I'iftli I'. .M.. N. D., November it, 11)1)7. *, I Notice is hereby given that OLIVER G. SCOTT. Of Winchester, N. D.. lias Ii led not Ice of bis intention to make eonunutntion tlnal proof In support of his claim, vi/..: Homestead Entry No. tojG!', made July a, l'.KM, for lots I and 2 and S. E. of X. W. of Sec. :in, Twp. i:::i N.. Km*. "7 W. of And that, said proof will be made before A. Wcalherby, l.'uiteil States coinnilssion er, at Linton, X- II. on December 3H. 11HJ7. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of tlie land, viz..: Elmer A. Anderson, of Linton, X- D. Thomas J. Kichardson. of Wiueliuster.X.D. Harvey A. l'ettls.of Winchester. N. D. Matthew Niescn, of Winchester, N. D. M. II. JEWELL, ltufilsler. CHANGED OWNERS. List of Emmons County Property Transferred During the Week Beginning October 28th and land ing November 9th, 1907. In the following table nf n.':i!-i.state transfers, copied friiin tlie rccnids nf tlie register of deeds, we have used reference marks as follows: a Patent, Receiver's Final lieceipt. (Quit claim Deed. dSpecial Warranty leod Tlie descriptions without a reference mark are by Warranty Deed. I'nited States to George A. Karl.s hf of i|rand hf of qr of I United States to Eli/.aljetli Thomas, hf of qr and lots 1 and 2. 4-i::o-7»i United Stales to l'liilipp Bachmeier. hf of qr and whf ol 1 of rj-i:«i- Unit ed States to Franz Muf ler. hf of lU'ijr. swqrof qr and qrof wqr of 32-131-77 United Slates to Heinrich Nathan, hf of qr ami hf of qr of «-lX»-7*» a United States to Stella M. Johnson, hf of qr and hf of 11 qr (if 10-134-77 ...... a United States 10 Herman Hackhaus, hf of 11 wqr of 20-121I-78 a United States to .lens T. Swenson, qr of y-130-71 a United States in Hertha A. Schneidler, hi of qr. qr of qr and qr of qrof 20-1-'.-71 a United States to Maud M. Twp. i:H OberK, hf of qr, qr of qr and qrof ne qr of 24-13G-7'.i a United States to Johannes Kramer, hf ol qr and lots 3 and 4. 4-1:1-7" a United States to Martin Oh I liauser. Jr., lots 1, 2 and •'!. 0-132-78 a United Statostn William W. lltimball. qr of 24-134 7»i a United States to llant.ic Iliemst ra. lit of qr of 20-130-75 and hf of qr of 2H-130-7.") K. 1'. Williams and wife to Mart ha Stember. lots II and 12, block 23. Hunter's lirst addition to Linton Herman iJackhaus and wife to DRY GOODS. We are headquarters for dry u'oods. Our stovk has been carefuly select ed and we can show von an elegant line. X. D.. October .*». 1W7. Notice hereby given that NAUMAXN. Of l.inton.OSWALD X. has filed notice of his In tention to make five-year final proof in support of his claim, viz.: Homestvad Entry Xo, I7.".Y». made June t», iW?, for the south half of northwest quarteranti north lialfof southwest i|iiar tor of Sec. ?s. Twp. north. *.*» west of rift r. M., Aud that said proof will he made before Charles H. i'arley. judge and es-oflicio clerk of the eounty court of Emmons county. X. D, at Linton. X. D., on Xovem ber £.\ i'.Hir. lie names tlie (lowing wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of the laud. viz.: I I.-,II on Gottlieb Dockter. 11 ol 11 qr of 2'i-12')-7tj John I. Hoop and wife to Gen. II. Nilcs. lots 1.2.3,4. .".and (i. block H. Roup's lirsi addi tion 11) llazelton Fred W. Homeyer and wife to Stiles,tots 7 and 00 loo i)0 I Franz F. Voik. hf of qr of 22• 130-7"1 Fred W. Homeyer and wife to 1000 00 Martin Van Soest. hf of qrof 23-13U-7-") Tehurzius Schneider and wife to J. Allen, Iif of 11 qr and qr of 11 qr of 7 120-74 W. L. Yeater and wife to Kzra iooti 00 l-'iOO 00 K, block 2. llazelton 2no O0 Wilheltn Moser to Michael Hauuitfartner et. al hf of or and lots and 2, 132-78 W. P. Thurston to Cora K. .lunge, lots hi and 17. liior-k We like to have you look over our new line of sam ples. Hundreds of appropriate fabrics from which to select. F. A. MILLER General Passenger Agent CHICAGO :i. liraddock ui»»i SHOES. We simply ask you to let us show you through our line. WE WANT your trade. Our prices a re.such as will justify you in buying from us. 1 Joseph M. Wirth to Cora •lunge, lot 1H. block 3. Ilrad dock W. M. Matthews to Cora K. 0 .lunge, lots 3, 4. 'j and block o, liraddock »k a SUITS MADE TO ORDER The Linton Leader Department Store I. MENDELOWITZ, Proprietor. TOWN LOTS SALE AT BOWMAN, NORTH DAKOTA 'i'he opening sale tif lots in tlie new town of liovvman, North Iiakola, will take place on Thursday, November 21. I!«)7. This town in 2»m miles west of Aberdeen. South Dakota, on the I'acitie Coast Extension of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL RAILWAY ISowman will be the county seat of ISowtnan minty. North Dakota, and bids fair to be one of the bast towns on the I'acilic Coast Kxtension. Special train service, including sleeping cars, dining cari and coaches, will. tie offered from Atjerdeen. South Dakota, for this sale hixed prices will le pl&'X'fl on the I fits und Mi'* olioic will I I M. Matthews to Cora E, •lunge, part of lot 11. block 2. liraddock 1 00 M. Matthews to Cora Junge. lots I. 2,3. 4, and \v. ty siii''t Kurt her infortnat ion from the undersi^nc!. 6, block H, Braddock 1 Charle* Schweigert and wife to Friedrlch Eisenbarth. I 00 hf of 8 qr of 19-134-77 ltNMt 00 Pauline Fuliner and husband to the Linton Bazar, lots IV) 00 IT and 18, block 27, Hunt er's tirst addition to Linton l.( 00 cThe Northwestern Live-Stock .00 00 Company to Dugald Camp bell, qr of l-llv"! I 00 c.FamesO.Campbell to Dugald K°°d,Rre LADIES GROCERIES. Our grocery line is always complete. C. A. PADLEY, General Land Agent MILWAUKEE oat.v We have .1 large assort ment and ask the Udies In call in and inspect our liuev If vou order a suit of us it must fit vou or .. .. else the suit is ours. OUR GOODS are right and our priccs are low. Don't fail to call and Inspect our lillCN. Campijell. wqr of 1-135-74 William U. Hoerr to Louis Uave, qr of 35*133-76— S. A. Fischer and wife to Jo seph Keller, bf of qr and lots 1 and 2,4-131-76... a I 10 213 2ooo 00 The First National Bank of Bismarck to Caroline G. LittI*, hf of 13-133-70 1 00 William G. Hoerr to Jobn Scbtormelater, qr of 9 1.14-78 2000 00