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$ \fto $ Ob J. Q. ADAMS, General Land Agent, MILES CITY, MONT. WOLFER'S GENERAL STORE A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE. ... ...... We Carry at All Times a Complete Line of Dry Goods, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Clothing, Cloaks, Caps, Mittens, Gloves, Etc. Etc. SHOES X$J We carry a complete line of Smith & Wallace Shoes and Over shoes, Woolen Shoes, Legglns, Etc. HARDWARE OH) We carry a complete line of I'niversal Heating Stoves, Cook Guns, and everything usually found £K, GENERAL STORK. $jf We always carry an ample supply fflj Give us a trial and sec if in GROCERIES LINTON, N. D. JOIN PETERSON, Blicknitk ud Wwinrker, HASKLTON NORTH DAKOTA. I hereby respectfully inform the public that 1 an now urepared to do work in my line, and will earnestly en deavor to satisfy those who give me their patronage. already located near the townsite, ready to move immediately after the sale. Ob $ a strictly up-to-date fresh, clean and the price and •itinlit.y don't, please 1 chrst. mm I Hi up-to-date. Mb you. :. DR. W. C. WOLVERTON PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON LINTON. NORTH DAKOTA Diseases of tl.o Ejv slvot, Sp.vUl Annul,,, ... °R"^N, AT ,'A",:NTTS I'UAKMACV OflUv. i., UpsUlonci, 49 Bl E£ PACIFIC A special train of sleeping cars, dining cars and coaches Will leave Aberdeen, Wednesday morning of the 20th, at SCHOOL NOTES. Fw WMk FIMqr, Nn. Mk. Visit school. The history class will soon be study in* 'The Civil War.". The arithmettcelM*'has been study ing '-Exchange" the put week. Miss Bieber favored our grammar class with a visit, Friday afternoon. The girls' basket-ball team had their pictures taken by Mn. Junge, Satur day. Our per cent of attendance for the ten weeks of school up to date is 96.4. This is very gratifying. Two new pupils this week: Cora Gilbert in the ninth grade and Prank Lovelace in the Eighth. We had a write-up in the Fargo F& rum, and also in the West land Educa tor for November. Our school Is be ing gradually advertised. The following-named pupils received a mark of looper cent in an arithme tic test, Wednesday: Floy Clayton, Laura Petrle, Crystal Elliott. The boys' first basket-ball team de feated the second beam 30 to 2, Fri day evening. The girls' second team defeated the girls' first team 6 to 2. An oculiBt, Dr. MacLachlin. was in town yesterday, ahd we bad htm up to he school-house to examine the pu pils' eyes. He says that about twenty five have defective eyes. The physiology class has finished he outlined course, and the remain der or the time until Christmas will be spent In reviewing. The same is also true In regard to the orthography class. The high-school athletic association is to give a supper in the liall Satur day evening, Nov. 16th. We hope to give an entertainment after awhile but we are so busy BOW getting ready for tlual examinations at Christmas that we cannot spare Ute time to get up a program. George liowerdink wrote a perfect paper In gteography, Tueeday. The'sixth-grade geography have be uun the study of "The Southern stat es." Attendance was perfect this week but we are forced to report one case of tardiness. in the sixth-grade spelling contest, Thursday afternoon, Uerliard Bunge won tirst honors. Miss Bieber visited the seventh made grammar and the sixth-grade geography, Friday afternoon. Theodore Lane and Gerhard Bunge ANOTHER NEW TOWN ON THE Will The Opening Sales of Lots in the Town of Bowman, Bowman County, North Dakota, Will Take Place on Thursday Morning November 21st, 1907, At 10 O'Clock, on the townsite, located on Sections 11 and \2, Township 131, Range 102, adjoining Twin Buttes. Bowman is 171 miles west of Glenham and 260 miles west of Aberdeen, and will be the county seat of Bowman county. Many buildings man in the evening returning, leaving Bowman on Friday morning. Reservations of berths in the sleeping cars should be made through the Agent at Aberdeen. Fixed prices will be placed upon the lots and the choice be by auction. This is the third town we have called to your attention this fall. Are you intending to start in business for yourself? Are you seeking a new loca tion? If so, grasp this opportunity and secure a choice business lot in Bowman. DON'T FORGET THE DATE F. A. MILLER, tiferi'l. Paefcengw Aftvnt, C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JfiNMl chose sides for a spelling-match, Fri day afternoon. Theodore's side won by two points. The sixth grade have finished read ing "The Gnat Stone Face." They are now reading Buskin's "King of the Golden River." Hereafter, we plan to devote the ten-minute period each Tuesday morn ing to giving quotations, and that of each Thursday to news Items. The seventh-grade geography les son, Thursday afternoon, was a good, lively one. We wish we might have lessons of that kind every day. The seventh grade, having finished the month's work in orthography, as outlined by the course of study, are reviewing preparatory to the test. The following marks were given to pupil* of the seventh in history test, lsst week: lone Martin, 99 Will Mc Culley, 98 Cornell Bred berg, 96 Leah Mendelowitz, 85 Freida Backhaus, 80: Ethel Seeley, 80. Our enrollment has reached 47. The third-grade music-class is sing ing "Polly's Piano." Jdiss Bieber visited the second-grade reading class, Friday. The fourth and fifth grades came in and marched with us, Friday after noon. Our calendar for November is on the board. This month we are re cording the weather conditions. 3 Notice tm Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the scbool board of Marie School District. No. 17, in the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, up to 2 o'clock p. m. of Friday, the 13th day or De cember, 1907, for the erection of two sohool-houses in said Marie School District. Envelopes containing bids must be marked "Bids for School-houses," and must be addressed to W. T. McGuire. clerk of said Marie School District, No. 17, Marie, K. D. Plaos and apeclfications can be seen at the residence of the clerk, on the N. E. of Sec. 24. Twp. 133, Kge. 7 ',. The successful bidder will tie rc uired to furnish a bond for the faith il performance of bis contract. The board reserves the right to jeot any or all bids. By oraer of the board of directors of Marie School District, No. 17. Dated November 5,1907. [nov 7-dec12] W. T. MCGUIKK, District Clerk. Notice to Contractor*. Sealed bids will be received by the school board of Dakem School Dis tflct, No. 14, in the county of Emmons and state of North Dakota, up to o'clock p. of Friday, the 22d day of November, 1907, for tbe furnishing of material and tbe erection of a •home in scliool- said school district. Envelopes containing bids must be marked 'TOIda for Schoolhouse,' must be addressed to August 4 ST. PAUL EXTENSION mann, clerk of said Dakem Scbool District, No. 14, Linton, N. D. Plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of the clerk, on the S. E. of Sec. 4, Twp. 132, Bge. 75. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish a bond for the faith ful performance of his contract. The board reserves the right tore' ject any or all bids. By order of tbe board of directors of Dakem School District, No. 14. Dated October 15,1907. AUGUST EHRMANN, Distrlpt Clerk Notice of Hearing Petition to Estab lish Heirship. STATE or NORTH DAKOTA, I COUNTY or EMMOKS, (W* In County Court: Before Hon. Charles B. Carley, Judge. In the matter of the estate of FredC. Knutson, Deceased. Matilda Knutson, petitioner, vs. Thomas Knutson, Randie Knutson, Julia Knutson, Georgie Knutson, Johnnie Knutson, Gilbert Knutson and Harry Knutson, respondents. Notice of hearing petition to establish heirship. The State of North Dakota to the above named respondents and all persons interested in the estate of Fred G. Knutson, deceased: Notice is hereby given that Matilda Knutson has filed in the county court of said county of Emmons a duly verified petition praying for a decree establish "JtS *he right of succession to the estate of Fred G. Knutson, deceased, ahd that Monday, the 16th day of December, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, being a day of a regular term of this court, at the county court-room in the village of Linton, county of Emmons, state of North Dakota, has been set by order of this court as the time and place for hearing said petition. At which said time and place any and all peistas interested may appear and show, rimr why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Linton, North Dakota, this 6th day of November, 1907. By the Court. |RKAI] CUAKLKS B. CABLEY, Judge of the County Court. Notice of Five-Year Flaal Proof. Department of tbe Interior, Land Otlice at Bismarck. N. D., September 26,1907. Notice is hereby given that fUASK t:. HELL, Of Linton, N. D., has filed notice of liis intention to make five-year final proof in support of ills claim, viz.: Homestead Entry No. 19483, made Oc tober », 1902, for the S. E. of Sec. N and Ehr And that said proof will be be. fore L. A. Weatherby, United States commissioner, at Linton, N. D.. oil November 15,1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz.: Johann Wenning, of Linton, N. D. Frederick PfalT, Sr., of Linton. N. D. John A. iiartu, of Linton. N. D. Phillip Pfeifer, of Linton, N. D. M. II. JEWELL, Register. W" F«»r proofs, filings, etc., apply to L. A. Weatherby, United States Com nilssioner. Linton. seven •UAiAi C. A. PADLEY, Cten'l. Land Agent, C.f M. & St. P. Ry. Co. MVLWAlMM, WISCONSIN. Fall Announcement Hen's and Boys' Clothing. llfE ABE PLEASED to announce that cur fall and winter lines are now complete and we'feel fully justified in making the bold stai c ment that we are better prepared this season than ever before to supply your every want in our lines and to quote you prices which will surprise vou. We can show you the largest assortment of Fur and Plush Lined Overcoatsever brought to Hisniarck. Will you give us an opportunity to prove our asSettloos? We allow fare one way on purchases of 15.00 or over. C. DAHL Dahl Building on Main St Opposite N. Depot Bismarck, North Dakota REPEATING SHOTGUNS are strong shooters, strongly made and so inexpensive that you won't be afraid to use one in any kind of weather. They are made io, is and x6 gauge. A FAVORITE OF AMERICAN SPORTSMEN Sold Evoryvffliore. arc o'clock, arriving at Bow