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»5TH YEAR: NUMBER 19 Bank Talks I Tlio steady growth of out bus iness is simply a natural outcome of (Hi policy. It Is the result of coniiilence on the part of the people who recognize the value of Mir service. I customer ofthis bank has evidence of able organization. Prompt attention, courteous treatment, superior facilities, safely fur funds and care even in minor matters—all these give the depositor the advantage of high-class service. LE. Seni Fifts li ton LINTON, N. I). THE SERVICE WE RENDER Eachdepartment is so arranged that anyone may receive service to meet his requirements. Even though your volume of business is small, our servicc will be a distinct advantage to you. We invite your careful inves tigation or our methods and the manner in which we can render you service. FIRST BANK OF LINTON A. CKAIN, PrnMiat W. o. IKWIN, Cashier No Trouble to Show Goods. The Linton Leader We carry everything usually found in a strictly up-to-date general store. We respectfully invite your patron age, with the assurance it will be fully appreciated. Our prices are always right. Bring us your cream. I. MENDELOWITZ ,®eeee©eegei HARDWARE THE LINTON HARDWARE STORE is now housed in its large store-rootn in the new Linton State Hank huilding, and iH better tlian ever prepared to serve its ''ustoruers in the lines of Hardware, Harness, Stoves, i'aints, Groceries, Etc., Etc. W We also have in our employ a tinner and a harness ui saddle maker and repairer. We take Butter and Eggs in Trade GUS. DAFFINEUD Linton, North Dakota. CHESTER Take-Down Re|eatirg Sbotquw The Winchester Repeating Shotgun has stood the trying fj4®1'0*!tests of sportsmen and the rigid technical trials or the U. 8. Ordnance Board. Its popularity with the for mer and the official endorsement by the Utter are convinc ing proof of its reliability, wearing and shooting qualities. for Catalaguto(Winckttl*r—llu Rti W Ammunition. ^'"CHESTtw Rcpkatino ArmsCo. N«w mavsn. conn. EMMONS COUNTY ilis W W AROUND THE STATE. The fall plowing in North Dakota is being done early. The I'ioneer says the Mandan fair will be better than ever this year. .1 immie Foley's recent poein in the Youth's Companion has scored a bin hit, Labor day was observed in North Dakota this year more generally than ever. Some people want jail sentences for "sooner'" hunters and auto-speed ma niacs. The towns in the Mouse river val ley are making war on the loaling hobos. There is excitement at Conway be cause the marshal was accused of sell ing booze. The government Indian-school at Wahpeton now has 73 pupils, :ts boys and girls. Minfct merchants have agreed to keep their stores closed evenings until No vein tier 1st. Tame cherries have been successful ly grown around Columbus, near the international boundary. The commission plan of city govern ment seems to work with complete satisfaction at Mandan. Some rural carriers tind they can make their routes on motor cycles much easier than by team. Howbells gets a 815,000 school build ing this fall and Minot will have a new Soo depot to cost $50,000. There is a discouraging feature for bachelors—when they see married men with buttonless clothes.—Forum. At Laritiiure a few people paid taxes on their dogs. Others didn't. The people who paid now want their money back. Editor Irysh was on a hunt at Wheatland when an ungentlemanly cow chased him into the' next town ship. State Dairy Commissioner Flint urges the people of the state to lie careful about the schemes of profes sional creamery promoters. Jean Mott, a nine-year-old girl at tended the teachers' institute In Mor ton county. She vows she will be a schoolmarm when grown up. That military post at Bismarck fur nishes some criminal items for the Bismarck papers. Two of the soldiers recently tried to hold up the sheriiT. At Michigan City a blacksmith reached a reservoir in time to save the life of a young boy who had tumbled into the water and had already gone down twice. A horse belonging to Frank Iien ning, of Lakota, "suicided" by crush ing its skull. There was a sharp stake above its head and the animal struck that in lighting flies. The Wyndmere Pioneer objects to police and police courts in different cities chasing out "undesirable citi zens." The Pioneer wants each town to take care of its own. The Tribune reports that some peo ple near the lakes around Bowbells were afraid to get out doors during the open season for shooting, for IVar a stray shot would bit 'em. There are many people of the state who are of the opinion that the game laws are more of a benefit to the dis trict game warden than to any one else.—liismarck Palladium. At Minnewaukan two ladies met for the first time. Each had been told the other was deaf, and the screech ing they did at each oilier furnished plenty of amusement for the others. The Audubon society of Fargo is undertaking to discourage the use of birds and feathers by the ladies of the city, making an exception of ostrich and coc«jue only but the job is a dis couraging one. Now that the North Dakota wheal crop has run the gauntlet from grain experts, hail, tornadoes, rust, smut— and a few other things, the line ele vator men are getting in their work on the grades.—Forum. The big Russell-Miller Hour mill at Minot, which has been idle for the last six weeks for want of wheal to grind, has started up again with a crew of 35 men and turned out 778 barrels of Hour the first day. The number of North Dakotans at tending the Minnesota state fair this year was not as large as in former years. North Dakota is developing some fairs of her own that seem to hold the crowds within the borders of the state. Lightning recently struck a farm house near ilillsljoro. The lightning entered the room where lie man and wif were sleeping, broke a looking glass, smashed a bureau and tore a child's shoes to pieces: but none of the occupants of he room was hurt. A North Dakota farmer, writing to a fuend back east, was trying to give some idea of the productiveness of the soil here. He said that they had to mow the grass off the sod house every day to find the baby. One family near him had twin babies, with only one cradle, and the kid that had to sleep on the floor grew twice as fast as the other. Where the soil is richest a man LINTON, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, SKPTEM HEIM", 1!M)S. dare not stand on one foot any length of time lest that leg become longer and bother in walking. Elcctrical storms caused several prairie fires in the vicinity of Flasher last week. One of these tires over on the Standing Rock reservation is re ported to have done considerable damage by burning for several days and is said to have consumed soveral tons of hay. Eugene Toussiant. formerly of Neche, but who recently purchased a farm near Grand Forks, has just re turned from Belgium with twelve head of Belgian horses, ten mares and two stallions. They were brought through frotn New York in a special stock car by express at a cost of #50. The village authorities at Thome :c looking fur the fellow who caused the fire and explosion that wrecked the hotel at the town not long ago. It is claimed the drain pipe leading to the sink had been stuffed with rags and soaked with gasoline and ignited, which caused an explosion that blew out the walls of the buildiug. BRADDOCK BREVITIES. Il'rom tlio Nc.vs, Sept. UHli.l Mrs. A. L. Abel came up from the farm Saturday, and they have com menced housekeeping in the section house S. E. Coover was very low Sunday night, it being thought on several oc casions that lie was dying. However, lie rallied in the morning and is )uite strong again at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Browning ar rived Saturday last from Portland, Oregon, and arc the guests of L. M. Docrschlag and family, Mr. Browning being Mrs. Dncrsohlag's uncle The News is reliably informed that flus Ilerolz is telling about the county that Charlie Patterson had absolutely nothing to do with Ills primary suc cess. And on the other hand, D. IJ. Strceter admits in a manly way that there are worse men alive than Charlie Patterson—and there you are. H. I. Connor arrived from Fruita, Colorado, yesterday and is the guest of his brother-in-law, D. II. Veater. Mr. Connor Is one of he old-timers of Emmons county, years ago having owned a cattle ranch north of Wil liainsport. lie established the iirst mercantile business in that town and conducted it successfully for twelve years. He Is out with Mr. Yeater to day lookinc after a bunch of cattle which lie owns south of town. Rev. Brearly, pastor at large of the Presbyterian church, witli headquar ters at Bismarck, was here last week in the interests of Ibe proposed new church. In company with I). II. Yea ter lie circulated the paper ainonj,' the business men, and in a short time raised *700. It is proposed to build a structure costing when completed $2,100, $1,-100 to be guaranteed by the citizens and Ibe balance to lie made up by the church-building society. It is thought there will lie no particular dillicultv in raising the money. Mrs. Tom liiom, eleven miles South of Braddock, died at the Bismarck hospital on Sunday, August'ioth, after a lingering illness. The remains were taking to her late home Monday, anil Tuesday were intered in the Nor wegian cemetery at Tell. the funeral services being held at the house by the Rev. .lolin Laman, or this city. Deceased was a patient Christian woman, held in he highest esteem by all who had the pleasure of her ac quaintance. Besides a sorrowing bus band, she leaves live children, the oldest of which is but thirteen years. Ills one of th saddest conditions a cruel fate holds in store, and the Ijereaved fattier and motherless children have the sympathy of all. "Balderdashl" •n illust:':: Ion of the manners of critics in liygoi:o days is furnished by wattling noii'f niirc printed concern lug a volume of ISrowuing's poems. It was tii f:uly volume, and ISrowning was delighted to ivrelve a letter from J. S. Mill pn |i'sin to write a notice of thom in iln- UVstininster Review. A few days I nn- his expectations were dashed by Ix'urind from Mr. Mill that be could not write the article, as he had Ijocii fur,•suilled liy notice which had :ippe:irci! in llie Westminster Re view lis,-If. Willi a palpitating heart Browning rushed to his club and seanlied the pa .es of the Westmin ster Review, in find, to ids dismay, the arti"lc \x!il !i had robtied him of Mr. Mill's uotiee. It was to this effect: "A volume of ins by Browning— balderdash!". Nsticnrl Conversations. If you see three men standing to gether on i! sidewalk In any given country, yon an pjess the subject ol their conversation. In Germany It ll the army hi 11::-:-'i:i. the bureaucracy In ranee, women In the United Statot*"M»#!!#^ IH" Rfi'gfaiid, sport, and In Turkey nothing at all. Brussels Dernlere Ilenre.' Her Way. .)l(t ""fVfttilflh't cry like that if I were yon," said a lady to little Allpe. ••Well," snM Alice "between her solw, "foo ean cry any way you like, but this Is my way."—t*tilted Presbyterian. ttfW1f^*mA^l?3S,Viy,experUnce1§5^ not by years.—Latin IYoverh. HAZELT0N ITEMS. Il'rom till' Kepulilli'un, Sept lot Ii. Mrs. J. F. Snyder was at l.inton last week Wednesday and Thursday. Ed. Campbell is again ai his old stand at the Victoria elevator taking in grain. Harvey Smith is In town Monday on business. Mr. Smith is looking well, and shows few signsof the severe illness he underwent early in the sea son. E. C. Campbell has great ly improved the appearance of his residence by a new coat of paint. The barn also wears a new red jacket and things just shine in that, end of town. W. II. Benson, of Waverly, Iowa, has been installing a lighting plant in the Yeater hotel this week. The plant is a good one, and is a decided improvement over the lamps formerly in use. (itiy Linderman was in town Mon day, wearing a happy smile and set ting up the cigars In honor of the young lady who arrived at his home the day before. Mother and little one are doing well. D. W. Casey was in from (Sayton, Thursday, for coal. Mr. Casey and several others have purchased an en gine, on he other side of the river, and expect to bring it into the (iayton neighborhood and thrash this fall. Misses Anna (eil and Mary Appert enjoyed a hunting trip in the count ry Thursday last. The young ladies are somewhat reticent in regard to how much game they secured, and as to whether or not they shut heir eyes when they shot. The bids for building the school house on section it-l.!l-77, in the Northmeyer neighborhood, were opened last Saturday night at the meeting of lie school board, ami the contract awarded to E. M. Jones, Ills bid, #7S8, being the lowest. An Early Settler Dead. Braddock News: Mrs. O. I'eh son, one of the pioneer settlers of the Tell neighborhood, passed away of a linger ing illness at an early hour Monday morning, Sept. 7th, and while it had been expected for some time the blow was not lessened to family and friends. The members of the family living at Bismarck and Mandan were sum moned, and the remains were laid to rest Tuesday afternoon in the Swedish cemetery near Armstrong, the funeral being one of the most largely attended of any in northern Emmons county. Rev. John Laman, of Braddock, olli ciated. lvarna Swenson was born in St. lier restad, Ystad, Sweden, In the year 184.1 was married to Olaf Pehrson at an early age, and remained at the home town until 1HH2, when with Iter husband and children she emigrated to America and settled at Bismarck. During isss they moved to what is now known as the Tell neighborhood and made a home on the prairie, where she resided till the morning of her death. Deceased was a dutiful wife, a lender, loving mother and a neighbor who by her cheerful, generous dispo sition won the love and respect of the entire community. In the old days, when the battle for bread was the hardest many a discouraged settler had reason to he thankful to the help ing hand of Mrs. Pehrson Deceased leaves to mourn tier death a heart-broken husband a brother, N. II. Svenson, of Mandan, who was present at the funeral eight children —Andrew, of Alaska, John of Monta na, Charles of Tell, Edward of Tell, Oscar of Braddock. Caroline (wife of Merchant, W. Hoover) of Bismarck. Louise of Canada, and Miss Anna, who makes her home in Bismarck. The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on his farm, two and a half miles east of Strasburg. Section I'.i l.'ii-7'i, on Thursday, Sept. 24, IWH, several good horses,cattle, all farming implements and household furniture and I- good milch cows to the highest bidder. Terms: All sums under must be cash all sums of $•"» and over, one year's time will be given at per cent interest on good security: per ceni discount on all sums over *•". In cash. Auction begins at lo o'clock a. m. Luncli at no n, free. I'KTRlt Ki:akt, Owner. For Sale Hogs. The undersigned has for sale at his farm, about eleven miles east of Lin ton, on Sec. 20-K{:!-7l. sixty hogs ol different ages, from a jear down to two months old. Also, wo Poland China boars and two Poland-* hitia sows—all four registered, one boar two years old sired by Champion: he by Dakota Chief, wish to sell hogs for the reason that all my feed was destroyed by hail. y^' G. i. PAI.MKK, P. O. Linton, N. D. 99"The First Bank of Linton, Lin ton, N. IK. has real-estate money to loan on good farm lands, three to live yean. ment, the Best toPVBIC -»T Apply to fl.SO |»K1{ YEAII, IN ADVANt'K The Greatest Building Material Miracle Double-Staggered Air-Sjarc Concrete Building-Blocks HKK-l'Kit1 n.s 1 i:KK I'KOOI- l-KOS 1 -I'KI.M ii- I KMI\ I KOi INDKMRt'i 1 Ibl I INI-WIT NSlVh Are You Going to Build? If you arc to t\iit«l •.turr. Iminc, a or .* ImiMintf of any kitul wh.ilrvrr, you will ii as ntlirrt «io, vi/.: htnlrav«r in tiiul thr U*t huililin^ .md tin* nicthotls ,.t rottMrut Hon within your means, or witliiu .» licfiiiilr amount ot money. I liojn', therefore, to have thr privilege of ti^\irin i!h you, ami that you will si»n-ify my hlork. in tin' construction .if your huildin^. LINTON CEMENT WORKS I inton, North Pakota. 7. K. K. MAItTIV I *. VolU.ANUKK.Vl.-.'-l'r,-, *. A W. HIM*. CiiHlilcr. LINTON STATE BANK Capital, $15,000.00 Surplus, $4,500.00 Solicits Your Account. Facilities, :mi Consistent wlili (iuMd.i .,liking. leg-: We MTrr Cnui leous Treat t.ii»- Must Libi-ral Accomodating Livery, Feed and Sale Stable \fijj W.M. A KM ICIII1A L, I'ropr. LINTON, MOUTH DAKOTA 1 $ First-Class Ri£s, Good Driving Horses, Reasonable Rates, Prompt Service. Give Us a Call When You Want Anything in the Livery Line. J: J: jg $ Linton Bakery I Confectionery FRESH BREAD, PIES and CAKES alwvl icj. h"r oisr hand FRUIT, CIGARS AND TOBACCO CONTINUALLY IN BTOCK Extensive Stock of Candies—The Best l»iikinj' y**V. /v J' iff) Perfection /losfiibtc only with an I Flour. Ilriirr, to grl Itrsl mill certain, rr vu.if.s, malctt use o*' thr, SNOW WHITE brand of Flour. Jtn ///.- rift/ and excellence in ever re- r./ircl, have, been proven no many timrs, in HO Ojji'-CN in, l.inton and HazeUon Large, hist of lm/irurnl uml I'nim/iroiied Aanils. jUso, tie. sirablr Jlunr/irs. J'rir/ from, to per acre (J'ire I's a cull hefm [foic /ti rrhnsc. I.nnd shown free of c.ha.rjSe, irlullicr or not you buy L. Du Heaume, many ways, that. y»U trill advantage yotirxelf by a!trni/\ nrdrrin.1* HA'UW WH1TF FUU'li LINTON -mZELTON Lf\ND COMPANY Linton, N. D.