Newspaper Page Text
PART TWO a: rumor's.— IX TOWN AND Ol T. Sherwood lias -sold" his moat I to Jacob Rieker. j.t "oos a long way at the lO-cent cmmtor. Smith A: -Irvi.iiOiv me and see what cents will iV', at 1 ho liT-i'i'iit counter.StLook it -mii'.h ,V Ivitv. -y .j iitrr was born last Monday -V Mr. and -Mrs. Fay Harding, ..{ •i rtliorn Kmnum-. All well. 'liynraile C. W. McAllister of Halo ino t» Quincy, 1!!.. whcro.Jic will'enter tho soldiers' homo. "Airs. T. I'- iceman returned from ,r pispiui rk hospital la- Thursday, -iifl" from tho burning forests •If "northern Minnesota was quite "11 ihe.-e parts la.-t Tuesday. \j ph .it tile Record ollice and a ,,,'r.plo-- if want wedding .jj.j Latest stylos nf t\po. Tiie regular lii-wookly dancing T.ii't'v wi-i 1 0 1 if y.iu haw a piano you want to have It.tud. cad. write nr 'phone (ieiifgo: Rrooks, Lint oil. l'ost ollice II- tl, l-'iaiil. C'hi srown arri'. ed home last S itiil-vy from his ran.-h across the ,. v(ii re~umo his ae.|uaintance with t' lit tit" Chosrnwns A M. Wei lor, tho old-time- llor-o- head Valley pot tier, writes from !|.'0 v.ritid, California. to have his i|n* -d tho Record follow him. Mari 'h Rurge It-it last Thur-day for California. IK-went charm •iifioPftr-ioad of personal property he- 'iigiitttsTodiis/brother-in-law•. I. A. t„,igt 1 hooks, the violinist, gave a dationig party and musical enter- lainnvoiiL at Pollock last .Monday (•'.cffinir--.•'.The profits of hi.- trip v\* re s'2'' will he at P..'.lock Oc- tuii.'i I' "-"th and lli'tli Monday, Tiiosiiiiv ami Wednesday prepared tii ii any kind id' work in the photo graph line.. iIrvrge, Thompson. who was an ,-i--isla!it- to Mr. Cole at the depot, i.-i'i Saturday for Wellington, Wash,. Hi- tunnlv departed l'ur that place iiliuilt 111 roe weeks ago,' ,J.di Wittmaver, who with his r.i-tithi'f Christopher is farming near K'ltvka, was in Linton from Satur- ilnyito Tuesday, attending to hu-i- i!i-s iiiii visiting friends. .Miss Annie Teiehtier, who has ro- ociiiiy re-opened '.hoj.inton House, will make a specialty of Sunday din ner.-. The first one will he given hexl Sunday. 1'rice 2o cents. Herman Cahbarl and wife, son-in- law and daughter, and (Jotfried Wicgatu!, son, of the Rev. and .Mrs. A'iegaiid, arrived about a week ago rdJi/Visit their l.inton rela'.ives. Ranker Luche of Rrufy was in Tjnton this forenoon. lie was ae- WH!|iarii(il liv -John Kodiuir. .lr.,of Miiriun -liinetion, S. I)., who is vis Uiiil: the .Me-srs. Tempe!. at I!r-fy. •-x:l.iisl Thursday afternoon a child it ftfAlrs. John I'ostle ot. hold of a I 'ji'Je of turpentine and drank some /'fit. dir. Wuiverton was called and rciit-vtil tho little sulfer.-r. who is tiuw all right. Hie many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles \'an Allen are sorry to learn i't the death, last Sunday at mid- I'iidit, .'f their newlv-bom daughtor. The little one lived only twenty li-iiifs after she was born./ v- l''"'pie re-id in} in southern l-jn- ".iin'i'ti-riioiilii not overlook th- fact that Tracy, the Linton photofr- rajihc-r. will be at 1'oilock on Mon- 'lay, 1 e,-day and Wednesday, Octo- ''er'ilUi, and 2(th. ('ami a rariiim.' an' «it yer jiictcr tuk. Mi.-. L.:-A. Weatlierby, aci-omjia ij' lltith ar.d Mernard, the 1 :. iiili(| visit at Santa Monica, t'al:- "'tma, where her paren's. I'omrade Irwin and wife, reside. Mr. W'eath- «by accompanied his family as far I'-iireka. .?••' ." I li-.reby give no!i ,-e that, oii :.::..Mjf|iit..()ct. -joih, I wiil have a ear- v'lj »!!?-sul (itiii bushels of potaoes in l-Uljidj ii i'.ale. '1 hey will bo sold :S?!:i -ii itj X-i cents per bushel. ©ste'f.v-MI be ship|)Otl in a ^ood vejt t'tahl(i .-ar, ho that there will lie '!«!'-'ct .f fr,,-t. J. II. iieamer. ••l.Vf^Mifc.jaarria^e. license-: Adam '•'I .itiil Airatlia Keller, both ef MiM'^VurK Karl Keller and Katlia i'ifi^i'MiiiBirtni!!', both of Sira- :I'eter Keller and Katie Wolf, .:."vvi®1' Ha^ue Kunene Wolf and i'^U&Sah!:, both of ila^ue tieore.i' as^v-Stellifaiid I'.ii-.-.abe'Ji /.aim, both of :^V•.• 'c the "killing" frost that •'.-""H0.'1 a !i'J«vfiir a ^noil niany liehls of Max be nti pt—ible ch.irce *i.i rt ently been harvesteti. I.a-t atuvda aitt-i -jie folk- iii a 'un time. »i\th ar.d seventh. rade .-ciu-KvinvatPs of Ma.-ier t'r.'imvt I, Uvns .va-.e •i -uii ri-e pat'y. the natare a farvwojl, n: the homo of his a rents on 'ipju-r Lreadwa^ 1 lie yo'tna 1 ht will to pieacht,'. -otvict- schotil-htiuSe.. {itilirofy. nt\\t Sunday evening at o'clock: The text will be taken from St. .leim .vi.-~ Wilt thou he m.aie whole?" Let every body enmohtviit and lioar tho gospel :and,,inCjp ••sinpi L.. A. Lovelace. improved i:i hoa!th. Mr-, .lennie Tot!e\, o£ the litail- tlock neighborhood, but who hj- been :n L'liton -eveial "i cpii w.i- la.-t Friday adjudot-ti nan tiu co iiity hoard of ins'inhy -La-": Moiulay, in chartio of JSr, ihn Mohn, I .Mrs, ho-] 1 tal at .lame-nmp. 'I'ora ii i-vto-mirnuv l-'ndav evening. Mr. and Mr-. II. W. A *. eaita by auto fiosu !'i-aodeeiv. Miiinla.''", anil, aftei viMtino ft „. til next :.ft. in oi, iat'r.e. I hey brought with t! eit County I roasurt Xaramurt' ai,ii v. :e,rnhvt oi whose wt'dtiiiii app.-arcd in tiie Let'oi'd la-! Week, ami wbn:\vere on ttieir wa\ home from Cra: I'oik Mr-. I":iri Athawas iak.-nsick last I- rida\-. She wa- no bet'u.r l-vMnn- day, and was the same day. taken to Aberdeen ill ciiai tjtwnf her iti- .\,ral and Iir. ojverton. "She was at Jo oVlo.-i. Mmidav ni^ht operat"il up«,n by Prs. Wol\ei'toii mti ..di. f' uan^reiioii- p, ndictfis, Sne is Hettina- aIor,i niceiy. ,-v ii "to 1 promjit aetion taken. Someone paid the a i.r.ei thiJi.e I'O.IHII doiiar- at the i'd A"! picnic at Hall, last Tiiui'-dav- for sub-cripiion. I'iic sij-hi of .".inch money all at one titiieypar!la'ly par- a!\::ed the Kecord inait, and ho n«*jr- lectt to make a note has forgotten who i» v.astna 1 v\:r so.ab sent-minded as ti do ,-iif,h a Hiiu Will the payer plea-e send a po.-t- cartl to the payee', 1 Tht' ener land-init-'.- has decided the contest case ol' ISuini-slcv 1 I'lul.-ch, for tile east half of the deei.-ion is favor- id eo:i'(. Cameron for contestant. It.-is .-aid thi-.t, of the ',.r:..o nand of !a :d- coiitt st cases in winch Altorin-y Lane has been engaued, he has not,ho far, lo.-i a .-ingle on-.- of them. This is a remarkable record, and v. doubt whether it cuii he .'equaled.- in the In a letter to T'Mifor Owens, of tic: Advocate, Arthur ZcLcler, form erly of l.inton, but now of )cean-ide, t'alifornia. says: "I am employed iia.'Saaa Fe. Railroad (,'i.impany as &titi"!i foi i'ivuin. Railroading is paradise out. here when compared to what it was in th'' llakotas. I am gelting S7S.IW a nion !'h, and have 1111:• 11: y",.fi f: v' I p.:V I "di a t.' j|y rc based a 1 "i ,-ai'Vt' aiiclr ill thei ^ari Marco.. Valley, in a !UMe'ocairtyVand with a good cdmitry around it, My North I lakola friends are ri-i'SHjf invi'ed to cane and see mewlicn-'Adsiting this pari of (,'ahforma-. F.will al ways have a friendly feeling. The la'VO N.. -\V: ,!od ,l'! tUi:ning from the confcrence at Rismark, remained ni Linton?-'.a-•? da or so before taking.,th.o -t,ra.i:iw-ft«r his home at .Miln ^|)tal."ig of 3 ni ton's new pastor, Mr.: Wood said: "However disappointed- ?titfi fpv PI of l.inton and viciirity-::i:t5' :ft'til-.uvtr a change.!-!' pa-:ors. tlu i:an con- gratuiato themselves'-- tin' getting sucli.a man as tlu: fie., A. M. Wiley. I hjillfUilw-aysflte'sattc" krntl, (-.'hris: tia-i eenl'eiii in. Ho ha- Ken in the -tale tin.'A ytiii-', and !ia bee a hlO-n itt!•• ^wiUserbys. left Monday for an ex- on ch ti lis- sered, always leavi.i) l.e!i:nd iiin: an iniliience •laj.vjliijSs good,.- I le?is:ii man id' -ti ng ic'ijtl '-,ua!i'ii 1 predict for iiim and tho peopl" o! Linton charge avef-y JjW-asitiK?v.*. a together." •-.: In .i roc- n- kt' duoi from I'resident Wur.~!. ol V'sfiiiJ agricult.ural college,- arcl .- I'ora do,\ e'o -'a settlers of'the count v. mid I a a SiSfillps 'Huh fall seems to be one 'of those iinest and f'"" a- kills all vegetation ^.la'ij in its i.'oininK. There is imrt.s, aivl some for which iti(-r,..i, a S a month a«o supposed to Oht'i. lie Record editor in tho oi W'di im port in ighb C, Mr :.-. Mi-'. e! re:,Fl,f,. 1 in Hamiltt'ji.' good heailli. :o: a,!',: "inaut gooil IT! the\ tl nice' i' cities in Menaaa. ji.. ard -n a lat law ei, !i. ii t' 1 Mr. and Mrs. and heart'. atld.:t»i'!"...t! itig -te, idle ni),i!Ua:n :e\v irem Abeic front door is one of uielinesu Mi-. W. C. Wuiverton atid little Mv-Vh\His arrived homo Tue^ia fl'iini their Ku'i-a \i.- 't. tilt' Trasia, Rt'ltr Sogstad, t»le llv'tlb ad Jolm v-'llenhau]-t were iloan from northern Ivnin -p ,e-- da him lat,s, vei'ls. ad kind- ef trunming^ ard g.-neral mil'.n, ry, at tht \. Miii.nery M- r.- I'rice- "c 1 •Vim Raven ,v Co. •bdm -'tc.te^, who- has beeti om- oNed tiytaeN. !as a lirt'man or, '•to t'lltiw-tone di\ ision, is !iert for a tow .lays to attonu it* o!iie i-u-:- i. matrer--. »i\Clt Air-. (', A. Wolverton. mother of ', Wolverton,---who had been isit- gillie doctor for ab.out a month. tt for ia at !'i-t 1 te.iui-, •'•a. ia-' l'h'.:r-da Hen t'hristiansun of Marie soid hi- t. rm reci-m !\. 1 he pi ice paid wa- .wlft!',1. Mr. I'hnstianson says that Oi.wiil, howe-. or,remain in the c.c,m- .• if he can purchase a pi, ce of land a terin,- atitl in..a iocat.iun. that suit m. id Mr.-. ibermeier's mother wib •a\t io-da\ for their old home at \rn. ur, 1)., to resale there dur ing '.becoming winter. Mr. Ober- •o.eler has a dweHing-hoi .~ there. .' Inch tho family wiil occupy. And -verybodx here wishes these indus- ::ious, -traightfoi ward people tho '.-I. of health ami much happine— liert ver their Im in life-may be -.•st. Tuesday night "the boys" of Lin- .' some of them with grizzly top- '.not:- "serenaded" leorgo Nai a i.ore, Kmnion- county'.- trea-uivr. ho recently joined lie ranks of the i!"nediets by wedding Mi- Wo.-toen, rnierly a popular .-cho.ilu ch, at Linton. Much classical music was piayed, selections being given from s. Vogner," ('alathumpiani, \'erdi. 1 southwest i|uarter of il?1.'V7o. I lie Lane for conti'stee: Aimsli'onc' X- aari\an. I li'lid'anoi.-eiani and other noted or notorious compa-ers. 1 bc,ve\ er, hot withstanding lie geu- ral excellence of tho music, there irive appeared a few whispering-of criticism, some band experts claim ing that, among the many high-class strains they discovered one or two discordant: note-. 'I ho R«.'\ Kdwal'd -I. Saclil jen,'.\ iio for the last, year ha- been the M. F. pastor in l.inton, was assigned hy the recent Rismarck Methodist conference to work at (ioodricli and It.-nholl'. Mr. Sachtjen has made many frit ntls here, both among churchmen and non-churchmen, and h" has eartied the regard of i.-very "tie- who respects uprightness of ••haractor and honest devotion to '•rinciples and belief--. Mr. Sachtjen and his estimable family will he ereally mi-'sed in l.inton and vicini- In atiot, her paragraph the Rev. Nathan Wood known speaks of the new miniver. Mr. Wiley, whom he has for 1 tow an! Kmmons cyunty and ilS'-ipeoplt'.'' a long time. And, if this cordial, pleasant speaking, good- looking gentleman doesn't ear we'l .here or anywhere else, he certainly belies his maimer and personal ap pearance. I '01.1 TH'AL A N.N 111'.NCFMFNT. I'',i the Voters of the first t'ommis- i.i:'.isionor's I list riot of Kmmons County: 1 hereby amiounc'e myself as a candidate for the ollice of County Commissioner of the Fir-t Di.-rictof Lmmoiis (-ounty, and respectfully s-ilieit youi- support at the general lection Nov, S', iclo. F. it. I'.rant. I 'ostotlice, Hazelt.iin, N il. In lilt.- Voters ui l.maiuns County. reason of tiie niiinerous politi cal viirns being circulated through out the county regarding my resi- done intents and purposes in seek- ingfijlfCe at your hands, I desire to ilOiM' I "a ut 1 nm '.•co'in it ot tin plea-u: he had, wmie a dog throueh tic Ri ol Montana, the •'hot' making a brief- vi-il v, il,n -.Ii. a (J. .I'acki r, who ail.. aui!ouiict.-, o.y(iu publicly thai I am a candidate! in good faith for the oflfi?^ of Slate's A tt orney, and that I iiilrdiot st..eking lin: ollice for the Lieue'i! of any of my friends and, sliiiulii you elect me to ihat ollice, I wife-lake charge and conduct the ollice personally and wihout a dejiu- tyi. d'eing a resident anti a taxpayer, ii I 'W dh-^ft W( re'"vour.-elves, -liall endeavor lo keep down ail needless and unneces sary litigation of ipioslionable merit, .-:o far as eonsist'-nt with a proper administration of law and order in the county-and assure you of fair and impartial tivalmetii. to all. .Re-pecfuily yours.. lot leo. W. Lvnn. Chance tor a (itjotl ISusincss. My ou.-ines: luiiiding in Suas- Jlurg is for-ale. It is :i2 by l.with a -,-tal gliiss front. It ia two-story, and lias Kc'-ven rooiris up-stairs. Terms hale I'M.-1. |ff sale are r-a-ontible. R. Wall), iStrasburg, X. t(i.-t:!J-tfi. KMMOXS COt"XTV RE(X)Rl) '.: Mr-. 'A rd Otimes th.vt a -ucce-^f.ii operation for a) pt ndicilts a da\ at ht !. RapitN S D, r- f'l-mtd on Chariev Ratilsm: la-t M'-n- Chants "Con,.hue. father ef M. R. Rarger, who iiati l.t-en visitin .:i l.inton, returned to his home a' New Richmond. Wi-cnnsin, Tue-da\ }. JOSEPH M. DEVINE Cornier Lieutenant Governor and State Su perintendent of North Dakota, Ami Itairtu.-iii tt tie- S*,-tv l'ruo]-..-^iA I!o|)u1iiie:in 11111prt-4 tee I i.irttii:' tin- 1,' oil- i'rimat :ta|iaig" |n-ak I'tmo. u.- mt»\ .... t] .n THE POLITICAL ISSUES OF THE DAY them could ha\e gotten uito th• budding. At Braddock. Friday, Octobcr 14th. at 4 p. m. At Hazclton, same day. in the evening. At Linton. Saturday, at 4 p. m., Mr. Dcvinc will address the members of the Republican County Central Committee. The meeting will be open to everybody. Saturday Evening -Grand Republican Rally at Linton. Mio 4UJ cl(!crs' I'i^nic. nt no iit's: :it U'lidfti ai^i"h)ost thoroughly enjoyable gatherings tho writer has ever attended in the countv was. held last Tharsdav at null. Mi. and.Mrs. Augtisi illiermeier The xerci-es took place ,n Hull church or, rather, one .houid sa\ around 1 lull church for the crowd was so large I hat only a f:acti..n of •day. lie opened the meeting and was the lirst speaker. Addre.-se. were also made I'ioneers Areinl I la-iM i'and Ion it llaak. The ed:- t"i' ef the Record being a moinhi •'f the territorial crowd, wa- pre-- out by in\ it at ion .,i' he .• nimi 11 ee and addressed the meeting. Tho Rev. II. 11 ui/.ingh. the pastor at II lb, wa the last speaker, and at begged a place on the Strenuous One's,"Ananias" -VijaS There was a reft cshmeiit stan'd at the corner of tic church, where lem onade, hot colli and sandwiches could bo procured, and the .-land wa- well |iatroni.'eiI. I lie afternoon ef lie 11 a 1111 pleasant, autumn day there were base-iiall games, I»races, girl races, thin men's races and fat men's races, and until sundo.'. the assem bled company on..' Aeti I a 'mselye.i t'. he utmost. 'SW-: All tho old sett l"i who came to the county between the '.ears b-.-o and IM"i both inclusive avo in their names and formed I lie 1 Sett let's' Organization of Hollanders." And thai the hardy old pioneers compos ing its membership may long live to hold their annual picnics is the earnest, wish of the Record. Save your carpet rags and haw leo. Rrtioks weave a carpet for you. SCHOOL NOTES. Items.ol Interest I'crtaiiiiiiK to Lin ton's tiiluciitouKii .System. Zolda Hagt'iuan aisj.-l.acl-: in high school. ate=s The grammar:room ..oiii the high -ch'.ol for opening e\.-rcio-s for nf- teen minutes every morning. and very body of Whatever Polit ical Faith Cordially Invited. l-'rankim -chool ha\e a perfect at tendance record for the past month Hilda Rt-oh !e, ('-car Rertheau. I't-rn hi.ruian. .Marv Kl.erie, lla/el l'oelo. 1'hilipena .langula, Katie Kel-ch, llattie Met 'u !e\ Remue Meier, l.eona Mew ing, Ktlian Ro-thy 1 I'lie Rev. 11. S. Schiistra, the W. -i ':c!d pastor, was president of tin the conclusion of hi- address... the -peaking program clo-eil. Talk about disfoiirageoient over a dry year' None of it wa isible at the picnic, where several hundred '.cell dressed, happy faced men, .\nmeli antl children eilj. ved them selves as heartily a- though tla\ and wheat had yielded twenty huslu Is to lie acre. It occurred to the writ- that that Mason City tlowai man who a few months ago told nf In local pa pers about "the starving people" in North Rakola his. screed being re produced in tin Record ought to have been there. lie would proba bly have through lie bit mg-of his alleged conscience at once writ ten to Theodore Roosevelt and stubb. a W a W u.a\ er and Herbert Witt ma er 'ti I't"i• lay afternoon i.,,,K place the basket-hall game between the teiitral 11ra- antl the Rroadwav Rods. It was a wry ew-nly matched game, in which the "Reds" Were the tavol'ites. to judge by the rooting Harry l.ynn umpiied the game and gaw his decision to the it ays. Spectator,- declare hat in the next contest the "Red-" ill carry oil the honors, lor th.u si.\tIi and seventh grades. leinetis Kelscli tes rem 11 laud l-erks that his cerlilicatt- from our high school admitted him into the university of North liakota uncop- dit ionally, on a par with graduates fromiii'aiid l-orks and I'argo lugh schools. There is in this fact en couragement and inspiration for all the pupils in our chools. As a state a a 1 a I -i I the -tate univei'sity The ambitious student may look forward to a higher education, our own high school becoming for him "An open casement giving on mairic sea- It is not to lie forgotten, however. Ihat the chief mission of the high ,-hool must ever lie to prepare for life rather than prepare for college., BRADDOCK BREVITIES. I 'n 'tn NVvv«%. 'ct. i'.! h, I,*'n Mrs. iIbert Shelliv of lilt re is vi.-iting friends in Minnesota for a niont h. I-.. I-. Carlton, who was vi-dling at I lie I alio home at Kinlyre rieently. returned to .. Jauicst.cAn he ly:.-j|,, of the week. -'.V:.'Jy :-.y:---,5 1 Miss Kver.-oii read on Tue.-dav Hooker T. Washing ton arid his iudu-: rial .- -hool at To kegt.-e, Alabama Hi the pritiiary ilt'p.i• tiiient there have been thret- prone-'ions to the -eeoiid grade j.. Ui,i-' Week IteWitt llonnaii, 1-rati lvf!K- .Ab or arcl Km 11 Sautter. Tht.' power'"to "Ihitir." and 'appre ciate the thoughts of othei'.- t.o love and be i|i.j)y"'"'.-j-n' the joy, the courage, the beauty" and the good- ties-, of others endows us with riche- of wliifh thonev can never he .jui\a:eri:." Ri-hop S| aiding, -y,-- There were .venty-:hree pup'ii neither absent, nor tardy tiie tir.-t month of sch'iof, in 'ho primary room. We can still further improve our at tendance, wit the co-opera tion of parents^ The ouarter-huli- day plan to secure perfect attend ance is very succe-sfui There have been fewer cases of tardiness and absence since it was adopted. The following-named pnpiis of the t' gtev. -^:,'v.y-l|yi? The heavy rain this fall haw '•an ed much damage to slacked grain, that near the ground start ing to grow',: :, i- rank /elllmer and I' it/, Suelt/. returned yesterday from St. Raul, where they had been with a ship ment of fat cattle. II. C. Renedict, ih 'ihg soul of town,will leave with tn"..t week for I lolruont, :l •., where they will .-pond ibe winter. I. R. Scroggin and daughter, Mis.- Ilalbe, were at Rismarck l-riday last, where the little jirl received real melit for lung trouble. Rancher O. Johnson arrived Ihursday of last week from Morris, lib, and i- looking after hi ex tensive I'.'inticjiis.County rati''h busi- tless. ?.:.yy ."S Mrs. A. II. Hull' and son--, \'i-torj and Wiilie, arrived 'I'liursilav of last I week from A.-hby, Minn and are] vi -si ting wit Mr-. Holf's father, C. a Mrs. Si.-fo of Kintyre left the lirst. of the week for .Jaine, own, where! her ..on is attending school: ySlie will he joined later by Mither a'n'e'iii- hers of I he filtnilv. :.y:: y::: Roy Sparks, he can e-r for R. No. I, made his. first trip ow tht route Saturday morning ia-i. an-: gives promise of making good. Win Reard, the formt-r carrier, will do- \ot.e hi- time to ins !'ar.o.,i,g itiit.r- est and to lus iiarn bie-iness. yy yiyy| rank ilines ::lef 1 .••-!' day .r Chicago, where his wife ii ok 'heir little daughter twho i-- s-itferira'' from the etfeets. of infantile par alysis) -e.eral months ago for treat ment. Mr. and Mrs 'limes, exiiect, return in two weeks. While I the little girl:v.iK much impro ed, I the'.- e. |iect. to ie'.TVe ber ill 'lllicagO for -'ome line, Medium late tiax presents a uni'pje a |.iea ran ce at his iine. Some of it matured at. about the usual 1 time and was cut with a binder, tint hunches being dropped about the fieliis^Tlien the rain came and the 1 *.0 I: bund t! are I.a-: ek 11 I,m' •, et, noun.-e.! that ,i ilui! bail c, crn- a S Weather'.^ whue the plan! I 'W !o -dv. 'ds. Rat ter-oti aftert.i on, at »v Inch the com nut tee turneibui itsirepurt ami other bu-me-- \^a- .ittendt-.i ti the niat tor of c.iii-t letmn,- being tinally w. :t:d tip. It .• ith* titidotice and pleasure the New at, that' Up to date the llraddocu- I'l coinpauy will build one, ami perhaps two, more lines leadingiuiuts iif till city during lit-sI year I lie writer yisjted Rintorii I oes- da\, for the tirst,:ti.uii' during three e.ars. l-imnd 1 ne, k. the\ i't lie buildings! are .mi men |o Ih,. bn.-ilie.s.s elieiyys of the people of I.itifititys: ylyditor Str.-eler was found in hi den, and. he ide ihe sweeping of the .floor and the addition of a hat tub, he improw- mentsto ollice building and plant are a revelation. Re-ido-, a ties. Simplex, here are mah ol her ad dit ions in material I• lie plant And. then, all I lie machinery has I™ .-n mo. ed to lie ba -enient, and team heat and hot ami cold •.•.'•water I from acisternl added. Court wa- in ion, but no iur\ way called |lie session Icing t.n he purposSt of making new ciii.-.eii mostly.' We had be pleasure of ret ui ning home via Ha/.eltoii in Colonel Shepard's ar running lime I HAZHLTON HAI'PKNINGS. (I K'UU t-'l It'll IIV h: Miss Klia/beth Ru ii has: secured a school and is. u..w teaching the vicinil of St ra -burg. Mrs. W. I.. Yeater has. been con lined lo lie hoii 1111 ring the pa week by 11 hos ^.y./.yyy -. I '. S. 'ollllnis^i'Oller .Muellell wa ll from l.i I on Tuesday and Wednes day and wrote linal pmof papers Tor six of our cii on-. .. Thus. Kelly, who, H'lt.h an iniureil knee, i-pa :sing his time in a Ri. marck ho pilai. came down from I lie Capital City Saturday evening and staid over Sunday. y,y II. C. Rhinl of Ri-ina rck". wa in Ibi/eltoii Sal unlay and Sunday, mak'iig ome improvement.- fhe tarmers' Stale Rank building. Martin of Rutland, this -taie, ia. t. Thursday look charge of the 11a/i'Iton creamery,., succeeding, W. iillmun/y-I le conie.-i highly recommended as a butler maker. having hail charge of the creamer, at Rutland for a number of years,y Ihe Republican ithis vwei seiid- ing out a larg" bunch of sub.-crip- tioii statements,-,'and hope: tbal. III. cribei will do the I.e'-1 11. (111 on every paper the payment for which happens to be more than a year behind, our -in pluK.m ill -hard iy buy coal. Recently tbest- .columns contained mention of the sale of a farm ar II a /.el on'l per acre, and mo-t ..f u' marveled lirst, because ii wa, a fancy price, and, second, be cause this is, reputed to be a year of hard times. The I racl just men tioned was only half a mile from town, which made the price', appear less unreasonable to those v. ho con- sidered the price high. .\o\WiCiv:(Ties news of th sale of he-Airt(:-n (itjehs,! ring farm, about ttire«.mtl'wftjiisr town and containing .': ti a.-rjis for 1 ten thousand dollars.- or 1 .s". iv! acre. Frank Sc. ii11'. tin ,tcn*i o, is a re-ident of Mit!f,eJi ia. and tie Thursday, October 13. 1910 lephone t'ompanv ha- 1 .. a t. i- the fude.-t nt .i v'! l! i".n of the term l'tadd ck and "aigi-lai'ii to the outh are now fii-rectb. cin- tucted wi'h Ha'. 111.n. "lempelu.n- I'll* and.... I .mteii, In-. count .md no|j( af the holders tif :a :|iltolie would relinquish the same tor twice It cost It. pi nbable ha' he OPERA HOUSE N TUHNER. Wnuncier ihat,it\ ,.idpi-*-en "o 11,r Dante, hidd) 011•)hci !iilj, res( uH" place it i',, j,.. b'ith m-t he sihri'tt.ti« e. :e got .1 and bad wiH etc ef ,e \d vocate was purcba-'.! ,ot.-.r COMING I .- I I- a but.di! on Rfoadwiiv b, R. A. N. 1 heatt I'iih |-'.UIV r-i paper w"' Re e-tabli-heti Uj .Mr. .. ... A'iy:t:\pi-rtetweiisnow paper man is aware:! hat :tt«v,s:t4wtr not 'are. .no, t, -ij •'I 'w. paj er-, and that the move a uoi tie fi sill .'oncei nod I he Rr:\i!dtH-iv 1 elephoVVt- (oitniyi'ii hi'd a meeting tins ,-uv Siturd.i\ MOVING PICTURES, AUCTION SALE 1 he titith r-igtn 1 Jt 1 -t'l ,ii auc til l. lie! .' tfo|e- .ve-,! of I. it ik at.d t', mile- mtb Ha Iten, on TUESDAY,Oct.25,1910 Reymmng at |o o'c'oek a the !.'!i wing de-cribeil per-ona, |i erty to the highest bidder^ ra\ horse,- tt yetirs old., wi i'.'hi lo ill lb-' I i'ia\ horse, I"-' year ..Id. weu-to .yf I'iOII |lis. 'S grav hor-e, I vears old, weight b. "t II,. .l.back mat e, ear- old, wei^hi i. .o II, I .black e. '.I .-.'II old, weight 1 too lb ... I. g' matt- \, ,u vvt ight 1 1 (iis, I nia\ maie, 0 s,ar,H old, weight 1 lbs. :sy: rfll .." Reicheioii ifal'ioii, 1 •ears old. Weight .ot: ||. "•. I black driving team, weight l.sf^i... lbs. I ten-war old. 1 eight-year-old iii- ell, thank \oii. While ca.-mg at. the. ta'l buildincs ha- caused |.am.i in the' back of thi 1 tell foot I'Ul'glei. -i s/: i. two-year old c,.|t -.. coiinng three mt he spring I vearling cull. .! ucking colt milch cows. yfsH. %•:. -L I sets of heavy work harness, I a 1 single harness, :y-Sy I -addle. .. I header I header III I drill. •lisgang- plovvsJS®|s-s.'~-s'-'-"-s 1 li -k. I ree-seel il 111 steel harrow and ... cart. 'J. breaking plows .: m..w el--. I haviack. I wide I ire wagon "yys-y' yy' 1 hav rack and wagon. I I fill t, goal V'if, I one hundred hu, hcl gram laiiksss: I famone mill, sty' ,o chickens. y" y-yy I load scraper fal hoi's. I a I tin'-sit. I ,-ew iiu'-iua.'lui.e. I -,va 111ng machine. stows. '-v'ss:-.-.- :y-'y I eight-Kallon cream can. I center table. Also, much household furnil lire, and ol her articles too numerous to menlioii I'KR.MS: All sums less than -flu, c.a-li, In-f lO and over, time will In given unt I November I. 1' 1:', at in percent mterenl.on scciin miles. Three per cent, 1 fact, that la- wilt th, ai tint of money in a i* atiw .n broken fan., dent 'he j,", ,n he fut ur of hi a take po -i --i'Jti Us 'Uir-g. i.'id with bis famdv fx '.in imam nt 1 a left. .Mondac for. their new home in -l a a a di.-,count on all sums, of s|0 antl over for cash. M'NCIf AT NOON. I-'RKK. -y:S RS. .loll N I'l If. y: ).'. lief. OIKiRi.K Sl' liRI.Y. isyiy: A uct ioneer. W. O. IRWIN. Clerk. iSerial No. o,,0 |.: let. |, Nov. lo N O I I 1 I I I I A N I leparl mciit of the Interior, yy I'.S. I.and Ollioe at Rismarck, NT) October I, I'Ho Notice is hereby given thnly: Marm Wollhaf. iif /.eeland. North liakota, who, on e, considering I lie .-.hoi I tu op. 'I When -o I'ncle Sam has e-d a po.-loPi-'e ed I I, which mo-l of u. are aware of. aid, if we are compelled to com ply bv putting th" olio-cent, -.tamp lay 1 .luiy 1 1, I'JOI, math- Home lead Km: 11 No. :i::7. Serial No. o.", ii. f',,r outbeast ipiarter of nortliwesi.: 11 uarler.east. half of -out hvw .|. ijuar t'-r and .-oiithwesl. ipiarli of south a .|Uai'ter of Seel ion 1: Town-: -hip I'll north, Range 71 we-I ,,fy fifth Rrincipal Meridian, has 1:1' d 11o 1 ice of intention to make Imal: five-year proof, t.o establi.-h claim toy the land above described, before Charle-. Ii. .'arley, judge and ex oilicio clerk of the county court, at-: I intoii, North liakota, on lhe li,!h of November, l'J'o. ''laimant names as wi'ne .y •losepb Ro-eh, of Hague, N I' fctSsf: Andreas Rennann, of/eeia' d, .\ .-sk:s Wilhelm Klaudt, of/eeland. N il, l.udwig Weber, of Hague. N. I.-)••::: M. II .b-.'. e!i, R. 1 .-'-I I a N' 1 Oi ,.o ',' NOTICK I'll: I :|.|i' |i .. I lepart irienl of tje- InU o.r. 1 1.,-' I and Oilice at. Ristnarck, Niyi/:',: .-sSjentemher--In, PjIji, s-.-. ,. No' ice i- Ii'' /'-!, ,- giveli" that: .lohri Reri.-chler. lf Hartford, North Iak.•'a ho. ony 11. I'.'i'ili!:!" I'to i, made Home-:! .-ad'. l-'iilrv-No,.o :i'il7, Serial No. iitio-7 1 ftir '-ast half ,f north west. i| uart or, soutiiWos,!,' fjuarter northwi-l .|!iurt e|y i!id iior.thea-t opiarter of, .-siltb ,ve- 'juar'er of yn. :Tr,':n:-hi[y I::-! north, Range 7- v. esty of tiie. I-ifl Rrincjpal .Meridian, has. t'i.-ed- -ii''e of intention to make! J.i.nai lives:.ear proof, to estabiisli ,claim to the land above ile.eribed, })is' Charles R. 1 'arley, .Judge and fix Otlicio Clerk of the County Court jSt* l.inton. tli North liakota, on tim sjist day of )-tober, ltilo. iaimato names as witnesses: ./ •la.-ob Rurkhartlt, of l.inton, N. 1). John.!. Renscbii-r, of Linton, N. 0. lleinricti ihlhauser, of J.inton, .N. !'.: I lav id .Jobb, of l.inton, N. I -M. II. .Jewell, R. .'i-u-r