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3^ EMMONS COUNTY RECORD Pioneer Paper of the County, D. R. Slreeler. Publisher. Linton. North Uakot? FOR THE BUSY MAN NEW* EPITOME THAT CAN »OON BE COMPASSED. MANY EVENTS ARE MENTIONED Hem* and Foreign Intelligence Cefr denied Into Two and FOW Line Paragraph* Washington. The Washington government wfii participate in an arbitration of the long (standing dispute with Mexico over ttio International boundary at I'aso, Tex., within a year. Looking to Hut compliance with the president's policy of put tins the exe cutive departments and offices of the government on a Bound 1 nsih, with a view to a greater eilicioney and greater economy, Secretary liailinger appointed a of three de partment officials to Rttidy the question In the interior department. In August the export. trade of the t'nited States to every part of the world increased more than $12,000, 000, according to a summary complet ed by the di partment of commerce and labor. In the eight months of (he calendar year, which ended with Aiifitiat, the value of exports to Europe alone were nearly $020,000, O'JO, and the imports for the same period more than $52.r,'00,000. Seventeen suits, instituted by the 1.'nited States and charging that many thousand conveyances of Indian lands of the live civilized tribes allotted in severalty to them had been made in vain of express re- Foreign. Field Marshal J.ord Roberts, the most distinguished living British sol tiler, is reported ill at Vienna, Austria. Dispatch from Asuncion, Para guay, announce the fiction of Dr. Manuel Coiidra to the presidency of the republic. 1 Jr. Gonda formerly was minister to Brazil and more recently minister of foreign affairs. The sultan of Sulu met 1)13 old friend, "Governor" Taft, in the green room of the White house and com pletely exhausted his English vo cabulary In greeting him. He is a great admirer of the president. Professor liombarda, the anti-cler leal, who was shot by an army lieu tenant at Lisbon, Portugal, died. News of the death soon circulated and a crowd of anti-clericals as sembled near the professor's home and shouted: "Down with the priests. At Oporto the intelligence caused a violent collision between the factions. Tiie cholera epidemic has taken a strong hold in Amur province, Russia, twenty-six cases, with twelve deaths, being reported during the week. Of these twelve cases and seven deaths were at tiie capital, Blagovieshtchensk, Fergana, in Aur itestan, is also Included in the cholera zone and has reported six cases. On the whole, however, the situation Is Improving. General. As has been anticipated, the Dank /if Kngland raised its discount rate tc 4 per cent. Representative Reekcmeyer told (he I/irlmer committee he was paid a thousand dollars for his vote. Complaint was Hied with the Inter state Commerce commission by the railroad commissioners of South Dak ota against Increase on freight rates proposed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and twelve other railroads operating in that state. The total estimate for the ap propriations necessary for the naval service in the next fiscal year were ttnnounced to bo $12S,300,000. One hundred thousand dollars re ward is offered for apprehension and conviction of tlio parties who dyna mited the IJOS Angeles Times build ing. The grand prize race for automo biles will bo held over the Vanderbllt cup course on Uing Island, October 15. The course Is to be thoroughly policed that accidents may be avoided. The representative committee of tiie united brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of America in biennial convention at Des Moines reported in iavor of a national home for tuberculosis cases and aged carp enters. The convention will decide upon the report at the next biennial convention at Washington, 1). C. Aviator lirooklns broke ho long distance flight record by sailing from Chicngo to Springfield, 111. The work of tiie port of Naples ha« been suspended, practically, in conse quence of the cholera epidemic in ths poorer quarters of the city. The total estimates for the appro prlations necessary for tlio naval scr\ itv in the next fiscal year were announced to be $l'JS.:!ilo,0u0. Virginia llarned Sothern, the wel known actress tiled suit for divorce against Edward 11. Sothern. the prominent actor, in the district courl at llenn, Nov. The state ticket or the New York socialist labor party was filed by pe tnion with the secretary of state. An involuntary petition in bankrupt cy wnn Hied against the brokerage lirm of n. II. Scheftels & Co.. whose oflices were raided at New York. George Cave/., the Peruvian aviat or. made the perilous trip over the Alps from Brig. Switzerland, to Italy That the I.'nited States enjoys tae best credit of any nation appears in a comparison of the prices of the government bonds of England Franca, Germany, and the United £tatei during the last thirty years. likeeomituou pMffUtl fouad U» ftibHeir Mate and (be •orthij|arf plpwfraaM«pa6!ld ot a bad indication foriqviwMd the stuff out of tb*. ID. Far from it. It in-1 and ahianed It back to Far BO. The Independents of New York Will Pflt full ticket in the field. John A. Ijix was nominated for ROT ernor by the democrats of New York. Frank McVey was inaugurated president of the University of North Dakota. Aviator Wynmalen, In a biplane The German ministry of war nounced it would give $25,000 aa a price for an overland aviation com petition. Elwin, three-year-old son of C. A. Johnson, republican candidate governor of North Dakota, *ll burned to death. Walter Hrookins, the hero of the Chicago-to-Spririglleld will attempt flight continuously from Springfield to St. J,ouis, a distance of eighty-flve miles. Private advices from Italy assert Italian emigrants from the cholera infected districts of that country are being embarked at Genoa for America. A $10,000,000 merger of all the powder companies in Canada with the exception of the Oiant I'owder com pany, branch factory at Telegraph Hay, lias Just been effected. Because of the cholera scare In Europe, two incoming trans-Atlantic liners the J„apiaml from Antwerp and the l'erussla from Naples, were de tained at quarantine for inspection. A a trans-continental freight charges varying from 5 to 10 cents a hundred pounds froin points of eastern origin to Pacific coast terminals were suspended by the In terstate commerce commission until February 1, 1911, pending an investi gation by the commission into the reasonableness of the increase. The executive committee of the brotherhood of machinists, through Secretary Robert M. Lackey, sent to tlio interstate commerce commission a protest against the recent petition presented to the commission by of ficials of various organizations of rail road employes urging that the pro posed advance of freight rates should be approved. Personal. Hoke Smith has been elected to serve a second term as governor of Georgia. Postmaster General Hitchcock baa m.ido a number of promotions In his department. Kufus ISlodgett, former United States senator, died at his home at Long llrunch, N. J. He was taken sick about six months ago. Keimlillcans and democrats are to hold their state nominating conven tions ut lioston. Henry 1^. Stimson was notified of iiis nomination for governor of New York, and accepted tho placo. "If my health continues to improve 1 expect to be a candidate for the 1'iiitud States senate in 1912, other wiso not," said Senator Tillman. There Is a i»ossibillty that Great iiritain will use Its good offices to se- I cure respect for the persons ot King Manuel and tho queen mother, Ame iia, of Portugal from tho revolution ist-a lToltslaw was temporarily eicusefl from giving testimony before the con gressional committee. The unwritten law was upheld by Pittsburg judge In the case of a girl who killed her godfather. l.os Angeles officials are still searching for a clew to the destruc tion of tho Times building. Cornell un'versity is to erect a memorial tablet In O.oldwin Smith hall in honor of tho late Prof. „ia. win Smith upon which will be in scribed a copy of the clause in hl» will bequeathing more than $600,000 unconditionally to Cornell MANY HOMELESS FOREST FIRES BURN FIERCELY IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND CANADA. at Rovey, France, rose to a height of 7,35fi feet. China Is bellcvul to be on the verge of an upheave] similar to that of the boxers. Rear Admiral Charles R. Rocker, retired, died in Washington, aged sixty-nine years. Virginia Harried Sothern filed eult for divorce against Edward T. 8oth I ern in the district court at Heno, I Nevada. LOSS REACHES MILLIONS Beaudetto Hat Been Wiped Out «nd Five People Known to Have Per ished—Fir* Burn# Strip Thirty-six Miles Wide. an Winnipeg, Oct. 8.—r.ate tonight the Canadian Northern railway estimated the loss of lives in forest fres between Rainy River and Warroad at forty, ail or being settlers and their families. Rainy River, Ont has been saved. Reports from Spooner are that th..- loss there has been exaggerated, as a large part of tiie town, including Mathieu mills, has been saved. Fires are still burning fiercely, Warroad, Minn., Get. 8.—The country from six miles east of Warroad to Rainy River, 215 miles from here, IS burned. l5cauleUe has '"-en wiped out and tlve persons are known to have perished near IJe.audette. Every build. ing In Pitt, except the depot has been burned to the ground. All wires are down between here and t'ne stricken towns of Ifeaudette and Spooner and the details of the calarn I Ity are not obtainable. Unless rain com"s quickly and In I great volume nothing can prevent the 1 The commission named by Presi dent Taft to determine how the gov ernment may best surpervise the Is suance of railway securities will hold its first session vember 28. Washington ISO- The state of Missouri lias a popula tion of 3,233,335, according to the en Etrictlons against alienation, were eration made during the thirteenth tiled In the supreme court of the Criited States for review. The cases involve a determination of what is the present policy of the government toward the Indians of these tribes. census, statistics of which were an oounced by tiie census bureau. This is an increase of ISC,570, or 6 per ent over the population In 1900 of j,10C,605. The Los Angeles Times building ivas wrecked by dynamite and subse quently destroyed by fire. Twenty or more lives were lost and a great printing plant utterly destroyed. The outrage Is attributed to labor troubles, the Times having for a :ong time been an open office. So far there is no clue to the guilty parties. The Standard Oil company through ts official publicity representative, J. I. C. Clarke, has announced that the company has inaugurated a cam paign to increase tlio world's con sumption of refined oil," and Is lower ing prices of kerosene in Kurope and tlio far east. This action follows that •J! August last, when tiie Standard Tlio Standard Oil company has in augurated a campaign to increase the world's consumption of rellued oil. Tlio level of prices for refined oil to day in the United States is lower than at any time during recent years, and as a direct result of these prices the consumption of refined oil In this country Is Increasing. The same pol Icy is now being actively pursued ubroad." As a tragic sequel to the death of Kdmond l'oillt, the French aviator, his fiancee, who had shown alinoat uncontrollable grief went to his grave Sunday and fired a bullet into her heart. Poillot was killed on Sep tember 25 while making a flight with a passenger. While at a height of ninety feet a wing collapsed and the machine fell backward. destruction of a dozen or more small towns hemmed in on all sides by woods. Kven a modern tire department could not stand against the flames and the settlors with ases and shovels as their only weapons, arc only endangering their lives in fiL-htlng them. To make matters worse, the dry S'-ason has dried up almost every well and small stream I this part of the state. Drenching rfl un( alone. Quarters will be opened ^p-at forest fires, that ore probably there at once und hired. can quench the force of clerks miles square with the center of the conflagration at about the northern border of Beltrami county. DIETZ SURRENDERS. Defender of Cameron Dam Gives in After Killing Deputy. Winter, Wis., Oct. 8.—"If papa comes out will you promise not to shoot him he Is shot through the hand and wants to surrender." These words spoken to Sheriff Mike Madden at the edge of the clearing surrounding the besieged home by little Helen Dlctz, youngest daugh ter of the outlaw, brought to an end the stubborn resistance of the man whose stand nrralnst what he consid ered injustice lias been the talk of the 'and. The surrender did not come, how ever, wRhout an awful toll. One man Is dead, two are wounded and much property has been destroyed. The dead: Oscar Harp, 35 5'ears old, a deputy. The Injured: John Dletz. 49 years old, defender of Cameron dam, shot through the hand Chet Colepitcli, years old. a deputy, ear shot off. The two D!etz children, Myra and Clarence were injured some days ago. Oil company reduced refined oil In bar rels 1 cents a gallon from 9% to cents at the refinery, and refined ail in tanks from GV& to D'.A cents a gallon. In part tiie statement reads: Harp was found on the hill behind the Dletz home with a bullet wound through his head. He, with Mont Wiley, Tom Pemerlo and William Ran kin, all deputies, had tried to crawl to a place of vantage In the lumber piles near the Dletz barn when a well di rected steel cartridge cautrht him. Ac cording to Wiley, three bullets whistled through the air at about the same time and one of the three struck him. The other deputies retreated without try ing fo rescue their comrade. He was found at 3:20 and had been bead about three hours. Roosevelt Has Busy Day. Atlanta, Oct. 8.—Roosevelt came Into Ci ornia today and found awaiting him a welcome as warm as he has received durinj? his recent travels. On his ar rival In Atlanta he was preeted by crowds, whlcli blocked the streets heed less of the pelting rain, and cheered him as he rode at the head of a parade through the business streets of the city. Roosevelt made three speeches In At lanta. Tils first was In tt»e Southern Conservation congress. He urped the people of the south to take care of their natural wealth and said that If the country's resources should fall Into the hands of a monopoly, tho people would revolt. Probe About Finished. Chicago, Oct. 8.—The senate sub. committee on privileges and elections, after listening to the testimony of wit nesses for twelve consecutive days, closed Its Inquiry Into the election of Senator T.orlmer today nnd adjourned subject to the call of Chairman Bur raws. The next session of the committee will bo In Washington probably after coriKress, when briefs of counsel on both sides will be In the hands of tho senators. Mohall Wants Postal Bank. Washington, D. C„ ^ct. 8.—Charles f.ano, the postmaster at Mohall, N. D., today filed an application at the post office department requesting author ity to open a postal savings bank at his office. Cholera Still Spreading. Naples, Oct. 8. During yesterday and last night there were ten new cases of cholera In this city and four deaths from tho disease, according to official announcement. Thirty Per Cent Clause Invalid. Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 8.—By a tlirefe to two derision the North Dakota su preme court today declared the SO per cent clauso of the primary law uncon stitutional. This lets down the bars for every candidate on the primary ticket who I secured a majority of the votes caft for his office and every one who did tills will be on the ballot at the fall I election. I The grounds on which the provision was knocked ont were that It put an undue restriction upon the rights of ttie voters to run for office. The opin. 'on has not yet been filed Republic Is Popular. a I.isbon. Oct. 8.— The proclamation of the republic of Portugal Is being re ceived by the people generally In a matter of fact way. While order has been In measuro restord, th far still prevails that the attacks against the religious establishments may become general. The most marked feature of the situation now is the resentment shown by a portion of the population against the clergy. T.ast night the republican troops at tacked the Jesuit monastery In the Rue Quelhas. after they had been fired upon from tho windows. One Driest was lu*d —. *i£5£?„n?«i0 ou .lSe S-t:- ot section fit April 14. A I), lwu. I t.NK J. *1KKI, NO RECESS APPOINTEES TAFT WILL MAKE NO APPOINT. MENTS DURING VACATIO... Next Session of Supreme Court Will Hear Many Cases of Great Ju* diciai Importance. Washington. D. r-. net. 7.—The s-u oreme court of the T'ni'-'d Slates will mvene next Monday at n"on for one of the most Important sessions In its history. During the coming eight months it will have to pass upon cases profoundly involving the industrial and business life of the nation, and this fart adds Importance to the pend ing changes in the personnel of the threat court occasioned by the death of Chief Justice Fuller and Associate Justice Brewer and the retirement of Associate Justire Moody. Governor diaries K. Hughes of New York has been confirmed in the place of Jus lice Brewer, and there appears ex- WAS NO CONTEMPT. Judge Parker Fiies Plea in Celebrated Labor Case. Washington, D. C., Oct. 7.—A brief was tiled in the supreme court of the tTnlted States today by Judge Alton t'. Parker and associate counsel In the contempt proceedings against Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, the officials of the American Federation of Labor. The three officials were sentenced to Imprisonment on a charge of disobey ing the decree of tile supreme court of the District of Columbia, for bidding references In their official organ to the Buck Stove & Range Co., at St. Louis, being on the unfair list of the feder ation. The principal defense set forth King Manuel Safe. London, Kng., Oct. 7.—King Manuel of Portugal who lias been driven from his country by thp revolution, with oth« er members of the royal family, Is to nay under the protection of the Brit- I Ish government. The Portugese minis tor here received a telegram from King Mcruei this morning in which his ma Jetty states that Queen Ameila.the Duke of Oporto and he arrived safely and in good health at Gibraltar on the royal yacht, Amelia. King Manuel in his message made no reference to tho revolution or tc his future plans. Dietz Will Not Surrender. Winter, Oct. 7.—Dietz refused the terms of surrender offered by Gilbert and Monson in behalf of Governor Davidson and Sheriff Madden ordered Deputy Tborbuhn to do his duty. Shouting may bo in progress now or the deputies may wait until daybreak tomorrow in order to get in closer range during the night. Engtsnd Fears Chinese Uprising. Hong Kong, Oct. 8.—r.ritish naval authorities are apprehensive ot an antl-forelsn outbreak occurring at Canton. Inquiries have been instituted with a view of taking measures for the 1 ?,nlt'i'v '"nftr.!•'° 1 protection of British subjects there. England Gets Prison Congress. Washington, D. C-, Oct. 7.—Sir Eve lyn John nuKglts-lirise, K. C. B., of I.ondon was elected today as president of the International prison congress and London was chosen as the placo •it meeting in 1915. Cholera Scougre Grows. Naples, CV:t. 7.—During yesterday and last night there were eleven new cases of cholera and six deaths from the epidemic in this city. Kidnaped N. D. Girl. Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 7.—Thomas Companion, a discharged United States army soldier, who left here last week accompanied by Anna Harold, tho 15 year-old daughter of the county sur veyor, has been apprehended in Seattle. Tho girl Is with him. As the girl Is 1 ilU Kill »a Willi JJilli. rtfi BUI Sheriff McGillls will leave this even, ing for tho west to bring both parties back. The girl i.iks more like 20 than 15, as she is vi-ry large and wi-il developed for her age. Another Gas Well. T.nnsford, N\ 1 f»ot. fi.—Drillers working near Mohall struck a large gas well this morning, live miles east of the village. Tho owners of the prop, erty In the vicinity are greatly excited and the work of boring for oil and gas will be redoubled It is expected. onCference Elects Officers. Bismarck, N*. D., Oct. 6.—The twen ty-seventh annual conference of the Methodist church of North Dakota elected officers this morning as fol lows: Secretary—A. W. Brown. Treasurer—F. F. Boothby, been Sled with tfie Meridian, ju ia!d Emmons ATTEMPT TO KILL NEGRO MAKES MURDEROUS AS SAULT ON MAN AT DEVILS LAKE AND ESCAPES. BEAT VICTIM WITH BOTTLE Attack Wat Entirely Unprovoked Man's Skull Was Badly Injured and He May Die—Assailant Gets Away in Darkness. Devils Lake, N*. D. Oct. 6.—LeslU Golding of Stark, Ind., Is unconscious at Mercy hospital today as the result of a brutal attack by a colored man at the Great Northern depot Just before 11 o'clock last night. Five pieces of bones were taken from Goldlng's head and his chance of re covery Is very slight. -llent reasons to expect that he will be named in place of the chief justice. attempted murder and it is thought although Associate Justice Ilarlan, the that the colored man mistook Gold senior surviving member of the court lias been rriu spoken of for promo tlon to the chief justiceship. In any event. Including Justice Hughes, there will be three n- men on this bench during the coming session. President Taft has said that he. will make no rec.-ss apfointments to the court: this means that ibo chief jus ticeship and the place of Justice Moody probably remain vacant until the regular session of congress begins in December. The negro made his escape into the Great Northern hotel building and In the darkness could not be found and the efforts of the police so far have been In vain. Conway says he would know the assailant if he should sea him. PROCLAIM REPUBLIC. King Is exile from his capital, which remains for the moment at least, In undisputed control of the revolutionistas. Public order has been restored at I-isbon and the populace arp peacefully celebrating the advent of the republic proclaimed vosterday. Premier Teixelra De Sousa this af- In today's brief was that the references ternoon wearily relinquished the reigns of the official organ of the federation of government to the provisional ply the needs of a town of ^'0,000 in- I did not contain contempt for the court dent, Theophil Braga and his associ- 'habitants. because its decree was beyond the power of the court to declare, as had been shown by the modification of tho decree in the court of appeals. I ates. This much is known from cablegrams that tho censor has permitted to go out of the capital and from wireless messages ent from vessels In the har bor. Intense interest centers In the whereabouts of King Manuel and In the rjuostion whether tlie republic will en dure. Ilis majesty is variously re ported at Cintra, at Caxias and on 1 U. S. Marshal Arrests Murderer. Fargo, N. D.. Oct 7.—I'nited States Marshal James Shea is home from El. howoods. where lie went to arrest Sam Newman, the Indian who killed Ros coe Conkling. another redskin, last Monday afternoon. Newman told the marshal on the return trip that he did not know what he was doing when he committed the deed. The preliminary healing Is set for Oct. 14 at 5 o'clock in tho afternoon, before United States Commissioner Murdock MoKenzie at Bismarck. Newman was left in jail at -he capital city. Roosevelt on His Way South. Lynchburg. Oct. 7.—Theo. Roosevelt passed through\L,ynchburg early this morning on his way to Bristol, Tenn., where he Is to make the first spec of his southern trip. He is scheduled to arrive In Knoxvilie this afternoon and stay there until midnight, speak ing at tiie exposition and attending a dinner. From Knoxvillc he is to go to Atlanta. All Miners Taken Out. Danville, Oct. fi.—All of the miners In the Electric (Hartshorn) mine, were taken out safely shortly after 11 o'clock this morning-. The fire Is confined to the lower level and tho managers say the mine is tire proof, there is no danger. The fire was caused by a smudge. Just how it ea-mlit Is not known now. Manager Hartshorn said just before noon that lie was positive every man had been taken out of tho mine. Minnesota Towns Wiped Out. Winnipeg, Oct. C.—Oracetown, Wil Mams. Cedar Spur %iml Titt, Minne sola towns along the Canadian North ern, were wiped out by fire. A school teacher and child at Williams were I burned to death. Three residents a "cltritdTtldi itlliii the vacation Noith Dakota News Notes i' r- o.- The rr'-e' :.-' North Dakota laundrymc-n w. recently iu ld in this city. Gleuburn.—The question of putting down a deep -ivell for a vvnter suppl.. for tile town is receiving consideration. I ll- nsler.—Tiie farmers of tiiis vicin ity have d.terminer to begin the C'- . struction of a creamery building a." on ce. Fargo.—Another bank will be started in this city, tile Scandinavian-.',meri- I can, wh'jie stockholders are residents of this city. Wathburn.—According to late in.'or mation the N. P. railroad company wl'l .•xtend its line from Turtle Lake to Fort Berthold. Jamestown.—Many farmers of Stuts man county will try out a crop of win ter wheat the coming year and seeding has been in progress for sumo time, Carrington.—Lee Miller was charged and were fixed at $1",C'00 and he is held to await 1 trial. There seems to be no Incentive for with murder in the lirst degree pleaded not guilty. ilis bond.-- ing for another man lie was after and committed the rash deed. Just before the arrival of No. 1 Gold. Ing and a friend named Conway stroll ed down to the depot. Conway went into the waiting room and Golding re mained outside. It was then that he was attacked by the colored man and knocked to the brick platform and beat over the head with a bottle. Conway started after tiie negro, but was kept back by brick which the colored man hurled at him. Kar£*.—His many friends t: tho lienor «hown to Wwsr of the riLTieultural colb-u" whin ),*• was elf-cu-d iuvsitlont uf the Dry Farming con*in-ss, Kars?o.—Jmlee Amnion sc-ni^no'd Tony A'loli.h. who uuilty t' pcliing li"|i2ur «-n thv b-vi]s J,aU«' r\s rvation, to sixty days in th.- Kans-mi count.v jrul. I .-. I' I S«• 1 shots Wf-p firod at Anton X' !s"n. a farmer r»-sidiim near j. l.'-rc. Xoiu- tofk i.-i'fct. Th*- authri tio« havo j»!a-,-d Thomas '.'.winirs und'T arn-'t fi»r th- .slK»"tir $.r. K-'nmarf.—Tho woli for th*- unl'-r wppiy of the town is c"mjdvi«*d and t.-sts "Y» bam-Is daily. It will I ho op. rafd by a 't-ntrifunal jmnip and a five horse power motor. ./ Dismarck.—The Pry Fanning Spoeia] iv nn the Northern 1'aeil'K- passed throuuh Refugee and Citizens ®rt this town on Friday morninir last «n Celebrating. route to Spokane. The North Dakota King Manuel of Portugal is today an d*l"gntion hoarded It at this plae«*. Debigh.—Hans Ho«encran.-e of this plseo was recently anvst*-d hv the United States marshal of Nebraska for signing tlio name of an »ld sohlb to pension papers aho-jt nine months ago. jduhall.—The strongest supply of dry natural gas in the state has been struck on the Kroa- farm near town. It is estimated to be sufficient to sup Michigan.—The bankers of Nelson county met In annual convention and among other business pa-scd a resolu tion recommending the farmers t«» en iragc in diversified farming as a cure for financial ills. Lisbon.—Chas. Baler Is now In ail as a result of his attempt to break up a dunce at Buttzville with a revolver. He had a score to settle with a number of sion «»f the hoard the rnval yacht Queen Amelia, mims men mill t'»,k tli hound for the protecting shores ol dance to riKl.t snattrrss. England. It Is quite certain that tha Oarrincton.—l'.anks if this city are Queen Mother Amelia and the kind's making hids for tin- savings of the cliil prrandmotlier, Dowager Empress Maria dren of the lower grades in the public Pia, are on this vessel en route for I schools. There is now to the credit of Gibraltar. A cablegram received at the state department today from Minister Oasre, the first official word from I.Isbon, re peats the press reports of fighting at the capital, the fiyiner of red and green emblems over tiie fort and moKt of the public buildings and the "reported" In surgation of the republic. tiie children of those gra!es in tiie local banks the sum of $2.r"0. Fessenden.—Mrs. Phil Cook, a for mer resident of this placo, met death while e'eanin^ a gasoline .«t"\e in a euolv ear near J'eaeh. The liquid ex plo.led and her r-lothintr caught tire and hep injuries provd fatal. hiokiiison.—Two brothers are in the same hospital ward sick with typhoid 'fever. One went for aid f«»r the oilier who was oonlined to his be,] when he was in forse condition than the one for whom he was seeurinjr aid. Far^o.—TH the National miard shoot contest hold in four North Dakota eitie.- the Hillsboro team from Co. won first placo. The score of the vic tors was r»fiS points, or .''..j points ahead of the next highest ompotiiiii team. llowman,— I enver Woods who is now held for the recent shooting of A. S. 'PHVP. will make a plea of self-defense. Two others have been h*'-!d as aeees Mri»-.s aoei.mjdices. There were nine witnesses to tho shooting and all will be summoned. r.ismarek Samuel Newman, former. ly ly of 0 r~, —, umler 10 years of ago. It is on a charge side of the of kidnaping that Companion has been arrested. for I of tlia ality in block Clint (8), In HiiMlaa'a iaat A I loss of timber of the Sherwin Mathew "Lumber Co. of Minneapolis. Wants Fleet in Pacific. 1 was famous controversy over the "We don't patronize list" of the American Fed eration of Labor. The brief was an outline of the argu. ments to be presented aroiiy at that time. The brief for tho American Fed eration of Labor, which objected to anv Injunction In the case has not been ti led Back to Farm Movement. Spokane. Wash., t. 7.--"In spit ploice on the Fort Dorthoid rr s, rvation Gracetown aro missing. An enormous "tb Sacramento, Cal., Oct. G.—Tho state rr legislature which is meeting hero In sioners special session adopted a resolution yesterday recommending the holding of a Pacific Coast congress in San Fran cisco to urge upon the federal con- l'.v more than the requisite number of Kresg the Importance of maintaining a fleet of battleships on the Pacific coast. Insane Woman Ends Own Life. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 0.—I^ate this afternoon Mrs. I,. D. Mathls, wife of the genera] manager of the Union Elee trio C., shot herself while In a fit ef temporary Insanity. Sh* was removed W .'° jn Sh an® mother of four children. Butte Makes Gain. Washington. Oct. fi.—Population sta tistics as enumerated in the thirteenth census were made public today for Butte, Mont. The total Is 39,105, an Increase of S,C9r or 20,5 per cent over 30,470 in 1900. La Pollette's Chances Bright. BoheeFt^r, Minn., Oct. fi.—Senatoi I.a Toilette passed another favorable night and his chances for ultimate re covery grow brighter as time passes. Buck Case Opened. Wa:*ngton, Oct. 6.—Probably the greatest labor fight waged in years in the supreme court of the United States was opened today when Daniel Davenport and J. J. Darlington, as at torneys for the Buck Stove & Rang* 0 of all the talk about the boy leaving the farm, there is a counter-movement to day in which the boy is going from the r:ity to tiie farm," said K. A. Bryan, president of the Washington state coL lege in his speech last night bvfore the dry farming congress. J. A. Bexell of the Oregon agricul tural college, spoke of Farm Business Management, and Thomas W.dfoni of Cardston, Alta., spoke Practical Dry Farming. Prof. Robert Stewart of the Utah Agricultural college. spoke on Nltro-gen and Humus Problems In Dry Farming. recently shot and killed 0 Mian. Hoseoe Conkling. New. man l! Hl lMH di'inklne and it is not known what started the quarrel be twren the two. Dismarck.—The question of an in sert number of county commis for P.urleigh county will be submitted to the voters at the coming election. A petition asking this was prepared nnd circulated and was signed voters. Tolli-v.—The several thousand trade i-heeks found in tin* Mouse river near lii-i-e a short time ago were a few of some $10,000 worth of count,-rfoit hecks gotten out a number of years ago for purpose of forcing the liland iu~-Xorb\- Co. of Detroit, Minn., into bankruptcy. A alb 'ity.—Word has come to Prof. Charlton Andrews, of tiie normal si'lioel of this city, that lie was the suc •••ssl'ul candidate among a host of sev eral hundred who had applied for a fel lowship in dramatic composition founded in Uarvord university by the .McDowell club. the MeC'iusky.—At a mooting of the county commissioners the petition of Lincoln, an inland town, that the ques tion of locating the permanent county seat of Sheridan county lie voted on this fall, was received. It was signed by tiie necessary three-fifths of the voti-rs of tlie county, Hampden.—Donald MeXaught. who resides southeast of town, was severe, ly litt'-n by a horse wiien passing In tp'Mt "f the aninjnl. \V sh!urn.—Hart C. Thomas was ar. r»'st«.,i as was thi- pniiton tiary on a rluu^o roM.inu tlio Se curity Stat."» hank ami the First State hank *f Lmh-rwoot]. The erimo was '-"tnmitteri in linifi an.] cmusiricrahle evl h:is hern scoured in the eap. .lanu-stown.—Muiv iw rorent i«-'-n p"is'tnt-«l nnI it scorns that a »n fjuini't now a rom nif-tin^ this fate unh^s lie is at all lim.'S jt ti»-i| up. owners of valu able »!ri:s a?-,- highly incf-nst-O over the win.j.» poisoning of »1ks- nni »iaR hs-inuntl. —«. K. .AITUTS"!! recently !"M troin the t- uf a hr-avily loaded hay ra.-k* and the whe -ls of tlio wagon pass. ,1 over his body killing him. I'eu-r. hurtf.—A poker jrame at this place was broken up by tho authorUies. The players made their escape, but the stakes, throe niekols. were loft on the table to le confiscated. Fargo.—A reception was tendered tiie students at th Agricultural coiio AN OLD-TIME CLOWN. J. B. Agler, (Tony Parker,) Praise. Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr, Agler is 0119 of the best know* •nen in the circus world, having b,.,.c on the road with a wagon show 55 yours. When inter viewed at his home in Winfield, Kan5. he said: "I con tracted kidney trou ble in the war, and suffered intensely for twelve years Backache was sc severe I could hard ly walk and mj rest was broken by distressing urinary trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills cured m€ and my cure has been permanent foi five years. This is remarkable as 1 am in my £3rd vear." Remember the name—Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents ft box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y- MEAN INSINUATION. Miss Lively—Isn't It strange that baseball players axo seldom sun struck? Mr. Fussy—Not necessarily. Su» stroke is an affection of the brain. WASTED A FORTUNE ON SKIN TROUBLE "I began to have an itching over whole body about seven years ago and this settled in my limbs, from the knee to the toes. I went to see a great many physicians, a matter which cost me a fortune, and after I noticed that I did not get any relief that way, I went foi three years to the hospital. But they were unable to help me there, I used all the medicines that I could see but became worse and worse. I had an inflammation which made me almost crazy with pain. When I showed my foot to my friends they would get really frightened. I did not know what to do. I was so sick and had be come so nervous that I positively lost all hope. "I bad seen the advertisement o» the Cuticura Remedies a great many times, but could not make up my mind to buy them, for I had already used so many medicines. Finally I did decide to use the Cuticura Remedies and I tell you that I was never so pleased as when I noticed that, after having used two sets of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Pills, the en tire inflammation' had gone. I was completely cured. I should be only too glad if people with similar disease would come to me and find out the truth. I would only recommend them to use Cuticura. Mrs. Uertha Sachs, 1C21 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. Aug. 20. 1909." "Mrs. Rertha Sachs Is my sister-in law and I know well how she suffered and was cured by Cuticura Reme dies after many other treatments failed. Morris Sachs, 321 R. 89th St., New York, N. Y., Secretary of Deutseh-Ostrowoer Unt-Verein, Kemp ler Hebrew Benevolent Society, etc." The Privilege of Man. R. F. Yoakum, chairman of the ex» cutive board of the Frisco system of railroads, on one occasion took to task ft young man in his employ who had announced his intention of marrying. The youth in question was drawing small salary, and Yoakum remon strated with him on the ground that he could not afford to marry and that his wife would have to suffer great privations. "Oh," said the yoting man. "I guess I've got as much right to starve a wo man to death as any other man has." —ropular Magazine. A Good Job. Jacob H. Schiff, at a dinner on the yacht Ilamona, condemned a concern that had gone up. "Straight business methods are the only ones," he said. "There is a moral in the receiver story. "A man, you know, said one day to a little boy: 'Well, Tommy, what aro you go ing to bo when you grow up?' "A receiver, sir,' Tommy answered promptly. 'Ever since pa's been a re eivcr we've had champagne for din icr and two automobiles'" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eve» and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Kmart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 2ac, alio, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eve Hooka and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Not Responsible. Nurse—What's that dirty mark on your leg, Master Frank? Harold kicked me. Frank s'urse- Well, go at once and wash il off. Frank did it!—Punch. -Why® It wasn't me what DISTEMPER In all its forms among all of li as well as dogs, cured and others in stable presented from having the di^ with SI'UIIN'S DISTEMPER CI' I'.very bottle guaranteed. vcr tim Eiotties sold last year $.50 and $1.00. -'OO'I druggist, or send to nianut'aetu Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., contagious Diseases, Goshen, ind. Ra Saturday and proved a very successful effair. The management is now mail ing ready for the large class the farming that Is expected a little later the fall. Many live farmers of th« Hate are sending the boys here to learn 4w methods of bgtter farming. I acres of land. -«e.\ a: ne case 11 Iv A iiv rera. •p«i An Ohio man aged seventy married a girl aged twenty and deeded her 500 Then she had plenty at srouoda tor dlvona.