Newspaper Page Text
1 m.ii'Tiiit»riI»-rit y'-'ju.'^4^^'t' '.' iinl Wvs of tin* iSrsuv: A(/IIEK, A mciriv A. M. WKIXKi:. iv iv w.\:. oustalib': (iKOKliK S. M:\KICI.Y. •tlounLy 'nnrnisslon»'r?»: Kir St IHstrUM. n. w. CAsr.v. iS-iviml District, Phone 25 2 EMMONS COUNTY RECORD BY U. R. STRhliTfcK L.I N (TTN I IT PIONEER PAPER OF THE CCVHTY. The Kw«Tii Ik e«tored %l W»*» Llnuo ofTt.-e *i •wcond-^l*M REPUBLICAN TICKET. Candidates for Congress. i- it'-r T« rrii Kritiict: 1'1* ruUTKU -J. M« UMHi- iv,- I-. ?«-u.iU»r IVrm Kndlnj.' 1- 1»* AM.K I. ii »N N K» br« 1»i II. T. HFX(ih!»h.Y !,. A IN N A State Candidates. t.-rnor: A. iuIINS 1 -V ^t'cr»'l iry "f 1 nf 1 *tjt»s 1 nit rnct Ion: KhWIN .1. T.\VI."K. Wl CiUfi!iiisitniT of Insurance W.I .TAVLiii .C««»,!ii:ssinin r'if Aifrl''ultur»' umi :i)"»r: W. f. (ilLltUKA I'M. t.'uininisslonrrs of K»tiIro:i*ls v-J «». J'. N. ANDKIiSoN, W. JdANN. h^ittsman Senatorial-District Candidates. fcrii'rtlur: H. W. A LLI.N- Houseof ICfpn^iMiltttlvt'S I'wriily SJxlh .Senatorial District w. iv TITTM:. t). U. STKKKTKK County Candidates. A Htlltor: I'l-rrac sitii- tv I,. A. WKATII KliliV. !•'.(i. ii. a i:.\ m« »Ki: In ki'tfiNlfi of Drvils: r. it 11£\' »tui«-S At lornoy: OKI*. W. I.VNN I '-unity .1 CIlAr It. AlilJ.Y. S- O '.»! 'in-l NKV II. II J. vuki: ASUUKW UANSKN. I ift I MrttrhM. CHRISTIAN NAADEN. A ss»'»?iors: First District, D. D. IIIDW KM.. iwcnnd District, C. CAMPHKU. fifth District, JOHN ItlliUMvL'uMK. Horrible news comes from the forest country of Northern Minne sota. Fierce timber-fires are raging in all directions. So far,mure than a hundred people have lost their lives, and it is feared that the loss will he much heavier. Hilly Irysh of Mott is netting •puds on subscription. They are just as Rood as gold this year. Fargo Forum. (And Hilly has a good name for "spuds" even if In dues misspell it His old friends and neighbors are well pleased to learn of the choice of President John Worst, of the state agricultural college, to the position of president of that import ant national body, the Dry Farming •rganization. Worst always makes gHO(l. The Record will he continued to those Advocate subscribers who are wot taking both papers. The Record will be sent for the unexpired time of those Advoautw subscribers who have paid in advance. Those who are taking both papers, and who have paid in advance for tfie Advocate, can get their money back by applying to the Advocate man but it hurts like siri to do it or they can have their unexpired time tilled with a copy of the new paper, the Enterprise,shortly to be launched at Shields, a new town across the river. Hy« vote of three to two, the su preme court has decided that the pro visions of the primrav law as to the Itiirty-per-cent matter are unconsti tutional. This allows the democrats to put a full state ticket in the field, and may result in compelling Ciover nor Kurta to talk "Democracy" in his speeches, instead of eulogizing Hurke, and striving to explain to the people why he cut down the agricultural college appropriations and allowed the appropriation for the salary grab, which, in the face of the strict mandate of the consti tution against raising otlicers' sala ries during their official period, put three thousand illegal dollars in his pocket for the two-years' ternw.*- This week the Record begins the publication of a seven-column, eight page paper. This is a doubling in size. It is only an experiment. If business should be such as to justify us in making the additional outlay. likecoauiuoo pnv^iMi louad tte •ute ma etie •ortfc-ljpd »tm tmm' It a bact Indication fw]q|lKmil Um p. Far from it. It In-1 and shipped It back to fknro 'the present size will he continued. 'Should the future not warrant the increa-ed expense, no one will, of I course,expect the publisher to main tain the enlarged paper. We have ascertained that many readers pre fer a paper the parts of which are easily separable, so that two mem hers of a family can read it at the -aine time, and we have therefore 5 divided the paper into two parts, une part inserted in the other part. The publisher hopes tnat. business will be such as to allow the continu ance of the paper at its present size. With the two hundred names of non duplicated Advocate patrons added to the Record list, we now have a few more than a thou.-*nid subscrib jers, and it is unnecessary to inform those seeking business publicity that the Record "is a good medium for advertising." See here, lir'er Cranston! You would better apologize to the editor and the governor at oncw. Physic ally, we disMke to be taken for the governor, who is not nearly as much of an Apolio llelvedere as ourself. And, politically, the governor dis likes to be taken for "we." The chief executive of this prosperous and mighty commonwealth was not present at the Mull picnic, being busily engaged in trying to make Hurke ballot, medicine in another section of the state, and, we under stand, sent his regrets. The editor of the Record was the only outside speaker at the picnic, the other ad dresses being made by the local clergymen and the old-timers of the neighborhood. In its article regard ing the picnic the 1'ollock Progress says: "(iovernor John Hurke, of 'Nord Akota,' addressed the people of Kmmons county at Hull yester day. Several from this town went up to the meeting, and they speak very highly of the governor's speech." If the editor weren't over burdened with modesty, he would at this point arise, bow, and thank the "several from this town (Pol lock i" who "speak very highly" of his speech. Hut, really, Roy, it is ''orful" exasperating to a newspa per man who has taken things for granted and has printed as having happened something which is to happen after the paper has gone to press to ascertain, loo late, that it didn't happen at all. We've been there and know how it feels. AS TRUE (IS STEEL. I slier I.. Burdick, Republican Candi date fur Lieutenant (iovernor. Announces His Position. Following is an excerpt from a letter recently written by U. I.. Hurdick to the Fargo Forum. Mr. Hurdiek, speaker of the last state Mouse of Representatives.was nomi nated as a progressive at the June primary, receiving a great many votes from men classed as stalwarts, who believed that in choosing party candidates it would not always be a just and wise course to vote against able aspirants solely be cause they bore a different republi can factional label from such voters. The writer served at two sessions of the legislature with Mr. Hurdick. and he is not surprised that the Speaker of the last session takes his present logical and manly stand for he was always known as a square dealing, outspoken man. Mr. Hur dick says in his letter: "Prior lo the recent primaries it will be remembered that l,as well as other campaign speakers did all we could to secure the nomination of J. A. Huchanan for governor. As fat as we could go, we gave the people of the state a fair hearing upon the merits of the candidates for that oilico. After hearing all the evi dence in a straight, open contest,the people made their decision in favor of the linn. t'. A. Johnson of Minot. This was no political accident, as it was the second time in a clean, open tight that the people had selected Mr. Johnson for governor. The one great benefit of the present primary law is that the people can say direct ly for themselves who shall be their candidate and when they hate so spoken, and have done so as persist ently as they have in Mr. Johnson's case, why should any rupuhlu-an want to say now that the people -'olm Uosart, work on road were mistaken? 1 RKL.1K\ IN A SQUARK DEAL IN POLITICS AS WKLL AS IN OTlll'.i: TIUNCS and when the majority have spoken. and have done so fairly, as one of the minority, 1 am willing to abide the result." OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Uf the Itoard ol' County Commission ers of limmons County, North Dakota. XH)N 11A Y. Linton, N. D., October-'!, l'.'lo. The board met in regular session. Present: R. M. Volk I chairman), D. W. Casey, Jakob Fischer, Andrew Hansen and Christian N'aaden, com missioners. Rids received, in response to ad vertisement for same, for the deliv ery of sixty tons of lignite coal at the court-house, were opened and found to be as follows: (ioodridge-Call Lumber Company, per ton. On motion of Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. Hansen, the contract was awarded to the (Ioodridge-Call Lum ber Company, it being the best, and only bidder. Minutes of the meetings held dur ing the months of July and August were read and on motion approved. On motion of Mr. Fischer, second ed by Mr. N'aaden. .217o of the in terest and penalty fund and $l!)Mi of the emergency fund were trans ferred to the road fund. On motion the board adjourned until 8 o'cock p. m. KVEXIMi SK-MO-Si The board met pursuant to ad journment. All members present. Petitions for roads were consid ered. On motion the following bills were allowed: I.. W. Cranilcll. work on road.. *151 ~0 1.. \V. Crandell, team for comity surveyor 00 Scott High, work on road I. Wrii. on road PI John Misncr, work on road .. 1* oo Elmer Fritz, work on road. .. FI-H 00 Will Stange, work on road iit oo Steve Pulling, work on road.. JWljW 11 Alfred flecker, work on road .. 1- 00 Lewis Stephens, work on road I "o R. W. Becker, work on road .. "0 Adolph Becker, work on road. .. .11 Koy Martin, work on road.. .•-- 1 See what you can buy for and 10 cents at the 10-cent counter Smith & Irvine. 1 Oliver l.aFave, work road 1J i)( Chris Jacobson, work on road. l"i 01 The board adjourned to reconvene at the court-house at rs o'clock a. October 5th, and meantime Com missioners Fischer, Naaden and Hansen will inspect bridges recently built under contract by K. D. Fogle and Don Hidwell in south part of county. Commissioners Casey and Volk will inspect bridges just com pleted near Little Heaver, also road grading at Kmmonslnirg -all con tract work. WKI N KS11A Y. MOUMNO M-S[UN I inton, October o, 1!M0. The board met pursuant to ad journment. All member-i present. On motion the following bills were allowed: K. I). Fogle,six wooden bridges. as per contract D. I. Bidwell, six wooden bridges, 00. I-ess re duction on wing posts, ?."i0 oo 104.1 no A. I). Linderman, work on road T. Lawler, work on road, ,.,., Jacob f'faff, work on road..:,. i,o 00 oO •J 7 00 i: 7.1 :i oo •1.1 oo O. Pettis, work on road John A. Adams, work on road.. W. H., work on road Christ. Christianson, work on road H. B. I uttle, work on road .. Val. Mattern, work on road Denning Johnson, work on road Gustave Marschall.workon road Wendelin Schneider, work on road Otto Dids/uneit. work on road.. K. \V. Chase, work on road .... Frank Mattern, work on road. Charles B. Ferguson, work on road ,7.:V C. N. Myers, work on road: Henry Sautner, work on road. .. Richard Campbell,work on road Kasper Unzer. work on road.... Wm. Ropp. work on road. ..... Horace on roaii ... Charles K. Burbank. work on road lien Matthews, work i«n road 'JU 00 .1.1 .10 1 .10 We would like to call your attention to the fact that we carry a large line of Books, Magazines and Stationery: also a large line of Sundries, which we would be glad to show you at any time, at Arthur If Wooster, work on road 10 .10 C.eorge Messner, work on road.. 71 Albert Messner, work on road ., Martin I-ipp, work on road ..... Kasper Scheer, work on road.. Jacob Sauter. work on road John Bang, work on roaii ... Ulwood Morford. work on road. Ole Sa'.hern. work on road. Gottlieb Naaz, work on road. Ji J. M. I'eery. work on road .V Theodore Meppin, work on road Peter Muench, work on road .. F.dward J.Bcrrns, work on road C. J. Barth, work o» road ...... Fred Olson, work on road George Pettes, word on road. Jacob F'eiszt, grading road be tween Sections '2 and 11. Yeldmnn, poor !i 00 4 lo 72 00 '3 IS 1U 7 .10 Walker, work on road Altred .1. Wentfel, work oil roai .'olm Pound.-, hauling road ttrader with engine, lu« days ceilt -i '^'.-eler. work on road ...... M. Buchler, work on road. 1. B. Mastel. work mi road .. ti oo -7 00 107 0.1 .. .1,1 OO .: oo 10 20 Wendelin Leibel, work on road THE STONE DRUG STORK 1- oo A •10 4 •10 40 21 00 00 1 .10 2 o- rubber bands and stamps... 1 Oil J. G. l'itts, auditor, expense canvassing legislative vote.. Mrs. Kriek, scrubbing court room I 10 :i 01) ir. 00 00 !i 00 :!o 21 Township i:t'2, Range 7'.'. 1200 yards, at Pij cents Jacob Feiszt, livery for county commissioners Sid Van Curcn, work on road 11 ii 10 oo H. Naramore. treasurer, sal ary quarter ending Sept :10th J. Wittmayer, register of deeds, salary quarter ending Sept. :10th P. J. Wittmayer. postage and box rent A. B. Crain, deputy register of deeds, :ij months (. B. Carley. county judge, sal ary quarter ending Sept. .'ioth H. H. Hanson, salary county su perintendent of schools quar ter ending Sept. ioth P. (",. Rooks, salary clerk of court quarter ending Sept. .".Oth Belle Lien, salary clerk register of deeds' office quarter end ing Sept. :'0th Charles Coventry, salary state's attorney quarter ending Sept. ::oth J. G. Pitts, salary auditor quar ter ending Sept. :10th Carolyn Paul, work in auditor's office H. H. Hanson, superintendent, postage anil box rent 4(H) oo •too oo 111'I lHI L'lC .10 :ioo oo 41 H.i 00 70 00 H. Hanson, superintendent, mileage 11. H. Hanson, superintendent, express, freight, telegrams and drayage H. 11. Hanson, selling lists and letter files Geo. Sfcepard, returning ballot boxes J. J. Baumgartner, returning ballot-boxes John Baker, returning ballot boxes John F.astwood,returning ballot boxes A. K. Dutton. returning ballot boxes Wr«.'s|py Haker, returning ballot box KB •13 State Hospital for Insane, care of 7 patients, quarter ending Sept. HO •St. Alexius Hospital, care of .John Winkle tio lla/.Blton Mer Co., nails for .10 bridges .',0 '.i 00 12 ::o State vs. Matilda Wudtke C. F. Wagher. Justice Wm. JorieB, Sheriff Mary Amundson, witness ... 1!Ki The Hoard met pursuant to adjonrn ment. Present Casey, Fischer. Naaden I and IlanseD. On motion of Mr. Kisch-i er, Mr. Casey was appointed chairman, pro t«m. Petition of M. R. Farrell anil others for a road to be laid out across Section 2,13.1-71, to which petition the State has notitied the Board that it will r»*ist the laying out of a highway across its section 2. On motion the matter is re ferred to Commissioners Casey and Hun sen for further investigation. lit Petition of Frederick Canning and others for a road to be laid out: Be ginning at the S. E. corner of section I, 13.1-7S, thence due west one-half mile was, on motion, referred to Commission ers Casey and Hansen for investigation. Petition of 11. E. Rice and others for a road to be laid out in township l'J',1, range 77, was referred to Commissioners Casey, Fischer and Naaden for investi gation and report at next meeting. Petiti#n of Fritz Sueltz and others was laid over to January iueeting' for final action Petition of J. H. Payne and others for a road to be laid out in Township 12'J, Range 7S, was laid over for investigation by Commissioners Fischer and N'aaden. Petition of J. W. Cabbage and others for a road to be laid out in Township 13-1, Range 78, was referred lo Commis sioners CBsev and Hansen for investiga tion and report. •I :io Petition of John Wilinot and other* for a road to be laid out: Beginning at the northeast corner of Sac-lion 32, Township 130, Range 78, thence run ning south on section line, one mile to io 4 311 r, 30 Ii. Liooycncs, returning ballot boxpk Kochus Dosch, returning ballot boxes J. 11. Jennings, returning ballot boxes Louis Dornbusili, returning bal lot. boxes t'hris Hirning, returning ballot boxes Bismarck Tribune Co., Record 3 80 3 3.1 3 1.1 I 00 4 Kl Hooks and Tax Usts Kmmnris County Advocate, pub lishing and printing Emmons County Republican, publishing and printing Emmons County Kecord, pub lishing and prijiting 11, H. Naramore, stamps and stamped envelopes IJr. J. J. Poort, services to Mrs. 117 10 \W oi 131 Ol I* 'JIO oo 113 oo Clathing for John Make it 00 •J. .o .1.1 10 1 .10 1.1 00 Kdward Muchtiolz, care of U. Mcl'lierBou, poor, July, Auk. unci Sept oo L. Merrick Lumlicr Itrnddock, road inalerial... C. L. Merrick Lumber 13!' oo oo 111 oo Charles J. Johnson, work on road Herbert h. Albawfih, work on ri iad Fred Asch, work on road ter Hanson, work on road harles Nelson, grading road between Sections 1 and !i, 1 wp. l.'i.l Rge. 71. L'.kU yds, •it II* cents ... Charles Nelson, hauling roek... 1- I Ml THE IV 30 'SXI 11 IlH7.elton. road material .... C. L. Merrick Lumber (Ii., Napoleon, road material.... 1,'hoenis Lumber Co., Linton,. road material Phoenix Lumber Co., Sitae bur^', road material North Star Lumber Co., Pol lock, road material (ioodririne Call Lumber Co., road matei ial I- oo 33 o. •In 70 •JH jj-1 31!) 7.1 Hennepin Itrid^e Co., iron eul 131 711 Chamberlain Koad Mach.Co., repairs for road grader Pi 00: SlniKhurg liuzaar, n-pairn for road grader 3 HO 1 Kdward liucliholz, road mater ial 17 KS JuliiiH JetBel. repairing road grader 111,1 John Harold, surveying road (l)eTil's Mulch) 10 IK) J. A. Lawry, assisting surveyor 8 71 1 10 •'anies King, ({railing road be tween Sections uut 10, I ownship loll. Rantfe 7^, -•U yards, at Pi! cent*. -I Wesley Halo r, expense of John Harold, surveyor 7 "J.1 Northwestern Stamp Works, I .10 on uo a. t. or suctiou north. Ii«ng« Ji vent or •^lalan, iu iald Emmons D. i»rj. I'll INK J. S1KKI., been filed with the dark of tltia villa the vacation of the allay tn block all In Hunter's tot aMIttoa toLtatoa. ai truntsM will oooaldar the matter tM the tcstlmon* and avideaca of aaiat lorested on Mav 1. 1901. nt r-m rn Van Rrunt Drills and Seeders.' •Kelly Duplex Feed-Millls. Jewel Feed-Mills. Duplex Wind-Mills. the Southeast cornel of Said Section :!2, waF or. motion, granted, and '.he fore going description declared a public high way, four rod .vide. '1 00 Report of C. t\ Wagher, Justice of the Peace, received, approved by the State's Attorney, with, fees allowed ns follow!: State vs. George Hiri.iiig- C. F. Wagher, .Justice Win. -Jones, Sheriff Reports received of I I 1.1 10 00 :i lo On motion of Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. IlanseD, $1980.00 of Register of Deed's fees are transferred to the Coun ty (jeneral Fund. Bill of St. Mary's Hospital, Webster, S. I)., SfMJ.OO, for Mitchell Cafson is re jected for ttfe reason Mitchell Casson is not a county charge. ii 00 'I 00 ihi 11 ii 4 Martin Dockter, work on road A. Cabbage, work on road .. Perry Cabbage, work on road Wm. H. Baker, assisting county surveyor On motion, the Board adjourned until 1 o'olock p. tn. Afternoon Session. fo.7-1. coilecli'w.dur- ilig he quarter ending were checked up by S 'ptemb'-r 'loth, the Hoard and found to lie as follows: Register of iJet'ds Clerk of ('oiirt......... (.1 Auditor:. Vf 1 11 i- i: of (iottiieb S' I .10 .1 I jo r717 .1.1 lis 00 :H 00 ritz and twen ty-three oilier votei.vof McCiilly voting precinct, reciv.'d, p:n\in..' that l.arvik Hail. I.arviuk, l)e riesignat-'d as the vot ing place of «ai-l precinct-, vvliieh petition was, on motion, grar.t-'d.'-••'' Application.- for bount.T for tree plant ing were granted as follows: John l'uk"r, Sec. 2, 131-77, ?l.1l'. J. I!. Van ll' Ukeiain, See. :il, 1110-77, On motion of Mr. Naaden, seconded by Mr. Fischer, llemy Wittmayer is se lected from the several bidders for tliv position, and is appointed Janitor of the Couit House at hi:- liid^st.jlwenty-nine dollars per month. ft-*! On motion, tic Hoard adjourned un t:| S o'clock A. M., Oct,,bei- t11. Thursday, Oct ,ber ti, li110. 'i'lie"Hoard met. Present Casey, Naa den and Hansen, commissioners. On motion the Ho.ud adjournal to view wooden bridges built under con tract, between Sections 7 and S, 132 71, and SccHon o, 132 70, and the Court House. On motion, the following bills lowed: Wm. Jones, auto-liveiy forcom missioners Andrew 1 lansen, commissioner's salary ar.d mileage We are now able to show you right in our store the powerful, sturdy labor saver which you have seen advertised in every farm paper you pick up. Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Engine It costs so little that every fanner can yet it is simply marvelous. Besides pumping, it runs separator, stone, and any machine ordinarily run by the finest tiling you ever saw. Everyone v, "no one ev«r thought of it before." You'iv one whan you see it chugging Come in and see it work. We catalog free. (Serial No. oTool.) Oct.ti Nov. 1". NOTICF. FOR PUBLICATION, -ii Department of the Interior, I I'.S. Land Otiice at Rismarek, N. I)., September 11, 1'JlO. I Notice is hereby given that Orville K. Parsons, Of Marie, North Dakota, who, on I October ^ti, made Homestead I Kntrv No. :i20.'5ii. Serial No. (i7o.11, for southeast ijuarter of Section lli, Township 1M.'! north. Range 7-1 west: oi the Fifth Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Chrles R, Carley. judge and ox-oflicio clerk of the countv court, at Linton, North Dakota,on the 1.1th day of November. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: II. L. Shalf, of Marie, N. D. R. P. Towne, of Marie, N. D. Ren Christianson. of Marie, N. D. John Towne, of Marie, N. D. 87 UO L. du lleaume, auto livery commissioners Rochus Dosch, r. :t '.et-s fee 1.1 00 oo Ant oil 11 aag. .,. T. C. Madden, court reporter .. '1 Oil 13 3.1 R. M. Volt commissioner's sal ary and mileage -3 1)0 D. W. Casey, commissioner's salary and mileage •lo .10 On motion, th" Hoard adjourned.'.-: J. O. PITTS, County Auditor Call on Charles R. Curlev, county judge, for final proofs and tilings.— If you are in need uf blank farm lease contracts, chattel mortgages, chattel-mortgage releases, or. notes, apply at Record otiice. afford Wall Below You Will Find A Bunch of the Good Stuff Sold ilii Kmerson Kn^ine Plows, Sully and (.iatiKs. Kmerson Disk Harrows. International (las Kn^ine.-. lliirt-l'arr Casoline and Kerosene Tractor.,.. Fuller it .Inhnson Farm-l'ump Kiiftines Slickney (ia? Kngines. •:'iarr, Scott & Co. Tiger Thrasher Line. .. WEBER and STOUGHTON WAGONS. For Sale at THE LINTON BAZAR. K-V. Aw'tC—iahrtpair, M. II. .Jewell, Register. (Serial No. OTOVIO.) Oct.ti Nov. pi. NOT1CI:] FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Otiice at Rismarek, N.D., September 2:1, l'Jlo. Notice is hereby given that Kdward HofV. Of Winona, North Dakota, who, on August 1, Until, made Homestead Kntry No. .'lo lti, Serial No. ()7t)!Hl. for the northeast quarter of Section re convene at township l.'il north, west of Fifth Principal ai- Range T'J Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final live-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles R. Carley, judge ami ex-oflicio clerk of the county court, at Linton, North Dakota, on the 15th day of November, l'JlO. Claimant names as witnesses: (ieorge Wolfer. of Winona, N. I). John Render, of Winona, N. D. (ieorge Nelson, of Winona, N. I). Jacob Munsch, of Winona, N. I). UO Christ inn Naaden, commission er's salary and mileage 37 .10 Jakob FiseleT, commissioner's salary and mileage M. II. Jewell, Register. Notice of Vacation of Streets and Alleys. N:i•'»• ln-n-liy 1:1 von that a petition has -r ).!•( tiU'd 11y- thrViihisrt* iioard «if TriN''-f tin- Viila-'v of I.inton. In 10 00 See the Pulley for Running Light Machinery sirmd to want thing vou a vay 0?likoh Rumps. I'.clipse Rreakers.-: 1 he Kiitriious. state of North Dakota, aiut that ih«» same has heon Hied hy he Clerk of the xnitl viilatre, \vhi«rh pr-tnion prays thai alt the alleys in hlorks I»i, 'J.\ 'JO ami and all that portion of Walnut avenue. Oak ave nue. Spruce avenue. I'.u'itie awnue and "•i.^th street lyinj: west of Seventh Street, ami all that portion of Kltn avenue, ('edar avenue and Seventh street lyinvr west, of Kahili street ami north of Spruee avenue, all in Hunter's l'irst Addition to Linton, Knintons county, NortIi l»akota. hu vacated as j»ueh stre»-t.«» and alleys in the manner provided by law And not fee is further ven that the said petition will he heard and considered l»y the said Village Hoard of Truster's on lie tiff day of November. I'.llO. at the hour of ciiH'k m. of saiii day Iiated this ^'itJi day uf septfjnber. Ii*l«. II. SMITH, (si p'.i'-t»i*tiJ") Village rifrli. Patent Applied for International Manure-Spreaders, McCormick Machinery. •Weber and Stoughton Wagons.^ He Laval Cream-Separators. 1 Oeam-Seiuirators. osston FanninK-Mills. wens FannitiK-Mills. '"hatham Fanning-Mills. I'.merson Corn-Rlunters. 1AM HIM