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f&jkJorer 1ISITOKS jtA/Z* gsnae- |\\\XT\V A, C\?\v\o to the Naval academy frequoctly write letters to the authorities In Washington asking why It is that the body of Admiral John Paul Jones Is allowed to remain In an obscure corner under a Stairway In one of the Naval academy h*U». It ta r\fposed eventually to provide a fitting Testing place tn the academy chapel forS the remains of the great sailor, hut one dolay after another has come and tho dulay has not only caused comment, but complaint. When the remains of the admiral were brought to America there was a trreat eommern memoratlve service. Theodore Hoosevolt, who was then president, members of his cablnct and officers of hi?h rank In the navy sioke in praise of the deeds of the hero, but nhcn the exorcises were over forgetftilness seemed to come where all had been attention. John Paul Jones not only had a stirring,* warlike life, but his life was touohod with ro mance of a gentler kind. The British government thought enough of this man to cause to be posted at evt ry sea port in the United Kingdom this placard: ',V For the Capture of JOHN PAUL JONES. Commanding an Amer lean Ship, the Gov ernment will pay the sum of 10,000 GUIIIPHS. John Paul Jones waa the first man to pluck I Ifi^ a iaun-1 wreath for the American navy. Taking WJ.Q consideration the means at his command, his exploit? were more daring and fully as succnssful \Aw \v, l' B* those which forty years later gave luster to. t.b8 name of Bainbridge, Rogers, Porter and De catur. Of the deeds of John Paul Jones, though thev are written down in tho histories of four na tions, the world seems to know comparatively Uitle today, while of the mail, John Paul Jones, 1 JWJ&*RRJ* though volumes of speculation have been written, the world knows almost nothing. From his youth h« seemed to prefer that everything touching his inner self should be shrouded, though ho was .nothing loath to demand proper recognition for the acts which he performed for his country's good. Thwe have never been laoking insinuations that the real reason for the admiral's reticence arose from his desire to hide certain things which had been said touching his parentage. It was commonly reported at the time that John Paul Jones, though born to the family of John Paul, a thrifty Scotch gardener at Arbigland on the Sol vray Firth, was in reality tho son of Lord Selkirk, v.upon whoso estate Gardener Paul delved. Care ful inquiry has disproved the scandal. Jennto Macduff, tho mother of the naval hero and the :wlfe of Gardener Paul, was woman of charac ter, possessed in full measure of the homely do c.pRtle virtues. It must be said here that the American ad miral added tho name Jonea to his family name of Paul at the time when he flrst made applica tion fur a commission in the American navy. Why the name was added, though speculation has been rife for more than a century, no one to this day knows. The boy Paul, the youngest of flvo eons, *&« born In a little cottage standing in a glade mar where the Nlth comes flowing into the Sol way. When only twelve years of age he was ipprenttced to a ship merchant at White Haven, village where years afterward the people fright ened thoir children Into obedience by the men tion of "the demon, Paul Jones." The future admiral's first voyage took him to the Rappahannock river of America. Twice or three times the trip was repeated, and finally, owing to the death of his master, the apprentice was released from his engagement at the ago of sixteen. An elder brother had settled on the banks of the Americas river, and with him the boy ilvod and studied for some time. He again *ent to sea about tho time that he attained his majority, sailing for Scotland as a for'mast hand "i a brig. On the voyage the captain and mate '•iM, and the crew placed Jones in command. On is arrival In Scotland the owners of tho vessel ... envo him the berth of captain. subordinate Real Home of Humor Found People who complain that there aro after which they returned to jut ice no real humorists In this country any Rocha ami fur a clay or rwo kopt tnore are reepectfully Invited to turn I tholr marriage a sucret. V. tiie Mr. their attention to the case of Mr. and I Pchtibort was attendlr.s lniigo :r.c-jt Mr-: Andrew P. Sohubort of McKee'i ROCI'.B, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Schubert. tearing tiat tholr loving friend* mlt ht lubject them to unpleaaant treatment they were married en the home (rounds, went to a neighboring town the ceremony Mrformed. lng of the Uniformrd Uank ot Macca bces tho fact Uiat bo waa marrlod become known to hip friends, and. nounclnc' uiion him in forc^, they pouncing .... anJ ^T| A COPYRIGHT St Wi &V- Jones, or it:- he was then, John Paul, was next heard of living in penury, near Fredericks burg, this country. The Revolution came on. At the time of the battles at J„exlugton and Con cord tho colonies did not have a single vessel afloat. Thoro was no material for a navy save some Rood sailors. The future American admiral walked to Philadelphia in the autumn of 1775 and appeared before the marine committee appointed by congross to make some provisions for a navy, and when asked his name he said "Jones." and by that name history has sine* known him. The committee would have paid little attention to his request for a commission had It not happened Unit one of Its members, Richard Henry knew something of tho career of the supplicant sailor. He was given a commission as first lieu tenant of tl'.o Alfred, a merchantman, which had been made over Into a man-of-war, and p'ace-l under the command of Commodore Hopkins. To tho masthead of this vessel Jones, with his own hand?, ho!i-t''d l' first ensign ever shown on an American mau-of-wnr. It was the famed rattle snake fi:ic. Willi tho motto "Don't tread on inc." By a remarkable coincidence, some time lat*r on tho itrniu,r Jones displayed at the peak the first bit of Stars and Stripes bunting ever Rung to the breezo of an American man-of-war. A little later lie had the honor of hearing fired in recognition of the same flag the first salute which It ever received from a foreign nation, tho roar of the guns carrying '.vith it tho acknowledgement by France of the Independence of the United Colo nies. John Paul Jones physically was not a heroic, looking figure. He was only five feet, tall and of light weight, but in his lighting (qualities his ov.nces counted like other men's pounds. His face was grave and thoughtful, and his eyes were as sharp as his cutlass. The fleet in which Jones sailed under Commodore Hopkins was a miser able affair, and Hopkins was the weakest of com manders. Jones succeeded In Inducing his supe rior to sail for Nassau, wher! under tho direction of the junior officer a vast amount of British O a a United States the British frigate Glasgow was sighted, but It escaped the American feet owlas to tho poor seamanship Hopkins. A court 01 lnrjulry was held, and It was determined that if •Toneii' suggestions had been carried out tho G'as gow could have been captured or sunk. Hopkins felt disgraced and became a bitter enemy cf !,U A: :A On a voynge outward bound from i-:. ti-ind. Joties, as mptHln nf the merchant brls. ordered that a mrtiiHiiis r:tr:en ter be flrip.ged. A year afterward tho 11:71:1 died, .Tones' enemies stild ns a result of tho beating. Jones' friends saiJ as the result of a Ion fixed disease. The youthful captain succeeded In clearing ills character l:i the eyes of all unpreju diced persons, but U10 treatment that he re ceived while 11111!• sus picion, at the hands of his former S cot friends, so aroused his -f Indignation and anger that he quit Scotland never to rturn except as an Implacable enemy. M-Vl plar.-od iho levins h"::-'- iri-1 n.ntl wife In a hack and ^jin:::)•*il.thtM 'a :b mlt to being dr!v^n: !hrntiJ Ji- t'i'J '•:!?•?i.-n- ci^al streets i.!::o ..lio. -i iiOwliug •:.ob fu'If. [-d: a stop \.-as made IwU ,Bnl p-com wore thoroughly Ortm' h.' -J?lth water squirted fr: :n a g* s-3':' . It was doubtless A mu °P'%ctficIe aiitl v.rj aro suve ll: :i -I-* K,-o'g Roflts must bo the abl-iinc pi.-ico put Qf j^jjy a hall WM. mm. wan hmanm ,«»«« urnut humorist «'ho is j- TU'lilr yiaiw. "X •f. fv I j**/ Shortly after this Jones wis made captain of the I'r-ivi.leiw-e, earrlng twelve guns. li- eru' I about, capturing tnaiw merchant men. and finally when of,' N-va S.-v tla he fell In with the Ml'ford a huge British frigate, wMcli was s gulsed as a trading ship Joaes bore down on It ur.til ho was within pistol shot of the vessel He then discovered his error, and by mag nificent seamanship sue .-reded I'l escaping without a «cratch. although a single well -directed hrotid-'de world have sunk his ship. 'I'll*# Ml'ford chasuii the Providence, but was quicklv left Th4 British ship ftrin* at'the Yankee 1. us aftei it was out of range. Iu contempt and derision o! this act of the British captain, and kaowtng lha his actions were being watched through a gla- 3 Jones ordered a single sailor to Maud at the »t 11 and ehoot a musket at the pursuer every time li« fired Ills big bow chaser. After serious trouble with the jealous Hop kins. Jones was finally given come, and of tht Rang'.r, eighteen guns. lie took a numb-r 01 pri7.0o on the way. and finally put into a F:"nol port. At Paris he met the Ani»rlcati t-i'c.raUiVin ers, Silas llean, Benjamin Franklin and Arthul Lee, and they secured him an audience at French court. By request, he aided in '.unnint the operations of D'Kstaing's fieet, v.Inch wai shortly to leave for America. The heroic, fighting cureor of Jones was jui* about to besin. though with the fame thai lie in tlio next few months came the undying hatred of all the people of his native country, and tber t). came also tho loss of the only woman be evei u^|- p,., iovfsi, and whom be had hope.1 one day to mak Ills wife. British prlvateerg had ravaged th American cosst, hail seized American merchan dlso and had burned some American towns .lonei believed In making reprisals, and he spread terroi and alarm along the Irish, Welsh and KngUst coasts. He chose, howover. as the plaoe of direct at tack White Haven, where he had lived as a hoj and a youth, and tho mawta of whose ship',dm were In sight of his birthplace. He contemplate* burning all the vessels at the place and lootlu) the town. David Freeman, der.crtor from .lonug ship, spread the alnrra among the Inhabitants 01 tho town, and Walllngford, ono of OURS In boardiiv- ono of the large-t. merchantmen. ,ic „|. iiv« the Solwav and applied the torch. The Hanger had 110 sooner put "'it from' t!'» Solway than It ran across the British man of-wal Drake. The Drake was by far the heavier armed and manned, and a better equipped vessel than the Ranger Jones, howover, gs'-o 1, ,'tle at onci, and after a bloody fight he took the British ve» sel and hauled down It.s colors. IK- ok his prlM Into a French port. The French people were noi accustomed to naval victories over I he Knglish, let alone to victories won by an inferior forca, and the name of Jones at once became the ryn» uvm for heroism. After spreading terror oni-s more along th« coast of tho British Isles, Jones returned to Amer ica to find the war ended. Jones was essentially a sailor of fortune ',are! he went to St. Petersburg, where he was* ma.!" an admiral in the Russian PHvy. On his v.av thither he stoppi-1 long enough In Denmark t« flirt with the princeas royal, who fe'i violent'v !c love with him. Thirty English o.T.cers In tl service of Rupsia threatened to resign if the "1 l rste" were commissioned. Catharine 0:1 Id: "You'll have to double your nu*' b"r to malre t!,-* joss equal to the gain." They s'ayed in the serv ice. After winning honors In naval battles f«-r R'i"sia Admiral Jones went to Purls There hs wns alternately grave and gay. He could hav« 1 .v. .married Into the house! of any of the nobility, u.u.u but tho memory of a Scotch girl was in his heart to tl .l.p.nil there 11 stayed to the exclusion of all other rtjoves until the day of his death. ono person to ptiint a ii::ln't-kno'-v was loaded :m »t another,— blca^o Recorci-Horald. Hfr Best Rcc' MccPon. '-r^ "Vn!i arl an uri^ie ihat died !n the West Ii d:C3. had:Pt you?" aslit-d the (•alter. "Yofi," p.aid Wr«, I.apRltnt?! "many ypars ego. Ho died. If I rflmmnh rightly, of Ind^o on the brpJn. That what tho doctors nab!, «iui —————WLUIIIUIIJIMIB"! 1 N S a a a 1 Principal Happenings of 'die Wo ok in the Scandinavian Countries. \t .- 1 pnni' ot '1 Sue d'.sh pt ace „tn,. a '-i as i, u, in common \\. 1 t!,o \oweg in td !\itttsh peace tojs, has ,^b-d ti g-:* -t So'lu 1 ati i''i I mutee thai p.-jco t.,9, •, In- ik lnio il'tb'df'SIIill Wtl-'U tho peUti pi'.e a^^src. .1 ,uid that it la ii o\ ic 1 1 ,t 1-, tlicto to i.:w th., poa'''c to l.t ui statt- Si, 1 it (Oiutu ti f'.ithtt ipq '1„. t-n DCNMARK. 'I 1 intern it onai (iceinnsjraph i,.'u, 2. 1 tv i.itu- lOi.utut- tn 1 pe 1,4- 1 Jo 'I a oj it lit Copt iih.i^t n. n-.-tliTsiiindtun has he, Ujaiso-i Htti, at uiulti in'ctmnecUon v.t'i the -5' h•(' !v 'r! I !v- 5"l iu i"i it Djkktuii i- t^Kiit past 111 the iw 11 rnonts I L.O I'ropst wepit POUT T--- PCX from the M~,U1 i!f» islau.i of livuulu'lm t-litr y.sir, A .i ,ai I I -atter ha s! has eUteed the varae td the CRIMPS a-I jiit wav riting ad [. f-uvte.ipfs has hei-M tuvrnt ed a Imiu*. The lm! will is to put ea. cin -eipe into the typewriter he foe wn'.in?, on it This takes up math time She new v.av is tt ha\e the cut epipes stit^k together like (it:. long slu-tM: A:'ter tht: addrcuses are wriiw-n 'In- t-n\ iiqe-s ait- tiu'n apa.n along r.tws of pei foi at ions ,-ut 10 ross the sleet heiwi-cn tlie t-u\'t lopes King 1 it-d 11U o! Diaimaik !tt-oivt-d Bo- 'ner ,t:diii:L ton in audit nee and taik.d with him for an hour about tho pi''ddt-m.s 'f the i.-idofed a aee. 'I he king askt il a :t o|'y if one ot Hut honks id' Ihe pi ot'eSSOft .' tl |-\t a I'd -1 p. Mr. Wash:,.. .. t. «a- a guest .1 p'-ni h.iiirs who ax-i ihim lhski!«lt', tlj" r.'itti!-it. wh'-n lu- a Hiiiil !ii h« ii In SVV^DCN,- A t] raliuMl phrilfucr iu ur111'kin \vr!? hju 'n .»o,r (if it m{I 'I'hts l.i iialt Uv I .ulf a poi 11 )li on" Wi'OU. ji-rouls. Th» Uiis^nUa aililr?JC uirk .u, SiiVi'U IM IJM w.i-i d.MiicntVii Sri tiu- dtb old,I n« 'Ihts Po to P"I l?'in'M I i. t*: Nvvtj^hur h\«» pruiiitlR 1i ivp he. ii jii'iifil nij (lii- fnnn Kuiil 11 s- AUi-i ^in11. At lloias. TO a b-t hon buri?. W nnjsidr.-. .*nd tin oihio- ipplo troo on v.hirh 'a« ro ajiph and 'torvh Id'-'s.-oms at tho saruo tiuic..- .. Hiiuw b-!l in ast-iiuinland abonJ, ho wont li of 0 oIh r. and: :a ho Ord wux s« that wu in. on mall 'I'ho ri'iuar I ra:.4vM as i'.'.r iVyiVTb \'ast land arowv^wt ot nhiio-M .1 11 At Maib ntai-U' was I, and tho avw.o'a' at iba« It A\ 1 1'. I', Waldoii^t omi. ::Uutio dl.'itol upon his jfiiisit 11oin Aitiorirn, pro ni 10 an H'uduTiro «*1 p"op!» St-.i i\h"Ini- Ho- i«• xt attmdnd hini opportunity to sforo-Sunday sport. Tho now uirob-ps station at ibai boru will hi* ready Ivy Nn\.o!bber P*. it is oxpoO.'d :hat ihe. aat.nin will,do. ablo to niako .-('onnoA^'ifjn^ ith V.WOK "l^- a.rf far on' a,« ili Modili.'i anom I ho pilot dopa11 inont iti! 2T.\ ves^ds wore iiid-d on llo ma-is ot Sw« 'lion in and II per Hons Inst th'tr lives, ln»:lo v. on* IJ'* Swedish \*.-'t h« and .10 of those \vio t-ckt'd 'J he homntf-".oi -hasy-djor-ii very light alonu fto* niii.i! o| ll^lland I hi lieu tenants, wa« slow in carrying out some of his la structions. A« it was, however, the expatriated Scotsman succeeded In capturing ono of Wie forti whioh guarded the place, leading the land nttac) In person With his own Imnd he spiked ev»rj gun In th. fortification, and then turned hi* atten tlon to firing of tho shlpfln? As he was about to arrv out this design a vast armed mill titude appeared. They hud been led to the stmi by the deserter. David Freemen. Not to b« balked in a part of his design. .lorn succeeded |j Rlippo-.ed In b'- le to Iho hii.h toln it ii' of sh iho t. tlin ti •I e! t:ri tirp to htay. .01, .tjo. vdjoro tiro ••water remains eool. I H, p» lb nt Jii it many of a S ot th trJi StaliMl ,UI tho S\V" iiavo::.b(.« bar.}r d. he in -ntion wa=« to m.ik- Mi" in i!(n_' h' roo ,n to i-' ho ehan: ''S haw ^.utio I a.Tv.Irt' ot-d,d iim. 'I lu b'n Mi 'sa ft1*o to ,i! i'*•»'*d ti« S) O «i 1'" I ai" in •-on I ho* an nM aw f''« 1 1 1 o'ovo that thov/nro an? hat be\ aro. 11 (itn us oa 'i Im bo'an nl div!-, on fPon f»i ,se kI oiri Im 1 as a tpnn Pro}. 1 It. N. d^, hu-i -UJP a j. I llo Ui pob' al In^MU\ po: The OI e^p. f. il tho }'UI, of I :o.- a 'd -ho I'.WlK 'J* t! 1 A Wi'-h I .'--A..' "•li'.'.'U ii'r: JI OII.' 4 ov, when hey Jjeld thoir J'ost Mortlmor exaiuln ation," oi. «.. i'* on O.o OO' ill IH ^xyc.ra.iKL^NSaKOxr'i. ,11 11 a ami ft *i.:ly-ntt .t.aie wa'd- Ia'i t'Vi ,nt »i pi f*tlH It1 w.iid-1 Ihto .-hPoi-. 'Ki R\V M: -4 1 ,, .i i, -i fu' tt»r A Jo Un JU His -r [ft'.mnn .Vor .A ot A a -Ui (M-n iu ntu' NavUair'H nsavt?- le.asl T'T-IU, FOR ile- dm A-le pas Born- HU\1TTTI -~.IT ti no SiH tl oa lata a 1! 1. c. A time SKA -as ulisr Iti wfMi.uin'i -\\nii i.uv IIIRWNIN nt TU 'Vs\ NT\\ u( N ti\ wen1- •rrvi'-\t\ funii It laiiii au*l at }uil»Kt aiHiU'U Tht ot» ji'Ol nf Ihts nio\o \s to hrl,\tT?» of small (arm' hauro to ^utt t'.iHM'H ^iicap. It thr is i^uu'tnry nitu*"1 ImtM'S will b* im {WMlril oin the .ace :»HI !'i I' v, of tho N i«rw-',". :nt» ni Suntal istim. Iinlia, T.,is ir-TujT.rl !a tits *'-i\ taui after A Ions stuv tn IIU 'I 1 «-«'lJtton fhiii in Kim tu L\!'.K!IA!I!A WITS SOD by a sbb-i. ic ui. Two rnwr atid an ok svhhdi w-m bd loos'o in a, !".v t^^boi.i, tn Na* iko, nto Ro luni of tho lioh UilT (hat t'i« tt.-uk ^v:!:'•!•-: Om- of Mm* Vi'iWs .law .doAV-n'-Mtntl^vt-uaily b"T ^«d "Tho 1" U- of th. o\ il -*d it until it. ro abost- th^"'bn^.UboiM.- ou luth uoit t)i4» to.\ wfti tn pi ot •Tho li\o^ ot I iii S J»a "iw ll'dud ii'-'MIO UII" I)*, !a" I v.n oro ba A naked uuvn 6 know lins soffi o|| and-on In Ho- woods at \o:-?.-."Hiiini !iin'-' h' hart l)f*ou si« at o'hor timos h»* has had jdocow il loth .around his loins lio noisi havt.» l-«eon m«vln{ altonl qulio a« ?i \o!\ {,.r h^ lift 4 ho* sen in jliff'-rout vpiar'ofri at difto'oM lino-H, Many wota- and hildri-n who liavo t-oon out pb kii t» hoirioH h-jha\o IhT'ii r- trod by him, Ilo In in tho habit nf appoarln^ all of a ton! in d« ti, and of lir.ap icarinp j»::-t as sin! douh'. -''-i. 'I'ho following yK't n- s'af.otiMTitH a:o paliii'd off hv-f'ho i"i!au dailii-a as a (abbi'.ram da'cd l\risMan!a, 0 lj A« o: dint? I it lots UoJ from Paptain Hoahl Amundson, joh boaid the lain a I Mad»dia. thai run diou has d- i«i*-d to pr»)i i#ed on A noindiou has d» nbd tt» pioi« an an'aitti' expedition Ibis ebaiiK'' nf plans lias on n.:dni ed .tnpilse, a» It wa thf uiu ii il in'einioii of A inn lid sen .start oailv next p. ar on a drift inu '.uvai.'ft Im the north polo. Iho Piain was fn tnj-'o to xoi Pram ism, wbiro it was to bo ntt .-d o'it, anil it was (ah mated that drit' th:o»uh th^ po'av roe would ooi'-opv .-not soa.jthoi so en ai'H 'f ho. syjoi!?.'- tiJio,' jiretiv ninth like a nan^o j'ik" 'I' V'.'II.S UJ.'O 1 ho 1 I I his Uj£' Tt ado had 1"" ii .n hittiilv nvoralono In IP.isM a a a -.and.s, «f buildiru'^v found- I O A O» pants, and thousands ot v. A^?..i'• v• it•'' 1 out at ratos. i,a.«..- v.'-?-".: kd A* as to sped rum to th«» o.viioi^v bur Hit? ho I'd -v oni j. p»i !o.| ,( .oi pa a hf-roh' tow |j"'W but SdilUMlvdia la-en jort'^up. and at ho .,|u:ok*mt mouo-nt Ui" population is.n ji'uni' -P b.i room, •ti s-ro jouR is tHo st'oaliovi ih'd thrt an'ho ieH aro about Oi boBoit to Jranrdtnai no ans toi hoa.-nu', f'«in do-H tf mot|eratf im'jc.s. 'hof .'jiUTi Will b" to provide Uo? fro-' itlon o! Hinal! etdtarps- :f»un3od by hi'tl HiSuui collo'ded itr Soand iry:y a ^ardr-ii Public oMlolalh will bo tho Mm w-i) as hts bobtuioal-U- Lprst beiodn. un n-s ot Mo- 10 v, plan, bo brai of lat L'e vobitnos atid M-^m-iauMftio aro r»'t|mrod to iodide Binalior publio.aMf»ns. j-wlMiiu Mie j?y limit.a. •pi puhlir mpbi\moid. dmr-aT «d.j.- Tno lirst tubereuloslH sanatoi iu:n in S'oeiOiolui has boon opf*n .f *.»r-IT- 'J »-1 -marker, will foiiti built a few Imrt!i£ Muit. pi rioii f, l.'t.i: '1M-1 i„Jbora!.o\i:-. Noroddon. In W ost io Hpple I i#r po^ noi.'-, iii ijinatk*'' 'I" 1 1 !ion l„i\o bo« ti of}' ie o,j t^oM .r I 1 Ahou' half b:-r ,J }•. •-1 no.. no'ded .. tor tho thio" upi.ii a .1! t: ia a!iatoi ia.. lii» am to s-i:»' b'tlrlP iii thBl 'pan or' \o:w.ay lias !)!"-n-iiil "'l. or'-"\m be \i ,s!»yn and oth 1 phiM donat* ground's FLOT D' I O' |?,,rd both 1 .aud' -P^0 .p!'* if 1 m" ti ot tu]' mo pi Wild 1. „iO nlJJMl.f! P»T,v 'Op'o •I • .-111 i*'-.ll S $ 5..'•.»..,i. 'h4! bo? *3* 4 A' i« (?^iOP [jpssfftsinrt ihc-lvcwj-y of a rmti 111 I«nl of .! .- !. :iu.i:. •v.)r- 1 1 1 th. rn Of/!,' 1 1 a' OI.* the sj ur A' a moo'o hunt nf-^ Pltkarloby, Anna J{.-rsK-r.-.l»- -«kf. "f i" of S ii:'! villi, fii.'-t ai, I .!• 'I a II.OOHC V,':-"-.:'-. fi I.• nil is.-.I A a' i'« iri't'd in v'af.h 'far.''. ivrth, .'tva'B I.s ' I hllfi V.'.: A .fn'--, AM '•iphtyli I'orhe: ntl tua! X.?p!i'r 1 1 t-ij :i .ti v-- -:.v .ooj! at -i {. ,'..-ar "olv) «lrl from Solum. Th*. gro-,m has a &<n who 1h t.'d enough to bu hin now wife's grandfather. .. WHY NEW ORLEANS CITY IS LOGICAL POINT FOR WORLD'S PANAMA POSIT 0 N. RM I.»!• r\th«Ar nf Muv^'c who nit* int• t* in. titb NN o: A WHS the oi' i!u' Turii *1 in it* vlicp' If nV iiV( r«'.!U' »H1 UU* IU» UI IH rs of thi* liin.ily. k. T!JOI v. AI:-- ....j4u,,1,J|.) iMuli-tiaus KaiiMlis'au I la 1 naliiMial lth:.U Hrliool of nolni :tn -.1 oinl! T«":5n a- a i.-rt •. Ihas I" I niiikt4 ra in Mi*• Uuhi hu! life 'H* 'Mi* Utiin »al!^ I*u ool umIK ii« iltsrM' \it S-TT •LL- IS iiUtviiiViM t.n. :J JUOH! jir» :.-U i-l4t»tis institution: a-s n» V. tifl In diii i\ la .KiiU-1 llji'i^i-u, »f ^ho cut tmnmu:, saw s. r.ft{',!nu a hu h, aial. la.kitm h. to bo hl-o ^rnii:"»v h'.! tita-d at It. IWv •/. found .•'it his t«M sblo mb »ko. "Tin (o a :aau behind tho d», Karl ".11mI bilk, \v!io was out pit kihi bt'.nir's. SANDL'UU »'NT IHO \V IN •!».» 'IMT-LTO OF hot in Ids sidt\ niid,xoudiliot' A Its Gr-.-graphical P^vt*^ md Many Othr- Considerations ,r« !t S a O eation of C-eat rK. "intent I. 1 t'-e .: r-iMtc 1 13 R-rat Inters u-h a?l rho n-iJ ay ar?s»Mt alo vlo ro thS i:o. an 1 "ifiSt* at 1 pi it al! 1 0. 5 -I -1 a -k at \\U) P a 1 tie at t.V sip ti» a Date. tgen 1 :-.\M that. nm-M-mibX a Pvi'O.r in •'.« of ti w. rid tl^o qsb fo bo t-bl nt W.s np* .*tt!iv!":4ilV:i r«' u'h nf New Orion?*#--:-?*.: aro -r ti'-c this \^o "'t hav.' -d i r.onov as }\t\ «d \\^:r to (In.iM-v 'H'f. liold MT 1 1 th MI pri'j os Jo $ uont'onnl ruo\ Bnch, ho*o\ r, upon t!u^ |.a-r«"Vri?-i,:t -.u ho -oan .• I fcdvnnt u:"S, thijt In on tt-j lont n* ln*» ti mol t? t!o cnM tn ruslroad fart»s. aro'thi r-i hn i.ifii ,ti the uf t, o'm .at e: ,ts p.nldti ndu. ator an I "f -and high- as a T.V'i S a.xy rn^a* »*i »'M« ri An ptv- Ion- tvt "Wt I'd Ka 1 1t.'n-n 1 \.'W Ol 5 ,'M r' vd ord t^y tt* o, i: .-•* in- \v/! and n.nd- •Piiy.1-nan mOH?, trooortanfav^.-r"» iMilt TU:i tho^o .. ..vuajtj.'rs-:',w br'n'ans' (datt!tr4 to botnj ral rtinf" for thlx l\\p«'.d ttou. PoMti to bo -fuHy ^(ilft.lantiatO'1 In t!i«» t.!low hu* f.n N«'\v ()rlt' iiis Is -rvod. nitiOK: from hA pjoitrr of |Ktpu!aflon In tho Putted Kt at oi Situ I'YMitH'iiii I'.r.od inlloH t!b-tant fh fro*n Withb* a rad'-tjH ,of faaV nillos fr«un Now Orb atix liftW lino 1 :V' ono ponpto Witldn tho sair.p radius trom Han I'muidhoo tTo? a'onJv 0 ono,.-. Wi'bin a radius of l.'*•.•) nn'o- frotn Now rb*ans lboro nr.ooi O %Vlth!n tho Aaron ra-dtni* fnun SJUV Franoijioo-1 li.-ro .i»rvSv-.'' nn» At an aitiiiin- 1*0i» m|b»H from Now "rlciii!::, tloro aro of ^ur prltu ipal los i! a oombtnod |»M'Ulatltui of :'i» iMoi ao'V- Avrra:on« 9dn in I low from San Prauoff^-o U-oro nro only S lanr-- i"r, ith a om t»lr^(sl population hod- t.oon o»n) T):o nvorairo Oowo of n'.l th-no fttios ti» Now Oio-aioi IM j'M'J udb h, to San Praio i\n» l.\to7 nillos. (her 7a por r-T.t. of tl'.o pooplo of Mo* Pult'-d Statos I'onSil t.i nil Rtpo.-dilon thoro nt an nvirago o\ poio-»« for railroad faro nf $ I",0, a* fu*ainst nn avora^o of $.^7 r.u tn (ho I'uolflc roa and l^r Hovoral ndt Hons «.f our ponpb', tho Pullman faro and I'lniiu: Oar i'\pons«s ahmo, for a tiip to San Pranelso". would Rnuvunt to norti tliau all tlodr t.rann portation .'\pousos a trip to Now Orb aioi Thh'« tn an lni{)ortan' pnl!lo tlon to bo «-id I b'd hv ('ou :ro:- at Mio i.oud"n whh utoi'tir: In Moootnhor. Many oT mir roadors will wish to tUd I !ihi WorbTr Panama Kxpoab tlon, aiol tf hold in Now Orloan* a pj-oat many moro oiaih! f^i'aro tlio tlnio aiul 111cin« b»r th-- trip than pc hi Kf to San 1'raru d:oo Thoro foro. wo ur^o «air i-'a.bra fo write tu Ihe two Konatoi from thb* State and tl.e rtaii'ro:-:.nian trom thl« district, roquoidin- Ho in to support N«w Jr &UB in tho ront t.l. SOLAR PLLXUS CILOW. At 1 •$ Oliolly Soft law hav jn-.-a one i'.v Mbnix'ht., 'hiiap/" \Vi,o hv, oortaJnly. you poir, (b-ar b'v! I low you imi.-.t miss ronr I O S bon aro away from bume! She Ha-i Changed Her Opinion- .j "I 11oar 'tjn.r.lis iiiJon ininL:i:a. yj^iiing on Yep. Pa mo yosUcrday ^llow lofii* «t'os sho poot to tay ••(h. 1 l!MWv: 'iTobably for |on:e fne.'' •vfe----.-- i:-. I fe»-| orry for your ifo I bo Ib-ve I lioa/d 'r I not. Ion/ nr/j that idio a! thn dd lady." "She u:-ed to. but. ho ha: tdiangod her opinion in fart, has ^roat,. t• ij^Tt for h'-r row. Aunt Ib-ny brourrbt. three trunks, two of thorn tilled WJMI things Bho irnuK^l'd in fnun Ibitope Caf/irrli innol [Ic Cur* I A 1. A »'IT. I OA I O a- i- O .. Mi»« "I O" 'lls'sj"'. afjir'li'.i.". ,v. lijiVi'iil 'IW-Jiar. aa»l in nriirr lrr ir you if-M.-i lnUtrnJkl 4»rjioi ne«-.'. 10 U-ni*.:»y ai"1 hrtu •hr'Y-Uy Hi' t-i'^wl tnw'-'il I'irfJUW. ii l.if rl» 'lift r*«l & rinn VTJL.1 1)i"U- hv t'-f "f Oh- l«^l -eiff In IMA r»»ijary f'»r viir^ nl O (e-»-ri tv-n. Il In mnij.'M'Ht ».f Oirt l-*t U/iii'f Krn»f.. r»»»iiNn»»"l *Uh Uja l»«^l tar»j'! f-uofi'-oi. jh-oj.r «hr»-rt!• «,h -,« C' 'J li/j ji'*rt (f.' on t«M I.Kfxn.-a.l W .t t.*• I' t, UJU lf« curl'.5 iMJf."!..' It\"f V- I N .h.-r U-y-nrfiliiir* I OV|,i:. t'l A *. A] h-7 Ot-"j "£'l{*!':h: ,, Ila.ii'8 I-ami./ t'r -n!txSlpnlitn^ Con&ulPnfj the Pt^ywr-ight. "M ,1 fajl -J K: OaT ,.'M' 'hro'o.h Pm." "No a-,' oa.fl. yoii •Jay. •J Uj •-f«) !i.'« ihii J. II. Eye, I I t. I I si .. ii y-.l- .to a. ftr.i'. cda^s iA ec«n 15 t), .5 331 1 Throat N. D. yoman 3 a?ib "d Uf llo "iv,t.o.V hocf ty av *1.1.1,**:' N* it os in "df: .in' .r-T-rtreh"d i\ t.V friond solod ,c Vl'h a i'.JhC IliOUtii. yr pvw* IN '0», «TW'ih '"t t, I :4 r-.« fi't 'iT'tf -t ,'ia OtV UVji.h- ft llll'l iJU I* ,V.' l"1- PNME rnofj try to isavo money by DaytnK their debta. DOI