Newspaper Page Text
'jj' "i/ •**v ii 'a/ 'ii/ i' »re •ir" :ls •2r :,lil I COAL! COAL! COAL! A a a 'lairn to the land above described, before Charles B. 'larley, judge and ex-oflii'io clerk of the county court, at Linton, North Dakota, on the 1",th (lav of November, HiHi. (llainiant narne.s as witnesH.eH Orvil K. I'ursoiiH, of Marie, N |i. Henry Shall", of Marie, N Hen (IhriHtianson, of Marie, N I) Joseph Mit/.el, of Mane, N. D. (Serial No. (I711'i.i.) tict. ,'so'.1. If!. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION llcpartmcrif, of !h«'lfit»Ti'»r. I'.S. l.and i-HWrv at 1'i,r11 »r«*lc.N. 'W'Ji a a Best Quality and Cheapest Price. PHOENIX LUMBER CO,, LINTON, N, 0, L3'« N J* lltij ,':7 ,f.' "ST.- •:«i*z*x*x»z*x»z*x*x*x»3 FOR SALE GIVE US A TRIAL. j_ w. JAMES Will I,K WK TIXL vol Til AT V, A VK A 'iOOI ~TOf 'r AT 15 A.N i' 1 i'j il KI'.-• BUILDING MATERIAL. AnM we if)t t.'» figur*' on our hi. *),-r :h'- art Get your Coal Bin filled NOW' We have Hard Coal. Soft Coal am! Liiinit'1 nal G00DRIDGE CALL LUMBER COMPANY, DACOT0H LUMBER COMPflNY, Agents, .(Serial Nu. Oct. Ki Nuv. i'o NOTICE FOU I'UBLK.'ATION. Deijartmerit of the Interior. .i U.S. Land Ollice at liismarirk, N. I)., (leloln-r I, J' *!f 1. Notice is hereby given that (llirixt. O. 'lonler. Of Marie, North Dakota, who, on :Octob( i' lit 11 made lloirii-^teail Tlntry No. UliOl I, Si-rial No. OT'.")1), for the northeast. |uart-r of .Section 1 li, Towtislii|i |.'{ north, Katig'- 71 west of the I' iftli l'rineinai Mi-ridian, ha.s filed notice of intention to make linal five-year proof, to e.ial, 'eter M. H. Jewell, llei.',-t, I I'. Scptcinlicr 1 IUI'!. Nntirc is hen-hy th li'-nry I. Marie. Nnrt \i I Jak'jf-i. v. ho, on I »ct7)h*T I!)').'*, rna'l** I .r^ry N'J. l'», N'» oV-i't-'*, S'-hrnidt. r- ,r thf n'lurtt-r 'if \tti Ifange 7 I M'-ridiari, lo r, iP.- li I'litJiOll.-'h !-.vrii,ed, t'l'ji" aiid .»\uY*.sv r..'.- court, .', i'lio. li.- .Marie, N v»» SLAVE AND FREE? r_ cwt'tw! I r- r..-»5 P*r» wjiboc: any cc-ntrac: c-r p:«2ge It either party After speodicp the wtster in nsiti*-*1* .* ^Ci^. »r.r nooks of jraer«.a and jasurrec mar? warfare, we were take" to Otttians. C&na^s. where we Jw.J a i*w«5tx® .*r left *aj largely attesa *»i bv ex-flares fr:-.r. Virginia. From tb#-re cr-.-s.-ed Lase Erie t_ Ue*e sr-i. Ohio. cn :ur way Harper's tzT~'. Here 'r gt-t so&ey as he ,rr. A A fj] ,n rv A.- r*i expected. •XV -.g 1 •x*z*x#z »:»:»:»x*:»:*x*x«x*x»xmx CALLOWAY and ABERDEEN ANGUS BULLS. Yearlings snd Two-Year-Olds. All Subject to Registration. Terms to Suit. At O. O. JOHNSON RANCH. 3: Miles East O. UH. O". 1 Linton, N. b. Chri tof Krie », I intori, N. D. Karl I ri! 'fill. Linton, N. D. M. II Jewell, Ke^ister. NO'lfCE I-OB PUBLICATKJN, l.-'«.-rial No. O7007.) Departrrieni. of the Interior, S Land Ofliee at Bi-stuarck. N. D., Septeinber .''o 11)10. Notice hereby given thai. O: Cbii Inn Albrecht, r111 Dakola, who, on 1 ir Ito.o made Homo'dead En try No. ::1Serial No. 070'i7, for lot .-outli lialf of northwest (|uar terand imrthwi-st ipiarter of south v.eO quarter of Section 2, Township inortb, liange 77 west of Fifth I'liicipal M'.'riiiian, has liled notice of intent ion to make linal five-year proof, to establish claim to tin* land above described, before P. (1. Books clerk of district court, at Linton! North Dakota, on the 18th day of October, P.M'I. Claimant names ai witnesses: Peter Schmidt, of Larvik, N. I). Christof Krug, of Larvik, N. D. C.eorg Huber, of Larvik, N. D. I). sr.- N. It. Marie, N. D. N. D. "v.eil. Begi.ster. liT F'red PfatT, of Larvik, N. I). —-M. H. Jewell, Begister. '"h'l-'i wi'ii now' tel! vcu wjji now wr.s*. ir.-iy -a ere and what became of u-»e~. 1 kr.'-w. J.r.r Henry Kagi, born a: Bristol. 7 P.-ibaoly the most inteliiger.t of tre 5rowr, with a ci*: r, Ht 'A'a? :r. armory Harper's Kerry, escaped from arm .ry by swirr.n-iir.g tne Mienar, i:ah rr.or. bu: was shot and ki:iel fr :m the raoroad brk wealthy :ar.-.lly in N« He was educated for escaped from liari.e: 'was afterward captured, together with one oi the Copic boys, and both were hung. Richard Real ph. an Englishman I by birth. He was educated by Lady Noel Byron, widow of Lord Byron. Reaiph was a good poet. After being left hy Brown in Cleveland, he went to New York and thence to England, 'but returned in time to serve in a New York regiment during the civil war. He afterward made an un nappy marriage, which in time drove 1 hirr. mad. He jumped from a ship into San Francisco bay and was 1 drowned. Aaron D. Steven- was born in Con necticut. He was a man who could do anything. He could iead a for- lorn hope. He was in the engine house at Harper's Ferry with Brown, and was terribly wounded. He was afterward hung. Charles Piurnmer Tidd, a lumber man from Maine. He escaped from Harper's Ferry. He was afterward color sergeant in a New York regi ment. While under ierieral Burn side, at the Island of Roanoke, he planted his regimental colors on the rebel breastworks, and then, pierced by many ball-, he sank to rise no more. William H. Leeman, a boy of nine teen. from Hallowed. Maine. He was with Kagi at the armory in Harper's Ferry. He, too, swam out to the rocks, and was hot from the I railroad bridge. Owen Brown, tho eccentric, red- 1 !O'-ria! N'o. 07: (ij ,-y-p.21 Oct. 27. 1 NOTICE FOR IMPLICATION. Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office at BiHrnarck, N.D., September I'.), 11*10. Notice i-. hereby given that •Jakob S hindier. Of Brofv, Nijrtfi Dakota, who, on October 2i, llio.",, made Home-tead Application and Entry No. Serial No. 07:: 0, for the nort.hv.e t. •piarter of Section 10, Town.diip north, Ban^e 77 went, of the Fifth Principal .Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to eMablihh claim to the land above de-cribed, before William Muench, United Stales CornrnifHion er, i! Linton, North Dakota, ori the l«t day of November, l'.tlO. '"iairriant narneM an witni^HeHjiiRj Fnediich I'fafr, Liriton, N. D.ijftl I headed son of John Brown. He es caped from Harper's Ferry with Tidd. He went to theold home in New York state, and after ward drifted west to California. rom Pasadena he clambered up Mount Lowe, built a log hut, and there lived the life of a hermit until his light went out. Richard Richardson, an old negro slave from Missouri. We left him in Canada 1 Charles MolTett, of Iowa. After we were left in Cleveland he soon returned to his sweetheart in Iowa, married her, lived on a farm and raised a family, and died about six years ago. What of No. 10 Luke F. Parsons? You see him before you the last of the John Brown men. From Cleve land I went to the town of Kinsman, in northwest Ohio, and worked in a carriage factory. The following winter I went to my home in Byron, III., arid there fitted out with several others to go to the gold fields of Pike's Peak. 1 was on rny way through Iowa when John Brown, Kagi, Stevens and Tidd were on their way through Illinois going east from Kansas. They stopped at my home in Byron to take me along. Mother, with much pleasure, told Brown that. I was several weeks on rny may to Pike's Peak. At Council Bluli'.,, while waiting to rest our (rattle arid for grass to grow on the plains, I got letters from Brown and Kagi, saying: "You must come back." "Wedepend on you." "Sure go this time," etc. My mother also wrote: "Keep on. You have fooled away time and money enough with Brown." I took mother's ad vice this time, and thereby slipped my neck out of the halter. When we found there was no gold at Pike's peak, we returned to Law rence. There I sold out to the boys and came the second time to Osawa tomie. Why I came Cod only knows. I was not acquainted with the peo ple, for I was with Brown only a few days before the light, and left a few days after. But 1 was irre |sistably drawn here. 1 feel a friend ship for the people here. It is the same friendship that is inspired bv the sight of the old bronze button oti a man's coat. We are brothers I of the same familv. I love Osawat- lrX2j£ I worked with G. W. Lease and up a mi!! for Judge James Ta-( :^,r. and we ground the nr?: wheat 3c*jr ever Osawatom)^- on The tfa rd time I came to Osawa tomie was to teli my story of the attle on its nftieth anniversary, ard the- fourth time is to to-day to witr.ess the dedication of this hallowed ground as a state par*. I hope our legislature -.v !, tie generous in its appropriations, so park may be Sited up to t:vo and beautiful. and in some way .-••r, nive and educational. a 2 JS r-e th'-fcT-t we C'-CTit t*e care :':r -.vjrw'.ves vear. *hes hoped to be at' Virjy r.: v'a-s. H* --aid that tvsr.-ouli eep :r, *. j.h with eacn ether. ?.•• :.ha: could ea-jSy. .'get together the next spring. ,n, r. It t.- astonishing how ignorant yi by the Brown monurren. tnat, has been erected was lost In deep the your r.t arid hi rnen %vai a aiiir, in came ot (li •v Ycrk C" :v. the law. He 's Fvrry, hut John Edwin C-.^-k before my vision. I felt sad and lonely,but was aroused from my deep revery by a arT 0 ..... looking woman leading two children jurisdiction to hear and determine 1 cases of misdemeanor as may tie follow and =e.era. larger c.i.iu.e. ", provided by law: but in no case h* I S- The man sa:d: I shall aid justices of the peace have "Jane. John Brown and all his jurisdiction when the boundaries of mtn v.*ere killed h^rt* and buried lor tit to real estate sbaii come in urder this monument." 'l 1 Such is tradition. I wanted to tell him that the battle commenced here by Brown was finished by Grant at Appamattox but I thought he probably knew no awav in silence. CHANGED OWNERS. List of Emmons County Real listate Transferred Since Our Last Published Report Receiver's Certificates. L'inted States to Alfred J. Wengel, qr of 2*-1 »-7 IE United States to Christian J. Bie ber, qr of 152-1:: 1-77. United States to Martin Sevold, hf of qr. qr of cjr and lot 1 of -1-130-74. United States to Philip)) llimiher ich, qr of 29-135-7^. Patents. United States to John Meier, hf of qr, qr of qr and qr of qr of 10-131-70. United States to Jake Helfenstein, ijr of qr of 28-13o-7 United States to Martin Sevold, lot 2 of 4-13ii-74. United States to William A. Pe terson, qr of qr, qr of qr and lots 3 and of 13-134-70. United States to George J. Lusch, hf of qr, qr of qr and qr of qr of 2-13G-7S. United States to Edward Hirmng, hf of qr of 28-129-71. United States to Lydia Himmer ich, qr of 29-13-7-7S. United States to Eunice A. Hag gard, qr of qr, hf of qr and qr of qr of 31-132-77. Warranty Deeds. Andreas Kelseh and wife to Au gus Obermeier, hf of 35-132-70. •?800'i.O(). B. W. Haggard and wife to Dar wdn R. Streeter, hf of qr, qr of qr and qr of qr of 1 -13-1-78. $1000.00. August Obermeier and wife to Andreas Kelseh, lot 10, block (!, Hunter's first addition to Linton, SoOOO.OO. Michael Aberle and wife to Anton Bachmeier, qr of 22-134-74. $4)00.0il. John 1. Roop and wife to Mrs. M. Hoeck, lot 1, block 20, Ha/.elton Cemetery. $b"i.0). Lydia Ilimmeiich to Philipp llim merich, qr of 20-B'o-7'S. .SlOOo.oo. B. Tempo! and wife to George A. Bieber, qr and qr of qr of 12-131-70. $1.00. Michael Schmidt and wife to An ton Gladt, lot 18, block 2, town of llagoi .?KoO.llO. wife to 7-130-70. George P. Karling and Michael Tomes, qr of 81370.110. Kintyre Townsite Company to Marie E. Naeve, lots 7, s, 1, 10, 11 arid 12, block 21. town, uf Kintyre. $300.00. Kinlyre Townsite Company to Frank A. Ilarta, lots 1 I and 17,block 22, town of Kintyre. $70.Oil. Patterson Land Company to Rein hold MuNky, qr of 13-134-7-S. Sl 10.op. Ileinrich .1. Edinger and wife to Henry Ilerbuld, qr of 32-132-78. $1.00. Wuit-Claim Deeds. -'Amanda Bunge to Dorothea Bun ge, all of 33 and 34-132-77. $10u.00. Geo. W. Bunge et ill. to Dorothea 1 §100.(10 John Schott to Dorothea all of 33-132-77. $1.00. Proposed Amendments' &S?«£? To Constitution. -to A mend of the r.avine islative As The following prop- 1 ments to the Corstitu State of North Dak' passed the Eleventh I- sembly, 1 Twelfth Legislative Assembly appr-'val or rejection: PropaselConstitutional Amendment. Section that thi.s 11-of the constitution of the state of North Dakota is amend- fce attra'-1 ed-=0 a? to read as foliows: Section 111'. The legislative as sensb!y shall provide by law for the electi- of justices of the peace in eac 1 a-e of theearlv his. rv "f their state: but the number of said jus state. While here four years ago I tices to be elected in each organized 41 tj rKot I count*, fthal be nmiten by law to rganized county within the guch a numfaer a shall be ne nd lor just:- meditation while mental photograph of Brown on Jane iurne.i and jaid to tne eldest justice of the peace and confer boy: that jurisdiction upon judges of "Johnny, bad men always ^et: killed and buried under the, rocks..'' unt in controversy, exclu-ive of -j j, District Officers ar man standing by my side, hoiding a costs, does not exceed two hundred ()j- ,-^t ite Senator baby in his arm-: a little, tire,'.-' dollars, and they shall have such the 'JOlh Distric hear b-'giilathe aesemb'1 „i.i,.. shall have pow er to abolish the county courts or elsewhere. Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Section 1M of the constitution of the state of North Dakota is amend ed to read as follows: Section t'l. The term uf office of the judges of the supreme court, eX eept as in this article otherwise more about Appamattox than he did provided, shall be ten years, begin about Osawatomie. So I turned ''i on the first Tuesday after the nrst Monday in January of the year next fallowing their election, and United States to Petc-r Wikenhei-1 hold his office for a term of ten George Suverly. yc-ar^ the one receiving the next rocmct No. IlamptoTij fu\vn "highest number of votes at such ship Pi:', Ranges i,, ,^and ,1'. ote qr, hf of qr, qr of and qr of qr of 2-l:il-7o. United States to Anton Aberle, hf of qr and hf of wqr of 21 1:12-74. election shall hold his office for a term of eight years, and the one re ceiving the lowest number of votes at such election shall hold his office for a term of six years. Proposed Constitutional Amendment. Article 0, Section b', of the con stitution of the state of North Da kota is amended so as to read as fol lows: c4 Section 1.78. No land shall be sold fur less than the appraised value, and in no case for less than ten dollars per acre. The pur chaser shall pay one-fifth of the price in cash and the remaining four-fifths as follows: One-fifth in five years, one-fifth on or before the expiration of ten years, one-fifth on or before the expiration of fifteen years,and one-fifth on or before the expiration of twenty years, with interest at the rate of not less than five per cent per anum, payable an nually in advance provided, that when payments are made before due they shall lie made at an interest- ship 133, Range' payin? date, and one year's interest hall, at LarvikS in advance shall be paid on all money DeWitt. so paid. All sales shall be held at Precinct No. 13. the county seat of the county in ship 132, Ranges 7 which the land so sold is situated, Bosch sehimi-ho.ust. and shall be at public auction and Maxwell. to the highest bidder, after sixty! Precinct No. -14. Exeter: days' advertisement of the same in .ship 131, Ranges 74 and 77. ALFRED BLAiSDELL, Bismarck. N. D., August U'H NOTICE OF ELECTION. N-'tice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the th day of November be suonv.tted to next, in he several voting precinct. ,r 1 in the county of Emmons, state of North Dakota, an election will be held f'T the fallowing state, dis trict and county officers: ,.. The State Officers are: v-v-Two Congressman. ••aThree Justices of the Supreme Court., •One Oovernor. ccessarv proper administration of The justices of the peace herein provided for shall have con-, current jurisdiction with the dis trict courts and with ail county courts in ail civil actions when the) Three Commissioned of Railroads. Two Members of the House of Rtj. resentatives to represent the 2tth District. The County Officers are: Or.e Sheriti. One Auditor. (tr.e Treasurer-. 0'ie Clerk cf District Court. One Register of Deeds. One State's Attorney. One County Judge. One Surveyor. One Coroner. One Superintendent of Schools F-,ur Ju.-tices of the Peace. Four Constables. Tne foilwoing places are designat ed LS they shall hold their offices until their successors are duly qualified. This section shall not be construed as extending the term of office of the judges serving at the time of the adoption of this amendment, ex cept as herein provided. The terms of office of the judges of the supreme court elected at the general election in 1010 shall be as follows: The one receiving the highest num Iter of votes at such election shall Oimble school-hou.-e. voting places, and inspectors appointed as named: l'recinct No. 1. Burr Oak: Town ship IMo, Ranges 7- and 70. Vote at Macdnnald school-house. Inspector.! John Eastwood. I Precinct No. 2. Denhem: Town ships K!1 and 13.7. l\ange7S. Vote at Jones school-house. Inspector, John Baker. Precinct N-o M. Livona: Town ship loo, Ranges 7 and 70. Vote at Livona school-house. .^Inspector, Wesley Baker. Precinct No. 1. Gayton: Town ship BM. Ranges 7 and 70. Vote at Inspector, N. at School-hou S. G. Busby. Precinct No. 3. Braddock: Town ship 130, Ranges 74 and 77. Vote at llraddock school-house. Inspector, L. M. Doersehiag. cept as to interest, as provided here- \\. M. Carpenter. I in provided, further, that anv I Precinct No. 22. Putnam: Town-' school or institution lands that may ship 130, Ranges 7s and 71', except be required for townsite purposes. Sections 1 to 12 t* each township, school-house sites, church sites.cem- Vote at Putnam school-house. In etory sites, sites for other educa- 1 tional or charitable institutions,pub- Precinct. No. 23. Glana\,.n: Town lie parks, fair grounds, public high- ship 120, Ranges 7s and 7 «. Vote at ways, railroad right-nf-wav, or for oilier railroad uses and purposes, reservoirs for the storage of water for irrigation, drain ditches or irri- gation ditches, and lands that may he required for any of the purposes over which the right of eminent do main may be exercised under the constitution and the laws of thestate of North Dakota, may be sold under the provisions of this section and shall be paid for.principal and inter est, in full in advance at the time of sale or at any time thereafter and (latent issued therefor when prin-:| eipal and interest are paid. j: Proposed Constitutional Amendment. The legislative assembly is hereby authorized and empowered to pro vide by law for the erection, pur- lunge, all of 33 and 34-132-77. i" the states of Minnesota or Wiscon :ltin ini sin, or both, to he maintained and I operated in such manner as the lunge, legislative assembly shall proscribe,] and provide for inspection, weigh-' M'.-eitnffs 'f «rUCti tiiOfilfJ. Secretary of State. Inspector" Precinct No. 9. Logan: Town ships 134 and 13,7, Range 7-7. Vote at Logan school-house. Inspector, Will, Baxter. Precinct No. lo. Tell: Townships 134 and 13.7, Range 71. Vote at Tell school-house No. 3. Inspector, P. G. Levin. Precinct No. 11. Umio: Town ship 133, Ranges 74 and 77. Vote at Lovell school-house. Inspector, -J. II. Jennings. Precinct No. 12. McCuliy: Town i. Vote in Larvick Inspector. Charles a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the land to be sold, and one at the seat of government. Such lands as shall nol have heen especially subdivided shall be of fered in tracts of one-quarter sec tion, and those subdivided in the smallest subdivision. All landsdesig nated for sale and not sold within two y, ars after appraisal shall be I Petrie. reap -raised before they are sold, Pritcinct No. 17. No grant or patent for such lands Township 131, Ranges 7'". and 77. shall issue until payment is made, Vote at Strasburg school-house. In for the same: prov ided, that the spector, J. J. Baumgartner. iand contracted to be sold by the l-'recint No. Is. West field: Town state shall he subject to taxation ships 120 and K'o, Range 70. Vote at from the date of such contract. In Rowerdink's store, lnspetor. Louis case the taxes assessed against any 1 Dombush. of said lands for any year remain Precinct No. 10. Union: Town unpa'd until the first Monday in shi, 12'.' at.d 13o, Range 77. Vote October of the following year, then at School-house No. 1. Inspector, and thereupon the contract of sale Barend l.ooyenga. for such lands shall, if the board id' Precinct No. 20. Emmonsburg: university and school lands so deter- Town.-bip 132, Ranges 7s and 70. mine, become null and void. Any I Vote at Tattle school-house. In lands under the provisions of Section S spector, O. E. Burge. 158 of the constitution of the state! Precinct No. 21. Winona: Town of North Dakota that have hereto- ship 131, Ranges 7 and 70. Vote at I fore been sold maybe paid for, ex- Winona schoo!-hous&:i and 77. Vote at Inspector, Wm. trs*. aLd 'IS 1 One Lieutenant Governor One Secretary of Statu. One State Auditor. Or.e State Treasurer. .One Superintendent of Pubiic In struction. One Commissioner of Insurance. One Attorney General. One Commissionei) of, Agriculture and Labor. CfTor: |ii' T.»'vr: I.ntN Mix. -h .r Aibt-r represent Tuwn- r-7. Vote at Wa!d. In- Precinct No. 10. Linton: Town-] ship lin l-"2. Range 1 boo I-ho use,. Vole at Frank In-pector, W. E. 17. Sirasburg. 5 Inspector,: spector, Clif. Putnam. School-house No. 1. In.-pector, Ste phen Silk. Precinct No. 21. Buchanan: Township 13,0, Rmge 77. Vote at. Buchanan school-house Inspector, A. E. Dutton. 1 Said election will ho opened at 8 o'clock in the morning and continu. open until of thai day. Dated this -'1 D. 101««, at Lint look in til,- afternoon (lav of ((ctoher. A. .•ii. N. D. J. G. PITTS, Countv Auditor. 'ii: "TO THE PUBLIC. will make my residence in 1 ton after TtLrs^.jV.: If or.lL- Jj 1 :sfcnO'.ri2 1 .civit^ T. Atb:i. 1 li Linton Hive, Nu. 28. I. 'i. T. V-. ry Jii*U 4th tiiOMh. .1 -lhniifjc a -MITII. N I I.I NT'A N fit- CloAl: li A i" Hii, ijip, CITY ItAIMSKIt SHOP A. iinnr- I..inn«]ry v.-s \j Emmons County Abstract Compan, !. A ft FATUEl.l.y. ufli.-.rtJ A "'Ifitv. try I' .-any I.irnN mid Tar:.-, anil A:.-ut N- vv V, rk in: II o/. 11\. I'll YSI I A N AND i' Ki N. l.!NT"N. Xdl'.TII liAKiri \. or Mm- Kv»- v.--K sptc! V«»rit«. l'h-trr-: 4'.* !•!). iff}:-- 1 ill' WILLIAM M!KN( \. United States Commissioner, UNT' CV Nol: II OAls.r: Pinal Proofs Filing*— Ktr. THE HOME BAKERY Next to Petrie's Store. Phone T** '2. Bread. Cakes, Pies, Etc.. Fresh Baked Daily. GIVE US A CALL. J. Precinct No. 7. Cherry Grove: Township 130. Bange 70. Vote at Sucltz school-house. Inspector, E. F'. Savage. Precinct No. 8. Hazelton: Town sihps 134 and 13-7, Range 70. Vote at Hazelton -chuol-house. Inspect or, S. F. Wright. McKITRICK, LINTON N. D. W. CARPENTER and BUILDER Fine and Coarse Work Done. Will Guarantee to Give Satisfaction. A [jply at itOaiik'nce Hi West Liutou.^ ,r :i H. Th. 'r"Vn's Shi .j,*. E. O. MICKEL. Omio, North Dakota, Will Drill Wells from Two to Ten Inches in Diameter, 'ABLE RATES. Dakem: Town- AT REASON-. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 TUBULAR WELLS. NINE YEARS'EXPERIENCE resitr-ence of Sebastian spector, Rochus Dosch. Precinct No. 17. Hague: Town ships 120 and 130, Ranges 74 and 77. Vote at Hague school-house. In-, Agent tor Electric Plow and Thrash specter, Chris. Hirning. ing Engines SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FRANCIS JASZKOW1AK. No. 421 Twelfth St., Bismarck, N. E E A Watchmaker ana Jeweler Repairuu: a Specialty Call at tl.e Stone Drug Store. Linton, North Dakota SMITH IRVINE Undertaking and Embalming, Furniture and Caskets. Personal am! prompt attention to:-' telephone orders. Linton, Nortb Dakota ,ill be at October 1 chasing or leasing and operation id' one or more terminal grain levators 17th, and will prepared to act as auctioneer sales. 1 am better prepared than ovi before to do this class of work as it -dio:t!d IK-done. Terms reason all" and satisfadion guaranteed.,,,,, -Bespe"lftilly,v Vii'l (seps-f .1. C, Morfonl. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc MARKS Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrmio Mrxltng a sketch mnd ma* Tttlck)y nscortam our opinion free »»r h«* itivotit inn is prohuMjr pntetitAhle. C' r.inins'V'ii ttons Pt netlyc.)nadet:tfal. HANDBOOK l'a:e:.'.8 •ent fro«. agency for »ecun:iff patets?.*. I'.iiputa taken tu rough 31ut:n 3l c'-. receive tpfridl without charge, mtbe Scientific JUnerican. A hftndsomelf il!n«itrfttei week!*. largest c'r (Miluiioit of anr srientitle louruai. '1 i-rn.*. fo a year: four months, |L rkudbyail ne*»«. MUNN & New York Branch office, C2& BU Waahit»iuu. I). C.