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LINTON. EMMONS COUNTY RECORD SSTS J* I Montana. p.&neer Paper of the Count/. STP.EETER. Publisher. NORTH DAKOTA. Hon. FROM our TO OUT OENEPAL NEWS AND NOTES FRESH FROM THE WIRE. II WIDE AREA IS COVERED gfrtfrfctr.g a Ccnsensation tventi km Wrtth Rcade-t Gerera!./ Art |nte?et?e£« Washington. Jj&nSt la C.-.cracv. ilunsas kz£ OlifiE 3td iuflt Ne braska, iiued at minions- of Zouhrs, wjil L»e the Etike iur »Mci nt rail-- 1 ziamr-d s'a'v...i c-jiiU-=: supreme courL J'j a r-.h'.i' x"- a"~ctei atK-i/Uon,-toe third cast- -y te argue-a -he fc 't c! l.'Ljt'-d St--ps •J'-'-r '-'V-e I'-.-ie,' bt'.ame a ir-i-tr of t.k was or.': in which a high ez-iiDplirLtnt »a pa ». to l:n: if ro.-wr 'f N-* York. It itivoii vf the Ot tiie J.I.nouri 2-«rfiii "pisses «er rate la* it £''7. According to the report of S OIL-'I. 'J J!: LIE S' "-I l. ib of tie l"n i°4 .-''.It— t-py -as at,o*i- i: -rovi-u '.'Lt for &e>cra: }vsr*. 'j 1,0 non-effective rate, r*.-^ard-. i. a-s Lac- true iiieasure of the *0£S iwicy from sickness and injury, 1.44 per one thousand ic the ia=t jjKr.fil year as coujj-artd w:lb 4- for 1308, 40.17 for 1507 aid 49.79 for J-5. Secretary of the Interior Kicntird A. Ballinger, etopfilng at iscogv-e, Ckl., announced be was there to get Into closer will) coii.i^odi a.s they exist u.'i.oriy ll. Indi^ti* of Or..i hotna, ho that 1/c can Ijt tT.r room rnend needed 3i.'i-:].'it,01. to congrees, Ah all of the unallotted larrli cf tbe fivr (iviiitril c-Ji u" to b'.- fro! ?..• the povt riiwi"iit in ]j*.' r, t:.. F.r'r.'rttary is invc-htiL'^tiL^ ter. at* Foreign. A Unbon d:«i»at*:h to a nr-ws accucy Jn Rays that On at UrJtaia has rcr ogniz:d the? rojuhlic of Fortu* fe-al. 'J'lio emperor and empress of Ger many Kaw.* a state bantjuet conclud ing the celcljrauon of the oemc-nary ill the I'nlverKity of nerlm. Kins Manini is ern/at'ed in the ]ire|iaration of a manifesto for distri bution to the press of Europe setting forth his side concerriiuK the revolu- lion. The manifesto will not be pub lished until Home time after tba IiIiiu'h arrival in Kneland. The I'hllliii'lne leKisla'ure has con veiled. In ills message Governor Gen eral KoiIich congratulated the govern- A council of Christian union to sweep a* ay denominational barrier* as proposed at tne Topeka conven- Tte Kpiyropal church conrention decidfrd to df'er action on ibe ques tion of marriage and divorce. Announcement of the death of Sen ator Ijolliver was received with pro found sorrow throughout the country Argument was concluded in the eovernment suit to dlw^olve the mer ger of the Coion and Southern I'a- Keciprcoity nepotlatic.ns will prob alOy be in progress between Canaia and the United Slates within ten cays. A violent collision occurred on the :reet3 la Ppain heiween republicans and members of ike Calh ohc cl'ib. Kvery us,on man at the Illinois !-Central shops at Padu'.ab. Ky *a,k e*d out through apathy to the strik ,-Lr cf-rnien. Arxounc-exent was made of a jr'-ft of S.C'.i.oO'.'.by John Rockefeller to ti.t- siedical dt arin:tci of Western univvrsiiy tt three ihc-i^nd d-'e^ates r^g '.Li r, nient. on the results of the Payne- Aldrlch tariff bill and i-avs that th« fai-lory. Tho fiscal vi-ar closes with surplus in excess of $1,000,000. Spanish monks and nuns who have (led from Lisbon are arrlvirie at Vi Ko, nalwjox and oilier points on the frontier. At IJadaJoz. on the ordi-r of a bishop the nuns are succored fit the Carmelite convent. Owing :4 I'retidi.-nt 'i aft has given tu al_ pro*a! of plans for raising the wre*.k of vi-«» baltlethip Maine .e government nat authorized the Kpat,.fti at I..£oo*i enT*-r ii-to relations with the prw :onai i'i erasnet t. it it estimated that be /evjjreC to continue the "jnitj-:o tioL of tie 1-eiiiit i.ajifcl during the JjMal yea/ l-ontiliizg Jvly ti-x\ *".* L'j.n.'dd'e- v--:gL-1 puX ift of tsie wo.'id .-d at kj/ni*tejo tt a n^ult o? W -Vii'-tr /,.. Hum Lb SJt K.'j vrtr 0 ly .J. a* a Ivi 'JL Icvr. \sK*k .y .V.. :*/, ,'VKK, C:1 f-ld ,» a.\ a,i tsr:*: is, J.•it'. \s/•?!•. ',n t-t'Af I. !..,ci of at. it 'ue v-i-r Y' LA 1 i\l\ I! cti *. !..!. 1 .iv.' ,!_*• 1 tj 1 •1 Michigan Cen- '/A rtft-r. 'us'., have begun. I 'I'll service fs s. k*. hope- -t, 'u-. J.jfM. u, kw.p Cholera out of ''•I wintry. ,'fivs:) Vvhltcin, Judgo of tho fcUl/:* Circuit, court of the district of Washington, died np*iki»r]«.. H. f.owvUl, railway commission* 'if .'•.••br.iiika, succumbed to paraly- titu:r an illn-HH lasting eight days. '.ejihus Kupervlhor S. C. Roach, who din'till till. ceriHUH for tho Portland dikt.fiit. Hcoutf.,1 tho uwncir t»e6U nej)|re mi report from 'H-.l-lngton that the census returns of Hortiand and other coast cities bad Ltco tadded. interna•„ nai nentioa of Christian churches opened a stx jv Bteetmp at To ka. EofUsi 'b&sk«rs have aeree-d to «i "«d the period of Begtr.m:&s -rmi. A Uj pending legislation affecting the re ligious orders, the influx of refugees Is embarrassing to the Spanish gov ernment (ii-orgo Fong, alias P'ong Ming Sung the young leader of the Chinese rev olutionary movement, who is charged with an attempt to assassinate Prinze '1ml sun, Chinese special envoy, was held to answer by .Judge MorMmt-r hmlth In Oakland, Cal., and bound over to the superior court on |S///J bond. The formal charge is an at tempt to commit murder with a dead ly wea]oii. General. tiiJ* 'js Zik-S ih:n wiLirr :r-.z Francesco "tw Speeches eulogistic Fetrer were majde at maiis meeting. Y'jrz A raid and arrest at New Vork Is declare*) to reveal a gigantic swindle in cutteims duties. cotton .'.e o.' lading ucd-r the present sy "-n fr-3 Oct-:er f. to I 3". To the already 'arce area of al-ou: *Le de:-3"'i^ert of the' intf-rio-r t&s adje'l :e?.OO0 acr.s •.•f land to t^-e enlarteJ bcs«stead I'-ortii.'B of V. yonunc. T'l-.t'-d 'S*-na .or rv-'?on W A'-rich. *b.-, with tie 11.e2.bers of bis fEffiily. ha.= in Europe for a :i,o:.. reiiirrj«i- la?t .»•: -5c S*-. rc-'z.r? 1 State Kt.01 ha re'u~D- Us .desk it the state d-ipartiient after spendtas nearly al: summer at tus country toae at VauSt-y Fcrse Pa. The Kissocn Pacific Riiiro-ad coai-' j,txy was £t«-i frcss $:•.• to t:5 eaca on f»sr coisu for§ the six-, 'i-.-ii'j-j: ii* jo u? fc-deral court :a ct. £rT*''rT.ZZ:'Z.f 2»c ^!d M&rsoa. Lord Ki\cL^r.4rT to t*6 con»«r a of :a« coci:L:re* on u.p'iji .-.'-n-e lxi~i has accepted. The pop ilitlcii of O: as co*r,parrrd w.*^ .z. !4".4i- iZi Tic increase 3frw to 1510. tcertfore. Is il.ili, or :s *T A from Kr-e were and s=rc2rw»n "i jured when ttrn t-£--s Chartfihs ton & V, est Caro.:ta ra:.rotd crafted toother at fii spee-1 two miies south of M'Cormlck. S John Ii. Rickefelier ha« g:vea \q the P.or-kefeiier institute for rnedlca.! researct: aa au:d:-!cci: J» bringing his do:at!oes to this institti a az ':-:2i-x o: I'/ vov l!0E Tnirty-Sii 'ar 'ar:---- o* the thirty-ei?ht be on?:^z to the Mam facturers a.»sof:iat:on wil! or ^:r ilwrs at Tampa to all ct^arraa^ers •Ailimg to work on ts.- tcajiafact'ir^rs' commisaioc of siien-i-'j saa '•'"rr.': linances of the Philippines are satis- to the conclusion tea: Amir- an potatoes are an longer a «or:rc«? Oi ^oiiiaciicatioa, ai.d tie Franca zo~? a a a product. Sit:zr Admiral John A. Rwszrs. V. N, T*.urhl. arr.v^d from Alaska. coEVitcc*^ tjaat L'.z mlK.zi:.z zoo. AJ '.-xacd^r, ho went n.onb in sum mer of 21-93, ij^rlshe.i oa the tThii- Actir,^ r.h-z^lar' of State K\thj A Adz*}, wL.o h&s ridden ovf:T rsuch of arid on a bl^yrJe U' Lo jI niifcbap. v.z& ir. vur^d r:d- in af.hizisrton *£.*• Le a^terrip »rd to a'loid r^tiTiiTiss ov*-r a jt Aci«o jLfit Vi s.r uiad*1' at 0'^v% ar:d of a jnft of o/r.-0 by John Of 'j'f'f-t-Tf-ri. P^-P t-rVi- \t-r* TV ,, gift, which la a pe-rsosa.' one la made conditional oa the raising of 1750, 000 more by the university Another chapter was addel to the bie*/.ry r.f fr Viviinri u. tv,r. dirigible ha.loon Clement-Bayard rna'le the voyage from Compelgne t/j \jr.idon :n the remarkable time of six vo-rs, a Journey requiring seven •'jo-.r* by the fa«tertt eipress trains The Mlss^vri state primary election is attacked in a petition 'a tr.e supreme court declaring it r-nconstituti.o.'.aI, Ti.e petition was fljed by attomeyg for John Felz to compel the board of election c.ommis ion era of St. Louis to place his nam# on tie official haiiot as an independ .nt candl'l'-ite for the office of Justice of t.'.e p*:s.ce. Personal. Congressman McCall of Massachu «:V* V.ii: Of/^|jaU-d V/tr'l Jiov,* author arid phil- Iy. d'*-td raticn ifU-fi '*r rJr: lb.,i: o: "/id, re'entiy O .' Of rt '.h iji l.i'V I -1 vf vi'.o/ jV.'i'ver »ti of graft are tliOv.ii to have had big batik '-omits. pro'lama'ion of sorrow for Sen ator LolIIver was Issued by the gov of lov.a. A ...itor Lugeno abandijned hln '.nil ago-New Vork flight. Colonel lioo..:cvo!t look an air ride with Aviator Iloxsey at St Louis. 'I hi small '.oti ijn governor by Massai-huhetts ino' rats puts ftu Hon gene N. Fobs slightly In tin lead. Commander Hubert Peary will i:t.:-:e of be promoted to the. rank of captain waer, he in tried in the corps of naval cull engineers on October 20. Odj/i'ir of New John J. Hei7., of St. I»u1h, and Isaac B. Kimbrell, of Kansas C|ty_ ttaii.s trough the re-i withdrew as candidates for the re. »jMie) under the I publican nomination for United States "jjifn-' ting tills city senator. Governor Kberhart calls tho trag fdv in northern Minnesota a ghastly lesson. Col. Koosevelt, owing to pressing cess every from which material benefit, died last week. Illinois Central Ktates not caring to make an Issue of News of Scandinavia Principal Happenings of the Week in the Scandinavian Countries. SWEDEN. The seed prowinK establishment of Svaiof received 'h- highest prizes at the Brussels •-^position. The city hospital of Malino has re ceived a donation of J..7m. from a per son who does not want his name an nounced 10 the public. The lii't.-r-*' on 'he money shall be expended fo* the recreauun of the nurses at tu hospital. Smoke was seen com ins out from the attic a 4^ Kegerlncszatan. S«oek holm and firemen forced lhe:r »a into Tlie room. Tl:e fire was easily put out. In the bed shey found Mar:n i^ivsi-a FTkuri.m v- years old. who na.j already f-een ^:fTo(-ai'.-*i by snr.OKe. To '.v*:*in the rk has been jidered 1. to jmpossittie. Ni» .-. S» edish officer proposes to ptit an er.U f." this old. old difficulty. He has ct.n struct.ed a pen wni is supplied wi'.r (iecrru lamp throwing li^ht en the wri'ii-i: Those who nave seen The cor trivani-e consider it a practical inv* n on. and ptil-hi: officials «.r.c roianer* are expected to be qui to take ad vai.-aff or tr: t-jnuy. to ex.*eiid their f»M of usefulness. Vastemorriatid. me iicr?bw-e«terB t-oriier of S mi n. has reaped "he bes rrop ve~ Known en by th- oldest ta-alA for the minister Is high spirited, and may not have relished the reprimand which be no doubt received from home—the af fair has been well handled. Lagc-r crantz blundered of bis own motion, at table, where hundreds heard Ills wordg and noted them. II18 words were with out a doubt, as matter is viewed here, a diplomatic offense, and if they did not call for his recall, demanded a reprimand from home, the United the affair. This reprimand, as has al ready been said, is believed to have hastened Ills resignation, for his plans In Washington had been made in a way indicating his Intention to make a prolonged nt.av. The govi-riiinent's proposition to build a new armored cruiser at a cost about 000,000 lias met with deter mined opposition from the Social De mocrats. Thev argue that no matter what Sweden dues her navy will be in Higniiii arit. in case of a war wiili some of tiie stronger neighbors. '1 lie Con Si-rviithCi lire going to bend all I h.-Ir without any wire connections ini-igies to get the necessary appro* liriatioiis for such a warship. A dispatch from Cuxiiaven, Ger many, states that, the fishing steamer Senator llolthufcn 1 ollideii with and sank the Swedish bark liiana. Seven of tiie Liana's ep-v.- wire drowned. Ah a S'lM-liholm housewife wont, out to get. a hai-ii to take hi*r to the lying in hospital she suddenly took sick and g«i\i Ijlith to a fluid 011 the street. Sin stiong enough to pick up tho tiny new-comer and retire to a gate- 1 engagements, was unable to attend the funeral of Senator Loll Iver. The Will Of tho lat.. (.eor^e W. way. where a policeman and some Patten, grain dealer and brother of otle people came to her aid and had James A. Patten, filed fui probate hei sent to the hospital where she had disposed Of a *2.400.000 estate. i„t, Wiliard Stephen Whltmore. Invent- While A. Stemlahl of Herga Kuddby or of the papier macho matrix pro- parish, was building a cellar'at Oster- of stereot) ping used by nearly! fkiun, Ostra Nv. a cement vault fell newspaper In the country and hwn upon him and crushed him to invention lie gained no I death, lie was f,« years old. a«id Unves Wife and ten children. NORWAY. The Rasten saw and plamne mi! ill Storelvedal was dest:oed bj fire. Her. U. Soie? youa* sen who were plowing hibitionists, c-vpressed him=elf so in a field at Ossjo beaan to talk about strongly against the liquor traffic and tr.» e.ectnc wires paisin? tnrough the its supporters that Lieutenant Thaulow ceieiborhood. Scme birds were sit- and Julius Fougner, a lawyer branded U£« on a Wire tnrousih which no cur-1 his writings on the subject as "mean rent was pass r:p. acu this led one of low, and unworthy of a man who the men to assert that the wirc-s were claims to possess the least, scintilla The others said they and in a short while To prove that he r«rmai£*?d banging on the wire, and the others ran to the house to report what bad happened. Nothing was to the power station, where the cur rent was shut off until the body could be taken down. The name of the man waB Karl Akerberg, and he was liS years old. Ticklish indeed is the position of the foreign minister. It will be re membered that months ago Baron I^tgercranlz, Swedish minister to Vi aiihir.gtori, addressed Mayor Gaynor of New York at a public dinner as a possible future president of the l.'niteil States. Not long afterwards, Lager craruz resigned. It was stated that his remark had nothing to do with his resignation, and the American state department has just announced that I-agercrantz did not resign his post be cause of friction growing out of re marks made by him several months ago at a banquet in New York about flavor Gaynor. And yet dispatches from Washington Indicate that their waa substantial ground in the lirst rumor to the contrary. The dispatch in question read as follows: If the New York speech had anything to do with the retirement of M. Lagercrantz—and It Is believed here that it did, \V. Kroqn. of Porscrund. has been a minister 111 the stale (."hurcl of Norway lor forty years. Mr. Ilenum has been superintendan of schools in Tromso for thirty years O. Koppans. Histiama. has been Many ski men are conn to Germany and Switzerland next win ter to pive instruction skinic. Sev eral of their, are p.eminent in skiini rc!e.= in their own Mrs. Berpljot Ib#en has returned tt Norwav 1 ^11 Tyrol l.ere h• h'i« band. Dr. Sigurd Ibsen, is still livinc He is about to buy a t-otiace at Sltm where he intends to sefltj foi cood. iU'cild Annnds-n has act'iail\ 1 ar~-d 1 p\.:. nd ded ir.l al -,n* Tlerep'i fr -m th- o'her c- Po\ i- s.n-c^-d tin parts .if t.-.e wjntry are as fo 5ows: the mar would ra'her uunil-er on« ~'cv kLoin :an aw (-'r-cc-i't. j- -v. -ici-v -s :,:irLer i«o 01 !an cocKj or very ecK»d: Kror.oberg three r.r the X..-: 1 I'o'e and SKarabore. above The avtra«e Ooro Pedt- rsdhtter Ciilcbo of (ipf uotet,^rs arid Bonus, qu-.te pood: di^-d at tee ase of s3 years after hav sood: A:fsbors. average: andjinsr held the oosuion of serv »rt r' ilai-icoaus. par: of the crop supposed :n the same hou !or aftv-fn«r ,nd so have t-een ce^troed t- :a,i. wasj hoif etirs. She hrd tlie rc-nitat on saved. being a very able and .M Johan Pe-terson. of Norr-• servant. sop-mz, was j? ars old. and he l^arse quantities of mackerel have 'onsvr take care of hl-ns-'i.j been caught around Rvvinsen lipht :::c ce had-a place wtucb he -a.!ed 6wj house, near the southernmost point of tome. He had to be taker, to the' Norway. The fishermen a-e inclined new pocr house, where he couid :t beiieve that the fish a:e attracted te arel for at pu'ii:-.- expense. For by the ligl. from the lighthouse in the a quarter of a century Pc:.:erson n:cht. hau te-n couecicie atu sWu'-g up In a li "er to Venlens (lain a Kris or.oevt? '.f any ar.o all .--^r^ ir. t.n,a v. i. fount Tolstoi de roc~= ",a: he -d Tnccj. ,r.d th it ha- no \\i-h 10 mene were heaps anc heaps of cjrd:nary fur-, the Nohei Peace prize. The committee rittire, bet there were also a numi^er w-hich has the duty of awardiim this of such balky objects as stoves and prize had given up the idea of bestow orsans. the whole collection mak:ri=|iii2 it upon the noted Russian author zlz^e wagon loads. '.Veen the owner' before his letter was received, was separated from these treasures! Dr. Schsrfi'enberg, one of the fore t» lost his reason. most fighters in the ranks of the Pro- ver of culture." This was more than br ScharfTenberg could stand, and he sued his detractors for libel lie lost not dangerous. were dangerous a het was ma: was r.sht the mar. chmued up and the case, however, and ho had to pay took ho."i of tne wire on which the the costs, winch amounted to $80 birds had been sitting. He was not! Johan I.arsen Sundbv, a young brick hur-. of course. But finally he also layer, was run over by a train near each of five pesos (worth approximate"-' took nold of a wire carrying a current.! Why, not far from Kristiania. No ly $2 each in American moncv) and and "he next instant he was dead. He one on the train noticed the accident, "signed" by F. Baca, advocate general and the man was picked up by the sec- Madriz, "EI Presid'cnte" and F. May tion men four hours later and taken sa They had not been cut from to the national hospital In Kristiania done until the accident was reported Both legs, one arm, and the fingers of one hand were crushed. Iloth legs were amputated above the knee, and the right arm above the elbow The man never became unconscious, not even during the amputation. He would not ha\ his eyes covered, but DENMARK The private library of the late Bish op RorAarn, consisting of 10,000 vol umes. some of wlii are very rare, has been sold at. public auction a that mat ter. About Tho starch trust refuses tU M1 a(1 rO HANG NOV. 15 POUND GUILTY OF MURDER WIFE AFTER 30 MINUTES DELIBERATION. be worth about $20,000, may go to the I While the disease in some Instances Btate. A- statue of King Christian IX was recently unveiled at Aalhorg. Jylland In the presence of the royal family The monument was made by Bonne sen, the sculptor. Tho labor unions demanded that the shipowners make agreements with the unions as to wages, etc., but the ship owners answered that they will hire their men individually, as before. The recent agricultural exposition nt Aarhus was from financial viewpoint a failure, there being a deficit, amount ing to at least 220,Oof) crowns. Of this amount, tho directors ot the ev-I .' position have guaranteed 100,duu nenver^roir? to pay thr prices asked for tills year's crop of potatoes, and farmers are trying to form a combination to maintain old prices. The crop is poor, especially in the southern districts of Sweden, and the trust's low bid means a great Qnauclal loss to tho farmers. im ixu.vw* win sowiiuiw ••tier r«ASKj. KKu »s^r, ia3^.°p': a Administrator. wT»"l"Jii"* "P fee Utbwr of Ap«l. Dated this6thdsy of ipnLlM. 0 MAY BE RECONSIDERED Evidence Was Purely Circjmstantiai and Case May be Reviewed by the Hone Secretary—Eng l,«h Averse to Hanging. London. Oct. H-—Pr. H:iw'.ey H. Crippen. atter a tr:al cvtondlr.g over fivo tfavs ar4i1 rs'trr thsrtv !r»ui\ !os do hbr muon bv itn, was t^^av f. :r.! pii 1Uv of !ho nv.iriitr cf !:!s wife, an An:fric:jn worr..-n Known or. st.igti as Bc'Ie K!nvre. l.oro Olvof Justice A]vers**»ne, who pr^si^tv. tlio trial, sentenced Cn «n to bo hancod on 0 vender 1^. 1 public school teacher for C-J years. The people of Kristiania are learn to hate elevat'-d railways, and not 1 the question is how to build under ground roads as or.eaplv as possible John Halseth and wife, of Trot.rt hjem, have celebrated their coidei *eddinsr. Sir. Halseth ha-= been con netted wuh the cihce cf t:.e poor de partment since 1ST-. There is, however, «ho strongest prejudice in a:M t'Neca^.nc man on v.:rt-ly«r.tiiil tvi rnd an dcr.t at the close of Criprer. trial hfls c:iu.«rd :l:e mirres sion th.-.i the y.irv tnay havo rtco:n nier.d* a 1 fo sonumv. After Cnp pen was sen:wK to death. il,o fi re r.:an t-f the **ry handed to th.^ .-^rd fiKvf .ujstice a note. A *cr looKinc at •t the justice said: "'ir./.i s".au l-c :-t .t To ti'.e proper tyaartor/' A large crowa awaitci: thr do arturo of c.rsppen from N» \v Kaiivv. 'I hore were a t:-w -boos as he drove a.v^v to the Per.t-'nviik- ir:son, but no otiier de:r.«:nstration. AH Reported Except One. St. Louis. Oct. 22.—The balloon Dur-.-eJdorf II. German entry in the international race for the Bennett cup. came to earth near Kiskisink. Quebec, according to brief messasr^s received here tonight. The time of landing: was n^t stated in the mos saer»\ Lieutenant Gorscke pilot, and faithful Samuel F. Perins. aid, believed from the tone of their message that they were the winners of the race. The place of their landing is 130 mil^s north of Quebec, or about 1,100 ^niles from St. Louis. The Germania by landing at Coocoocach**. Quebec, I.200 miles from here, is believed by Aero club officials to be the winners. But one more balloon, the America II, carrying Ailan Ji. Maivlcy and Au gustus Post of New York, remains to be heard from. The gravest fear is felt for the America II, in charge of Alan II. Haw ley and Augustus Post of Xew York. It is supposed that they have come down on one of the manv islands in Georgian Bay. America II carried the least ballast of any of the aerostats. Seize Spurious Notes. Chicago, Oct. 22.—Three hundred thousand dollars in counterfeit Xic araguan five pesos note, freshly printed were seized and the printer who made them, tha engraver who made the plates, and the man charged with securing their manufacture were arrested here today by Captain Porter, nf the United States secret service and his operatives. The notes had only been printed, not having the official seals or numbers impressed. There were 150,000 notes, the large sheets. 0,1 Cos bar Robert Svendsen is going to start' Elkins, W. Va., Oct. 22.—After school of aeronautics in Copenhagen, *st'e»s night and morning Senator his charges being per scholar. Many persons have applied for admis sion. N. Jensen, a restaurant keeper at Handers. died without leaving any heirs and his estate, which is said to Revenue Cutter Wrecked. Havana, Oct. 22—Reports from tho evidently belnj wounded vicinity of Cape San Antonla say that Is fatal, death coming suddenlv. Dr Golden assured the family that In the case of Senator Elkens, his splendid vitality was ln his favor. Establish Postal Banks. Washington, Oct. 22.—The board of trustees of the postal savings bank system today approved a list of 4S second class postofTices at which the plan will be given Its first trial The list includes ono office for each state and territory. Among offices designated today are: Bemldjl, Minn., Walipcton, N. D. and Deadwood, S. D. 0 0 .. Denver, Colo., Oct. 10.—Snow was crowns, but it is not del,rnlely known! reported from all parts of Colorado just where the lest of the money is today, tiie first general storm of the to come from. season. Valdemar i'oulsen lias actually sue needed in lighting electric lamps with-1 More Candidates Get on Ticket, out any wire connections. His assist-' Milwauke, Oct. 22.— t'ndor a ruling ant took nil Incandescent lump and I walked into another room, and* a button in his apparatus, lighted and ,a,e clrnlIt court by Jud ho was there Mr. I'oulsen, bv pressing ^ndidate °n the democratic county morning with a bullet wound through 1, ticket will be placed on the official ljn ot put out tho lamps in lapid siiccos.sion court rules that a democratic I yesterday Johnson purchased a ballot deposited bv a vtor, whether 32-culibre revolver at tho Lish hard Tin* city ouih il of Copenhagen has marked or not. must be counted for resolved thai the stroel *ar company I the democratic candidates, it being Hhail not. pioeuro any moro new cars I ,,le but thai the city shall hav«- (rharge ot I r. ,on of tho court motor cars and! 2.-1 trailers are no del. involving an I fp( expense of almost $lNti,0im. Peter I'aber. I In• ami.or of "Den tapre LandHoldat (Tho Hravo Militia man), one of the most, popular ballade ever written in the Danish language was horn Oct. 7, 1810, and Ills one hundredth birthday anniversary was celebrated in many parts of the coun try. t,cket GOVIKNKfM FILES BRIEF PANAMA LIBEL CASE BEFORE U. ,j SUPREME COURT. rn ect democratic candidates throughout! Senator M*nv Prominent Men of the United IN LONDON, States Suffered by Pubhcatjon Regarding Cenai. VTashir.g-ton. Or t. 21—The c^vern brief in the so-called Panama hbel suit of the United States against the Press Publishing Co.. of New Yoric uus filed today in the supreme court of :ho r.'.ted St.iTvs. it was argued by Attorney General AVickersham, James Kt-ynolds. and Stuart McXamara, It notonlv contained a statement of facts but an argument support of T.ondon. Ort. 20.—TV its position that the indictment facedh) a^r--.*? :icn:n?t the Pre? Publishing Co. should witness b^x today. It not have been Quashed. ™omen: when the din?i: "In tfi'^'Ct."' savs the ff^vemm'knt*# American emortr* brief, "the published articles charge that Charles P. Taft, Drt::g!as* R^hin son and Wm. Nelson Cromwell, with J. P.orpont Morgan arid others acting through an American syndicate ob t.vnod control of the securities of the French company which owned the Panama canal mite and its properties for the af proximate sum of J3.000.000. Aided by intimacy which they enjoyed with Theo. Roosevelt, then president of the United States, and the brother in-law of Douglas Robins-.r an 1 Win. H. Taft, then secretary of j*\ nnd the brother of Charles P. Taft, and by the co-operation of these officials with them they were enabled to effect the sale of the Panama canal to the United States for $4^,000,000 and r^ap a profit of some J36.000.000 which was divided ns charged, among the government fa vorites in the world of politics and finance." The substantial question which the government claims is before the court was set out in the brie as being whether the United States courts have jurisdiction to punish the corporation which printed in the city of New York a newspaper containing a libel under the criminal laws of the state of New York and circulated copies of the same within the federal territory of West Point. Next Meeting at Fargo. Bismarck, N. D., Oct. 21.—Fargo was selected as the meeting place for the 1011 convention of the North Dakota Educational association which con cluded its annual meeting here late yesterday afternoon. The following ofllcers were elected: President—N. C. McDonald, Mandan. First Vice President—Martha Tat em, WilHston. Second Vice President—Fannie Ami don, Yaliey City. Secretary—Clyde R. Travis, May ville. Treasurer—Dalton McDonald. Town er. The convention this year has been one of the most succesful ever held in the state. The papers were spec ialy good and the discussions were helpful and interesting. Death Ends Pistol Duel. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 21.—Mutorman James E. Alexander was shut and in stantly killed in a duel with a high wayman at the end of the Grand ave nue car line at midnight last night. At the "Y" at the end of the line Alexander found that the switch had been blocked. Conductor Waiter H. Gross and Alexander took their re volvers and were about to remove the obstruction when a voice commanded "Hands up." Alexander immediately opened flre on the highwayman, firing two shuts. At the second shot the conductor says that the highwayman yelled in pain, nred the Cuban revenue cutter Cespedes has been wrecked with the loss of the captain and all hands except two An unknown American bark Is watfhod the operation with interest, stranded off the cape. The crew was Hut I10 had lost fo much blood and was saved. The Norwegian steamer so exhausted that it was questionable Hames, Cuban steamer lilts, and many Dallas, with its candidate for re-election. crew of nine men is safe nt Tvb»e On Saturday Roosevelt will address Island. The barge broke away from a a Stephen B. Elkins who is III at his home "I-Ialllehurst", near here, Is somewhat Improved. Dr. W. W. Gold en said the senator's complaint was Sunday. Tiie bandit about five shots nnd escaped. Up to noon today the police have arrested two suspects, but neither was wounded. 1 whether he would survive the terrible "mall craft are ashore on tlio north- Now Hampshire. The colonel left for ordeal. east Roosevelt to Speak in New England. New York, Oct. 21.— to day moved on to New Lnghind where ha will speak in Massachusetts and coast of Pmar del Rio. Boston this morning where he speaks S a a a a O 2 2 a S a aln to be reported. It is believed indigestion. at the Aero club that the aeronauts 1 land ln the wilds of Canada, tf Rhode Island has quite recovered to- a Madison avenuo car at Sixty-ninth I street Early reports had^t that Sena- tor Aldrich was in an automobile ac- I the c,in Aldrich was crossing the I street when the Klanclng The senator and disregarding tho f' 11 the state Johnson's dead body. Aldrich Knocked Down by Car. Oil Tank Exploded. New Yorlc, N. Y., Oct. 21.—United I St. .o,i!r. o., Oct 2n Six nf the States Sen. Nelson W Aldrich of international balloon contestants am Tlhnria Telnrtfl miftA r*iviv*«.A,1 lnK car struck him a blow, knocking him down. '",rl The Germania, according to a tele gram from Haileyburg, Ont., was seen yesterdsy, going northeast Into a for est of northern Quebec. The Germania Olympic is Launched, is covered with aluminum dust and it Belfast, Ireland, Oct. 20.—The is easily Identified, Pittsburg Ironmaster Dead. Pittsburg, Oct. 22.—Charles H. Zug, aged 78 years, president of the Zug Iron & Steel company, and one of Plttsburc's pioneer manufacturers, died at his home in this city. Catar rhal trouble of a chronic nature caus ed his death. To Recognize New Republic. Berlin, Oct. 21.—Great Britain has proposed that all the powVrs recog nize the republic of Portugal at the same time. Germany today replied approving the suggestion. Suicide at Dickinson. Dickinson, N ,D„ Oct. 21. Chaa. yesterday afternoon In the! Johnson, agfd 24, was found dead in T-iulvvlff, every! room of the German hotel here this tls loart He had evident commit- ed suicide In a fit of despondency UiLrG ,h ruIinff ,oUla K00d ft ,nn af store. He went Immediately to 1,s 100m intention of the voter, in the opin- I xstoiday the wife of the oroprietor of to vote the democrat- 1 the hotel. About 5 o'clock lll !l(,tcl lloar a Pistol ehot but I '-''"Vf" 1 thi,t 8 out tl ors when the maid went 'he room she discovered 11 ,s M,miS Rr known to hnve ]aml0(1 day from slight bruises received last iscon nlght when ho was knocked down by I Mulligan and three In Can- ro down bllt no ejdent and had been severely burt "t'vcd from them up to 9 tills morn- I wi^con- Messages from North assisted, roso to his feet mania, landed In a forest near Poma few slight bruises walked to the Park avenue home ot wi« mm Wlnthmn AMrlnk gasing, ont. The four balloons hare been away from St. Louis more sixty houm IN WITNESS BOX nAWL CB ,„ EN LIFE STORY IN C0L=- WASPALf AND COMPOSED Took the Oath Holding E Hand—Curious Throne Available Space in C-j~ Roor parative isolation dock and took a po«'tjor.'^ stared at with inter sv. curious throng that f". of available space in th court room. Crtppon was pale, but that has remained sin^' charged with the mur-?-*• tress wife, Pelle Klmore him. Holding a Bible in-.te^- took the oath calmly. Under the tactful gni^' counsel Crlppen ga\e a career. He had studied theor^-s taken a practical cur-... 1-Ie had performed post morv The drue's which he vv 5 in Kngland he exjla nvd his own prepar.itn* spoke slowly as he proc«' mitted that there was body of his wife, four an' inches in length: it was said by an operation 12 nr^ Terrific Explosion in Nev. New York, Oct. 2"—A plosion killed six firemen fatally wounded t'vo ntle-rs •. .. 2.000 women and ctris ai.! a many more men into a panic the bagging and rope American Manufacturing Cn. a: Point. Tho c'rcumstanccs'r explosion are a complete »vA«! When the big bnilr-r in the t'.v-"- -v brick warehouse attached to tl-. Mew up, there was a rush for}aai« doors and many of the weaker f:. 3 were trampled under foot. All of tile hullrllng was sliakir- .-.3 another boiler blew up with great, lence. The bodies nf tile six firemen w- r-i terribly mutilated ati.i it was v.-itli ficulty that they were rccr,gniz,rl.: French Steamer Ashore. Key West. Fla.. via Havana. —The French transatlantic *t*a?Pr L'ltiislana. from Havre 't- Havnr.n a-. .Viw Orleans, is ashore nn s^mhr- -1 reef, about fifty mlWs east cf here •About half of her 547 passengers hav» been brought here and the others sr-i not thought to be In dancer. The news of the Louiyinni's rile'*:! and the rescued passengers brought hc-re todav the Tn:-. •States revenue cutter Forward. T' 0 cutter will return to take the re. the passengers from the wreck this afternoon. The steamer lies in only eiaht r. .--t water and It will be impossible 11 1 her until her cargo has been soncd. David B. Hill is Dead. Albany, N. Y„ Oct. 20.—PnvM T: cx-T'nited States senator and governor of New York dle.1 sul today at Wolfert's Roost, h:s home. About two weeks ago Hill wis soi?, with a bilious attack while at hi- 1 office In this city and HlthougL: 1 condition was not considerrd =rl at the time, his physician advisV-i to remain at home until he reoovr'f A cold developed and a few days I.1.' alarming reports of his condition 'v circulated. These reports, how. were denied by friends. In fac ti patient appeared to be improving :r. last night, when he suffered a s:r,k spell which resulted in his death. a meeting at Concord and Manchester its tow during the 300-mile plow off the Interest of Robert Bass, the pro Jacksonville last Tuesday. gresslve candidate for governor. Roosevelt is accompanied on the trip Senator Elkins is Very 8ick Man. hy Mrs. Roosevelt. They will return Three Balloons Still Unreported. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 21.—Three bal loons, the America II. the Asurea and the Dusseldorf II, contestants for the connected with the upper bowels and international balloon cup and prizes produces an Intense pain akin to acute Trolley Cars Collide. Kittery, Me., Oct. 20.—Elghtv ployes of tiie Portsmouth navv v. on the way to begin their davs were injured today, three possi: tally, ln a collision between two loaded trolley cars on the Athr Shore Line railway at Fort Hill. 1 ing leaves had made the rails slip: and the first of two cars mounting lull failed to respond to the brakes rolled back, crashing Into another i George Gunnison, William Foye Thomas Billings were the most rt •jusly hurt. of two mammoth White Star I the Olympic, was launched s-.i fully amid scenes of much cn.h today. In accordance with the cu of the White Star line there w.. christening ceremony. The new vessel Is of 4",noo She has been building for twenty months and it will be eight r: longer before she Is ready for her '.rip. Taft Is at Capital. Washington, D. C., Oct. 2'- —7 dent Taft arrived iiere from N at 7:34 a. m. todav. lie was panicd by Secretary Norton tain Butt, his military aide. Six Balloons Are Down. East St. Louis, III., Oct. 2 started in a Chicago .•. freight house, on the river tr cv which spread rapidly to nri-h' structures of a like character.^ a loss of more than $506,000 c"^J mnrning. Tlio blaza was of r: niiicance wlien discovered, hit spread to ten tank cars of oi',: exploded, hurling blazing fluid directions. The oil set fire to the Bclt'rr Ohio freight warehouses, c.- block. A score of oil tanks ploileil with a roar that was f.naj miles. Bryan in North Dakota,: l^argo, Oct. 22.—The dem-jcratj tral committee has arrangc-d :h rar hem tiiat the other four Arrive tn -i- reports had been re- of Hon. William Jcnniucs I in Vnrth n,i-«i. w! Cny Tl a anJ ®P ea ks at Va at 10 a. Bay, fl Ont., re- halloon believed to bo the Oer. m. thence by special--..-.?:' over the Soo, speaking at Carrir.t Short talks will be made at II Eegsenden and Courtcnay en rout- On Wednesday, Oct. 2•" wn! At Rugby at 1:30 p. m. at Devils I Ml. p. m. and 9. at Grand Forks a*. n.