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ojjTH YEAR: NUMBER IS tlial keep I Will Prove It to You. While Times Are Hard. I am well satisfied to make expenses, ami for reason I :un selling (L SK: S..CLOSK that I anv catalogue supply-house. oods moving fast. look'at our Tcn-( 'cut Counler. ri'dit. will foinpuiv my j»i-i«s with 1 am not carrying a very liig stock, lmt 1 carry ciioue'li stock 1o supply my trade, and in You will all ways tind it fresh and clean. •lust call in. whether you i»uy or not. and take a I always keep good Talile liutter. MONEY liring in your liutter and Kgg-. My prices are JOSEPH EBERLE, Linton, N. D. that way tosBurn! ,-v THATS WHAT YOU HAVE) 1FAP5U KEEP IT IN -saSTHE HOUSE^ THE BANK Years of successful hanking in .this community .have given the |)co])]c, we are thankful, confidence in our hank. Make OUR Bank YOUR Hank. GERMAN-AMERICAN STATE BANK. Linton, North Dakota. YOUR POCKETS Will not le empty, neither will your stomach, if you .line at the STONE KK5TAUKANI. We serve the most delicious things to eat, in the very best and most ap peti/ing way. You will he sure to get your money's worth every time. 1 ry one of our Stone Restaurant, Linton, N. D. Uieker's Market, a l* Linton, North Dakota. We curry the host line of fresh Meats the market produces. -Smoked and salt Meats from the best packing house. All kinds of Fruit and Vegetables in season. Twenty-Pive Cent Meals. We will treat you so squarely that you will come again and again. :Vl'ls -ss'ss Jakob Riekcr, Proprietor 1*1 »X»I*I»I*I*I*X*X*X»I* X* 2 *5 Tl\c Market., FRED KELSCH. Proprietor. very 1-riday during the season we get a trcsh shipment of \oung Onim,, Lettuce. Celery. Radishes, Call or 'phone any Saturday nioriiiiig and get a supply fur your Sunday dinnrr. arc all shipped in. ami are ..the bot that wr can g*'' ».• astern markets. City Meat Market Opposite the Linton House. ,AROUND THE STATE.! I Near Velva a man was arrested I with a dog, j»un and fourteen tie 1 funot prairie-chickens. Mown in Kichland county people continue to be bitten by mad dogs, or dogs suspected of being mad. I The country banker will do well! to keep guard of his premises these nights, for the yegg is abroad in the land. A Litchville man asserts that he dug loT potatoes from one hill. Size of the hill and of the potatoes not stated. Farmers in Kichland and Kansom counties have about ten tune- as much corn .growing,this year as ever before. An Underwood man sold his field of barley for $'S an acre, standing and the purchaser considers he has a pretty good bargain at that. liaine wardens around Washburn have their hands full with reports of illegal prairie-chicken hunting, which are coming in from all direc tions. A patient who had escaped from the Fergus halls insane asylum hanged himself in a cell in the W'ali- petoti jail, where lie had been placed for safe keeping. Manager A. A. I'm ith, of the Nes tor farm, near Valley City, has Joo acres of tine field "corn, and shows sample ears nine to twelve .inches long, plump and juicy. The ,iranville authorities will post notices at the city limits, oil all roads leading into the city, warning automobile drivers against speeding, and let the scorchers beware. Kditor t'rary, of the Fdmore Her ald, insists on Colonel Iiloom, ol the Devil's Lake Journal, naming' some of the men he charges with being at the head of a booze, ring in Kamscy county. Petitions are said to he in circula tion asking the county commission ers to submit the matter of removal of the county scat from Wahpeton to Mooretown at the next general election. Muring a Parties county wind storm, some shocks of wheat on one man's farm were blown over to that of another. The people are now en deavoring to figure out to whom the wheat belongs. Last Thursday, F. II. Young a mason, working on the new city hall at Bismarck, fell from an open win dow on the second floor and broke his hack. He is still alive, but his chances for recovery are silght. An odd stunt was performed by the wind at Powdon, the other night, when it tore the top oil" a box car in which several men were sleeping. The car was not moved and the men were not injured. A binder owned by the Acme Harvesting .Machinery Company started the year with the harvest in Texas and has followed it north un til it. is now being operated on the Mcllinnis farm near .Jamestown. Thrashers must clean their ma chines of wyeil seed before moving from one farm to another, or they are liable to a line of .10 to $oU, or three to ten days in jail, or both, ac cording to a new law intended to limit the spreading of weeds. Mamie Pergman, a girl of fifteen year-', was abducted from Wahpeton and was found in a rooming-house in SI Paul. She was brought home by SherrilT Moody last week. It is thought she was taken with the intention of selling her as awhile slave. McKenzie Cazottc: (iovernor Puike is undoubtedly losing faith in that vice-presidential-hoom joke, as if is announced that IK is serious ly considering the fourth-term idea. And he will find that there will be some joke to the fourth term if he tries it. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson, of Fairmount, fell oil' of the tender a lhr :.-ing rig while ii was mov ing and the wheels passed over his head, killing him instantly. The lit tle fellow was seven years old. None of the men on the rig noticed the boy fall. The apple erfrp in Kichland coun ty a good one this year, says the H.inkinsoii News, and the trees in the orchards tributary to Uankinson are loaded with fruit. Kichland county apples have become a daple article of local commerce ami are on s::i" by the local dealers through out the season, commanding a price slightly above that paid for apples shipped in. owing to their superior nuality. EMMONS COUNTY RECORD. LINTON NORTH DAKOTA. Till'USDAY, si.l'TI.M lil!U 7. In O-mahrock township, Cavalier I county, as. Mulligan is reported to have harvested, thrashed and mar keted at Fairdale a l:ar!ev crop that gives him a return for the season's work .if per a-re. which itself is a pretty good thing to talk about. One man who kr-wsa good deal about it says that.Tough horses and cattle have been drowned in the Ked river by being sfick the mud, during the periods of low water, to build all the dam and locks needed to maintain a stag, of twelve feet of water from Fargo Winnipeg. tieorge Nixon, a farmer of the Kyder country, is charged with sell ing'grain in 1 »it upon which Ward county has a lien Nixon secured SlMS worth of seed from the county, during the year of p.ui'.t, and in the fall thrashed nearly 1,07s bushels of wheat and boo bushels of oats, which, together with his farm, he disposed of. The county commissioners will prosecute the ca-.\ Ward county farmers are said ..we the county .?iio,oiiii for seed furnished. Carl Henderson, employed by ,1. L. Pollock, ot (lerber. met instant death recently, hv .1 shot-gun, as he was trying to untangle a whillletree from the harness with the butt of his gun. Hender-on and Hullock were out driving when one of the whilllelrees became entangled in the harness. In spite of Hullock's pro tests, Henderson grasped the gun by the barrel and worked the whillle tree ith the hull. 1 nc shell had been shot (df, but ihc other ex ploded, the charge entering llen- d. rson .s neck, at one sale of the throat, and the victim died in stantly. A local business man has solved the problem of bow to a tered, and closed the door without being detected. .lust as he was about to gel int.. bed, his wife, half aroused from slumber, turned sleep ily and said, Is that you Fido'.'" 'The husband, telling the story, said: "For once in my life 1 had real presence of mind I licked tier hand and barked." Attempts are often made to break oul of jail, hut it is seldom any one tries to break into the cooler. Such a case occurred, however, in Shel don, recently. One morning it was noticed that the door hading into the village bast ile was open, and up on investigation it was found that the lock had been sprung and the door forced open. The only theory as to how the calamity occurred is that some, in looking for some place to spend the night, stumbled into th" building and con sidered it a good place for a night's lodging. 'The probably did not realize that it was the jail, as it has the appearance a wood-shed or a chicken-coop. HAZELTON HAPPENINGS, Ui'lUllltirilt!.: A lll/llsl !l.J Miss Ivina Armstrong left Satur day morning for Fargo, where she is visiting her friend. Miss Fast gate. F.M. Jones returned from Hebron Saturday evening, where he has been doing corn 1 a-t work for a week past. Mr. and Mr- .I 'S. Ileaiv and S. A Mikalson are on an auto trip to Aberdeen, S. M. I hey started Tues day Miss Mat id ClUrnan was plea-, antly surprised Saturday when she was presented wi'h a new piano by her father. Feed Merchant' John Wray re turned last week from a visit with relatives at I.aCp -se and a business slay in the Twin 1 it ies. A creamery organization at Fort Kice (Cwythcr) h:i been perfected, with Westloy Hal or of I.ivona as vice-president and J. T. Boyd sec retary. I.aMelie I'.riggie v.i 11 leave to-mor- row morning for Davenport, N. D., where he will be principal of the schools during ti. coming school year. 'To-morrow'riig! will be a gay one in Hazehon The harvest ball is the event Kverv thing is in read iness to make it the one big event of the season. J. II. I learner, president of the Kmrnons County Industrial Associa tion, was up from Linton, Friday, looking after the association's busi ness in connection with the cxhibp to bo shown at tile big show at.. Pi niarck Mrs. ,1. 1. Koop is reported to be convalescing .juite rapnilv at a Pis- marck hospital, and can now he up and walk around a little. It is ev pectcd that she wi soon be abie l1. conn.' home. .t'ick Krickson. of 11 r. -n, sh 1 pped two car-loads of cattle from the lo cal station to the St. Paul stock yards last Saturday. II. and Park er 11. U. liat.'.er accompani. the. loads to their dc.-lmat recovery is certain and speedy. -i H',.: 1 in. •V. l.eo, Johnson, of the country northwest, has had to take Ins. ,:.®S daughter to a hospital at P.ismarck. where she will undergo an opera tion for appendicitis. \d hope her 7_i II Moger, Killing lllder of the Church of Cod, id Pleasant Valley, pre ided over the annual meeting of Friends of the couple will be in terestod in learning that a son and heir was born on August fdli to Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, at Me Call. Idaho. Mr. Peterson was lla/el ton's pioneer blacksmith, and Ins better half was a teacher and coun ty superintendent of schools in this county some years ago. 'The young ster has been christened Harold. Several townspeople report thai the busy youths of the town are making nightly raids 011 their gar dens, with practically no other in tent than wholesale destruction. It was too hard work nursing a garden into a useful state this year to have it. maliciously destroyed, and parents should keep an eye on their boys and take them lo task when l.hov get into mischief lurator II. C. Fi h, of I lie slate historical society, has just com pleted a trip along both -ides of Ihe Missouri as far south as the south line of search of histori cal data. Ile sloped at the homes of James I.awry at I.ivona and A. M. Weller at Hartford. A number of old Indian villages were visited. Mr. Fish was accompanied by a par ty that included two Indians from Fort Perthold, and who, besides aid ing in the capacity of interpreter., anil guides, greatly enjoyed a visit with old friends among the Sioux- west of the river. 'The editor came near losing out, again the other evening when a man was chasing around town with a box of cigars looking for "we lo have us smoke to the health of a n.",v daughter hich had recent ly come lo bless his home but Mr •'. A. Ward is not a man to shirk his du ties, and, as a consequence, he came to town again Monday and did the honors in fitting style. 'The stork visited heir home on the ele .ent.h, and, although the girl is getting quite aged by lb:- time, the item will be news to a good share of our readers. A girl was also born unto Mr. and Mrs K. Caulield on Aug. '.Ith. 11. P. Wernli is ttie busy bee the day creating pretty and attractive distpays from grams and seed- to he used at th" big industrial show at P.isinurck lb- is working behind closed door.-, so we cannot de.-crib what he is making but we .. vouchsafe the information that it. will be a prize-winner. Other v.-oi i. of the promoting of the exhibit. 1- progrcssing rapidly and very satis factorily, and everything will be ,n readiness in ample time for the lug show. It is not too late, however, to bring any samples you may have, and of course there are some sam ples that cannot, be gathered until almost the last moment., s. •f 1 $ •ft that body yesterday afternoon. The meeting was held at. the residence of nil Moger and was well attended. School starts a week from next Monday. 'The following teachers have been chosen to conduct the lla.'.elton school. S. M. Kalston, r» principal. Miss France- Paddock, intermediate Miss l.ucy Hubbard, primary department. v., Reports from farmers in this cinity are to the effect that last week's frost nipped'several holds of corn pretty badly. The corn siill'er ing most was that planted in the low places that on the higher ground not being hurt. If no killinc frosts come, most licit Is will be out of danger in another week. ('has. Armstrong Saturdas pur chased from Tin is. Kelly a quarter t,. at night without having trouble with his wife, say -a state exchange, lie was out one evening, and dark ness was slowlyjchanging into light when he entered the front door. Shoeless, he climbed the stairway, opened the door lo the room, en section of land near what, used to he Williamsport. The land is described as the northeast, quarter of Section —-, Township b'!'., Kange 7H, and not far distant from the Venter place, which Mr. Armstrong now farms. It is his intention to work both places next year. FOR •J 1$a't it about time} I iii. if I In I tl.r.O I YEA l{, IN ADVAM PRIZES FOR CORN! 1 •The Goodridi^e-Cnll Lumber Com pany has ol totvd the following prizes, to he awarded at Ihe North Dakota Gram Exposition to lie held .it Bismarck, N. 1) from Sept. 26th to Oct. 15th of this ear. or lie eii lie. I eats of N'or lb western (ii'iit Corn for the -ccou I lie.t ten earsof Northwestern Dent Coin .is'-lo for the third best ten ear-of Northwestern Dent Corn It is understood lhat this corn must he iLUOwn within the counties of Em mons, Burleigh, Morton. Stark, Billings or Adams •I'. rife- Call Lumber Co. 'U -'k YOUR FUTURE Pro.pent\ depend not so much upon present earnings as upon otir ACCII 1! I.ATM NS. It I., I lie i-e man who FCI.I.V realizes Unit, the time to make provision for his later years is during the productive period of his life ami that a bank a nut is a leal and AC'TCAI aid to him in con.- er\ ing hi income and in building up In aceumulal en by not 1 iej-s11 Nli\V lo provide for Vol IK fiitiii.-' open an account at 'THIS HANK and add to it a you can First National Bank Union, North Dakota. i,y iiK i..start. ,i N, I.UMIH SS with a 11 if. iiily -f al'ility,'l w»rk, liuii«sly aiM .1 r' p»jt 'ioh. Ah iir.jM.fl.ti.t !.»« tor to t!* 1 vn ih -ihnost. v» ry ihst.ifi' yoj will fihd, w.ts thnr tihk .pro-m' 11 ir l-.ihk OM' hot h.tvr^« h'lt their oiiiti tioh witi» Me !, ioiipU y, itJi th« ir 'Htffjy, tioh« st .1 i.'l h.ira t« v. .• 11h.tot Ihf p-'ht tfi» .-.V.'.1 l»lr to rsl a I'I .»J»« hrou^li I r« «111 -tji I ess 'IS .. p-Mr. iii o«it for yoiir-i»lf .ti» a« 1 'JUht with 111 'v h.'thk 'vill )i» lp yo-j ih iitaii v, a First Bank of Linton, Linton. North Dakotn. 1 1- I ilN .11 W I.v. trii II. A. AriJi'.t roii*. A- 1 h-r«»I/ !rv. I*. A. rr.iny' S A E CALLOWAY and ABERDEEN ANGUS BULLS. Yearlings ,-intl Two-Year-Olds. All Subject to Registration. Terms to Suit. At O. O. JOHNSON RANCH. 3* Miles East of Linton. W. E. J. W. JAMES -ssV-:'..v:f:s.s I.IN'iKN, .NMltlll DAKOTA. .u' 1 li?" w.. n. t'- PETRIE, I 7 Dealer in General Merchandise, A New arid Wo||-.Seloo.e Sto of 'iroceric-s, Dry (Joods, Cl'ithing, and Fact Iv/erytiling I'ound iri a (ieneral Store. Our Motto is "Fresh Goods and Right Prices. Studio ft TOOL COMPACT I -S |r 1 S -i .*