2STII I e. I n. p. ji 'n .r. A •P. A A W A i. IT _fi_ A A n. :nzz YEAR: NUMBEB in 111--t-iit ]acka_ f\ SNf\P. Special for One Week Only. Sept. 18 to 23. GREAT _'-c, lit pnekaov 'alnieal. this week.. 1 eent. i'»l 'mil I" tlio i.i.onjilc, w('aro thankful, C|ty lakes. 7 cciit. •j.Vceiil I'.ulk ('"iVcc. •_»! cents, kiml Men ('nliii'n\ I'ajn-. *l.'.n si.no i'111f'"I'ti'l's. sptisS®• fgil? I'i'Ilts. ,.cciit Manse-Trap. cents. ."•-cent Kitv-Sliovel. .... .•i-iits. L''-c'iil ('aimed Corn. .... '.i cents. AII ntlier isIs ill lln' market very 1\\. THE LINTON CASH STORE. JOS. EBERLE, Proprietor. Linton, N. D. GREi^I' OAii LITTLE* ACORNS A FORTUNES ARE MADE BY THE DOLLARS THAT WERE DEPOSITED IN THE BANK ••Wars of succcssful hanking in this community have given. .• cinliilc.'iu'ov,in our iiank. Make OUK Hank VOI liank. GERMAN-AMERICAN STATE BANK. Linton, North Dakota. YOUR POCKETS Will not Iempty, neither will your Momach, if you dine at the S I ONI*'. KK5'"lAl'KAN I W serve tin* ino.st delicious tilings to ut. in tin- very hest and most ap peti/intf way. Vow will he .stiff t*» y{et your money's worth every time. I ry ni oiir Twenty-I'ive Cent Meals. We will treat you so squarely that you will route atfain and atfain. Stone Restaurant, Linton, N. D. PMNXNNXNMMIMI TTTTTT»X»XXTXXXXIIXXXXXXZX I|iekei*'s Iai*k*t, Linton, North Dakota. We carry the host line of fresh Meats the market, produces Ntioked and .salt. Meats from the best packing house. All kinds of Fruit and Vegetables in season. Jakob Rieker, Proprietor. M*itx«ux«xmzmx«x*m»z«x*x*z»z*z»z»zmx*xm (1it\M.eat Market. FRED KELSCH. Proprietor. i-riilay during tin- season wc !('t tr -»li shipment Oiiioi,. l.clliicc, Celery. K.'ulislR-s, Ktc. C. .. 11 or 'phone .00, ''!'H .'UkI j{ct a supply for your Sun.lay liinncr. 1. a I are all shipped in. and arc the he.st that we Can g-'t Iroia •he ra. t,. markets. Meat MarKet Opposite the Linton House. S.'t I ir« .1 .! 11. Iteamer, president of the Kmmons 'bounty Industrial Associa­ tion, recently requested the editor the Kecord to write to Hon. .1. 11. Worst, a pioneer of this county, now it the head of the state agricultural ollege, inviting him to deliver an iddn.'ss at llismarck, on Kmmons County Pay at the big exposition. I'lle edidor did so. Following is Mr. Worst's reply: Agricultural College. N. 1. Sept. 11, lull. lion. I). K.Streeter, .inton. N. I). llearSirand Friend: have your- id' Sept. '.Mil. inviting me to deliver an address at. llis­ marck in Monday, Oct. 2d (Am­ nions County Day at. the State Im­ position). I consider the invitation piite a compliment, of itself. So far as I know at. this time, I shall lie there and render what service I can. I have the profoundest. respect for. ind owe quite a debt of gratitude to, t.he old-timers of Kmmon.s coun­ ty. I have in the past endeavored to manifest the one and discharge the iiher to the hest of my ability. 1 ••hall continue to do so. .. "Very truly yours, "J. II. Worst." It is unnecessary to say to the •arly settlers who lived in this coun­ ty many years, when President (Farmer, I hen I Worst, was a resident here, that he is the leading orator of the state. Having been at the head of the state's agricultural school many years, and before that a practical farmer, no man in the New North­ west knows better than President Worst the things that should be done to make farming more remu­ nerative in this region. And it will pay every man who runs a farm to be present on Oct. 2d and hear Mr. Worst. Those who have come hen' within the past fourteen years, anil who do not know Mr. Worst person­ ally. will have an opportunity to meet and net acquainted with the man of whom they have heard so CHANGED OWNERS. List of limmoiis County Keal Instate Transferred Since Our l.ast Published Keport "Receiver's Corit.fioates. I'liiled States to Sebastian Wald, 11r of ijr and lots 2. and I of |.-'-l:!l-7l. 1' ni ted Stales to dilstaf Larson, hf of qr and hf of qr of lS- I *-7 1. I'niti'd Stales to Albert I'elerson, hf of qr and lots ad I of o- 1 -r Patents. United States to Anna Orogan, hf of qr of 1 l-Pw-7-i. I'nited States to Frank K. Devan, qr of 2''.-i:.".'-7T. fA^A I'nited States to .Jacob Schind ler, qr of in-|: :!-T7. United States to .lohan llelfen- stein. lots 1, 2, 2 and 1 of I-11 -77. i'nited States to William It. (irover, hf of qr and hf of qr of I-12'.i-7'.i. Warranty Deed-'. Oliver It. Iloskiris and wife lo W. II. Ileald, lots and 2 and hf of .. qr of l-i::.V7o. l.nu. Kintvre l'ownsite l!o. to P. II. N'el-oii, lots 10, 11, I-, l'.t, 20, Asa II. Irish and wife to Henry Nieuwendorp, hf of hf of loii-7"). $s I.OI i. Martin Doyle and wife to 'l'im othy Davern. il hf of 17-L'io-7i. $7,111 hi.on. EMMONS COUNTY RECORD. LINTON NORTH DAKOTA, Till' HSDAY, SKTTKM lll'.K II. liMI. PRESIDENT WORST WILL SPEAK. This Emmons County Pioneer Will Deliver nil Address at Bismarck on Emmons County Day. Monday. Oct 2d. at the State Industrial Exposition. A Special Train on the Northern Pacific Railway, with Reduced Rates of Fare. Will Leave Linton in the Morning and Return in the Evening. Great Interest in the Exposition Is Being Manifested Throughout the County, and a Big Crowd Will Undoubtedly Make the Trip. much that is I, ami who has fur years been successfully at work in the interest of agriculture in North I lakota. Mr. Iteamer ha-', as was slated last week, made arrangements for a special Irani to loMnarckon Mon­ day. the second da of October. The train will leave l.mton at 7 o'clock in thi'morning and leave the Capi­ tal Cily on the return at 7 o'clock in the eveninK- Those who tfo will have practically the entire day at the Kxposition, which will he the hijjuest. tiling the state of North Dakota has seen in many a day. Tickets for the trip The price of round-trip tickets is as follows. To Hismarck and return I.inton, S2.(HI Temvik. S1.7"i llazelton, $l.rn. The special 11aiti will stop at the siding known as Sueltz. between lla/elton and the Soo crossing, also at. the crossing and at Mollit, to ac commodate people living in the northern part of the county, and proportionate rates will be charged from the poinls named. Make your arrangements to take in the excursion. l'J.i'i per thousand are now on sale, and can be procured from the following named commit icemen. (ilencoe, Kd Kasteii. I.ivoiia, Wesley Maker. llazelton, K. H. I'.rin^le, Temvik, (iottlieb Schatz. I.intoti, \V. (). I re in. Slrasburu, M. Paunii artner. .. llaK'ue, It. M. Yelk Winona, I. .1. II ise. Westliold. ('. Koweniink. Those aloiitf the Soo line will most likely ko I'.v that road. For that reason tickets have not been sent to towns on that line, but everybody would be plea-od to have a IUK crowd from lira.ldock and Kintyrc "jine the procession" at lla/.elton. The I.inton Hoys' Hand will noon the rain and will play in liismarck during he day. l-i:i::-7rvf $i,iHio 111' of S W qr of A. .1. Cremer undivided luilf-in r-1:::i-71. $l.no. io F. II. Cremer 'iTest in qr John I. Itoop and wife to Liz/.ii A. Farrell, lot I.!, block 1, Itoop' lirst addition to llazelton. $70.00. Philipp llerreth and wife to Waldt mar WenzlalV, lot 27 and 2W, block I, town of Ternpi':!on. .flliOO.OU P. 11. Nelson and wife to Frank A. Ilarta, east 70 feet of lots 10, 17 and IK, block SI, town of Kintyre $100.1111. I'rank A Parta lo P. 11. Nelson west 70 feet of lots l.i, 1 I and block 22, town of Kintyre. $100.00 •lakob undert and wife to Waldi mar Wenzlalf, I of (jr an hf of eqr of K'1-7 I. $1.00. Two Noted I'oems. One of the most !amous of Joaquin Miller's poems in his "Columbus, which the I ondon \lhaeneum one pronounced the bt^i American poem It begins: I' 1 11 i1111 liitn iy ui |:.hln.l In- y:it of 1'iilfS", I I'.' hitn. ir»t lln- if lii)-.: 1. -»111 ft lii-fi i- 111 rn, 'Hi Sy li- s»- •«. I'll" »I n,:n- s.o«l. N A must. w»- jif .ty I'-ir very si 11 ip' i."iiii' Ur 1 vr ji| ii/i r.»1 -1 pi :i. it mIm) 1 I stiiy'fe 'WliV v:iy. 11 'Hi "i. ami on' J1. SJ, I |. ,. hotter known are his lines 2.". and 21. block 22, town of Kin- which he afterward said were writ lyre. $|iiii.iin. ten by the grave Hums: hi tt.' ij In tu ti.' .'!»• tun ta ll! It ti«l S'» r:. uch »f St 111. •In :n»-n whom rii»-*i |r'»n'.uiiC*Mllvlini I titi'l so much of IH I hint. •v\ tii'Siiat«- to ilruw :i v' lirtwrrn tin- two linil lias Hot Call on Charles H. Carley, county Anna Crogan to Sue 1!. (irogan, judge, for final proofs and tilings. AROUND THE STAiY, -O'-i 11 The recent Natlotial'"convention hows that Hismarck has one of he strongest Moose ori mi .'.aI ions in the state. n', 5, North Dakota isnne of the health lest .-.tales the union. crr.iiient reports placing the death rate: al A A ,M, A lodge of Klks at M.mdin has been chartered It is rep-rled ha I rw both Wilhston and Devil's l.ake the baby lodges of Flkdem in North Dakoia will erect homes. '•%. Ml'. A An alleged deaf-and-dumb beggar stole some opium from a drug -11 in Willow City, and it was f. ind that he reco\cred the ue of his voice as soon as lie wa-' under the inlluence of ihi' drug. Carrmgton girl missed her purse, containing a watch and .-.line money. The next day il was found some blocks away, willi the entire intents undisturbed, and along a route the voung woman never tra\ le.l his mower refused to work, found a new coat entangled therein. Inves tigation showed other new suits Iv ing in tile lield, and il was learned that one of the stores of the town had been robbed, James Smith of Cogswell ha^ pnr hast.'d the local creamery, and will it once remodel the sime and equip it for use as a cheese factory. Il xpoctcd that this venture will be a very profitable one. and it is only pieslion of time before North Dakoia becomes Holed as much for its cheese as for its other dairy and igricultural products. Receiver It. N. Stevens, of the iismarck land ollice, has JII re eived from the Department of the Interior at Washington a ruling' which will hereafter govern in hi' proving up on homestead claims. The new ruling defines what consti tutes a live-year residence. It ap­ pears that heretofore a practice has obtained among many entry men of including as a part of the period of residence the time elapsing between the date of filing and I lie dale of their actual settlement upon their claims, construing that the six months' time allowed for making residence is in effect six months' grace, and can he included to iheir credit. This practice the Interior Department holds to In 1 i^rovvn ,'fr .11, /t- A A farmer near Tolna. upon look ing for the reason why the ickle on V&. erroneous, md it must lie discontinued on all proofs oll'ered for hearing afier Dec. 1, lull. The latitude of lime allowed for discontinuance of the present practice is permitted in or- order to allow the completion of all proofs now in process of publica tion, without. necessitating a delay and additional expense where ihe claimants have not been properly informed on this matter. There will lie many .special fea­ tures at the North Dakota Indu. trial Kxposition for the farmers. Com mencing Oct. I, there will be three interesting days for the farmers. In stitute work, under the direel ion of Supt. T. A. Iloverstad. will be held daily. The good-roads organization will be in session, and, in addition to lectures on the subject of good roads by a governmenl expert, State Kngineer Atkinson, who will have charge of the program, has ar ranged for a si (*reopt icon iIIu. rated lecture by a governmenl repro. ent alive. Dairy Commissioner I!. I'. Flint will have charge of the dairy man's meeting, which piomi. es to be of unusual interest Dr. Taylor a noted agricultural -peciaiHt. from Illinois, will give valuable leetuic.- and discussions, there will he dem onstrations and other interesting and instructive features. Ihe ex­ position promi-e- lo be of unusual interest to the fanners, and ail who 1 possibly can hould arrange to spend at least a week at the e-,posi­ tion. Commence September 20 arid closes October I• .Some flood Corn. John Iteamer, v.hile oui looking up samples of I arm produce fur the State Industrial Kxposition at His marek, •. Nited the faiiu of -idfi Wood, up in the northern part, of the county. Mr. Iteamer .-.ay that. Mr Wood has the line.-t field of corn lie ha.- seen in his travels this season. There are thirty acres of it Part of it is Minnesota No. 1'. ai.d part is Northwestern Dent. There is a stand of at least rnnety-fr.• per cent, arid ten days from the time he saw it. it will be out of danger from frost. Mr. Iteamer -av- il is oqua to the be-'t |ov.a corn. IK*, in lOI fl.ao 1'KU YKAIt, IN ADVAM PRIZES FOR CORN! I lu* CjOoJriJoo-Call Lumber Com pany has olloivd the following prizes, to he awarded at the North Dakota Grain Exposition to he held at Bismarck, N. D., from Sept 2(th to Oct. 15th of this year: i0 ti-r ihe ten best ears of Northwotern Dent Corn for lln- iecoiid-lie-i ten ears of Northwestern I lent Coin.: S $2o for the third best ton ear. of Northwestern Dent. Corn. It is understood that this corn must he within the counties of Em­ mons, Burleigh, Morion, Stark, Billings or Ad inns. Goodrito -Call Lumber Co. Trnnsocts Genernl Banking Business. The First National Bank of Linton ipit )l. Surplus, h'r.Uik IVcVf ii, 1.1*. N' n,.tii. This Bank and Your Success. •y,M..i,y n»«i, i.avc *,t .* 1 husihfjss with a a|it,jl 'Vj.Iy .11 h.ii'l l,»o»s!y ahd .« v{«km| r« j.ijl.t ii• »ii. An iiiii»rt.u,» l.pi'.r to th« ir stj' ss in v« ry iiist,J111 y»'i will 111I, was Ihi'ir t» «i• 'mht. 1 li» ir hai.k r)« pic.it ma 1 FOR SALE. At A N'e.V Nothing, "ijin't it about time »v $25,000.00 10.000.00 sul li'il ii I I-Yi ami uill ffive a III I e.a I'ef III a 11 1111 Hi. ii: "roijs. li 'hii y, K.I I' i' -1 /, ii'il li.iv tn-t-h lar^« I•• 11 th« ir. "hi.r. tj.iii wiUith« hahk, with t|,i ir '•in rj'.y.. h-a,' sty .oi'l h.ir.f tfr wa*» 11»*• ha.sis «l th' if'lit th» v. r«- .thh: st hl ^h. ah'l through r' Mit ',IIIMIS jmssihh Ih «»'it for yoursi If .»u imii' wi'h •. h.i 11 »v 11 }.• 1| you iti in, tii/ wa ys, -f/. ,y:-' First Bank of Linton, Linton. North Dakota. ivihi do •.V I '!.• A irw ih. .. 'li'' H' -u •ii it a j' 'VW 'i\ niir |riiiipt Thnst Vnriai..ir M. Itar^t r. Ariji,*.tfo{»^,-': A. W'T'A/ A. .iii. CALLOWAY and ABERDEEN ANGUS BULLS. Yearlings and Two Year-Olds. All Subject to Registration. Terms to Suit. O. O. JOHNSON RANCH, 3 Miles East of Linton. J. w. JAMES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^AAAAA^AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA W. E. PETRIE, Dealer in General Merchandise, ON N 1 W. are and Kac! I in V( or order 1 F: I IL A RI'A s-ielecii'd -lock of (Jroceries, Drv Coods, .thing Found in Our Motto is "Fresh Goods and Right Prices.' I inton. North Dakota a Ooneral Stor(i(i»:ft ^5 TOOL COMPACT r.t.kl S003 3^: IL t,,1H MI'S 'A S j.