Newspaper Page Text
th IN TOWN AND OUT. -amiK'l Solomonson was up from Winona country Tuesday. Tun O'Hrion departed for the T'-vin Citii'.s last Friday on business. |). Seeman shipped two ear |,.ai'|. of cattle to St. l'aul Saturday.' .loe Allen and his son wore up from the Dale coun try 1 ,esl i. Ketta Sandidfje is stopping '.j, Mrs. Scott Cameron and at- ti'iniinK school. Mr#. Thomas Fergus of Linton wl'il to Jamestown the last of the »t,'K to Visit friends. J.ihn J. Maumgartner, the Stras burp merchant, was a business vis it,,r in Linton yesterday. Mrs. Fred. Snyder and Mrs. I-. W. Or-jmnycr were visitors from the north country yesterday. Kr,.,| Kclsch left for St. Paul last 'Sai-inlay with a car-load of cattle. He vturni ii home yesterday. Mcssis Fo^el and Sutherland are busy at work on the extensive ad dition t" the Temvik school-house. Tin' interior of the telephone ex change has been re-decorated—that is ahem! so to say whitewashed. r-emer.s Kelsch will return to Cian.l Forks next Tuesday to begin hUsci-'Hiil year at the state univer sity. Mi^s I.ueile Crain has gone to Kvanstun, Illinois, where she will atti-ml the Northwestern Univer sity. The .Misses Frances and Hazel 1'etrie left Monday for Dubu(|ue, Iowa, where they will attend col lege. County Treasurer Naramore went to Bismarck by train Saturday and returned by buzz-wagon Saturday night. Miss Klla Madson, the trimmer at the Laiilies' Store, and Miss Jessie Units, were over-Sunday visitors at Hazelliiii. Miss Lottie (Irendell. of Kiver Falls. Wis., who will teach school at pollock the coming term, was in Lin ton Monday. Miss Florence Jaekman of Temvik left for Lincoln, Nebraska, last Monday. She will enter a college at that place. A. I\. Dessel, of Ossian, Iowa, made a brief visit this week with his friend, A. J. Cremer, of the First National Hank. Fred Frazer, of the Sand Creek country, will go to Hismarck next Saturday to have an operation per formed for appendicitis. Mrs. C. H. Mewing is expected home to-morrow evening from a Kismarck hospital, where she has been a .-ui Merer from rheumatism. S„me say that the prairie-chickens are plentiful in these parts and some sav they are scarce. Perhaps that depends on the hunter -or the dog. Don Tracy, the Linton photogra pher, will visit I'ollock on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. aist, 22d •nil 2. d, prepared to do work in his line. A. K. Klabunde, Robert Heale, John Wray and Kd. Sterling were down from Hazelton Tuesday to at tend a meeting of the Masonic lodge. The lit. Rev. Cameron Mann, Hishop of North Dakota, will ad minister the rite of confirmation in the Kpiscopal church at Linton next Monday evening, .Sept. 18th, at S o'clock. There a great deal of com petition among peach-sellers in town this week. There are two youngsters who seem to understand the meaning of the phrase "The early bird ^atchi's the rni." Millinery opening at the 'lough Sisters' store ,,n Friday and Satur day of this week. We have the most beautiful line of hats ever shown here, ami :-.t, very low (trice. Re sure to coni, in early. Ihe person who took a bloodstone finw. and a jrulii necklace set with pearis and rubies, from the resi dence,f Miss Alena Tough, within a month, will do well to return the articles to their owner in Linton and save trouble. (sei-M. Jacob llelfenstein and Philipp '•renx,of the Hazelton neigborhood, weie in Linton yesterday. Jacob had 8 'i*d touth, and came to see the Kent whoso mission in life is the fix- lnK of obstreperous (good word) Rrinders \\'e forget the gent's name it peculiar one. Dr. Lritts went to Strasburg ue»iay to inspect two car-loads of lorse.i that were to be shipped to niarket yesterday. There were for -our head in the shipment. This ina es thirteen car-loads of horses at have been shipped from Stras "l"® tar The average price paid tu the farmers was $10) per states Attorney Cameron, with •'s wife and the new boy, arrived I'i.-marck Monday evening. voting hid seems to be satisfied the change of venue, but raises his voice in powerful protest when he experiences anything that he considers in the nature of tort. H. N. Turner returned Tuesdav from his visit to Aberdeen His father came back with him and will remain in Linton awhile. Notice.-As 1 have completed a course in general auctioneering. 1 am prepared to give the public the best of service, c- Kay U. Rrown. Temvik, N. I). Ise7-2M -Mrs. Jane Harlan, of Arcdale. Iowa, mother of Mrs. i). K. Mickel, arrived last Tuesday to visit a short time with the family of her son-in law and daughter. The many friends of Mr. R. John sonbaugh welcomed him home from Kismarck. Thursday of last and everybody who knows him hopes that he may soon be restored to health. The old-timer, Maurits Van Soest. was in town recently, going to and from Hazelton. He went up there to buy some winter rye for seed, which he obtained from Attorney Armstrong. W. R. (.Jrover was up from the Winona country the fore part of the week. Mr. (irover is one of those farmers who are not dis couraged by this olf year in the matter of crops. Here is the way a Kansas paper duns its subscribers: "If you have frequent fainting spells, accom panied by chills, cramps, corns, bun ions, chilblains, epilepsy anil jaun dice, it is a sign you are not well, but likely to die at any minute. Pay your subscription in advance and thus make yourself solid for a good obituary notice." The I\pwo-th League will give a social and reception in honor of the teachers of the public schools of Linton, in the Methodist church, to morrow (Friday) evening, begin ning at o'clock. A short pro gram lias been arranged, and light refreshments will be served. All patrons of the school and the young people of the town are cordially in vited to attend and enjoy a social evening. Mr. Vansickle, traveling for the American Oasoline-Lamp Company, was in town over night Tuesday. Not long ago he put a lamp in the Moose club-rooms, on trial, to be kept or returned after a period of thirty days. The boys didn't wait the thirty days, but were well satis fied from the beginning with their purchase. This is the company that recently installed their system in the Record oflice, and it has given entire satisfaction. Mr. Vansickle will return in a week to install four additional street-lights that have been ordered by the village trustees. Two of Kmmons county's well known and popular young people were joined in the silken meshes of matrimony last Tuesday evening at it o'clock, at the Methodist parson age the Rev. A. M. Wiley, pas tor, performing the ceremony. The witnesses were Flva A. Richardson and Jason J. Wood. The bride is Margaret, the youngest daughter of Mr. David Tough, a pioneer settlor of Kmmons county, and was herselt born in this county, a few miles west of Linton. The groom is a son of Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Richardson, living twelve miles west of Linton. The young couple have the kindest wishes of the community for their happiness and prosperity through life. Here is an item for which copy was misplaced last week. Hut it is not too late to announce that there came to the pioneer house of Stewart he of the name of James being now its sole family head in Kmmons county -a daughter. The young miss was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, of the Dale country, on the oiUh of August. The mother and the little lady are all right. We are not often caught giving a birth announcment so late that the young miss has begun to wear hobble skirts and have beaux, and we here by apologize to the newcomer for our laxity in this respect this time, and we promise to make up for the mistake by a bigger item when we announce, her marriage notice. Kd Kastun was down from the Glencoe neighborhood Friday of last week. Mr. Kaston is the Km mons county farmer who had such good luck with winter wheat this season. He raised twenty-live aert surreii. And it would rta.niy gle the Weeds a surprise jg: 'iet:-. and Christ:' \V business trip to Te I- red made a I ue- lay. Mrs. John Public returned We,I ii,. d..v ,,f last week from I'. so journ in the east. Miss Inez I haney is stopping for a time with Mrs. Charles Green, in the (lniio country. Mr. Swab, of the Omio neigbor hood, has gone to Rochester, Minn., to consult pinsician-. Mrs./,. Norinan of imi has ta ken her daughter. Mrs. Corners, to Iowa tor medical treatment. Miss Rose Kubouii.- of llerreid. who is leaching the McCuliey school, ua. in Linton Saturday. 1 miis Malotiey came up from Ab erdeen Tuesday, on his way to his ranch in the Caytnn ncghborhood. Miss Hilda Vanderhurg of Omio has been assisting Mrs. Frank Hell, in Linton, during her rec,-nt 11 n.s. Mr.-. F. M. I'.urge, who has been! visiting in California, i- evpected to arrive in Linton this week for a! brief isit Mrs. Delia 1'aimer Green and chil dren, of Sioux Falls. S. D., are vis iting at tlie Calmer home, the iinio neighborhood. (.'apt. Iloiistain is expected to ar rive to-day or to-morrow for a viVit with relatives and vvi.tb. neighbors and friends. Miss Rosina Seenian left Tues day for her home at I.eSeuer, Minn., after a vi-nt of a few weeks at the home of her brother, L. D. Seenian. Mrs. John Pietz, mother of Fred I'ietz, returned to her Kurcka home Monday, after a visit of a week at the residence of her son and daugh ter-in-law in Linton. Messrs. Seeman and Rarger. with their families, made a trip to that summer anil autumn beauty-spot the county, the Kmmosnburg country, Sunday, for an outing. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lane went to I'.ismarek yestenlav morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are contemplating moving to the Capita! City, as Mr. Lane has a very good professional offer there Theodore Lane, being eighteen years old, the age at which be can legally take up land in Canada, has gone to Milestone, Saskatchewan, near which place be intends to soon fasten himself to :!Jo acre- the limit, up there of Dominion soil. Christ. Richer of Temvik recently sold a Rumelv thrashing-machine to W. II. (label, living fourteen miles east of Temv ik. Cbsrles Gillespie, the Rumely expert in these parts, went out and set up the machine, and it is working in first-class, shape. J. K. Ilolsti, of northeastern Km mons, was in Linton yesterday. He was on his way to Arlington, S. D., to look after his crop interc.-ts there. He says that on his home farm lie got ten bushels of wheat per acre oil forty acres, lie aver ages a fair crop all through. The high school of Linton oHer at present the following-named sub jects above the eighth grade: Latin Grammar, German Grammar, Kn glish (four years I. American Liter attire, Modern History. Plane Ge ometry, Algebra, and Physics. I'n doiibtedly, there are boy,, and girl in Linton not at present attending school who can find among the above-named subjects just what they want or need. An accident, that would undoubt edly have resulted disastrously only for prompt assistance happened last Friday in the alley in the rear of the First National Hank. The buggy in which Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Ja cob Sautei. Jr., vvere riding tipped over, the wheels on one sidedlop ping into tin* gutter. Roth ladies fell from the rig. Mrs. Sautter with her l.aby in her arms. A two-year old child of Mrs. Sautter, who was al.-o thrown out. was caught in one of the wheels in such a marine.'' that, had the team started, the child would have been killed or seriously of this kind of wheat. On flax injured. (Juick help by Mr. Fischer, stubble it yielded twenty-five bush-1 manager of the Goodrjdge Cali els to the acre and en bare plowing lumber yards, soon set things right, seventeen. Mr. Kaston I 1 of the ladie-are daughters of the fact that unlike winter rye Christ. Wolfer. the old-time Linton winter wheat must have snow pro-j merchant. tection. His idea is to sow it in A meeting was held in the band corn stubble. He also believes that' room last evening, attended by busi it would more than pay for the ness men of Union, to consider the trouble and expense to sow eight matter of closing the places of busi qua-is of flax to the acre about. .July ness on the second day of October, 1st. and then about Sept. I.-t seed which is Kmmons County Day at the the wheat in the tlax. The liax State Industrial Imposition in Ris would hold the snow during the marck, and the day on which the winter, and a crop would be as-especial train is to be run. The sen- timent was,mgly in favor of the proposition as not only the proprietors of the vaMotis business places want to make the trip, but their employees as Weil. Ifer ivik iV Ladies, don't forg, here to get your corsets. We h.c.e a full line of them ail of the time. Prices from cents to oil. order large -i.'.es and any garment the price of which woni,l lie over ,•?:,,"i. The Ladies'Store. (jvL'T-tf) ru'- V- ^111 pills ftiJul I mil i'InI profit s, l« pi'iiMi'.s iiu'l I :i l.i I? I m!i Pluti! 'h-pi»sjts i» ho-ln-rk ?:r»,'.l«l T'.l h.-Hiiiiiil c. I nii-Mh or.!. pi is 11 so (XI I'lmi' c. ili«- ih V.f/' i«' p. u' ti "ii" gaytopT gossip. \i' i, Hit «rI.' if Archie Mickel ret urned ,Sunday from Sanborn, this Mate. li- S an I Mrs. Frank Sweel spent S .miay afternoon at D. W. Casey's. iV xl /A*. Mr-. 11. A. Downer returned Fri-1 day fr.itn her summer -visit in W is- I en in and New York.,"::. The Mi.-ses Daphne Downer and Gladvs Mickel spent a few days with Mis Mamie Chatnley last week X. fi Mrs. Walls returned home Satur day. after a couple weeks' visit with her daughter, Mr-- Woslev Ha, .lr J? A. .-, •V ,'A Mrs. Frank Rogers and Miss Clara Shormor of Rismarck came down Satunia.v and visitiduith Mrs. Su erly until Sunday .'A :»'i A number of people from this neighborhood attended the dance at Huchatian's last Saturday evening. All report a line time. Scribendo. [ft Rids for Coal. It"' 1 1 1 1 1 1 'JSi .,iint A ullt"r I' th-I -it'ii, N. I» ,.t tl I HI (No. 111S. 1 M. T. liarger and J. 11. Reamer made an aut.o trip to the Glencoe intry, Tuesday, and obtained some \erv fine samples to lie -hovvn at the State Imposition, iniong them being some A1 alfalfa. Fay Harding, having completed his contract for building the Gocd ridge-Call Lumber Company's big coal-sheds, went home yesterday. Mrs. Harding came down by team froin their farm in the Rraddock country and took him home. ih 'p' l'.» i- Total «m!».nr: st at'- of Nf 11 1 Ii I ».ilo)t.). Ml 1 of Km tin 'lis. $ S^i $ niniv liiviir MMlnl |iru|:..«,aK until up u,. (».•!• i. I'll. f« »r fu rnMi! it.' ti I y- tl vt tuns •f ik't.n.'. st.m.l tn Hi- liliii i»f tin t-urn 11 11».«•, M.trU lltiK for C'ul in hi ivhs to tin- i'i, A ul 11 »t l». 1 I I a C•• r'lrtV $ Jt'HN N lKh\ (lr (lr Keport ol the Condition ol the (&' HAGUE STATE BANK ®l At tin- «f N»-rth hiik»»tft, »it Uit'i'it'si'iif Uuslin*Ks Spii tubt r, I, mil. KI-SOVJ.CKS. l."Uns,iri.l iliv'.iunts {Jil.ViG.t v-t sriMjir'l IHI linvni in I tlS L'4 \V iiTiiiih, tax cert Ih'*:ih"v ci:i!invt I'' I'fc'i HtitUiu^ liuiise, furnltaiv iml tlx int.* jju. 'utlir.t »I1, v»• uniivitlr.i 11rilts 7'r.' 1 Uf f'nlii Lth'-I' I :tl)k il .,1 ',c hfi aiul ...wtlic.r.. c.ifth 111• 11.• iMt .:{ •r»7.*n t[ilt ii Nti»cU p:iUi In "•I pi ii-» fti ii«l ., J.:. I 'in- :i lid C»TI 1 tJi\| t*s «f »|. ,:ii MAHILIHI, P"sit tit. riititMh 't.i -. I '..slip-r-'s fl.c. l.-M nt St .111 \u.'. HI T.M.II ll.-MI! .A) St Nt ri ti 1' iU.ihi. I \t if Km tidins I. II. U. /.i-nK, *:isi 111' I tli-' alxivr liaiinil 111 U. s.deinnly ,sv\, ii li-i! tin* uliovc •«1:iU.-|iniil 1 ur, t.i !.. Usl'if inyktiMWl Mini to-lift" II N ushlrr Mil I'l I- 11 »In I ^tt'ilu lolii'lme nil' his II It il iv of i, I'M 1 (M-iiII Vul.K. Notnty I'nhiU*, North |%kotH. '"»ii lulssi. hi p: «k April «?, IU17 CotM.-i. A 11. c. VuKI-AN'hKK, VolJi. I Mmctor.s Uepurt of the Condition ol the Security State Bank, A r.islm in 11»«* Si itf nf N«»rl It 1 MtUot a, .1* I in' im' 15 ii-»i in *s Sfpt i- Ui Im 1, lull KI-.mM KflCS |,t,:ins ami tliMMimts liy.wr. :!f It.111 lltir -In I I I S I T..1 Hi .- I(C 80 I.I A III I I'l'lKS. upii sto rU pMII Hi rt in iilii' of I itiOv?- iiJiiinil t.ank, do ti.nly hWi-ur thut tin: al"»v«- st iitrinrnt is io tin- uf my tni\\ ii-tlj.o- ami I• 11»*f MAKM'.AKTNKK, P'.rnctof Just Dissolved. "So vou bro]:,.- ii- ,-n^a^einent with Mis- Sit'-nsive r" "So, I didn't break it." "Oh, fhe broke it "No, s!if didn't break it." "But it i? broker,'"" "Ye?. She toh! me what her clothing co-1 and told her what inv income was ti.*n our engage ment sagged in the middle and gently dissolved." Houston I'ost. Citation Hearing Petition for Ap pointment of Administratrix... A N HTH I A rT tKli tl itlnl tl ii «H) 'tin I rstuh- If. I hie fi'11,1 ot ln-r t»:ti.l»s I.'I.Oa Chcrl.s it ml ot lu-r :tStl it"•n.', ..- :»r» '.«» -ish I,'i'* N !ti 'ijiintyl«*«»ni 11« f.• 11• II t. 1 'iirlry. .1 ml iiiu ,* In Hit! licit 11-r* "f tin- •»11 «-f t.' "U drri-as'-d. Mrs I I I U:iv-t -t it t» i» -. i:tv. I »ln:i Kit v»-, Maj yl« Iti iinl 110,im) IX) I 1 iara t.'av-, rj'spuiuli-uts. ilalli.n H» uilii:: l'* tnt"ti fur A iip tint iim*nl tf A•! in iiil*t im111 at** «»f Nurtii I* m. Notice to Creditors. I 11 n' mattir of ti.- tstutn of Wlhlam IH'Jn'h, dl'CnaNi'il N i- is I h' by «l i»y thr Klua W. Mui'in'li ad m.nist rat rl Wit* fa. tal, of Wihiam Munti- ti. lain of I I I Muhiii. In in- roml Kmuniris and utatr ..f North I »akot a, I n-,Hn«|. to th rrrdlUif* of, ami ail pt-rsi'iis claims auatrifct, nl ile.-i-iisi-tl, to ••thlMt lln'tlj. with ih« II»-C ss.ii oui'hcrs, wit ii! 'I six nn -nt liH iifti th« llfsi pulilic.itlon of Hi:-, nutlci'. tn s»lJ H1 n.inist rat riat ln-r M.r- In th»-vill»K0 of Kinton. in -ant Kmnn»n- county. li.-th ii pt. mlx-r II i». I'-ill. Ki l-'A W. MI'KN'H, si'', .i A (I mhi 1st rat rli Ill's! mi h! tea I i'-n on 'In- Utii day of »'p tcinl,'! A. I I:«11. Longest FlijI by Bird* I r! in I In- loii. -t st raigl tawnv f!isj 111 made bv bin in tle-ir inigrn- Ills i" lei I ,|llp! I 'd 11 seine of 'lie s|,,,iv :,ti,! wat, birds thut n,vt in the island.-.'of 1',,-ring sen nn! spend lie- uintir it llavvnii and limning l.-land, n't miles uvuiv. lliasilllleh as siil'ie of these 11irfV-t live entire!^ on tie- shore nn,l tii',_ probablv unaiiie !., lest on the Mir face of the water, thought thut t!:('V liiUSjl a,''tbo vtlioledio tancc in a pini/h- 'liebt. Vet, al though tlier'' at" ii landmarks for tbcin ,on their journey over a waste of watc-r.-, thev make their wav to tle-ir do-tm.itioii with tbo preeioion of a ritle shot. »Unt a to al«.vi- nuini't] ri*hiM»ini''iits au«l all jm In tri'Sti'l In tin- istati* "f l.'.iw «li Ct'Asi-ll You, and i-ai'li of yon. tr•• hin l.y n«.iitii il that I 1 of IhiUotu, tin- l»it a N I h' I :v) ll loiM-r li' i' ln, lia? tiii 'l In ilits rourl a pi-titlon praying that N-m-isur juJhiintstratlon upon tin* ••siaM' l.nols Kavi-, lati* "f In- ii.wnshij) ..f I .ni« 11.i !'.»• in ih»' cuiinty of ly ainl Mint*1 -"nih Uota »l»-i'«!asf"l. m,nil«''l Mis tlia Kav.' and that l- p-tlt}..,, will lii'iini ainJ duly''onsl-l« i«-il l»y t.liis '-u i-n al unlay. I I tl'day -if it N'.tai I'ubhc, I niofi«* i-ounty. N l» c.iiuiiiiSnlnii .l rr«»«'ctoInT 7. IVl.'i ri.ii. ri. S A I HAKM- AUTNI K. »'asliU ^iiitscriln-ti ami ri to hnforu lilt1 thU -t 'la "f pt i-m!i» l. I'll. c.^ai, I'. HKNN. I I N .1 ud/i' of lh« "«i ii mi 11 lat«-d hi- ::tt day of Aiiixust A l"H l.rt hi* si* I i'r .f tin' ahov rlt:il]uo In a i- hy puhili at Ion I r-ii-1 uld thfri* vi- wei-i-.x :itid Vj -P'll-- '!P. t-.-.. l.i-iTfi! li-r»d»-r noi t-.-.. K» iji-mptJoi. f'im vMthl a iir» ij« nt .'ll' .)ii lot J.! A it! I, I I IlW I'aplta st,..i l.vid.Jli Hurp!ufund I' i.dI vld»'d L/i'-tlt- JrS's-'i-..Vp»'n-v'"s ttx»*s paid .National tiank i.« ny I r.fil !d jai dfponl ,«.h ti,i:h»-'K -'V Tin.'- firrl.!!''•»t--f -. dv-. p..sit t:»is)lp-r'i '-lur'-'k .od t.."...-.: »t andlnu' Ui iii payah ln','i 'I'otai •tali* of Nor' ji I' ikot.i county of Km/.ion.-H I, T. IJarifi f. -mfd'-r -,f I hi- at» biifiU, do jioli'inJily sw-ar thai th»- ihi.Vi staUoniTtt tr'n-, to lin t-' n..y kt. Mijyi* arid It A Ii' V.K. a*h:» •Miljvrllfd an'l sworn to for.- /j,- tiji -ti. 'lay of p'» u.oi 1 I -$1' 'I 'A I- KUN S a I 1'unl Uirr» I .1<p></p>.N<p></p>.Notary WE HANDLE tlu- best CORN MMM 3-^Sv. LINTON Ef\Zf\R. GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND PURITY Copenhagen Snuff is made of the hest, old, rich, high flavored leaf tobacco, to which is added only such in gredients as are component parts of natural leaf tobacco and absolutely pure flavoring extracts. The Snuff Pro cess retains the good of the tobacco and expels tlie bitter and ac»d of natural leaf tobacco. AMERICAN SNUFF COMPANY. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. That New Car W l,»ll, u'lToi'k In lli»' f'.n-no'Ui "f lliat iy at li»« rim ft- rooms of Ii N 11, I tt 11«* rot rt- In iijsr, in tin- I a of I. I oi. .i uf luminous and st at i* of N- .i I I tn »t a and you ami riirh of y«»u ar«- h» ii i-y ii«*d l»' and apyrar I»*• f*r»• this 'inn ai said iin.»' ami pfjti'*1 alio ahs A s:ild m- •iHJHi', If any l"i and sh-r# I -i why Hi'- piay»-»-"f Miltl pi'tlthm shouid tiMt. h«- .'i nit. 'I My hi' court I'll A i.l A ll mail Ihif t'opl.-s to all soomli nts IIAKt.t'- It IM-I S au-l si-Ill I, of ',i »i' Report of the Condition of the First National BanK of Lintoi), A l.tnt«»n. In 11"' ^lat" -••t .N r' I. IniJvo'a at hi- ios- of It us) m-s p' 1 i:l"i i:« l.omis utid ls 'oil ii t- ^'.'i'-1-' »vi-rdrafit» v-fui -.1 -ind iis. M'ul 1.' S bonds 1" lift- |r.• 'i 1* Warrant Man Int' a tt ni' or* -and •'ti t.u n-^. I »u«- froni and. iii 1 vat lian .»iid har. l»i' rs. tro-t i-Oitv oaniis and 1,»! 'mn I )-ii' from appro V'I'.i J-l.-- s, ii^i-ij 1,. i-l,^ .t i.d -a r- -i.-u.sri lit n,s J1. un^«-- for-a'*. h' 1J si Null-. I,f ..tlM'l 1 au.of'-r. t.aoks i. .it lon.ii papi '".a l.. nl ki U'MP 'h.i ll II d:ii'/ --«-ri-iti'-^t.»r«» d»'po-»lt for tt.-.O' :»orrov'J- I.ik' I tiavif./ ii" Ii! J,' th''M. tl» rj.i -»v^j I ir r.v) hi si mon it*» a''.'Y«l of 'tun f.otj.'i:. lo .,1.^:1 ad':.'-}»t I a i- I I .ii. m'»osri..•--0!(,.',-vh fiat. A .1 I II (v-it A i: 1.1.,' H- I ]r.t it «. I if I'll lit |.' I KAN Ii 1 N '"l W. i» -KKM N l»li-* tors I I'l }•/!'/. .V-.v: A nol conic in and 11k over Ihe purchase of Ihe Iest Automobile man ufactured? 11 is the cele brated Case car, made by Ihe J. I. Case Machine Company, of Racine, Wis. A. Ii. I 11 1 )KLL. Ai»vnt. I anion. N. D. v. J. 'A DSjT/fEMFALL -1 i-f -f 'iV "Ml Ii' "ll!. ii' 11 1 J3S|)TS mfluenrTcxtrtulsfarnrwIwiilr. VBI4 In .-.ll'-n(lanrcic-f|ui|»nirnt.courics of stuK-. I.n ilitirs for iil.iriiii/ il^stu (Irnts in positions it .' fV 'ii1 it H'l' I I I "1" »•-«. I iinsui p.issnl.Lnr^*: l.iculty olrxprHcnccd lit A oui s«* in tliii (jrent school IimwU fo Our r.if.t/ogut'fAnmosfjrhst/c e*er .lentoi// ly ,7ny At /ao/, fe//s you*//.*6ouf if. k/fyou Jre /nfer-' "MAWKATO 'cOMMf/PC/A 1 *COll£G£\y^' rO^M/AJA/. Not!,-,- to I p-diiors, ZZXZZZZXZXXZZZXZZZZZZZZZZZ V'lfr -Hw'l: .11. !|... 'vf I. :-i .. .. JJV- sii,,'li,-.,.|.i!imi1,-ll.ib.r tin- -. A-i./.i 1 -f ud Mil III on»j .'i!« In JJ d.-«-.-is. .1. ««. ll..- ..f-ia 'h vL'1 3 a a a •, I ifit.ii,, *, I aid- tit« ti- ,'a ft, o, M.. I sl I '.vj'nin mom.os a i-r..«.im:Ts7:v •»i.t^ i-ij .-: wq iJ' I A ri,! JiUt I if .i.' I ':ii! on ('hurl,- 1 1 'I ''. for nal pro.,!'.- and Sill,-,-ri!,,- f'/i th, llfco/d ju Si.iJSi itfl*! Isn't it about time, ti'wprn nntt rc vntir nrrler Studio Aiv ibl»« i:,t f" -i'm -I fr.»:i» t-, $ 2 .1' r. V.-r .1 ..ill y. I.J |, I .11,'! MiOWl, fr'1- ..I hi,etc. ul..-tl..-r „m l.-iy. y'f a A,.,.Iv to. L. Du Heaume, Linton, N. -D. XZZXZZZXZZXZXZZXZ]