Newspaper Page Text
R. R. HOGUE. M. D. General Practice Linton o« 'rurfi "ap5:i. '^•-'f T. erT 1 1 W A jr" 1.. jndry lU^kft ,t. V! ,-r,o iy*. TUBULAR WELLS. Tubular ,«ar Well-Drillers. Can make a lino well from to t' inch iliametor. "hi feet ileon if neces- Furniture and Caskets. n'-(w.!,v ALL WORK GUARANTEED BECHTLE & BRENNER I.I N l'i N, £FFKT Qf 1 Linton Mi»e. Ns». iJ. *v,—£ ci^r.h..-?v^ve,lv '3fc. S5 •*?.v.-/c i. i' ii jkr-.v: W#A*: i" l» I TM. -v 75 7^ ^T&^CV^Os"CvS rC-'CV^"1 **i»5 NINK VKAKS' KXCKKiKNi'K in,-- rvii:T\*-i tv..\-r.--Tvsc--r: iz SATISFACTION Cil'AUANTKKD .u-^::. A^'i'tit Kkt'tric Plow and Thr i#h ing Knpines E E A Watchmaker ana Al-n •wuovo thit Icrsonal-sn.l prompt attci.»:on to at! hi vou t.': '. -ok -.-«e telephone orders. 7* rvft Linton, North Dakota. E I I E & S N JXUX Vj-«, 5«. a*cw «t ro wm 'r. IWti, ..• -. %".v «vvj A: i'lv'-i 5Hv SV-'» \-t ris-v«.v.i t'^x S- Mi*-. w^ris.- *%£& ii'.'ifesd^ri xin x- .T-C t-' kl\ IT.*-"' "s -V L.- {.-•• i:\r- :r. r.-r:.. :.t i^r-i !,"» r\v. rsv—-'•- rr.Oifv r..••rvrc\*~vv ir?n'-ir^ :v f.Irt-rvc az-c :r :v. .nriz.v ire ,UT' Arr.cru: zh& j-bfiizc-es tii: iiw -itrjij. i.:-. :«.'•• ?hi lv ,c: r'-Liz KKANCIS JAS/KOW1AK. s-^ :lv: r^ :c s* No. 421 Twelfth St.. Hi#matvk. N. D. rh-rv#c*--: rc»iT 4 tho cvir.r.^i Jeweler txe^airifii: a SpocuiL Callai the Home Ualcerv Linton. North Dakota CAFPREY & WEST .:: Kintyi ?:.: ::::r. rccv :.- r: r*: :vT.?o i? r-**^vx A Ysunj Flattar*^. «-Vl, l\, Z—L-» ^tjw»* v*i»* :z±: xn-:-z SMITH 4 IRVINE ||:£|£|1:!B£SHSSK rt?u.s.rkti Undertaking and Embalming, p"-^% c.o:.vez&rj^5 8c=«_^=. f.i:v .--csssuc & ni .UO CvV ,'a.V in their, di vt-ntionil t-nr-??«r-rr^ tt Ar. Htf B««k Acceynt. r. -'v:l:-e l* i.Arpx-iio*^ in ~*rkvr!"{^ t-x*. A l-.nt. n. N.I». -rOmt ho hsi_no ksowledg? of benki^ »r.d r.» icca of Will Drill Weils from Two to Ten to blow herself. She Inches in Diameter. AT REASON*. 1^' '"art,*?* e- a tr,e he«= Uink which read s= fellows •1 ^*usi11 -'.:t acc^.iurt i? ovt-rdrswn.'' Sr.-- bu5t:ed down to the bank in 1 FOR ONE YEAR. ^'\ero .1 itr'HTi.r an'4- arp"^"h£-.3 Vh 'irsale .uni retail dealeis in ice. "lllt 'u remained perfectly idle all 1 through recess and uceordinglv 60 YEARS* EXPFRIFMfil PATENTS I Txaoc Manns DC«IQN« CopvmaHTa Ac. "kplch mid (tMcrlntlon 1UM ,, inn lasmi tiiriiuirh Muuu A Co. r«cel?« fptrbil ttuftee, withoutcbar«e( ll lb« Scientific jhrnicaii. .MI.IV.'m'"?"'' '""•"•mm wokHt. I nriiMt cir ggj^KKiisja MUNN ft Co.36,B~—'New York Bnuciiomu*.« 8».W«hi"n™ ii.c the teller. furc-.v ""ae rciitake." -"id th.- derr.ure maiden. "Don't ou see that only half of the ch«k the. Burs.NKi: took is used Y'—Cincinnati. C,oni mercial Tribune. Pit,, n^r- T:: .0 is a relative quantitv. Some lll_, Urav anc Trsssifr Line minutes seem like hours, and some hours seem l:se minutes. How to :»n:roI this flight is bevond most atirl tiea\. iMu d^ne. [ht.mmis. but the little'boy men li-'jfc'e |iron..p r,!nferroci tionod below seems to have pro- I the impudent question, "What kir.d ki.i from rluiot. ?r^'d pretty well for a youngster, of a 'nese are you—a*sv ,^.r -a The teacher was surprised to see MOUTH DAKOTA, Vauno," said slowly, "it (kind of key vou are—r» Yank. e. mukert recess too quick if I plav, monkev or'just a plain d:ikev'-"— untl I want it to la-a-ast!'' I New York Tribune J'llL?:^A^irVW!*».»«''!'«.AVo. MM I Not What Ha Maant. Dundas, afterward Yi '-'lie: I "What do vou think of the weath- I ville er, colonel "Oh, horrible, horrible!" "And how is your wife?" "Oh. much about .the eame, thank 1 LC* **U .* ._ .v .... ... .^...y.. -Y-„• 4 1 1'Sf t- no.- jcv. .-* \v *i ?.•*& zz hvcr^n :r. orJW: ::.x: pS r. :v t.a r. r.oe x~c t! r:'b-'- I v*:*"* ~*.' —'"-. V. .-v x. .iit-T-cT. «PK.. rtmrw« »•••*.* *..» i- 1 v*4.7v T^C* v" tv VS^KH *XT~S?C r^r.vvr.i •8«,wi' •tA'i: 7^"^' ",v" n- -V ,V«-.-.U? I v^, •a :hv tir a-r. n»j.:« rA «c«r. -•-•taLj I fXfc3T^».% h:-."!". t: «. r.'.iy ro .'-i u:--:- *2. :s.:-4 4 XC I fjLTAJ «r\'v«4^ V»' "y.wiiy 3M» "V «.: af.-c^flttiss. r^'.* Vi.v zt:..^ »^'.'*v T"_V?i st" Si T": N vxr.'r *.z .r/c i.ri :, :mhi .•.«,*. ::.rnr.*4V. VnC^U'k '-'l ~-vh b'it" -^^"7 z/ics .v v~: Kxr^ru-K-:~-i "-i-- -"M- ?ri rzT-^i .- -i .- fr-x-^1 ii^d-iS ih-# ii- ir-en=tfz.if v.ilv_~ lit* 7- slI* UtfLT 2HSxt jia.-: vcios »i vzi j." 3a.1T iJ^Sas^ i$p6iti^-p ~-:t. v..xrr.- r, 0 UT-"1!! trC'lI It «. i~t .rfi ,'.r rtv rrirtic«i I -.- Z*' Ix-fcsi e- itSTf r:T -5, r: rr.n^Tv '•m the "li* T-itiviT Tr.-? r::: **c+CZ.. tzz *T ~I LZZ fMTf, Mr. Writ/." k:c ti dutiful ci£i. t- h—-- cish th^: is r-. I acoclrs." ss. -an--.- M*di=:e sa^-d vt r» v. L.. =-:." t?r rezM «tc"5* I t31"*2^ AI1I.E i: \T10S. M-r-vv du.-. i- erer." one- knowj. 5 0 1 a irtout a Set Hi* Antwtr. ^-Tn Li Cn*ni jii'... v-*:".101 .11 Yale, the editor of the Chinese' World of San FranciKo was l::-.j known as a wit and humorist as w-. li as a wise man. He dressed as an American. One- dav a dmiv.mcr came to him with the exr-vcta'.k'r. of selling a certain grade of at« -r Thinking to be smart, the drummer began his conversation br asking Chinese The editor smiled kindly "and ....c.. bowed with great court, sv as he re- »Kked him whv he did not play. I plied, '"First please inform me what Making a Journalist. 8tat««men In Thair Cup». It is said that the first paragraph The deep drinkmc which was a Mark Twain wrote when he began social custom in the time of the lii.s editorial duties with the Vir- younger Pitt had its influence oe inia City Enterprise was this: I casionally on the minister, whose! I "A beautiful sunset made Be- I habit it was to indue liP~:-ral!v witii I ranger upoet, a mother's kiss made bis friends when fro.' fro': "the oel I Henjamin West an artist, and $15 cupations of state. An e-d-r-im o" b.» a week makes us a journalist."— the time irave the Jogue between lhtt "utid hil Not What Ha Ma.nt 1111(1 b°0n ™»pa:iinr.. 1 toYT Ttf PaflintBent THE, STONE DRUG STORE, v*- V7 "*H W.r -ti. \W. U.r*v^,v .T .,••: ttUlON KNEEL HUT x-w -s. .• *VW\1? T4i t.V t?' tA\W' I I f-- tt rr v: ".v ". J- T,N ^7 xr.d '..' Ar.o 'c. vV* ?. -T -Vl -C -r C. ro ^r -f 1 s. 'WXi^ Vv 7.1 T'V4« V\.,* r.:"S C?f'T Vs l7 /s ihr r:.$ r.'..i*r: c.f ft. lit*. Sfc." ..JL.v •—*i r.ioj.1 .\*c .."a ni i. r.^As-." ".r. "v 4? A v. sz*rwLr. Z'ZTt ^r. -r. 2fi-^Z. lyre. North Dakota. t, ?^r«- ^'V T".w.'c" z.ZjS~ "'." v"r.'.":r ctiiIz tr.v$ re^u'rvd TTT: T.'irs "^tr.r r.7 -o ?.. ',•.— dxaj: *'.ch: work 1^'iS *-1:* .7" I .'.T •tir* •'. r~C ^1 1 .? fie: :v" trv rji.vh ^4 ,.:.u t. —V „•. -t .i:,—• .- ifei •st-.-.r^ Sap*^. -_." ..s,- -T TT.iz c. 'Tst," s£d the toil"." "I kocw," she skhc-i I would »tier est ~:n:v:h:-j 1 *-s:e than 10 cake that 1..:: ~e expee: to ?j: her btrk. :-,-r,. MayW he w£l wa:t on n^e. I can': a S a . he would hate tne ii I shr.u'.d de cline Tom ton stew w::h That is the war wa :. rs. Th-'v iiiwaTs hste wor-le who r- -:use dish es they recommend, ar. •n chanee they pet the- tike" —New York Presi. II -.rv l'itt—I cannot see the 1 Hal. Can you -?ak-r fc :'fd to -=-.-.rk fcorse*. batJ fe4 tloci? wa* ^sorory bc.rM*. CUT OFF A CHICKEN'S HEAD *«t-:v.PeJi.r.» N*ii* Driven intc 5 W»j "Wj FaolMtit^ na ESKutic-n. for or-? -~so- to out o2 oJ:icJtoa'« Handy Detapitattan. totimi more r.or I ess s' hSvV Of wood into whio^. his Nvr. i^rtvxw two t'^er.ty-jn'r.ny "r.: luv t^tvlrvis p!."ce-J. ,-ibout one .', v»rt t# a •slmp'.e rr.attor to piaoo the oMoktnfs ~ect between the aaJU so thx: i-ver titr.p !s re.-idr ^o^ t^.e ovov-'.-.tion C. B. W4LDR0N. B. Station. Si i, -.wslv iiVs.c I "VjikM I'.'-r-Ii .' '*.. 142^: v':SN,.x J»* H':vr *r\*A .•» '4-rt^. f'-vV* *A I ?*T*.f5T r.wTt" *1 -*».,• »vi iv a*a*: »'V •:«. N •. ••fc^e. ,-L Te r.-t# JsuT. 7-iI A 7 c.z forw.s -i ,. s- .':-:-?SS.r ls*-r. xn*. E?.S« i. H.-.r: •--!••.•. fr.l- N "_ ^~V\ O ^.:»V4.W x:'rc.Vor r/ivV "ff c?- 1 «2i.rV?*riTif. ittt :N *-.Tvl as ff.^S -.t-.c^ tSy.'to -5ii^ 5 a*, .lii .•»• :t^ ,^.'.^"rir-.. ••Rjw.t.c .- N- N •*•£. JV4.V- iif tr,*,.. 7 "ii^-tvr i.i h* ,'f' lS, Vv.T'l:.r 1, I"t•. N .3 T-VV i'n'V N "4» '":-''V.'. .• v.-^r ."?Si'.?7- -,-. -T?\ TNS ^tiv •.•. -•-. n-%. "ii• N vV for Publicatior. \Z*t- i\rri. i"T~.Tr. OF FEEDING TRIALS tit g-.xx! results -o vrk to:*** d.i •.:r3- rti.T _sj .. v't: :-,« TT ii sitli^Sv-:or..T to.rwirwV.oJ: i.i lisbt .. '.C.C. :V:x.o: N- ?. C.'J L.:..-i. 4T. to ost# in v-_ .y .•. r*-r 7v-^zd. ^ut ^-v..-T.. _.- .v*..^,.' "1" r='-'-'..T i# c.-oi «i:diao: r«ii«h ..i.r. 4 & -t a u i^. i« o.»ti aEd was t- T.c.f to the lrv hsrier 'i. N ir im..y N fS.V r. i.i* fT:*KFV •T.UM N v.»K .» t: »C Tr.i S N t#* *rd •.f tu— ir.c v'w '.••• -,K• .**••• XT. ivro *o v? \r h*- .M.4 a-v. V' rv '. U'» 1 s"-*-TT? .\* "'.k-.r.-.u ~fti M*d* at N rW r.iv- Cc' fj« W-t^ «".Vf Fffd *.S ^Ji rr-* I-VNV ,^r. Kir: 1 ,r.:o: •JoS.r- \vtrr,.ci: L:.v, I A-»Ui*r Ur: N ry 'A -,-arr 1 N .#. ^TF\"N» "('•f:i i- o- i- if .'c triiUs cat t.« t.' .1.'' :i :.t? riT .ilsiv.w irv t-.-.rc N i- -.- with fttti '.- t-ii~ -,x-rrt.n d{ 100 *5UEii4 N.-rtti i^ikoUi- 4 ^-M- -'v S .-,u- of Nortl. 1 Vtu ty of jj^v.x'v.s. In l'tT?jot I Mitch*''!:, p!A:u*'.!Y I'.'vn.i'ksiv.y s'-f laui.insS 11 *r 1 s'.\ .I IvS VM^tic'iai-. 'i lU# iwkwar.i 1l,Y \H VH |J' rtot'.turxl i.\\ ar.d •lso uisSrue 1 His vrtxselW t'.or. At tfce u-.i o! t«' N.vUh IIVkotA .'tural iVlUis*- ttt He contends ttiut hv.i should plant soma tmr* f\M v»*. M*-i- Air Notice for Publication. LVE»J C*. *5 Kissr ir A-r-»* •. N ».' .. K- I-^T: ML.- I.A&> IC & :V. .v 'N-.r.iJ -fck k. .• j»" "4 v" H.» .* ?*.+Z2LkZ Trli'.i i: O z r-.'-r.- L'»: Trif T)f*o.*« fitii '••-rr~ r'^ST-i v.'-r. w? *?«. N 7 N sncs/.'c Vr. »t.vt*. c«'' I- }-L.*r-» c.'. u.f YiTit "?'r:..",.:?s*.. K-rc^L3. 1". **t •*. Mlc-I'.'-I L. ,*'• «_ HJ* T,*' i« r-i,- %r. O t~ \i' Kr..:v IHi Ur •?o." kot-s. *»:. 4xt VTT^Nc 1: !"'j»». :4t k*. L. r:. .T ^sLr:pu.- th *uir* i.?: -a.« :»r.* 1 cVrtir.cate of Partnership. Mi:: ...:., -.•. -:r:^*: -. .•: Kh *.n-c:»r*.i.r: N a: *. j!r»r. .:ir. yir-hfi-^rc lv .r I.trriy ,Yr :'v .nn r:vf- r. \t k\ *.' .r^'rt--7. r.: ^r:t-ri .:irT i'v f»vv ,V'» b.. ~,1»I". L* A-'kE Hur:^ 1 •B,.*srli iT* I rr. t*i V«-%r rt !:n!:t n.^i ri'»M...r,! *4 Mrr^:^r F::-r..,*r.s v- N f- xkz. j*fc 'at. ».x .*•' rv',*.t .n. Thf r.'.'.T .l *, «. Vc!-1* i.V deHC' r:*? A ,\*r.r .* t^ur, irir 4: UiC- ,.:.t v^,.-. .ir:rt-rh p.-s: ,:,7 *.: ••7-.r^".:k. .-r V.,v.:.fs r*v-TV Frfr.- -r N •i! Uii 5 N.=r-Jl, Vx r:* :?C 'UN A V.A N .-t '.'A MIAN 1 A I INUKN M:«1 Si-::!. l'4*.v .•*. tV i.iv of N l?ih aj»x of 1.:^ r..r,fc .\y KsrtV. ivforv i!:r u«r vrsicov»1" r..M%rT :c in i.n.i fvr v*» t\niun* sr..: V.a .-. r:.•!« U*:,.:r. N Par.ii^rt r.ct t. kriv^u r, u- v. in f-. 4 jvrvi.* win- an t.frr:Ns: \x. hi x. u~"L 1::V?: an »y: "-scy- vt N tsi Ux {^ oi-rtiti.viu ti:p o.H/h Ua h»^m' N'.'kivu N lo :vuMh ti la':s v^t-roN-r s.-i-.*. •o'trvr j-r s!! iMi: .hl :lUl.t\ r\t\*11.. N r» A •. ii J:K. N/-:.•*:y rn'.'.jc Ki^mi mv .v.r .' N N .•o:. Ciuni .\th 0 N\-» ^.i c\TjXir,%»"•• K'. wn'! ^rcw-.i i'hr.v Krv-wr. it* !:alvir o.*. Mrtrc.irct Hro»*r. S 1 j,!:-.:- vV4i ui 'a: truM ior V^rcJiT*-: iiro«i- n.o.ior) :uiw a vr.. -r W iowr.. ci»lr. u:c huv *.••• aor. iv: $rs»* ir..^r:»noi 11.* ncr" .4».sri«-r .%f s«sM on tli:rii«-n O un-iv^ T!w Mltlo of Illl 1 1a s» .VXT" ttanxvj tiru'iiil nt of v»-u. :v ne.m v. .. »M.« :*n«j riv ir«4C. to ajtj o:«r .» n«!. xi !c v\vr.vwM«t 1 ho pl.T. .- or'.c :ai of «rhJoh 00-v.i»'.i0ai1 f.on *.n -if .1 to: ihr oot t,,c- ht- ft,of o? ho i|' t« of Pis', r.o \v»: ri tNvof V'u of tt OAkotft. Mi«! laMT\ of y»\ SMti. ^nsurt «jon tin' vv.Ovt r: N I a 5.1 U.O Vv ait OO t, 1.x of iasu art Viko •V Tv- \hc l\ I-.i!- V. r*. tbrsi-t ioo of J'.va , .• i-\. iisi* O Uio »hv of vf l.V -S Vl 0 r,v, at .v.: 45 IV JO A •,!knkT .*«v *N,x-» •«. .'• aa\vJ yo .i i\v A a f.»1 lo' •i wsusi fat :r. v.-, aoy,- N a.i a 15 _ior, ilu% \u V« A i1 K^N\ !v Kl ,»a -a a xi t. t. I M.-l *.,-1 iai a tllr.IAt \.. A»\.\ N.I., \oluv UM .s» W. S. A. Pr«f. of Hcrtlcultur* +nd F.v*«rr N. Dak. Agri. CcM»g« let and Entomologl»t 1N tvk tvn Aj |ira»UiAlr yurhigAi*. JV«- visa, I I -i-" 1/' |g "W' At .if. .•* fot -:v. A, N.'V!.) V, *.IU\ts ,4v U* i»ai:(»«Vt \1 ti tl,- 1 .A i'. A 3i. :v ,» vvkt'Oi •.«» |'t vOt f*. ,t '.(It.u-ni A Si ao, •'l» of a ll o, »h. rv. if wh.\ •. -a-.Oa.s »M». lu- a. r, «t IN MV- w. U,tlMV*1 %a« *ha v. 8 \ls .': \4% ^,S S •a»v.-.4 a* tJ 00\»««A ot Kr. \1«1. «v iV,» a» to i. |\i a r. ,%f Ss r. \Y v.xlwy. a 11 mi V, A \i' AJ vy a "\V \V W lO.'lUPU .• k. ti.» »v»!s-K P-. w-\y I, »V, TNI NOMt- tlAKr-IIV V. vi t. t\ i.' wrjsuft ISSmt. I5e.ti*s on£*£\\t te. lim generj^l Uiw ot w\rk tii h.visU'ut tare. «M\f\u»ol.\}a and ([v fAi ^itii '«K»' fl,** t-1 tl'.£ SJHvUt! ttou to t!« I provement of ttio. naOhr Anv»«l.«m plum and the tc»ratut is-iw. I He has given coivMemMo QlVfc, UBl A 4'#\l I to landscape ganlmituK and !t* scaped the grouiuts for n«vi ~tl vf the stato lnstltutioua ni*t f.u the parks in the utatv Htivin VMin miM'im Ot. tlon and shade as wli ts-v »..oa» for wood, fence po*Mgp,t »*v\ ', that with n, pn^ert«A}khAt||^ blasr kinds ot truttfr^n K«Uvk'M'a "N*^V 1 I. ti THE STONE HOTEL TraniifUt rra:i-rtL-ri *A ?.* Jk3 SkX'C V-i.«4 _*. *v,cr 7 K^.1 Cz XSf& '.valtvksSc8':?-:."* "i ,j..^ ^£/,,vj^ 't-- N :. i*«y„ A N::ioe rl:-ati- c-. A C1 Zi"l'~' .*• i'T r. %±.v kri.: N r*.I-'t* *. r» r+zi *,i. *:r \2* NT. 2:7^ L 2''- .e uvi-tr .u- ,..rts«~ 4 Repair V.*:rk 2 I The ts *S Nctfo-'^s. O* fO\vti Sitat-*. GOOD OLD North Dakoh Wi W5i» W Q-t tts 4( I fc!«to-u §»iCI» CM TfcJM »ita Linton (j?j'5.i WOLFEE S total Mercbi VJvWi Nat* lie C»W!». Mttt*-r* -s Al1 »•».. tx 1 t\- .s ti «,S •v» «»*. t.\ w.-» ,. «.i ?..• \. »V 1-.»» 1 ,«. ». ,,.^1 MOf IS .'. MUc »-«x»' «,•»» ,y'i BiVU jkc 'VI... a*. Vo. .i a %uw. wvu. t,. .Ikh ui- \N, 1, A W A t. "'C OHS.-^" a« i«.v v, ,ii« "vi V'V'MV-i .. •.- jliMuwwuuuwtxv.: 5 Snrxic* fZ f»m i, fM. r^ 11 bvr,,, k»r*i •,. ^_. a ««J7 .JU -*r*- "'•'SMJ.Il *'?"11' .u vshm •»j, •y fttfii -a L-_ 4 fS»0»£ X.-4»»» '-i»' r.t i. F.W ^r? joe- CV 1% ksr CLr 1 rj-1 MM j. Ftm Print!:: C4 _z -T 1. 5 I H* I .. -^__ V.'c Handle :i5 Automobile Accessories And Auto 0:: ___ .. ., ..' S- ~\r*~ 'MHij-j ia^rvirf. -^WC-'W StAS I S W O ."mi.** "s s^svv -ir- UOTTLIEB SCHATZ. Q-tneral ,v XCnvn^I Vva» :»V. 1 'Vr-i ... .« .\-»Tivni.i,. ~.',— \5,V\\.v». 0.». vlt \Vt, ,V,VV^ s. }V ^V. W, »V ^\v 'V 'K.-H v- X1*- M*.'. V*\ r, "-is. Vixr^im wwxw^vksts H-iirCL: