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PAGE i&Vfv V? Bruc MIU to him ), "'J .. $F If If $ ft I XIV.. Simon, bribe* ill ssrsftsw? cTtAjrrvB. xv, the farmer's imh is diaunwad or tha hla feast, the Mot# Bruce, oe hla vijr' wounda the Kfllar, victim. Haflaon. tltjr, the CHATTOIXV*, knows where tha lays plana to trajp CHAPraa and Aunt Ek man InaulU by the ui been OBMtn mand. Jn h-y fr.:. •1 4 altar perado, LMi CHAPTER XVUL finds a note, presumably him shit baa beea Ing Turners. CHAPTER XDC-Breee falls tot* •anfs.lWi and la mad* pilsuiiar. CHAPTER XX. attemptlns to rSopaa clan, after a modi him, bound, ta where tha'KUlar a caU tho olabt the return octne frtealr alayloa of Bnw bf CHATTER XXI. arrival of the Olw.Mf of tellinshlm the mea The (M il and jha foitawe. him. CHAPTBR rect, gtason to iWt'm tuallr niBiis at ft horseback, amvea. and: tJtoda Bat at ance *e understood why be was waiting, the flsabaa. Braeera eyes aoajght tor 8tmoa*s fig ure. To Slmon he owed the greatato debt, and to lay 81mon low mlght iaaan to dishearten the whale dan* BQt aV though the attackers were ln flUr raage now, scarcely two hundred yardia Ai^ay, he could not Ideinlty him. ?!hey draer doeer. Her raised hla fto, uralt Ing for a chance to' &R And at that instant a resistless f*ee hwrled him to^theljoor. ^eas the sense of vast cataa trwb^kncat rocking and shadder- w««w In" billowing waves of 'ft frantic «»6rtto re- ^J^tlett A bllnd« to twain 1 s~ m*»- leal li&iri and eurnmoalag iFfela'pow^ am of wffl he apraag to his (ml enly darkaaae at fiiet he net tinrtaiaiaiia. But it «as scarcely lata duration than the flash ef lightning A red flame sud denly leaped Into the air, roared and grew and apread as If ecattarad by the triad Itoalf. And BncA Matt caught to sob of voodar. TfceBentlnei PIn that indaai Msod and counselor that steed oat w«r one hundred fart (ram tha hens* had been struck by a lightning bait, Ita trunk had been deft apes as If by a glanfa ax, and the Asms was already springing through its bianchs* S#.?. CHAPTER XXVII Bros atood aa tt aatraneM, (aatng vlth ewed face at the bea. Thera «ii little danger df tbe honae Itaelf eatdilng fire. The wind blew the flame In the oppoelte direction bealdea, the ralna were beating on the root. The lire In the great tree Itself, however, was too wall atarted to be extinguished at once by any fci«1 of •ralnCMli bnt It did Born with law fierceneaa. Dimly, he felt the glrl'a hand grasp ing at his arm. Her fingers peesaed mtll he felt pain. Ilia eyes lowered to hen. The tight "V* 'Otora*''Cliia" at llfhlaln oflers4 np opportunity tar aa shot' Brace ibaent t^eaipa little aupp^r of rttaUs vttB Qijth ,of utmost MadL The ctoa disa1 They wen rldtfi atoirlK etth rifles. And *nr the In fury. The, that It .no longer gave the of being merely sound. Jt.vMjJHflfc' table cKplarfan just iiboe* t6* he*dfc The flrat drbpe of 'raln Ml ebk 't#'eia' on the roof. i:f'1Mb aaatchadtha a that paaalon- at drawn face—recalling lo an Inatant the aeene beside the camp fire hia flrat night at Trail's End—called bm to hlmeeU "Bhoot, yon toot!** aha stormed at Um. The tree'a lighted op the iM» coantryslde, and yoo eao^i miss. Shoot them before they na away." He glanced quickly ant Vbe daa tt»t bad draws wtthln sbtty yards of {be hovse at l&e time the sttnek had bean thrown Into ceofoalon. 1W» hoiMfe had. tjipen knocked down by the-^irce of the bolt and ware fiaia lag, rtdctjtap. swiyt Themanteincnrad them, aborting, pUtinly fvtaaled: la th^ ngbt firan the boralng tree. nt great torch betide the booee had eoinpletriy t&nied the tablto. And linda spoke tree they offered the best of targets. AgalA the glifa eyes wcte lorld silts the llda. Her llpe were drawn. aad bar breathing was laoked at bar^ calmly, •Wo, Linda. I cant— eantp she cried. He held .l^r aMi -a *jt«aSC waMtod tlMtt ciltMSpto htor. VlM'ira'oiiiir fapblift Aail «i»may tfHM Hull) luiiia iwlitif" uii8n *r.t Hahi^d h^fnml^wltbhis ana idil. lt ,'!traa-'M hli* atnogtbHlkiiirad into. ttf. .-Biii: Mutat Ivar aooght his, a^ toria lonf.aacoad tb^lr .^battled. 'And. then a deep wooder alMmMtoMmo?ernpr^^ "What is Itr sh6 breithed. -What have you found ootf*^' She spoke ln a stiuage and dlstant voice.- Slowly the fire died In her eyea, the drawn features r^xed, bar hands U, UrjL ig j^ n, tlftt« la in or'«Hit Dm tfrt watched leeely, ebUvtoas to aU wholly taawaf*at iar calm about him,: aad tor reaching via tnn liMi, tkml I don't kaow-tbetl l« nSmlui 2 cu oaly «r strength than 1 or* had It'a something thatthe plna lliii greettne that Jaetsew split »~hea be* tntaf to Ml iae tar toe- OK eaal ye« aai Zia«aT tt atood, handreda rf leeia Mi ap tall ao «ia»~ln a read. It take* away w$ un fanea, UaOa. It aaehea ine aae nyaaM ia itallr aafc Ami Bla ayea biased, and he hands t*hlfc lit m»s a. syinbol, Linda, ai* aaily ef tlte wUdcniess, bat of 'pi%sirb' and- greater thaa -the wflderalito. t»we«ii that enn leek'.de«^'''AB4 a^t be vwept away by peaeloo. and not try to teer to ptoeas thoae WtM In their: feUy harm them. tfeiMiiio reeo toe soch fhl&ga ai vengeance th tUa'awr' strength. Thera'a no tomb tsr mnr' der, and malice and hatred, and biooA AedL" Lladaandersteod. the kixr that tMa new-feund strength did not jto. nohclatlon of her cause. It did tint main that he would give over hla: attempt to idnatato her as the her "ematfr at fathert eatatea. tt only meant that the Impnlaa of peraonal vwtgaanca waa dead within him. Ha knew now the same aa ever—that the doty of the men that dweU upon ttie earth la to do their allotted.taaka, aad without ha&ad and without paadon to overcome the dlffieulttea that ataad la the way. She realised.--'that U. ope' of ttie. X«irnani should leap through the daov, aind, at tack her, Bruoe woold kfU hla #tthe& mercy es regret 8he kaev t^iat &a wmild make awtty etfort te bHhg ae' effendera to the law. But tte ahlBty to Ktost a Isslng eaeray ln this iBBnciM vtalaa bad came to him. fie knew that li Tengaanii 'had. bee»- the creed «i tha -pewara .that rliliil 'the •orld, the i«hare^«ld have'MAa te stmed with flre long atnee. Te ilaad aad stealgM w* to ludca, net to ^^p.Caot,|»'' jw!| iant this was true strength. *"-l,hriewt,'"aia girl wandering afar. tor It an ia-toterahMC?' .- "Perhepe,"' be nodded. "Aad 'pit albly tt ia coly—'Watshlpr -. .a 'e The Turners had goo* The mlng Qghbdnt rsva(lad Jfca tacking party halt mile distant and oat tf zlfie fange o« the ridge and Bmce aad tiaoa .ftoia Into iM'rtMik. The green foliage «f already burned away, bat anna of the upper brmnchea still gloweil tba dailt iky. A fallaa hraach saooir dered oa tha ground, hlsstag la tha rain, and It lighted their way. Awed aad inystlfled, Bruee halted before the ruln of the great tree. Ha had almost, forgotten the atreas of the moment just passed, it dld opt even occur to him that some of bis^ saamle* unseen before^ mlght stlU be lurklng la the ahadow, wetching fer a chance to halm. They stood a moment la aUeBcsi Then Bruea uttered one Uttle fliap aad rtratched bla ans lato 4ha hs^w that tba «Mt tn tha iwrteled. .tha Bghtfroma hvntncbtiodib* htod hlm had abown him a object that ted to the hadow trea httte apMiaae ttat bad -baaa «»aaad up cr .toay hU aveaA :&-«««.>,' Bioaa «eoed «aiaa.''' '&-«Mw' •tt to Ws And ths THumph on Bnioe's- Fi^ ChsiHM to a Slngulsr Uook ef tffa Then he looked with iMipk imi* Bale that «uaa sad Aiittis sf fire MWi Ilk* a aaake'e the daikaaaa. AM the tri- triumph, after all. it tar A wkUik n» bolt •ntotheplaet ill «i Ms HiiA HU palse tbrongh all hia Far ti the firft ^to wataair rafiesee get away-nuto btok It bad meaat too pacbrltdhU ito ger pieased, beck lnvoiuntailly egelnat toe trigger. tfeltaid nat takan hta us ual deliberate aim, although &e b*d seen Braee'a figwa dfeajrty hetween 'tba. ai^its the tastant bpftoa be fir^l Sfciada a rtfi^Ma, la ,'the bea*,. and he bed bo reaaoa to think toat the haaty elm meaat S noqpteto mlse. He ~did reallaet haweverr the dUKprtteofnlg^'abeettaa^reaV toatleB that aU mwr who hava Beared after dak tr tta Mkibttad apart •eca seeoar or later and he 'UP ever htoftgUe te sse the rasult of StoW or Mial haOet had net to aass Btose'*%ie «i, titA, 41148'' had ne tnltft laf itor hlm aad ba had held hla rifts cocked aadreadyfavthaUMant that UaUtdeaoc* Bruce had oat Into the fireUgbt Plainly tbif had feipt track' s^ aU tba atto« Ing patto that bad bean vfelbl* and supposed thai all thalr enemies had S«a* Ba felt Ibf amaeeaot 4tf 81 mon a^uaf anoa aa Xplaad Iha -riSa.'. Thoae aaw'stfadli^. to tha daifeafial ytMnadr' toah rtuid iot tiie-'bttl"-tacek 'Imi hla o*a lincy pt^tavad it Irtthtetlia diiimm. The eyee ware naireeiad and nld, the lines cut deep aboat the Uoodhodad Upa, and mercy was as (jar from him esfrom the ICIUet who hnnted on the dtttatot Hdfa "iEfeat" StaMia dlda*t fire at eneak Tha tv« wesd ditmlad staadPy towiafdr hlm, aid the baarar"th5r wart tike ha«tor his chaaea of aueeaa In lhe unateady lights Be sat aa breatblaa^ as whrtly liat flm teUtole.-aMtlaa aa a puma "wbf waits laambuah ftaran approach ing deer. Cfe.jMifit t? toke careful flip.' It was hle Mg chaae% aad he thfesded to mika the moet of It The two had haltod-hslBdii the orvlaed pine,' but^fOr-a nSMCBeot fiimon held his fire. They stood rather loss together be wiafeed to wait aattl pnsaa. attwad. dear target And at |^'-\'tai(iipt ^9npear had- ,d»w#"' Oil .ttotiar' aw net fttsn M^s Oae: OsrlueH/alBOs stayed Otooii^fin«ea aa Braes laid epaoad tt Ha iaw tM at the whlta paper la the dim lad thee be understood. '. ttmoa a man irtgld. uowever- at. tag self-caotMl aDd hki usaal tilt «aa'to"itoi"a isM tlma'bAiNaa tba (Igkls Mm be .toa&- l^t'"&e si|6t ef tbat dacamaiit tts laHHuj Bee* agraemaat cn wtflchxbad .haag .victory- or defaai-aaat a TUM to( KV-d*bec* e#detMllhi i'aa.laaair sa'- :'shatf'tt' ..tmmm* ton. ««Ms -'aad' JMWte other thliiaiL' fitter flfl».:buUet^ to ttiniw ms&fr* trouble with these a* IWP 1%: bat ». to'.tlW^bsgr in wia "apifc hiipj ... broatlfc uanmawha*cp«ida& totnUbi -ha pidjn a-qui* Just a acratch." **e# ef that rlfie kattst asdh^arfly strlklag a a OsK toa, had aaat hlm Jar aa. rttlMj '.'to aaahe aay Tha ed swtftty, ysi wttheut gtvtog mt Taa»tag, aad SiA'-'4a'^Kii^| sKita.': •Mbidmsde ef bar own badir a JbtaU tor hla, In la the eevart ahmld M'Mato.' irasa want about aad aataad 'hla shsaldara *Biamei," ahe whis pered «d^Ijr. «Tiaand to fall. It's the aM Chaaea te save, you." the mists to his own brala aad obeyed 'bar. .Be-.stayed,' aad htau Tban he toll stroog arms aadrtied his waist rtto aU her magnlfieeat yeiung atrat^th abe dragged bhn to the door. & as aetleeahl#, hewever—to aU ie7#r,«j»eopt',|N^»rHlJtot he: bar :«^ia',.bedy..'as kept miach as j^ia wdd between htaai and the ambuah. In an ladtoat they ware' in• the darkaoad reosa..:' Brecs stsbfl up, cnce more «Mly aatotor jOi-bltosett. --*7oa're: not fiart baflr she asked^ tatekly. .' Jfast/r* de^p. scratch In the inuacie-near the.JhiPBlder. Bullet IS Bsf' aada"-la- her rajaniaab yam to 'hle ahosldar. "Bon't yoa aee-haTl be. bare to a mlaute. Well Steal «at thi biek door aad try to rtda dowh to the eoa^ titt^re tiMy eea ovirtake Ia ^ae tastaatr.ha had graapad ih» aad: ba Ikatfbad- aoftlr' to* the knew, rn snatch twe and tbe food. Ton aat the out, Jte'kl^ban door to hurried Into the bedrooma. Be daatehed'-'^are'- "of vtQmSmt blankets from 'the bedefand hurled tMm olver his shoulder. Be hooked tlw camp on hla belt then bastsaed -Into the IttOa. klitcbaa. .Be took. toe Uttle aeck eootalaing a fev poimdl of Jerked venlsda, aip^IeSa out a iaw pieces ftir fimti^, "aid caAtai -lt-4' with a few pbiinda of flour—out to meet Uada. The^ beiwr still stood saddled, and with dsft haadB they tied en their wppUes aad tosteaad the Uaaketo -la ,a teg reU la treat at ea." aha whl^erad. Til ap 'bebtbd- yeu.* the KpaM ta the utter hs tokt bar breath egalMt hla 9MB: toe Ughtnlng caiaa ^mly aad Ao^edhtstWtoee. "Taiarejiilng Uffed'^yOlpii Oaaa.'-aaeN! ti» tor-fi*a jmdfB It dr.-a «wiat-' the truth.Be climbed «tth catty: toto ''iha/ sadAa. mer*:at^' she awuag-'ap' baton# htth. -®to' aattia spanSua-.had tahaiaa 'pajM' ej.toa. Brwto had wevtiad Bhe mad, wholly dlerefarding toe tolored &uL Msf beyuD% Stoiea with jaadr itte qwirtw -•*SWd.'-Aa. bapaa..,'-. -:v:. "''^f^JgMg^a^ed. toto," Tm-'mdimm -mm*?* ""•Wi" mmjfc'mrni- he% got a MI«a'-« baagar^ «pt.^.U».ai|ht'!:\'' fUmoa had clear the rifle Are $at tha" wholly typtcakof'tba.. lavir oa hit bojL'jgiii wtoflirtr tayiiitr'Wfy •P*- Hk 14,1922 »»B BoocUijiDaaijb Bsnmrd Q'C^amljC ago light b^own hair, faihie eyes, roddy eocaplex i^ height five tendc^a WW :W.': MISSING MEN" C. Di Hibbard, Diatdct Uanager, U. S. Veterans' Bureau, Minneapolis, l|Iinneaota, ^riahea to call attention to thia^following deeerihed World War Va£uaaa.who have disappeared, The Veterans' Bureau, aa weU aa the American iAgUm, Is endeavoring, in Wlmtf of gitof-striekte fiimOiss to locate jheaa'men The codpteatton of all oygahisatiotb is aoUcitod and any information tending to dieclose tfaeir wbereabout afeoo|d bh promptty dfc-R, patched to eitter D^artment Adjat Mto of the American Ligioa- of C. Vi-WObui, XMatriet'Manager, V. S. Vctoraa^ Boveaa, Minaaapolis, Minn 1- Wajtto* Mohv: 5 6 incites^ dark nd &air, bfaw eyaa, V* pounds, one linger a* ri^it ^sai%defomed, years eld, sotae*Aat round ahould ared..- -J Jbast haaid from Jn lfarth Da- V-sV"™, 'Bdwnd G. Botmigan, «ho ta Qated ftom FUhaora county, Minne sota. Jhaergeacf «4dceas Jessie, North Dakota. & inches, laiii" torn •eight about 148 pounds. Laat heaxd Jo)m Giaooma, PHvate Ilcl., ?-»04«»7, Co. Gy 2»rd JBagineers. Urtito b^ Mrth, 8 feet inches in height, blue eyee, dark hrow» hair, rfddy eomple^on, miiiing from his home in Globe, Arixona, |500 reward few informagoa «mcernin* his iHiere^ aborts. Deagwoas CombtaaioB Gwendolyn: "What «aoaed Mareia to divorce her husband T" Genevieve: MA blue serge coatand a tdoadorhaired stenographer.^ Mrs. Wm. H. Horton, 61-year-old •iNim. atoked Oak, Iowa* haa Jort completed the repainting tha at 'eqt-'Sl three reaidanee pinpecUca at 'm t. tte SeotkU city "iz ittc* are dtoroi aplendiddcpeii ia.earried oot^la at Gra«eft largely^ gmmgal-f.^ 3 SU aMjS: ^rtet-aMBted': aaa»toed^'gww*^. to||ft toeOMpiah.Sea^hadtfae od«r Me^to^air '^c toDae ftato r-r, wtm