OCR Interpretation

Emmons County record. [volume] (Williamsport, D.T. [i.e. N.D.]) 1884-current, December 21, 1922, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87096040/1922-12-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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As the Record went to
lati lsat nlght, the
*u still in progress, in Bismarck.
The hearing of the bridge injunc
tion proceedings is on at Bismarck
this week before Judge McKenna.
lite hearing is on. an injunction is
sued by Judge Cole, of Fargo, and
which was transferred to Judge Mc
Kenna, and originally set for Oct.
25th. However, at that time lodge
McKenna was in a Twin City hospital
With ani injured arm, and could not
hear the due Since that time* coii
timjal sparring has been going on in
get&ig the case set forhearing.1 The
attorneys for tjie defense were par
ticularly audou te litVe the case
heard beforpjjjdge McTfenna, and no
tice waaflnally given. that he would
hearthe rase at BJsmarck on Tues
day, .December ,}$tk. To-day. morn
ing, a largedelegation startedfor Bis^
«. __ marck. cpji^iiMibri^
bridge company took witli them Audi
tor Brant -briSfte.
speitor B. H. Tong, «^ty engmeer
and Messrs. "Goonen iwid Munsey,
bridge cbmpany employe^.- vCom
missioners Lee andDuHeaume also
went. Witnesses for &e opposition
••.v. included Ben Ketchuni, Wm McCul
ley, A. A. Feist, Dr. 'Hogue, W. S,
Ir ..
Freemanand'Oscsr LarHckr™""
The actiontapto theprese6tti|ne
has to deal Wit# Whether brnot thi
bridges were legally built, and wheth
er or not the commissionera -had snf-.
ficient authority to order the work
A done. The defense has adtaittedthat
advertisement of ibids-for build-
ing the bridges was not made,- but
claimthat there was nointent to
fas ,"V'' defraud the county. Son^e of the
VV3||J bridges have ^ot the necessary P«tiw
'1S& C). ,-jacted. -upon 'by the^boakP.' ^^i^der
.^^.^ho%^^ ,^in«i|^inh»g,
pd the commissioners followed partially
j. the directions of. the tro-different
v-^VtSCi. taws, andis settingnp emergency
work asadefense Spme$18,000 is
-j- Involved in the case, a- temporary tr
der having been issued prohibithigthe
payingfor the bridges in questi^^ §k5
^ta'te :''^^y- -€^iiig Alitor
ht pho^d to ET.
ida^tts ^ppbtKcatipn,
and in^^itions were
woiild continue tin
go, are handling, the ^elOT,f|!f
tiffs and Attorney Bcott
Bismarck, is ih-d^pe. of jw defuse.
case grew o^^t&e^generij dis
tkn vrtth ^e comn^slonf|r|^
^Hiole-aria br^trbuUding
Several &mdi9|/
by. popular
Since 1% startinig of ihie a^9n..the
W the '^ra^i .^rd1^lum
been ^^ially chMij^ imd a more
economical program may be exiected
In the future, candidate8 to1frhiib ibe
bridge- companywas foyorabMtHjng
defeated in the gisnenil election.
tuite cer^^ .th^_'tte "6i^
,1M ^^^to'^'S^rem^fKraiirfc, i^
^e^wins '~in. &« 2dSi
ft' ft' ^en^lyii^mitted
thaf'the -lkw was not ^^li4d ¥i1}i
•In the b^bit^ ttt bridge*, but, in:
itlew cf' tta facittat t^ ^ye tean
there is to whai
poriHon t^.f:!^^:. wifl take. No
•rnimae wlMtVtbi'f^jilt may b^,bow-:
iMriiim in Ae fotuiM.
aetion will d«d»t, \iav^ ::a. mboring
iibe ccoduct
lB|i«i|ot*"lg»l»i^ay botbmiwVner.tocA
d«i|dte steiid against any- tafl
0w #hid» woold increase tayes at
this tl^e, when he adflreaaed memt
of tbe AUisd AatonuAlve Aaaociattpn
at a luadHM la the Wl|st Hbtol yea
Mr. BalMHiar "^TOQal
dMsgaa fil'th^
cease-.law.:.. He s«^1»'.'TeSltwt
be aad«.':'nef*-iNi^
.naUtles whldi e^
fejrwhich cats tbir«e or fw'ypiisltfd'
pMd'a' higher Ucesse than
same make now being /aold. Be
:ht some adjustment should be
in such cases '.
39th Year, Number 37 Linton, North Dakota, Thursday, December 21, 1922.
Articles of incorporation of, the
State Thc Payers association have
beta fifed *^ith tiie^secretiiry of state,
the hesdquarters fof the. organization
being st F«9go. ..The men whose
names are attadbied to the articles of
agreement are JV G. Gundcrson, of
Xneta ®. J. Weiser of Fargo W.
C. McDowell of llarion, F. Wei®, of
Velve ahd A. ti. Martbi of Sentinel
Butte. The object of the association
as set forth iii tiEte papers filed gives
the company latitude in investiga
tion of taxation matters in North Da
kota and this spreading: of this infor
mation broadcast^
The.first effdrt ijt the organization
will :|ie to investigate taxation im
posed, according to flie articles. Say
ing inade certain aa to the basis of
the taxation/the agreement goes on to
declaim tkat the organisation biui a
to "djiseminato accniate iutor-
matiph'vm-i rity of causing a iu*
terial^^uction to the l^eayy tax bur-
The orguiization will also have the
right according to Its incorporation,
to,"aid 4n promoting1 and securing ef
ficiency anjl economy. in the adminis
tration of pu)|iiic office."
For the. purpo.se of gettmg its in
formation. before the public the asso
ciation will.' have- the right to call
public meetings, aftd promote auxil
iary organizations and cause to be
initiated and adopted legislation, which
will further the object forjfcrhich'the
-associatkn is
Mr.sWvjser is en extensive banker
and Isnd-owner of Fargo, MrV Gun-
deal of money and produoe is Coi^iQg
in to aid in the relief of the people
over on the Russian plains."
W^ ^^stiliil^.^i^ thdr own
children under Way, people are not
forgetting1- the needi '&•:'.tfie.- million
fkmiM1 ^luas' in ltassia and ~the
Uk^i^e^iitd' are sanding td. the state
'trMinNar^ A. S. Bolster,' JHamaii^c
s«m9thi^r. to s«rell tbf»:^nds-that tbe
iwai'for tfwd lint,' then
Jibing:ari^oiMiciim fter tite|H» bteIp
lato Ifttlef oh^ Have you dMii
even at tkA It ranks as one pf tbe
biggest laauz«n^ organiiattons In
"iil liii. nini|iiiritil'i "'"v
10. 8. Gw
former teewaiii
insured and the
and heavy pro-
per^'^ner {^. Nelson county. Wes
ley.^wSowdi, of Marion, is one of
the Uading business men of the state
Welo «0jl Martin are .also prominent
meil. '1
T$» "movement outUned aboyeiv 'is
along .tba line^-only on a larger scale
—tbaq tbe effort feeing made by indi
^id^al imbscription in Enunonte coimty
*to "ctit down unnecessary expenditures
in pnblic affairs
^'1 'i v".
Twenty bounties-: are actively at
woric in North Dtokota to raise money,
grafn and idtttihiag fjir thevBussian
and incraidiMn faniine stiff«#ers
Other co#}^jr CPnitaii^e^ will begti
^gbt aifter Ja^ry fiiist, as ^e lnepd
^jtiiiueil. '.lie auskite, ue JEhcecutiVe
-v reports.
CrOvernor NestoSi Who issued a proc
lamation ^in November for the relief
work, wrote to headquarters "I sin
cerely hope that1 fhe caippaign both
In thii stato and in pther tri^ates jtr
,' that a good
yhm jblitoer
a r»to
latter remiiin the a«nii:
the lifer of the cOnt«kct.,
•muit 'i&/'conve!r^
the contomcta are au-
Merry Xmas to all Our Readers
Three Month Certificates of At
tendance were issued to the following
pupils: Elva Nelson* Vernon and
Stanley Lilja, Kintyre Peter Nieuws
ma (2), Janette and John Nieuvrama,
Katie Schmidt, Clara and "Ctol Buch
ler, Hague John and Susie-Himing,
S^lz Mdvin Jackson, Union Elnier
Mujske, Gayton Norman Littel, Frie
da and, Alvin Graf, Liberty Balzar
Wald. Elenora Richardson, Ruben Mai
er, Maxihes Wagher, Judson Tracy,'
Gladfa M^ier, Henry, He^rnkn, Hanqr
Lindennan, Lyle Smith, John Liiicler
man, Moiris Hager, Frank Bosch,
liucill^ licuwer Frank Bpsch, and Ray
mond Seeman, Linton Special.
Liberty No. 4, Marie Stern, teacher,
raised |6.00 for the Children's Home,
6mks wimovr Atoosw sJiftboN-im
-assy st
The flowing pupils m^d^
Month Diplomas ot Honor this week:
Chester Nelson and Hannah Schuls,
Kintyre Elsina Ochsner and Alma
Klaudt, Linton Special 'Agon Feltheim
Cherry Grove Carl Pearson and Theor
dore Sjersl^e, Logan Cora and Hatti
Renskers, B^kker and Marjorie Ward,
We received-a neat invitation to be '4'."-••••
present at a Christmas program to be:
held at the Lawler school, Dec. 21st.
Carrine, M. Knudson reports that
Edna Frimsen and Gladys Beseler
made 100 per cent during the month
tff November, niis is an excellent
^One teacher says: "In response to
in regard to the work of
'Edw»tion Week* I invited my patrons
iiA4t 'to my school, but thy were all
too bosy to" attend i^Riis is a busy
-/Another, teacher says, "Most of the
:|P#t.: quit*"'bft out of the week's
frjpnents dont -visit -the
«ik Unless we have
they wot*t
...., *'ia* ^ey conld not spare universe, even in heaven itself,, uh
th'e- timei^to visit school." |less-he had a partner with whom he
,. W' "Irmight share his joys.—Cicero.
Nwr... fl-'v
chrodb ^^SitKh. School and Home.'
I was cerfciinlv glad to cooperate in
systems to be!
hB4st^^irtllcoopeTate. It
jtW! mlnisters, in t|ie
wcvp ^|v«i'in the
Ihmx rt)
me the o£ the child
Ibis is the day pf the child. -For the
sake of the Babe fair and smiling,
Who grew up to holy manhood by
far-iway Galilee,
We leave our cares and our labor,
and pleasures forever beguiling,
And become a child with the chil
dren forpile day unt^ammeled
and free.-.viri 'u/'AS .
This is the da^'of the child. For the
sake of the ^abe fair and sinless,
Whose memory hallows: the high
ways over which his worn feet
Let ub seek 6ut the sick and the
orphan, take a kinsman's part
with .the Unless,
Remembering them with the kind
-..ness.for which we all hope from
11,18,8 0,8 of
A man would have no pleasure in
discovering all the beauties of the
I spoke in
this nioMsj^pirtant cause of educa- save the life of Vern Tovmsend, Elgin,
N. D., rural mail carrier who was
Another teadier sly* "Weprepared-brought to the city today forcare as
a program for Good Education Week, the result of his being badly frozen
a W a a
^'j^Tkit^diijl^ and believe every one
Amputation of both feet aiid pos
sibly both hands may "be necessary to
tod jiogimi He' waa on m'{ loaeliy road
American Education with no help near. He s,ttempted to
r.,^&e paya, '4We 'had a- debate.' wi^ ^nnelf iand to-'restore circula
tha city girl or boyi tfa^i but wai iinable to do so.
ffi wtf« fearing some aeddenl had
lpg his education befallen him when he was greatly de
boy or girl, layed in t«tnrning home, secured the
aid of 'Mb' in Elgih who set out to
--.' .- o-—ipJI^SWW'^-T-
•?.»-• -^fc-t^i''-- •*^?v,y S'°:
1* SJ£ Ufr-l 7 1
For the
sake of the Babe in the manger,
The Babe who slept with the kine,
and whom the shepherds adored,
Let us go into the byways! and wel
come the child of the stranger—
A friend shall he be as he gathers
with ours around the board.
For the
sake of the Babe .whose"Story
We learned from the lips of our
mother, as we knelt beside her
Let' us open our hearts and gather
the love and the joy, and the
Which gives to the day its gladness,
and shines from the Christmas
.. tree....
—Ninette M. Lowater.
Pn..his' 'r^te
daring tbei'l^tter cold .'.Monday and
wm ^^g troul^e with the engfoeVqf
his car whieh finally quit. When he
attempt^ to move out of -liis caT' to
cmnk it he discovert his "feat were
A|avh fifi lita. Wlwn found iha w^s
ni»rly d« of tlie epld« He was
hnrriad to town and nvived.
called :daclacedJt impos
slble to save his feet and -he was
»ol visitation that better idtjr. wid wisll known and popular
IbWa lifc aeeompUshed. We, in the district around Carson and El
winter^ ia owr that cgin. in -6rant County.—Magadan Pio
overy pantnt°f^*|]t Itave Vbited schooljneer.
ft waa 9umt
^arintasf^. .eotd.-is
al^^ y*ii «3f age is niarried and
tl^^bas 'Hine- |ebiUren/ He is a brother
isjof Mrt. Elnier' E. Carter. of tills
With the approach of the new year
the Record has been attempting to get
its "list, of subscribers paid up at least
to the current year. Most of those
receiving notices the first of -Decem
ber have responded. However, there
are about sixty yet to hear from who
owe since a date prior to Jan. 1,"1922.
A second notice is going to them this
week, and, after the first of the year,
those from whom we have not heard
will be cut off the list and their ac
counts turned over to a collection
agency for settlement. Subscription
accounts are only small amounts, but
they are important to the concern that
is furnishing the print paper, ink,
postage, etc., the year round. Our
list has grown to more than eleven
hundred, and the print paper bill is
getting to be quite an item. If you
are one of those who are behind,
please don't put your notices aside
and forget it, but send your cheek
A motion was. made by Goughnour
and seconded by du Heaume that the
States Attorney is ordered and auth
orized to arrest and prosecute accord
ing to law any and all persons who
obtained feed or sled of Emmons
County during the year 1922 and who
gave a lien to the county to secure
the same and who have disposed of
their crop raised from such seed with
out paying the Countys' Hen, or have
in any way violated the feed and seed
Law Upon rdl call all members
voted "aye."
By Order of the Emmons County
Commissioners. V^'
Adv.—** County Auditor.
Mothers: "Willie, I'm ashamed of
you. You've eaten your sister's share
of cake. How can you be so selfish?
Willie: "Well, mother, I thought you
said in any dispute I was to take
Nellie's part." .'
Mcintosh and Logan Head List In
Payment of Farm '.
Mcintosh county, which has long
enjoyed a reputation with state of
ficials as one of the best('taxpaying
counties, is the best paid-up of the
counties on school land contracts, ac
cording to records of Land Commis
sioner Kositzky. Although this coun
ty has suffered from the. dry years as
other western counties, the report
shows that there are only 14 land
contracts in the county on which the
interest payments ^are delinquent one
year, only one contract on which there
is a delinquency of more than" one
Logan county, a companion county,
ranks as the second best paid-up coun
ty in the state. Bottineau has the
largest number of delinquencies.
This value of school lands sold at
a sale on Feb. 6, 1918, in Mcintosh
county was $466,484• There was a
total of 19,94f acres of land sold, at
an average of $23 an acre, some land
being sold for as high aa $160 per
acre. Of the total number of land
contracta, which is-160, there aire but
15 delinquracies.
Tlie total numler tf land contracta
in Logan county ia 11.6. There are
but nine' on. which interest payments
an delinquent, one year and five on
which interest paymenta are- delin
quent more than one jwr.
|fe«( two cmmtlei iw settled
**$! and they
have gone* in heavily' for dairying,
nmny towna having from one to six
enam buyiaig at!ttionsk Two resi
dent* of the eounty who visited the
land department declared that scores
of farmers malce dairying their bus
iness and fun for plHuiine.
Bottineau eounl^r baa 227 delin
qoenta oh a total of 287 land con
tracta. It was pointed out from the
state records thai the amount of
mdney paid. farmers in Mdhtosh
county last year through cream sta—
tfona waa |844,798 Logsn eoun^r*
'.asnd fttt|heau .county,
*!^»apir'' tba®
either of tha oth«r counties,' $111,-
Commissibnar 'j&Mitzky aa-
aevti -Muat* reeoardi altarsr '^Mt 80 par
loans wiSo ifciik a' iioml
owa no -interest, taxes or aMK» bills.
•4bpid( Wkmi.
Subscribe far the Record—$2.0Q
$2.00 Per Year, In Advance
High School
Alma Bechtle and Aurelia Reude
have finished Book I in typewriting,
and are now working, in book two.
Some of our other pupils expect to
finish book one before New Years.
In the standardized tests whihh
were given in the High School last
week, the results indicate that the in
tellectual ability of our pupils ranges
.just about the same as in other
schools: namely, a big majority of our
pupils are average or normdl stu
dents, and there are about equal num
bers of dull pupils and superior pupils.
The purpose of this test is to deter
mine the approximate ability of a atu
dent so that he may be given work in
proportion to his mental capacity. In
ao far as the tests have been given
in the grades it would demonstrate
a general weakness in the four fun
damentals of arithmetic as well as in
tbe operation Pf simple fractions.
Emphasis will hereafter be placed on
those general weak points .in the hope
that the spring test may find us con
siderably improved. This weakness
in the fundamental! of arithmetic is
not peculiar to any particular school,
for those tests have shown this same
weakness in practically all the schools
in which they were first given. The
tests further show that while our
High School atudents are compara
tively slow readers, they did quite
well in grasping the thought. This
is not always the case in the grades
Christmas vacation will begin
Thursday evening of this Week, there
by giving those of our'teachers who
live on branch lines an opportunity to
reach their homes by Christmas.
School work will again be resumed
Monday, January the eighth. Inhere
will be no school notes given during
this vacation period. School items
will again be given after that time.
We are sohy to say thafMrs. Sher
win is still confined to her room on
account,of illness. We--trust that she
i)Sfy ,be able to be out in the near
future. V:' :'.
We understand that Nathan Rock
well, one ef our former Fres(imen, is
to spend part of his Christmas vaca
tion visiting friends in Linton.
Laura Kyes retained borne with her
parents last Frday and does not ex
pect to be. back until after the Holi
Several of the rooms will have
small Christmas programs for the
pupils of such grades. No attempt
was made at giving,a general schpol
program at this time, as most of our
pupils are taking part in some Christ
mas program given by their respec
tive grades or by a church. Later
in the year the school will offer a
general entertainment or class play
to the public.
The Night School classes will not
meet during the two holiday weeks,
but will continue as usual after 'that.
Seventh Grade
Suitable Christmas preparations are
being made in pur room, and we look
forward to a pleasant hour the last
day before vacation..
The drawing class has completed a
Christmas telephone pad, and is now
making boxes and blotters..
Statements for the different busi
ness places were given "to us for Arith
metic work. Ledger accounts will be
filled out later. '-.- v-fe/r
Considerable, interest is taken in
our weekly pennianehip displsy. The
papers show a marked bn]
the work ti ifee .pupils?'
Third fi«a4i
91a. -Third' Gratis '-pt^ils ha*j(»-:h^r
up their stockings rboptag that Baita,
Claus wlll 'Tisit them btfora tha l^at
cpnatrocUpn cteiw
cdn^t*^ tba fluniiMpi
hotMM, 4nd have made a CMatslas p\
dMwrationa and fiftz.^
h* begun
fip&stiaM .ia
.I^.v'r«rgtM .«iiA.:.-:tlmMi PMtia
week on|#
1the Wi^fd a .Whole." We ilhrn
trkted tia globe with meridians and '1
Parallel liasa also showing tha de
grtaa. f-Vr
... Everybody 'ia anxiavaly awaiting
for tbe tast day wftli gifta 'to
diatribvtad on that day. The tree ia
heavy loaded with trimmings brought
by tlie children.

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