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Image provided by: University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE
Newspaper Page Text
PERSONALS Mrs. Lydia Wright of Oxford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Martha Young. Mr. and Mrs. Engle of Philadel phia were the Sunday guests of Miss Katherine Steele. Mr. S. J. Wright and family have returned from an extended stay at Atlantic City. Miss Amanda Wilson of Ham J., and Miss Myra N. mouton, Storey of New London were guests of Mrs. Rebecca Wilson last week. Misses Martha Strahorn and Jennie Raub have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. George Stra jjorn of Harford county.. Mrs. L. B. Jacobs and Mrs. Gil pin have been spending a few days at Atlantic City. Mrs. Amos Osmond has return ed from a visit with her son in Harrisburg. Mrs. Robt. Potts and children have returned from a trip to Phil adelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Marie Osmond of Harris burg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Os mond. Miss Mary Smith of Chester is the guest of the Misses Fader. Miss Geneva Burnite has return ed from a visit with Hoekessin friends. Pay Director John Ross Martin, ot the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D. C., was the week end guest of Professor and Mrs. C. L. Penny. Walter Powell left on Monday afternoon for a sojourn at Atlantic City. Mr. R. P. Mathias and W. Grant spent the day at Ashland as the guest of Philip Galagher. Mrs. Fannie E. Nelson of Wash ington. I). C.. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson. Professor and Mrs. McCue have returned from an extended visit in Michigan and other points in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Engle, Mr. Edward Vogt and Miss Alfreda Vogt of Philadelphia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fader over the week-end. Mrs. Laura Paxson is visiting relatives in Rutledge, Pa. Summer School Entertainment That Community Spirit can de velop and create something worth while was clearly demonstrated at the Summer School entertainment on Thursday night. In the short time of five weeks, it is surprising to see the amount of work done in making a program of such de lightful entertainment. It was cer tainly an inspiration to the teach ers and must have clearly shown them a new field of work in in fluence in their several communi PART II j Instrumental Solo—" Whisperings Courtship" Miss Clara Coulter Vocal K„|r,_"Perfect Day" (Car-! rie .Jacobs-Bond) Miss Hurlock ! Recitation Instrumental Duet Misses Campbell j Chorus Vocal Class <n Spring Song Frederick Lohr h- Santa Lucia Italian Melody Mr. M. R. Mitchell ties. While the whole program was well executed, the chorus singing was exceptionally fine considering the short time for practice. The entertainment was in eharsfe of Commissioner Wagner. The program follows: PART I Six girls Lui lab v Illustrated Stories Illustrated Stories—Observation School Pupils : Goldilocks and the Bears I a b I ( hieken Little Chorus Observation School Miss Cleaver ILeitat ion—' ' Aunt Jemima 's of Life' Miss Pearl Cahall I ncle Daniel's Sermon" Explosives in Case SPECIAL ONE-DAY EXCURSIONS Tolchester Beach New Prices on Lots of 25 Pounds or Over Atlantic City 11c. lb. 12c. lb. Red Cross Farm Powder . . • Red Cross Stumping Powder . . FROM NEWARK Wednesday. "August 12 Thursdays, August 6 and 20. and Sunday, August 30 ROUND $1.75 SPECIAL THROUGH TRAIN TICKETS GOOD ONLY ON SPECIAL TRAIN IN EACH DIRECTION $ 1.10 trip ROUND TRIP Address all orders to W. H. DEAN, Newark SPECIAL TRAIN j AND STEAMER LE $S THAN CASE LOTS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BY J. L. PRESS, HARDWARE STORE Main Street, Newark, Del. for THE red cross sign Through Train* from all Station*, con »ult 'tf and Bill* at Station*, or. Ticket Agent* For leaving time of Special PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD n ir? ted Song—"We'll Have to Mortgage the Farm" . Mr - Samuel Lecates ^ Ioth ^. : .Miss Nellie Hughes aughters. .Miss Marion Campbell .Miss Clara Coulter .M* 1 - H. L. Brown Courtship of Son Scenes from "The Miles Standish Miles Standish..Mr. H. L. Brown John Alden... .Mr. M. R. Mitchell Pnscdla .Miss ve rna Nelson Scene 1—Synopsis In Miles Standish' room. Scene between Miles Standish and John Alden : Friendship prevailed over love and Alden went on his errand." Scene 2 Home of Priscilla. Scene be- j -"axt? P ] nsc , llla aQ d John Alden: I Why don't you speak for your self, John." Scene 3 Home of Miles Standish. John Alden s report of his failure to ac comphsh his errand: "Let there be i nothing between implacable hatred. Scene 4 On the shore of Plymouth. John ! Alden and Priscilla pledge friend ship : 'Let me be ever the first, the truest, the nearest, the dearest." y y us save war and y > Card Of Thanks On behalf of the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Co., I wish to thank the ladies who took an active interest in our Carnival, for success is due to their untiring ef forts; to Minnehaha Band for their loyal support ; to the Red Men for their parade and interest in gen eral ; to the press for their our gener supply of advertising, and to the public in general through whose generosity it has been possible to make iur Carnival ous a success. Signed, E. C. Wilson, Chairman. The ladies in charge of the Cake Booth at the Carnival wish to - ex press their appreciation. to the \ friends who so generously donated and helped so materially to make this part of the Carnival a success. The Committee in Charge. Powell And Clark Remain At Home Walter Powell and Frank Clark, j who were to have started for Ger- ; many the first of September are congratulating themselves on being in the land of the free. The crack j shot of Powell and military bear- i ing of Clark would cause the Ger man army to take notice. It has been suggested that these j young men be sent from Company E. to watch the operations. STRICKERSVILLE Mrs. E. P. Crossan spent a few j days last week with West Chester ! relatives. Mr. Wm. Smith, Marion, N. C., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Emily Smith. Mrs. Pyle, New London, ' and Mrs. Isaac Hoar, Altoona, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Leonard Lewis. As Mr. Prettyman the paster of Wesley M. E. Church, was indis posed Sunday, the pulpit was filled bv Mr. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crosley are entertaining their neiccs from Patterson, N. J. Mrs. Marion Gooden and Miss Rachel of Chicago have been visit ing relatives here the past week. Mrs. Sara J - Pierson entertained her sons on Sunday. Miss Grace Ward, Philadelphia, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Martha Smith. Mrs Martha J. Smith, Piqua, Ohio, is visiting Wm. Singles and — ~ Final arrangements have been made for the joint labor and capi tal parade in Wilmington on Labor Day which promises to prove a not able display. family. Kennard & Co. For August For the month of August we promise the same good values in high grade merchandise that we have been able to give you for the past sixty days adding new lines from day to day. For this month we give you wonderful savings on Suits, Dresses, Waists, Coats, Muslin Underwear, Ribbons, Cotton and Linen fabrics. We solicit charge accounts from those of estab lished credit, and prepay delivery charges within a reasonable distance. 621-623 Market St. WILMINGTON ANNOUNCEMENT • • • • TO THE PEOPLE OF NEWARK: We solicit a share of your trade in our line, are right and always will be. Our prices THE F-V HARDWARE STORE J. L. PRESS, Proprietor MAIN STREET NEAR DELAWARE COLLEGF 6% FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS DUE 1923 We\ have a few more of those elegant (Bonds far Sale. Interest paid semi-annually. January and July {Bonds recallea at 105. Apply Newark, Delaware P. O. Box 23, Augustine Beach Opened July 4th for the Season. Dancing every Thursday evening. First-class meals served at the hotel and refreshments of all kinds for sale on the grounds. FINE BATHING NEW SANITARY BATH HOUSES Address Augustine Beach Hotel Port Penn, Delaware 15-lra —To-day thousands of satis fied wearers of P&Q Clothes are boosters for us. They know from experience that P&Q hand-built clothes, made and sold direct to you at always $10-&-$15, have both style vim and the tailoring-vigor of $20-to-$30 garments from coat-collar to trouser-cuffs The proof is here. Investigate! Why Pay More And Get No More ? Does Double Duty! With an extra pair of P&Q Flannel Trousers at $3.50 (white, striped effect) and a "Tru-BIu" Serge or Banjo-Striping Coat, you can face the future with a smile of satisfac tion. gray or — Watch Our Windows — P&Q shop The 509 Market St. WILMINGTON When you roam From home — R enew in a P& Q and Bank the balance P&Q Shops at Trenton, N. J. Waterbury, Conn. New York City And Many Others SPRING OPENING AT HANDLOFFS UST arrived, a new line of Gent's Furnishings and Ready Made Clothing for Easter. The Suits I have are Ready Made, but the Material, Workmanship and Fit, guaranteed just as the made to order, for less money. The suit you will get from HANDLOFF you will only pay for the Suit and Material and not for the name. Order Made, which for Work, Fit and Style there is no better. Also a nice line of pants. We also have a very nice line of J Boys' and Girls' Outfits for Easter You well know that we are the headquarters for all the best and well-known makes of Shoes such as W. L. Douglas, Walkover, Endicott & John son, The Just Right, Dr. Davis, Dr. Harvard and a good many other reliable makes, which guar antees Style, Wear and Satisfaction. The best of all Solid Leather Shoes for Boys and Girls. For Ladies' Furnishings see the Delaware Ledger. L. HANDLOFF - Newark Main Street -