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THOMAS INTERESTS ASK FOR RECEIVER Company Summoned 1 o Show Solvency Before Chancellor in „ Chancellor Charles M. Curtis, in the Court of Chancery, Friday the granted an order re the Jacob Thomas Co., E. Mr. afternoon, quiring whose wall paper factory, at New- in ark, was destroyed by lire recently, to appear before him in the Pub lic Building on January 29, at 101 o'clock in the morning, to show cause, if any it has, why a receiver pendente lite should not be ap pointed for the company as prayed i for in a bill of complaint present ed by William S. Hilles, attorney for Tillie Thomas of White Clay ark, six , , panv and its officers, directors, i agents and servants until further , „ ,, .. . . i order from collecting, receiving, , , . . . conveying, selling, assigning,' transferring, dealing with or otherwise disposing of any of the pr iperty and assets, real and per sonal, of the company. The bill of complaint makes the following allegations: The oratrix is the holder of 8 Ö0 par value of the capital stuck. The total issued capital stock of the company is $75,000, and the oratrix owns one-third of the stock less three shares. The company has for many years been engaged in the manufacture of wall paper at the plant owned bv it in the town of Newark and The Creek hundred, a stockholder, chancellor also restrained the com J by the the H. 14, Mr. I was en- 1M. of until January 11, 1918, gaged in that business. On that I date the plant was destroyed by fire, and the company now is un able to continue the business. The company has outstanding bonds aggregating $41,000, has ! bill- payable of upwards of $150, a 000, has accounts payable of up wards $20,000 and has sundry out standing liabilities, exclusive of capital stock, amounting to about $76.000. The total liabilities of the company, as they appear from the books, amount to upwards of $364, 000, and its total assets, exclusive | of money due from insurance com panies, amount to about $123.000. j The total amount flue from instir companies is about $145,000, j leaving an excess of liabilities over assets of about $100,000. The com panv is insolvent and unable to pay j its debts. i For three years the business has been carried on by James G. Prag er and Hugo Prager, who own two- s thirds of the capital stock of the! Jacob Thomas Co. in the name of ! f the Prager Co. The latter company s in the conduct of the business has so manipulated the same to the ad- ! vantage of the Prager Co. as to destroy what was theretofore a profitable business. The Prager Co. appears on the books of the Jacob Thomas Co. to be a creditor in the sum of $76,000. The oratrix is informed, believes and avers that the account is improper and the transactions upon which the account is based were the result of improper dealings by James G. Prager and Hugo Prager control ling the affairs of the Jacobp Thomas Co. to their private ad vantage. The oratrix further avers that should the winding up of the Jacob Thomas Co. be conducted by James G. Prager and Hugo Prager there would he great danger and risk of the creditors and stock holders of the Jacob Thomas Co. being unfairly treated to the ad vantage of J;he Prager Co. oratrix is informed and avers that the insurance adjustment growing out of the fire will be made in the next few days and that for the pro tection of the creditors of the Jacob Thomas Co. and possibly the stockholders it is necessary that a receiver should be appointed to take charge of the assets and ad minister the same in accordance with equity and good conscience and not for the benefit of the Prayer Co. or any oint, creditor and that should the in The lirie surance money be paid to the Jacob Thomas Co. as now controll ed the creditors would suffer ir reparable loss and damage. The oratrix shows that it is ab solutely necessary for the protec tion of the creditor that a full and searching inquiry shall be made into the affairs and transactions of the Jacob Thomas Co. since the has been controlled as afore-11 «ame said and particularly into the" transactions between the Jacob:-* Thomas Co. and the Prager Co. and that such can be done solely by the appointment of a receiver or receivers. Educators In Conference Mr. L. G. Armstrong, State Di rector of Agricultural Instructors, under the Smith Hughes act, was in Newark on Monday with Mr. W. I . , ference with Principal Koehler and | the Newark Board of Education, E. Evans of New York City, in con Mr. Evans is a candidat; for the I position of agricultural instructor ! in the High School, i News Items Near White Clay On Thursday, January seven teenth, about three P. M. an auto truck from the Essex storage ware house of 135 Halsey Street, New ark, New Jersey, bound for Wash ington, D. C„ with a load of furni ture, and traveling at the rate of six miles per hour, was struck by another auto truck loaded with lead, owned bv J. T. Lewis and i Brother of 251» Arinnngo Avenue, i Philadelphia, Pa., coming from , . , , , Baltimore, at the rate ol twelve to fifteen miles per hour. The acci dent was caused by the Lewis truck striking a cake of ice in the road near Roseville bridge, where by the driver lost control of the steering wheel and collided with the Essex storage truck, smashing the rear end completely, throwing H. A. Schonberger of the Essex truck from hte seat to the road. Mr. Schonberger luckily escaped injuries. As usual, Jack Chalmers, ex-chief of police, Newark, Dela-| ware, was on the scene with Mr. James Willis, and the furniture I was stored in Mr. Chalmers' barn, pending the arrival of a new truck from the Essex storage. The fur niture was removed on Monday A. 1M. and sent on to Washington. The was cleared away by the Auto-car Co. of Philadelphia, so j tha.t traffic which was temporarily impeded, was given a clear right | of way within 48 hours. I wreck J ' j The storage houses are being ! cleared away from Lumbrook Sta tion on the B. and O. by Alfred Stütz of Newark, and shipped to a company at North East, Md. STRK KERSVILLE Mrs. Robert Wallace of Wash | j the-automobile phia last week. j ington, D. C„ is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ida McCauley. Messrs George Jones, Orville Ottey and Ans m Garrett attended show in Philadel I'ipeless heaters have been in stalled in South Bank and West Bank schools, j On Friday evening Mrs. Nelson i Pierson fell on the ice, injuring her head so severely that the ser vices of a physician were neces s sary. Miss Ella Singles left Mondav ! f or Belleville, New Jersey, where s he enters on her duties at the state Sanatorium, ! a PLEASANT HILL Mrs. Thomas Moore and Mrs. David Eastburn and sons, Rodney and Randolph, of Red Mills, spent the day recently with Altan Buck ingham and family. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Demp sey and son, Norman, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dempsey and family at Union. Miss Rachel Mitchell visited Miss Elizabeth Buckingham on Thursday. G. jd Restaurant plannca on the type oj the old Wayside Inn. I 'Dainty meals, good food, Cleanliness are big words with us. Every thing in Season. Lots oj home-halted dainties. Oysters in Every Style Rooms for rent-—the best in town. Agent for Just now Mam Street NORRIS CANDIES NEWARK, DELAWARE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT •! 1—I -- I—1—1 -- I—I—P - 1- - 1— 1— 1—1—!— ! M H- H-H-4.H-H STRENGTH ORGANIZATION SERVICE I .. The three essentials conspicuous in this Company are (1) STRENGTH of resources and management, which com- * mands confidence; (2) a complete, efficient and vigorous • ORGANIZATION which assures the ability to serve clients I! well and (3) that spirit of SERVICE, which seeks to give " clients the most, rather the fewest facilities. You can avail yourself of this united strength, organization and service by II appointing this Company your Executor or Trustee, or by " opening an account in our Banking Department.*' II SECURITY TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. ; ; SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE II J _ ) .^- 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. | - 1 -. l -1- M - l .. M - l-l - ! - 1 -. | - I .. | .. I .. I .. l - » - l .. l .. t , n M 1 ! I 1 I I I I 1 ! f II j" // ! Mr. Frank Buckingham and son, Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs. War Buckingharn Katharine, spent Sunday with Mr. Edgar Hitchen and family at Lit nnd daughter ren tie Baltimore. Miss 7... been spending several days with her cousin Mj ss Alma Little. Frances Whiteman has Miss Helen Whiteman has been j spending several days with Wil-I mington relatives. Mrs. Ruth Megirnnes spent Sun day with Miss Elizabeth Bucking ham. I APPLETON Owing to the coal shortage, our public schools have been ordered closed for ten Mondays, beginning with January twenty-first. Mrs. Paul Peterson is with her, mother, Kirs. E. H. Gallaher, who is suffering from grippe at her home near Cherry Hill. ! On account of the ice, automo- j biles find themselves in side-ditch and have to be assisted by horses in order to reach the road es, again. Miss Evelyn Kimble of Elkton,; spent the past week-end at her| home here. Miss Edith Robinson suffered an attack of quinsy. Lydia Foard of Barksdale, taught I Jackson public school in Miss Rob inson's absence. Preaching service next Sabbath at Head of Christiana Presbyter ian Church at 10.45 A. M.; at Flint : Hill M. E. Church at 2.30 P. M.: at, Big Elk M. E. Chapel- at 2.30 P. M. Everybody welcome. 1 recently ! Miss on j moved intt Kelley e one day last week, | KEMBLESYII LE Orval St Cloud of Camp Greene, Charlotte. N. ('., is home a five day's furlough. Mr. Wm. Willard is enjoying the balmy air of Florida these days. Mr. Paul McDaugal and family he frame how-; on the Mr. Mr. and Mi s. L. B. Pra f t had as j J their guest - .- upper on Saturday ' 'veiling, Miss M ulred Rhi.iehurt, j Mrs. C. T. Richards, M-. O. S. ' Cloud, and Mr. E. L. Richards. Mr. ('. T. Richards made a bus-1 j'.* iness trip to Wilmington on day. a fur Mrs. Jas. A. Richie of Thomp Delaware, returned home on son. Sunday, having taken care of Mrs. J. W. Bunting during her r ent sick spell. Among our village folks who are cnitting sweaters at the pro:-; ont are Mrs. Mary Cavender, Misses Florence and Grace West bu . NEWARK'S LEADING Meat Market CHARLES P. STEEL DEALER IN Fresh and Salt Meats J. Home Dressed Meats a Specialty Main Street Opposite Col lege Call or Phone Order D. & A. 44 and Earl Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Reese George, Mrs. J. F. McMullen, and Miss Elsie Äx. Wil ' nington8hop T Mr. Lester Curry spent Sunday at his home here. Special Offer 1 Box Little Bobbies $2.30 i (50) Hin 1.15 (25) W. E. HAYES OPERA HOUSE BUILDING NEWARK DEL. In **» ÎÜ IJ* ft b ss PP Don't Let The Sno\ Fool You vy pk It I 1 V m r (!) ALTHOUGH there i W is snow, snow everywhere, and Jack Frost is in the air, the calendar tells us that Spring is just around the cor Not many weeks will pass before the sap * will be running in the trees, and it will be too late to prune them. Plan to do this work (!) j ,~* IQ ' | od It (!) I y, k (!) ner. I v j HI - f® UJ 9 £V I (!) I d i (!) V' (!) \ ] •v, (!) earlv. V 1 (!) A FULL SUPPLY <•>] I OF B® PRUNING SHEARS NOW ON HAND. 0 I (!) (!) Thomas A. Pott 1 I •V NEWARK. DELAWARE (!) \ I {jjs> ►c c Lp 8F^ >/ 3GH ; you Seen the Pipeless Hell ve made in Philadelphia by people making heaters for l he last sG f One register will heat the Whole hojjse. The system is espcc^ ed to homes with open stairways and wide doors; to churches perfectly cool cellar. Call and see one on the floor. E rooms. It means a I I! " II " II ; II f ALSO PLUMBING AND STEAM AND f IOT f' HEATING DANIEL STOLL NEWARK 'Phone 159 ■ B€ I f \|| O i ror UUUuno and An excellent In comp of Soft Tar, with $ of Cod Liver Oil and thol. Our own pre tion, 50c for 1-2 i s u ; I Cough Lozenzes and a-Cold Tablets. v. RHODES' DRUG NEWARK, DELAIV I'S i;