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I directory y MEMBERS OF COUNCIL E. J. —E. B. Frazer IV,trict —Joseph Button, Jona m° r Eastern than Johnson JSdte Dbtrirt- G. Fader, W. H. Bar Vi*trict — E. C. Wilson, E. B. ton J. H. Western Frazt-f Secretary an d Troisurer — S. B. Herdman C.mncil-rlBt Monday night ,• month * NEWARK POSTOFFICE v rom pc ints So ith and Southwest— 6.30 a. m. 10.45 a. m. 3.15 p. in. 3.15 p. m. Iron Points \ >rtk and Northwest— 9.30 a. m. 8.30 a. m. 6.30 a. m. 11.30 a. m. 5.30 p. m. Meet inf of evi v ron E> mbitand Strickersville 7.45 a. m. 4.15 p. m. From Avondnl and Landenburg — • 11.45 a. in. 6.30 p. m. ■idge— From Cooch 's 8.30 a. m. 5.30 p. m. MAII.S close i„ith and West — For Points 10.45 a. m. 4.15 p. m. 7.45 p. m. For Points North and East— 9.00 a. m. 9.30 a. m. 2.00 p. m. .. . .4.15 p. m. 7.45 p. m. for Kimbhydif and Strickersville — 9.30 a. m. 5.00 p. m. hrArondah I Landenburg — 1.30 p. m. Sor Cooch 's Bridge— 4.15 p. m. RIKA!. FREE DELIVERY 8.00 p. m. 3.00 p. m. tees pie BOARD OF TRADE taidcM— D. C. Rose lice-Presidcnt -Jacob Thomas Imvnr —Edward W. Cooch letrefaru— W. II. Taylor COMMITTEES Financial — Jacob Thomas E. L. Richards T. F. Armstrong E. W. Cooch Educational — Industrial— , G. M. Kolloek W. Griffin A. Short ,W. McXeal Statistics — bel you. L. K. Bowen ■ i KE.MBLESVILLE Mr. Joseph Lybrand is visiting «V. and Mr.-. C. J. Benjamin, at tclair < Pa ' a Mr. and Mrs. William Cann, of, SprinVest Chester, called on friends in village one day the past week. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blackburn pended the funeral on Monday of |cou>:n who was killed in an auto- ; ■bile accident near »aware, on Friday last. [Miss Elsie (I orge, was taken to r. Ewing' > Sanitarium on Friday |r treatment. asl that! man tha Kirkwood, nT,:, at,. , at„, t h rrogs _ ; h" e Mi. am. Mrs. L H. Cross hnwere out lor an auto ride on Mrday, their ar ran up a bank M turned over into the road. | brtunatelv neither of them were. u, r . , nn l lr.Charie' Covington is still on p sick list, and Alexander Pow I. who has been sick for some pe, was taken to West Chester ppital on Sunday. IMost all of the village folks got —elevatow tint >meto see the airpanes pass on Sunday. --- Reardon recently purchas ■ a Dodge touring car from C. T. Bchards. aw h tl sele APPLETON ! Regal lij and broj in 0 >e subject of Rev. Walter *'s sermon at Head of Christ » on April 7, was "The Second i n ? of Christ." bs Marian Smith of Rowland ! » spent part of last week with 'Pearl Ba Gently, ' e been rt)on. I several aeroplanes j seer, passing over our ■ I ! ' ! f and Mrs William Cavender 'Sunday visitors of Mr. and John Cavender and family , for>m ronHi11 \ no®* r 'day evening of last week, ot ' Mwt hall, Appleton Social Club asked Waited a play entitled, "A1 i' n ' s Country Store." The per f rs acquitted themselves with F credit. The collection to the soldiers, amounted to H. Zebli-y of Union Bank, to spent Sunday with j* ren k Mr. and Mrs. Elwood . Casner and family of near x have moved to the Charles h. , on tarm, which was recent jy ase< l by Mr. Casner. EV^and Mrs. Colgain and |7 r ' from Head of Sassafras, Ik ts ^J r - an d Mrs. War U* 10 ®. on Sunday, t re oent letter to the home lb M°p ^ a b a ber, stationed at |L oClellan, near Anniston, Ex*' fells of the cotton-plant KT' n Progress in the South. I M Mr s. W. T. Lofland and pr _~ri $2.75 to $• CO Municipal E. M. Thoinps J. H. Hossinger Transportation — J. W. Brown C. B. Evans Joseph Dean on Legislature — Membership — P. M. Sherwood John Pilling Wm. H. Taylor J. P. Armstrong H. B. Wright BOARD OF EDUCATION President —C. A. McCue Secretary and Treasurer — Harvey Hof fecter, Robert S. Gallaher, Edward L. Richards, Orlando K. Strahorn NEWARK TOWN LIBRARY The Library will be opened : Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday 3 to 5.45 p. m. 9 to 12.00 3 to 5.45 p. m. 9 to 12 m.—7 to 9.00 p. m. in. BANKS Farmers' Trust Co.—Meeting of Direc tors every Wednesday evening at 8 o 'clock BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Secretary — W. H. Taylor Meeting first Tuesday night of each month LODGE MEETINGS OPERA HOUSE Monday —Knights of Pythias, or K. of P., 7.30 p. m. Tuesday —Improved Order of Red Men, 7.30 p. m. Wednesday —Heptasophs, or S. W. M., 7.30 p. m. Thursday —Ladies' Circle, S. W. M., 7.30 p. m. Friday —Modern Woodmen of America, No. 10170, 7.30 p. m. ODD FELLOWS' HALL Monday —Jr. Order American Mechanics, 7.30 p. m. Wednesday —1st and 3rd of every month, White Clay Camp, No. 5, Woodmen of the World Thursday —I. O. O. F., 7.30 p. m. Saturday —Knights of Golden Eagle, 7.30 p. m. FIRE ALARMS In case of fire call the following num bers in succession : 27 D 99 A 33 D 172 31 D By order of Fire Chief WILSON ■ Misses Ida and Evelyn Kimble, i recently enjoyed an auto trip to ! Hartford County, going by way of Conowingo bridge. Private Charles Davis of Com-1 pany K, Camp Dix, N. J., spent I Sunday with friends here. ; IRON HILL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCul lough and son Austin of Wilming-j ton, spent one day last week with j relatives here. Lieutenant J. E. Gilftllan, who ; left for Fort Reno, Oklahoma, sev has been sta tioned Worth , Texas. Lieutenant in the Remount Train | ^ d travek over the entire state of Texag) buying horses for Un cle Sam. He writes interesting dis iong of the count ry and his p work - Mrs. Stephen Ash is spending some time with relatives in io peka, Kansas. Migs g ara gi ac k spent the week end wit h Wilmington friends. Miss Edna Price of Wilmington, the guest of Iron Hill friends was last week. PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Altan Buckingham and family entertained the follow ing guests on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Harkness of Green bank, Del., Messrs.. William, Thos. and Clarence Harkness, Mr. F. H. Buckingham and son Clifford. Mr and Mrs. Charles Davis of the recent I j I Strickersville, Pa., were ! guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lee. Mr. and Mrs. George Denny of near Stanton, spent Sunday with ' (Mr and Mrs. A. T. Buckingham. ! Mr. and Mrs. George W. Demp and son Norman, of near Mer the day recently with at sey Mr anders. J. T. Dempsey. M Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Pierson spent Sunday with , f r '.f v nd M A S Whiteman and family. A M^. and Mrs. George ^Dempsey and sons, George and Earle, were recent guests of Mr. nd o Mr, the Eli Davis of Thompson Lending TheirBe.tCu.torner. of that l " ,,ed '"„""'an products being spent for Ameren R _ the products of our f«tor . farms, our mines, - nu industries. In lending to the the world. Buy Liberty Bonds. our Newark Grange An nounces Meeting The Newark Grange will meet , next Monday evening at thirty in Room 216, Wolf Hall. This is the first meeting since the election of the new officers and several matters of importance will be brought up at the meeting. seven In Memoriam Our darling baby girl has With Jesus to abide, Where never-fading flowers bloom, And peaceful waters glide. The Heavenly home is very near. To us, this is our prayer: That we may join our little Within those portals fair. O, glorious time, when we shall go Forevermore to stay With Jesus, where our loved one dwells, Mid scenes of endless day. We now look up in faith to Christ, ! And on His help depend, Striving each day to follow Him, j Our Saviour and our Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen,D. Richards, ! Strickersville, Pa. j" gone one Ifl « « ! i The Known Price Idea in Clothing i i ! The value of Clothing manufactured in the United States is about $550,000,000 annually. This is produced by countless independent manufacturers. Yet—only one price upon his product ; you know the price before you go into the étore. i i manufacturer places a retail ! W I ! 7/5 Ojtj o) L ! A j 'Æ «C6:sriPC3 n 3 *7? Mk »• 'Each grade the same price the nation over Are America's Only Known Priced Clothes. I y\ V t r. $ Styleplus grades fare plainly marked at the factory. Only merchandise right in quality and workmanship could hope to succeed in open com petition on a known price policy. Each Styleplus grade insures the greatest possible value at the price. is Ipw «3» > TV .v.X • t I » Ms Si mm lÄf; Styleplus Clothes this spring are made in two grades—$21 green label—$25 red label. We have a wide assortment of each. Models for men and young men—all re liable fabrics. j ; ; I © Styleplus Clothes This store has the exclusive sale of Styleplus in this town ! I . Sol Wilson, The Tailor Newark, Delaware STYLE HEADQUARTERS ■Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold. U L THE CONTINENTAL FIBRE COMPANY paid out for services to their Employees for the year ending December 31st, 1917, the sum of $171,001.68. This does not include salaries to the Officers of the Company. This means over $14,000.00 is distributed among our business people each month, yet our rep resentatives, the Council, discriminate against us in favor of Educational Institutions in street improvements, and have for the past ten years.