Newspaper Page Text
PERSONALS n. K 1C Greenfield attended The Dansant at the Hotel du ll on Saturday afternoon. r ^,. sg Mary Houston spent the *k-enrl in Lewes, where she was 0 f hi,nor at the wedding of Helen M. Con,well of S. N. Tammany of New the lier Lewe port. \tit-le Evans of Bridgeville Harriet Wilson over and» attended the Jli .ted Miss week-on d Phi Epsilon dance. Smith of Bridgeville . : ,t visitor at the home of Mis- Florence Colbert. he Sigma Miss! ; her KSS '1 I lier cousu Mis Allan R. Cullimore who has some time with rel spending ves .; n N, w York and East Or 1 returned home on been N. Thursday. Philadelphia Miss Blanche of Ralph K:ng sited his >ister, on Sunday. John C. Truitt spent Saturday Philadelphia. jus? Mr- Theodore \lolf, formerly of 1 n , lW residing in Phila inViin vi^ ted Miss Frances Hurd W th ' week-end Hoev of Dover spent ,, Sn, » Uh Newark friends. fAeeK , Leila Herbener Richardson iting friends and rela : ie Whittingham spent jliss Re i|ie w eek-eiul visiting friends at FortMyer. Va. Alfred A. Curtis and Dr. George A Harter are attending the Epik # 1 convention at Dover this - ier Mrs. is been vis te5 in Wilmington. Albert L. Lewis ■ Mr. and Mrs. I «pending several days with ■iladelphia friends. ■ v r = Lester Dunham of Plain . of Mrs. C. L. (Id, N. J rokaw, is the guest of Mrs. H. Mrs. Dun a niece Tiffany this week. from a visit and Baltimore also visited at Reed and Fort McHenry ■ ; S just returning Ktii Washington She iatives. falter sspitals. Simpson is family will move this Hoffecker Philadelphia ti tek. I Miss Margaret T. Wilson of Wil lington is acting secretary to Inn Robinson in the absence of Sturges who is ill. ■ Miss Emily ■i. visited Miss Ada William the It of the week. ■Mrs. Mary Webber of Wilming ■s is visiting her daughter, Mrs. ■Irvin Dayett at Cooch's Bridge. ■Arthur G. Wilkinson spent sev II days th i - week in New York ■business. ■Richard Mollan of Philadelphia I a week-end guest of Mr. and In. A. G. Wilkinson. Mr. Mollan led during the war with the Inadian Army and at its close 1: to Australia where he met Iatives of Mrs. Wilkinson who led him to convey messages to I One of his first acts 1 upon ■ return to this pountry was to |ver these messages in person ■Mrs. Wilkinson. lbs Martha M. Siple of Phila- j ■Phia spent the week-end with | |a Van Sant. •hand Mrs. Ewell Springer) I Maybelle Springer of Wil- ! Ik-on, and Harold C. Springer I wife of Perryville, Md. were Its at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. I" C. Burnite on Saturday to l 3 d the Spr:nger-Burnite wedd_ |t Herbert Lee is spending a j ■ days with Miss Reba Van Sant. | |T. Vinsinger of Elkton visited j l ar k yesterday. |T' Whittingham spent last; I ' n New York where the rep- ; Itedthe American Machine Co - |y had an exhibit in the auto Ik show. I )r ?e L. Townsend, Jr. attend is funeral i.f Dr. Emery Mar i'Atlantic City on Saturday. Frazer of Elkton, f e SOCIAL EVENTS 4n Winifred J. Robinson will 1 U 7 * me 0,1 Pr 'day afternoon a »omen's College. She will ^ted in receiving by Mrs. "■ Cullimore, Mrs, Alfred ais . Mrs. Thomas J. Green, Penny and Mrs. R. J. Hi. any est evening the Engin L Tjdety will entertain in K „ Adan R- Cullimore, LJ Clarence Short and C. f° r u " i „ ■*»>■ and Mrs. Harold Cum r entertained at di Pean 1 a "d M r , nner re a »d Mrs. Allan R. Cul and Mr./Kelly. Herdsman At College Farm Goes To Illinois Mr. Benjamin W. Stretch who herdS" a y t ear Delawar b e een CoHeïe Farm has given un thaf „„ 1 g and has g„„ e Lomb.rd P ,?" where he will have ' V ,n0l l Braekenf^lFarm ' Ch,rge 1,1 . tVlade This Week Several Arrests Two boys from Camden N T giving their names, as Morris Waronker and Jesse Vennel -■* Camden, N. J. of ..v, , A were arrested last night for attempted theft of an automobile belonging to Albert Stroud They were taken before Squire. Lovett who committed them to Ferns Industrial School since, both were under 16 years of age. They were removed by Ferris offi cials this morning. WEDDING Springer—-Burnite In the presence of onlv the im mediate families of the contract ing parties, Miss Geneva Burnite daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John c Burnite of this town and Franklin S. Springer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Springer of Wilmington! were married at the home of the bnde ° n Saturday evening at 6:30. The ceremony was performed by R ev ' William J. Rowan, pastor of the Presbyterian church. After a j f w / dding «upper had been served If « the 9:27 I train for Washington and other j points south w-here they will spend their honey moon Upon thgir rg turn they will reside in Newark. Mr. Springer was recently dis charged from service in the Navy and has been employed in a cleri cal capacity by the duPont Co. at Flint, Michigan. .been transferred to Wilmington. He has recentlv Still Something With A "Kick" In It James Van Sant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Von Sant met with a painful accident recently. While cranking a machine at the home of his- brother-in-law, John Baylis, the "critter" kicked, bruising his arm and causing a painful injury. ^TT The Day f of the Farmer >\ II, When three hundred hard-handed, sun browned men from thirty-two states assem bled recently to map out a program for the get-together of American farmers, they de clared solemnly—though in more elegant lan guage—that the farmer shall no longer be the national goat! The organization «of the American Farm Bureau Federation means tfiat the day of the farmer is at hand, says IKe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN i No more will the farmer be the goat of the gouger, the butt of the ignoramus. Farmers are getting together today to take their rightful place as the Na tion's biggest business men! This bank seeks always to ad vance the interests of the farm hereabouts. We are anxious that the farmers who regularly ïead The Country Gentle man are the most pro serous farmers, we urge our friends to subscribe for this great National Farm Weekly. Authorize us to charge yoiir account only $1.00, and we will have -your name entered at once for a year— 52 big weekly issues. Keep in touch with the nation's farmers! 5* the copy everywhere ers to see you prosper, eager to help means in our you by every power.. And because we believe Farmers' Trust Co. of Newark, Del. A. A. CURTIS President Phone 17 Capital $50,000.00 / Gent lernen: ( 1 ) Because you charge the cost, $1.00, to me. (2) Here's my dollar. I want THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Send it to me. (My Name) (My Address; (City). - for The Country Gentleman for one year and CroM out know me, enter my name / or (State) === ^ i „ \ f. Pall-Mall Club To Give Their Dance ■ T > Pall ^ a11 Club have issued invitations for a formal dance tb * lv . e " i" '*>8 Newark Y. M. C. e ' l.ding on the evening of Jan 24 ;. 1920 ^™">8tol2. ' ladden cind White's orchestra will furnish the music for the oc : casion. The i^atfronesses H. Blake, At The Y. M. C. A. are: Mrs. Chas. Mrs. H. R. Tyson, Mrs. t' , R- Armstr °ng, Mrs. J. A. Mc ve ^' ^ rs - Walter H. Steel Mrs, ' Geo ' W - Rhodes - and I j List of sales T Januar - V 20, Sallie E. Lloyd road from New ark to Milford cross roads horses, cattle and farming implements, at 12 o'clock. January 22, Charles A. Knotts I ike Creek, 3 miles east of Newark. Horses, cattle, farming implements at 12 o'clock. List of Sales For January And February as reported by W. S. Armstrong, auctioneer. on r , . . . 29, AIlen D - Richards " ear Stri . cke f sville - Horses, cattle, farming implements, 12 o'clock. February 5, David Eastburn near Red MiI1 > L mile north Har mony Nation. Horses, cattle, farm 'ng implements, 11 o'clock. February 6, James McGlade Peterson farm on road from Tele r °ad to New London' road. Horses > cattle,. farming : ments ' household goods, 1 o'clock. on imp le ï ji Now Ready to Serve the Public ! I with a Full Line of FLOUR FEED GROCERIES TOBACCO THOMAS J. GREEN Successor to W. H. BARTON MAIN STREET NEWARK, DEL. 1-14-21 February 10, Charles-H. Jarmon ! on road from Wilson shop to Oglet town. plements, 11 o'clock. February 12, Edward Richards! 1 mile east of Newark, cattle, farming implements, 11 o'clock. ■ Horses, cattle, farming im Horses, ! February 13, Campbell Brothers | near McClellandsville on Barney, Moore farm, farming implements, 1 o'clock. February 17, Frank Godwin on road from Newark to Elkton Bow ers farm. Horses, cattle, 8, Horses, cattle, farming implements, 12 o'clock. I February 19, Samuel Slack near Iron Hill Station on road from Newark to Elkton. Horses, cattle, farming implements, 12 o'clock. February 20, John C. Price near Cherry Hill, Md. farming implements, 11 o'clock. February 24, Mote Brothers on road from McClellandville to creek i road. Horses, cattle, farming im plements, household goods, 11 o'clock. Horses, cattle, February 26, Charles Soreth on road from Cooch's Bridge to Elk- i ton 1 mile west of Cooch's Bridge. Horses, cattle, farming imple ments, household goods, at 12 1 o'clock. Scientists claim to have discovered , evidence of a lost continent in the Pacific. We do not know any one who has lost a continent; hut we presume that either the Standard Oil Company or the packers' combiine will show up : with a claim shortly.—Wheeling In telligeneer. ! _ Oglet 11 ■ I im KENNARD & CO. ! i 621-623 Market Street | : on Bow Wilmington, Delaw ait 8, January Clearance Sale of Coats, Suits, Dresses I « near from near on creek i 1 im 11 NPRECEDEN I'HD as has been U our Clearance Sale of Coats, Suits and Dresses, the late buyer still has the opportunity for a liberal saving on new garments of the highest grades obtainable, have we offered our patrons such a large assortment from which to select. ; on Elk- i 1 Never | 12 1 , the who up : In DRESSES $18.75 to $49.50 Former Prices $29.50 to $79.50 COATS. $25 to $75.00 I Former Prices $39.50 to $125 Top Coats are plain and with luxurious fur collars. We solicit charge accounts from those of estab lished credit, and prepay delivery charges on all purchases within a reasonable distance. KENNARD & CO. England Again Has Bacon For Breakfast England is wearing smiles at the I breakfast table for the first time in ; four years, heroic endurance first class bacon is being received from the United States. , Heretofore, a third rate product ' bought by the government was sup plied. Sufficient stores had accumu lated under the Food Ministry that it After patient waiting and Very Cheap Farms Real fanners seeking high grade grain, dairy and fruit farms, well drained, easily worked soil famous for big yields should quickly investigate this section. Prices are still extremely low, the wave of advancing prices not having reached us. Our farms lie between the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay, extending north into Chester Co., Penna. New fall catalog sent free. ALBERT L. TEELE FARM AGENCY, Inc. Main Offices: 812 King St., Wilmington Branches at Elkton, Md., and Oxford, Pa. corn, with warm Statement of Condition F armersTrust Company of Newark, Delaware Dec. '31, 1919 I RESOURCES' Loans and Investments . $808,826.60 ^ United States Bonds . . 74,25 1.00 Real Estate Owned . . Cash and Reserve. . . 23,767.00 77,576.82 $984,421.42 v LIABILITIES $50.000.00 81,895.52 4,936.32 ; Capital Stock . . Surplus and Profits ; Due to Banks . Dividends Unpaid Deposits . . . 3.75 847,585.83 $984,421.42 was possible to forego American chases. broke and Britain was able to stipu late that in all future shipments only the best cuts shall be sent to England. For months people have been reducing their bacon purchases, for poor bacon, improperly stored, does not make an exactly aromatic or tasteful dish. pur The American bacon market Seeing Your Will » in Operation •No one expects to see the actual operation of his Will. And yet it is a simple mat ter to observe how the Equit able Trust Company, if named Executor under your Will, will invest and safeguard the pro ceeds of your life work. You can apply this test, with actual and immediate profit, by participating in the " K quitable Trust Plan." A Plan under which you may create a larger estate than through methods em- |j ployed by the average person, j A Plan which will demon- j strate to you what organized i| investment efficiency is at your | disposal, even now, while !j creating or enlarging an in- i dependent estate, a fortune I apart from your business in vestment. A Plan which deserves your thoughtful study. We place [| in your hand, on request, the means for investigating it— a booklet describing the plan. || Ask our Trust Officer for a [j copy. ■ EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY N. W. Cor. Ninth and Market Streets WILMINGTON, DEL.