Wilmington. I)b 1.. as secon«t-Ha«P matter
; the Pont Office ;
te—L- ■ - - - ---"-!..._.
WNHOLlDATflU 1883.
Incidents and Occurrences
■ of the Old Year.
fho Output of Our Big Ship
Finnic—The Work
Ml by the
eml Review of
ini: op
»alic Past Year.
ns a ship
d the
held her
hiding centre during 1890,
•r of vessels built here, was probably not
xcecded by any other ship-building eo:
utility in'tlie country. In stuunchne
^worthiness, speed and finish, they hav
rwhere. Steel, iro
•r wood,
r » superio. t
the best material went into the
^Hgpmichincry is of the strongest and
«1 their
Wilmington has a right to be proud of
Their products plow the
of the world. The vessels built
arhave sailed, or are sailing, the
coast from Nova Scotia to Mexico.
her ships
• Is.
New York,
'«irtland, Boston, Newp«
-, Norfolk, Wil
», N. Charles
d tho gulf
ick.Tho island of
hlladelpliia, Bultinm
d New Be
on,B. C.. Jacks«
rille, Fla.,
Is built i
«luring K'hi,
ire, built
i«la«l 1
ifluent, s
ls built.
her of vessels constructed
pleted in the four shipyards d tir
eur whs 29. Their aggregate gross
i about 16,
total value betwee
d their estimated
3,01X1,000 an« 1 $3,500,000.
ids under construc
ill be
i also nine v
•hose tonnage
îarly 8,000
ill he
and whos
This mal
11 grand total of
mage of nearly
value « »1 -
Of the
•ere of
1. There
and 16 of
■1. !
.f irr
if steel, 11
.. The total is si.
«I 2l of wood. The gross
const ructio
of in
1 steel vessels is
1 vessels ubnut
of the completed i
1 of tin
, 000 . The iro
Is nod«
fill have a, ton nage of uh<
s.-els of about 2,
The completed vessels
ing «fias
• of the foil
: lr<
4; iron steam!
total steamboats, 11
steam yacht:
• all of
. The follow)
barge, 1; f<
y boat,
ers, 3; twe
1; tilgt
»at, 1 ; mud «lump
!; lighters, 1; total
three iron and one
asted schoo
i lighter and
■ train
wooden tug;
barge; totul, 9.
The vessels built and completed at each
I also those under ronstruc
tion, with their gross tonnage
By the Harlan Ä Hollingsworth C(
panv—Iron steamship Indian, 1,580 tons,
for Henry Winner A* Co.'s Boston A Phila
delphia steamship line. Iron steamboat
Charles Macalester, 625 tons, for the Mt.
oil «V Marshall Hall Steamboat f
puny, steel steam yacht Alicia
for H. M. Flagler of New Y«.
*ht A liny, 365
C ah a tin of Ne
eollicr for ti
boat Comn ,
s, for tKc Wilniingto
\ lr<
720 t.
»tons, for the Norfolk &
'.) »Steamboat Company,
Washington, 1,500
construction—Iron steamboat
dy for launch
Norfolk, about 1,500 ton
to the Washington,about
ing. In»
s, for
eamship, about
nts' and Miners' .'■fieamship
v, to ply between Haiti
boat, about 7<X
forth« F
Iron steamboat, about 750 tons, for the
Mon tank Steamboat Company.
ill be the 202d vessel
The Iasi named
.his yard.
Tlie Murlan & Hollingsworth Co
ol large
ade repairs to a numl
vessels during tho year. Ther
the company's .wharves for the wi
for repairs'the following vessels, all lint
one built by the company : Steam yachts
Alva, Alrny, Alicia, Susquehanna, Anita,
Falcon anil Petrel, andtheste
lie and John A- Warner.
•rs Ropub
A J 01
The Pt
«maller I
steamboats »St. Sebas
August i
«1 St.
Com pii
!, 131
It Railroad Co
A Key W
rn wheel .•
Steel ste
Island of Trinidad.
the Orin
ere shipped, knock-down, to
«1 there |»t
launched by the e<
mi. In
r steamboat John F. Smith,
. f
236 to
United States
ear Ne\
250 tons, f«
A .In
The Pus
nished the
«1 City of St. Augustine. The
United States Marine Hospital, fumigating
steamers, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch and
William II. Wells, were completed late i
1881», but did not leave their builders'
hands until early spring
The hull of the wooden tug Colon is
being constructed by the Jackson & Sharp
Company for the Pusey A Jones Com
pany, who contracted to build it for the
Spanish American Iron Com pun v of the
Island of Cuba. Charles Hillman & Co., of
hull of a steam boat of about 7Ü0 tons, which
the Pusey A Jones Company have con
tracted to build for the New Bedf«
thn's Vinevard & Nantucket S
ding the
d, Mur
The-Pusey & Jones Comp:
any have built
260 vessels si
ing of boats built by the
done. The little Norton «team yacht . F. L.
Norton which recently crossed the Atlantic
furnished with machinery. Tho
steamer Widgeon wus changed fro
propeller to a side wheel boat. Tlie pas
senger tug Oceanic, the hospital fumigating
steamer Louis Pasteur, the IT
;hl Me
•0 1851. C
selves, has b
(l the
ug < '. G
Ash are at tho yard.The Ash is undergoing
the railway.
« ^
ord of the Jackson A- Sharp r
»den vessels. is*hs fol
T»any for 18!K>, nil w
sted schooners, James Judge,
, Perry Birdsel, 1,1
ii. Jackson. Jr.. 1,158 t<
schooner Jagger, 132 to
8t. Augustine, 564 ton:
ing, the capacity of which is given
Two mud dumps for tlie North American
Dredging Company of New York, l.UOrt
tons each; two car floats for tlie Reading
railroad, 1,290 tons each;
Atlas Dredging Company, Too tons
hull of a ferry boat lor the Broukly
.»ns; hull of tug W
1 .loi)
r City of
s. Also, the follow
.ws for the
sx Ferry, «i
for F. Jansen of New York,
lighter for the Eri
Under c
•Erie Railroad Company, 350
'the tug Colon for the Pusey Sc Jones Co
pany, »X> tons. The latter was launched
yesterday afternoon. A four-masted
schooner, about 990 tons, for Captains
Champion and Magee of Philadelphia.
Twelve large schooners and barks have
ilroad, 350
struction—One lighter for the
tons; hull of
been repaired by the company during the
past year. The three-masted schooner«
E. C. Endicott and Tho
now at the
O. Smith
yard for repairs. The last
the railway.
id i
•h Moore makes a spec ini y of repair
vessels, but he built during
1MÏ0, the steamer Bridgeton, 194 tons, for
the Captains Denny, and the steam barge
Hurry, 143 torn), for R. W. Lute of Hains
port, N. J.
He has under construction a steam barge
of about 173 tons, for Captain Dennis Si
mons of Williamston, N. C fur which
Baltimore parties will build the
Vessels wore repaired as follows: U. S.
cutter Hamilton; steamboats, City
if Chester, Brandywine and Wilmington;
boat Christiana, lengthened 20 feet;
22; ste
•hincs, 2; tug bouts,
ing wooden
light shin No. 44;
barges, 14; dredging
8; stenm yachts, 2; s
The Christ!
The schooner John W.llall, 348 tons, ......
built for ex-Governor Hall, by Nathaniel
Lank of Frederica; a schooner was recently
launched at Abbott's shipyard at Milford.
other smaller vessels were built
at tho shipyards through the state.
il yachts, 2; see
, 5.
is on the
Up in Smoke—
time Three-quarter«.
During 1890, there were 57 fires in Wil
mington. The total hiss
$Ui0,onu and the insurance
quarters of that
The record by
the lire!
January — Seven fires. January 1st,
Hubert. Cassidy's carpenter shop, loss,
$1,500; 18th, feed store of Dickey & Co..
Front und Orange st reets, lo
Nearly SIOO,
sarly three
ont hs with mention of
•hieb did damage of over $1,000
1 stock, $5,000; insurance, $3,000; 21st.,
barn of E. I. «lu l'ont it Co., loss $12,000;
21st, McCabe & Darragh's match factory,
loss $10,000; insurance $7,500. Total loss,
; insurance, #12,250.
February—Four fires. Total loss, $1,500;
insurance, $1,500.
March—Three fires. March 22d, No. 315
ond street, loss $1,500. Total loss
$1,550. insurance, $1,550.
tires. April 6th, Johnson
jtany's Works, .South Wilming
Total loss,
West i
Forgo < '«
.# 10 ,
jo fire
June—Five fires. Total loss, $600; in
surance, $400.
July—Five fires. July 2d, Phillips it
Kane's paint store, No. 5 East Fourth
$25,OCXi; insurance, $18,OCX).
Total loss, #25,630; insurance, $18
August—»Six fires. August 9th, William
Bush's stable, Clayton street; loss, $3,500;
insurance, $2,500; 27th, Mrs. Booy's mili
nery store; loss, $2,500. Total loss, #6,000;
insurance, $f
store house of the
»Sixth and Monroe stree
mice, $2,650, Total loss, $3,500; insur
:e, $3,200.
October—Six fires. October 16th, Nos.
100 to 108 West .Sixth street; loss, $1,500;
partly insured; 31st, stable
Tat mill strei
Trilling loss.
5 fires. September 1st,
* C. .t J. Pyle c Ynnpany,
; loss, $2,700; '
loss, $2,500; partly insured.
Total loss, $6,200; insurance, $5,600.
tiros; 12th, barn of E.
I. du Pont & Co., Concord turnpike, loss
$7,500; insured; 24th, Kirkwood House,
Third and .Shipley streets, loss 52,000; in
surance #2,000; 20 th, Bicrnmnn Brothers'
slaughter house and stable, »South Wil
'ngton, loss $2,000; fully insured. Total
loss, $12,200; insurance, $11,700.
December—Five fires.' Total L»«s, $1,025
co, $:«X).
aisu alarms (bring M.e
The lot
estimated loss is fi
lai.cn, $71,009.
in: .TiFS WORK.
'/he City's Mortuary It
r«l for tho Year
Bei ween Jnnmi'y 1st, 1890, and »Saturday
last, there were icported in this city 1,10*3
deaths; 1,162 births, and 462 marriages.
Thu causes of dcurii runged through a list
■s, with a number of
of 114 «lise
from accidents.
A few of the diseases which caused the
i given below:
apoplexy, 11; bronchitis,
ease, 1G; consumption, 158;
ingestion of brain,
20; Bright's «li
11; catarrh, 16; c
fanturn, 47; diphtheria, 8; e
general debility, 42; he
in, 31; meningitis,
natural «
, 44; cholera in
iritis, 17;
, 34; pneumonia,
116; paralysis, 33; peritonitis, 14; scarlet
fever, 12; typhoid fever, .52.
It is of interest to note that consumption
leads the list, with pneumonia closely fol
chitis. croup and catarrh,
her of victims each, There is but eight of
diphtheria. Heart disease is third on the
•ningitis fourth. Typhoid fever
hud over half a hundred victims; scarlet
fever but 12; 47 children fell a prey to
cholera infantum.
Ti»c deaths by months were as follows:
White, lllnok, Totul.
males, I
lowing. B
throat dise.
! 1. i
ion 1
FOR IS!>0.
g and Survey
« Engin
ing Depu
The following building lines drawn dur
g December are reported by Chief Engi
B« »ughman of the Engineering
Surveying Department : Prudence C. Ed
wards, addition to dwelling, on west side
of Poplar street bet
Thirteenth. A. S. Reed «fc Brother, refriger
ator, between Orange, Tatnall, Second and
. Robert Anderson, stable, at
st corner Jackson street and
*• Paul Bright, stable
h side of Girard street botweeu
Orungo and Tatnall.
Third strt
the north
i he
tho y
marked for
1890400 building lines were
the erection of buildings valued
*n January the
about $500,000. I
27 lines marked; February, 35; March, 32;
April, 54; May, 62: Jnne, 27; July. 38;
August, 52: Bei »tom her, 44; October, 19;
November, 17; December, 4; total, 400.
Work of the Police.
During the past y
by the police, the tin«
the patrol calls
of lodgers accommodated w
sts made
•s and costs collected,
swered and tlie number
$ 3119.10
Patrol Lo«ig
V. >
■ !
1 . 100.10
• !
Mora Dnlawuro relisions.
Following Delawareans have been
granted pensions: Original Invalid—
James Anderson, Taylor's Bridge;
William Condon,Smyrna. Additional—
John Bennett, Roxana; John W. Jenk
ins, Laurel. Original Widows, Ac.—
Emily B., widow of Holliday M. Clial
fant, Wilmington; Sarah, widow of
Clinton Coyle, Doyqj
IteNpocti to
me I'ay Tlie
Chief Executive.
x, Jan. 1.—The year 1891
opened wet, disagreeable and gloomy,
tne streets wore so tilled with slush fro
Wash in<
citing snow that pedestriamsm w
difficult and decidedly Unpleasant. New
Year's Day, however, was generally ob
withstanding the weather. A
residents kept "open
...id the streets were thronged
uirly all day with carriages containing
gentlemen intent on visiting all the ladies
of their acquaintance in onedav and wish
g them the compliments of tne season.
The President's recepti«
the social feature of the day and the fact
that the chief magistrate of the nation
gives the anniversary his official sanction
explains to a large extent why the custom
" the first day of {he year
' ,-ereally observed In Wash
large number of
oi calling o
tinucs to be
never looked prettier
than it did to-day, Special pains were
taken with the decorations and everything
ois done to make the mansion as attractive
floral decorations w
The White Ho
all of a
pat riotic character, being foe similes of the
nag of the union and the national coat of
s, both of which were prominently
displayed in different/parts of tho house.
The decorations were confined to flowers
and plants but the general effect of the
scene was heightened by the system of
electric lights which hus just been in
troduced in the house. While there was
liberal display in the red and
green parlors it did not compare with the
profusion of flowers ami plants in the
beautiful blue parlor where the reception
proper was held, or the large and stately
.'here the callers lingered aftcr
•hange friendly greetings. In
deed the walls of the lutter room were
almost obscured by a mass of tall large
leafed palms and other tropical plants.
The window recesses were similarly
filled in with green. On tho mantels be
neath the four large mirrors were hanks
of choice flowers in variegated colors and
the large chandeliers with their
-rinds of crystal strings of smilax and
ddicute ferns
wards to
• suspended in graceful
folds. The unusual beauty of the dec«
tions and their tasteful arrangements w
subjects of general praise.
Tne reception began at. 11 o'clock, the
receiving party taking their places i
Blue parlor at that hour to the familiar
strains of "Hail to the Chief," played by
the full Marine Band, which was stationed
the vestibule, just inside the main
Vice-president Morton and Mrs. Morton
and all the memhets of tho cabinet with
all the ladies of their families, with the ex
of Mrs. Blaine, had previously
joined the President and Mrs. Harrison,
and followed them downstairs to the
(•option room. Here all the gentlemen,
with the exception of the President, retired
to the rear «if the blue parlor, where a
large number of invited guests had already
gathered. The receiving party then formed
line between the entrace and exit doors
in the following order: The President. Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. VVindom,
Mrs. Proctor, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. W
maker, Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Rusk.
Am«mg the other ladies assisting Mrs.
Harrison were Mrs. McKee, Mrs. itussell
B. Harrison, Mrs. Dimmick, Miss Gray,
Mrs. George W. Boyd of Philadelphia,
Miss Blaine, the Misses Windom, Miss
Miller, Miss Wannmaker, the Misses Hal
stead, Miss Rusk, Miss Jeannette Halford
and a host of others.
The members of the diplomatic corps
first received. They were followed
after by the chief justice and associate
justices of the United States Supreme
Court, the judges of the United States
court of claims and the judiciary of the
District of Columbia.
These were followed soon afterward by
senators and representatives in Congress
and officials of tne District government.
t The doors were thrown open to the pub
lic nt 12.30, a quarter of an hour earlier
than was expected. This wns due to the
fact that tho bodies and organizations r>
'ously received were less numerous th
<1 di«l not occupy all the time
allotted to them.
By this ti
one of the receiving party still
Mrs. Harrison had to retire to a si
rear because of fatigue, and the other
ladies were called away by their o
The Vice-president and cabinet, officials
all gave receptions during t he afternoon.
Mrs. Gray heading the list of ladies assist
ing Mrs. Morton.
the President
the only
fa in the
Death of R. N 4'iUdw
, E. II. Hoopes
.1 !..
. Lodge.
Richard Nelson Caldwell, member of the
jewelry firm of J. E. Caldwell & Co., Phila
delphia,died yesterday week of scarlet fever,
aged 37 years. Mr. Caldwell was the see
ond son of the founder of the firm and
brother of J. Albert Caldwell of the
held membership
1 Germantown
Ritten house
expert cricketer,
in the Young America
Clubs. He was also a
and popular member of the
Club, and
society. The interment
take place in South Laurel Hill cemetery.
The death of Edward 11. Hoopes occurred
yesterday week at No. 1734 Arch street,
Philadelphia, in the 72<l year of his age.
upward of 25 years Mr. II copes w
member of tlie firm of Hoopes
For a great
Mr. Hoopes lias boon in poor
health; hut hail been actually confined to
his bed for two weeks past. A widow,
daughter and son survive him.
a general
mini y yet
L. K. Lodge, the superintendent of the
Altoona division of the Pennsylvania rail
d, died at his residence in Altoona, Pa.,
yesterday week, of pneumonia, aged 40
years. »Mr. Lodge has been in the employ
of the Pennsylvania railroad for 20 years,
and was formerly stationed at Media, Pa.,
in ehurge of the W. C. <fc P. railroad. The
funeral took place at Lewisburg, Pa.
Shock—A TVorkme
Heavy Loss.
Merbrookk, Qub., Jan. 1. —There w
s explosion at tho gas works here
late last night. Tlie force of the explosion
one side of the building and tlie
ituro took fire. Charles Dinsmore,
love, was found half an hour after the
explosion under a heavy iron door which
had been blown some distance. He died
from his injuries live minutes after being
found. Another employe wns severely
d small hopes are entertained
scovery. The fi
guished. It vi
tbe full
the loss last night
impossible to ascortai
of the damage
Several of the
icsts Narrowly Escape
Halifax, N. »^., Jan. 1.— The loss of J.
W. Salterio, clothing dealer, xvho occupied
the ground floor of the Globe Hotel, which
was burned last night, is now estimated
$15,000, with $7,000 insurance.
There were many narrow escapes,
ns having to leap from the —
believed, however, that
lost. The building occupied by Ontbit St
Monaghan was considerably damaged, and
several other buildings were slightly
burned. It is thought that all the property
destroyed was well covered by insurance,
be ob
lives w
:curate figures cannot
. ■
Assaulted and Murdered.
Plymouth, Neb., Jan. 1.—Aliss Thurston
Cummings of Canton, aged about 38, and
living alone ou her farm was criminally
assaulted and had her throat cut but not
fatally by a stranger whom shé refhsed
admittance to her house Monday night.
The villain escaped. _—
Delightful Ne
plimentH raid tho F
» the Mayor.
Good fellowship and the brightest, hap
piest fraternization characterized the third
of Mayor Harrington's annual breakfasts
to the police department which took place
New Year's morning
ant. All of the city departments wore
represented. The gathering entirely filled
the large dining apartment.
In addition to all the members of the
police force that could be spared from duty
on Thursday the mayor's guests included
Judge Ball, President of Council John C.
Farm, I)rs. E. G. Phortlidge and C. H.
Wallace; Conncilmen Daniel McKenney
and 8. C. Vandegrift; 8. H. Baynard of the
Board of Education, representatives of the
city press; Special Agent Frank Stout of
the 8. P. C. G.; C. T. it. Bales and Charles
Wolcott, represented Harvard University;
John and Harrington Littell, Trinity Gol
and Daniel Bates, the P
> 1 .
The breakfast
sonably adorned
hunting and Christmas holly
Houst turkey
place of the
and cigi
»•as patriotically
•ith the national
«I other vian
mtiue beefsteak
»st substantial dejeuner.
Mayor Harrington presided
side of him were Judge Ball i
fil John C. F
Is took the
1 coffee
ixcellent finale to a
si « lent
. After abo
feasting his honor
for attention and in a few brief re
1 P
of C
three-quarters of an h
marks expressed his sincere plcust
meeting the members of the force again
for the third time. He expressed regret fi
the time when when he
part with his
added, "1 have loi
i at the
h mi
. "Thank God," he
none." Mr. Hairing
»'ith saying that lie intended
•ndering all responsibilities of the
pleasant meeting to his friend, Judge
Ball. The mayor's remarks and the
City court judge's appearance upon his
feet was the signal for the heartiest
rounds of applause. The judge thought it
excellent idea to commence the
,*w year with a good breakfast. He re
ferred eompJimcntarily to his pleasant per
sonal relations with the mayor and the
police department. Adverting to the
chief of police his sentiments towards that
those of the highest,
the kindliest feeling. He fully appre
ciated the thorough service that Mr. »Swig
gett had given to the citizens.
Before Judge Ball took his seat again the
• and introduced the city judge
toast master of the occasion.
Chief »Swieget t was the next speaker. He
said this is the third and will probably he
the last occasion when they would meet
der official relations. Tho
! held the mayor in
the highest esteem. The police have been
supported by him without fail in all that
is right and just. Following other
mentary remarks, the chief stepped
Bcnted the mayor with a
beautiful gold watch.
"This, Mr. Mavor," the chief said, "is a
slight token of the esteem, respect and af
fection with which you are held by each
ember of y —*•-"
sneaker ami his ft
The mayor was taken entirety by
prise and something resembling tears
discernible in his eyes. A 11 ovation of ap
plause kept him silent on his feet for a few
seconds. With difficulty ho expressed
himself, saying that this was the happiest
moment of his oflieial life.
Tho toastmaster, Judge Ball, then intro
duced I'resident of C
fil John C. F
is always ready- for any
thing that is good for the police. Mv.
Furra paid complimentary- reference to
the progress in police management. lie
was glad to see that the officers used a
proper discretion in the handling of pris
The toastmaster next desired to intro
duced another gentteman of City Council,
who is chairman of a certain committee.
He suggested that the members of the
force keep on the right side of him. "The
ways of Council are hard to find out," the
judge continued, and then put in a [»lea for
certain changes that the" building
niittce niivht advantageously consider in
regard to the court room and elsewhere.
Councilman McKenney was the subject
the judge's remarks. That gentleman
said he was always ready to entertain the
ueets of the officials when such matters
affected his committee. He wished the
force a happy New Year, and thanked tho
mayor for the g«iod breakfast he had par
taken of. Councilman Vandegrift followed
in a similar
Judge Ball's introduction of Dr. Short
liilgc as ".Sawbones" seemed to fit the
to his
;h«»se vote
occasion exactly. The doctor
feet but had to face the audience silently
until the appluuse which greeted him had
subsided a little. Dr. »Shortlidge quoted a
somewhat apocryphal text from Holy
Writ and coupling his remarks with or
plimentarv allusions to the force called
all to drink a standing toast to everyon
frieml the chairman, Mayor Harrington
Judge Bull then introduced Solomon
Horsey as a gentleman who is suspected of
departing from politics to well-earned rest
and pleasant emolument. Mr. Hersey
do a lengthy and extremely compli
mentary speech, praising the force as the
best Wilmington has seen. Dr. Wallace
and J. Travers .1«
dresses, when Judge Ball read u letter from
1 R. Sperry, expressing his regret nt
being unable to be present. Other speakers
followed, including George Roberts,
onel Cody Anfenger, Charles Springer,
Harric T. Price. ('. T. R. Bates made
•itty remarks in reply to Harvard,
followed by .T 0 I 111 Littell for
Trinity, Charles Wolcott, another Harvard
n. Daniel Butes was introduced as the
Ho acquitted himself
well for Penn's school and wittily- charged
his elder brother with stealing his thunder.
The police office
»Surgeants Blackburn, Stetser, Peterson,
Stewart and Evans made excellent and in
teresting speeches. Harrington Littell and
Manager Jennon followed and then City
Clerk Hyland wus introduced. He spoke
from a half century's reminiscences and
paid a warm tribute to Chief »Swiggctt's
police administration. Samuel H. Baynard
eloquent address and w *
' cml Agent Frank Stout.
then referred to the fact that
an of tho force had been
.■s followed in brief a«l
ixtcalled upon.
lowed by Spc
Judge Ball
not a single
lost through death attributable to any
cause and no prisoners hud «11 tiered '
fatal way. He congratulated the f«»rc_
their humane treatment of the prisoners.
Mayor Harrington brought tne happy
>11 to a close in [expressing again ins
kindly and grateful feelings to
hers of tlie Force.
} for
Tho Socrotary's Uouno But Not His Ho
—Most Da
Washington, Jan. l
caused just before noon to-day by the
or that Secretary Blaine's house was
on lire, it appeared, however, that the
fire had occurred in the handsome
dence on du I
tarv Blaine, but leased and occupied by L.
Z. Leiter of Chicago.
The fire is supposed to hare originated
in a defective flue at the top of the house,
extended to the woodwork beneath
>f, and, owing to the difficulty of
■hing the flames, the firemen had a
severe task in extinguishing them before
. -a the body of the house.
Die loss cannot yet he ascertained, but
the principal damage appears to have been
caused by the wetting of the richly fur
nished interior.
age From Water.
»Some excitement
rned bv S
they extended t<
Judson AfcHenry, purser
City gf Chester, and Aliss
Washington, wer«
the bride yesterday week.JThey wilUcome.to
this city on Saturday and will resiue with
Captain and Mrs, Pét
Monroe Clark, a negro, was hanged at
Palatku, Fla., laat week, for a murder
nutted five years ago.
• of the steamer
Alomie Joy of
it the home of
Death of Cecil County's Iron
Canal From the Chesapeake
to the Delaware.
city of
A County Tax Colic
Money Has Mud
IIis V»
fill—Cost and Ro
to of
id dress
s delivered by F
esday night week heft
Hociation <if Bultinu
e/ 1 'The* s'lib
1 ',', rhe Ml
the waters of the Cht
Delaware hays. The subject w
Stevens said,'not alone of great in
people of this section, but to the nation.
"A corporation known as the Maryland
it Delaware Ship Canal Company," he
said,''was chartered by this s.
1872. and by the State of Delaware
dug, its object being to con
open ship canal without locks
from the Chesapeake to the Delaware hay.
peninsula was surveyed from Cape
les to the head of t he( 'hesapoake,
the engineers decided that, tho most prac
ticable route is through the Sassafras river
to Blackbird creek on the Delaw
«I the
the year foil
c 111
The company, after v
its organization, which have so far l
barren of results, has recently fi
uv plans, and under the lead of able
enterprising men, hacked by capitalists
e in this great, under
re confide
taking, are now with renewed energy pre
paring to push forward the work
!cessful issue. The company, it is
stated, has reorganized with a capital of
,000, which is the
structing the canal.
» selected is known as the 8as
,-eyed by the
late Benjamin H. Latrobc in 1874. It
begins at the .Sassafras river, on the Chesa
peake bay, and extends to Blackbird creek,
the Delaware. It passes up the Chesa
peake 394 miles from Baltimore to the
•uth of the »Sassafras river, then un that
10i miles to tide-water; tn
through a country- rising to 80 feet abov
tidewater, and «low
Blackbird creek until it tends
then passes through
<i enters Delaw... . .„ ..
Point, 114 miles from the head of tide
,'ras, and 0110 mile fr«
in the Delaware. The
s the cost of c
"The ro
safras route, which wai
the drainage of
ridge of high ground
! b:
the Hassaf
24 feet of w:
route is 1294 miles in length, anil the canal
proper is 16 1-5 miles long, costing from
#8,000,000 to #8,500,000.
"The solid cut required for the canal is
but 74 miles, and the whole distance across
the peninsula
each side.
»ach navigable water on
finding the dredging of
marshes, is but 144 miles. The company
expect to make their profits out of tolls to
he charged. H. Eugene Alexander, of the
firm of Latham, Alexander & Co., one of
the largest hanking and stock commission
houses in New York, is the trustee of the
stock of tho company-. C. Amory Stevens,
of the wealthiest capitalists of New
York, has taken a leailing interest in it,
and has undertaken, upon certain condi
struct the canal.
"In reference to the question of routes
and [>luns it may be interesting to menti«
this connection that Major
Craighill of the United States engineers, in
his report, thereupon,dated November 18th,
1879, discusses six routes surveyed by N.
H. Hutton."
Mr. Stevens said his main object wns to
call attention to the construction of a canal
across the Peninsula and the importance
thereof, no mutter whether it be acc
plished by private enterprise or by the
United »States government. After refer
the action taken by Congress and
the' state legislatures regarding the con
ion of a canal to connect the two
bays, Mr. Stevens showed the advantages
to be derived from the proposed water way.
, to
William P.
The OwneiAïf the I
Works at I»rin
Cipio, reell C ounty, Md.
EiiKTON, Dec. 31.—George P. Whitaker,
the well-known ironmaster and millinn
Principio iron
works, in Cecil county, this morning. «
his 87th birth-day, after an illness of sonic
months, of the infirmities incident to old
age. He was born in Berks county, Pa.,
December 31st, 1803, and was the son of
Joseph and Mary Whitaker, w
English extraction, and was the youngest
of a family- of 14 children. His early years
were spent in farming, but when about 19
.ears of age, he began to work at the Del
ire. «lied at his home
ho w
rare iron
•orks, i
New Castle county,
Del., where he remained about tw
Subsebuently he bee
Gibraltar forges,
1827, came
mill and iro
Elk creek, west of Cmvuntown, an
cd a partnership with his relative,
cis A. Whitaker. Since that time he
has been closely identified with the i
industry in Cecil county and in Penn 4
vania and West Virginia. More than half
a century ago lie, in connection
others, purchased tho old his
Furnace, not far fro
had been out of use for
wilderness long si
thriving village ii
has resided fur tho last fifty
«me manager of the
»tr Reading. Pa., and in
the rolling
the Big
Perry ville, which
....... The
lace to the
,-hieh Mr. Whitaker
s. This
din the
one of the first
province of Maryland, , ....
.... ' 'k when the last remnants of
tho Indian tribes vet lingered in the hunt
ing grounds of their
Sir. Whitaker w.
addition to his large in
,-orks in Wheeling,
West Virginia, is the owner of an in
haustible iron mine on Iron Hill, in N
Castle county, Delaware, which \. ...»
opened and worked by tlie early Welsh
settlers, on the Welsh tract. lie was tho
largest land-holder ii
assessed with about
<1 i
the i
'ceil county, being
;ith his other prope
$150,532, which '
, rty here,
small pi
aims! at
f the estate
he has left.
Mr. Whitaker
legislature fro
the Nut louai Uni«
waselected to the
y, in 18»
c«i th«
ite of
/land in tïin board üf diront
Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad Co
sof the
The Pool
house yesterday week i
business. Buncrintende
229 inmates i
! negroes. Nine deaths
the month. The monthly pa»
dored paid. Trustee Herbert
offered a resolution providing for tlie fenc
ing of the "potter's field," planting tlie
•ith shrubbery and making it
Mr. Herbert mail« a
trustees i
the alnis
saeted but little
the institution of whom 35
•e«l duri
fairly attractive.
argument in favor of the
referred t»» a committee to
A communiea
E. R. Cochran requested that he
the bond of Edmund
least a portion of his pro
• be relieved from the bond'as he de
to negotiate the sale of a portion
and could not make the transfer unless it
was released by the board. He offered t he
name of John T. Kickev, who was accept
able to the other sureties, and the attorney
was instructed to release Mr. Cochran and
.- bond, providing it w
certaine«! that the board's interests would
not be Jeopardised by tho change.
st of work. Ac.
tion fro
he released fro
execute a
Hut y of a Tax
Year Fsli
Corrospomlencoof tiazo
New Carti.K, Jan. 1.—The
ony in this
; held in the M. E.
icher, de
. Wiiliam
ushered in with
city. Watch in
:h cere
Walker, local
sermon, and
>f Delaware City conducted a
of song. Just before tho
, Dr. Hubbard con
•e meeting, at the con
D. W
close of the old
ival services began,
•ere also held
The City C
hop in the K. of P.
icts at midnight
the new year with martial
•'clock all tlic church bells
house and high school
eating servie
Baptist Church.
hall, appeared
d welcf
music. At 12
and the old c<
orously. Cun
all over the city,
guns I lange«
Lodge! No. s, K. of P., elected
s Schmidt; V.
Adclphia 1
follow i
l et t V P
i .. iieorgc
Hughes; M. A., Tho
s Hewlett; M. of V.,
H. Barr; M
if Hi
f E., Wil
ir Han
1 Seals, E. T.
s.»n; Keeper
Deakyne; Rcprcsc
Joseph Hug!
Committee, Hoheit, Shaw; T
Hanson: I. G., Frank Vining; O. G.,
George Wilhelme. .
Mrs. Willi
I Lodge,
Widow and Orphans*
stee, Wilmer
T. Znne of Market street,
i sleigh
the co
•r of
its on Tuesday
lorning. Mrs.
he street ahead of
* racing, but. when
bewildered and
night, is
Zane st;
several sleighs that wt
, she bee
:h better thi
struck by A. II. Dennison's horse,
'unstable Israel Riding, collector of
y taxes for this hundred, has been
srepresented in the tables of 18ÎHJ
the county treasury, that
published. These credit
m with having paid »? 1,500, whereas he
has paid #0.000. The a«
have recently bee
lditional $1,5
mailed to the treasurer a few days before
Christmas, and Collector Ridin
tho receipt for the s
tributes the present financial
New Castle county to the ill-s
farmers last year.' He says that scores of
prosperous farmers, who own land
nave always been su
. Tic
lit ion of
s of the
icssful, have declined
to pay their taxes
ealled upon, and
they have put him oil so frequently on the
ground that they could not possibly- spare
the money, that his duty- has become p
ful to him.
. Rogers' Resident'« Damaged by
«I Fire.
A Christmas tree in the residence of
»lohn M. Rogers, No. 1301 Delaware
avenuo, took fire from one of its lighted
candles shortly after 4 o'clock Thursday
afternoon. Several children were in the
room, but the remainder of the family
were upstairs. Tho tree blazed up and
filled the room with smoke.
Efforts were made to smother the
flames with rugs, but the smoke drove
from the room. Some
to the telphone to notify the ex
change of the tire, but in the confusion
the new directions were not strictly- ad
hered to, and the attention of tho ex
change could not be obtained.
to Delaw
and sent out
4.30 o'clock.
When the engines arrived several
put into the
passing ran
avenue and du Pont streets
alarm from box 27, at
streams of water
room where the lire was, and in the
deluge that followed it was quickly
drowned out. This
way, which were finely frescoed, c
peted and furnished, were badly dam
aged by water and
and some of the furniture w
and a piano soaked through. The loss
will be nearly $1,000, fully covered by
and the hall
oke. The carpet
Higgins Inti
to Meet Mr. Gray
Would hike
the Field
A Washington dispatch says : In the Sen
ate yesterday week Mr. Higgins recalled tho
assertion made by his colleague (Mr. Gray)
:ek or two ago, to the effect that
certain remarks of his (Mr. Higgins) on ~
subject of election laws and there adminis
tration in Delaware were "without any
foundation of truth." He did not propose,
he said,to imitate his colleague by uttering
any-word that would ht grossly unparlia
mentary or degrading to the dignity «if the
Hen ate. The statement of his colleague
had not been merely a denial, but it had
been couched in terms which, in days gone
would have brought certain physical,
-hich the ethics of the
«lay did not countenance. He pro
1, however, to appeal to the people 1
' " thiol» it would
>t be
y to adduce any testimony,
new the facts, and knew
he truth or whether
.se they
whether lie had spoke
his colleague had.
Mr. Gray disavowed having had any i
>ute to his colleague any par
partisan slanders repeated
I disclaimed any pur
I ici nation
by his colleague,
of personal attack upon him.
. Higgins said lie was glad to accept
the disavowal of his colleague.
•'s Dane«,
etteaud Journal
.Special Co
pondenco of
. 1.—Tho dance giv
bvthe 5
'luh in the
rt. night
very pleasant
air. About 50 c»
• prese
and us many
. Oglesby's
ished the music,
•rved about midnight,
gain resumed.
a dis
participated i
iewed tho brillii
the «
•hestra of Chester f
after which dancing was
Amongl the many pres
Mr. and .Mrs. 1'ercival Bailev,
. Walker. Hurry Mcintire and Mr.
Imhoft', Philadelphia;' < Parles
«m of Judpe Cullc
ullen, a
>f Georgetown, Del.;
1 sister, and Miss
'acy, Mavseys, Md.; Parke Pestles,
d lady, Wilmington; Alex.
s, Elk ton; Thomas Conrv..
arrie Brady, tlie Howard
i Miss Bessie Conrv, Chesa
t*iwood; T.
Newark; Bradford Murphv,
Miss A lie«» Mills. Clavton; Miss Lizzie
Willis, Milford; Miss * Massev, Howard
Culbreth, Mr. Massey, Mr. Bradford and
Mias Hilliard. David Harlan, Dover; Miss
1 , Georgetown, Md.; Mr.
*1) Hill, Md.; Beulah Clay
. Alt. Pleasant; Harry Cleaver, Chesa
peake City.
Bra.lv, Miss
S. J
swell, G
, Ch
Deceraber Arrests.
Chief of Police Swigeett reports 264
rests for last month'," divided
, I; assault and battery, 25; assault
with intent to commit, murder, 4; burglary,
1; bigamy, I; cruelty to animals, 1; corner
lounging, 5; carrying concealed deadly
s, 1; drunk, 130; drunk and disor
derly, 21; disorderly conduct, 21; embezzle
ment, 1; held as witnesses, 3; highway rob
bei.v, 2; larceny, 18; obtaining money un
der false pretenses, t; patients admitted, 3;
selling liquor without a license. 1; selling
liquor to minors, 1; trespass, 3; unlawfully
taking u horse and carriage, 1; using a fe
male child for immoral purposes, 1;
grancy, 8; total, 264. Amount of tines and
costs collected, $362.05; number of calls
made by the patrol wagon, 157; number of
lodgers, 904.
A temperature of 60° below zero was re
ported at Fort Fairchild, Maine, yesterday
week, "beating the record" *for| that
place. At Bangor 35° below zero w
Company C's Kercptl
Ouest« in Atti
option of du Pont
ils, Company C, N. G. I)., held
Masonic Temple, was a delightful alfair
and largely attended.
Early in the evening there was
hibition drill. The company w '
inand of Contain I. Pusey Wickersham
1 acquitted itself most creditably. After
drill the participants were complimented
by Lieutenant Brown, U. 8. A., who
called upon for a speech, which lie dcliv
' ' i pleasant manner.
The reception proper began soon after 9
o'clock with a promenade, in which about
80 couples took part. Corporal Tho
Hogue, the lender of the inarch, w
accompanied by Miss Pallie Vosheli, and
they were immediately followed by Per
il. If. Harbert with Miss Uora Baker,
sergeant Henry Hirzel with Miss Augusta
Boekius and Private F. J. Niedermaier
with Mrs. Niedermaier. Governor-elect
Reynolds participated in the march. Music
was furnished by Albert's orchestra. Ser
Hcnry Hirzel wus grand commander
inioral Thomas C. Hogue floor
The assistant floor managers
Sergeant G. H.
The New Y
Lieutenant E. P. Stephe
Harbert and private J. A. Hanna.
Those present by invitation w
crnor-elect Reynolds, G
olonels Cooper, Hart
j: Gov
-ral Armstrong,
1 Newell, Majors
Tirtis, Commissary Weller,
Captains Mitchell, Condon and Rice, Lieu
tenants Brown, Evans, Stevenson, Ochel
tree, JIarkins, Brennan, Floyd, Hanna,
Marvel ami Boothe, Color-sergeant Grant
Senator Dcnahoe, 1'resident of C<
, Councilraen McKenney and Vande
and ex-Councilmen
Î rilt, Squi
»lake ami Norton.
nidnight the invite«! guests partook
elegant supper. When cigars had
passed and lighted Captain Wicker
sham, who served as toast-master, proposed
that the party drink to the health of Gov
ir-oleet Reynolds, which
standing, after a burst of hearty applause.
Next the governor-elect made a most enter
taining speech, (luring which he com
mended and congratulated Company Ç
d the rest of the National Guard
wished all
heult h of G
to be present, the gathering drank. The
done for < «encrai Kenney and
Lieutenant Hanna, the latter being the
olik-st active member of the National
Guard. Captain Wickersham read a letter
from General Kenney, who stated that he
regretted his health forbade him attending.
The general sent his best wishes. Interest
ing speeches were also made by Colonels
Cooper, Hart ami Now-ell,Senator Donahoe,
Commissary Weller, Major Wootten, Mr.
Blake, Captain Condon, Lieutenants
Hanna, Stevenson, Stephens, Harkins
Boothe, Ocheltroe, Evans and Marvel
Color-sergeant Grant. A representative of
the Gazktte responded on behalf of
the press. Lieutenant Evans also sang.
The enjoyable affair was arranged by a
committee composed of Sergeant Henry
Hirzel, chairman, Captain I. Pusey Wick
ersham, Lieutenants Fischer and Stephens,
»Sergeants A. F. Matlack, 8. P. Doherty, H.
A. Doherty and G. If. Harbert, Color-ser
geant G. Vv. Sasse, Corporal Janies H. Cov
ington, Joseph Cooke, Joseph R. Megin
niss, Thomas C. Hogue and J. C. Hook
and Privates W. C. Atwell K. L. Batton,
Clarence Burton. Henry Baldwin, G
L. Cochran, William Crowe, Joseph H.
Chandler, G. R. Denney, James R. Devlin,
M. C. Godfrey, William I). Gilman, John
A. Hanna, James L. Higgins, F. F.
I.ofland, F. M. Lang, William McNeal,
William A. Mai bone, H. B. Neal. William
E. Newton, F. J. Neidermaier, William T.
Rcasin, M. S. Richardson, Thomas F.
Ryan, William J. Sheets, A. E. Saylor, A.
F. Vaughn, S. S. Winchester, James C.
Wilson and William R. Waltere.
. happy New Year. To the
rernor Biggs, who was unable
Ifc Catches Fire During the Sh
the Proprietor
Is Ex
tinguislA'd liefo
The fire alarm from box 7, Masonic
little before noon
caused by a fire
No. 803
Temple, was rung a 1
Friday morning. It w
that had been discovered in the
store of A. E. De Normandie,
Shipley street. A young man named
going past the building when
he noticed smoke creeping from tho
windows. The store door was closed
and a notice upon it said, "Out after a
clock, back after 12."
en broke in at a side window
entering the store found the
upset oil
counter on fire from
The floor also was blazing. The counter
quickly torn up and put out of
doors. A thoughtless person caught up
the burning oil can and threw it flaring
into thd crowd which by this time
bered over 300 people. The clothing of
a lad who was struck by the blazing
comet-like missile immediately caught
quickly ex
the store w
lire. This, however, w
tinguished. The fire i
put out without the aid of the depart
ment, which had arrived. The damage
was slight, probably $50 will cover all.
In thi: absence of the proprietor Ser
geant Blackburn, Special Officer Whann
and some neighbors stayed around to
protect the property. The peculiarity
about the fire was that it caught alight
during the short absence of the proprie
tor and
extinguished also before his
H. H. Carter's Fn
veil to
1« r., TV. & B.
Railroad Employes.
two dispatches that
flashed over the wires to the employes
of the Maryland division (P., W. & 13.)
of the P
of the old and beginning of tlie new
The following c
sylvania railroad, at the end
Wilmington, Dec. 31st, 1890.— All
ploye.% : I take the opportunity of bidding
0110 and all of you good-bye, and
loyal and faithful employes
you have been to me. I
• families
dll he
V successor ns v
ish you and yi
rerv liappi
H. II. Carter.
, Jan. 1st, 1891 .— AU
ploye* : 1 wish all employes and their faiu
ilies a very happy
J. B. Hutchinson, Superintendent.
Th« Ambulance Service Ended.
Wilson's ambulance went out of ser
vice with the old year. During 1890,
it carried 200 persons, being summoned
and promptly responding at all hours of
the day and night. The good it has done
is incalculable. Much suffering and
danger of death has been averted by tho
promptness with which wounded per
.~r:n 2 have been conveyed to their
homes or the hospitals.
A Badge P
.lames D. Phillips, freight conductor
the Delaware rail mad, was presented
gold badge of the
Order of Railway Conductors Thursday.
1er Conductor
Phillips presented him with the badge.
The front bears the raised monogram of
the order, and tho back the owner's
The crew of trainmen
Sale of a Store.
R. L. Russell has sold the dry goods
store No. 306 Alarket street, to John P.
Dc Hav
H. De Haven of Philadelphia, a brother
of the purchaser, will be manager. Air.
Russell removed yesterday week to Hart
ford, Conn.
of Conshohocken. William
The Union Bank to Pay Two
Per Cent,
Golden Wedding of Mr. and }
Mrs. S. D. Talley.
City Vaccine Physicians Fleeted — The
ursday Night's
City's Dank Accoun
citing of City Council.
City Council held its weekly session
Thursday evening.
The finance committee recommended 1
that Nevin C. Gamble and Wesley J.
Husbands be refunded overpaid taxes,
amounting respectively to $2.70 and
$3.99, and that the city solicitor i»a
allowed $3.73 for satisfying a judgment. I
Adopted. Also, the following, sub
mitted by the committee, was approved
and adopted unanimously by standing
vote :
Your finance committee would respect
fully report that, believing the present im
proved condition of the city finances war
ranted such action, wo have in conjunction
with the president of Council conferred with
the officers of the Union National Bank i
regard to an allowance of interest
funds of the city in that depository and
have accepted the following :
The Union National Bank has agreed to
allow on all city funds deposited with the
bank interest on daily balances at the rate
of 2 per cent per annum, dating from Jan
uary 1st, 1891.
Your committee would ask that its action
be approved by Council.
The police committee recommended
that R. J. Fougeray be allowed $270 for
providing a stable for the police patrol
and also providing a private office and
telephone for six months. Adopted.
The city treasurer reported that there
are in bank to the credit of current
ponses $118,234.85, with a special de
posit of $12,849.82. lie also reported
the following receipts: From adminis
trator of Martin J. Mealey, deceased,
$800; from the Board of Water Com
missioners, $44,408.07.
The city auditor reported that the
city treasurer's account are correct.
Drs. Emil Hertel and J. C. Fahey re
ported that as city vaccine physicians
they made respectively 68 and 98
vaccinations during the year just ended.
The clerk of the market reported that
during the quarter ending December
31st he inspected some weights and
measures and the slaughter houses and
market houses and cut 60 pounds of
butter. The slaughter houses and
market houses, he said,
condition and
to market.
The coal oil inspector reported the in
spection of 19,850 gallons of coal oil.
Monthly salaries of the president and
members of Council, aggregating $245.26,
On motion of Mr. Baugh Council pro
ceeded to elect city vaccine physicians
for the current year. Messrs. Sharkey
and Perkins were appointed tellers. F
the First district Mr. Baugh nominated
Dr. Emil Hertel. There w
sition and Mr. Baugh was given tho
casting vote. For the Second district
Mr. Baugh nominated Dr. George Stein
icken and Mr. Sharkey nominated Dr. J,
C. Fahey. On the first ballot both
inees received five votes each and ono
vote was cast for Dr. J. C. Patterson.
On the second ballot Dr. Steinicken re
ceived seven votes and Dr. Fahey five.
For the Third district Mr. Baugh nomi
nated Dr. William P. Miller and Mr.
Lawson nominated Dr. Ilenry Patter
Dr. Miller received eight votes and
Dr. Patterson four. For the Fourth dis
trict Mr. Baugh nominated Dr. M. J.
Hughes and Mr. Vandegrift nominated
Dr. John Palmer, Jr. Dr. Hughes re
ceived eight votes and Dr. Palmer four.
Drs. Hertel, Steinicken, Miller and
Hughes were declared to have been
After some, bills had been read and
referred Council adjourned.
bad meat was brought
Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel M. Talley Cele
brate Their 50th Anniversary.
The fiftieth anniversary of the wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Talley,
celebrated at their homo, in Bran- t
dy wine hundred, yesterday week. There i
was a large gathering of relatives and
friends, and the event was one of great
liability. Mr. Talley built the house
he occupies, and commenced housekeep*
1841. He has resided there oofr-/
tinuously since that time. He has been
nnber of Bethel M. E. Church since
his majority, and nearly all of tlie time
has been closely identified with its in
terests, holding the office of steward or
A bountiful collation was served to N
the guests and congratulatory speeches '
made by the Rev. A. P. Pretty
John Aldrcd and William A. Tally. Aii
original poem composed for the
, was read by the author, Miss Ida
Letters of congratulation
reived from a brother of the bride, Wil
liam Day of Des Moines, Iowa; Joseph
W. Day and John L. Day of Reading,
Pa., and John D. Talley of Brooklyn.
N. Y.
Among those present were: Winfield
S. Talley and wife, J. Harloy Talley,
Samuel M. Talley, Jr., Miss Ellen A.
Talley, Mr. and Airs,
family, Mrs.F. D.Talley and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Day, T. R. Day,
Air. and Airs. William F. AIcKee of
Dover, Del., AH. and Mrs. John Aldred
of West Chester, Pa., Air. and Airs. Alil
lard Day, Air. and Mrs. Thomas J. Day,
Dr. llarvey Day und wife, Charles
Dav, Miss Helen Day, Mr.
and Airs. William W. Day,
Mr. and Airs. L. Harry Day,
Mrs. Sarah A. Perkins, Leslie Perkins,
the Rev. A. P. Pretty man and wife, Air.
and Airs. Henry AI. Barlow, Air.
Mrs. William 0. Weer, Air. and Airs.
William A. Talley, Mr. and M:s. Robert
Talley, Airs. Thomas Talley, Mrs. Bri 11 -
ton Talley, Mrs. Charles Talley, Thomas
Z. Talley, Airs. Sarah Kellum, Joseph
Kellum, Mr. and Airs. William Miller,
Airs. Lydia Forwood, Air.
George T. Barlow.
W. F. Grec
1 Mrs,
Celebration of Slav
The 28th anniversary of the ohm
pati« »ii of slavery
celebrated Thursday. In the tiiunvir •'•»
the Rev. Dr. Carr preached in lift», i
Church, in the afternoon Airs. Cook : ti l
Airs. Carr gave a literary enterlai
in African Union Church ami
evening the Rev. AV. 11. Heard •»!
adelphfa and others delivered a '
in Ezion Church. Large au ion
tended and the exercises were enjoyed.
as appro