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GAZETTE AND JOURNAL. _- _ -— __ r - ÉUSlilSHB!) £V£lty TülilîâDAÏ FTFRY PYPYlfifr PRINTWt fftMPÄKY bïfcfiï KlfiXlBb ffllBTIflU lUKrART. ; lie jrJMG B, %\ PER T EAR IN ADVANCE, ï Th. n^om» ttc,uir.ii.n »« ! The opposition to the registration fee Wbicb the Conatitutional Convention ; proposes to substitute for tbo poll tar m a prerequisite to voting is not based Z upon any Muod «woaiog. Like tha proposition to make elective certain ; county officers now appointed by the Governor, it ia mainly the result of Republican partisanship. It is to the of •dvantas» of the iiepublicao parly of Llelawaro to tnak, a, ..heap and irreaponsible as possible. economic point of view, it would be a hardship upon the counties te abolish the poll tax without substi ! «»'I*r%r r ' o, r a T - ia : its stead. There are already sufficient ag burdens upon real and persona! prop arty, with a margin existing between ; tba tax levies and tbe expenditures in ÄSxrÄ^ 3 be un;uat The proposed registration fee would « mor, ttian mako up fur tb, poll tax, if the rum inpoml upon -a-h ; ^^Ä**Ä^Vr« poll ta,. Tb. ,,* fee ia to bo paid when tbocitiOen roF-iatcrs. a plan which trill pro,ids for tbo coi lection of tho tax witbout any addi- of ti.n.1 CO«. To. entir. revonuo, therefore, would go into the county treasuries, whereas a considerable por tioo of tho poll tax is lost io commis Blocs and other costs of collection. It is urgod in opposition that tbo imposiUon of a rsgi.traîion ten would b. great a source of political corruption am. bribery as the poll tax ever was, hut tbis can be guarded againab it ia true that, without restrictions, party purees would supply the funds for tho registration fees, r,he sumo as they have in tbe psst for poll taxes. Rut it should bo borne in mind that sufFrago of reform is now the watchword in Delà ware, and that tbe Constitutional Con vention in session at Dover ia working ! to make this reform effective. 8. E. COR. FIFTH AND SHIPLEY ET8., trihvixiTos, rncnuDAT, rr.n. One of the remedial moasuree pro posed is the. right to exact of any appli cant for registration, upon proper chal lenge, an oath or affirmation to the effect that he has not accepted a bribe paymoot for his vote, in any wav, sbapo or form. This oath or affirma tion can be so worded as to cover the registration fee so that any citizen who should permit this fee, to be paid for . him by any other .«-nn, whatever would run the* risk «ff disfranchua ment prosecution for perjury. Couple with these safeguards adequate punish ment for perjury, and a, fair « system for an honest suffrage aa could bode visea is permanently secured. It i. not well to make suffrage too cheap or too easy. The proposed rofflstration faa-fifty cents has been suggested, and a doilar should bo th. maximum limit—would not oppress aoy voter. And by paying it himself, out of his own pocket, ho would thereby be tho owner of h.a own vote and not belxildon to any other man political «organization, virtually collect it«elf, and all of it Would go int«j tiio county treasuries. dourly, the proposed system of a registratiejn fee, rightfully guarded, han r-verythiog to commond it und nothing in it« dinfavor. to any The tax would Bradetreot'a review of business for tbo past week ih aa foiiowH: "General trade Bhowa muro improvement,feuturea ; of which are tho advances for Bessemer pig iron, Btoe! billot«, etoel rail H , some grades of wool, ruw sugar, Indian corn, pork and lard and for print cloth«, doncy for leather, together with a number of metal and : textilo industrial eatablisbmontH which ! Uavo rsopanoii within «ha «sack and aa | improvement in recent railway earn- j ingH. There is a better demand for dry | goods, clothing, shoos, point, lumber I and architectural iron, but material i ijuost for gon««ra! mor- ! moro with upward - lt5j 1501 h> Ht ' m tho third week of February n tb«* like week of 18'jh, in tbe uorrospimding period in ISO!, and 202 ,n tbe like week of 1» There i i. 1 / 7 ^ UBpenf, .° l na nm failun-B of ; banks, bankorn and loon and trust com* Lnitod States lust year, j -ly SO in i tno , increuROH i eband iso onspicuouH ut J Chicago, Bt. Louie and Now York than eleowhore. I 'ater«. n Bilk also have found an improvement i condition of and ills tho ! utlook for husinesH. j « alow, j Toxua requests from Interior j ■rchantfl for n.xts Mercantile collections contin and i n of accountn than before, i throughout the moro Total buHinosa fail) untry have incr hI, numbering :i2' this le, «rom par od week, 1850, .'527 i pani «*■ in th compared with Iff,I i 1894, and contrOBtod 1895, ith 598 j in yoi 1893, osti mated liai il it whoa tbo total of » , amounting to 'ua Iona than moro than 8170,000,090, total iudicutod «•tH. " Tbo A i Fudoiatinnisti fluentiul organ of trad« thin to «ay about th l'erhapa thi'ro are in tho United Staten who buvt) u greater 1 reefy bo ratiili unionism, baa rbitrutiuii treaty : » clUHKOH Of |H Op u turent that thi« th. tl ut both ct i tries. arbitrament by force «>) rkers »» immemorial ■h«> huvo had to face the brunt of buitlo and aaoriUco tiudr liven in the field, counUoKti imliioR tielple«», aod wre at h«ht lui i i actory. The f the rorlil fr ti h; been th W ha cr " utl 1 ' f m dependent an i ! e«i tim hearts of j It has do- i . aet lho whorls of progron j d after all, when tbo 1 :.' left behind at royecJ hop bu- l:w - •f battle p ed.Il for ' 1 turn« ha Ii • red to I the bur«! ; nod tarai tun. • I building, ab« » - buikteia aud uu oruaureut to the city. ! flow Tb* Dorer ! offer last Kefra tba FioMein. . careful editorial consideration to the j question - whether the Coortitutiooa? ! Convection, after baring prepared a new Constitution can promulgate it and plane is in effective opeiatioa without first submi**«-'» it to the ; *" 1 ' u . , lie P»e tor ratification. Toe loot:: quote# from Judg* Cooley and other conatitutional autfcority, with - «ta-«»« «>»« tta~-ih ! veotrjn b> bcun-j to «obmit its «ork to «he people, and quotes from tb«* ; ael °* Aaeembly providing lor tue Coo «-itutiona! Convention, which says: Z 1 "* 1 , 1 ? tbb opinioD of xhia A.«o,fc!y of 1^.1 ■ ; c.natitution frame« by the con- j **ntioa hereinbefore provided for, . "bouM be submitted for the approval of the legal votera of this State." Tt; « ,utieI lurtber apreaa that the ^ ^ ^ estes to tha convention were «Jecfted binds them to «obmit their work to the people. It adds: ! A refusal now to comply with the : ziz: ag the Constitution of tbis State arbitrarily, would he not only bad ; faith to tbeir «oontitueDts, hut a dear violation of the principle laid down by SiS?Ä^rv«» another grave objection to auch "an « arbitrary «top uoon the part of the Constitutional CuaraDtioo. [ ; » inquiry i, mauu a, to tbo reason ÄwrcassAss: ji„ rUHt o/ lh , ie Kbom lbet „ men tow ait in convention as ropr.. ««nUtivna. Tho whoii-and aolo oourc of the dcolro to promulj-ato tho instru- j ! cerement and discrimination, and h Rkepticium of tbo moral aod mental : ability oi their electors. It is an ad ; ; mission that now, at least, our boasted SEfSSSi 1 ! lh0 V* puJ, ^' iB *«** ,ï tioB ., Xta aro''cunc,r.M. r ' 0 "'k j very nearly akin Vi a bigoted conceit in tbeir own powers, and a distrust of alJ other*. It cannot be denied that there is much solid ground in the argument that tho new Constitution should be submitted to the peopio. The members of tbu Constitutional Convention, bow over * can eahiiy settlo tbo question themselves. If they prepare a good ! Constitution, one which will draw ! forth the genera! commendation of the j people, there wU. he no need to 1 tbeir work to tho t-,t or «popular voto. Hut if they prepare a had Cop- 1 atitution, the people will inelat I upon the opportun, ty to vote it out of i ! ! I Tho Constitutional Convention, Tues- ! decisive voto.decided that a . * jk gave . £* "£,* }'" i"«^L'^to'tor P wnnn i ° * , a ? a pwraquisl-e for voting at eInct *ons, and lixod tbe foo at . ™ e . , f r ' h " P«>d at the time of ^'" '" 7' . . „ ! 's action is right and proper, and j m nowise undemoeratio. It puts «H I ™ to ™ 00 » '«'«I- "«<» copied with the : f»*«» 10 "»» P™viaiona «bat have alreaily I «-„• «««tad. will compel each appli. | strut,on to pay hi. own fee , ? f h is " Rn p0,:Ket » or run , ih " r * sk ; of 'HefranchiRommu or punishment for W«"/; , Thus - ««'»'•y man. rich or L his owl auffris^and'Mt'd'apandoL" u,ion any party purse, or the favor of ty individual, for tho payment of tho y that HBcure.B to him tbo right to haiiot. Recl*tr>ition Pec BlMtlaM day, hy : it a cast a fr W« annot help fooling tbat thiH notion by tho Constitutional Conven the diroc and fair elections. It will tion will be a doeided step i tion of p certainly aid in political corrupt ; thorn from fiiatoniug their gra«p upon ! auscoptible voters, it makes every man , tho financial custodian of bis own I euffrage, an«l doRtroys tho fount« bead of corruption, the payment of j voters' taxes hy party organizations«, j : It ia a decidua maaauro of reform j ! Viowed uIho from a soveru pecuniary 1 aa | .«an^point, tha ohan S a is a «ouï on?. ! j Tho rugielration foe will bo practi | caby solf-colloctiblo, as tho votern will I pay to tbe registration officer« and tbu i hitter turn it over to tbu reapoetivo ! ! county troasurera, with litt!; curtailing tho power of j ioniste, auu preventing ■ t,F ,r vota, is not hard lu oouipui... " - ! Ht ' A New York correspondent points out, how tha old saving thut "no man with „ 'Me' to hie name cun uveri e Pr. e "entof the linitud HtZ''Z^X proved by the election of McKinley. of ; " it is a aingular fact," ho curaraonts, "considering the promineuce of the j Scotch und Irloli blood among tho in i a tiiorioan pooplo, that nul, a ainsi. 'Mu' tno , hn# aervod ua ITosident, YHco-Presidimt H peak er. Several 'Macs,' however, ! -'od in the cabinet. Washing h McHenry for Hoerotary «I War. Mnnron bad John MoDvan fur l'ontinaator-General. Jackson had Lou in for Hocr-ilarv of State and also had John Mc » ut J cost. At tho last election the Pitui vote in Dcluwuro wan in round about -'58,500, ! ff viiich about cant in is j in Kent aud 8,*500 I j revenue arising from this vote, ot «mo j «lolhir t 'aatle county, G.λ " Buehox. Thi X i tho poll tax, the tux costly to collect. was « v« hich ia, addition, of to have hnd .lari McL of tiio Treasury. baa : u Tv! for Secretary of War. Fierce had Ji'obort McClelland for hoc rot ary of tho Interior. Jif i«l Arthur hail Hugh MnCullough fur Hoorotary of tbo Treasury. lluyoo hud fjunrgo W. M - Crearv f«ir Secret ary of War uud Gar field had Wayne Mu VeagU for Attorney < .onoral. «>) ToaUU nt McKinley, it is ox peeled, will huvo two 'Much' in hi •t, McKenna and McCook." 1 cnbi i ! of j do- i Ion, Thuraday, considorutio j arbitrulffo Il precious Benato at Wuahing of tho aa laid aside in •I HOIOO treaty - ' 1 official ■'fr which tiro wan a And yet the Hnuato iff tho J to be Ntylnd "the 1'liborotivo body contest. ; I .'ni ted i i nu tord ti* rouid think of apply rug this deucnptiuu to it nowf ! Tba J«1ii p .. *«-*«">«■ i . I roBident CleveiaiMl on baturday wot j to the Banate tba es ma of Jamas L. ! Wolcott of Dover to be Judge of the United Statos court for the District of ! Delaware. vice Hod. Leonard £. Wales '■ deceased Mr Wol-'tt wto is a 'ead ' i > in«,« \ * U t J* i- ♦ ° ■ !°S «* to? Kent county bar, iiaa long bees prominent in Democratic . politics io Delaware and therefore is well known to »be people. In addition t<» ta «ÆJita»Âî:îïïS 2 î; ' tbo law, h. ».rte.i for nearly tbrra ! ii years aa Chancellor of the State. It i* a matter of genera! regret that ! Senator Gray could not see bie war T clear to accept tais position, which it ; ■ i, uod.wtoo.1 « 4 . entlwly at hi, j conmaml. There svotlid not have been | . the slightest doubt of hie confirmation »* by tfce Benate, by reason of the rule of! Sénatorial courb-sy wbicb loipais th. : .opfirmatioo of a oieu.ber of that btxiv I ****** - « Fierai c«,ee r„ui,^ ! corürmation. without even, in most ca^es, the formality of reference to a 1 committee. Tt" confirmation of .Mr. Wolcott's ' It »8 so near tbo tin.«- fof tb- /inaugura tioD a Republican President that ' the natural ioclicatiou of Republican ' a Senators will be to stave off action j ss »be appointment at tbe baods of Preai- j dent McKinley. j [ —- I " noLIM UM Aisou iA TiO.v. , .-rSfc.-"!«ft«?attssc: Th.Si.tb annual ministerial convae- : tion of tho Holiness Cbriolian Aaaoela ; V tien wee ouc-ned Mondo, murnina in tho j Co/ocaoc Church, ensr^Third and West ! ''ïî^li.-r was „IM forderst 10 o'olock by* tbî'cbairLao.^t^Rev! . : E. L. Hvde or CoDBcbobockcn Pa. ; ; >t,r pr.jor bp tbuYÖ,. K.' L H,do, i tbe Rev. Kl. D. Wood end the Rev. Albert ! Sergeant were appointed members of ■ j «ÄHÄi, r^d »°pip"r j ' od "The duths of th< r-astor to the r Habhatu school. " Tbe Her. M.L.Btew art rf . a ,j a I)U p. r entitled "Wbo are tho Î! proper subjects for tbo of tno f/°W' b f ,a V The Rev. II. Magee read J H vîp» ri H aryV" ^ 1 ' Tbo body took a recess at noon. At the afternoon session tba following P?P«™ were read: "Altar B.-rvicoa and J ! »? Conduct Them," by Presiding : j • ' <r rhe Advantages 0 ^ °{ÄÄWÄ ! i 1 1»^ Äll'ttÄ West CoDBbc, hocken, fa.; ''How tr. ! 1 Prépara a Hannon,'' ly tho Itov. I Th»™»?. >■ Wrtafcl.of oWfa,. i b"tEi Itoî 5* cäTs' ! .h; "llave W. Any Scripture thS't I ! Opposes Uollnetm as a SaorS Work," ! I hi the lie,. t\ c. Brown of Wetberiy, ! ! !•«. ; -I» Divine Healing it, the Atone- ' !, a . ineiit," by the Kev. William P. Austin ! * ,S - d "» ' , i Tho li " v ' MeMr "' 1!uI ' i< - Hondrl-ka, i Sanderson aud Dill . advisory rnemborH. A ministerial of was tormert and many nuinos we...,, . b ! 7 Wri^"ano" H W 'V; If 't J ' ! j oommittea to druft a coriBH- "• I tution aad by-lawr for the uaton The : 1W1* L V T. j! 5 Wvibt : I and Presiding Elder J. K. Trumbauer I | were appo.uted a to prepare , n'r'/ntiT "A ' r^ühon' Z 1 ; j-roBsing thunk« to 'the llov. C. F ! Hendricks aod tho vestrv of Covenant ! Church for Ils use was adopted. l'resideot,""L n "Küv?K'.''L. HyïefHecL of JaSiwÂïwY Atthoevouing session the conforenuo to sermon was delivered by tho Duv J E. Trumbuuor. after which revival Mer 1 tiro admit 1 i : The fourth annual conference of the Uhrintio Hohn« •iutioo w na I •Jpioeupiii i ! , <m lbo rB,i( ^ n: I the ohuDman* of j Henry Kundbrsou of thin city j u »ev.tod members of tbu udviaory com j Ia ^ tce - 1 .hiS''ï l l 1 !° rt °î t . b,! «°" f ' ,r< * nw ' ! ^ Tho ufterpoon «■-f-Hiiiir. of ! the fourth annual conference of the t'briüiian Ammei a tion in ! *u!°wü ! ! C u *-«opa} Oburoli | * a 1,1 " 1 ' *' h h result of tbe opened i Church «if the of j «lay morniug. U} ortlor by t! after which the t „ul! '• I j Cov< Tb-- mootiug w lé v. j. E. Trumb T 1 i open« ■ripture and nrayc • Hindu by : The Rev. M. D. Wood, * g rff d «in iasionary fra ■ ,,, r , . »- j ; I i «he ministers wbo a was UissuaRuff'l^^^iZfe | T J. J {„'■Vriffut ! « U I ! the Holy Ghoflt," ï JÎ|Tho Kocumi day 'r session of the fourth ■ »unua! oonfuroiice of the Holinoua ' "hriHtian Association was opened at '' 3'oslurday morning by j ■ mSSÎK; Si Ibo V'ïr«wn~ tÄ * '° d " " L, lieports were received from the fol the »wioß _niipi.4torii and ovaugniista ; Th ,' tfV0, .* B. iJ .da, Mrs,. J. Van Dlunk, Vvmium' 1 'Browns,' Mi^Miry linger, Joseph BuHi, Joseph M. V ! Dlunk, F. U. Uuumun, Robert Van j Blank, Edwunl Lester and Isaac W. ' " r ,m n ,, f , r , n , fur ! u™,u a £' r ,,,own6 roal1 in i Reporta w. ! eharga of tb I k ft k* last your: It« 1 » action from t trnnr-f' tb th nftorwanH what confr; " haudod in : ;.l the « tout ad fro; !.. « amp moot inga i. P. Pot Twin M. J Edward Leator, Wavorlyj it»wart. Moo tho iilo . i; Pa. tbo - Tho report rff thu presiding îugurd to tho •hier in' itt i:ned over to Lho ^ « f tho church. The mdgnationH of tho Rev. Willi Ecuert and tho Roy. II. JO. Oabnrn d acooplod. JoROph Al. V port ii no roa«l i ho J{ intoi gave ding f run! t«> tho j I •»inch papi r, the Crown of (J!;iry. The bo«)y then took . I. tho in in««i »r Willifl Heb mi «It of K badly two weeks ago by falling into boiler, died Monday. y »f « 401 î Monr aided about wiish i treat, who a Kef lier Dover, Feb. J. Lena tor Kerr , , y ba;> *riouH illnoou auu j «ü today wont tu Wachiogtou« racovered from It i ' i ELECTION TRIALS BEGUN. _,_ 1 can« ltd •>*•<( to «i%«sa Inmetmnm- • Bnudi'* Ct« «*k« B». *1 ! AJmoat tbo out ira session of «uperior ; OB '■ mt \ Saturday morning waaoccupied in ca ' i > wri ®S.*ff u,u ® 0 - OD the motion for a J*l ■ a0w trial in the case of Stephen Mitcboll'f administrators vs. A boar Ji. ** . '-«oodward. 'lb* cave was tried or. Monday and the jury under inatrustiaa« frt,m tb ® court brought in 4 verdict f« r ; ' h 4 Â" # L'{;;^ii o v.îî.; , v ! ii a "a" à. cranM w^eiSÄ «' time for argument on a motion to re: ! aside tho «bcntf'i »ale in tbo cum* of T bom an va. Kane. George Lodge goun , a ; J B tba ^ cnti,nt ' wa9 UDabI ° to "P 0 Tbe .ttaDdanr. at tb. Court Hou. | was larger than us. ,.1 Tueedav morni-.i »* tbo opening of court, th'» crowd being ,,rf »*n by anticipation of bearing the !. : I 1Ï. S7.i?E, Jl',"; £?*= '"'J" a ' ' ' ! SS^ nruffment to quash ter- indietim nts 1 e8io"t the election ofrl -rs. Immediately after ; . openieg of . ' 7ÎI» * t *'*°* r iV■'Vflite calleil up .—,-ubt,, indictments. Ho cited nunermw ' authorities in support o! his motion "P ' a ,°ÿ that the indictments wen- ' j !?'. rÂJSÂleÆaF j Chief Justice bunded down the tû j decision of tfco court on tho motion for I " " 8 " ' rl * 1 ,hl> ca8 ° -f Staplj-n , Mitoholt's ..Imlnuî-'atora re. Ahn. r H. ■•* .-rSfc.-"!«ft«?attssc: : ?«*= <«'» ««i»« «»a«r» ; V 00 ' of the court. At» Ben ' Niel<l6 r,rre«,nted tho p.aiotuT ' T,* r r Whiteman tho defond .StboriTÄ ^ in • . ^ lri " 1 » ^widsd to set aaidi the ver ^ " rder , 8 n ** w tr,cî - to i .J»«""» ?: «2""Ä 1 ! r a w [tr t u * P OS9 *«ajon m tbo ense of ■ 1^1 vnmn il h* , 1 *"'"' j ' *■ '*»• Coop-.. «d,M U r " ont °n tbo motimi to quash tho o! «onoltlcwa icuictm nts at ld.:iO Î! q lnc f., an . < i L *° urt then »djourooj until l Thî . <v. •> . quns h tbo indlctrosntn acn'ipsUilio elec' tion inspectors was continued. The first point which Alexander II. Cooper bad made in opposition to the 'oj'ctments was that they did not oon J Ltthn UiSMrm' 8 n?. ° : ^ nï.T ^ the ! i "*• « tb.otb« B : a th„ Ä r !?;W ^ &T 1 .'»P'-, ;•« ! «o* 1 l",* h »dp«'-nptl.jn of tho crim., the ': u . b ' 1 ! 1 " '. na,Pur ! uf "ruako. fad n,.b a °tanl!a" KirH ' ■ th«t 1 un.lor the êottln'd rail; I ,,( >"« ">* "»»** tution the indi. ! ! Ä« not nufflci, ntly apprise the ! l ef " <i *» te ?» th ' n: " ur .'' Bna «•'•» - ' ' !, "„"'f ■' '... ! #_„ fo " tl a ® 0D4 ll | 1 , fi V nlaW an " . uot • nM ' Ä. UI '.Te heid\imt; B ST'Ä ZI hound to sot forth tho facto. All i dictnimda which allege an offence am * , not only ailngo tbe nffooco but how i ^ iff. i . b b . ! &,«. ml. M | I,, A. "• V«oner was tba where tbe pist ei tbo indictment is the alteration or pul- ! : ""'.7 of . « * ri «"" »-.stm.oent, it I "»',., OU |V"!.. t ui v 1 ,y .7 <,rd » or ' " ' "»dec ,"ed ? tiät' Thö w^rl 1 "Ä 1 as' used ' „"Lotion ffföl ! th /» ««t or 1H!)1 for registration in SVil ! only applia. to tho oertiflento !p" °L 0a ,? va ^ "ïl"" 1 1 'r ,Tthat 1 |aV ll "L'h 0l " r ' h' î h * t . 80c ' i | 0 " t ; : «-«•■•*»«.*; .Âtï ««Ä ' muttura of regnitrotion ar.u not of elec tion * Mr. Cooper stated that no all j Kation of tiuio and place had b«» niafif' in negativing tho exception i sootion 10, and olaiaod that all torlal nvunuonto raunt bo ullageii with ' timo Î 10 j it Mil I i ! | At th«* after session Attorney I Genoral itobert: C. White «poke i half of the indictments which he Deputy A tto. r J . Cooper, Jr., admitted, ! in addressing the court, that the lu.. . .. prüften ted by Alexandor B. Cooper, for I ; j the defendants, r 1 * «lid not apply to the c Ti hold i to bo nufiident. : * Go •ri r. to «I law, but it I - •- Uuder Ibi roccBHary thut tho indict nature j ! of tu • la it V.i t ul 1! I (iharactor of , . , *ro . Hu thereupun took up tho i j indictment againt loHpoctnr James J-'. j Earley and showed whore it followed i tbo language - f the statute. Ho bold that tbo indie ; and where th I tho c tuent showed htnv, who >• fain;« return w; a i published liefere' the ! i Board of Canvas* in the ... ,. i f ilb thif ihu fninJ 1 — »«».«. M'JSL'rtjSÄ v ' illi ' 1 " *«• i 'Jho indictim-. r n.-t «h n « fr» «„ I | ÆÂ.'Âto k . l f , .' i ! ï'JSÎta'u'^a'îf" 1 ' «J 'nunpwhïffîT'thaï ; I Z »rSSSS ï »hargarl. Th«« attorney furth— l '/ ■ '. but *ho certifleato did not have i« ' »»». indictment, bn 7' ß 18 ?°? orib ? u , , t n . tb,J j ^ uA ° «^«J kn°wIo.igo of this it. * ™ court, and , L, M * r ; t 0 t,,at the Btat aa puli it vary room 'bleb ihn court eut. but it sc Not of the breast of every Bald it seem id to hi:, I> hart gone « ( mid bo expected to co ; bio to go. I far i fur ÜB it V, describing th ntl'ancon tho Btuto had usod tho Inn h'ungo of tbo Hiiituto, but bad m otuppurt tboro, for it bod told tho th fondant tho charactor anil kind of changes, and «aid thut tho roturn wan published ut tho Board of Canvas improper number of at a certain ward f-o A hv giving. gi tbe « ity. Alexander 15. Cooper in reply hold that the not been shaken. ro aa made o«jt by him hnd Ho ttoferred t«j noun of tho pointa advanced by tho attornoyn fortbo Stato und eniphuuizod a;.»ain tho ohjoctionfl he hud previously ruiaud. H» concluded almut 4.30 o'clock. Irnoiediutoly after court hud oponed . morning Chief .) Lore handed «lowu the «Incision of the tho motion t«i quash tho » r* liictnjoDtfi of tho election officf r plairitilT hud cluimud that iqdj: tine did not sot forth with Buffici« ! yoHtoriiay court . Tl its 'nit roHpect the «iof nl cliargod with altering faint) rntunm of the electi hold that lho indict clearly aa puasibl j against the indieted refused to quush tho indictment;«. A. JJ, Cooper, who wan with Jnffftih -Marvel in the de! Ihn indicted mon. theraupu court tbat, owing to hi» poor houitu he would bn unable to continu«* in the casco and would withdraw, but before doing bo he desired to bay u word to not I his colleague aright in regard to cortmu a king . The c •ta did mit fort * tho charge ■n ami therefor : '.oiatnd it ad ' M'wwm UtiNj 1 It apjpe • 'Jar va; tua discovered on the back m i *1 o subjiu na for MiHon H. Hawkina, ! ; OB * of the wifo**-»* in tj*« etfctioh ca a es, that it bud t»-op x return««! non J*l r * *£• *' wt ? r0 . b *. I,C|,U cro ** t d , "(*• **r. Cooper a lotentian wna to set, ** r ; right uefore tbo public. Attorney* Getier at White also roao to eaplaéat'mn of tbs matte . ; ,u: Juü C® Cudon interrupted l.»y aayic -=>r i "»r';. i r ,,ut ,ho n,a!, * r " A» «il th. -b-i-tion com* WSH oewuuonod , a j !r>oaaes «.-ouln be 0 ( vs *L 1 A arriv a aru th, v,. Cierl< <* the lVace i drawing tbo jurors, and tho following : !. U0Q u ' ro »elected : Giorgo W. 1 >uvih, | ÂXÂkÆ ! i.cmue! il fi"hTtl U \auuaTu j H. Ginn, Clayton M aQ d Geoigo bacon. j . *?, | . -ha^Sand rbïriM Green I t i Da P u ^ Atiurnoy-Goneral Cooper h» "P 4 ™ 4 * «»e < aaq for the- estate. Do | ' 6ail , l,® .* n # , H 1 "®",* juarging Brandt j attired tho^ return of tbo number of 1 tû ® * bl f d ^ rb „ . .. j Ano nnt wucess oallod was r rank J ^'muioiia. whu w«.on, ul the iuapoctura ■•* »"• •■•«'•«'v SL.*?*» ^Viw' ' ,1 » u b f',"„ a l u. Ho ldoQtilled a • nÄ'ÄFbar itb .»U «ftarw J*"' 1 ; <* h ° lV I to , b,ra ;. After J l . La l t? ' 0 rrad il Wilü 1 fiïVSiïfST' y 0 1 co . or " J u,t D ' ,,.. l "« V!** J".* „ ^° 3 ,^i* n l' oa ^ iiinniiiieiJ tiw^cMtiflrHrn »»ado out and signed on tno night oi ! tbo eiuctiou aod aftnrwards hamiod to j o Hundt who was cbainnnu of tbo board, His attention was ashed by »Attorney " n ' f r f dr » i*»® ?"Vî' M* Toman lie teat!lied that thhnn"' ! ! Äi ".rtM 1 'uSlIleïb"'«. 1 i -"f« > u tbu croiiit u. .Vr. iotuan. | ' 0 WlBr ", „hn,''7„ ' it Z5Ï.Î! .«.'ib- Mr. Turawt'. r,n.„ «ru, not la •-* Ht.aJwritl..« howr-v, r. I 1 «■ «»"r;" 1 ' »»" at : ' ' ■ • t , b I e ."J"' , o?,"" " 0| ' * n «*?"'■} , '... ^ 'u v "Z \ , 1U .., n .' tf H ' ' v,li ''SÄSÄrth was prose,it ' :1 rotors' a i.m, cant ami kupt u tally f tho voter! cast for .sheriff and rccaivor ^ laxus. Jf.i wau positive Ibai Mr. ■ ly 110 voter-. Jlc sr-v blank f Morning i\r • at i - j * l,or J j tn tbo ötißsnt * j ^ as ® mut had J tne* any S not prra-nt «a-î taken up. j I ' lI V Pf " 1 /■ iter - wan completed tho ballot boxen certificate ;aii far mi , ,, !." ** j j i I j tha nom it the be received uovod to Now Castle keeping. Afterwards the to tii3 iio t Dov r fur th«« i c-stigati o-aned and ! tho o in* ' ! "d eould nut identify the in court ' l' M \vt itio .,1 ii Ä'T'Ä. -h« 'f..a onÄ xit to Me office ngut «.f the ejootioi "■»«■■•ot of the Third 1 'r H " ™ uW not ' ' '»'clock. 1 . it rot y Evening ,, . rri j ,, q'fiii 'I I nl bv a snsciui i vivbo Signo.i j it i 1 m^' v \viii*! Î , •iiinncn, bill ! tho ground that j ><'»> ; i j i It was afti-r H o'clock lioforo a nunruni s Î nppanretl »V t!m hoard or Education i Monday, hut after tho iwct ' op'.'iipil it roqulrail but n bliort j il'»r tbo biiBiiiBHH «ff tin ; port «ff tno loßiHlntivo I M.inil tha groator portion I ». l 'résidant liaird read th«« o «igiioij by i the a manager < i tbo re I ! fro van only c j Hu« iliulrict bow for Mr. Tutnan. the paper i .Mr. Marvel objected « it ha Mil boon prove rigned il. fiurt Hustaincd tho objecti 1 u'ljournmont nu>« made until 2 .Jo ' ! . .. I ; 1 * no A ft I) >/•' KDVVATtON. Ti n I : il s< I - j board. The ! commit too oi of tho t-1 report, which favora logielatiou similar tu that propunpd liv the hoard two years ago, hut which failoti to par • Leg i ala tu re. Tho boani i i j i ho ! iha bill which will be presented to tha Legislature favom u r.evv syetom of collecting and dirbimi i ing school funds and provides for ;,n 1 appropriation of £150,000 for huilili»* > .. :SM . i noBwl \tf tha Hly oat of its ÿwrlrap I propriation, but school chllüre i W "' "" V " * b '' " rUi ' ; ■*r«wn'' Hu'^ran'X' 1 "'« an/i p A ft i r fr ,, 1 •nt aphonia for the wa\ ikl i tho city and th . carrying Iput tbu pm pulsory oiiuoational bill. I Chairman S. F. Dotta <ff tbe con,- ! itteo on hunt, light and fuol, repoifo«! j thu removal of Thomaa Wnfib of No. 1 Kchuul. A, Ilanunl B pointed to tl pnvwl for a janitor up vacancy. '»i. D. CVii.uan, member fr thr ; '■ofond ward, dered hi?« r avo from tho ruBignation w ; for hi» i-umomtiriin ,, ot 1 ,'rth«liiv and ho «v , i • ! in rnS; the ui;,; ^ I Day. Tho Hoorotary had onoli nueinbcr with a rnrnt .'»"Io bouquet Of violotw, mul a 1 ],ot »»f lino liii««H mlornocl tho largo dor,! «rood hy tho ropurtois. •sij ill f-o bo A ction th • woelt.H On motion of C A. ||, Bnynird f -hm nf HaililT Thoinaw Wobh <v ,| '•hire«! vnoart and L IL Jor. w r'dnotod to fill tho position. will engngo and Mr. Jon or UHHiptant to denn lho bniliir rot night«). A vote of thankfl wan tonclnrff L tary Junoa WoHhington* vitod t«> .• Decnral i* ! butt" 'I* i'ImiIiii A colli h'i i nt tho mini;h of j Friilay after i tho Christian! Ivor « noon aboutff 'hi I dolphin « J --trunk tow of tho tug Whif.t : 1 of Philadelphia. Tho trouble ! aun»»»4 tiy the borge ahoarin : ] h; (I i d i iv * failing to the helm. Thu I... worl iliBtonco of cxtraeatoil by hacking uif. wum oil laden. HI mari for oral feet d l be bi whs taken to ... . railway of tho Euoch Monro it Hun3 Co., and repaired I « rn \°JV" Dio «vailing for in gripno—()ui muc VVhibky. il. W. Lynch & Co!, Aycuu. i Kr*t>ht <; ! g|*ff C«wpon<Jenn*eN;a |>tvor. !•'eh. 24.—Tbo Hmi«» comtnit raw on freight and express rote bell , another public'to-efinc in the Stato House parlor ye* tord ay afternoon, Several ftrmora were present ana made 8 j ( ; reg!il . p : | to give testimony. ! .»ïî«? .V Cw " ot >. «»«.»iroa. » to ,bp I« « judicial j mittee of Investigation tba farmers can j furainb all tba evidence desired umi | will willingly do so. Ho suggested I t , t ? nt .«»njmittoe have printed for i ss仫 h» t w . A. U. Kaiiroad Co. and the | lease brtwuen the two companies, j ln peiJ | y to Ä!r (! annon| Chairman 1 DoDaIlj8 °. n J 1 "*" 1 . that . tbo committee j maun a full investigation, and it haa J powe| to summon railroad ofiiuials and pap«ra if neassnary. llo alsn remark,-! ,h »' "*« r»Upo»<l» had »iiliogl}. onra is.ïïss I ! j, j o l; round u to pay for i'f tHM; pounds i , ir Vivun "read a loiter M* p nw" r . a Hartford merchant, who ! p . r '' H9e<1 Ba !'«f®ction that the ipvestign T^T **" W 8 ^ i «»•"»» "« ÄÄ !Z' | potitors to Dalawam urowers, aa the i °, ' fn>m pointa in thut Htato aro oDiy ; | „„mSit T'fww'°the °luto Orion é tü ' I "J"^'"uvlrSnin rnilroltd oÄi"« * '«« ' : rpring. They endeavored to get Vre! I , duetto« of rates and also «; n " enneeaaion» would ho made. Son. .»»Ihcok, he stated, refrigerator rar si*r ' ""*'»« «*'•• b "' ij 0 g . \1 ir, l.V it l ■ B i,'j l . t . ' r p cosFtiitixrn nj th vtnuMcx tar tha (ÜKUiiioa vf io i AonlUir Ms-l - A. *S'. Drown staled that during the jibs; trn-k be bad learne<l that the freight chary on agricultural impie- ! ! j .roio five to 10 time« greater than that j j charged over the mails leuding into ; my Delaware. Tbo farruors. he hold, who I. an-ihe purchasers of impiemeots, must pa - v th° oxeees of rate, and when tocy J gftJi tboir produce they must par an- or other,(rxcesu of freight rate on tbeir shipments. lie requested the committee . saricultural implement , the Delaware raiiroau w to «quests for information, made hr tho committee. Mr. Cannon stated that tho railroad j company charged for 28,000 pounds to I the car Joed of paacbes in shipments ' from li'idgcville to Hartford, Conn., when it is a 1 put 28,000 pounds Mr. Drown said that the railroad company graded all refrigerator cars Wnat 'h" hirqest of them will hold, hy ... ... , of il. Viven «taten that he hail not off hi > n aide to put 28,000 pnunilu of ponchos in tho largest rnfiigsfator cars. Hr* npoko of hia inability to con j railroad ollii ials of that fact, and j thoy had refused to remunerate hit i tho diiiercnco betvv I had placed j otiargod for pbyoical impossibility to tbo car«. for j tho Rtnount b«* I ;rs and the amount On 18 uorM thu weight of ? at shipments rangiql from 25,2U0 to ibiio ho was compelled •i ! th from C. hi. dghtt. but 7__ S«»« 1 oui, h lug exira* uml'Jo'i aware ! 2 » couipeiiod t«> pay from 670 I u, ,,„p„„ ,o sea rum.j. no ! f required to pay about three ! da herrio.-i Nhippeu !u«t •poka of being re- j lira. ytou stated that Dei bad bouu i pi posed up u he linpoii to uuu roll« f. H for ho w; uart i pur au m. I io also spoke of being n- ! i;uirtiJ to pay -to cents per barrel for ' , ™ n 6bi - 1 "-; 1 U Vutd" ho r, 'si, 0 |» j h'uliHhury and points below for 2.7 I L ' ontfl * Jio waa »nformod that the reason i ' or l S? ^«charge to Maryland pointa j J ja "st su 8 mmôr r \rs a r.Ta".'wm" P aoblgh b i ou herriBs that it was necessary to Î , to t' plckiog bnfnru tho season was ! ?, vor ' an J , r,,r l tbat r, '" BOn a porti.m Of j tb^ufo 20 âor.?B in fruh^nd nlnÄ ^ ; :ig«i, and a« tho output is greatar tho w arkuta must ho lower ÄÄ! 1,0 l i" ver ' i Charles''Wright saiil 'thà| U 'f"r n* r j chandiuo ahippi'd from Franca to Bon i fori! tha charge in New Fork was SI. S5, Now Vork to goaforii U0 coots, s NLnpiniints niaiio from Danville, Va., i to Hoaftird coat *(i, and similar ship ' from Harrington cost Ç2.00. j I'oyotor Fromo gnvo similar tosli ; roony. Hu is a nu«lon grower, but said I thut on account of tho high freight I »-atos ho had found it udvantageouu to P »oduco hio «bipinouto io sooda I John J. Hob ouomittod report« whlab ho had room veil from tno intoratato Conimiesion at Washington. Washington and obtained bonks ami pruuonted thorn to tiro ojttoo. Samuel II. Derby said that farmers hnd boon unublo to recover for fruit« damaged while being shipped, althouglj öbipporo of other mercboudiee* huil bean cover. Ho a!;«i stated tha: • cQinnelluU to puy freight ae tlioir ubipinenta were ah i ! ville, ' in th» : and fr* i ' He went, t« tb enabled to fur moi fr tho station«, while i blob to puy. Chairman Donaldson stated that representatives of railroads und express ironies would ho welcome beforo t he the desire to hoar other shippers liud a week i 1 both sides. At tho ilusi . . 4l o' tho public bear >«!? the. cuiumittoa mot hohind closed I doors, but tr&nsaotoil no busineas. It ! was docidoil to meet to-morrow at j to formula to b uonu ;e plan of action. Tit VS Tl. E. or Tin j poo n. In ut O (Hours ; * I ho monthly mooting of the Trustees of th.« l*r.«.r wp.h hold at tho ahußhouBB t barn burst yuetordfty, with ail tho mombora prenent. Moenra. Cbarlea 11. ; lialmnn. I'onnoll Wulkor, M. D. Mur )<hy and LowiuDickoy worn swurn iu aa Tho l-iyroll, Hraoimtiu« tu Wsv.l, was rmlw-ml drawn. MUgcriutenUont Mqf.'oy'a runort ,ilin«-nd tho i-npi dation to I« aa fallowa: Whito, Jill; colored, It; total, aai. thr' muntiw'.r 1 '","." 0 nt 3 " ,,om ! r lr '.i January, und on iaoreapo I ^ ° V " r lho "«•»«> February lant At. the Gharlo-i 1 ...... annual election of officers H. SulmonH , ro-olootod and John W. Lawson. Beer«' tary; «»avui M I M HUporinteqdflut, dcCoy, matron; Dr. mi th, Min k pnng.-r ami Dr. J. JO. H j i > KiDcl H. W. Duval hr« . mun >' Ohio railroad, w A Ul I'.Vy dolr, Md (lie : 1 ! a caught aud in. cd to have tarnm h ■ Jay i stuiilly killed. Hu ... * nieii of ehiick, ua thor 'Tub lloL'O of William H. Mooney of thia in wail known hero. lir uin; aurkH ■ » i I « <ty and wi Information haa boon reccivod «ff the ;^ büf Erodariqk Joanpb of Phiia l î j' 1 tb0 '««"'lor uï (Jolonmiu. i« wan ui jears of ugu au«J a writer of much prom lue, 0 " ruur _ . . . . io the other point I rep y 1 Ä'"Ä - ^ epigram, which baa tba double vantage of being historically more ,< curato and of exhibiting the whi - matter from a di fieront point of view. /f ADELP « lA - M ?^V. Feb. 22, 1807. , A ^'T 0 ' am l itS OUtCOme - A *> ? n f '' n «"f.- . S ' xtee " V"« a P n °, ur !' lnen Chief, traveling amon;; ,lle linen makers of Germany stunt MeJ across a fiem-a tiny linen fa.: t0r >! that couU h ' ,ve lleen set *•» «S entiret V on a roupie of citv lota. Hut its ruling Spirit was a genius and . and Ktxn r mtt hjtti Mar t* en. Latter ?«*tr York Kveiiluf Post, Your Phiiadelpbia curreapondent, M-. Curtie. calls attention to two blund, io ni) nquiu of la«t week rolativo » i tha honors lately paid to the ocotnorj i King Cbarlea tho First. What dons at the Church of n Evangelists, be says, could not possibly hove buen a canonization of Kir:.f Cbarlea, tiiat event having occur re \ "more than Ü00 years ago," while, moieovor, tho picture dedicated not a glass wimlow at all, but painting. Well, aa to the find twin . my reply is, that oven If Bt. m I. was canonizad moro than '2W yenrs ago, be was, by the same token - to wit.,u royal proclamation),uncanonixo-i or decnnonir.ed In the year 18üt : * f , that, to speak accurately, what I'hiladelpbians did was to recan«,.. ■ biro—surely a singular step for An i churchmen, however, A' wan il A KBCOXD MART Yimou. Quoth William Penn to Murtyr Charters : '•Thee scarce Down there upon a canvas*baek While I enjoy the d« "I^t feci at b< step down and And thee lie patron saint. A Friend ought And leave a King in paint." Quoth Martyr Charles to William P •Nay. broad-hr I in. Whiienuli was surely bad I pray, to stand in bronze swell curse ; rough, v ity hull were worse. ItUhop U ruft On mu Aluriyv Clir.rles. Soutkarn Cburcbra&n. Bishop Craiton was today, aod thought of the new cult of King Charles 1, which was begun in Phila delphia—tbe unveiling of a portrait over one of the altars of an Episcopal uburoh—said that it was "the worshin of a king who had his brail chopped off by a numbs.- of respectable person;« who bad lost theirs !" tbo stroeis hen aeked what bo rim. a . 1 » A A f FA I US. Churlnb Shiver apothecaries in tbo city, ia demi, Joseph F Mintzer, a painter, w insianvly killed by a fall from a scaffold at tno City Hall, of tho olden! Thomaa I*. C-mdon was fatally criiFli«-<i hntivoou a freight car and a beam of un elevator at Girard l'oint Sunday WANAMAKEB'S. the linens he was producing shor. by comparison with the best in all 2 e t rB ' a |" y ' We ??"8 h * 8 fe , W 1,nd oruereu more anil the firm of A. I:. Stiller & Sohn hail stepped to th fame it deserved. Yearly the orders f CW ' " nJ j he »«tory at SoWU to da - v I s ten times the size of the bijou we first found. Stiller linens Stiller linens are unmatchably good V Sturdy, Sightly stuffs whose char- /. acteristics are being unsuccess!nil/ aped by makers far and wide. We have their product for retail distri b . u * i . on r®[ ««'« »f product for the v^tr Stiller has been dead these tour years. T he son succeeded to the business in its entirety—and the ^ ualities that won him high military rank have ample play in the life? w °rh he has taken Up. h eland makes some damasks more ele « a »« in design. So Joes France, Voii love them and pay their price, »hose linens for high-davs. The Stiller linens for three hundred and sixty days of til- year Th,. tiVst innv : i ,,rbt »^mpment is here— important news because we haven't been able to get the goods quickly enough. Staple values hut lu-*ût picking now for vnriotv P ,Uv,n ß now » îc ' r vajiety. I ABLE LINENS— ÖÜC —Bleached Drill hriw m , n »icaujwu ui ill, heavy, 0- m. 11 tffh HfW •KÏI & ; A \ f == 31 / ff 70c—Bleached namaslt, pretty patterns, (i2 in. 85c—Bleached Damask,08 in. fis- 1 pecially designed for hotel use, Many patterns. $1.10— Bleached Double Dame-k TJ in. 91.50—Bleached Double Damask 81 in.;foiir beautiful patterns! Many of the above sorts can be matched in half-hleached goods at same price. NAPKINS—bleached drill—long * wearing goods for family or boarding house use—17 iu., or>;. a doz.; 1,8 in,, 91.10, and up to 25 in. at 02. Napkins, floral designs—is in, 91.40 a doz.; 10 in., 81.50 -22 in,, 82; 20 in., 83. Napkins, fine , able damask in., 84 a do.:. TABLE CLOTHS—bleached : mask, 70.;70in., 81 . 00 ; pu .. in., 82; 70x1 20 in., 82.80: i 144 in,, 83,20. Lunch Cloths—fringed and : -, dered—e«xoa in., 81 . 50 - ■ ox W! In., 81.75; 08 x 101 in.. Ç2.Ü5, Doylies to match, *1 n dozen. -lohn Waaamaker